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BIGGERBUDS A Brain Dead Simple System

• Plus, GREAT News For Growers Who Want A Complete, “Done For You” Systematic Solution To Growing And Much, MUCH MORE!................... Page 8 • The Japanese Engineering Breakthrough That’s Allowing Growers To Multiply Their Yields Within The Same Bloom Time!......................... Page 14 • The “Secret” Grand Master Growers Have Used To Win Every Major Growing Competition In The World!................................................................ Page 18 • Here’s How Grand Master Growers Force More Nutrients Into High-Profit Plants, Incredibly FAST! .......................................................................... Page 24 • Discover How This Easy Way Of Boosting Your Plant’s Roots Gets You Bigger Harvests.. Page 34 • Getting The Biggest Yields…

From Your Bloom

Booster.............................................................................. Page 38

• Now You Can Greatly Speed Your Plant’s Growth Phase And Give Them The ExtraStrength They Need For Maximum Size, Weight and Potency When They Finally Bloom!.............................. Page 108


Advanced Nutrients

Charter of responsibilitY And Ethics (C.O.R.E.) ADVANCED NUTRIENTS BELIEVES THAT a business that earns money from its community has a social responsibility to put that community first, directly support, be an integral part of, and give back to that community, it must have a deep respect for individuals inside and outside of the communities of which they are a part of.

make a difference and will work with and support those individuals and organizations who are actively committed to making a difference for our community and the people in it. Look running a business that is ethical and responsible isn't the easiest thing to do. But it's absolutely the right way to run a business-and the only way.

And that's why Advanced Nutrients has a progressive, non partisan responsibility to help meet human needs and eliminate social and economic injustices and inequalities in our local, national and international communities by integrating our principles into practices.

We believe leadership comes from the front and must set an example for other businesses in our community, and because we are an international organization the companies that we touch and do business with around the world must see this. Moreover, we believe we have no choice because we are doing this as a lifelong commitment. In fact, it's that very belief that drives the C.O.R.E. of Advanced Nutrients team members and is our way of doing business on a daily basis.

What's more, we feel we have a moral and social obligation to take a stand when our community is being treated unfairly or with prejudice. Especially when those injustices are coming directly from other companies that are making a profit from our community.

Talk soon, Big Mike :-)

We also understand our clients and communities power to


what’s different

about us


hen you decide to buy an Advanced Nutrient product what you’re really buying is peace-of-mind. Here’s why. You’re a client to us not a customer. What’s the difference? A customer is somebody you do business with and then for all practical purposes forget about. A client is under the care, guidance and protection of an expert in the field. Think about it, because that’s a very important distinction. Moreover, all Advanced Nutrients team members take this responsibility seriously. In fact, they realize the importance of putting your success first. That’s one of the reasons all team members are so passionate about getting you using the best products, information and results for your crops.

Because they realize anything less, and they’ll be putting you at a disadvantage. And that doesn’t mean just using Advanced Nutrients products, if there is a better product out there they have been given very clear instructions to recommend that product even if it’s a competing product with one of our own products. Now when you think about that last statement it obviously puts a tremendous

amount of pressure on every team member in our entire organization to continually give you the very best products, information and drives constant innovation -- anything less and we would have to suffer the embarrassment of having to send you to one of our competitors. And this isn’t lip service. It’s absolute doctrine at Advanced Nutrients, you are a client first and foremost, your long term success is the essential part of our company culture. You see, Advanced Nutrients is the Hydroponics industries thought leader and innovator. When you use any Advanced Nutrients product you are getting the best technologies available to you. I realize this may sound like a bunch of “ yea sure that’s what they all say” to you. Maybe it is to you... But maybe it’s not. And if it’s not. Then what? So I want you to take the time to consider this for a moment. Advanced Nutrients has created more Industry firsts for our growing community than any other hydroponics company, period. In fact, here’s your very long list of them. Take a quick look and judge for yourself...

“Advanced Nutrients has created more Industry firsts for our growing community than any other hydroponics company, period.” • First to do testing on the types of plants you grow, and in the types of gardens you grow in. • First and still the only Hydroponics company to have an all out “real” PhD staffed research team. • First to develop and deploy a self adjusting pH line of base nutrients and supplements so you won’t have to balance or adjust your nutrients pH ever again. • First to invent and use beneficial microbes to balance and maintain pH. • First to use 100% chelated micronutrients giving you full protection over an ultra wide pH range. • First to use chelated macro nutrients. • First to use a new class of pH buffering technologies. • First to invent pH activated and balancing molecular technologies. • First to do daily tissue samples in relevant garden settings. • First to invent sealed grow rooms for the hydroponics community with total environmental controls (these rooms are known in the industry as “The Perfect Room”). • First to create patented engineered fertilizer programs.

Advanced Nutrients: The leader in developing cutting-edge scientific solutions for your unique hydroponic needs. 6

• First to give you beneficial bacteria and fungi.

• First to give you root zone enhancers.

“...if there is a better product out there they have been given very clear instructions to recommend that product even if it’s a competing product with one of our own products.”

• First to offer you toll-free and online technical support. • Invented the feed chart. • Invented the nutrient calculator. • First and only company to offer a 100% performance guarantee. • First and one of the few to use hot water manufacturing for superior dissolving of all liquid products. • First to use multiple element filtering of all products.

So you start to take a walk around and see merchants everywhere. As you come around a corner there he is, the great master himself, Leonardo da Vinci sitting in a chair surrounded by all these really wonderful inventions and beautiful works of art. So you stop and stare at all of his original works and inventions.

• First hydroponics company to use bloom cofactors, and other specialty components that stimulate growth to get you bigger yields. • First to use ultra-purified reverse osmosis water for manufacturing products. Most hydroponics nutrient companies still use tap water to manufacture their products. • First to use standardized reverse osmosis water “tuning” in all manufacturing facilities and labs. This enables all water used to manufacture and test with is exactly the same anywhere in the world. And is the same technology used by Coca Cola, Pepsi and Anheuser-Busch to ensure you always get the same consistent product. • First to use hormone-producing microbes. • First to use beneficial enzymes.

Advanced Nutrients: The “Da Vinci” of hydroponics companies. • First to offer a total system that takes care of your entire plant. • First to offer beneficial microbes and other products that protect grow rooms without toxic effects. • Invented carbohydrate supplements for plants. • First to use amino acids in bloom boosters.

• First to offer varietal nutrient mixture ratio and formulation.

• First to identify the specific ratios of macro and micro nutrients your plants need for bigger yields.

• First to offer email tech support, entertainment media, and gardening videos.

• First to have perfectly balanced cations and anion based nutrients that control pH in your growing medium.

• First to create products that stimulate plant immune systems.

Ok enough already, and I’m sure there are lots more that I haven’t remembered yet. It’s a fact the entire hydroponics nutrient industry has been chasing and imitating us for years. Which brings me to something else...

• First to offer symbiotic synthetic-organic hybrid fertilizers. • First to make hydro-organic formulas that work perfectly no matter what garden you use them in. • First to do competitive product testing. • First to offer products in easy to use packaging, foil pouches, and hydrofriendly configurations.

Imagine just for a few moments you could jump into a time machine and be transported back to the year 1504. Boom! There you are ... it’s Saturday morning and you’re standing in the outdoor market in Florence Italy. It’s a sunny day, the sky is clear blue, the temperature is in the mid 70’s, and there’s a gentle breeze blowing across your face. 7

To your amazement they’re all for sale and when you reach into your pocket -- sure enough -- you have plenty of money. So you start to negotiate for one of his works of art. But just before you’re ready to hand him your money you notice another merchant 30 feet away and he has what looks like some of the same stuff Leonardo has. So you approach him and ask him his price. He offers you better prices and he says to you that he has a similar work of art like the one you were just looking at, in fact he even claims it’s exactly the same as Leonardo’s work. However under very close scrutiny you discover it’s not “just the same”. In fact, the workmanship is shoddy and it lacks inspiration. Well which one are you going to buy? The answer is really obvious. Isn’t it? So why would you want to compromise when it comes to buying your hydroponics nutrients? Truthfully, you wouldn’t knowingly do so, would you? And personally, I don’t want you to either, that’s why I listed all of Advanced Nutrient’s hydroponics industry “firsts” and leading inventions for you More importantly, I want you to be absolutely sure when you make your choices -- it’s going to be the right one for you and your plants. Thanks for taking the time to read this, you’ll find the rest of this magazine interesting and informative. Enjoy:-) BigMike




Tired of pH Pens and Complicated Feed Charts? Amazing Breakthrough “Brain-Dead-Simple” Flowering System Uses New pH and PPM Technologies So You Can Throw Away Your Pens and Meters Forever!

Think about it, a Flowering System that will give you… l Proven

Bigger Yields l Potent, Easy Mix & Use Formulas l New, Powerful, Flower Fattening Formulas l Formulas That Work Together For Your Biggest Yields l A Driving Push That Flowers Your Plants To Their True Genetic Potential TM l pH-Perfect - No More Balancing Your pH And PPM Ever Again! 8

World Exclusive!


ave you had enough of all those mind numbing complicated feed charts, schedules, pH-PPM pens, meters, different feed rates and all kinds of other hard to figure out gadgets? It’s messy. It’s time-consuming. It’s virtually impossible to figure out, let alone get it right. Plus, all those bottles of calibration solutions, pH-up, pH-down chemicals and the tiny holes they burn into your shirts and pants. You’ve been frustrated asking: “Hey, will somebody just give me a fast, easy and simple to use bigger yield getting nutrient flowering system?” Advanced Nutrients listened to you. The answer is yes. You’ll find out how in just a minute. But first a little about the charts, schedules and programs. Heck we invented the things to begin with, and since then all the other nutrient companies have got in line and followed like a shadow with their own feed charts and take on things. This whole nutrient thing has gotten out of hand, and a whole lot more complicated. We never intended for it to get this way. We had created an industry wide monster and had to make things right... because there had to be an easier way.

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Now You Have the Nutrient Flowering System You Asked For

I realize you’re probably saying to yourself right now, what the heck does this have to do with me getting bigger yields? Just hang with me for a few moments and I will explain it all.

When we decided to create the world’s easiest to use and most powerful flowering system, it was important that we get it right. So we interviewed hundreds of growers worldwide, just like you, to find out exactly what you wanted from your hydroponics nutrients.

It’s because the McDonald’s system is powerful, consistent, simple and so comprehensively effective that owning a McDonald’s franchise is literally a license to print your own money.

And guess what? It was back to work we went. We gathered up the team of 12 scientists with their army of research assistants and “worked our butts off” over the next 33 months, reworking everything from the ground up and made it purpose-built to give you a continuously bigger yield producing punch than ever before, streamlining your workload. That’s why you’ll certainly appreciate The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM. It takes all the guesswork out of you getting the biggest yields, no matter what level of gardener you are.

And that’s not all, even first-time business owners make big bucks running the McDonald’s system. Because the entire well being of your business has been thought out and everything your business needs is taken care of for you. All you do is follow the system and harvest your big piles of cash. What does all this have to do with you? The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM provides a rock solid complete, consistent and comprehensive system that automatically takes care of your entire plant for you at every stage of growth, from its roots to the very top of your flowers and everything in between. Stop and imagine what it would mean to you to walk into your garden and see the kind of crops you’ve always known were possible and always dreamed of. Big fat juicy harvests with towering buds, so sweet and succulent that when other growers see pictures of your crop they ask: “damn what the heck did you do?” and when your friends and customers look at your finished product and take those long intoxicating smells... they’ll have that look on their face, which says it all.

From Hamburger Millionaires to BiggerHarvest Hydroponics… How You Can Use the TimeProven-Power of a “System” and Get Your Bigger Yields Advantage “Right Now”

Here’s how The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM will continually deliver your dream harvests…

Ever wondered why so many savvy people spend millions of dollars to buy a McDonald’s franchise?

You told us you wanted to spend even less time and fuss in your garden while getting still bigger harvest rewards. So

Amped-Up Base Nutrients, Special Supplements and the Simplest Bigger Yields Flowering System Ever Devised!

New Breakthrough Formula

Connoisseur, Sensi Bloom and Grow-Micro-Bloom now contain & combine at a higher level with these extra products to give you even Bigger Yields Guaranteed 10

University Developed

Finally Someone Who Gets It Never being one to get in over my head, I’ve always kind of stuck with a base nutrients two-part and a bloom booster. My friend said I’d see bigger harvests using your System, but I was scared it would make more work for me. But when I looked at your System I realized you guys really understand what its all about and have it all figured out. So I got two Bigger Yields Bundles (Hobbyist and Expert) and put them together like the chart says, along with the new Sensi base. Not only was mixing this stuff easier than ever, but I didn’t have to pH it and I also found that the plants grew quicker and the bloom time was shorter but a larger harvest. Your system worked better than expected. Much thanks for getting it right.

Mark, from Gainesville, Florida

we developed the System to have a bold and broader range of nutrient availability than you’ll ever find with any other company’s nutrients. How did we do it? The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM nutrients are coated with multiple sources of unique and powerful compounds, causing your Macro and Micro nutrients to become powerful microscopic magnets attracted to your plant’s roots. These coatings give your nutrients tremendous flexibility to work at an extremely wide pH range. Opening up your plants cellular floodgates to rapidly inhale everything you feed them so they steadily make larger and fatter flowers to give you branch-bending-bounties.


Chemists ensure all your nutrients give you the widest pH absorption range without any nutrient precipitation or lockout.


Microbiologists meticulously select all beneficial microbes for ‘super strains” to guarantee you a bigger root mass and plant development.

Imagine Never Again Having to Check and Adjust pH Let me be a bit more specific... The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM has a proprietary technology called pH-PerfectTM that automatically puts your nutrient solutions pH and PPM into the “sweet spot” for optimum growth and flowering, and it’s built into every growing level of The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM eliminating you having to fool with pesky pH meters and PPM calculations. Here’s how easy it is: if the water you use to mix your nutrients has a pH between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (and that’s pretty much everyone’s water) then you’ll never have to balance your pH or for that matter ever add a single drop of pH up or down to your reservoir. And how about never again having to remember complicated measuring and application data? Well, we heard you. All the base nutrients have been standardized at 4 ml per Liter, so mixing and use is ridiculously easy. Now get this, all the supplements have been standardized as well.You only need to mix 2 ml per Liter. In fact it’s this way for all the supplements used in all four of the growing levels: Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Master with each level “stacking” on top of each other, then you choose your base nutrients, and away you go, that’s how The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM works. Incredibly simple, isn’t it? turn page ¾ 11

Who Advanced Nutrients Is NOT For

products for growers that do just that: Create off-the-chart quality, pristine appearance and bigger yields.

Our nutrients are certainly not for everyone…only growers who want to see a difference and take their gardens to the next level, growers who want to really increase the quality of their product and get bigger yields. Advanced Nutrients is not the right fit for those people who...

l Don’t Have Compassion For Their Fellow Man – If they’re not willing to give a helping hand to people who are in need of their assistance or expertise. Then listen up: Advanced Nutrients gives all the time. We’ve donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in nutrients and equipment over the years. Obviously giving is the right thing to do.

l Are Looking for Cheap Nutrients and Could Care less What Goes Into Them – Advanced Nutrients cost more because you get more: High quality and bigger yields, but in order for us to give you that it cost us a lot of money. We use premium ingredients and run a full blown research staff of 12 PhDs, full tech support and a 100% guarantee on all products. l Don’t Take Pride in Their Crop – If they don’t care about the quality, appearance or outcome of their harvest. They can look elsewhere. Because everything Advanced Nutrients does is all about our pride in carefully crafting

No Dinosaurs Allowed: Unleash Your Plant’s True Genetic Potential and Get 9 Products for the Price of 4 It’s now really easy for you to realize the fact that your grower friends are stuck in the “old hard way,” formulas and charts that, well... qualify as dinosaurs. Not you though because you’ll be using new state-of-the-art flowering technologies and five brand new hydroponics industry breakthroughs that like a world class athlete, will push your plants to their true genetic potential. Even Better, you’ll save more money with the new Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM when you buy the all new 5 in 1 Connoisseur, Sensi Bloom or Grow-Micro-Bloom base nutrients along with the Hobbyist Bigger Yields BundleTM. Because it’s exactly the same as getting 9 products for the price of 4, Sensi Bloom or Grow-MicroBloom base nutrients now contains and combines at a higher level the award winning products H-2, F-1, Wet Betty and a special blend of Amino Acids; when you buy the Hobbyist Bigger Yields Bundle which contains Big Bud, Voodoo Juice, B-52 and Overdrive, you’ll also get the Overdrive for Free. Actually we do mean it when we say award winning products and breakthrough technologies. Let me explain, and these are absolute facts, we’re not trying to brag or anything like that (well ok ... maybe just a little), and because you’re probably not aware of these facts, and of course they’re important ones when you’re buying The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM. l Advanced Nutrients has won every major growing competition in the world, no other nutrient company has even come close to our continuing string of victories. l Advanced Nutrients is the hydroponics industry’s “technologies leader” responsible to date for 31 technological breakthroughs and patents that has elevated the science of hydroponics for the


Start Stacking your Bigger Yields Bundles for Eve Hobbyist Bundle

Expert Grower Bundle


Professional Grower Bundle

entire industry and made your growing easier and more profitable, including the five new pioneering technologies employed now in The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM. Anyway, back to what I was saying, here’s the deal. At the Expert Grower Level you get Final Phase for Free. The Professional Grower Level gives you SensiZym for Free and at the Grand Master Grower Level you’ll receive your Rhino Skin absolutely Free. So go right now and ask the store owner or one of the staff to show you The Bigger Yields Flowering SystemTM and remember to ask for your Bigger Yields Bundle. As you have clearly discovered getting bigger yields and bigger savings has never been so easy. Enjoy.

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE When you use the Bigger Yields Bundles along with one of our new and improved super-potent base nutrients, you get the easiest, most valuable, biggest yields ever. And in addition to that... you never have to bother yourself with pH or PPM again when you use your Bigger Yields Bundles with any of our base nutrients. That’s right… just mix your Bigger Yields Bundle formulas and our base nutrients in any type of water with a pH range of 4.5 to 8.5 and you’ll see your plants rapidly inhale all the nutrients they need for bigger yields. No pH metering or adjusting needed! And get this: your Bigger Yields Bundles continually fattens your flowers while making them taste so much better. Special carbohydrates and other natural ingredients make your flowers taste like cotton candy. Unique chelates rinse unused nutrients from your crop to give you a clean, sweet taste that everyone will crave. Your entire plant - from your huge root mass to the tops of your gargantuan flowers is automatically taken care of when you use our Bigger Yields Bundles along with one of our superb new and improved base nutrients. Best of all, you’re using the only pH-PerfectTM nutrients The System guaranteed to give you bigger more consistent yields, much less work and you never risk even one penny because if for any reason you are not absolutely delighted just return this Bundle for a full refund. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

“Big Mike” Straumietis

Eugene Yordanov

Inside Look


pH- balancing technologies automatically make sure your plants get maximized feeding no matter what pH your water is.


Cellular pathways are powerfully activated so you get increased quantity and quality of yields.


Bud building amino acids are paired with special proteins that immediately transfer the L-amino acids for enhanced floral growth.


Immerse your roots in highly active bud potentiaters that surge through your plants to get you thicker bigger buds.

Robert Higgins

To watch pH-PerfectTM Technology in action go to:

en Bigger Harvests and Savings Grand Master Grower Bundle



12 Plant PhD’s Discover The Japanese Engineering Breakthrough

That’s Allowing Growers To

Multiply Their Yields

Within The Same Bloom Time!


e all want our plants to get into peak bloom phase faster and to yield a bigger harvest. Now, a team of one dozen plant PhD’s and their research assistants believe they have found the answer … 14

“The secret”, says Dr. Savov, “Is we implement the Japanese engineering principle of continuous improvement – called kaizen – into developing a better 2-part premium bloom base fertilizer. The principle of kaizen states that small, continual improvements at each step of a multi-part process equals a much larger, compounded total increase in performance in the final product.”

So, when it comes to a premium bloom base fertilizer — a team of 12 PhD’s working for Advanced Nutrients in a leading Bulgarian research lab simply found multiple ways to improve upon each stage of the two-part process of growing plants.

These co-factors include amino acids and amino acid precursors essential to protein formation which promote cellular metabolism, replication and other bloom processes. In addition, other proprietary co-factors create enhanced changes in how plants carry out bloom phase functions. Let’s examine how the scientists improved these phases in developing the ultra-premium, 2-part bloom base nutrient for Grand Master Growers – Connoisseur! Instead of using low-quality, questionable ingredients — the team at Advanced Nutrients

In the end, it worked exceptionally well to achieve a bigger, compounded, yield — in at least one documented head-to-head, consumer trial — over 40% bigger!

How This Scientific Breakthrough Gets Your Plants Into Bloom Faster and Multiplies Their Yield Without Increasing Your Bloom Time


irst, the scientists wanted to improve upon the actual ingredients used in their 2-part formula. The idea was to give you better “building blocks” for your plants to use to get bigger yields, more colorful flowers, a stronger aroma and maximum potency. This was the first stage the team improved upon. Next, they wanted to enhance your plant’s abilities to get the maximum absorption of these nutrients because having the highest quality ingredients without ensuring your plants can fully absorb them is worthless. The scientists discovered that most growers aren’t seeing bigger yields with other fertilizers because their plants aren’t able to effectively absorb the nutrients being used. Obviously, improving the absorption abilities of your plant greatly compounds the effectiveness of the high quality ingredients being used! Lastly, in an effort to maximize every part of your plant’s deepest core levels of plant bloom metabolism and

A team of 12 scientists completely reengineered every aspect of bloom phase base nutrients and discovered how to get your plants into bloom phase faster so you get bigger, more potent buds that are worth more to you, your friends, and your associates. turn page ¾




uch like Albert Einstein called compound interest, “the most powerful force in the universe” — these small, continuous improvements at each phase of a multi-part process yield a very powerful, impressive end result.

floral production, the scientists developed a proprietary blend of floral growth co-factors to activate and control these core issues.


Compound Improvement … The Most Powerful, Plant Growing Force In The Universe?



invested heavily in putting to use only the most potent, most effective, most proven ingredients possible (ingredients no other company uses because of the high cost to both source and manufacture these ingredients into bloom fertilizers!)


HOW TO ENSURE YOUR PLANT GETS THE MAXIMUM UPTAKE OF NUTRIENTS ... o start with, every single one of the micronutrients used in Connoisseur is chelated so you get maximum absorption and uptake of these amino chelates into your plants. With a theoretical absorption range of pH 1-10, this in effect means you get the highest absorption rate possible of these life-giving micronutrients for as long as your plant is alive! What’s more, Advanced Nutrients, has also invested heavily into chelating a high percentage of the macro-nutrients used in Connoisseur to get your plants to bloom faster and keep them in that bloom phase longer!

Connoisseur actually changes your plants’ bloom metabolism and timing so your flowers go into peak bloom earlier and stay there long, giving you more essential oils and size. The kicker is that your bloom phase doesn’t get any longer. You get heavier, more devastating buds, in the same amount of time as your previous crop cycles! you get more satisfied and repeat customers!




The bottom line? You get more profits per each crop cycle!


f you count on your plants to make you money, you’re going to love Connoisseur! Here’s why commercial growers of rare and profit-producing plants love this comprehensive hydroponics fertilizer formula …


You’ve seen how the proprietary 2-part fertilizer formula was developed by a team of 12 PhD’s working for the leading plant growing research laboratory in the world …


You’ve seen how the unique principle of small continuous improvements to each phase of the 2-step base formula produces a more powerful, compounded total yield in your plants …


You get a faster time to peak bloom time … meaning you get to sell your plants faster!


You’ve seen just a few of the most potent, most pure, most effective ingredients that went into the Connoisseur blend …


You get more flowers and more weight per flower … which means more money per plant!


You’ve met other growers like yourself, who were skeptical at first but now praise Connoisseur because it’s giving them up to 40% increase in their harvest yields …


You get more aroma, more taste, and more color in your plants … which means


And you know Advanced Nutrients fully stands behind Connoisseur and every other product they sell with their



Base Connoisseur gives you the world’s leading flower-boosting base nutrients formula. 100% full money back guarantee. Either you’re ecstatic about the results you get in your plants — or you get your money back.

How You’re Guaranteed To Get More Size, More Flavor and More Value From Your Plants In The Same Bloom Time …

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE



irst, make sure there’s enough space in your grow room to handle the increase in size you’re going to be seeing in your plants in just a few short weeks. Next, simply go to your favorite retail shop that carries Advanced Nutrients products and tell them you want to try out Connoisseur.

Connoisseur was specifically built for growers just like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use Connoisseur it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. What’s more..., Connoisseur will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, soil or sphagnum growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it.

Then when you get home, follow the simple, step-by-step directions included to put it to the test with your plants. Then watch in amazement as you see your flowers go into peak bloom phase faster and develop in peak bloom longer.

And when you use Connoisseur you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.

The only thing left will be answering all your friends’ questions about what you’re doing when they want to know what’s causing the bigger growth … more flavor … and more color in your plants.

As always, dedicated to your gardening success.


Part A

Part B

It’s The Latest In Scientific, “5-in-1” Bloom Phase Technology …

The Secret Grand Master Growers Have Used To Win Every Major Growing Competition In The World!


ow, you don’t have to be an expert, grand master grower in order to get bigger, juicier, more aromatic, and more potent buds from your plants. All you have to do is put the same secret grand master growers have used to win every major growing competition in the world to use with your plants.

different plant improving formulas into one breakthrough 2-part bloom base nutrient.

Here’s the story: recently, a respected team of over a dozen plant scientists and graduate assistants discovered, after 109 man-years of research, how to combine 5

All this in effect means it is now possible for even the most inexperienced hydroponics rookie to start experiencing “pro level” juicy yields and buds!


What’s more: you’ll never have to worry about pH issues again because these scientists have completely eliminated the need for pH-PPM metering or even adjusting pH levels with their patented pH-Perfect™ Technology.

Ingredient #1 ensures that the nutrients in this formulation get into your plants as quickly as possible. It’s an organic surfactant called Wet Betty and it does something every plant grower wants …

To ensure your plants get the most out of the nutrients you’re feeding them, the scientists rely on chelation to enhance absorption. In fact, this 5-in-1 formula contains the optimum number of chelated macronutrients that your plants need for faster growth and bigger blooms.

… Surfactants are wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid (in this case, nutrient-rich water) allowing easier spreading and uptake of nutrients into your plants. Which of course means your plants will get the organic nutrients they crave faster and more efficiently than ever before — which greatly increases your plant’s bloom yield. Ingredients #2 and #3 are humic and fulvic acids. These organic acids give your plants an edge when it comes to growing quicker, stronger, and bigger … with less stress … than with any other formulation. Here’s how …

In addition, the following micronutrients are 100% chelated: iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, copper, boron and cobalt … which of course means … your plants more easily absorb and use these nutrients — giving you bigger buds and more yield from the same bloom time!

The humic provides natural carrier compounds that transport nutrients and vitamins into plants more efficiently, so your plants grow faster and have stronger cellular processes. In addition, the fulvic here gives you quicker nutrient absorption, nutrient transport, and more cellular metabolism. Together, they work synergistically to maximize the time your plants spend in bloom. And ingredient #4 completes the package because it’s ...

The Bodybuilding Secret That Gives Your Plants Bigger, More Potent Buds! In the sport of bodybuilding, athletes supplement with amino acids to help fuel muscle growth because they’re the essential “building blocks” on which protein growth is based. But your plants can benefit from the addition of amino acids too! That’s why the 4th ingredient in this one of a kind 2-part base nutrient is amino acids. These amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that fuel metabolic pathways for enhanced floral and essential oil production. Ingredient #5 is, of course, the actual plantmaximizing nutrients themselves. But, you should know …

Sensi Bloom contains surfactants, amino acids, fulvic acid, humic acid, macronutrients, secondary nutrients and micronutrients scientifically combined to power your flowers to bigger value, potency and weight. 19

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How To Get The Optimal Amounts Of Micro and Macro Nutrients For A Bigger Yield


The “Secret” 5 Part Plant Maximizing Formula and How Science Ensures Get You Bigger, Juicier Buds From Your Plants Because of It!

• You get thicker diameter flowers with better floral structure because the powerful, pure ingredients feed your plants more effectively … • You get more time in peak bloom because your plants flower earlier giving you more weight, more aroma, more color and more potency … If they had stopped there, you would still have seen an impressive increase in your total yield.




• You get a shorter internode length and more buds per stem …



• You get earlier flowering with more budding sites …



This team of respected scientists and their graduate assistants worked around the clock to ensure this nutrient worked unlike any other:




How This New Plant Growing Technology Maximizes Your Bloom Phase So You Get A Huge Harvest You Can Be Proud Of



AWARD. SENSIBLOOM NOW, ANDcompared YOU’LL SEE WHY. Growers justTRYlike you who’ve Sensi Bloom to competing bloom bases say that Sensi Bloom kicks ass, but the other nutrients are disappointing, not worth the money, and a waste of time and electricity.

Why You’ll Never Have To Worry About pH Levels Again However, in developing this advanced 2-part bloom fertilizer – Sensi Bloom — this team of scientists went the extra mile! If you’ve ever experienced off-color leaves, slow growth or low yield with your plants … then you’ve probably noticed these problems coincide with mysterious pH and PPM fluctuations. It’s one of the biggest obstacles to getting “pro level” yields from your plants. In fact, many growers find that manually checking and adjusting pH levels two times per day, to try to keep their plants growth stable and maximized is tiring, time consuming and one of the biggest challenges of trying to get bigger yields.

How do you get bigger, higher quality flowers without working extra hard to do it? Use Sensi Bloom and you’ll get more from your plants with less work and time. That’s because Sensi Bloom is pH perfect, so it feeds your plants faster and more efficiently, with no worries about pH metering! 20

However, these scientists discovered how to completely eliminate pH checking forever with their proprietary pH-Perfect™ Technology. In short, as long as your water falls between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (which is pretty much everyone’s water)— this technology adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered there throughout your plants bloom cycle. Which means you’ll never have to manually adjust your pH … you’ll never have to worry that your plants aren’t in the premium growing environment

You’ve seen how Sensi Bloom started with only the purest, most potent ingredients and then was improved upon with the addition of amino acids … fulvic and humic acids … and the correct use of both macro and micro chelation to ensure you get only the best, most effective components …


You’ve seen how the addition of Advanced Nutrient’s proprietary pH-Perfect™ Technology makes it possible for you to never worry about pH or PPM monitoring ever again …


You’ve met other growers like yourself, who were skeptical at first but now will never use anything but Sensi Bloom because it’s giving them nearly double the harvest yields and up to 3 inches of growth per day …


And you know Advanced Nutrients fully stands behind Sensi Bloom and every other product they sell with their 100% full money back guarantee. Either you’re overjoyed about the results you get in your plants — or you get all your money back.

The Ideal Ratios, Already Dialed In For You ... It’s a known fact that the further you move away from feeding your plants their ideal nutrient ratios, potency and yield rapidly deteriorate. You see, your plants use a small amount of phosphorus during flowering, but what they really love to use is nitrogen and potassium. The scientists at Advanced Nutrients discovered this only after taking thousands of weekly tissue samples from buds, stems, leaves and roots of many varieties using gas chromatography analysis throughout all phases of plant growth. Other nutrient companies are over-using phosphorus in hydroponic bloom fertilizers. And to compound problems, they use high levels of ingredients like mono ammonium phosphate (MAP) or diammonium phosphate (DAP). These substances are what give some plants their harsh taste. But the good news is: with Sensi Bloom you’re guaranteed to have the correct nutrient ratios for your plants!

So why not get started today?

“I can’t afford some of the better fertilizers you offer. I have a student loan to pay off and a rusty car. I have to be careful with my money. One day I will be able to afford Connoisseur, which I have heard is the most powerful two-part bloom fertilizer ever made. Until I can afford it, I am quite happy with Sensi Bloom two-part. I have nice, juicy harvests from it and it’s easy to use. It costs less and it works just fine. That’s all you can ask for in a bloom fertilizer. Good price and good value.”

Irv, from Bend, Oregon

How You Are Guaranteed Bigger, Juicier, More Potent Yields From Your Plants ... Advanced Nutrients offers a 100% money-back guarantee of satisfaction with this product.

Isn’t It Time You Gave Sensi Bloom A No-Risk Try? l

You’ve seen how a team of scientists found a way to combine 5 different products into one powerful 2-part bloom fertilizer …

Scientists designed Sensi Bloom to increase the yields of your plants. 21

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…all you have to do is add the bloom base nutrient Sensi Bloom and the pH-Perfect™ Technology takes care of all that for you!



There’s No Need To Decide Now Put Sensibloom To The Test With Your Plants!

pH or PPM monitoring—just add the nutrients as directed.) Then you’ll sit back and watch as your plants grow bigger and heavier and with more color than ever before.

If you’d agree that getting bigger, juicier, more colorful, more aromatic and more potent plants with your next cycle is something you’d love to see.

The only thing you’ll have to do after that is tell your friends the truth about how you’re getting bigger yields, more flavor, and more potency from your plants with almost no more effort than before.

If you’re tired of wasting time adjusting pH or monitoring PPM levels … yet you refuse to accept anything less than maximum growth from your plants …

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE

If you will accept nothing less than the most potent, most pure, most effective ingredients … combined with the most advanced methods possible of ensuring your plants more effectively use those nutrients …

Sensi Bloom was specifically built for growers just like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use Sensi Bloom it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. What’s more..., Sensi Bloom will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, soil or sphagnum growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it. And when you use Sensi Bloom you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

And you’re convinced that only companies that fully stand behind their products with a risk-free money-back guarantee are worth your time and loyalty … Then there’s only one logical thing to do. Simply go to your favorite retail shop that carries Advanced Nutrients products and tell them you want to try out Sensi Bloom completely risk-free. Then when you get home, follow the simple, step-by-step directions included to put it to the test with your plants. (Remember, this is as simple as it gets, no need to worry about

Now you’ve found your big-flowering base nutrients formula! 22

If You Want The Biggest, Most Colorful, Most Aromatic, And Most Impressive Flowering Possible, Here’s How Grand Master Growers

Force More Nutrients Into High-Profit Plants, Incredibly FAST! But luckily, R.K. heard about a brand-new 3-part formula … and … he had a lot of clones he could afford to try a new fertilizer on. Although he was sceptical, he decided to test this new scientist-developed formula against the fertilizer he had been using for over fifteen long years in a straight up, head-to-head, growing test.

R.K is a Grand Master Grower of high profit plants from Santa Rosa, California. For over 15 years he used the same 3-part General Hydroponics fertilizer in his 20-light grow room. In his own words: “You know how it is when you get used to something. You stop paying attention to whether you can do better. It’s like inertia. It’s easier to stay the same than to change, even if you could do better …

And the results amazed him … “… Right off the bat, it was easy to see that my clones grew faster, they were greener and stronger, and they were ready for flowering about two weeks earlier.

… My yields were not all that large and sometimes I noticed that the same mix amounts of this general hydroponics stuff would create a way different pH or PPM. Once or twice I saw that I was losing an entire crop, but it was hard for me to figure out that it was the general hydroponics fertilizer, not diseases or other problems. It was hard to admit I needed to change what I was using in my hydroponics system.”

“My bloom cycle was more productive … I used less fertilizer overall … and got better growth and yield. I guess I learned to keep an open mind and to always look for the best way to do something, not just the way you’re used to. Now, Grow-Micro-Bloom (GMB) is the solid foundation for my 20-light garden!” 24

Why Big-Time Growers Of High-Value Plants Demand A Superior 3-Part Formula



While a premium 2-part formula like our Connoisseur is actually the most effective way to precisely dial in the exact nutrients and ratios your plants need … many growers enjoy the simplicity of an easy-mixing 3-part formula … and they still want the most effective formula possible. That’s why they demand only the best when it comes to: l Using 3-part formulas designed for their high-value plants … l Using formulas with the most potent nutrients and ratios … l Using the most advanced, state-of-the-art, “carrier molecules” to ensure their plants get the maximum amount of nutrients in the least amount of time … l Using the formulas which have been proven, in multiple scientific studies, to get more color, more aroma, more size, and more potency from our plants … l And using formulas which are not only highly-advanced and easily customizable, but easy to mix and use … In fact, Grand Master Growers have found Grow-Micro-Bloom (GMB) from Advanced Nutrients is the only 3-part formula on the market which meets all these criteria. Here’s why the others don’t measure up ...

The 3 Biggest Problems With Other 3-Part Formulas If you’ve been growing for any amount of time, these three problems will be very familiar to you: Big Problem #1: Most 3-part formulas are not made for the types of plants we grow because you’ll discover they’re about the same as the little $3.50 bottles of granulated fertilizers the average homeowner uses on their garden flowers. They’re made in generic ways with generic ingredients. Big Problem #2: Is directly related to the fact other 3-part formulas are not made for high-value plants like ours … and that is … they’re hard to mix and monitor and are the direct cause of many of your plant growing problems. Many include artificial dyes of an unknown amount and molecular structure which could harm your plants (instead of harmless, organic dyes) … they don’t have the right PPM or pH … they burn roots … they don’t feed plants the right nutrients leading to slow growth and reduced harvests … and they may contribute to other growing problems. The bottom line? They basically wreck crops and waste your garden’s potential! Big Problem #3: If you’re using other, different, formulas …

Now you can use the only 3-part hydroponics base fertilizer tested and designed by scientists to give you guaranteed larger harvests and more convenient use. even if … you do manage to get a formula with nutrients which are good for your plants (which, as you’ve seen, most don’t have) … then … you’re probably still wasting most of those nutrients because those formulas don’t have carrier molecules to drive those nutrients straight into your plants faster and more efficiently. This is actually a big problem because most of your nutrients are not getting into our plants which wastes your money … and … this causes longer crop cycles which wastes your time. But it doesn’t need to be this way …

How You Can Get At Least 31% More Nutrients Into Your Plants At Least 37% Faster One of the most important ways GMB gives you faster growth and bigger yields is through the special ingredients it contains that drive more of the nutrients in the formula into your plant faster than ever before. These nutrient delivery compounds are called “chelates” which are 25

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compounds that bind with nutrients and help them get inside plants so the plant cells can use them more quickly and more efficiently. It’s these chelates which give GMB an almost “unfair” advantage over every other 3-part formula on the market because it drives the nutrients into your plants in the most efficient, fastest manner possible. In fact, these exclusive chelates are so effective that tests (with our types of plants) show they deliver at least 31% more nutrients into your plants at least 37% faster! Consider this also: your plants will make better use of the formula you give them which means you’ll save money on fertilizers, equipment and electricity because you’ll have a faster, more productive crop cycle. Grand Master Growers everywhere understand it’s especially important when you’re using nonsoil hydroponic systems including rockwool, aeroponics, NFT and other types of materials in indoor gardens to make the most out of every ounce of nutrients you feed your plants.

But Chelation Is Useless Unless It Helps Deliver Only The Most High-Quality, Bud-Potentiating Nutrients Into Your Plants!

Only for Your Type of Plants



Easy Mixing and Use

Faster Absorbing

Maximum Flexibility

You’ll see the widest range of harvest-boosting benefits from this powerful 3-part formula.

While chelation is extremely important because it helps your plants get more total nutrients and faster … you have to make absolutely sure … you’re feeding your plants the correct nutrients in the first place! That’s why GMB contains only the most proven, most potent and most effective nutrients in the correct ratios you need to get maximum growth and yield from your plants in every stage of your crop cycle. During the growth phase: when your plants need nitrogen, calcium and other necessary nutrients, GMB’s chelates force these nutrients directly and immediately into your plant’s roots, leaves, cells and flowers — greatly speeding the growth phase. During the bloom phase: GMB feeds powerful chelated potassium, phosphorus and other nutrients that boost flower size and weight directly into the heart of your plants so they get the maximum size, weight and budding possible. And if this still wasn’t enough, here’s … 26

What Grand Master Growers Do Differently To Get Huge Yields And Impressive Harvests From Their Crops! As we’ve seen: if you want to dial in the exact nutrients and ratios your plants need, it’s best to use a premium 2-part formula—like our exclusive Connoisseur blend. But, one big benefit of GMB is … even though it’s a 3-part formula … you can now customize it more fully than any other 3-part blend to work better with your plants. While many hobbyists and growers with small gardens will choose to stick to the standard, extremely easy-to-mix and use 1-1-1 ratio … you also have the option to customize this 3-part formula for the specific strain you’re growing. Here’s how: a band of scientists, mathematicians, and computer experts spent years developing and testing a nutrient calculator (available on Advanced Nutrients’ website) that helps you create the optimum growing blend so you can make adjustments to get the absolute best growth and production from your plants. The formula is studied, buffered and constantly upgraded

l And the fifth and final ingredient is the specialized “chelates” we’ve already talked about that get these high-powered nutrients into your plants as fast and as efficiently as possible! Together, these five products combine to create the most effective 3-part formula possible. Just how effective is GMB?

Plus, You Will Never Have To Worry About Your pH Again! Now, off-color leaves, slow growth and low yields because of pH and PPM fluctuations are a thing of the past because GMB contains pH-Perfect™ Technology which eliminates the need to manually check and adjust pH levels two times per day. In short, as long as your water falls between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (which is pretty much everyone’s water) — this technology adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered there throughout your plants growth and bloom phases. Which means you’ll never have to manually adjust your pH … you’ll never have to worry that your plants aren’t in the premium growing environment … all you have to do is use GMB as directed and the pH-Perfect™ Technology takes care of all that for you!

Here’s How GROW-MICRO-BLOOM (GMB) Is Actually 5-Products-In-One! The fact of the matter is: GMB offers you more value for your money than any other 3-part formula on the market and it’s simply because you get 5-products-in-one with this formulation. Here’s how … l GMB now contains Wet Betty which is an organic surfactant that lowers the surface tension of your water, allowing easier spreading and uptake of nutrients into your plants. l The second ingredient is humic acid which provides natural carrier compounds that transport nutrients and vitamins into your plants more efficiently, so they grow faster and have stronger cellular processes. l The third ingredient is fulvic acid which gives you quicker nutrient absorption, nutrient transport, and more cellular metabolism. Together, these two acids work synergistically to maximize the time your plants spend in bloom. l The fourth ingredient in GMB is the highly-potent budpotentiating nutrients themselves that feed your plants

What You Can Expect When You Put This Grand Master Growing Secret To Work in Your Grow Room! Imagine walking into your grow room after using Grow-Micro-Bloom (GMB) in your next crop cycle … You’ll own a plush, productive garden where clones, seedlings or transplants grow way faster than ever before … they’re bushier … they’re bigger … and they’re way more aromatic and potent. Even better is: you’re spending less time fussing with your nutrients, PPM and pH because the formula is better balanced and mixes easy. l Your plants mature faster and are ready for flowering earlier. l They start putting on more flowers sooner. l The flowers are bigger and more developed. l The plants are greener, more lush and healthier because they’re getting the right nutrients at the right time … and … in the right way. l These happy plants resist pests and diseases and give you a beautiful harvest you can be proud of … and … count on for profits. … In fact, your friends might just hound you to know how you got such big buds … such delicious smelling plants … and such potency!

Why Not Give GROW-MICRO-BLOOM (GMB) A Risk-Free Try Today? l You’ve seen how the proprietary 3-part fertilizer formula was developed specifically for growers like you and our high-value plants … 27

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You can get as in depth and involved with your plants as you want … or … you can simply stick to the basic 1-1-1 ratio of mixing and never have to worry about pH, PPM, or any of the other problems associated with other 3-part formulas!

exactly what they need for fast, high-powered growth and impressive finishing harvests.


based on dozens of international research projects conducted in hydroponics, aeroponics, indoor gardens, and commercial agriculture projects across the world … so that you get … the absolute best 3-part formula for whatever strain of plant you want to maximize.

Now You Can Join The



That Saves You Time And Money While Increasing Your Yields

Hobbyist Bundle is: TM

l Specially designed for use with all hydroponics, soil and l

l l l l


sphagnum growing mediums. Developed for use with any and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT or flood and drain growing systems. You’ll get guaranteed bigger yields over any and all other feed programs, formulas or charts. Bigger and more consistent yields. Fast, easy and simple mixing so you save time. Bigger Yields Flowering System is the only flowering system that takes care of your entire plant from roots to the very top of your flowers and everything in between. No-Risk 100% Guarantee or your money back. TM

Turn page for more information è 29


i, it’s Big Mike here. I haven’t met you personally, but I bet I can describe you pretty well. You’re a resourceful, free-thinking person whose friends and family see you as forward-looking and someone who is open-minded.

But, Big Mike, How Can It Be That The System Totally Revolutionizes Hydroponics Gardening? Let’s remember…you wanted to be a grower, not a chemist. You don’t really want to fool with meters, calibrations and all those foul-smelling pH adjustment chemicals… stuff that will burn your skin and puts little holes in your shirts and pants no matter how careful you are.

And that’s exactly why I’m betting you’ll join with Advanced Nutrients to create a new generation of growers who’ll stand the hydroponics industry “good ol’ boys club” on it’s head and prove what those hydroponics “experts” said couldn’t be done, actually has been done. It’s the hydroponics equivalent of Putting A Man On The Moon, and Took A Total Of 109 Man Years to develop. Let me be a bit more specific... remember how you’ve had it drilled into your head that your plants will suffer or even die unless you spend lots of money and time using pH meters, ppm meters, pH up and pH down? Well it’s not true; you can now slay the pH-PPM dragon for good. Here’s how, with this Hobbyist Bigger Yields Bundle and any of the new 5-in-1 Base Nutrients. Because together they have a new built in proprietary technology called pHPerfectTM that automatically puts your nutrient solutions pH and PPM into the “sweet spot” for optimum growth and flowering. Eliminating the need for you having to fool around with pain-in-the-butt pH and PPM metering and adjustments.

The Hobbyist BundleTM and the Flowering System are designed by a team of PhD plant scientists who’ve spent years discovering the secrets of how your plants grow and bloom. You get exactly the right ingredients for larger, more potent flowers. Being once a grower for over 20 years of my life, I realize your pain, so I worked together with our 12 scientists and their army of research assistants and created a Nutrient Flowering System that helps you grow massive, astounding flowers without having to fiddle around like meter-addicted lab rats when all we really want to do is put nutrients into water, listen to the pump hum, and kick back while our plants deliver gold coins into our hands. The team and I worked our “butts off” testing all kinds combinations of edgy formulas, proprietary compounds, chelates and secret stuff, I’d be a fool to tell anyone about, because then our competitors would try to copy us just like they’ve always done ever since we designed the first professional approach to hydroponics nutrients. And my biggest fear today? Other nutrient companies are going to wreak havoc on everyones’ crops because they’ll be forced to compete with unproven technology (I don’t

è 30

Hobbyist have to tell you, some companies may never figure out this technology) and they’ll try and sell you their undeveloped “copycat formulas”.

No More pH-PPM Metering Or Adjusting, It’s All Done For You Here’s how easy it’s going to be for you, if the water you use to mix your nutrients has a pH between 4.5 and 8.5 (and that’s pretty much everyone’s water) then you’ll never have to balance your pH or for that matter ever add a single drop of pH up or down to your reservoir. You’ll have to agree that really makes growing a whole lot easier for you, doesn’t it? From roots to shoots and everything in between, your Hobbyist Bigger Yields Bundle contains the four proven formulas that will deliver precise nutrition to every part of your flowering plants… • VooDoo Juice beneficial microbes. Hundreds of university studies have shown that bigger roots equal bigger yields. VooDoo Juice produces an enormous root mass during your flowering cycle and that means your plants will support bigger flowers. VooDoo Juice also makes your plants’ roots grow faster so your plants will inhale the maximum amount of nutrients quicker for larger, faster-growing flowers. • B-52 contains a unique blend of 9 different B vitamins keeping your plants healthy and driving hard during rapid flower formation. • Big Bud, watch as your flowers swell up week after week. Your Bigger Yields Bundle contains legendary Big Bud, the bloom booster containing the perfect ratio of flower building L-amino acids and other awesome ingredients that power up flower metabolism and production. • Overdrive bloom enhancer, you’ve always wanted to maxout your flowers at the end phase of your bloom cycle, and that’s why we’re giving you Overdrive absolutely free. You use it in the last two weeks of bloom phase so your flowers really “pack on the weight”.

Here’s The Bottom Line The bottom line is the mighty band of scientists and research assistants have succeeded in liberating you from ever having to care about pH or PPM again. As if that wasn’t enough... they also figured out how to 31

BUNDLE™ standardize your products. You use just 4 ml per liter for the Systems base nutrients and 2 ml per liter for all supplements. So mixing and using them is ridiculously simple and quick. I’m proud you’ve chosen to experience the power and simplicity of the weightshattering Bigger Yields Flowering System™, so you just plug and play, go have fun, and watch your flowers get significantly more valuable than you ever thought possible.

“... join with Advanced Nutrients to create a new generation of growers who’ll stand the hydroponics industry “good ol’ boys club” on it’s head and prove what those hydroponics “experts” said couldn’t be done, actually has been done.” Big Mike Here’s something you should be aware of, I’ve staked my entire company on the revolutionary new formulas you hold in your hands right here, right now, inside this box. So here’s my promise to you, and you can take this to the bank: you buy this Hobbyist Bundle™ box, along with one of our base nutrients, right now today, follow the easy instructions, and you are absolutely positively 100% guaranteed to get bigger yields while spending less time metering, mixing and measuring your nutrients. PS- If your hydroponics store tries to sell you somebody else’s nutrients, ask them if those other nutrient feeding programs, wheels, schedules or whatever give you the Systems pH-Perfect™ rock solid performance, a 100% Money Back Bigger Yields Guarantee, and free products.





You’re about to discover how easily you can enlarge the power dimensions of your plant’s roots and guarantee yourself bigger harvests with custom-designed microbially active supplements ... These powerful supplements create ideal root zone environments better able to intake nutrients … resist stress and diseases … and your roots stay stronger because beneficial microbes break down old root material, providing nutrition while enabling roots to repair themselves and create new tissue.

Plus, microbes help oxygen to penetrate more into your roots … capture nitrogen … and help pump more phosphorus into your plants. The question has now become…what is the best way to install beneficial microbes into your hydroponics root zone?

control plant

VooDoo Juice enhanced

Root mass of tomato plants, same seed, same age,same number, harvested after 42 days of growth. Plants on left received VooDoo Juice. 34

To answer this question, Advanced Nutrients scientists conducted a multi-phase research project on a unique suite of beneficial microbes contained in VooDoo Juice.

Faster-developing roots on your seedlings, transplants and clones


Most hydroponics companies save money Your roots have more branching, root density and root on costs by hiring a third-party company mass to bulk produce/bulk combine microbes Increases in your root size up to 117% without testing them for specific plant Faster, more efficient intake of nutrients; saving you appropriateness or microbial compatibility. time and money Not only that, but their process includes a generic view of microbes. For example, Your plants give faster growth, larger flowers when someone talks about the microbe Your roots are more resistant to heat, stress, drought, “bacillus subtilis,” that strain name is really nutrient burn and other common problems just the tip of the iceberg… it’s exactly like saying “General Motors” to describe a car, Not All Beneficial Root Microbes and you have no idea if it’s a Pontiac or a Formulas Are Created Equal Chevy.

l l l l

And if it’s a Chevy, it could be either a Malibu or Corvette. So if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette – but you’re still left guessing if your Corvette has the 430 hp motor or if it’s a ZR1 Corvette with the 620 horsepower The answer is that there are two very distinct processes motor! That’s how much difference there is manufacturers use when they want to offer microbes between individual types of “bacillus subtilis” microbes. Obviously we absolutely make products ... sure VooDoo Juice microbes are always the ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower motor, not the Chevy Malibu! You know beneficial microbes will help your plants, but it can be confusing when you go to the store and see so many of these formulas made by different manufacturers. The obvious question is which one will give you the best bang for your buck?

Here’s How It’s Done... l

Advanced Nutrients hires the sharpest microbiologists in the world. One of them is especially impressive: she has three Ph.D. degrees! We have a team of scientists testing and breeding hundreds of sub-varieties of bacillus subtilis and other beneficial microbes in a continual research program. In fact over the last two years VooDoo Juice’s root-producing abilities have been increased by 117%


Specific beneficial microbes work better with certain plants than others. That’s why we put so much time and money into our breeding program. We’re driven to find the needle in the haystack of microbes that work absolutely the best for the plants you grow


Our scientists demand that we buy them

Make the direct connection between larger, more powerful roots and bigger, more valuable buds.


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They discovered, when used as directed, VooDoo Juice provides:



rates and we have to ensure total uniformity and maximum colony forming units (CFUs). After breeding, the microbes are taken to the evaporation tower and dried, and then all eight strains in VooDoo Juice are carefully recombined l

To ensure VooDoo Juice has very long shelf life and superior viability, VooDoo’s microbes are put into hibernation with an “antagonist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant until you mix VooDoo Juice into a nutrient reservoir and the antagonist is diluted


As soon as the antagonist is diluted, VooDoo’s microbes immediately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into action for you by wrapping themselves around and penetrating into roots, creating flower-boosting hormones, and increasing root size and function

The bottom line is: VooDoo Juice feeds your roots so you get safer, healthier plants, and more aboveground growth of larger, mega-potent flowers. It’s a basic but important step you can easily take today to upgrade the health and productivity of your garden immediately.

VooDoo Juice contains designer microbes created by leading microbiologists. These superstrain microbes fatten, strengthen and supercharge your roots , and the result is more valuable harvests.

all the expensive, precision equipment needed to identify each microbial strain’s special characteristics and compatibility with each other that make them “SuperStrains.” That’s why our microbes are also extremely fast-replicating so they quickly colonize root zones for rapid results (Yes, we test for fast versus slow replicating microbes) l


VooDoo Juice is not outsourced. We’re the only hydroponics nutrient company in the world manufacturing all our microbial products ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist personally supervising all aspects of production at all times. (The same is true for our Piranha and Tarantula root zone products) Each microbe strain is individually bred (not in a bunch of vats or tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor. This is a very critical, time consuming step, but it’s necessary because different strains of beneficial microbes breed at different 36

VooDoo Juice Benefits





ROOT MASS INCREASE Bigger roots that more than double in mass are the foundation for faster growth and bigger yields.

ANSWER: Your roots will get much bigger, but only in the most efficient way for your root zone so you get larger harvests. QUESTION: If I use VooDoo Juice, why would I use your Tarantula beneficial microbes and your Piranha beneficial fungi formulas too? ANSWER: Each of these three products contains unique beneficial microbes that contribute to the healthiest root zone so your plants grow better via different pathways. The individual microbe formulas in these three products combine in a synergistic fashion with your roots and each other to provide even more root enhancement and protection. QUESTION: Does your previous version of VooDoo Juice work with your new version? ANSWER: Yes, our previous VooDoo Juice works well in all types of gardens and systems, and is compatible with our stronger new & improved version of Voodoo Juice. Always store our beneficial microbes formulas in a cool, dark place to extend shelf life.

MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through 2 of your flowering phase, and during weeks 1 through 2 of vegetative growth. GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Master Growers

“I live in the desert near Tucson. I grow outdoors and two big problems are heat and dry, sandy soil. After using VooDoo, the plants were wilting a lot less and their color was much better. When I removed them at the end of the season, their roots were better than any plant I’ve ever grown. I’m sold.”

Jorge, from Pima County, Arizona

QUESTION: Is VooDoo Juice compatible with an all-organic fertilizer program? ANSWER: Yes, VooDoo Juice, Tarantula and Piranha are organic supplements that work perfectly in all-organic gardening (and all other types of gardening).

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE VooDoo Juice was specifically built for growers just like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use VooDoo Juice it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

Fast Facts PRODUCT TYPE: Beneficial Bacteria Root Booster

What’s more..., VooDoo Juice will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. VooDoo Juice has been developed for use with any and all hydroponics, aeroponic, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!

GARDEN TYPES: VooDoo Juice has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. VooDoo Juice has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

And when you use VooDoo Juice you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.

WHEN TO USE: Early Veg Phase, Early Flowering, Cloning, Transplanting, Growing from Seedlings

As always, dedicated to your gardening success.



QUESTION: Will VooDoo Juice make my roots too big?


Frequently Asked Questions




Most likely, you’re one of the 91.7% of growers who use bloom boosters every bloom cycle, because you want to be sure your boosters give you the biggest yields possible for your garden ... to be precise ... you look for bloom boosters that give you: l

Larger, heavier, denser flowers


Flowers with more essential oils, aromatics, terpenoids, phenols and other potency factors


Measurable, significant increases in overall harvest weight and market value 38


Worse, almost all bloom boosters have incorrect ratios or types of phosphorus and potassium. Most provide double the amount of phosphorus to potassium. That’s not useful. Your plants need much more potassium than phosphorus during bloom phase.


called amino acids (which are building blocks of proteins, terpenoids, phenols and alkaloids). This means you want to give 20 “L-form” amino acids to your plants, with especially important doses of L-tryptophan, L-Cysteine, L-Glutamate and L-Glycine.

But most bloom boosters don’t measure up to these goals. In fact, until recently poorly-absorbed forms of phosphorus and potassium (P and K) were the main ingredients in most bloom boosters.

Why the special emphasis on these four L-form amino acids? Here’s why:

And when too much phosphorus is dumped into your plants, it creates a potential for phosphorus toxicity that works against flower production and overall plant health. Not only that, your crops may taste harsh so they hurt your throat and lungs.

Your plants utilize L-tryptophan to create an important floral growth hormone called indole acetic acid (IAA). Boosting synthesis of IAA creates larger flowers with more potency. L-Cysteine provides sulphur, and along with L-Glycine is a prime element in formation of an internal plant protectant compound called glutathione. Plants respond to bloom phase stress by making glutathione, which has a number of functions including helping plants deal with heat stress, other environmental stressors, and free radicals.

Potassium And Phosphorus Are Only Part Of The Real Story There’s a lot more to fueling bigger flowers than giving your plants correct ratios and types of potassium and phosphorus.

Because many hydroponics nutrients provide no amino acids, and because indoor gardening is inherently stressful

Studies show floral production revs up most when your plants get the full range and correct forms of substances

You need a bloom booster proven to make your buds bigger and more valuable. 39

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Now that you know the crucial role amino acids play in floral production and overall plant health, it’s important to have the L-form of amino acids rather than the less-complex “D” form aminos. This is because your plants’ cells need all 20 amino acids, but even the bloom boosters that do provide amino acids, contain aminos that are hard for your plants to create or absorb, because they’re less water soluble, called D-aminos.



Make Your Flowers Bigger By Helping Your Plants Breathe, Metabolize And Produce






How do most bloom boosters stack up in meeting these goals? Not as well as they could. In fact, until recently poorly20% absorbed forms of phosphorus and potassium (P and K) were the main ingredients in most bloom boosters.

to plants, tissue samples show many plants have glutathione deficiency ... slowing metabolic functions ... and ... results in lower yields.


BIG BUD ABSOLUTELY DELIVERS LARGER YEILDS Big Bud absolutely delivers larger yields than any competing THAN ANYCOMPETING BLOOM BOOSTER! bloom booster!

For this reason, please remember, only L-form amino acids are the ideal forms for easy absorption and proven yield increases.

phosphorus create larger flowers, and that L-form amino acids help plants make larger, better-formed flowers that carry more potency and value.

You’ve seen how bud builder product research shows that precise and appropriate ratios of potassium and

The bottom line is ascorbic acid, all 20 L-form amino acids, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium are found in the correct ratios in the easy-to-use liquid bud potentiator created by our scientists called Big Bud. Here’s what you’re guaranteed to see when you use Big Bud:

Get yourself the world’s most popular and legendary bud builder that put the BIG in your buds! 40


More flowers


Bigger flowers


More potent flowers


Flowers with higher market value


Liquid formula for easier mixing and absorption

When you look at the facts and see the results, you agree that Big Bud offers you a convenient, reliable way to deliver a unique suite of bud potentiator ingredients into your flowering plants. Get Big Bud today and feed L-aminos and other plant maximizing ingredients to your plants and you’ll see larger, richer, more glistening flowers in less time than ever.

GARDEN TYPES: Liquid Big Bud has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, and soil growing mediums. Big Bud has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

Claude, from Mobile, Alabama

Frequently Asked Questions

WHEN TO USE: Peak bloom phase. MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 2 through 4 of your flowering phase.

QUESTION: Can I use Big Bud as my only bloom booster or should I use it with other bloom boosters you recommend?

GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Master Growers

ANSWER: Big Bud can be used as a stand-alone bloom booster and you will see bigger buds as a result. Additionally, our research shows using our bloom booster series (Bug Ignitor, Big Bud, Bud Candy and Overdrive) will result in even larger and more market-valued products.

COMPANY FOUNDERS’ NO-RISK, 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted, we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.

QUESTION: Will I have problems with overfertilization when I use Big Bud with your potent base nutrients?

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE

ANSWER: Our scientists have designed customized programs for each of our base nutrients so you use Big Bud as directed by the base feed chart and get bigger buds with no worries about nutrient burn. When you use Big Bud as part of the Bigger Yields System, the System is configured to balance pH and PPM to optimum levels so you don’t have to be concerned about them.

Big Bud was specifically built for growers just like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use Big Bud it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

QUESTION: Why does Big Bud come in a liquid formulation?

What’s more..., Big Bud will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum or soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponic, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!

ANSWER: The liquid formulation provides more absorption and is easier for growers to use.

And when you use Big Bud you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.

QUESTION: What can I count on as regards the crop size increase that Big Bud gives me? ANSWER: Depending on your strain, growing conditions and what level you are on in our Bigger Yields System, you could see as much as 27% increase in harvest weight from Big Bud.

As always, dedicated to your gardening success.



PRODUCT TYPE: Bloom Booster


Fast Facts

“When I used the other bloom booster, the PPM would spike. The damage was clear, and once I had to flush everything. Since I started using Big Bud my friends keep asking: what’s your secret?”



P lus,


You’re already giving your plants the best environment and nutrients possible, but did you know you may need vitamins too? In fact, scientists tested identical clones side by side in identical systems. The clones are fed the same diet, except that half of the clones receive a vitamin that the other clones do not receive. Both sets of clones were closely monitored during growth and after harvest with scientists taking plant tissue samples to measure plant metabolism, nutrient absorption, and overall plant health. Plus, total yield size, quality and essential oil content are also measured. Using statistical analysis and other criteria, scientists determined if the vitamin had any effects, and if so, what those effects are.

How B Vitamins Improve Your Plants and Your Yield Fortunately our scientists have repeatedly run hydroponics tests showing many B vitamin benefits for your plants, including: ● Folic Acid helps plants maintain healthy metabolism

and DNA and upgrades the weight and quality of your harvest. But because folic acid breaks down easily (especially under intense lighting), it’s a good idea to supplement with folic acid in your plants.

● Vitamin B5 is essential because without sufficient B5,

plants die, grow slowly, or are susceptible to stress disorders and pathogenic diseases. Enough said!

● Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) helps your plants use and create

carbohydrates so your plants have enough energy for strong growth and production of flowers and essential oils. It also helps your plants’ use of phosphate (which


fuels flower growth.) ... B1 strengthens plant immune systems to avoid disease and stress ... activates Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), which is what happens in humans when a vaccination produces an increased immune response to future disease attacks. Plus, B1 assists in root development so your plants get more nutrients faster, and are more resistant to shock from transplanting or cloning.


As you can see, B vitamins are absolutely essential. Truth is: your plants can’t synthesize enough B vitamins from the nutrients you feed them fast enough to get fast growth, earlier maturation, stress/disease resistance, and heavier, more potent harvests.

When you provide additional vitamins, your plants have less metabolic work to do

Randall, from Missoula, Montana


Vitamins help plants grow stronger and more vigorous. Maximum blooms are heading your way. 43

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In fact, there are several stressful times in your plants life when they need extra B vitamins, like when your plants are seedlings, new clones, transplants or flowering ... when you’re using CO2 augmentation ... and when your plants are under other stresses like seed production, extreme temperatures, or pest and disease attacks.

“I had a complete feed program with high-end nutrients. But something was missing. I found what I lacked with B52. Now I have stronger plants and more weight in my harvests.”


and they use more of their nutrients for growth and floral production because they don’t have to make B vitamins themselves. Plus, studies show when plants are stressed (which is when they most need B vitamins), that’s when they are least able to make their own vitamins.



a b vitamin formula that boosts yield too? Scientists discovered a B vitamin formula is an ideal platform for vitamin-rich components that double as yield-boosting substances. For example, our B-52 formula contains kelp and seaweed extracts which contain a variety of compounds, including auxins that increase cell replication and stimulate roots and stems. Plus, several







B-52 pumps up your plant’s stamina, energy and productivity so you get larger harvests.

studies show B vitamins, combined with seaweed and kelp extracts, assist in floral development and ripening, with increases in floral weight and potency as much as 31%! Combine this with the crop protection provided by: ● Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Enhances systemic resis-

tance so your plants are less susceptible to common grow room diseases that often disguise themselves as nutrient disorders while insidiously harming your crops. ● Vitamin B3 (Niacin): An essential substance that

contributes to your plants’ metabolism and other basic life functions. Insufficient amounts of B3 lead to slow growth, poor yields and lowered disease resistance. ● Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Involved in enzymatic activity, Your plants benefit from the best scientists, the best labs and the best research in the world. 44

carbohydrate energy production and amino acid synthesis. All three of these areas are implicated in the basic health and productivity of your plants.

Compounded with the B vitamins mentioned above, B-52 contains humates and other sources of plant nutrition that are more easily absorbed by your plants because they are administered with B vitamins. And these substances aid the transference of B vitamins into your plants.

QUESTION: Why do I need to give B-52 to my plants when I am already feeding them a highnutrition fertilizer? ANSWER: Plants can make B vitamins from some fertilizers. But, they expend energy and nutrition to make the vitamins. When you provide B vitamins in B-52 your plant a readymade vitamin source ... your plants can focus on floral production.

With B-52, you can feed either the roots or foliarly, which makes the healing, stimulating and protective effects of B vitamins immediately and completely available to your plants. Plus, B-52 works in all types of growing systems and root zone material, including aeroponics, rockwool, soil, coco coir, hydroton, ebb and flow, and all the other hydroponics gardening methods.

QUESTION: I’ve heard that B-52 is really good for young plants. Is this true?


ANSWER: Yes, B-52 is definitely a powerful anti-stress tonic that increases survival of transplants, seedlings and clones.

PRODUCT TYPE: B Vitamin Supplement.

QUESTION: I am growing all-organic. Can I use B-52?

B-52 BENEFITS: • Better Survival Rate For Seedlings, Transplants, Clones • Plants More Resistant To Stress And Disease • Increased Growth And Yield • Stronger Roots For More Nutrient Uptake

ANSWER: We make the only all-organic B vitamin supplement, called Organic B, which you should use if you’re growing only organically.

GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Masters Growers

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE

WHEN TO USE B-52: Any time plants are under stress, especially during early growth, cloning, transplanting and flowering.

B-52 was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use B-52 it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

GARDEN TYPES: B-52 has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. B-52 has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

What’s more..., B-52 will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use B-52 you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.

MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 3 through 6 of your flowering phase, and during all weeks of vegetative growth.

As always, dedicated to your gardening success.






Kick Your Flowering Plants Into Overdrive, and Get Yourself a

PRIZE-WINNING FINISH You’ve spent lots of time, money and electricity for several weeks of bloom phase ... your plants have been blooming several weeks ... they’re showing signs of finishing and being ready for harvest within 1-4 more weeks. But it feels useless to wait because your flowers won’t get much bigger during those final weeks. At best, only adding another 1-6% in weight and size ... On the other hand, you remember that whatever weight and size gains they make may come at the expense of floral quality, as essential oil structures degrade. In some cases, you just harvest your crops. Continued investment of time, materials and money doesn’t seem worth it. But you’ve never been a quitter, and you’re open to a way to overdrive your crops so they come up bigger winners at harvest time.

Latest Scientific Discoveries Energize Your Plants Internal Clock to Get Bigger Yields Floral production is nature’s plan for your plants, and it’s hardwired into them. But you can work their flowering cycle to get bigger yields ... It starts when you flip your lights to 12 hours, putting your plants into their flowering schedule (determined by genetics and nature). You witness the schedule visually as you see the tiniest floral structures emerge a few days after you flip to 12 hours. Over time, your flowers swell up, fill in, change their appearance, gain aroma, taste, and develop essential oil structures during your peak flowering phase in the middle trimester of blooming (the precise timing & length depends on the plant strain you’re growing). During peak flowering you see the biggest gains in 46

size and weight, as well as obvious changes in the morphology (appearance, shape, density and structure) of your flowers. As peak flowering ends, your plants enter late flowering phase. During this phase, flowers make slight gains or are in a holding pattern, almost like suspended animation ...

Help Your Plants Achieve Maximum Production One way to rejuvenate your yield potential during the final trimester of blooming is to give your plants a special form of nitrogen called nitrate ... Yes, you’ve heard nitrogen is a bad thing during bloom phase, but that turns out to be a bit inaccurate.

Jeb, from Tulsa, Oklahoma


“This crop was the strongest I’ve ever had. It had to be the Overdrive.”


Sadly, sometimes, flower quality declines at this point. Soon, it’s obvious you need to harvest. It’s all part of the natural time-clock built into your plants ... but ... the good news is you can now create a more productive finishing phase for your plants.

tantly, if your plants are provided the typical form of nitrogen (ammoniacal nitrogen) during blooming, it can cause them to channel energy into stem and leaf production rather than into floral production.

Plants do need nitrogen during bloom phase But when they’re given nitrate, they (just not as much as the veg phase). More impor- use it to create enlarged floral structures

Your plants will hit a home run in the last inning! Overdrive is your only bud builder created specifically for late season use so you get larger, more potent harvests and increased production at a time when most plants have stopped producing. 47

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instead of stem and leaf. Also important is stimulating the growing tips of each plant stem that go dormant in late bloom phase (the reason why your buds stop gaining size). It’s the same thing that happens when our human skeleton’s growth tips seal off around age 18, and after that we don’t get much taller. Scientists have now discovered we can keep the growth going because folic acid, fulvic acid, nitrate, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and ascorbic acid in late bloom phase revs up photosynthesis & restarts cell replication and expansion at the ends of your growing tips!

Put Your Crops Into Overdrive Plus, giving your plants a 1-3-4 dose of properlychelated NPK in late bloom feeds precise ratios of macronutrients needed to produce significant gains in flower size and potency when most other growers have given up and are just waiting to harvest. Taken together, the combination of ingredients featured in Overdrive provide your plants: •

Increased nutrient uptake & increased photosynthesis and energy

Increased cell expansion & replication for larger flowers

Increased creation of internal floral structures

Make ‘em do their best for you. You feed Overdrive to your crops in the last few weeks of bloom cycle so you squeeze significant amounts of extra weight, value and quality from your late-bloom plants. 48

As you can see, using Overdrive is a more not produce large floral clusters, to sophisticated approach than what most bulk them up and make them fatter other growers are doing (just throwing the • When a grower learns they need to same bloom booster at their plants from get an extra large harvest from their week one of flowering until the day of crop due to sudden financial news, harvest). such as finding out that a new baby The simplistic idea that during bloom, is on the way all your plants need is an extra dose of PK, and the last couple of weeks of blooming is In all cropping situations, you procure just a waiting game without significant size, Overdrive now and use it in any weight and quality gains possible … this hydroponics or soil system to get a prize idea is now proven wrong. Using Overdrive, winning finish to your bloom season you make your plants accomplish what was that makes every minute, every watt, never before thought possible at the end of and every bit of your effort pay off more for you. bloom phase.










The Numbers Prove It! Without Overdrive, your crops stop producing size, weight and potency in late bloom cycle. But when you use Overdrive, your crops get a new spark of growth late in life, so they keep on producing for you far longer than they normally would. 49

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and compounds for increased aroma, Some growers find that Overdrive taste, potency and market value is especially useful in the following Increased resistance to drought, heat, situations: stress, diseases, pests and end stage • When plants struggled earlier in exhaustion due to folic acid and other blooming & need to make up for it ingredients by putting on a lot of flower growth Potential 9-23% gains in harvest weight fast and size during last trimester of growth • With varieties that traditionally do



Frequently Asked Questions

“I can’t believe the difference in taste. I’m sold.”

Jeb, from Tulsa, Oklahoma

FAST Facts

QUESTION: I use your Big Bud with Connoisseur and get fantastic results. So why is Overdrive also very useful for me? ANSWER: Big Bud is indeed a top-producing bloom booster and Connoisseur is a premium bloom base nutrients formula. But our studies find that bloom phase has sub-phases during which very specific types and ratios of ingredients are required. For plants in their last 2-3 weeks of growth, the ingredients in Overdrive are more effective at increasing crop value than Big Bud, which is used earlier in bloom cycle. And no matter what base nutrients you use, Overdrive gives you increased late season production. QUESTION: I used Overdrive and it did not increase the size as much as it increased the potency, aroma and taste. Is this a normal thing to expect?


Late-Season Bloomer

ANSWER: In some crops, depending on genetics, crop environment, grower skill, and other nutrients being used, you might see both a crop size and a crop quality increase. In other situations, Overdrive will primarily increase the percentages of essential oils, aromatics and other value-adding compounds in your flowers.

OVERDRIVE BENEFITS: Larger, Denser Flowers More Essential Oils

QUESTION: What about pH and PPM when I use Overdrive?

More Aromatics More Taste More Attractive Flowers Higher Market Price For Flowers Larger Harvests More Production Per Watt During Lasts Weeks Of Bloom Phase


Hobbyist, Expert, Professional and Grand Masters Growers.


ANSWER: If you are using Overdrive as part of our Bigger Yields System, you have no need to be concerned about pH and PPM. Just use Overdrive as directed- the System is configured to balance all formulas together to be at the ideal absorbability and strength. If you are using Overdrive without using the System, it can increase PPM by as much as 200 PPM, and you would need to monitor your nutrient strength accordingly.

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Overdrive was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Overdrive it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

During last trimester of bloom phase.


Overdrive has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Overdrive has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems.


Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 5 and 6 or the last 2 weeks of your flowering phase. 50

What’s more..., Overdrive will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Overdrive you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.


Have These Scientists Discovered The Perfect Rooting Medium For Propagating Cuttings?

Introducing Root Shooters™!


Root Shooters™ is the ultimate plant plug rooting mef you have ever been frustrated with your rooting medium... or... you’ve been forced to make compro- dium for indoor hydroponics. It’s made of a peat based media with a proprietary binder mises in your garden because holding it together to create the of the limitations of your rooting perfect blend of peat to air. medium... then... you’re going Roots automatically - all to be thrilled with this new This peat and binder comthe work is done for you. scientific breakthrough. bination helps avoid disease


Here’s why: until now, growers like us were forced to suffer decreased yields with our plants because of the weaknesses of our rooting mediums...


Most mediums are hard to work with — they cost you time and money...


Most rooting media aren’t properly aerated — they choke your plants and deprive them of the oxygen they need to grow...

. . . .

It’s as easy and simple as cut and stick. No gels or powders needed. 50 plugs custom formulated and developed by Jiffy® and Advanced Nutrients. 100% guaranteed to work or your money back.


And most growers suffer from their mediums being “too wet” — leading to disease issues that reduce yields and bud development... But the scientists at Advanced Nutrients were determined to change all this by embarking on a joint research project with Jiffy® to develop the perfect rooting medium...

and pH issues you’d normally see with bark based mediums because in wet rooting situations the structural fibers of bark break down and clog out air spaces. This negatively affects the most important part of your plants — their roots — because you need proper air space for roots to grow quickly and fully in indoor rooting situations.

How This Unique Structure Gets You Superior Rooting Automatically?... Every grower knows that getting your plants to root faster... and... develop stronger, deeper and bigger root structures... directly translates to faster rooting plants, better quality crops and world-class yields. Because of the extremely uniform substrate and structure with hundreds of micro air pockets evenly distributed throughout Root Shooters™ plugs, you easily get extensive fibrous root growth throughout the full depth and volume of the plug. turn page è

Root Shooters continued è TM

Plus, this superior structure gives you the ideal water holding capacity, while at the same time, giving you excellent drainage. This means you’ll see easier water management... your rooting medium never gets too wet (which helps avoid diseases and pests)... and greatly helps reduce losses, especially in over-wintered crops. And because there’s no net around the plug your plant’s roots will grow fully throughout the medium immediately after potting. The Superior Substrate Structure Increases Your Cuttings Survival Rate... Research clearly shows cuttings grown in Root Shooters™ produce a cleaner callous than in other mediums which means you’ll see fewer losses due to rotting off. Plus, more active root nodes get formed at the callous which means you’ll see faster and more prolific root development from the very beginning... Also, because your plant’s root systems are developed in the plug (and not outside of the plug) your plants will pot much quicker and are better protected against root damage, disease, and transplant shock is virtually eliminated. The Unique Design Means Less Work For You And Faster Sticking And Potting... Because the Root Shooters™ Plant Plugs are supplied ready-to-use, you’ll see up to 20% faster sticking speeds compared to other discrete plugs ... and ... there’s no additional labor needed to fill or water trays unlike using loose-fill substrates. And extensive testing with the types of plants we grow and the gardens we grow them in has proven potting on speeds are much quicker than with other discrete or loose fill plugs, because the Root Shooters™ pull from the trays quickly, easily, and with amazing consistency.

Prove It To Yourself, With This

Risk-FREE Guarantee

It’s clear that Root Shooters™ Plant Plugs are the answer you’re looking for if you want to...

. . . . . .

Save time and money... Increase your survival rates... Avoid rooting too wet... Reduce harmful plant pests and diseases... Get faster rooting, every-time... Achieve 20% faster stick speeds...

... And give your plants the absolute best rooting medium to develop strong, prolific root structures that directly translate into better quality plants and larger yields. But you don’t have to risk anything to try Root Shooters™ yourself. That’s because Advanced Nutrients offers a 100% money-back guarantee of satisfaction. Either you’re overjoyed and ecstatic about the difference Root Shooters™ makes in your grow room or you get every penny of your money back. It’s that simple. And it’s EASY to get Root Shooters™ Before you start your next crop cycle, simply visit your nearest hydroponics retail shop and tell them you want to try Root Shooters™ risk-free in your garden immediately. Once you do that, you’ll be ready to go home and start your next crop cycle with this almost perfect rooting medium and experience all the benefits you’ve discovered today for yourself.

’ No-Risk, Company Founders Guarantee 100% Money Back can prove... to yourself, in your

want to make sure you Here at Advanced Nutrients, we ts work exactly as we say they will. duc pro own experiments... that our illed and amazed with how... That’s why we want you to be thr - all the work is done for you... l You get automatic rooting k process is... l How simple the cut and stic s is... y the “no gels or powders” proces eas how h l And overjoyed wit chase, simply return within the first 6 months of pur e tim any at n... the ... not ’re If you % refund of the purchase price. it immediately for a complete, 100 rs™. be thrilled to own your Root Shoote That’s how confident we are you’ll our solemn commitment to you and It’s our guarantee, our promise, n! and your satisfactio dening success. As always dedicated to your gar

“Big Mike” Straumietis

Eugene Yordanov

Robert Higgins

“Your Only Competition Will Be The Sun” • Your Home and Garden are Safer • Get Flawless Performance Backed Unconditional 7 Year Warranty • Save Money on Bulbs • Eliminate Noise, Heat, Risk, Security Breaches, Electricity Waste • Get Portability, Security & Maximum Lighting Benefits

You’re Getting All The Right Ingredients For


The Expert Bundle gives you so much…

• Piranha Beneficial Fungi increases your root mass as well

as create a thick mat of lateral and vertical roots, enabling your plants to support your larger yields and allow your plants to take in nutrients faster during the critical phases of the flowering cycle where gains are won or lost.

• Bud Candy is like cotton candy for your flowers, gooey, sticky and radiating with colorful glints of light catching your eyes, and sparkles flying off in every direction. Bud Candy is the world’s only 100% organic aroma, taste and bigger yields enhancer that also cures your plants’ mid-bloom stall so they have the energy to make larger, tastier more aromatic flowers for you.

• Final Phase flushes your crops getting rid of any left over residual fertilizer that sometimes can affect the taste of your harvest. This Bigger Yields Bundle gives you a free container of Final Phase, the super-efficient flushing formula and that won’t slow down bud growth or decrease flower size!

Turn page for more information è 57

Congratulations, you’re taking the next step to a simple but highly effective Expert Grower Level

You Use The Bigger Yields Bundles And The System To Easily Grow Larger, More Valuable Harvests Now you can have your cake and eat it too. Get the Hobbyist and Expert Grower Bundles and join the many prosperous growers using our simple, flowering System guaranteed to give you reliably large harvests. Your Hobbyist and Expert Grower Bigger Yields Bundles are the first two steps on your exciting journey to a place where

that takes your plants further faster so you get bigger yields like clockwork with every harvest. When you take home this money-saving Expert Grower Bundle™ and get the benefits of the Bigger Yields Flowering System™, you step up and enter the door to getting proven advantages from the only hydroponics nutrients system guaranteed to give your plants everything they need to produce bigger yields. Not only that, using the System means you can stop worrying about pH and PPM metering and adjusting. Yes, you heard correctly! Just use any of the Bigger Yields Flowering System™ base nutrients in water that has a pH range from 4.5 - 8.5, and your plants will perfectly absorb all the nutrients they need. You’ll agree that makes growing a whole lot

Heavier harvests mean heavier profits. huge harvests you’ve always dreamed of are guaranteed to become reality for you. The bold truth is at every level of the System – Hobbyist, Expert Grower, Professional Grower and Grand Master Grower – you get fantastic yields. But when you step up to the next

The Bigger Yields Bundles are the only specifically engineered hydroponics Flowering System with all formulas guaranteed to work together so your plants give you the largest flowers ever grown.

easier for you, doesn’t it?

è 58

Expert Grower level, you get even larger yields, even more protection for your crops. You’re climbing the stairway to heavier harvests!

Combining The Hobbyist And Expert Bundles Gives You: • All the supplements you need for bigger flowers at the Expert Grower Level from your plants’ roots to the top of your flowers and everything in between. • pH-Perfect™ formulas that work with all the Flowering System base nutrients so you can forget about pH and PPM metering and adjusting in all types of water. Your plants get all the nutrition they need, and you never have to use those meters ever again. • The Bigger Yields Bundles are the only specifically engineered hydroponics flowering System with all formulas guaranteed to work together so your plants give you the largest flowers ever grown. • Standardized mixing and measuring just 4 ml per liter for the System base nutrients and 2 ml per liter for all supplements. • Exclusive bloom-feeding ingredients for big fat flowers. Get one of our new and improved base nutrients along with a Hobbyist Bundle™ and this Expert Grower Bundle™, and go to the checkout counter so you get started on bigger yields right now.

BUNDLE™ dle™, a Flowering System base nutrient and our Hobbyist Bundle™ combine to deliver stacked nutrition to every part of your flowering plant. The Expert Grower Bundle™ gives you so much… • Piranha Beneficial Fungi increases your root mass as well as create a thick mat of lateral and vertical roots, enabling your plants to support your larger yields and allow your plants to take in nutrients faster during the critical phases of the flowering cycle where gains are won or lost.

Combining the Hobbyist and Expert Grower Bundles gives you all the supplements you need for bigger flowers at the Expert Grower Level from your plants’ roots to the top of your flowers and everything in between.

Oh, one more cool thing we almost forgot to tell you about. There’s a free formula in the Hobbyist Bundle™ and another free formula in the Expert Grower Bundle™. Better yet, our base nutrients are five in one products that combine four powerful formulas F-1, H-2, Wet Betty and a special blend of amino acids that you can’t buy as a stand alone product, you can only get it in the “System” base nutrients. So when you get your base nutrients and your two bundle boxes, you’ll be getting 12 products for the price of 6!

• Bud Candy is like cotton candy for your flowers, gooey, sticky and radiating with colorful glints of light catching your eyes, and sparkles flying off in every direction. Bud Candy is the world’s only 100% organic aroma, taste and bigger yields enhancer that also cures your plants’ mid-bloom stall so they have the energy to make larger, tastier more aromatic flowers for you.

Go ahead and start “stacking” your bundles, and take the Expert Grower Bundle™ home and try it, then you’ll see the power and elegance of this System. It’s backed by our No-Risk 100% Money Back Guarantee so you won’t even be risking one penny and then you can see for yourself the bigger yields you’ll be getting.

• Final Phase flushes your crops getting rid of any left over residual fertilizer that sometimes can affect the taste of your harvest. This Bigger Yields Bundle gives you a free container of Final Phase, the super-efficient flushing formula that won’t slow down bud growth or decrease flower size!

Even better, your plants are taken care of from roots to shoots and everything in between, this Expert Grower Bun59


Discover How Increasing Your Root Mass by 700% Gives You


bigger yields

oots are what feed your plants nearly everything, and now you can increase your plants’ root mass as much as 700% so your plants get more nutrition to make larger, more potent flowers. You do this by using beneficial fungi that accomplishes the following for you: l

Beneficial fungi protect roots against root rot, pythium, and leaf/flower diseases such as gray mold 60


Beneficial fungi increase root absorption of oxygen, nutrients and water


Beneficial fungi increase root size & mass for greater efficiency so you get bigger and better flowers


Expand root mass surface area by as much as 700%


Beneficial fungi increase production of floral essential oils


Category One beneficial fungi are called endomycorrhiza. Believe it or not, these fungi actually have a form of “foot” that enters into root cells to produce sacs or branched structures increasing root mass and root function.


Category Two beneficial fungi are called ectomycorrhiza. These fungi create a hyphal sheath that covers root tips and a hyphae net (“foot” net) that cloaks the entire root system.

Scientists used to say endomycorrhiza were the only type of fungi that inserted themselves into root cells, and that the ecto variety stayed outside roots. But new research reveals super-strains of ecto and endo beneficial fungi both penetrate roots, so we’ve designated these strains as a megacategory called “ectendomycorrhiza.” The good news is no matter what you call them; beneficial fungi form a web of root protection and enhancement called a “fungal mycelium.”

As an added benefit, Piranha’s glomus and trichoderma strains protect your leaves and flowers against harmful fungi, mold and other problems. That’s important because there are two different processes manufacturers use when they want to offer microbial products ... Most hydroponics companies save money on costs by hiring a third-party company to bulk produce/bulk combine microbes without testing them for specific plant appropriateness or microbial compatibility. Not only that, but their process includes an overly generic view of fungi. For example, you’ll hear their product advertising talk about “endo and ectomycorrhizal fungi.” Turns out this is so vague that it borders on actually being an inaccurate way of describing root zone fungi! It’s exactly like saying “General Motors” to describe a car, leaving you wondering are they talking about a Pontiac or a Chevy. And even if it’s a Chevy, it could be a Malibu or Corvette. Ok, if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette — but you’re still left guessing, because one model of Corvette has the 300 hp motor, but the ZR1 Corvette has a 620 horsepower motor!

One thing you see in hydroponics gardens without Piranha is lots of harmful microbes in the root zone that aggressively attack root zones, accounting for slow growth, poor yield, lower survivability rates for clones and seedlings, and sometimes complete crop failure.

Beneficial Fungi Protect And Defend Your Roots, Leaves, Flowers The glomus and trichoderma beneficial microbes in Piranha were selectively bred to provide crop protection. These beneficial microbes are guaranteed to: l

Eat harmful microbes


Deprive harmful microbes of their food supply


Deprive harmful microbes of the space, oxygen and water they need to survive


Induce or create increased plant immune response to fight off diseases and infections


Create a protective physical barrier that shuts out harmful microbial invaders

Using Piranha to enhance your hydroponics roots gives you larger and more valuable hydroponics flowers. 61

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As you can see, beneficial fungi are a valuable tool you use to make your garden produce more. But please remember that it does matter what type of fungi you use. You need to add the right types of the two major categories of beneficial fungi:

Not All Beneficial Fungi


Getting The Right Types Of Beneficial Fungi Is All-Important For Your Maximum Yield



Here’s How We Do It... The good news is that we make sure our Piranha beneficial fungi are the fullyloaded ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower powerplant, not the Chevy Malibu! l


Advanced Nutrients hires world-class microbiologists who practically live in the laboratory — that’s how competitive and dedicated they are about developing what they call “superstrains” of fungi that biologically bond with the roots of your plants. One of our scientists is especially impressive: she has three Ph. D. degrees! Our perfectionist scientists demand we supply them all the most expensive, precision equipment and supplies so they can identify each microbial strain’s special characteristics that make them superstrains. That’s why our fungi are extremely fast-replicating so they quickly colonize root zones for rapid results (yes, one of our most important tests is comparing






Piranha increases root mass so you get stronger plants that produce more valuable harvests.

You exploit the hidden world of your plants’ roots using Piranha beneficial fungi to increase the security, productivity and value of your harvests. 62

fast versus slow replicating fungi).

Each of our microbial strains is individually bred in a purpose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor (we’re the only company that uses this technically advanced process, not vats or tubs). Our microbes are later taken to an evaporation tower and gently dried. Then the Piranha superstrains are carefully recombined.


To ensure Piranha’s reputation for very long shelf life and viability, fungi are put into hibernation with an “antagonist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant until you mix Piranha into a nutrient reservoir or foliar spray, and the antagonist is diluted.


As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Piranha fungi immediately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into action for you by wrapping themselves around and penetrating roots, creating flower-boosting hormones, and increasing root size and function.

The bottom line is Piranha increases your root size as much as 700% so your plants’ roots are strong enough to give you an upgrade the weight, value and potency of your harvest. What’s more, when you get Piranha today, you’ll see why it’s money-back guaranteed to pay for itself in increased yield and overall plant health.

Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: Is Piranha going to get me bigger buds in soil and in an organic program, not just in hydroponics? ANSWER: Piranha enhances growth and yield and protects plants in any type of gardening situation, including soil and organics. It is a 100% organic formula. QUESTION: My friend told me that Piranha can be used with some other of your formulas to get even more impact. ANSWER: It’s true that using Piranha with our two other beneficial microbes products (VooDoo Juice and Tarantula) will create the most fertile, naturally-enhanced root zone for stronger plants and bigger harvests. QUESTION: Does Piranha help protect flowers, and does it leave a bad residue? ANSWER: Piranha foliar spray protects flowers and leaves from molds, mildew and fungi, but it leaves no toxic residue. We always recommend that you lightly mist your flowers about a week before harvest and then don’t apply any more foliars to them after that.

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE

FAST FACTS PRODUCT TYPE: Root Zone Enhancer/Plant Protector

Piranha was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Piranha it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

GARDEN TYPES: Piranha has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Piranha has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

What’s more..., Piranha will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!

WHEN TO USE: Cloning, early seedlings, transplanting, early vegetative phase, early bloom phase

And when you use Piranha you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.

MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 and 2 of your flowering phase

As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Expert, Professional and Grand Master Growers 63



Piranha is never outsourced. We’re the only hydroponics nutrient company in the world manufacturing all our microbial products ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist personally supervising all aspects of production at all times. (The same is true for our VooDoo Juice and Tarantula products).



Feed Your Plants Carbohydrates, L-Aminos And Vitamins, And You

Get Tastier, More Aromatic, More Potent Buds!

Seeing your room full of huge flowers that smell like candy (maybe like the cotton candy at an amusement park), and then after harvest, savouring the fine taste, aroma and potency of huge amounts of potent, sweet-tasting flowers with your friends is what REALLY makes you happy right? The smiles on their faces, and them patting you on the back, that’s what the good life is all about ... So, what can you do right now to grow the biggest harvests of the most potent, best-tasting flowers? 64

Start by Providing Flower-Boosting Energy When Your Plants Most Need It

Remember that during peak bloom cycle your plants’ need for sugars exceeds their ability to manufacture them. The more you push them, the more C02 and nutrients you give them, the more they need carbs, and the more they fall behind. The resulting carb deficit is the same thing that happens when athletes collapse near the end of grueling competition. And it’s why carbloading is a cherished tactic athletes use to keep going strong for victory, when others fall and fail.

Not Just Any Carbohydrates, But The Right Ones For Your Plants Carb-loading your plants requires a specialty formula. In actuality, your plants best absorb simple or complex carbohydrates when they are present as arabinose, dextrose, glucose, maltose and xylose from raw cane extract, malt extract, cranberry extract and other premium carbohydrate sources.


Getting sweeter, bigger harvests is easy when you give your plants carbohydrates that jolt them with an energy boost.


“What I got was that the buds are tighter and somewhat larger while also smelling more sweet. Bud Candy worked well for me and people are asking me how I got it to taste and smell so good.” Mark, from Gainesville, Florida

For example, you see hydroponics formulas containing “molasses.” But like almost every individual ingredient in hydroponics formulas, there are many grades and types of molasses, and the differences between them decide whether they will deliver your bigger, better yields. Fact is, most types of molasses are loaded with sulphur or made from materials or processes that lower their sugar content and quality. When sulphured, low-grade molasses are in a hydroponics formula, the extraneous

Not only does this end mid-bloom slump but these materials fuel beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone. When you’ve installed beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone, they thrive best when they have externally-provided carbos to feed on (these beneficial bacteria and fungi increase root mass, increase nutrient absorption, protect roots, and produce hormones that stimulate floral size, potency and value). So you know carb-loading provides energy and root enhancement, but what can you do to create gourmet flowers with enhanced taste, size, potency, and aroma? The good news is providing the list of carb sources we just discussed also enhances the taste and aroma of your plants!

The Benefits Of Using Amino Acids And Other Compounds In the Correct Form For Your Plants Please remember: the advantages you get by feeding your crops depends on the quality of specific ingredients in the products.

How sweet it is when you send flavor enhancers into your crops so your buds taste like candy! 65

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minerals throw off your nutrient ratios while providing smaller percentages of sugars. Now let’s see how this relates to the types and forms of amino acids in hydroponics formulas ... Amino acids are crucial building blocks for proteins that fuel metabolic processes and physical structure in your flowering plants. Few hydroponics formulas contain amino acids, but almost all the ones that have aminos provide them in a form called “D-Aminos.” Although these aminos are cheaper to source and manufacture, they are not very helpful to your plants. On the other hand, the L-form of amino acids is totally biologically available for rapid uptake and formation of proteins that rapidly increase your crop health and yield. As with molasses and other ingredients in hydroponics formulas, it matters a lot what forms and manufacturing processes are used.

Sweeter Flowers Are Worth More Sweeter flowers are yours when you boost your crop’s taste, potency and aroma by furnishing anthocyanins, isoflavonoids, polyphenols, isoterpenes and tannins found in cranberry and grape extracts. Growers using these compounds report that a sudden bouquet of pleasant scent arises from their flowers within moments of the compounds being fed to plants in water ... and ... after harvest, you and your friends will enjoy the extrasweet aroma and taste that your flowers provide (Plus, there’ll be more flowers to enjoy too!) Another technique for upgrading the aroma, taste and value of your crop is to feed vitamins to your plants. For example, Vitamin C stimulates photosynthesis and cell replication while also protecting your plants from negative effects of intense light and heat. To go along with Vitamin C, studies show that feeding your plants B vitamins provides many flower-boosting benefits while also protecting crops from stress. So how can you get this extensive menu of cropboosting compounds you’ve just found out about? Fortunately, Advanced Nutrients scientists have

Bud Candy feeds carbohydrate energy to your plants when they need it most so your plants avoid mid-bloom slump and keep going strong for maximum flower production all the way to harvest. 66

“I love the way Bud Candy smells, and I noticed that my crops started smelling and tasting the same way. I can see why you call it Bud Candy!”


GARDEN TYPES: Bud Candy has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Bud Candy has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. WHEN TO USE: Bloom phase. MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through 6 of your flowering phase GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Expert, Professional and Grand Master Growers

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Bud Candy was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Bud Candy it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.







Robert, from San Francisco, California

PRODUCT TYPE: Bloom Booster, Taste/Aroma Enhancer, Plant Protector

What’s more..., Bud Candy will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Bud Candy you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

PROFESSIONAL GROWERS IN A BLIND TEST FOUND growers BUD CANDYand Blind taste tests conducted byCROP experienced IMPROVES FLAVOR, AROMA, GROWTH, PC, AND YEILD OF YOUR CROPS connoisseurs showed that Bud Candy buds have better flavor, aroma, potency & market value.



Best of all, you’re getting two products in one because Bud Candy gives you everything in Sweet Leaf and CarboLoad, but it also gives you a lot more in an easy to use formula. Whether your plants are in bloom phase right now, or you’re preparing for bloom phase, this is the time to procure 100% organic Bud Candy and get cotton candy taste, fatter buds, and stronger plants.

Fast Facts


successfully managed the complex task of sourcing, processing, and combining all these aminos, carbs, and vitamins into Bud Candy so you get bigger, sweeter buds right away.




Final Phase clearing flush solution

lushing is a simple yet powerful process that cleanses your crops just before harvest so you get: • Cleaner, Safer Crops • Tastier, Sweeter-Smelling Crops

• Higher Quality Crops That Command Premium Market Prices Let’s take a look at this proven method for immediately improving the quality and market price of your harvests… 68

As you’re aware, your plants grow by absorbing compounds from nutrients, water, and the atmosphere. These compounds become part of your plant tissues. But, as your plants age, they accumulate excess nutrient salts and other substances that decrease the quality and value of your end product. Can you recall a time when you almost coughed your lungs out? It was polluted crops that did it.

Many growers try “flushing” their crops or they use all-organic nutrients to deal with accumulated salts that affect finished crop quality. Unfortunately, most forms of flushing, or the use of all-organic fertilizers, does not purge crops of harsh residues. For one thing, the most common way that growers flush their crops is by giving their crops water that has no nutrients in it. But this doesn’t fully cleanse your crops. It only starves your plants so they lose vigorous floral growth and resin percentages just before harvest.

At times, this accumulation is visible as over-fertilization or other crop failures. More often, it is an unseen burden infiltrating your crops from the inside out. This burden causes crops that have offensive taste and odor; crops that burn with black ash or are hard to keep lit; and crops that irritate and damage your respiratory system, causing coughing and other health issues.

Your crops store excess nutrient salts that can make them taste bad, smell strange, and cure poorly. Final Phase safely flushes your crops, and it’s easy to use too. 69

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Not All Flushes Are Created Equal


Your Plants Are Absorbing Things You Don’t Want To Consume

Truth be told, the stuff that stores in your plants comes from fertilizers, water, and the atmosphere, and organic fertilizer has no crop-cleansing properties in and of itself. Fortunately, there’s a better way to ensure that your harvests are crystal-pure.

Here’s Your Step-By-Step Guide To Crop Cleansing The process of totally cleansing your flowers begins 4 to 10 days before you intend to cut them for harvest. At that time, you drain your reservoir, fill it with fresh water, and add just one formula: Final





Other growers use flushing formulas that generally consist of a few chemicals that sometimes have the ability to pull a limited amount of residues out of your plants. These primitive flush formulas remove plant nutrition, resulting in smaller harvests and decreased harvest potency. Not only that, but they don’t provide the full-spectrum, value-enhancing cleanse you’re looking for.








Final Phase removes materials betterPRODUCT than any BETTER THANexcess ANY OTHER FLUSH other flush product or using only pure water. USING ONLY PURE WATER Crops taste, look and smell better.

Final Phase is scientifically engineered to cleanse crops without causing the problems that other flushing formulas cause. Those other formulas rob your crops of their final days of flower growth and essential oil production. Final Phase cleanses, but allows plants to continue to increase floral value right up until you cut. 70

After you have added Final Phase to your plants’ water supply, you continuously irrigate your plants’ roots for six hours to completely wash your roots and root zone with Final Phase. Then, you drain your reservoir and fill it with clean water. You do not add any nutrients or other supplements to your water supply. You just feed your plants pure water right up to harvest time. As proven by thousands of tissue samples taken from the exact type of plants you grow, this procedure results in crops that are almost totally purged of excess salts and other burdens.

What’s A Chelate And How Does It Make Your Harvests More Valuable? How does this amazing process work to free your plants and make them more valuable? If you could see down to the molecular level, here’s what you’d witness: •

Final Phase contains a broad range of ingredients known as “chelates.”

Chelates are like chemical “claws” that can grasp other materials, such as individual nutrients, and bind to them.

During the course of the six-hour Final Phase cleansing, the formula’s proprietary, exceptionally broad range of chelates removes excess nutrient salts, heavy metals and pollutants from your plants’ roots and their root zone.

Some of the chelates enter your plants and create a downward mobility of excess salts that exit your plants and are washed into the Final Phase/water solution.

After the Final Phase/water mixture has done its job, you remove all that water from your reservoir and refill your reservoir with fresh water.

Inside your plants, from the time of flushing until harvest time, your plants are consuming on-board nutrients and otherwise purging themselves of unwanted residues.

By the time you harvest, your plants will be free of at least 85% of the stored materials they held before flushing.

Now that you’ve flushed your plants, what can you expect from your harvest? To start with, your Final Phase crops cure better and faster, with less susceptibility to storage diseases such as molds and fungi. You’ll notice that your curing crops smell better and maintain a more pleasing appearance. Better yet, essential oils and other resins will be preserved so your flower clusters are more potent. But the real test comes when you first taste your Final Phase - flushed crops. Imagine your delight when you get a smoother, sugary taste that’s accompanied by enchanting scent and other highly potent effects. That’s the Final Phase difference. The key thing here is for you to get Final Phase today and update your garden calendar to remind you to use this uniquely effective formula a few days before harvest. Your friends, family and other growers will notice the positive difference you create using Final Phase.

Increase the value, taste, aroma and safety of your crops using Final Phase- the only crop cleanser that produces bigger harvests.


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By the way, it’s important for you to realize that Final Phase is the only formula made for your plants. That’s important because different species of plants respond in different ways to pre-harvest flushing, and because the testing and design of hydroponics flushing products has a direct bearing on whether those products work for you or not.

Now Sit Back, Relax And Enjoy The Fruits Of Your Labor


Phase, the only flushing formula ever specifically designed and tested to provide complete, value-enhancing cleansing of the specific type of plants you grow.



You Finally Have A Professional Toolkit For

BIGGER YIELDS And The Keys To The Professional


Grower Kingdom

Professional Growers like you are demanding a simple but highly effective nutrient flowering System that feeds your plants faster, easier and gives you reliable bigger yields every time you harvest. And before you focus in on the powerful, guaranteed Bigger Yields formulas in this box, recall what got you to this level. First of all, you’ve got top-rank standards for yourself, your nutrients and your yields. You’re thought of as a person who pays attention to crop quality and doesn’t accept second best. You want the most efficient means of achieving your growing goals, but you also want the most powerful nutrients. Turn page for more information è 75

You Finally Have a Professional Toolkit for Making Bigger Yields

Now Say Hello To Guaranteed 28.96% Bigger Yields Here’s the deal, you could use one of our base nutrients along with our Hobbyist and Expert Bundles to get at least 19% bigger yields than you’ll get with any other nutrients, but you realize you’re capable of growing more than that.

As you’re probably aware, Advanced Nutrients invented modern hydroponics nutrient feed programs, but it’s not your fault if your head starts to hurt after looking at all those different feed charts and schedules that are out there, because all the other nutrient companies soon followed after we got the ball rolling and turned hydroponics store shelves into a costly, confusing minefield. Too many choices, not enough information, and gardeners used as guinea pigs by companies that don’t have real scientists and research programs dedicated to bigger yields and the tight quality control that Advanced Nutrients maintains. So a few years ago, your voices were heard and reached a crescendo that caused me and our team of 12 scientists to develop the Bigger Yields Flowering System™ that uses proprietary pH-Perfect™ Technology to eliminate you wasting your time with pHPPM metering and adjusting.

Professional Growers like you deserve hydroponics nutrients made by scientists for the plants you grow. The Professional Bundle™ delivers you bigger yields, backed by the latest plant science research.

So get this Professional BundleTM right now and you’ll have the power to control more plant functions, do less work, save money, and get yields that are 28.96% bigger. So get this Professional Bundle™ right now and you’ll have the power to control more plant functions, do less work, save money, and get yields that are 28.96% bigger. è 76

Professional Grower BUNDLE™

Check Out What Your Professional Bundle Will Give You: • New Tarantula Beneficial Microbes Give You Larger, Faster-Growing Flowers from roots that inhale nutrients faster and are protected from harmful microbes. Tarantula armors your roots while naturally producing bloom co-factors that make flowers grow denser and bigger. And get this, Tarantula is the only beneficial microbes formula ever made, specifically for your requirements. This means it’s more biologically-active than the original Tarantula and any other competitor’s beneficial microbes formula. • Nirvana Rewards You With the only all-organic additive that sends fractionated co-factor extracts and flower stimulants deep onto the heart of your plants’ flower production that means you’ll have bigger fatter flowers. • Sensizym Provides You MoneySaving enzymes that eat root zone garbage and convert it to nutrients for your plants while also clearing your root zone media so you can use it again and again. Your clean, efficient, enzyme-rich plants produce the most valuable flowers. Not only that, Sensizym is the strongest, most effective hydroponics enzyme formula and the best news is Sensizym is yours absolutely FREE in this bundle!

Just Imagine How Much Fun You’ll Have With The Time You Save Using The System Think about all the other fun things you could be doing with your time instead of fooling around metering and adjusting your pH-PPM. Not to mention the constant threat of burning yourself or your clothes with pH adjustment chemicals. Hey, just forget about mixing problems too. Our formulas have all been standardized so mixing and feeding is automatically easy. And when you’re ready for even bigger yields, combine Hobbyist, Expert and Professional Bundles with the Grand Master Bundle™ and then watch your plants fill your grow room with blooms that exceed your wildest expectations guaranteed. n 77

Our formulas have all been standardized so mixing and feeding is automatically easy. By the way, there’s a free formula in each bundle! Better yet, our base nutrients are five in one products, combining four powerful formulas and a special blend of amino acids. So get your base nutrients and your three bundle boxes and you’re getting 15 products for the price of 8!

And when you’re ready for even bigger yields, combine Hobbyist, Expert and Professional Bundles with the Grand Master Grower BundleTM and then watch your plants fill your grow room with blooms that exceed your wildest expectations guaranteed.

Pump Up Your Root Size, Protect Your Roots, and

GET BIGGER, More Potent


esearch shows your plants’ roots are the key to your yield size and potency ... yet ... the first thing you notice about most hydroponics root zones is they are biologically sterile. Nothing other than roots are alive in them. Or worse, sometimes, your root zone isn’t sterile because your roots are attacked by harmful fungi, bacteria, and diseases that eat your roots and rot them ... And when you focus on your roots, you might notice that they’re bare and spindly-looking. But healthy roots actually look healthy, not like most roots you’ll see. They’re “muscular,” intensely-branched, thickened, and robustly alive. You don’t see that kind of roots very often in hydroponics gardens unless you’ve imported beneficial microbes into your root zone. But how do you do that? 78



the tiniest organisms produce the biggest yields for you Inserting beneficial microbes into your root zone is easy when you administer Tarantula to your crops, so let’s look at all the good things that’ll happen for your plants when you do. For example, scientists bred pseudomonas chlororaphis because it’s a “plant growth promoting rhizobacteria,” or PGPR. Now here’s the really interesting thing about pseudomonas and other PGPR’s: they digest organic debris in your root zone by secreting compounds called cytokinins that stimulate floral production, plant health, and plant branching. These cytokinins, otherwise known as phytohormones, enter your plants and promote floral cell division, branching, and also have an anti-aging effect. Guess what…the anti-aging affect means your flowers create more potent oils, and your plants have more vigor longer into bloom phase than they normally would.

You Put Up A Microbial Barrier That Protects Your Plants Beneficial root zone microbes protect your plants by creating a barrier that keeps harmful microbes from getting started in your root zone. Our studies found that in hydroponic root zones that were not treated with beneficial bacteria, there was a 39% chance that harmful bacteria had crept in. You may have experienced this as root rot, loss of clones, slow growth, or smaller yields, without knowing that your root zone had been colonized by harmful bacteria. Along with the benefits outlined previously, beneficial microbes establish a line of defense that outcompetes with harmfuls so your roots are safer and stronger. But that’s not all. You get leaf and stem protection when you spray Tarantula as a foliar so it stops powdery mildew and other problems that can harm your leaves and flowers.

HERE’S WHAT TARANTULA’S EXCLUSIVE MICROBES DO: • Decompose organic matter to create extra nutrition for your plants • Increase plant growth rates and yields

Installing Tarantula’s special breeds of beneficial microbes in your root zone pays off for you when you harvest your crops. • Increase nutrient uptake and solubility of minerals • Produce natural plant growth hormones • Improve aeration and water-holding capacity of root zone material • Increased viability of seeds, clones and transplants • Enhance availability of phosphorous and increase conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to plant-available nitrogen • Defeat harmful fungi, molds and bacteria One other thing, for beneficial microbe products to be successful for you, they have to have a very high number of colony-forming units per gram. In simple language, this means that the formula should have a high number of microbes per gram. Tarantula clocks in at 1.4 billion viable bacteria per gram, making it by far the strongest of its type. 79

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not all beneficial root microbes formulas are created equal


It’s confusing and frustrating when you go to a hydroponics store and see beneficial microbes formulas made by different manufacturers. Your obvious question is which of these is going to give me the biggest bang for my buck. The answer is, there are two very distinct processes manufacturers use when they want to offer microbe products ... Most hydroponics companies save money on costs by hiring a third-party company to bulk produce and bulk combine microbes without testing them for specific plant appropriateness or microbial compatibility. Not only that, but their process includes a generic view







Tarantula works for your plants in every type of hydroponics and soil system, guaranteeing you increased harvest rewards.

of microbes. For example, when someone talks about the microbe “bacillus subtilis,” that strain name is really just the tip of the iceberg… it’s exactly like saying “General Motors” to describe a car, and you have no idea if it’s a Pontiac or a Chevy. And if it’s a Chevy, it could be either a Malibu or Corvette. So if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette – but you’re still left guessing if your Corvette has the 430 hp motor or if it’s a ZR1 Corvette with the 620 horsepower motor! That’s how much difference there is between individual types of “bacillus subtilis” microbes. Obviously we absolutely make sure VooDoo Juice microbes are always the ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower motor, not the Chevy Malibu!


Beneficial microbes created by scientists studying the roots of plants you grow give you a wide array of plusses that increase the stability and productivity of your plants. 80

• Advanced Nutrients hires the sharpest microbiologists in the world. One of them is especially impressive: she has three Ph.D. degrees! We have a team of scientists testing and breeding hundreds of subvarieties of bacillus subtilis and other beneficial microbes in a continual research program and we are always upgrading our formulas. • It’s a known fact that specific beneficial microbes work better with certain plants than others. That’s

• Tarantula is not outsourced. We’re the only hydroponics nutrient company in the world manufacturing all our microbial products ourselves with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist personally supervising all aspects of production at all times. (The same is true for our Piranha and VooDoo Juice products) • Each microbe strain is individually bred (not in a bunch of vats or tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor. This is a very critical, time consuming step, but it’s necessary because different strains of beneficial microbes breed at different rates and we have to ensure total uniformity and maximum colony forming units (CFU’s). After breeding, the microbes are taken to the evaporation tower and dried, and then all the strains in Tarantula are carefully recombined. • To ensure Tarantula’s very long shelf life and superior viability, its microbes are put into hibernation with an “antagonist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant until you mix Tarantula into a nutrient reservoir and the antagonist is diluted. • As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Tarantula’s microbes immediately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into action for you by wrapping themselves around and penetrating into roots, creating flower-boosting hormones, and increasing root size and function.

Use Tarantula to feed carbohydrates which strengthen your beneficial microbes so they increase your root mass for even more flower-boosting power.

When you pick up Tarantula today, you’re on your way to making your garden the maximum-yielding envy of all your friends. Get your roots protected and enhanced using Tarantula, and watch the guaranteed bigger bud results. 81

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• Our scientists demand that we buy them all the expensive, precision equipment needed to identify each microbial strain’s special characteristics and compatibility with each other that make them “SuperStrains.” That’s why our microbes are also extremely fast-replicating so they quickly colonize root zones for rapid results (yes, we test for fast

versus slow replicating microbes).


why we put so much time and money into our breeding program. We’re driven to find the needle in the haystack of microbes that work absolutely the best for the plants you grow.



frequently asked questions

FAST FACTS PRODUCT TYPE: 100% Organic Root Booster / Crop Protector / Yield Booster GARDEN TYPES: Tarantula has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Tarantula has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. WHEN TO USE: Early Veg Phase, Seedlings, Cloning, First phase of bloom cycle. MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 and 2 of your flowering phase. GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Professional and Grand Master Growers Tarantula Benefits: ● Natural, more-fertile root zone ● Bigger yields ● Plant protection and faster growth ● Resistance to disease and stress ● Increased nutrient uptake ● Increased light intake and photosynthesis rates

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Tarantula was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Tarantula it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. What’s more..., Tarantula will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Tarantula you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

QUESTION: I see that you also have two other formulas that go into the root zone. Will I get more benefits if I use all three, or can I just use Tarantula? ANSWER: It’s true that we offer VooDoo Juice beneficial microbes and Piranha beneficial fungi, both of which have unique root and yield enhancing benefits. We offer those formulas and Tarantula because the combined array of beneficials when using the three together gives you the most dynamic, supernaturallyperforming root zone that revs up your roots, plant growth, and yield size. You can definitely use any of our beneficials by themselves and get increased growth and yield, but used together, you get the healthiest and most productive plants possible.

QUESTION: My buddy used your VooDoo, Tarantula and Piranha and said his roots got humongous. Can that be a problem? ANSWER: Your plants’ roots will get as big as they can get, given the space they’re growing in. This will give you more root support for bigger yields. Bigger roots equal bigger yields. But we’ve never seen a case where the roots got so big that it caused problems for growers.

QUESTION: I grow all-organic in soil. Why do I still need to use beneficial microbes? ANSWER: If you could import the richest, healthiest, most undisturbed and fertile outdoor soil into your garden, you’d have a rich broth of beneficial microbes. But that kind of soil will also have pathogens and insects in it, and it is usually not the right porosity or pH for your types of plants or gardening. Truth be told, most soil you buy is either biologically dead, or its diseases. So by adding the right types of beneficial microbes to your soil, you ensure that only beneficials gain dominance there.


For Organic High Value Gardening, Use This Premium 100%


To Boost The Size And Quality Of Your Buds


n your relentless quest for larger buds that are worth more to you and your associates, you now have an all-organic formula called Nirvana.

When you look at what Nirvana has in it and how these organics work for you, you’ll realize why Nirvana is the number one choice for growers seeking an organic way to increase yield and quality. There’s a superstar list of ingredients on board for you including alfalfa extract that stimulates growth and yield in your hydroponic plants because it contains triacontanol, a powerful molecule that increases your plants’ absorption of C02. Alfalfa is particularly important if you’ve invested money in C02 for your grow room; it gives you more rapid intake of C02, faster growth and larger yields. Nirvana also gives you ascophyllum nodosum algae (along with kelp extracts). These rich compounds contain auxins, betaines and cytokinins that are direct stimulators of root function, cell replication, flower size and flower growth rates. In addition, kelp and ascophyllum extracts increase your plants’ resistance to heat, stress, overfertilization and drought. It’s interesting to note that these extracts can extend the shelf life of stored flowers. When you use Nirvana starting in early flowering, its algae and kelp extracts create more flowering sites, more flowers, and larger flowers. The benefits keep on coming when you use Nirvana because it contains soy protein that has been predigested using enzymes instead of the acid process that most manufacturers use. Enzymatically-hydrolyzed soy protein ensure that flower-boosting amino acids cysteine and tryptophan are preserved in the biologically-active “L” form.

Most manufacturers use acid hydrolysis, which destroys L-aminos. When you use Nirvana’s enzymaticallyhydrolyzed soy protein, your plants get L-aminos that stimulate floral growth, size and potency. Another Nirvana benefit comes from two other plants: Chilean Soap Bark and Yucca. These amazing plants produce compounds called surfactants. A surfactant is a compound that reduces the “surface tension” of liquids so they and whatever they contain more easily enter your plants via roots and leaves. Surfactants also help compounds travel deeper and faster inside plants. What this means is that nutrients are more available to more of your plants. Yucca extract and Chilean Soap Bark extract are two all-natural surfactants that transfer nutrients into your plants. Not 84

Another of Nirvana’s potent bud potentiator ingredients is bat guano that contains chitin, along with nitrogen, trace elements, amino acids, nucleic acids, proteins and minerals. Bat guano is rapidly-absorbed by plants, creating stronger plants that grow faster and produce bigger flowers. Along with guano, Nirvana has a yeast component that

Nirvana contains a miracle substance called “azomite”. When you read the list of substances that are contained in azomite, you’ll see why it’s valuable for your plants. These include calcium carbon, iron, hydrogen,

oxide, silica,

Your flowers are safer, more potent, tastier, more aromatic, and more valuable when you use Nirvana, the only true all-organic bud builder that provides vitamins, nutrients, L-aminos, carbohydrates, and yield boosters. 85

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contains 22 essential amino acids that build plant proteins, and it’s also loaded with B vitamins. The most important of these are B1 and B6, which help plants defend themselves against The Only True Organic stress and also offer cellular protecHarvest-Boosting Gift For Your Plants tion. B vitamins are particularly useful for cloning, seedlings and transplantHave you ever heard of tiny organisms called “krill?” ing, motherplants and gardens where These little critters have an outer shell made of a chitin. plants are being pushed hard for proWhen chitin is fed to your plants, it stimulates plant duction. immune systems, similar to how a vaccination protects you against disease. Chitin helps your plants defend Nirvana Provides themselves against harmful fungi and insect attacks and it Rich, Organic Nutrients assists beneficial root zone microbes that strengthen and For Your Plants protect your roots.


only that, but, Chilean Soap Bark fights plant viruses and increases the strength and scope of your plants’ immune systems.









NIRVANA BEATS LIQUID KARMA AND ALL OTHER ORGANIC Nirvana gives you a wider range of crop-boosting BOOSTERS COMBINED benefits than Liquid Karma, Pure Blend, and similar competing formulas, and it’s 100% organic.

root zone. A related compound is fulvic acid, also derived from leonardite. Fulvic acid similarly transports nutrients into cells. It also has protective benefits that help plants resist stress and toxins. Scientists worked hard to give you an all-organic bloom phase booster that increases the dollar value of your harvests while adding quality and pleasure to your gardening experience.

Putting it All Together For More Organic Growth Boosters In One Easy Formula

As you can imagine, it’s difficult to individually source or use these beneficial natural ingredients as individual gold, magnesium, nitrogen, sulfur, supplements … magnesium oxide, antimony, chromium, cobalt, boron, molybdenum, For your convenience, Advanced Nutrients has copper, phosphorus pentoxide, extracted, standardized and combined these powerful manganese, indium, silver, zinc and compounds into one formula called Nirvana. Not only dozens of others. In fact, virtually that, but Nirvana is triple-filtered, custom-blended for every element on earth is contained you to easily apply as a foliar feed or in any type of in azomite. You’ll notice that many hydroponics irrigation root zone system. of azomite’s ingredients are essential Be aware that Nirvana is often placed on hydroponic store shelves along with competing products such as Pure nutrients for your plants. Another of Nirvana’s underground Blend Pro and Liquid Karma, but Nirvana contains more benefits for your plants is humic acid. crop-boosting ingredients than any other organic booster It comes from leonardite, which is product. Not only that, Nirvana is the only 100% organic, amongst the richest veins of organic concentrated and easy to use formula of its type. material in the earth. Humic acid In your quest to naturally increase the size, potency, helps your plants intake and utilize weight and marketability of your flowers, Nirvana stands nutrients faster, while protecting roots alone as a rich supplement that you want to feed your and creating a healthier, more aerated plants right away. 86

GARDEN TYPES: Nirvana has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Nirvana has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid growing systems. WHEN TO USE: During bloom phase, cloning, for seedlings, when plants are under stress MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 3 through 6 of your flowering phase GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Professional and Grand Masters Growers NIRVANA BENEFITS: l Boosts energy and metabolism so your plants grow larger faster l Increases nutrient distribution and uptake l Strengthens plants against day-to-day stress l Gives more harvest value for your investment l Provides building materials for more and larger blooms l Boosts energy and metabolism so your plants grow larger faster l Increases nutrient distribution and uptake

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Nirvana was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Nirvana it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. What’s more..., Nirvana will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Nirvana you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

Qunicy T., from Athens, Georgia

Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: I’ve heard that Nirvana is good as a foliar. Can it be left on blooms until harvest time? ANSWER: Nirvana has two surfactants that make it penetrate leaves to deliver flower-boosting compounds directly into floral clusters. Nirvana is all-organic, so it’s safe to leave on your flowers. However, we recommend that you mist and cleanse your floral clusters with pure water just before harvest as a general way of creating the cleanest end product. QUESTION: Does Nirvana do anything to improve taste and aroma when using it in with synthetic fertilizers? ANSWER: One of the main effects of Nirvana is to add an organic, natural component to synthetic feed programs. Many growers report the improved taste and aroma when they use Nirvana. 87


PRODUCT TYPE: Organic Bloom Booster and Plant Growth Enhancer

“Before I was using Nirvana, I was kind of resigned thinking that the price of staying organic was that I lost some harvest weight. But I gave Nirvana a try. I used it as a foliar spray about 3 weeks before I went to flowering and as a root feed after that. You could see the difference right away. The flowers are bigger and they have a sweeter taste!


Fast Facts




f you want bigger yields, then you should give your plants’ a clean root zone filled with active enzymes that digest debris and promote nutrient absorption ... creates nutrition for your plants ... and even makes your root zone material reusable so you save money.

Turn Root Zone Waste Into Faster Growth And Bigger Yields First of all, enzymes are molecules that take apart other molecules, a fact that can get you faster growth and bigger yields ... You see, if you were growing outdoors in the healthiest, most fertile soil, your plants’ roots would be surrounded by billions of beneficial microbes that manufacture enzymes. These enzymes are constantly breaking down dead roots, other organic matter, and unused nutrients. They transform them into materials that your plants use for fuel to make faster growth and bigger yields. Rich enzymes in the root zone are one main reason outdoor plants get so huge and productive ... but ... you can’t just use any enzymes. You have to give your root zone the most powerfully appropriate enzymes for the job. Specifically, the most useful enzymes are chitinases, proteases, 88


Ullabore henditate hydrolases, glucanases and cellulases.


When you insert live, thriving, Professional and Grand Masterconcentrated growers amounts of these enzymes into your root zone, you create the vigorous enzymatic environment your roots need so they’re protected against nematodes, pathogens and rot. At the same time, the enzymes are turning debris into pre-digested food for your plants!

You Get What You Really Need In An Enzyme Formula You should know a lot of hydroponics companies take shortcuts that short circuit the value of enzymes. Instead of using the precise types and ratios of enzymes that have been shown to work the hardest and fastest in your root zone, some companies outsource their manufacturing so they don’t know what’s in their enzyme products. Because when you want to deliver a guaranteed effective enzyme formula to gardeners, you have to get enzymes that have been specially extracted in professional bioengineering laboratories ...

Josh, from Kitchener, Ontario


Sensizym works in all kinds

of hydroponics systems to During all phases of growth, but especially protect your crops, save you beginning in early bloom phase and continuing money, and activate your to harvest. plants for bigger yields.





Rockwool, Coir, Soil, Sphagnum, Ebb & Flow, NFT, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical stacker, rotary, indoor, outdoor, organic, synthorganic, synthetic.




Root Zone Cleanser, Root Enhancer, Plant Protector

“I used some other SensiZym enzyme stuff and when I opened the bottle it smelled bad. That happened twice. Then they recommended Sensizym and I got it and it was clearly superior. I’ve used it in rockwool and aeroponics and it works great in both.”






SENSIZYM gives GIVES YOU SHELFlife, LIFE, MORE Sensizym you LONGER longer shelf more BIOLOGICAL ENZYME ACTIVITY, AND MORE biological enzyme activity, and more CONCENTRATED ENZYME POWER THAN ANY OTHER concentrated enzyme power than HYDROPONICS ENZYME FORMULA

any other hydroponics enzyme formula.

Scientists in these labs grow huge amounts of beneficial soil microbes (the kind that manufacture the enzymes your plants need), and then they ferment those microbes to get concentrated doses of enzymes. After that, the enzymes are tested individually and together to ensure that they have maximum shelf life, viability and effectiveness in the root zone.

“I started using Sensizym to get more out of Piranha, VooDoo and Tarantula. I saw that my veg phase plants grow faster now, and the roots are stronger. The rockwool is cleaner. This stuff works!”

Sometimes our scientists found that an individual enzyme might not work so well with other enzymes, or that a particular enzyme just cannot be kept active in solution. They also discover the optimum pH and liquid viscosity that works to preserve the bioactivity of enzymes for long periods of time.

Naomi K., from Guelph, Ontario, Canada




Of course, there are other considerations. Our scientists are aware of the pH and temperature of nutrient water in your hydroponics garden. They make sure that Sensizym’s enzymes function are at full strength in your range of pH and temperature.

“To be honest, I have no idea what an enzyme is or what it does. I bought this because the hydro store guy said to when I was having problems with root rot. Well I don’t have the root rot problems anymore and I also see that Sensizym made the plants bushier. So I think this is a great product for sure.” Luke, from Chico, California

By the way, it’s interesting to note that Sensizym enzymes and beneficial microbes work together to provide additional benefits in your root zone. For example, when Sensizym’s enzymes break down material into sugars, beneficial microbes eat the sugars, creating more enzymes, larger root mass, hormones that boost flowers, and increased root uptake of nutrients.

Now Save Money On Rockwool, Coco, Or Whatever Else You’re Using For Your Root Zone The bottom line is: there’s now an easy way for you to enhance your roots, put more nutrition into your plants, protect your roots, boost floral growth, deprive harmful pathogens of food, and clean your root zone. As you prepare to get 100% organic Sensizym and bring all these benefits into your garden, there’s one other interesting fact that growers have discovered using Sensizym. According to what we’re told by growers, and confirmed by gardeners as well as plant scientists, Sensizym does such a good job of decomposing root zone debris that you can reuse root zone media such as rockwool and coco coir. This saves you money and time, because you don’t have to buy root zone material as often. You don’t have to buy it and then pre-treat it as often. Nor do you have to dispose of it as often. So get yourself Sensizym and give yourself the root zone benefits that translate into safer, fastergrowing, higher-yielding plants. When you go to your store to get your enzyme formula, rest assured that Sensizym is the only one with such a broad range of bioactive, concentrated enzymes specifically researched and found to be perfect for your root zone.

“Before I used Sensizym I had to throw out my rockwool slabs after every crop. It cost me money and was messy. Now I can use the slabs for three or more crop cycles. The money I saved is going to LED lights.” Bruce, from Hartford, Connecticut


Root Zone Cleanser, Root Enhancer, Plant Protector


Cleaner Root Zone

Less Pathogens and Diseases in Root Zone

More Nutrition for Faster Growth and Bigger Yield

Save Money on Root Zone Materials

Feed Beneficial Microbes


Cleaner, more biologically active root zones will save you money because you can use your root zone media over again, and it will make you money because your plants are healthier and more productive.



GROWEREXPERIENCELEVEL: Professional and Grand Master Growers


During all phases of growth, but especially beginning in early bloom phase and continuing to harvest.


Sensizym has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Sensizym has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

FREQUENTLYASKEDQUESTIONS QUESTION: I definitely want to reuse my rockwool, so how do I do it? ANSWER: Use Sensizym throughout bloom phase. Make sure you do a Final Phase flush before harvest. After harvest, flush your rockwool thoroughly, and go through it to ensure that no large pieces of root or other material are still present. Keep the medium pH balanced and apply Sensizym for a few more days. Then let the medium dry to the regular wetness that’s optimum for your plants, and reuse the material.

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Sensizym was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Sensizym it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

QUESTION: I went to the hydro store to get Sensizym. The salesman said that it had been on his shelf about 3 months. He said that he would not recommend other enzyme products if they had been in the store more than a couple weeks. So how long is yours going to last on the shelf?

What’s more..., Sensizym will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Sensizym you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.

ANSWER: We have the strongest guarantee and the longest shelf life in the industry. Under normal storage conditions with a reasonably temperaturecontrolled store, the shelf life is 18 months.

As always, dedicated to your gardening success.


You’ll Get The Extra Push That’s The


You’ve Been Looking For As A Grand Master Grower

Before I explain to you the details of how the formulas in this box are guaranteed to give you the icing on the bigger yields cake, I want to personally congratulate you for being a Grand Master Grower. Because let’s face it, being a Grand Master Grower means you’ve seen it all and done it all in your grow rooms. You’re the person other growers frantically turn to when their leaves are yellowing and curling, when spider mites are devouring their plants, when they want advice on how to get the big yields you get. You can walk into any grow room any time anywhere and immediately provide information that fixes problems and increases yield. Turn page for more information è 93

You’ve always been out in front of the pack when it comes to getting into the latest technology and

You Get Much Bigger Yields, and Much Better Nutrients, Than You’ve Ever Had Before As you’re probably aware, the Bigger Yields Nutrient Flowering System offers you proprietary pH-Perfect™ Technology that gives you maximum nutrients absorption in almost any kind of water you use, and without you ever having to worry about pH or PPM again.

techniques that make gardening easier and more productive. And now you’re at the forefront of the hydroponics revolution that’s rocked the industr y because it eliminates the decades-long tyranny of pH and PPM meters, freeing you from timeconsuming chemistr y so you can enjoy your gardening. Here’s how…

When you step up to the Grand Master Grower Level, you get the largest yields and the most protection for your crops, with a guaranteed 37.89% increase in yield as compared to all other nutrients made by our competitor.

You’re liberated from the tyranny of pH and PPM worries because scientists finally figured out how to give your plants maximum doses of ideal nutrients in any type of water and any type of high value garden. I want to make sure you understand everything you have here. Because some people may think that liberating you from the hassles of pH and PPM are the only benefits of pHPerfect™. But that’s just the beginning. What else does our system do for you? It delivers more nutrients into your plants faster so you get better growth and bigger yields because our plant scientist’s have developed proprietary chelates, coatings and manufacturing processes that make it easier for your plants to absorb the nutrients they need the most. Not only that, but the System arranges base nutrients and supplements in the ideal sequence so your plants are fed exactly what they need when they need it. Instead of following confusing and illogical feed charts and wasting your time and money, you’re provided with a simple but powerful plan that combines all the right elements at all the right times so your plants always perform like world champions. è 94

Grand Master Grower Oh, and there’s something else too, our formulas are now standardized so you could almost mix them with your eyes closed and still deliver perfect nutrition to your plants.

Formulas So Potent We Only Trust Grand Master Growers To Use Them Let’s remember that you’re using the only System that “stacks” formulas to achieve bigger and bigger yields. With one of our new and improved base nutrients and the three bundles that come before the Grand Master Grower Bundle, you enhance roots, protect leaves, increase flower size, boost yield, aroma, taste, potency, and flush your crops before harvest. That leaves only the special crop enhancing benefits you get from these three Grand Master Grower formulas that are so potent that we trust only a grower like you to handle their power (I’m not joking when I say this, you better have the experience if you are going to this level, and I’m sure you do, and I just want to make sure because this is serious stuff). Ok I’ve said my little disclaimer. • You’ll create more budding sites and flowers that form earlier. Bud Ignitor is a totally new product that contains a mega-dose of 6 different initial flowering co-factors working in unison like a grand symphony orchestra and delivered just as your plants start flowering. It makes budding sites pop out like popcorn. And then those budding sites turn into bigger flowers so your harvests are faster and larger. • You’ll protect plants from the inside out. Rhino Skin contains a concentrated potassium silicate formula that builds cell wall strength and armors your plants against heat, drought, disease, pests, and other nightmares. • You’ll create superior plants for free! Bud Factor X is “amped up”, and it’s the only hydroponics formula of its kind that stimulates your plant’s growth (big burley plants with thick stalks and stems) and gives your flowers an extra “kick”, while increasing essential oils and aromatic production all at the same time. As a Grand Master Grower, you’re skilled enough to use Bud Factor X also as a foliar spray and watch your flowers get more valuable. Better yet, this product is free when you buy the Grand Master Grower Bundle. The bold truth is at every level of the System – Hobbyist, Expert Grower, Professional Grower and Grand Master Grower – you get fantastic yields. But when you step up to the Grand Master Grower Level, you get the largest yields and the most protection for your crops, with a guaranteed 37.89% increase in yield as compared to all other nutrients made by our competitors. 95


Our formulas are now standardized so you could almost mix them with your eyes closed and still deliver perfect nutrition to your plants. And there’s a free formula in each System bundle, and our base nutrients are 5-in-1 products that combine 4 powerful formulas and a special blend of amino acids. So when you pick up your base nutrients and all the bundle boxes right now, you’ll be getting 18 products for the price of 10! We guarantee you’ll be thrilled when you use all our Bigger Yields Bundles along with one of our new and improved super-potent base nutrients to get the most valuable, biggest yields you ever grown. You’re going to be ecstatic when you see how our pH-Perfect™ Technology eliminates you ever having to meter or adjust pH or PPM. And get this; your Bigger Yields Bundles continually fatten your flowers while special forms of potassium and phosphorus combine with exclusive plant co-factors in Bud Ignitor to give you a galaxy of big budding sites. Rhino Skin armors your plants against attack. And you’ll witness enhanced size, taste, aroma and value piling on top of each other when you use Bud Factor X! You’ll be excited when you see how our System powers plants in ALL types of high value gardens: ALL hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics, greenhouse, bubbler, NFT, flood and drain, drip irrigation, rotary, sealed room, HID, high-intensity fluorescent, air exchange, C02, and in all root media including rockwool, hydroton, perlite, vermiculite, sphagnum, peat pots, seedling and clone starters, and soil. Best of all, you can use the Grand Master Grower Level without having to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed. As always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money – it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.


Who Else Wants To Multiply Their Plant’s Bud Sites ...

AND … Get FASTER Flowering With This Scientific Secret?


ow you can make your plants produce more flowers per inch of stem while at the same time triggering earlier onset of flowering and flowers that swell and ripen faster so you harvest sooner. Plus, you can control the genetic clock ticking inside your plants… the clock that regulates your bloom phase resin production. In the past, you’ve triggered your plants’ genetic clock by suddenly shifting them to a 12-hour light cycle and changing them over to bloom fertilizer. All this is useful, but scientists have discovered something else you can also do. The secret is to provide your plants specially-configured forms of potassium carbonate, potassium phosphate, potassium sulfate and co-factors during the first two weeks of bloom phase.


The result is that instead of only the typical 30-55% of your stem nodes becoming hosts for flowering sites within two weeks of flowering, 70-100% of your nodes show floral initiation in a much shorter time! Flat out you see more flowers per plant. And as bloom season moves forward, you notice your stems are crammed full of dense floral growth that buries your stems in thick, gooey floral clusters so you have

Earlier Flowering Gives You More Harvests Per Year When you give your plants Bud Ignitor compounds, your plants respond not only by creating more budding sites, but also by creating more budding sites sooner. This means that on average you get 27% more budding sites, and your budding sites show up on average 19% sooner than they normally would. Seriously, think about how good this is

Bud Ignitor is the only hydroponics formula that makes more budding sites so you get more use of your plants’ stems. It also spurs earlier budding, so you get accelerated crop cycles. turn page




Your plants absolutely will give you more flowerings sites per stem when you provide specialized nutrition to your plants during early bloom phase so your plants ramp up internal production of metabolic triggers that result in stems that have way more budding sites than they normally would, and faster too.

continuous floral structures that run virtually the entire up and down length of your stems!


You Get More Flowering Sites Per Stem

The proof is in the numbers. Add up 27% more budding sites with 19% faster flowering and you get a much more productive flower per watt ratio at harvest time, and you also get more efficient use of your grow room for more finished crops per year.

Your Plants Get What They Need For Bigger Harvests What do your plants really need? Most bloom fertilizer programs underplay potassium and nitrogen too much, while providing too much phosphorus too late. This includes the reliance on bloom boosters used on top of base nutrients.

EARLY FLOWER DEVELOPMENT & NUMBERof OFbudding BUDDING SITES early development & number sites



for you. Because that 19% faster flowering onset translates into fewer days you have to support your plants during bloom cycle. Not only are you getting more flowers, but they’ll be ready for harvest sooner. You spend less time and money getting larger harvests earlier. You can run more crop cycles per year with the time you save.

With Bud Ignitor

Without Bud Ignitor

Bud Ignitor gives you significant percentage increases in how soon your flowers start forming, and in how many flowers your plants form. This adds up to larger, earlier harvests.

Help Your Plants Store Potassium Scientific testing from thousands of And Phosphorus So They Use It To tissue samples on the type of plants you Make Bigger, More Potent Flowers grow shows that if you fail to provide the right amounts and right types of potassium and phosphorus early in the What makes this so special? It means your plants have bloom phase, you create a permanent extra reserves of raw materials to draw on so you get deficit that lowers your harvest size no larger floral structures with more essential oil production. matter what you do later on. I want you to really focus on what I just said, because it’s It’s like missing the starting gun for a important for you: Bud Ignitor creates extra reserves on race, and then scrambling like crazy to potassium and phosphorus that directly feed production catch up later on. But you can’t catch of essential oils and flavoring compounds when your up: after those first two weeks are gone, buds are swelling and ripening. your plant is not going to create any more budding sites. You see why early application of Bud Ignitor is crucial to maximizing everything your plants do later in bloom cycle.

So now you have the total picture, and it’s a sweet picture indeed. Using Bud Ignitor during the first two weeks of bloom phase, you create more budding sites, more flowers, larger flowers, more potent flowers, heavier harvests, and more valuable harvests.

Your plants are smart. They bank their early cache of potassium and phosphorus in extra floral structures and other tissues. They also instruct their roots to make and bank extra cytokinins that boost floral production throughout the bloom cycle.

And if you want to further increase the potency, size and profitability of your crop, get Bud Ignitor today, along with our proprietary series of bloom phase-specific bud boosters such as Big Bud, Bud Candy, and Overdrive. This is the full spectrum of bud potentiator fuel for your garden.


ANSWER: No. The ingredients are designed to be fed into roots, where they will be PRODUCT TYPE: Early phase budding site and absorbed, converted and transported up bloom booster into your plants to increase your floral GARDEN TYPES: Bud Ignitor has been specially designed development and quality. for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Bud Ignitor has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, “One thing I noticed about NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid Bud Ignitor it mixes easy with feed growing systems.

other additives and the hydroponics nutrients program. I could see that the flowers MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during the first 2 weeks of your popped out on the plants a lot quicker. And also I could see flowering phase. that later on they were bigBUD IGNITOR BENEFITS: ger. So this is what I wanted • Bigger yields/More budding sites when I bought it and I am glad • Earlier floral development it came through for me.” • Save time and money WHEN TO USE: Use in the first two weeks of bloom phase.

• Larger flowers • More essential oils • More crop cycles per year

Charles, from Needham, Massachusetts

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE

GROWER LEVEL: Grand Master level only

Frequently Asked Questions

Bud Ignitor was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Bud Ignitor it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

QUESTION: Bud Ignitor looks pretty strong. Is it going to raise my ppm? ANSWER: Bud Ignitor is concentrated and powerful. If you are using it as a stand-alone formula without also using our Bigger Yields System, you should monitor ppm and you’ll see it goes up about 200 ppm. But when you use Bud Ignitor in our System, pH and ppm are already balanced for you so you don’t have to think about it at all.

What’s more..., Bud Ignitor will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Bud Ignitor you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.

QUESTION: Looks like Bud Ignitor is going to give me a big boost. Why do I need to use any other bloom boosters? ANSWER: Your plants have a bloom season, but during that season, they need different types of ingredients to produce larger, more potent buds. Bud Ignitor starts your season by creating rapid, numerous budding sites and

As always, dedicated to your gardening success.



Fast Facts

QUESTION: Should I use Bud Ignitor as a foliar feed?


You’re going to love seeing your plants produce floor to earlier flowers. Later on, your plants need ceiling buds ready for harvest earlier, when you use Bud different formulas as they move into peak Ignitor at the start of every bloom phase. bloom and then to harvest.

Safeguard Your Hydroponics Investment By Putting A


On Your Plants Right Now!


et’s face it, high-level hydroponics gardeners like you live with the threat of powdery mildew, gray mold, spider mites, aphids, root rot, harmful fungi, diseases, stress, heat, drought and other problems that can crush your crops and rob your march towards a better future. After all, hydroponics problems plague even the most careful growers. That’s why growers have long demanded a formula that armors their plants to stop problems without using poisons, pesticides or other harmful additives. Finally, help has arrived because one of nature’s most abundant elements helps you make your garden safer and more productive today.




The Super Silica That Protects Your Valuable Plants Look around at the ground outdoors and you’re seeing an important element that protects and strengthens your plants when you supply it in your hydroponics garden. That element is silica, which is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust (oxygen is the most prevalent) ... but the problem is ... Silica is missing from hydroponics root zones and fertilizers. Your plants desperately need silica. They evolved to intake it so it becomes part of their cell walls. That’s important because cells are the building blocks of your plants and cell walls are the structural features that determine the strength of your plants’ stems, leaves, flowers, floral structures and metabolism. Not only do your plants accumulate silicon to build their cells, they also store it as protection and foundational support between cells. In fact, your plants contain as much as 10% of their weight as silica. The problem is silica isn’t supplied at all in most hydroponics fertilizers or root zone media, and even if it is, it usually isn’t the right type or amount of silica to maximize silica’s benefits as a crop protector and potency enhancer.

Your plants are protected from your roots all the way up to your flower tops so you can rest assured that your valuable plants are safe.

by your plants and built into their structures. Also, be aware that once your plants have absorbed all the silica present in soil or whatever else you’re growing in, they of course won’t be able to absorb any more because there isn’t any more for them to absorb — even though they have a constant need for more silica especially during peak bloom phase. What I’m explaining is that plants intake silica, make it part of their structure, and then they need more when they build new structures. When is this most important? • Number one, the right silica is great for your plants when they’re in veg phase building the structure your branches will need if they’re going to be able to handle huge floral clusters in bloom phase.

Why You Have To Add Silica To Make Better Plants And Bigger Harvests Providing silica to your crops is necessary no matter what type of hydroponics system or nutrients you’re using. For example, if you’re growing in coco coir, rockwool, aeroponics, aquaponics, or other “sterile” hydroponics methods, you’ve got a serious silica deficiency that weakens your crops, lowers their potency, and makes them more susceptible to disease and stress.

Rhino Skin is produced and manufactured using the lastest hydroponics science targeted specifically for the plants you grow.

If you’re growing in soil, you might believe your silica levels are ok, but research shows that adding silica to gardening soil increases the amount of silica absorbed

• Number two, silica is a sweet treat for your plants during peak bloom phase when flowers are swelling up overnight, fattening, ripening and adding trichomes. Now let’s explore the proven connection between silica and increased potency for your crops. turn page





ever by the big bang of your flowers. Imagine a peak bloom phase in which your trichomes are more resilient, larger, longer-lasting and more packed with the natural goodness you seek from your crops. That’s exactly what happens when you add silica to your garden.

Finding The Right Silica Formula For Your Plants If you’ve tried other silica products, you discover that most hydroponics manufacturers have found it difficult if not impossible to effectively deliver silica to your crops. You can see why that is. Silica is the main element in sand. It is very thick and solid. It doesn’t easily dissolve in water. It isn’t easily taken into plants.

When you want gigantic, healthy plants and truly impressive yields, you use Rhino Skin to infuse your crops with the best form of silica for your garden.

The scientists who created Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin knew all this before they started the product design and testing process. That’s why they experimented with many different types of silica, as well as different concentrations and manufacturing methods. They found that the form of potassium silicate used in Rhino Skin produced the highest crop silicate percentages.

Now You Can Make Your Trichomes Safer And Abundant During bloom phase, your plants channel most of their energy, metabolic processes and materials towards building flowers and floral structures.

But they also found other benefits. For one thing, silicates increase and balance distribution of other nutrients inside your plants. This creates better growth and yield, and also protects plants from toxicity, salinity and other chemistry problems common in hydroponics gardening.

As you’re aware, the most important of your floral structures are trichomes, where the highest-value essential oils, aromatics and resins are made and stored. Of course, trichomes are very fragile, easily damaged and subject to degradation from light, heat, oxidation and aging.

Not only that, but the scientists discovered how silica combined with a high PPM nutrient program resulted in larger flowers that had more color, freshness, taste and aroma. But there’s even more! Silica armors your plants against the tiny sucking faces of mites, aphids, thrips and other pests.

Indeed, a key indicator of when your plants are ready for harvest is that trichomes begin to fall, lose their crystal-clarity, and disappear off of floral surfaces. Feeding silica to make better and more trichomes gives you higher-value crops that produce more essential oils, terpenoids, and potency so your friends, family and consumers are more impressed than

So when you’re ready to armor your plants against biting insects, diseases, and harsh conditions while increasing the structure, material support and metabolism that creates larger and more potent harvests, get Rhino Skin today to immediately provide the extra silica your plants need. 102

QUESTION: Why can only Grand Master Growers use Rhino Skin? ANSWER: Rhino Skin is the most effective, concentrated silica product on the market. It affects pH and must be carefully monitored and applied. Grand Master Growers are dedicated to spending the time necessary to maximize crop size and yields. They have the time and expertise to properly handle the power of Rhino Skin. As you use the Bigger Yields Flowering System™ and progress up the ladder of success while educating yourself with our gardening information materials, you will one day be a Grand Master so you too can get the benefits of Rhino Skin.


Growers report that Rhino Skin gives POTENCY you plant protection PROTECTION AND INCREASED and increased potency.

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE

Frequently Asked Questions:

Rhino Skin was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Rhino Skin it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

QUESTION: Can I get the same protection if I spray Rhino Skin as a foliar feed? ANSWER: Potassium silicate armors leaves, stems and internal plant cells best when the silica is drawn in through roots to become part of your plants’ structure. Foliar feeding is not necessary or recommended.

What’s more..., Rhino Skin will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!

QUESTION: Can Rhino Skin affect pH? ANSWER: Yes, Rhino Skin is a powerful pH Up formula that can dramatically raise pH, even when used in very small amounts. To ensure that Rhino Skin is properly dissolved and distributed in your nutrient water, add it to your reservoir at least two hours before feeding, allowing it to solubulize. Agitate your water before you administer it to plants.

And when you use Rhino Skin you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

QUESTION: When I use Rhino Skin, will my plants be completely free of mites and other pests? 103



ANSWER: Rhino Skin is a safe, nontoxic way to armor your plants so they resist all types of attackers. However, it is not able to completely stop all attackers from harming your crops. A lot depends on how dedicated you are to controlling your grow room environment and vectors so that mites and other pests aren’t there in the first place.







Make Your Plants Stronger & Bigger So They Pump Out Increased Amounts Of Essential Oils


ou want healthier plants that give you the largest harvests of buds covered in essential oils ... and ... you’ve seen how sturdier, more robust plants are better able to resist stress and support extensive floral growth.

Plus, you want to increase your plants’ production of essential oils because these rare oils carry the flavor, aroma, potency, color and medicating effects that we most love about our buds.


Your ticket to more essential oils and stronger, larger plants is stimulating your plants’ inborn defense mechanisms using compounds that are now available for you in a proprietary easy to use liquid formulation. These compounds activate internal defense “systemic resistance” mechanisms in your plants, making them stronger and bigger so they thrive despite heat, disease, stress, intense light and pest attack. When you stimulate systemic resistance, your plants bulk up with as much as 50% more infrastructure, especially stems and stalks, prepping them for producing and handling larger flowers. Plus, it turns out that one of the ways systemic resistance armors your plants is by generating and secreting essential

So when you skillfully turn on your plants’ systemic resistance mechanisms using the right immune boost formula, your plants believe they are under attack and that means their vigor increases as they pump out more essential oils, a wider variety of oils and more potent essential oils. This process always results in heavier yields of finished buds that have more taste, aroma and effectiveness.

Bud Factor X-tra Potency And Root Power Bud Factor X is the new liquid bud builder formula that contains powerful compounds guaranteed to increase crop yields and essential oil production by stimulating plant defense mechanisms. In a previous incarnation of Bud Factor X, we used several proprietary compounds that turn on your plants’ immuno-defense network. Our upgraded Bud Factor X contains a better and newer generation of proprietary

Your flowers get bigger and more potent when Bud Factor X stimulates your plants’ immune systems. 105

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Get Your Ticket To Increased Potency And Stronger Plants Right Now

oils (most often in floral structures). It’s a form of plant self-protection.


But it took until now for scientists to unlock the most efficient methods to stimulate your plants to create thicker stems and stalks that produce heavier harvests and higher percentages of essential oils. The secret is a special bud builder formula you use to stimulate your plant’s immune system so they give you bigger plants, higher yields and more potent crops.



ENJOY SEEING YOUR PLANTS’ YIELD AND YOUR You’llYOU’LL enjoy seeing increases in your plants’ yield and HARVEST VALUE WHEN YOU USE BUD FACTOR X your harvest value when you use Bud Factor X.

Bud Factor X helps your plants fight off crop diseases, drought & stress. 106


Hydroponics gardeners such as yourself are stoked to see how feeding Bud Factor X leads to bigger, more robust plants and your flowers coated with an extra thick layer of essential oils. As an added benefit, your plants are better able to handle stress and other obstacles.


Also onboard Bud Factor X’s powertrain is a proprietary non-ionic surfactant that transfers active ingredients directly into your plants’ cells when you use Bud Factor X as a foliar spray and/ or root zone additive.



What’s more, the special X Factor compounds are derived from pure sources that add natural power and potency to your crops so that Bud Factor X is a one of a kind bud potentiator containing the highest-ever percentages of proprietary immune-stimulating compounds.


These beneficial microbes (which can be easily installed in your root zone by using Tarantula, Piranha and VooDoo Juice) provide a variety of services to your roots. For example, beneficial microbes create larger root mass, protect roots, provide flower-boosting hormones to roots and increase your roots’ ability to quickly absorb nutrients.




compounds that strengthen and enlarge plants, create tidal waves of essential oils and feed growth of beneficial microbes in your root zone.

QUESTION: My plant got bigger when I fed it Bud Factor X. Was this the result of the product? ANSWER: Yes, plants bulk up when you stimulate their immune systems. Almost all the size increase is in floral clusters, which adds to your total harvest weight. QUESTION: What is the best way to get more potent crops using Bud Factor X as a foliar spray?

Advanced Nutrients is the only hydroponics company using PhD plant scientists to boost your yields and crop value.

ANSWER: Follow the label instructions and then spray Bud Factor X directly onto buds just before lights go off so it will have time to absorb overnight. You could also apply it about 20 minutes before lights go on. You want it to have time to sink in rather than be evaporated. Try for a pH of about 5.8 and closely monitor your buds to make sure you aren’t overloading them. Avoid spraying buds in high humidity or when you are within 3 weeks of harvest.

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE

Fast Facts

Bud Factor X was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Bud Factor X it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.

PRODUCT TYPE: Immune system stimulator BUD FACTOR X BENEFITS: • More essential oils • More aromatics/More taste • More resistance to stress, pests and disease • Larger plants for heavier harvests

What’s more..., Bud Factor X will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!


And when you use Bud Factor X you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple.

WHEN TO USE BUD FACTOR X: During bloom phase. GARDEN TYPES: Bud Factor X has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Bud Factor X has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

As always, dedicated to your gardening success.



Frequently Asked Questions


MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through 6 of your flowering phase.

Part A

Part B

Now You Can Greatly Speed Your Plant’s Growth Phase And Give Them The Extra Strength They Need For Maximum Size, Weight and Potency When They Finally Bloom!


ue to a recent scientific discovery — the result of phase technology takes care of almost all of this for you! over 109 man-years of research, by a team of over Yes, with this new discovery your crops will … one dozen plant scientists and graduate assistants — you can now set your plants up to grow faster and stronger l Get faster root development so they absorb more nutrients, more quickly … so you get the maximum yield when they bloom. It’s a proven fact: the better you “set up” your plants for l Grow stronger with sturdier main and side stems with dense lateral branching … their bloom and finishing cycles — the bigger, heavier and more impressive yield you’ll see. Just like constructing a l Achieve rapid growth and mature earlier so you get faster large building, if you don’t have a strong base — you can crop cycles … never build a big, sturdy and impressive structure! l Get stronger and more easily resist disease, stress and That’s why it’s so important to give your plants the correct pests so you have safer crops … nutrition, in the correct ratios … and … in the correct manner How is this possible? The secret is actually the result of two … during the growth phase, if you want the absolute best from major breakthroughs in growth phase technology. First … your garden. Luckily, this advanced breakthrough in growth 108

This Is The Only Growth Phase Technology That’s 5-Products-In-One!



The first ingredient in this formulation gets nutrients into your plants as quickly as possible. It’s an organic surfactant called Wet Betty and it does something every plant grower wants … … Surfactants are wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid (in this case, nutrient-rich water) allowing easier spreading and uptake of nutrients into your plants. This of course means your plants will get the organic nutrients they crave faster and more efficiently than ever before—which greatly increases your plant’s growth abilities. The second and third ingredients are humic and fulvic acids. These organic acids give your plants an edge when it comes to growing quicker, stronger and bigger … with less stress … than with any other formulation and here’s why … The humic provides natural carrier compounds that transport nutrients and vitamins into plants more efficiently, so your plants grow faster and have stronger cellular processes. In addition, the Fulvic in this formula gives you quicker nutrient absorption, nutrient transport, and more cellular metabolism. Together, they work synergistically to maximize the time your plants spend in bloom.

The Same Nutrient That Gives You Bigger, Stronger Muscles, And It Gets Your Plants Stronger And Bigger Too! Many athletes supplement with amino acids to help fuel muscle growth and build muscle strength because they’re the essential “building blocks” on which protein growth is based. But your plants will greatly benefit from the addition of amino acids too! That’s why the fourth ingredient in this one of a kind two-part base nutrient is amino acids. These amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that fuel metabolic pathways for enhanced floral and essential oil production.

Here’s How You Can Get Your Plants To More Efficiently Absorb The Nutrients They Need Most ... While your plants need the absolute best nutrients for maximum vegetative growth … what they need more of … is the ability to absorb those nutrients more efficiently! That’s why the scientists who created this new growth phase breakthrough — Sensi Grow — went the extra mile to ensure that the most important ingredients in this formula were chelated for maximum absorption. (Chelation simply means the ingredients

What does a grow phase fertilizer have to do with you getting bigger flowers? Everything. Your plants need Sensi Grow to set them up for a spectacular bloom phase later on.

are bound with other nutrients which help them get inside plants so the plant cells can use them more quickly and more efficiently.) This 5-in-1 formula contains the optimum number of chelated macronutrients that your plants need for faster vegetative growth. Many growers wonder what the difference is between Sensi Grow and Sensi Bloom … and one of the biggest differences is … the actual nutrients they feed your plants. Because your plants require different macronutrients in the grow stage than they do in their bloom phase. For instance, during the growth phase, when your plants need nitrogen, calcium and other necessary nutrients, Sensi Grow’s chelates force these nutrients directly and immediately into your plant’s roots, leaves, cells and flowers—greatly speeding the growth phase. Plus, the following micronutrients are 100%


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chelated: iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, copper, boron and cobalt … which of course means … your plants more easily absorb and use these nutrients … and you get faster vegetative growth and much stronger plants!

In fact, many growers find that manually checking and adjusting pH levels two times per day, to try to keep their plants growth stable and maximized is tiring, time consuming and one of the biggest hassles of trying to get their plants through the growth stage quicker.

Oh, and probably the best part about the two-part base nutrient Sensi Grow is it’s the easiest two-part grow phase nutrient you’ll ever use! In fact, even if you’re a hobbyist grower … or … you’re just getting started growing hydroponically — you’ll find you will be getting “pro level” results in no time because Sensi Grow completely eliminates the biggest obstacles to growing great plants.

However, with Sensi Grow you’ll eliminate pH checking forever because of the proprietary pH-Perfect™ Technology it uses. In short, as long as your water falls between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (which is pretty much everyone’s water) — this technology adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered there throughout your plants growth phase!

With pH Perfect™ Technology, You’ll Never Have To Worry About pH Levels Again! If you’ve ever experienced off-color leaves, slow growth or low yield with your plants … then you’ve probably noticed mysterious pH and PPM fluctuations happen at the same time. It’s one of the biggest obstacles to getting “Grand Master Grower” yields from your crops.

Which means you’ll never have to manually adjust your pH … you’ll never have to worry that your plants aren’t in the premium growing environment … all you have to do is add Sensi Grow to your water and the pH-Perfect™ Technology takes care of all that for you!

How To Get The Correct Nutrient Ratios, Every Single Time ... It’s a proven fact that the further you move away from feeding your plants their ideal nutrient ratios, the slower your plants will grow and the weaker they will become. You see, your plants use a small amount of phosphorus during growing, but what they really love to use is nitrogen and potassium. The scientists at Advanced Nutrients discovered this only after taking thousands of weekly tissue samples from buds, stems, leaves and roots of many varieties using gas chromatography analysis throughout all phases of plant growth. You see, other nutrient companies are over-using phosphorus in hydroponic fertilizers … and to compound problems … they use high levels of ingredients like mono ammonium phosphate (MAP) or diammonium phosphate (DAP). These substances are what give some plants their harsh taste. But the good news is: with Sensi Grow you’re guaranteed to have the correct nutrient ratios for your plants!

Is There Any Reason To Not Get Started Growing Stronger, More Sturdy, More Rock-Solid And Ready For Maximum Yield Plants Today? The answer is a resounding “no!” Rest assured that scientific research has given you the most modern, most effective grow phase fertilizer that’s guaranteed to increase the value of your indoor garden. 110


You’ve seen how this growth phase base nutrient is actually 5-unique-products-in one …


You’ve seen how it contains only the most potent, most proven and most effective ingredients for growing stronger,

You’ve seen how it takes full advantage of the latest scientific discoveries in the field of “chelation” — so the nutrients get absorbed more efficiently, more fully and more quickly …


You’ve seen how it’s the easiet 2-part growth phase nutrient you’ll ever use … and how … the unique pH-Perfect™ Technology ensures you’ll never have to worry about your pH levels again …


You’ve seen how Sensi Grow uses only the correct and best ratios of the most effective ingredients so you never get any harsh taste with your plants …


And you’ve seen how it’s completely risk-free for you to put Sensi Grow to the test in your own garden—starting today!

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Sensi Grow was specifically built for growers like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use Sensi Grow it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. What’s more..., Sensi Grow will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum or soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it!

Now, when you really think about it … there’s only one logical thing to do. You simply need to put Sensi Grow to the test with your plants – completely risk-free – starting your very next growth phase! Here’s an easy way to test the effectiveness of this growth phase discovery with your plants, at home: l

Take some clones or transplants of your best performing plants …


Divide them in half and start a new growth cycle with each half where you use Sensi Grow for the one group and your current growth phase nutrient for the other …

And when you use Sensi Grow you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

● Then simply sit back and watch them run, head-to-head, against each other … and … decide for yourself which nutrient makes your plants stronger, healthier, more robust, and gets them into the bloom phase faster!

Now you can use the only grow phase two-part fertilizer that contains five different formulas that work together to make your plants grow faster, stronger and sturdier. 111



Advanced Nutrients strongly believes – in fact, they stand behind this belief with their 100% money-back guarantee – that you will find Sensi Grow greatly outperforms your current growth phase nutrient by a large margin!


more rapid “time-to-bloom” plants …

Coco Coir: A Growing Medium From “The Tree of Life” Since ancient times, the coconut tree has been called the “Tree of Life” for its uncanny (nearly miraculous) healing properties and usefulness. A study of the coconut tree reveals an almost supernatural evolution to become one of the most useful species of plant life known to man. The anomaly of medium chain fatty acids, lauric acid in particular, as well as anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal ingredients in the coconut fruit itself have made for an unusual but incredibly potent immune system booster in humans. Coconut oil has been used by Pacific Islanders and Asian cultures to effectively treat everything from skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis to the common flu virus, hepatitis C and the measles. The coir from coconuts (the brown fibers that surround the outside of the shell of the nut which, surprisingly, are found to be swarming with all the beneficial nutrients found in the fruit itself ) has been used for making brooms, rope, and bindings to doormats, fishnets and even frames for housing. The famous explorer Marco Polo even used coco coir to bind together planks for ship building. Recently, it's been discovered that coco coir is an incredible growing medium with a near perfect pH for hydroponic growing!

What Makes Coco Coir The 800lb. Gorilla of Growing Mediums l Because of its naturally aerated structure, coco coir is almost impossible to over water. In fact, coco coir can hold up to 8x its weight in water, and rather than over-saturate, will simply reject what it can't absorb comfortably. If you provide too much moisture to peat bases, for example, you run the risk of water logging. Not so with coco coir. l Coco coir is a 100% environmentally friendly and completely renewable resource. You can use coco-

coir with a perfectly clean conscience, because there exists nothing more environmentally friendly. l It is also odorless and easy to handle (besides a thorough rinsing if you buy low-quality, sodium-packed varieties. See note below.). l Numbers vary depending on who's reporting them, but in general, coco coir is known to have a nearly neutral pH balance (average of 6.0-6.7), making it ideal for hydroponic growing because it won't interfere with the balance of your choice of nutrient solutions and supplements. l Coco coir is naturally anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial (though oddly it creates a wonderful and friendly environment for “good” bacteria). It can help protect your plants against pathogens like Pithium and... at the same time, it will allow beneficial bacteria to thrive. It's almost eerie how true to its name, “The Tree of Life”, really is. l Erik Biksa, of HydroponicsSecrets. TV, reports that “The coconut is teaming with naturally occurring growth hormones and other bio-stimulants that are inherent to the survival of the species, which fortunately for growers may be found in the fibers surrounding the “seed” which may be processed for use as a growing medium.” Among the useful nutrients the coconut is teeming with are calcium and magnesium, and especially present in coco coir, is potassium. Potassium is critical for plant growth... but... the amount of potassium must be managed because too much runs the risk of potassium toxicity. Which brings us to a very important point about using coco coir as a growing medium... If the nutrients you're using are not designed to be coco coir safe, you'll not only be missing out on the gigantic yields you could be getting using coco coir... you run the risk of poisoning or starving your plants!

It's true that calcium and magnesium both occur naturally in coco coir. But the amounts of each aren't sufficient to feed your plants. Not only that, but calcium and magnesium are both naturally attracted to bind to coco coir! Which means only the highest quality, chelated forms of magnesium and calcium (like the kind used in Advanced Nutrients' products) are able to succeed in a growing environment that uses coco coir. Lesser forms of either will bind to the coir and your plants will be left hungry!

And if your nutrients don't use chelated magnesium and calcium, you're missing out on better yields. (A lot of

inferior brands will try to add dolomite lime as a quick-fix to solve this problem, but don't be fooled... it's not effective.)

That's why our calcium and magnesium supplement, Sensi-Cal, has performed so well. It was designed to operate in a less-than-ideal environment and bring everything up to speed. It's also true that if a hydroponic nutrient or supplement doesn't account for the levels of potassium already present in coco coir, you risk potassium toxicity.

One final note: Many lower quality forms of coco coir are chemically treated or at the very least... aren’t rinsed before they’re packaged. So it’s best to be aware of the brand of coco coir your purchase. Also, coco coir naturally retains a lot of salt. The higher quality brands of coco coir will usually make sure to rinse their product before it gets to the shelves, but it’s a good idea if you’re buying coco coir (even if it’s a high quality brand), to thoroughly rinse the coir before you use it.

Coco-Coir Safe Products From Advanced Nutrients:

(B-52, Bud Candy, Bud Factor X, Bud Ignitor, Carboload, Final Phase, Grandma Enggy’s F1, Grandma Enggy’s H2, JumpStart, Mother Earth Super Tea Bloom, Mother Earth Super Tea Grow, Nirvana, Bud Blood, Tarantula, Organic B, Overdrive, Piranha, Revive, Rhino Skin, SensiCal Bloom, SensiCal Grow, Sensizym, VooDoo Juice, Wet Betty, Organic Wet Betty, Juicy Roots)

Special B onus Report

• The three things that form a circle, that when kept in balance...hold the keys to the buried treasure … page 117 • The best growers in the world know this one simple secret: “having really great ____ guarantees great crops and award winning finishes” (Find the surprising answer on page 122) • The secret beneath your plants … gives you more control... it’s the most important link in the growing chain! … Page 124 • A perfect growing medium? It sounds outrageous, but this one combination is easy-to-use, inexpensive, pH friendly, charged with NPK, a wetting agent, and gives excellent aeration—it makes getting bigger yields almost automatic! … Page 129 • Do you know where and how to measure your pH like award-winning growers for the most accurate results? Quiz yourself, with the step-by-step directions on Page 131 • How to get a theoretical plant absorption range for your nutrients from pH 1 to pH 10 … so you’ll never have to worry about pH again! (And no! It’s got nothing to do with adding acids to your nutrients!) Page 143 • The amazing plant maximizing secret discovered by a street racer named Allan — put this same secret to work in your grow room and you’ll see the most impressive yields of your life—GUARANTEED! … page 145 • Plus much, MUCH MORE! 116

pH Manifesto Your Buried Treasure of pH Growing Secrets One of the biggest misconceptions in hydroponics growing is that the pH in your nutrient reservoir is the single biggest thing having to do with pH that affects the outcome of your crops. Well, it’s simply not true. It’s actually the pH and alkalinity of three things:

technical here, but not too much. So let’s take a journey and uncover the really important points about pH so that we can leverage it to get you bigger yields.

First Things First OK, pH stands for potential hydrogen and is actually a measurement of hydrogen and hydroxide ions, and is measured on a scale from pH 0 to pH 14.0 with pH 7.0 being neutral, aha, so we’re interested in those pesky little hydrogen and hydroxide ions. They’re the culprits? Yes they are. Here’s how. When your water, growing medium or nutrient solution is acidic (below a pH of 7.0) it contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. And when your water, growing medium

Hydrogen Ion Molecule

Almost all the world champion growers who I’ve talked to have powerfully harnessed and utilized the synergistic punch that the circle of big bud getting power delivers to their prize winning crops. This report will show you how to start putting it to work for you immediately.

Hydroxide Ion Molecule

1. YOUR WATER. 2. GROWING MEDIUM. 3. NUTRIENTS. Unfortunately, this circle of big bud getting power isn’t talked about, and it’s responsible for more growers silently losing loads of buds and quality they weren’t even aware of. Let me explain...we’re going to have to get a little 117

or nutrient solution is alkaline, also referred to as base or basic (above a pH of 7.0) it contains more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions.

And these hydrogen and hydroxide ions interact with each other and perform a balancing act of sorts that determines the pH in your water, growing medium and nutrients.

Don’t Sweat It Wow that’s a lot of stuff, but it’s important you understand all this because it’s one of the keys to you getting bigger and better yields. Anyway, these hydrogen and hydroxide ions are also in the elements that make up our macro and micro nutrients of the nutrient solutions we use to grow our plants with. And because of this the elements that make up our macro and micro nutrients are classified into two distinct groups. One group of elements are called cations and contains more hydrogen ions. The other group of elements are called anions and contain more hydroxide ions. Also our growing medium pH is dramatically affected by these cations and anions contained in the macro, micro and secondary nutrient elements we use. Remember this because it’s important and we’ll be referring back to this in the growing medium and nutrients sections.

Mastering The Subtleties Of The Balance The macro, micro and secondary elements that are cations are urea and ammonium (both are forms of nitrogen), potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron zinc, manganese copper and cobalt. And the elements that are anions are nitrates (another form of nitrogen), phosphates (phosphorus) sulfates, carbonates and bicarbonates. This list covers the most common cations and anions. This topic will be covered more in the nutrient section. So what does all this stuff have to do with you getting bigger yields? Well a whole lot. We’re almost there. These three things, your water, growing medium and nutrients powerfully form a circle that when kept in balance with each other truly hold the keys to the buried treasure that is commonly overlooked and waiting to be unlocked in a grower’s garden. 118

Shown here is a pH scale a reading below pH 7.0 is considered acidic and a reading above is considered alkaline. A pH of 7.0 is said to be a neutral pH, further in this report you’ll find that is not exactly true. Also some common products are given for pH reference points.

And the best part, it will absolutely give you bigger more consistent and higher quality yields when fully understood and implemented. So let’s explore this circle of power a little deeper...

Your Water Misconceptions About Your Nutrient Solutions pH Like I mentioned earlier, the most common misconception is that the pH of your nutrients is the most important factor that will drive your plants ability to give you bigger yields.

One of the critical elements of successful growing is the precise balancing act of your hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions and having total control over them at all times in your water, growing medium and nutrients.

You would think that your biggest concern would be about the pH in your reservoir. This is just not true.

Unfortunately, more growers’ money goes down the drain every single day — and its not your fault — because of the lack of information that has been given to us. Oh sure the PhD’s know this stuff but they’re not putting it out to us in plain English. And no hydro books have covered all this in great depth. And quite frankly I find that puzzling. Because the importance of water, nutrients and growing mediums all working together will absolutely give all of us bigger yields.

You should be more concerned with your water’s alkalinity. This is one of the major culprits that will affect your yields. In fact, one of the biggest problems with water is its alkalinity.

The Simple Truth Of “Alkalinity”

This is something that must be taken care of if you really want to easily manage the pH of your nutrients and growing medium and get those bigger crops.

And what is this “alkalinity”, anyway? Your water is not just water. There is a lot of other stuff in it. The alkalinity of water is the concentration of all sorts of ions in it, like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, both come in the forms of carbonates and bicarbonates. And bicarbonates are the worst offenders of the two. Making matters worse, alkalinity insidiously accumulates in your growing medium in a vicious cycle that will cause your growing medium pH to climb faster than a speeding bullet and give you pH stability problems in your reservoir and growing medium, substantially decreasing your yields.

Field Crop Pumping Station — Here’s one of the critical steps farmers —who grow field crops that are irrigated — take to ensure they get the best harvests possible. To do this they inject acid directly into irrigation lines to neutralize their source waters alkalinity. Then depending on the desired pH of their growing soil they will use a cation rich fertilizer to bring the soil’s pH down or a anion rich fertilizer to raise their soil’s pH. The field pumping station above also filters the source water. 119

When the amount of alkalinity in your source water hasn’t been measured and is then used to mix your nutrient solution - even with a properly pH balanced nutrient reservoir - your plants can suffer from a continuous build up of alkalinity that will silently sneak up on you and quickly raise your growing mediums pH, locking out your plants vital elements, and hijacking you from your crops true harvest potential.

In fact, farmers who have to irrigate their field crops and have alkalinity in their water supply have to continuously inject different types of acids - depending on what the farmer is trying accomplish with the crop and soil - into their irrigation lines to counter balance their alkalinity. An easy way to think of alkalinity is pH up. Unfortunately a very bad form of pH up. Once alkalinity is neutralized, fertilizer is then injected into the lines. Here’s something to think about, depending on what crop is being grown, the fertilizer being injected will be balanced with the correct cation to anion ratios for that crop’s soil pH requirement. If they need to lower their soil’s pH they’ll use a fertilizer that has more cations than anions. And if they need to raise the soil’s pH they will use a fertilizer with more anions than cations. We’ll go over this more in the nutrient section. 120

And then there’s the subject of water hardness. Shouldn’t you be concerned about that? Well, It’s important not to confuse water hardness with the alkalinity of water. These are two different things.

Here’s The Difference: “Hardness” is the measure of the combined concentration of insoluble calcium and magnesium in the water, not the presence of the carbonates or bicarbonates mentioned earlier.

Using a water softener to handle the hardness will only displace the calcium and magnesium ions and leave the carbonates and bicarbonates behind, which doesn’t change the alkalinity at all. So this is not the thing to do. And a BIG WARNING, using a water softener will add unwanted sodium to your water severely decreasing your yields. If you’re using well water it is almost guaranteed you will have alkalinity problems. In fact most municipalities have water that is poor quality and has alkalinity. I have personally seen municipal water that’s 900 PPM and chocked full of alkalinity. Here’s the thing, if your water is 30 PPM or below you’re safe. And I’ve seen city water that has less than 10 PPM, Vancouver, Canada being one of them. Anything over 30 PPM and you should invest in a reverse osmosis system.

Let’s Explore How To Measure And Manage All This So now the question arises, “how do we measure alkalinity?” Well, the way that alkalinity is measured is how much carbonate and bicarbonate is in the water. Alright, so now we have to test the water. But how do we do that? Well, there are several ways to test water alkalinity. One way is with an alkalinity meter (which measures it in PPM) which is quite different than an EC meter. As an aside you can use an EC meter to do a quick check but it is not the same measurement. And the least expensive way to check your alkalinity is with a test kit where you add dilute acid until a color change occurs at a specific pH.

Hach Alkalinity Meter- Shown here is the Hach digital alkalinity meter it’s used to check for the harvest robbing alkalinity of your source water. It costs a couple hundred dollars, for the same price you can go out and buy a reverse osmosis system and not have to worry about your waters alkalinity.

Magnified Calcium Carbonate

Now, you can get a digital meter for about $200 at But if you want to go easier on the pocketbook, there are kits as cheap as $30 to $40. And you should get one that uses titration which is actually the most accurate method of testing. Potassium Carbonate Calcium and Potassium Carbonate are a major contributor to alkalinity that will steadily raise your pH in your growing medium. 121

Here’s Something Interesting About pH Readings

The Best Way To Measure PPM

OK, so that seems simple enough, but now I’m going to add just a little variance into the subject to make it more interesting. Taking pH readings during the light cycle will give you a different result than when you take pH readings at night. The reason for this is, during the dark periods, both microbes and the plants are resting and give off alkaline molecules and the pH tends to go up a bit. During the day the plant and microbes are active and they give off acid molecules which make the pH go down some. If you’re running a recirculation system this is important to consider, especially because your tank should be outside your grow room. And you might be taking your readings when your plants are in their dark cycle.

One way people have measured the PPM is with TDS (total dissolved solids) but I would not advise this because TDS was intended for determining the acceptability of drinking water, not nutrient solutions. Instead use a meter that measures EC (Electrical Conductivity) this type of meter was made specifically for measuring nutrient solutions. Here is one of the biggest secrets the best growers in the world figured out along time ago: if you want a world class crop you have to use really great water. And a very simple way to ensure that is get a reverse osmosis water system. It’s an absolute must for bigger yields.

RO System Wall Mount And Commercial Units- Pictured on the left is a typical wall mount unit that will produce around 25-50 gallons per day. On the right is a commercial system that produces 200 to 500 gallons per day. WARNING: When you get your RO system DO NOT get a water softener with them, because they will put unwanted sodium into your nutrient solution and substantially cut down on your yields.

An assortment of different manufacturers EC meters- EC meters are made to measure fertilizer solutions. TDS meters measure total dissolved solids and were originally designed to check drinking water not nutrients. 122

Float Valve System Diagram Of RO Storage And Reservoir — Pictured above: is a tank mount float valve shut off set up. Reverse osmosis systems are priced and rated by how many gallons or liters of water they produce in a 24 hour period. Because of this a lot of growers run theirs 24 hours a day into a separate reservoir. So to avoid over flowing your reverse osmosis water reservoir a float valve shut off should be installed.

You May Want To Read That Last Line Again...

to your water. The temperature is important as well.

Think about it, you spent all that time and hard work building your grow room and in the final hour you skimp on the water, it just doesn’t make sense, you really should invest in a reverse osmosis system. They aren’t that expensive these days, prices start for under $100. A reverse osmosis system will take the alkalinity out of your water and give you bigger yields. And obviously alkalinity is one of our limiting factors we want to get rid of, isn’t it?

When You Invest In RO Remember These Tips One word of advice: you should have a tank mounted shut off float valve installed on your R.O water storage tank and nutrient reservoir that shuts off automatically when the tank is full, and you should keep your nutrient tank topped off because, as water level lowers, the pH will be magnified as either acidic or alkaline. You can get one at:

One Last Thing About Your Water Now here is the last thing I will say about the water you use and then we’ll take a look at the growing medium. There is one more thing to pay attention to when it comes


Cooler water holds more oxygen as well as affects your pH level, but if it is too cold, it will cause your pH to rise, and if too warm, it will cause it to go down. Here’s a little known fact, excessively high water temperatures above 79°F or 26 °C start to negatively impact your plants ability to absorb macro nutrients. High temperatures also encourage fungal and bacterial diseases, and you don’t want that either. In fact, it is best to maintain a nutrient reservoir temperature of 65°F or 18°C to 69°F or 20°C. And colder water holds a lot more oxygen. And here’s another fact, scientists who study our oceans consider warm tropic waters to be the “deserts” of the oceans because they contain way less life than the colder waters of the Arctic and Antarctic oceans, that are teeming with life because of the colder water temperatures holding more oxygen. In the end if you want bigger yields go out and buy a reverse osmosis system it will be some of the best money you’ll ever invest in your grow room.

Your Growing Medium The Secret Beneath Your Plants

Your plants roots are actually pH producing “machines” creating either hydrogen ions (pH down) or hydroxide ions (pH up) depending on whether the roots are taking in elements that are mostly cations or anions.

All my labs grow rooms use reverse osmosis water. In fact it’s so important all Advanced Nutrients products are made with ultra pure zero PPM and zero alkalinity reverse osmosis water. OK, let’s explore your growing medium – A lot has been said about measuring pH in the nutrient solution, but where the real money is being won or lost by the buckets full, is in the actual growing medium itself. Here’s why... your plants’ root system is actually a pH excreting machine that manufactures and pumps hydrogen ions (pH down) or hydroxide ions (pH up) directly into your growing medium and will directly change the pH of the growing medium depending on the elemental composition of your nutrients make up. And you can imagine how having a thorough understanding of this is going to give you even more control over your plants that will lead to bigger yields, right? 124

The Most Important Link In The Chain Out of the circle of big bud getting power, it’s your growing medium that you need to be most concerned about. Because if you want a really great crop, your plants must have an acidic pH growing medium. In most cases your pH will be climbing and your challenge will be to keep your pH from going up.

Here’s the typical pH absorption range of non chelated elements in soil and hydroponics. Sure, the water, the growing medium, and the nutrients should all have to work in perfect harmony with each other, but it’s the roots in the growing medium that drives the pH chemical reactions that is the most overlooked by growers and it’s not your fault it’s just most books out there don’t go into great depth about it. And naturally this is very important because, the pH in the root zone is going to determine the availability of

nutrients and your plants ability to produce world class buds. And we all want to grow kick ass buds, don’t we?

It’s This Sort Of Knowledge That Leads To Real Mastery In Growing You just got another gem that’s not even talked about or even considered by most growers, except by growers who have a very deep understanding of plants. And this is where your big money is going to be made or lost. So you see, it’s going to be essential then if you want big consistent yields, you should check your growing medium pH every week.


An Important Lesson To Nutrient Company Owners I have extensively tested the competitors hydroponics nutrients, and unfortunately the vast majority of them don’t work with the plants root system to even remotely come close to maintaining a stable or ideal pH in the growing medium. Because they use too much nitrates as their source of nitrogen . Here’s the straight goods... and an education for a lot of the nutrient manufacturers out there, to balance a growing mediums pH, nutrient manufacturers must be using the correct balance of cations to anions to guarantee you the right pH in your growing medium. And...One more thing, the right balance of elements (cations to anions) that will give you a stable and ideal growing medium pH is different from plant species to plant species. And by not being aware and acting on this vitally critical piece of knowledge is exactly like growing with one foot on the gas and the other foot on the brake at the same time.

Why Would Anybody Work Against Themselves Like This? So why are nutrient companies not building there products with this in mind? Well, I will give you two reasons for that. One is the high expense and the other is the amount of research and knowledge needed to prepare the nutrients for a specific type of plant. I admit it... I go on the forums every once in a while, and it always amazes me when I see people making statements like, “all base nutrients are the same and salts are just salts”. Think about it... is there a difference in the foods you eat. Are your sources and quality of proteins, carbohydrates and fats you eat, all the same? Absolutely not, some proteins are assimilated and utilized by your body faster and more completely than others. And some carbohydrates release quickly and spike 126

What are you really feeding your plants? Your plants macro, micro and secondary nutrients are really a lot like the foods you eat. Think about it, are all sources of protein, carbohydrates and fats you eat the same? No they’re not. And its exactly the same for your plants food it eats. Your plants are what they eat.

your insulin while others are a slow burn and give you sustained energy. What about fats? Some are actually good for you like Omega-3 and others will slowly clog your arteries and eventually give you a heart attack. Obviously it all makes a difference. And in the nutrient section we’ll take a look at this in depth.

Pete Bog Sphagnum Moss Harvest

Expanded Clay Pellets

Coco Coir


Rock Wool

fertilizers. The thing about different hydroponic mediums is that they have varied abilities to maintain and control pH.

Sphagnum Moss

So Let’s Take A Closer Look At Them

Coco Coir

OK, so we had a look at some growing mediums. Now we’ll look at them and a few others in a different perspective. In hydroponics, there are two basic types of growing mediums: those that are pH independent and those that are pH dependent. Let’s take a closer look at these mediums differences.

Sunshine #4 Mix

What’s Your Favorite Growing Medium? Now if you’ve looked lately, you probably noticed that there is a variety of growing mediums to choose from. You have sphagnum moss – that stuff from bogs. And there is coco coir, the fiber that comes from the coconut’s outer husk. And let’s not forget about the special mixes and all the other hydroponic growing mediums. Now you might want to keep it simple so what I recommend is that you use Sunshine #4 mix. This is a mix that is pretty close to ideal and will save you a lot of work. We’ll talk a bit more about that later. You might even choose coco coir since it is also a good growing medium and has a special line of compatible 127

Well, each one of them has a certain ability to stabilize or buffer pH, which is another way of saying they have varied abilities to keep the pH from changing on you. This ability is called cation exchange capacity or CEC. In other words, CEC refers to the ability of the medium to absorb and release cations. Remember the cation stuff I mentioned at the beginning of this report? We’ll be looking at this a little bit closer now.

Dependent Vs. Independent Mediums that are pH dependent have little to no CEC and cannot resist a change in pH and this results in the pH going high or low very rapidly. So, then, mediums that are pH independent have a high CEC, are more buffered and can resist a change in pH for long periods of time. And that’s good! That’s what you want. As an example your everyday, garden, soil-based medium contains some humus and clay and is pH independent with a high CEC because of the humus and clay. They are great to grow plants in because it is not affected by rapid pH swings.

But Indoor Growers Have To Follow Different Rules Now, hydroponics is different. Many of its mediums have a low CEC and needs to have the pH continually balanced and monitored. More on this later. Of course, there are some that have a higher CEC and are better buffered than others. For example, coco coir and sphagnum moss have higher CEC capacities. This means they are capable of maintaining a more stable pH level. These are said to be pH independent. Sphagnum actually has eight to ten times the CEC as soil pound for pound, but there are other drawbacks. But not to worry, these could be easily remedied, though no manufacturer has done this yet. You see, Sphagnum doesn’t have the bulk density that soil has. After all, it is a moss and is light in weight. But you can add something called calcined clay to solve that problem.

These are the cation exchange capacities of different soil structures at pH 7.0. You can clearly see how important the addition of humus is to your soil and growing mediums ability to hold a stable pH. You can easily build more humus structure in your soil and growing mediums by adding humic and fulvic acids to them. As an aside, if you’re an outdoor grower you can now see the importance of growing in soils with high humus values because it will definitely make a difference in getting you bigger yields.


Calcined Clay

Calcined Clay Calcined Clay can be added to sphagnum moss and coco coir growing mediums to increase it’s (CEC) cation exchange capacity so your growing medium will have a much more stable pH.

All you need to do is add is 5% – 7% to your sphagnum growing media. And what is calcined clay? Well, this is clay that has been heated to drive out volatile materials. One word of caution though. Make sure you use a low sodium source of calcined clay because you don’t want extra sodium in your growing medium.

Now what about low CEC growing mediums? Some hydroponic mediums that we use, such as rock wool, expanded clay pellets or perlite, have a low CEC and so they have a hard time stabilizing the pH. We call them pH dependent and, you probably have already guessed by now, you will need to correct the pH more often.

and this would be a near perfect medium for growing your plants. Sunshine #4 also contains a wetting agent (surfactant) to ease surface tension and allow for better initial water penetration to the growing medium.

Coco Coir (And How To Overcome Its Limitations) Let’s have a look at coco coir. It starts out with a better pH of 5.5. But the problem with this medium is that magnesium and calcium binds to coco and doesn’t want to easily release. And that’s not good. Your plants need to be able to get to those nutrients. Now if you add dolomite lime, as a lot of companies out there will do because dolomite is cheap to use and made up of magnesium and calcium carbonate and a source of alkalinity, that will eventually raise your growing mediums pH and this is not what you want to do. So what do you do? You would solve the problem by adding chelated calcium and magnesium either to the coir or in the base nutrients. Unfortunately, other nutrient companies won’t do this because of the very high added expense, but that is exactly what we put in all the base nutrients at Advanced

How about the Sunshine #4 mix that we mentioned earlier? Actually this is a very, very good medium. When it comes out of bogs, it has a pH of 3.5 to 4. This is actually too low, so dolomite lime is added to it to raise the pH. (We’ll talk about adding dolomite a bit later.) This brings the pH of the Sunshine #4 to 5.8 to 6.3 for a 6 week period.

More About “Sunshine #4” And How It Can Make Your Life A Lot Easier So what’s Sunshine #4 mix made of? It’s made of 60% – 70% peat and 30% – 40% perlite. This is the combination you want and gives you excellent aeration which you’ll need for great big thick root development. And as hundreds of university studies have conclusively shown the bigger the root system the bigger the yield. And that’s what we’re after isn’t it. BIGGER YIELDS. It also has a starter charge of fertilizer that gives it an NPK ratio of 6-5-11 meaning it has a ratio of 6% nitrogen (N), 5% phosphorous (P) and 11% potassium (K). All you have to do, then, is add a bit more nitrogen to the mix 129

Coco coir comes from the outer husks of coconuts.

Monitoring Your Growing Medium pH

Nutrients. However Advanced Nutrients doesn’t make a specific coco nutrient yet. Coco coir also has a lot of potassium so you’ll need to use a fertilizer with reduced potassium so you don’t end up with potassium toxicity.

Remember, we talked about monitoring growing medium pH? One of the most overlooked areas by growers is checking their growing medium pH on a regular basis. That is probably the biggest single culprit for yield inconsistencies from crop to crop and it could be costing you a lot of money.

There is one other thing to be aware of: low quality coconut husks are often soaked in salt water as part of the manufacturing process to break down the husks and quite often not properly flushed by the coir manufacturer overseas.

Let me explain how this happens. As the roots take in an element, it gives off a positive charge, pH down (hydrogen ion) or a negative charge pH up (hydroxide ion), and depending on the nutrient elements being used, some carry more of the same charges than others.

You’ll need to make sure that the extra salt is flushed out of your medium with water by either yourself or the manufacturer you’re buying it from before using it.

What’s more, because of this it affects the pH of the surrounding root area and growing medium. If it’s hydrogen ions being excreted, it becomes more acidic, and if it’s hydroxide ions, it becomes more alkaline.

This Step Is Very Important Because if you don’t, you will have high sodium content in your growing medium and that will severely reduce your yield when using cheaply produced coir, and this problem is more common than you might think. If you’re thinking about using coco coir as your growing medium, you’re going to find coir still has some inherent problems with it that have not been resolved completely, that’s why you’ll probably have to use a Cal Mag product when growing with coir. At one point Advanced Nutrients pulled Sensi Cal calcium and magnesium product off the market because we figured if a nutrient was built right you didn’t need it. Man, stores started calling and demanded we keep it on the market, so we did. Here’s what the hydro store owners told us was happening: Growers growing with coco coir were using Sensi Cal to fix the calcium and magnesium deficiencies caused by the coir they were using. Which of course told us that there hasn’t been a correct coco nutrient formula made yet that addresses the needs of the growers using coir growing mediums.

You don’t want to take your growing mediums pH readings from the top third of your container because there usually isn’t enough root activity there. Instead take your readings from the bottom two thirds of your growing medium where the most root growing activity is to ensure an accurate reading.

So, at some point we will bring out a coco coir nutrient and then later on down the road, a coir growing medium that will be perfectly aligned with each other. We’ll be doing the same thing for a sphagnum moss growing medium too. Enough of the commercial.


How To Measure Your Growing Medium pH So it’s important to monitor the pH levels in your medium as well as your nutrients and the alkalinity of water you are using. So how do you measure your growing medium pH? Basically, there are three ways to do it: 1. Saturated media extract – you add distilled or de-ionized water to the medium just to the saturation point and measure. 2. Pour-through method – the water is poured through the pot to replace the water that was in there and collected. 3. Squeeze method – the water that already exists in the medium is gently squeezed out in a measured amount and pH readings are taken. In all three of these, you just use a pH meter or color test to measure the pH. The easiest of the three is the squeeze method. If you are using rock wool, you just take one of the cubes after a feeding and you gently squeeze it. Repeat this with at least six different cubes so that you get a couple ounces or 60 milliliters from each cube. After combining and mixing these six extractions together, check the pH. This tells you what the pH is in the growing medium. What you’re looking for is a pH range of 5.3 to 6.8. In our labs we’ve extensively tested pH ranges and yields, this is the “sweet spot” for nutrients that are not fully chelated. The range is even wider for fully chelated macro, micro and secondary nutrients. When your growing medium is coco coir or sphagnum moss, you water your medium to the point of being saturated (but not leaking out the bottom) and then take a sample from the bottom 2/3 of your pot where your roots are most actively growing. take the same amount from six different pots and mix them together. Make sure to take the same amount from each pot. Then gently squeeze it and get an extraction from which you will measure the pH. Look I realize that taking samples from grow buckets is a hassle however; it is the most accurate. 131

pH Meter With Soil Probe — This is a very good growing medium pH meter to use when you’re checking your growing medium’s pH.

There’s An Easier Way A much easier way is to get a pH meter with a metal spike probe and take readings simply by sticking the probe deep down into the growing medium and calculate the average of all six containers.

Laboratory Grade pH And EC Meters- Here are high end laboratory grade EC, pH meters and probes that cost from several hundred to over a thousand dollars.

Now, don’t take the sample from the top third of the container, here’s why. There isn’t as much root growing activity at the top of the soil. So use the bottom two thirds of your growing medium to take your pH readings because that is the active zone for root growth.

There’s another reason for taking the samples near the bottom of your container, and that’s because nutrients will tend to crystallize near the top and can precipitate out a little bit and will give you a false reading.

Using pH Meters So now, we should look at the meters we need to measure the pH. There are so many different pH meters available, but get one that uses dual solution to calibrate your pH meter. It’s a good idea to get one that auto adjusts and has ATC (automatic temperature compensation). This will be more expensive but worth it. The cheaper ones are a pain to use while the auto-adjust ones calibrate at a press of a button, which makes it a lot easier. You want to make sure that calibration is done every week. If you’re fanatic to detail like I am you’ll want to have a pH meter with ATC because as your nutrient solution temperature changes so does the pH of your nutrients when your nutrient temperature gets warmer your pH goes down and when your nutrient temperature gets cooler your nutrient solution pH goes up. Here’s an interesting side note, a pH of 7 is considered to be pH neutral, but in fact is only an approximation and is accurate only at 25 °C or 77°F. A true neutral pH is when the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) is exactly the same as the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH- ) and those concentrations are effected by temperature so your pH neutral point varies from pH 7.47 at 0°C or 32°F to pH 6.14 at 100°C or 212°F.

pH Temperature Chart — Contrary to popular belief a pH of 7.0 is not always neutral, in fact it really depends on the temperature of your nutrient solution as the chart above shows. That’s why it’s critical to make sure you buy a pH meter that compensates for temperature. 132

A Good Resource

If you’re looking for really high quality pH measuring instruments and electrodes check them out: www.

Bacteria In Your Growing Medium It may surprise you to find out just how much activity is going on under the surface of the growing medium. There is actually a lot going on there including bacterial activity. But before we get into that, we need to say a bit about beneficial bacteria and nitrogen. Plants need nitrogen as an essential element for its survival. There is a process that bacteria is involved in called nitrification.

The Role Of Nitrification Nitrification is a process where specialized beneficial bacteria in your growing medium take the urea and ammonium from the nutrients and convert them into usable forms. Then the plant roots can absorb it and use it for plant growth and development. By the way, an important thing that happens in this process is that these beneficial bacteria then give off an acid molecule which actually lowers your growing mediums pH as well. And that’s a good thing. Now, if you have a pH that is too low, nitrification will be inhibited. The same happens when your medium has too low a temperature or there is a lack of oxygen through over-watering. Then the pH goes up and the medium becomes more alkaline. Not good!

Beneficial Microbes Switch Gears At Night At night beneficial microbes are at rest and respirating, and they give off alkaline molecules instead of acid as they do during the day, and the pH goes up. Some interesting facts, some microbes give off more hydrogen ions (pH down) in a 24 hour period than hydroxide ions (pH up). And some do exactly the reverse. Also make sure that you do not over water your plants, and provide a somewhat warm growing medium


Microbe Circle Diagram Showing Daytime H+ Nighttime OHBeneficial microbes release hydrogen ions (pH down) during your light cycle and hydroxide ions (pH up) during your dark cycle.

(65°F or 18°C to 75°F or 23°C) so it will encourage active growth of beneficial microbes. This will help to keep your pH stable, and your growing medium more acidic.

A Valuable Secret! Here goes... I’m going to reveal something I’ve never told anyone before. And I’m sure it’s going to give my competitors something to start researching into. Advanced Nutrients beneficial bacteria products have microbial interaction with each other that’s balanced in a way that assists your growing medium in holding its pH. And here’s something else you may find interesting. Advanced Nutrients is the only hydroponic nutrient company to breed and produce their own beneficial microbes in house.

By hunting down and selecting specific beneficial microbes Advanced Nutrients can now select microbes that either give off equal amounts of hydrogen ions (pH down) and hydroxide ions (pH up) or more hydrogen ions (pH down) or more hydroxide ions (pH up) in a 24HR period. Obviously the importance of this is significant because we can now use these to help you control your growing mediums pH.

Making Your Own Growing Medium Mix Now, you might have decided to make your own media mix. If so, alright. But if you start with pure sphagnum moss, you will need to add at least 30% perlite (between 30 – 40%) so that the sphagnum moss can breathe and aerate properly, allowing the roots to pass through quickly and infuse into your growing medium. When using sphagnum moss you could add 5 to 7% calcined clay to increase the cation exchange capacity (CEC). This would help stabilize the pH in that growing medium. I would not use calcined clay in a recirculating system only in a “one way” feeding program. Of course, if you are new to hydroponics, I would suggest you start by using Sunshine #4 mix, which has very good CEC and is very forgiving. You will get a good crop even if you make a few mistakes.


Sometimes There’s An Unexpected Aspect To “Do-It-Yourself” Mediums You Should Be Aware Of There is something else that you might run into when mixing your own medium. And that is inconsistent growing medium. The number one cause of pH problems for growers mixing their own mediums is inconsistencies in source materials. When mixing your own growing medium you need to know the sources of your sphagnum moss and lime because they differ in pH from year to year and locations. The only way to be certain you are working with the right pH materials in your medium is to test it frequently. See “Laboratory Registry for the United States and Canada 2nd Edition,” CRC Press (ISBN 1-57444-179-5) to get a comprehensive list of soil-testing laboratories in the United States and Canada.

Calcium Hydroxide

Limestone Screenings


Calcitic Limestone

Pictured above are the different types of limestone it’s important to be aware of which type you’re using because they all have different release rates.

Adding Limestone Earlier I mentioned adding limestone or lime. When you have a medium that is too acidic, you have to add something to bring it up into a better range. For example, you will find that sphagnum (pH of 3.5 to 4.0) is very acidic to use as a medium. So you’ll want to use limestone to neutralize this acid and raise the pH to a level acceptable for plant growth. The amount needed depends on different factors such as sphagnum sources, types of ingredients, and limestone type. Another thing, when limestone is added to your growing medium, only a fraction of the lime reacts to increase the pH to a stable level in 5 to 10 days after planting. And this is called the reactive fraction. So what happens to the rest that doesn’t react? Well, this is called un-reacted or residual limestone, 135

and it affects the long-term buffering capacity of your growing medium. It is the residual limestone that you want to measure regularly in order to test how good your limestone source is. Actually, each limestone source is different, so there is no way to determine the residual fraction except to test it. There is also a variance in the limestone you get depending on what part of the quarry it comes from. You will find a variance in pH with sphagnum moss as well, depending on what part of the bog it is harvested from and what time of year or even what year.

The Three Main Features Of Lime


So when you use sphagnum as your medium, there are three main features of lime that determine how much is needed to raise its pH. These features are limestone type, particle size and hardness.

Limestone Types In dealing with limestone type you actually have two choices: 1.

Calcitic which is straight calcium carbonate.

2. Dolomite which is a combination of calcium and magnesium carbonate. I do not recommend Calcitic limestone as your optimum choice because it releases too fast and usually raises the medium pH too high. Dolomite is slower and doesn’t do that, so it is a better choice. With dolomite you get a more even pH and buffering over a longer period of time. Just remember that different sources of dolomite will give you different reaction fractions or percentages of the limestone. The only way to really ensure you have the dolomite lime with the right residual balance and the right reactive component to it is to test it by doing the following: After placing the medium in pots, irrigate with tap water avoiding any leaching to take place. l Reapply the water daily as needed to keep the medium moist. l Measure the pH at days 0, 3, 7, 10, 14, and 21. l

l Plot

your results on a graph. You should see the pH stabilize after some time and see what the final pH was as well as how long it took to stabilize.

Particle Size

Now that we looked at limestone type, let’s look at particle size. Particle size also makes a difference in how reactive the limestone is. The finer the particle size is, the more reactive the limestone is. Just so you’re aware, limestone is sold in mesh sizes. The higher the mesh size, the finer the particle size.


Hardness is the third important feature of limestone. A soft crystal reacts more quickly with acid than a hard crystal. Of course, there is no real way to tell if the limestone being used is soft or hard except by testing it. You have to add it to your growing medium and raise the pH to 5.3 – 6.8 and observe what happens. You can conduct a test for determining the reactivity of your limestone by adding 4 to 6 pounds of limestone per cubic yard of growing medium. If this adequately brings the pH up to 6.0, you know that the limestone is reactive, and there is little residual left once a stable pH is reached. Needing to add 8 – 12 pounds of limestone indicates the limestone is moderately reactive. Adding more than 15 pounds per cubic yard indicates an un-reactive limestone and that is not good.

Hydrated Limestone (A More Volatile Option) If you use hydrated limestone, it’s another story. Hydrated limestone is known as calcium hydroxide and is a white, crystalline, slightly-soluble alkali used in the neutralization of acid soils. It reacts completely and rapidly and does not have any available residual limestone. You have to be careful with it because it will quickly shoot your pH way up.

Some Challenges You Should Be Aware Of Now you might run into a problem with adding limestone. Because adding too much limestone adds alkalinity to your growing medium which could raise the pH levels too high. In limestone, the bicarbonates settle around a pH of 6.5 to 6.7 and this is dangerously close to the pH where precipitation of iron and manganese start to happen unless they are properly chelated.

If you use Sunshine #4 growing mix, you don’t want to add limestone as it already has sufficient limestone in it, and adding more will increase your growing medium’s pH. Be careful...if you’ve been using limestone in your Sunshine #4 mix you might end up with your pH going high. You might even cause your nutrient elements locking out in the growing medium. However, if you use fully chelated macro, micro and secondary nutrients, this won’t happen. We will talk about chelates in a bit. Many of the nutrient companies don’t bother with using any chelates and the ones that do usually only chelate the iron and manganese. Properly chelating nutrients is an expensive endeavor. And the lack of proper chelation is likely costing you bigger yields, and you end up having to monitor your nutrients and growing medium continually to get the right pH.

Reusing Your Growing Medium One thing to remember if you re-use your growing medium is that you may not get consistent yields. You should be exceptionally cautious re-using your growing medium if any of the following happens during your growing and flowering cycle: your pH is currently running wild, you’re using a lot of limestone, not watering regularly, or not leaching all the nutrients out at the end of your flowering cycle. This is especially applicable to re-using sphagnum moss or coca coir. You might want to store your sphagnum or coir from one crop to the next and, while the other crop is growing, you can work with the stored medium to replenish it and get it to the right pH level for the next crop.

The Advantage Of Expanded Clay Pellets Expanded clay pellets are my personal choice for running hydroponics systems because it’s easy to work with and cleans up easy for re-use. You can also re-use perlite just sift it and clean it with very hot water or use a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide and then rinse. The same can be done with expanded clay pellets. If you’re using rockwool just throw it out after every crop. Though I’ve seen and personally re-used rockwool, it’s a pain in the ass and I wouldn’t do it because it has too many down sides. You’re better off buying it new. 137

Pictured above are urea and nitrate molecules. When properly used together they will help balance your growing medium’s pH. Plus, will give you more robust thicker stalk plants and bigger yields. Plus, urea is also a great food source for your beneficial microbes.

Here’s the bottom line: you have to be interested in your growing medium’s pH and make sure it’s clean if you’re going to re-use it to grow your plants. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to grow a consistently high-yielding, high-quality crop. If you don’t want to invest the time and money in this project, you’ll be better off to go to your hydro store and get new growing medium for each crop.

Shown above are the different outcomes that your nutrients will have depending how their cation and anions are balanced when formulated. When done right, they will work in your favor and give you a great crop. When done wrong you’ll find yourself battling constantly with your nutrient solutions pH. Worse yet, your growing medium’s pH will be on the rise. And if you’ve never measured your growing mediums pH you would never be aware of this yield reducing trap that’s been silently stealing your crops true harvest potential.

Your Nutrients

Lets Take A Closer Look At This Critical Piece Of The Puzzle Let’s have a look at how the different elements that make up your nutrients affect your pH. We mentioned this earlier at the beginning of this report. Your nutrient solution is made up of macro, micro and secondary nutrients. Macro means large and micro means little. Macro nutrients are those elements like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that your plants use a lot of. Micro nutrients, on the other hand, are nutrients that are only needed in very small quantities like iron, manganese, boron, copper, cobalt, molybdenum and zinc. Secondary nutrients are calcium, magnesium and sulfur and are used in smaller amounts than macro nutrients. All of these elements, macro, micro as well as secondary nutrients carry either a positive charge (cations) or a negative charge (anions) and will effect the pH of your growing medium as your plants use them up. In fact, most macro, micro and secondary elements can be manufactured to carry more cations or anions if a manufacturer is willing to go the extra mile and spend the additional money required to have them custom made. 138

And of course, that’s something Advanced Nutrients does. Cations include potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese, iron and ammonium. Anions include nitrates, phosphates, sulfates, carbonates, bicarbonates. And different forms of these elements carry different amounts of anions and cations.

How It All Comes Together Your plants roots take in both anions and cations but when they do, different things occur. Like when the roots take in cations, they give off a hydrogen ions-which are acidic-and is then released into your growing medium. This makes your growing medium acidic and the pH is lowered. Now, when anions are taken in by your roots, hydroxide ions are released which are alkaline and that raises the pH of your growing medium.

But as it goes, cations and anions actually work together.

Like I Mentioned Up At The Beginning...“It’s A Balancing Act” The whole trick is to balance the cations and the anions; then you can maintain the ideal pH in your growing medium. This does take a lot of work and research, but it can be done. Why is this important? I’ll let you in on the secret. When you use the cations in an ammonium based nitrogen source, it gives off acid molecules and that helps to maintain the ideal pH around the roots and in your growing medium. But when you use a mainly nitrate base nutrient, you are working with anions which gives off alkaline molecules and that raises the pH. This means you’ll need to continually adjust your pH down. Why do the extra work when you can just maintain the right balance of ammonium and nitrates, cations to anions, right from the start. And I don’t know for sure, but because of this imbalance of anions to cations you may have a high pH in your growing medium. And the worst part is, you aren’t even aware that this harvest robbing culprit is lurking in your growing medium.

Too much nitrates as a source of nitrogen will give shorter petioles, smaller leaves and thinner stems that won’t be able to support heavy flower weight.

Also, if you use a recirculating system you’ll be continually adjusting your reservoir’s pH in an unending cycle of pH balancing. And this directly affects the bigger yields that you could be getting. 139

When you get it right your plants will have nice vibrant green leaves.

A Few More Fundamentals Of Nutrients So let’s talk more about your nutrient. Since a lot goes on in a nutrient, you’ll need to have one that takes everything into account and makes the proper adjustments for you. It should work with and within the pH range of where your plants are growing and not against it. Plants that are subjected to stress due to limited and incorrect ratios of nutrient elements show slower growth, smaller bud size and weaker potency. In fact your plants use very little phosphorus they are actually nitrogen and potassium hogs. Unfortunately, other nutrient companies haven’t taken the necessary tissue samples to find this out. We’ve taken thousands of samples for all parts of the plant through all phases of growing and rigorously tested many different nutrient ratios and have optimized your plants nutrients based on that research.

To make matters worse, we found that as nutrients move away from your plants ideal ratios and element forms, yield and essential oil production rapidly deteriorate. For example, when you feed your plants with ammonium nitrogen you will get a greater petiole leaf expansion. But fertilizing with too much nitrate nitrogen will give you shorter petioles, smaller leaves and thinner stems making it difficult to pack on a lot a weight because your plants can sense whether they have the proper support to grow bigger flowers.

But Wait, There’s More! The form of nitrogen used also affects the color of your plant, as is seen in the case of fertilizing with ammonium nitrogen component which develops richer vibrant hues of green leaves. Now, temperature is something you have to take into account also. When the growing medium temperatures are below 60°F or 15°C, you are wiser to use nutrients high in nitrate-nitrogen. Remember the ideal root zone temperature is between 65°F and 75°F or 18°C and 24°C. This is because at below 60°F or 15°C temperature, the little microbes are just not working as fast and the nitrification process is inhibited. And this means the ammoniacal nitrogen is just not converted as well to ammonium. The only problem with that is that over time the nitrate-nitrogen will cause the pH to increase in the growing medium. As an aside the fertilizers that you find in garden centers and nurseries marked as “high acid” are high in ammonium and have a lot of cations in them. Here’s how it works; as the plant begins to take in these cation nutrients through their root system, it releases acid back into the soil or growing medium and that brings the pH down. So adding a “high acid” fertilizer to the reservoir does not make your nutrient solution have a lower pH; as you can now see the process comes about in the soil as the plant roots use the cation rich fertilizer and excrete acid into the soil.


The Source Of Nitrogen And... How It Makes A Big Difference We explored the importance of nitrogen for plant growth and bud growth, but it’s the source of nitrogen and the amount of that source that makes the biggest difference in your nutrient. For example, there is potassium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, and calcium nitrate. When a plant takes in nitrates, it gives off an alkaline molecule, and you get a rising pH near the roots making the pH of your growing medium alkaline. A great cation rich nitrogen source that we use at Advanced Nutrients is urea. It’s a great source because it acts like ammonium and keeps the pH nice and acidic in the growing medium.

Urea and nitrate molecules.

Urea also makes great microbial food and beneficial microbes love urea. The combination of urea and nitrates actually makes for a bigger, more vigorous growing plant and increases your crop yield. And yes, I just gave up another inside secret. Remember, when your plants root’s take in elements that are cations they excrete acid molecules into your growing medium. And when your plant roots take in anions they excrete alkaline molecules into your growing medium.

The Next Step For Nutrient Companies

soils are very diverse not only in the macro, micro and secondary nutrients they hold, but also in their availability, as well as the soil’s pH .

So if a nutrient company actually cared enough, knew what they were doing and was willing to spend the extra time and money they could make a perfectly balanced nutrient solution that would keep the pH in the ‘sweet spot” in your growing medium at all times.

However that’s not all, soil has a high cation exchange capacity, so companies also wouldn’t - if they chose to have to use as much if any pH buffer.

How would a nutrient company do that exactly? First they would have to tune the cations and anions of all the elements in the nutrient solution to a specific type of plant. And once you also knew what the exact macro, micro and secondary nutrient ratios of that specific plant was... You could then use your nutrient solutions nitrogen sources to help do the “balancing” act for you, because nitrogen is abundantly used by your plant and it is available in both cation (ammonium) and anion (nitrate) forms. Now we’re getting some place.

Alkalinity can run out of control faster than speeding bullet in your growing medium and severely reduce your harvest, or worse, in extreme cases kill your crop.

Only problem is, if you look at the hydroponics nutrients out there most of them use only nitrate forms as their nitrogen source, which is an anion form of nitrogen and drives your pH up in your growing medium as fast as a speeding bullet.

Bottom line is... saving a few bucks per bottle for them is more important than building a sound and sturdy nutrient platform that delivers to you, one high quality formula built right from the get-go, so to speak, for both hydroponics or soil. And with that being said, Advanced Nutrients base nutrients can be used in all hydroponics including rockwool, expanded clay pellets, perlite, volcanic rock, foam, styrene, sphagnum or soil growing mediums, and any combination of those, it’s totally your choice. The only growing medium the base nutrients are not made for, at this time, is coco coir. That requires a totally separate base nutrient and bud enhancer. Even better, all Advanced Nutrients base nutrients and supplements can be used in any and all growing systems like flood and drain, nft, drip irrigation, continuous feeding and aeroponics. And while we’re at it, almost all Advanced Nutrients supplements can be used in all your growing mediums including coco coir. Just look for the coco coir safe emblem on your supplement bottle or jar.

The Straight Goods On Different Formulas For Hydroponics And Soil Here it is, simply put it’s cheaper to make nutrient formulas for soil than hydroponics. Because soil has some nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and for the most part small quantities of iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, and molybdenum) already present in them so companies just figure that they don’t have to put as much of those elements into their nutrient formulas. There’s a danger with that kind of thinking, because 141

Some nutrient companies save a few bucks per bottle, by selling separate soil formulas instead of an-all-one high quality hydroponics and soil nutrient.

Pictured are various stand alone pH and EC meters and combo meters that do both pH and EC at the lower to medium end of the price scale.

Balancing Your pH When adjusting your reservoir’s nutrients to adjust your pH. For example, potassium hydroxide (also called caustic potash) can be used to raise your pH up. Use nitric and phosphoric acid to lower your pH down. You can use nitric acid in your vegetative cycle because it will add nitrogen to your crop and phosphoric acid in your flowering cycle because it will add phosphorus. And guess what? Personally I prefer to use nitric acid in my flowering cycle because tissue samples have shown your favorite plant doesn’t use a whole lot of phosphorus during flowering. In fact, in most cases nitrogen use increases. If you’re looking for organic forms of pH down you can use citric acid to bring the pH down. This you can get at a vitamin store; just make sure that it is a really pure type of citric acid. You can even use vinegar (acetic acid) but the acetic acid varies in different vinegars so you have to be a bit more careful and watch what goes on. For this reason, citric acid is the preferred acid to use.

How about Using Buffers? Some companies promote using chemicals to buffer your hydroponics nutrients. So what is a buffer? A buffer is a chemical that helps maintain pH stability of the nutrient solution. A lot of growers aren’t aware of this little known fact, 142

but a lot of nutrient companies use magnesium, calcium and potassium carbonate or bicarbonate as their pH buffers. This is absolutely not a good idea. Here’s why: remember that carbonates and bicarbonates are anions and add to the alkalinity of your nutrient solution and growing medium, and even though they might buffer the pH a bit, these “down and dirty” pH buffers will cause your growing mediums pH to accelerate up. Vitally important last and final point: Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium, using these carbonates and bicarbonates will actually diminish your crops yield potential. So check out what’s in the nutrients you’re using and see if they’re using any magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, potassium carbonate, bicarbonates or worse, a combination of them. For all these reasons, Advanced Nutrients won’t use them, period. Instead we invest our money in pH buffers that give you rock solid stability over your nutrient and growing mediums pH while never adding alkalinity in any way that will diminish the size of your harvest.

They do this by binding them to ions, and this prevents those ions from precipitating or locking out with other elements. You can use different chelates to lower and raise the pH level as well, depending on what you need. So Pictured is a simplified version of the whole activity is the way chelates bind to elemental another balancing ions. act. Adding chelates to the mix makes it easier for the plants roots to absorb the macro, micro and secondary nutrients that it needs.


There are several advantages of using chelates : EDTA


It increases availability of nutrients.


Mineral nutrients are prevented from forming insoluble precipitates.


Toxicity is reduced of some metal ions to plants.


It prevents nutrients from leaching.


The mobility of plant nutrients increases.


It suppresses the growth of plant pathogens.


When formulated correctly can help stabilize pH.

How We Give You The Best Advanced Nutrients micronutrients are 100% chelated, and our macro and secondary nutrients are chelated as well (although not as much as the micro nutrients because it’s not as critical). This makes them more available to the plant over an extremely wide pH range.

EDDHA Chelates- Pictured above are some of the different chelates in their raw form that are used to chelate hydroponics formula elements.

Adding Chelates OK, so lets take an in depth look at chelates. What are they, anyways? Well, chelates are complex organic molecules used to allow the micro, macro and secondary nutrients to remain available to the plant over a wider pH range. 143

The chart on the left shows the absorption range of typical non chelated macro, micro and secondary nutrients. The chart on the right shows the absorption range of Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect macro, micro and secondary nutrients. The only limit to absorption is the ability of the plants root system to keep growing it’s roots faster than they “burn” back from extreme pH levels. Typically those extremes are around pH 2.5 and pH 9.5.

The chelates that we use in your nutrients are EDTA, EDDHA, DPTA, Amino chelates and our own proprietary blend. And together they will give you a theoretical plant absorption range of pH 1 to pH 10. I say theoretical because at pH 2.5 the roots are being burned up faster than the plant can produce them and the same thing happens at pH 9.5


And most other nutrient formulas will start to precipitate and lock out at a pH of 6.8, at that pH, precipitation is microscopic and easily stays in suspension and usually can’t be seen with the naked eye. And it’s not until a pH of 7.5 to 8 you can visibly see it.


Then at the other end of spectrum at pH 5, iron and manganese start to become way more available and can lead to plant toxicity. You won’t have to worry about any of this with Advanced Nutrient products because of all the chelates that are used.


You can plainly see that without chelation your plants ability to absorb nutrients is placed in a very narrow pH range. And constant pH adjusting and monitoring will be required.


The tanks on the left show precipitation at pH 4.5 and pH 8.5 of typical hydroponics nutrients. The picture on the right shows Advanced Nutrients chelated nutrients at pH 4.5 and pH 8.5. 144

This is what healthy roots should look like. With the exception of using organic formulas, which will usually stain your healthy roots with a brownish tint.

Advanced Nutrients extensive use of chelates powerfully protects your crop with a second layer of pH protection and Advanced Nutrients is the only hydroponics company to do this and obviously goes to great lengths and expense to ensure you get the bigger yields you deserve.

The light was already green in front of us and the moment the car was in a straight line all hell broke loose the engine came alive, the tires hooked up and the sound of it all shattered the quiet of the still night air, echoing and reverberating off the store windows like intense thunder in a canyon of glass.

Expensive Chelates And A Street Racer Named Allan

I was pinned to the seat as if a powerful magnetic pull had gripped onto every cell in my body and firmly held it into the seat. I glanced over and saw how effectively the Hurst straight line shifter was making quick work of changing gears.

Using these types of chelates is literally 7 to 10 times more expensive than using straight non chelated elements in your nutrient solution. So why do we pay so much attention to all the details when making your nutrient formulas. Well a long long time ago when I was a very young man. I was just 19 years old. There was a street racer by the name of Allan in my hometown of Aurora, Illinois and he had the fastest car in a fifty mile radius. It was a Chevy Nova and it turned very low 10 second quarters consistently. Allan was a good 7 years older than me, and late one night on a summer evening a group of us were hanging out and talking to him. And I was asking a lot of questions about his car.

And I was amazed how he deftly squeezed every last RPM out of top end of every gear. By the time I looked forward again we were already coming out of third gear and into fourth gear. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, the interval lines on the road had all become a solid stripe and vision off to my sides became blurred while my frontal vision became razor sharp and all my senses were lit up like Las Vegas at night and sensory overload was setting in. Just then the run was over.

Out of the blue he asked me if I wanted to go for a quick spin. Man, I was in that front seat of that car in a split second. I had barely gotten my seat belt on when we rolled out onto Lake St. 145

He eased off the gas and just as quickly brought the car back down to a somewhat normal speed. I turned to Allan after we got done running that car through the gears and my ears had a chance to adjust from the roaring thunder. I asked him why his car was so fast.

a few of those things to their cars and run hard. But what happens is when they do just a few of those things, there’s something they don’t realize and understand, it effects something else that they didn’t think about, and then something snaps or limits their performance.

I asked him, was it because he had a triangular valve job, was it the headers, the dual Holley double pumpers on the high lift manifold, 12 to 1 compression pistons? The Muncie Rock Crusher transmission? Was it the ported and polished heads? The 4:11 posi traction rear end with traction bars? The roller cams?

When I built this car, I looked at everything and went through the entire car, and then built up each system. That’s why I don’t get beat.”

He stopped me mid sentence and said words I would carry with me for the rest of my life, and has served me well.

Little did I realize on that warm summer evening that a street racer had just handed me one of my keys to life that would open many doors. For whatever reason those words have stuck with me “it all matters” and throughout my life I’ve always put those words to good use.

He looked at me and said “Mike it’s all of it, and a whole lot more things than you’ve mentioned. You see – it all matters – a lot of guys think they can go out and do just

Talk Soon :-) BigMike

It was in a Chevy Nova similar to this one that I discovered from a street racer, one of my life’s important lessons. One that I would take with me for the rest of my life.



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