Grand Master Grower Level

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You’ll Get The Extra Push That’s The


You’ve Been Looking For As A Grand Master Grower

Before I explain to you the details of how the formulas in this box are guaranteed to give you the icing on the bigger yields cake, I want to personally congratulate you for being a Grand Master Grower. Because let’s face it, being a Grand Master Grower means you’ve seen it all and done it all in your grow rooms. You’re the person other growers frantically turn to when their leaves are yellowing and curling, when spider mites are devouring their plants, when they want advice on how to get the big yields you get. You can walk into any grow room any time anywhere and immediately provide information that fixes problems and increases yield. Turn page for more information è

You’ve always been out in front of the pack when it comes to getting into the latest technology and

You Get Much Bigger Yields, and Much Better Nutrients, Than You’ve Ever Had Before As you’re probably aware, the Bigger Yields Nutrient Flowering System offers you proprietary pH-Perfect™ Technology that gives you maximum nutrients absorption in almost any kind of water you use, and without you ever having to worry about pH or PPM again.

techniques that make gardening easier and more productive. And now you’re at the forefront of the hydroponics revolution that’s rocked the industr y because it eliminates the decades-long tyranny of pH and PPM meters, freeing you from timeconsuming chemistr y so you can enjoy your gardening. Here’s how…

When you step up to the Grand Master Grower Level, you get the largest yields and the most protection for your crops, with a guaranteed 37.89% increase in yield as compared to all other nutrients made by our competitor.

You’re liberated from the tyranny of pH and PPM worries because scientists finally figured out how to give your plants maximum doses of ideal nutrients in any type of water and any type of high value garden. I want to make sure you understand everything you have here. Because some people may think that liberating you from the hassles of pH and PPM are the only benefits of pHPerfect™. But that’s just the beginning. What else does our system do for you? It delivers more nutrients into your plants faster so you get better growth and bigger yields because our plant scientist’s have developed proprietary chelates, coatings and manufacturing processes that make it easier for your plants to absorb the nutrients they need the most. Not only that, but the System arranges base nutrients and supplements in the ideal sequence so your plants are fed exactly what they need when they need it. Instead of following confusing and illogical feed charts and wasting your time and money, you’re provided with a simple but powerful plan that combines all the right elements at all the right times so your plants always perform like world champions. è

Grand Master Grower Oh, and there’s something else too, our formulas are now standardized so you could almost mix them with your eyes closed and still deliver perfect nutrition to your plants.

Formulas So Potent We Only Trust Grand Master Growers To Use Them Let’s remember that you’re using the only System that “stacks” formulas to achieve bigger and bigger yields. With one of our new and improved base nutrients and the three bundles that come before the Grand Master Grower Bundle, you enhance roots, protect leaves, increase flower size, boost yield, aroma, taste, potency, and flush your crops before harvest. That leaves only the special crop enhancing benefits you get from these three Grand Master Grower formulas that are so potent that we trust only a grower like you to handle their power (I’m not joking when I say this, you better have the experience if you are going to this level, and I’m sure you do, and I just want to make sure because this is serious stuff). Ok I’ve said my little disclaimer. • You’ll create more budding sites and flowers that form earlier. Bud Ignitor is a totally new product that contains a mega-dose of 6 different initial flowering co-factors working in unison like a grand symphony orchestra and delivered just as your plants start flowering. It makes budding sites pop out like popcorn. And then those budding sites turn into bigger flowers so your harvests are faster and larger. • You’ll protect plants from the inside out. Rhino Skin contains a concentrated potassium silicate formula that builds cell wall strength and armors your plants against heat, drought, disease, pests, and other nightmares. • You’ll create superior plants for free! Bud Factor X is “amped up”, and it’s the only hydroponics formula of its kind that stimulates your plant’s growth (big burley plants with thick stalks and stems) and gives your flowers an extra “kick”, while increasing essential oils and aromatic production all at the same time. As a Grand Master Grower, you’re skilled enough to use Bud Factor X also as a foliar spray and watch your flowers get more valuable. Better yet, this product is free when you buy the Grand Master Grower Bundle. The bold truth is at every level of the System – Hobbyist, Expert Grower, Professional Grower and Grand Master Grower – you get fantastic yields. But when you step up to the Grand Master Grower Level, you get the largest yields and the most protection for your crops, with a guaranteed 37.89% increase in yield as compared to all other nutrients made by our competitors.


Our formulas are now standardized so you could almost mix them with your eyes closed and still deliver perfect nutrition to your plants. And there’s a free formula in each System bundle, and our base nutrients are 5-in-1 products that combine 4 powerful formulas and a special blend of amino acids. So when you pick up your base nutrients and all the bundle boxes right now, you’ll be getting 18 products for the price of 10! We guarantee you’ll be thrilled when you use all our Bigger Yields Bundles along with one of our new and improved super-potent base nutrients to get the most valuable, biggest yields you ever grown. You’re going to be ecstatic when you see how our pH-Perfect™ Technology eliminates you ever having to meter or adjust pH or PPM. And get this; your Bigger Yields Bundles continually fatten your flowers while special forms of potassium and phosphorus combine with exclusive plant co-factors in Bud Ignitor to give you a galaxy of big budding sites. Rhino Skin armors your plants against attack. And you’ll witness enhanced size, taste, aroma and value piling on top of each other when you use Bud Factor X! You’ll be excited when you see how our System powers plants in ALL types of high value gardens: ALL hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics, greenhouse, bubbler, NFT, flood and drain, drip irrigation, rotary, sealed room, HID, high-intensity fluorescent, air exchange, C02, and in all root media including rockwool, hydroton, perlite, vermiculite, sphagnum, peat pots, seedling and clone starters, and soil. Best of all, you can use the Grand Master Grower Level without having to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed. As always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money – it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.


Who Else Wants To Multiply Their Plant’s Bud Sites ...

AND … Get FASTER Flowering With This Scientific Secret?


ow you can make your plants produce more flowers per inch of stem while at the same time triggering earlier onset of flowering and flowers that swell and ripen faster so you harvest sooner. Plus, you can control the genetic clock ticking inside your plants… the clock that regulates your bloom phase resin production. In the past, you’ve triggered your plants’ genetic clock by suddenly shifting them to a 12-hour light cycle and changing them over to bloom fertilizer. All this is useful, but scientists have discovered something else you can also do. The secret is to provide your plants specially-configured forms of potassium carbonate, potassium phosphate, potassium sulfate and co-factors during the first two weeks of bloom phase.

The result is that instead of only the typical 30-55% of your stem nodes becoming hosts for flowering sites within two weeks of flowering, 70-100% of your nodes show floral initiation in a much shorter time! Flat out you see more flowers per plant. And as bloom season moves forward, you notice your stems are crammed full of dense floral growth that buries your stems in thick, gooey floral clusters so you have

Earlier Flowering Gives You More Harvests Per Year When you give your plants Bud Ignitor compounds, your plants respond not only by creating more budding sites, but also by creating more budding sites sooner. This means that on average you get 27% more budding sites, and your budding sites show up on average 19% sooner than they normally would. Seriously, think about how good this is

Bud Ignitor is the only hydroponics formula that makes more budding sites so you get more use of your plants’ stems. It also spurs earlier budding, so you get accelerated crop cycles. turn page



Your plants absolutely will give you more flowerings sites per stem when you provide specialized nutrition to your plants during early bloom phase so your plants ramp up internal production of metabolic triggers that result in stems that have way more budding sites than they normally would, and faster too.

continuous floral structures that run virtually the entire up and down length of your stems!


You Get More Flowering Sites Per Stem

The proof is in the numbers. Add up 27% more budding sites with 19% faster flowering and you get a much more productive flower per watt ratio at harvest time, and you also get more efficient use of your grow room for more finished crops per year.

Your Plants Get What They Need For Bigger Harvests What do your plants really need? Most bloom fertilizer programs underplay potassium and nitrogen too much, while providing too much phosphorus too late. This includes the reliance on bloom boosters used on top of base nutrients.

EARLY FLOWER DEVELOPMENT & NUMBERof OFbudding BUDDING SITES early development & number sites



for you. Because that 19% faster flowering onset translates into fewer days you have to support your plants during bloom cycle. Not only are you getting more flowers, but they’ll be ready for harvest sooner. You spend less time and money getting larger harvests earlier. You can run more crop cycles per year with the time you save.

With Bud Ignitor

Without Bud Ignitor

Bud Ignitor gives you significant percentage increases in how soon your flowers start forming, and in how many flowers your plants form. This adds up to larger, earlier harvests.

Help Your Plants Store Potassium Scientific testing from thousands of And Phosphorus So They Use It To tissue samples on the type of plants you Make Bigger, More Potent Flowers grow shows that if you fail to provide the right amounts and right types of potassium and phosphorus early in the What makes this so special? It means your plants have bloom phase, you create a permanent extra reserves of raw materials to draw on so you get deficit that lowers your harvest size no larger floral structures with more essential oil production. matter what you do later on. I want you to really focus on what I just said, because it’s It’s like missing the starting gun for a important for you: Bud Ignitor creates extra reserves on race, and then scrambling like crazy to potassium and phosphorus that directly feed production catch up later on. But you can’t catch of essential oils and flavoring compounds when your up: after those first two weeks are gone, buds are swelling and ripening. your plant is not going to create any more budding sites. You see why early application of Bud Ignitor is crucial to maximizing everything your plants do later in bloom cycle.

So now you have the total picture, and it’s a sweet picture indeed. Using Bud Ignitor during the first two weeks of bloom phase, you create more budding sites, more flowers, larger flowers, more potent flowers, heavier harvests, and more valuable harvests.

Your plants are smart. They bank their early cache of potassium and phosphorus in extra floral structures and other tissues. They also instruct their roots to make and bank extra cytokinins that boost floral production throughout the bloom cycle.

And if you want to further increase the potency, size and profitability of your crop, get Bud Ignitor today, along with our proprietary series of bloom phase-specific bud boosters such as Big Bud, Bud Candy, and Overdrive. This is the full spectrum of bud potentiator fuel for your garden.

ANSWER: No. The ingredients are designed to be fed into roots, where they will be PRODUCT TYPE: Early phase budding site and absorbed, converted and transported up bloom booster into your plants to increase your floral GARDEN TYPES: Bud Ignitor has been specially designed development and quality. for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Bud Ignitor has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, “One thing I noticed about NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid Bud Ignitor it mixes easy with feed growing systems.

other additives and the hydroponics nutrients program. I could see that the flowers MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during the first 2 weeks of your popped out on the plants a lot quicker. And also I could see flowering phase. that later on they were bigBUD IGNITOR BENEFITS: ger. So this is what I wanted • Bigger yields/More budding sites when I bought it and I am glad • Earlier floral development it came through for me.” • Save time and money WHEN TO USE: Use in the first two weeks of bloom phase.

• Larger flowers • More essential oils • More crop cycles per year

GROWER LEVEL: Grand Master level only

Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: Bud Ignitor looks pretty strong. Is it going to raise my ppm? ANSWER: Bud Ignitor is concentrated and powerful. If you are using it as a stand-alone formula without also using our Bigger Yields System, you should monitor ppm and you’ll see it goes up about 200 ppm. But when you use Bud Ignitor in our System, pH and ppm are already balanced for you so you don’t have to think about it at all. QUESTION: Looks like Bud Ignitor is going to give me a big boost. Why do I need to use any other bloom boosters? ANSWER: Your plants have a bloom season, but during that season, they need different types of ingredients to produce larger, more potent buds. Bud Ignitor starts your season by creating rapid, numerous budding sites and

Charles, from Needham, Massachusetts

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Bud Ignitor was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Bud Ignitor it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. What’s more..., Bud Ignitor will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Bud Ignitor you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.


Fast Facts

QUESTION: Should I use Bud Ignitor as a foliar feed?


You’re going to love seeing your plants produce floor to earlier flowers. Later on, your plants need ceiling buds ready for harvest earlier, when you use Bud different formulas as they move into peak Ignitor at the start of every bloom phase. bloom and then to harvest.

Safeguard Your Hydroponics Investment By Putting A


On Your Plants Right Now!


et’s face it, high-level hydroponics gardeners like you live with the threat of powdery mildew, gray mold, spider mites, aphids, root rot, harmful fungi, diseases, stress, heat, drought and other problems that can crush your crops and rob your march towards a better future. After all, hydroponics problems plague even the most careful growers. That’s why growers have long demanded a formula that armors their plants to stop problems without using poisons, pesticides or other harmful additives. Finally, help has arrived because one of nature’s most abundant elements helps you make your garden safer and more productive today.



The Super Silica That Protects Your Valuable Plants Look around at the ground outdoors and you’re seeing an important element that protects and strengthens your plants when you supply it in your hydroponics garden. That element is silica, which is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust (oxygen is the most prevalent) ... but the problem is ... Silica is missing from hydroponics root zones and fertilizers. Your plants desperately need silica. They evolved to intake it so it becomes part of their cell walls. That’s important because cells are the building blocks of your plants and cell walls are the structural features that determine the strength of your plants’ stems, leaves, flowers, floral structures and metabolism. Not only do your plants accumulate silicon to build their cells, they also store it as protection and foundational support between cells. In fact, your plants contain as much as 10% of their weight as silica. The problem is silica isn’t supplied at all in most hydroponics fertilizers or root zone media, and even if it is, it usually isn’t the right type or amount of silica to maximize silica’s benefits as a crop protector and potency enhancer.

Your plants are protected from your roots all the way up to your flower tops so you can rest assured that your valuable plants are safe.

by your plants and built into their structures. Also, be aware that once your plants have absorbed all the silica present in soil or whatever else you’re growing in, they of course won’t be able to absorb any more because there isn’t any more for them to absorb — even though they have a constant need for more silica especially during peak bloom phase. What I’m explaining is that plants intake silica, make it part of their structure, and then they need more when they build new structures. When is this most important? • Number one, the right silica is great for your plants when they’re in veg phase building the structure your branches will need if they’re going to be able to handle huge floral clusters in bloom phase.

Why You Have To Add Silica To Make Better Plants And Bigger Harvests Providing silica to your crops is necessary no matter what type of hydroponics system or nutrients you’re using. For example, if you’re growing in coco coir, rockwool, aeroponics, aquaponics, or other “sterile” hydroponics methods, you’ve got a serious silica deficiency that weakens your crops, lowers their potency, and makes them more susceptible to disease and stress. If you’re growing in soil, you might believe your silica levels are ok, but research shows that adding silica to gardening soil increases the amount of silica absorbed

Rhino Skin is produced and manufactured using the lastest hydroponics science targeted specifically for the plants you grow.

• Number two, silica is a sweet treat for your plants during peak bloom phase when flowers are swelling up overnight, fattening, ripening and adding trichomes. Now let’s explore the proven connection between silica and increased potency for your crops. turn page




ever by the big bang of your flowers. Imagine a peak bloom phase in which your trichomes are more resilient, larger, longer-lasting and more packed with the natural goodness you seek from your crops. That’s exactly what happens when you add silica to your garden.

Finding The Right Silica Formula For Your Plants

When you want gigantic, healthy plants and truly impressive yields, you use Rhino Skin to infuse your crops with the best form of silica for your garden.

Now You Can Make Your Trichomes Safer And Abundant During bloom phase, your plants channel most of their energy, metabolic processes and materials towards building flowers and floral structures. As you’re aware, the most important of your floral structures are trichomes, where the highest-value essential oils, aromatics and resins are made and stored. Of course, trichomes are very fragile, easily damaged and subject to degradation from light, heat, oxidation and aging. Indeed, a key indicator of when your plants are ready for harvest is that trichomes begin to fall, lose their crystal-clarity, and disappear off of floral surfaces. Feeding silica to make better and more trichomes gives you higher-value crops that produce more essential oils, terpenoids, and potency so your friends, family and consumers are more impressed than

If you’ve tried other silica products, you discover that most hydroponics manufacturers have found it difficult if not impossible to effectively deliver silica to your crops. You can see why that is. Silica is the main element in sand. It is very thick and solid. It doesn’t easily dissolve in water. It isn’t easily taken into plants. The scientists who created Advanced Nutrients Rhino Skin knew all this before they started the product design and testing process. That’s why they experimented with many different types of silica, as well as different concentrations and manufacturing methods. They found that the form of potassium silicate used in Rhino Skin produced the highest crop silicate percentages. But they also found other benefits. For one thing, silicates increase and balance distribution of other nutrients inside your plants. This creates better growth and yield, and also protects plants from toxicity, salinity and other chemistry problems common in hydroponics gardening. Not only that, but the scientists discovered how silica combined with a high PPM nutrient program resulted in larger flowers that had more color, freshness, taste and aroma. But there’s even more! Silica armors your plants against the tiny sucking faces of mites, aphids, thrips and other pests. So when you’re ready to armor your plants against biting insects, diseases, and harsh conditions while increasing the structure, material support and metabolism that creates larger and more potent harvests, get Rhino Skin today to immediately provide the extra silica your plants need.


Growers report that Rhino Skin gives POTENCY you plant protection PROTECTION AND INCREASED and increased potency.

Frequently Asked Questions: QUESTION: Can I get the same protection if I spray Rhino Skin as a foliar feed? ANSWER: Potassium silicate armors leaves, stems and internal plant cells best when the silica is drawn in through roots to become part of your plants’ structure. Foliar feeding is not necessary or recommended. QUESTION: Can Rhino Skin affect pH? ANSWER: Yes, Rhino Skin is a powerful pH Up formula that can dramatically raise pH, even when used in very small amounts. To ensure that Rhino Skin is properly dissolved and distributed in your nutrient water, add it to your reservoir at least two hours before feeding, allowing it to solubulize. Agitate your water before you administer it to plants. QUESTION: When I use Rhino Skin, will my plants be completely free of mites and other pests?

QUESTION: Why can only Grand Master Growers use Rhino Skin? ANSWER: Rhino Skin is the most effective, concentrated silica product on the market. It affects pH and must be carefully monitored and applied. Grand Master Growers are dedicated to spending the time necessary to maximize crop size and yields. They have the time and expertise to properly handle the power of Rhino Skin. As you use the Bigger Yields Flowering System™ and progress up the ladder of success while educating yourself with our gardening information materials, you will one day be a Grand Master so you too can get the benefits of Rhino Skin.

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Rhino Skin was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Rhino Skin it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. What’s more..., Rhino Skin will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Rhino Skin you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.


ANSWER: Rhino Skin is a safe, nontoxic way to armor your plants so they resist all types of attackers. However, it is not able to completely stop all attackers from harming your crops. A lot depends on how dedicated you are to controlling your grow room environment and vectors so that mites and other pests aren’t there in the first place.








Make Your Plants Stronger & Bigger So They Pump Out Increased Amounts Of Essential Oils


ou want healthier plants that give you the largest harvests of buds covered in essential oils ... and ... you’ve seen how sturdier, more robust plants are better able to resist stress and support extensive floral growth.

Plus, you want to increase your plants’ production of essential oils because these rare oils carry the flavor, aroma, potency, color and medicating effects that we most love about our buds.

Your ticket to more essential oils and stronger, larger plants is stimulating your plants’ inborn defense mechanisms using compounds that are now available for you in a proprietary easy to use liquid formulation. These compounds activate internal defense “systemic resistance” mechanisms in your plants, making them stronger and bigger so they thrive despite heat, disease, stress, intense light and pest attack. When you stimulate systemic resistance, your plants bulk up with as much as 50% more infrastructure, especially stems and stalks, prepping them for producing and handling larger flowers. Plus, it turns out that one of the ways systemic resistance armors your plants is by generating and secreting essential

So when you skillfully turn on your plants’ systemic resistance mechanisms using the right immune boost formula, your plants believe they are under attack and that means their vigor increases as they pump out more essential oils, a wider variety of oils and more potent essential oils. This process always results in heavier yields of finished buds that have more taste, aroma and effectiveness.

Bud Factor X-tra Potency And Root Power Bud Factor X is the new liquid bud builder formula that contains powerful compounds guaranteed to increase crop yields and essential oil production by stimulating plant defense mechanisms. In a previous incarnation of Bud Factor X, we used several proprietary compounds that turn on your plants’ immuno-defense network. Our upgraded Bud Factor X contains a better and newer generation of proprietary

Your flowers get bigger and more potent when Bud Factor X stimulates your plants’ immune systems. turn page



Get Your Ticket To Increased Potency And Stronger Plants Right Now

oils (most often in floral structures). It’s a form of plant self-protection.


But it took until now for scientists to unlock the most efficient methods to stimulate your plants to create thicker stems and stalks that produce heavier harvests and higher percentages of essential oils. The secret is a special bud builder formula you use to stimulate your plant’s immune system so they give you bigger plants, higher yields and more potent crops.




Hydroponics gardeners such as yourself are stoked to see how feeding Bud Factor X leads to bigger, more robust plants and your flowers coated with an extra thick layer of essential oils. As an added benefit, your plants are better able to handle stress and other obstacles.


Also onboard Bud Factor X’s powertrain is a proprietary non-ionic surfactant that transfers active ingredients directly into your plants’ cells when you use Bud Factor X as a foliar spray and/ or root zone additive.



What’s more, the special X Factor compounds are derived from pure sources that add natural power and potency to your crops so that Bud Factor X is a one of a kind bud potentiator containing the highest-ever percentages of proprietary immune-stimulating compounds.


These beneficial microbes (which can be easily installed in your root zone by using Tarantula, Piranha and VooDoo Juice) provide a variety of services to your roots. For example, beneficial microbes create larger root mass, protect roots, provide flower-boosting hormones to roots and increase your roots’ ability to quickly absorb nutrients.




compounds that strengthen and enlarge plants, create tidal waves of essential oils and feed growth of beneficial microbes in your root zone.

ENJOY SEEING YOUR PLANTS’ YIELD AND YOUR You’llYOU’LL enjoy seeing increases in your plants’ yield and HARVEST VALUE WHEN YOU USE BUD FACTOR X your harvest value when you use Bud Factor X.

Bud Factor X helps your plants fight off crop diseases, drought & stress.

QUESTION: My plant got bigger when I fed it Bud Factor X. Was this the result of the product? ANSWER: Yes, plants bulk up when you stimulate their immune systems. Almost all the size increase is in floral clusters, which adds to your total harvest weight. QUESTION: What is the best way to get more potent crops using Bud Factor X as a foliar spray?

Advanced Nutrients is the only hydroponics company using PhD plant scientists to boost your yields and crop value.

Fast Facts PRODUCT TYPE: Immune system stimulator BUD FACTOR X BENEFITS: • More essential oils • More aromatics/More taste • More resistance to stress, pests and disease • Larger plants for heavier harvests GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Grand Master Growers WHEN TO USE BUD FACTOR X: During bloom phase. GARDEN TYPES: Bud Factor X has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Bud Factor X has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

ANSWER: Follow the label instructions and then spray Bud Factor X directly onto buds just before lights go off so it will have time to absorb overnight. You could also apply it about 20 minutes before lights go on. You want it to have time to sink in rather than be evaporated. Try for a pH of about 5.8 and closely monitor your buds to make sure you aren’t overloading them. Avoid spraying buds in high humidity or when you are within 3 weeks of harvest.

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Bud Factor X was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Bud Factor X it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. What’s more..., Bud Factor X will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Bud Factor X you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.


Frequently Asked Questions


MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during weeks 1 through 6 of your flowering phase.

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