Jungle Juice

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Strong tagline INTRODUCING New Product: Jungle Juice Grow/Micro/ Bloom should go here




ave An Amazing 40% Off The Worlds Most Popular Hydro Fertilizer System!


f you’ve been using General Hydroponics, you might be in for a rude awakening. While it’s commonly known that General Hydroponics’ Flora system is the most popular three part nutrient system in the industry, the simple truth is that they just aren’t the best. Before I explain, I want you to take a look at something. You should find this very interesting… www.advancednutrients.com/JungleJuice








If you’ve been using General Hydroponics Flora series fertilizers, read this NOW to discover how you can …


Take a close look at these two product labels… if you notice, they have the exact same ingredients, but one is WAY more expensive than the other!








































What’s going on!? There’s really no easy way to put this so I’m just going to come right out and say it. The product you see on the left is overpriced, plain and simple. The fact is, Advanced Nutrients offers a line of Grow/ Micro/ Bloom products that: • Will balance your pH (pH Perfect), • Will protect your crops against poor yields caused by low or high pH levels, • Is fully chelated, • Cations and anions are properly balanced for the crops you are growing, • Has the perfect ratios of macro secondary and micronutrients for your plants (this does not apply to Jungle Juice!) The GMB system that AN offers is understandably a bit more pricy, however, GH doesn’t offer anything like that yet still wants to charge a price that reflects that standard of quality and investment. You see, because of its enormous reputation, GH its been thriving in an industry that hasn’t really been able to offer a viable alternative. Until now, that is. You see, not only does the product on the left not reflect the true value of its components, but also, the product itself doesn’t really offer the high quality standards that we at Advanced Nutrients know you expect and deserve. Let me tell you what I mean…

Problem #1: Inconsistent Batching We tested the Flora system. And even though we expected to find some inconsistency, what we discovered was SHOCKING. GH’s fertilizer shows a 20% variation in ingredients from batch to batch! As professional growers, you and I both know what a huge part consistency plays in guaranteeing our yields and product quality.

Problem #2: Low Quality Water We also found out that GH uses inferior water (sometimes just tap water) in the formulation of many of their products. This means that harmful chemicals like chlorine could easily be finding their way into you high value plants and stunting their potential and your profits.

Problem #3: Bad Mixing Practices Another big problem is that we know GH doesn’t measure their ingredients properly during the mixing process. This is evident in the inconsistency of their supplements from batch to batch. And what’s more, we also know that GH farms out the production of many of their products because, for whatever reason, they just don’t have the facilities to produce them in house. The sad truth is that adding this extra step to the process seriously increases a company’s ability to control the quality of its merchandise. And product quality is one of the BIGGEST factors in our industry of specialized growing!

Problem #4: Unfair Pricing We sincerely believe that, given the facts we’ve listed so far, the price GH is asking for its Flora system just isn’t fair. Not when there is so much technology and knowledge at their disposal that they could use to increase the value of their product. Unfortunately, because they’ve been around so long, GH enjoys a certain amount of loyalty from their customers that they may not necessarily deserve. But now, all that is about to change …

The Answer Is Advanced Nutrients’ JUNGLE JUICE™! After thousands of man-hours and hundreds of laboratory experiments, Advanced Nutrients has just released their newest 3-part base nutrient formula for growers of all levels called JUNGLE JUICE™. With this breakthrough formula, your plants get all the nutrients they need, exactly when they need them … • JUNGLE JUICE™ MICRO: starts your plants off right and gives them the foundation they need by feeding them highquality Nitrogen, Iron, Calcium, and other trace elements in the precise amounts our high-profit plants demand … • JUNGLE JUICE™ GROW: provides the Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, and secondary minerals necessary for the types of plants we grow to THRIVE during the all-important vegetative phase … and … • JUNGLE JUICE™ BLOOM: gives your plants the Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur they need to bloom big and juicy buds and give you the maximum yield!

Here’s 6 Solutions To Make YourChoice To Put JUNGLE JUICE™ To The Ultimate In-Home Test With Your Plants, TODAY, A No-Brainer! So you might be saying to yourself, “What’s the difference? You already said that the two products are exactly the same…” And that’s true … Sort of… You see, the ingredients on the label are exactly the same. The real difference, and the solution to all your problems, is in the QUALITY!

Solution #1: Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Advanced Nutrients™ uses a reverse osmosis water treatment system. This provides not only what is considered “Ultra Pure” water (the same water that Coca-Cola© and Pepsi© use for their products) but gives us a unique scientific advantage for hydroponic nutrients – a steady control point. Our R/O water is extremely free of sediment impurities, excess sodium, as well as 99.999% free of all bacteria due to the UV light treatment that is part of the reverse osmosis process. We use the same pure water every day, hour, minute, etc. This means that the scientific tests we perform on our nutrients are indeed scientific – the variables are known and controlled. There are a surprising number of hydroponics companies that use tap water for their product development. Which is a problem not only because of its low-quality and potential safety hazards for the end user, but because the quality of tap water fluctuates all the time.

Solution #2: Optimum Water Temperature Our scientists are obsessive. Many of them have more than one PhD. And they are always on the lookout for new variables to test. One of Advanced Nutrients’™ secret weapons (another proprietary secret that can’t be shared in an advertisement) is the water temperature we use to develop our products. It turns out, the specific temperature of the water can profoundly influence the solubility of the ingredients.

When you mix a jug of Kool-Aid for example, if you use cold water you’ll find more sediment at the bottom of the glass. When you get the temperature just right, you’ll notice much less sediment as well as a tastier brew. All of Advanced Nutrients™ products have a specific temperature dialed in to mix with, which means your plants will get the full benefit of the product from every last drop.

Solution #3: Pharmaceutical Grade Ingredients Advanced Nutrients™ uses pharmaceutical grade raw materials to make our products. What that means is that the raw materials sourced for our ingredients must meet a standard of purity and quality that is the highest presently achievable. This applies not only to the raw material as it appears in nature or in the lab, but to how its handled at every step along the way… from its original source, right to your bottle of Piranha™ you buy in the store. Technical grade ingredients, by contrast, are almost a 50/50 split of purity. That means that half of the product is complete waste (that may pose a danger to you or your plants!). Pharmaceutical grade materials, like we use here at Advanced Nutrients™, approach total purity so that… practically speaking, every milliliter of product you use is having its intended effect on the plants. Also, it’s guaranteed to be safe for your plant and more importantly, for your consumption.

Solution #4: Tissue Sample Testing That Can Exceed 4 Years For A Specific Product Or Ingredient – We have developed a base level of quality checks for every ingredient and product we put onto the market. This includes plant tissue samples taken from groups of growers using a specific product under highly controlled scientific experiments. (That is to say, changing SINGLE variables at a time and recording the results). You could say that Advanced Nutrients™ is the only hydroponics company with years of data collected on plant specific test sites. On average, the minimum amount of time we’ve taken to develop a product ready for the market is 2 years of consistent testing. It can take longer than 4 years before we’re satisfied.

Solution #5: Global Quality Control Measured To The Hundredth Of A Gram Another advantage of buying Advanced Nutrients™ is quality control. There are many companies that will put out different products regionally. And by that I mean the cereal you buy in California, for example, may not be the exact same cereal in Abbottsford, Canada (even though it comes in the same box, with the same label). The reason is that local materials are used to produce the product. And the grain in California might be different than the grain used in Canada. Not so with Advanced Nutrients™. Each of our products is produced, at every location on the globe, using the exact same process and ingredients. They’re also produced in small, handpicked batches at a time, by qualified professionals, to ensure the highest quality standards. The Piranha™ you buy in California is the exact same Piranha™ you’d buy in Mumbai, India. And each ingredient in every product is measured to be identical down to the hundredth of the gram (0.01g).

Solution #6: Ethical / Fair Pricing Even though we know that we’ve produced the best three-part fertilizer system in high value hydroponics industry, we still want the price of our product to reflect the true value of GMB from GH as well as the rest of the competition. That’s why we decided to offer JUNGLE JUICE™ for 40% LESS than what you would normally pay for GH’s Flora. So you get a higher quality product at nearly half the price!

You’re Guaranteed To Get Great Growth and Yields While You Save Money, With JUNGLE JUICE™! Advanced Nutrients is so serious about the JUNGLE JUICE™ formula that they offer a fullmoney back guarantee of satisfaction. Here it is, in the founders’ own words. NONE of our competitors will offer you a guarantee like this!

Company Founders’ NO-RISK, 100% Money Back


Jungle Juice Grow-Micro-Bloom was specifically built for growers like you, who have very specific demands and expectations from your hydroponics needs. When you use Jungle Juice Grow-Micro-Bloom it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. What’s more..., Jungle Juice Grow-Micro-Bloom will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. We guarantee it! And when you use Jungle Juice Grow-Micro-Bloom you’ll never have to risk even one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your gardening success.

Here’s how to setup a risk-free test of JUNGLE JUICE™ in your home today … First, before you start your next crop cycle, select an equal amount of clones, seedlings or transplants to use with JUNGLE JUICE™. Call this your “test” crops. Then, simply go to your favorite retail shop that carries Advanced Nutrients products and tell them you want to try out JUNGLE JUICE™ absolutely risk-free. Next, when you get home, mix JUNGLE JUICE™ exactly as directed and add it to one set of your clones or transplants. Add the common “industry standard” to the other half of seedlings. Then, you want to sit back and watch! Compare the two sets of plants as you tend to them day-by-day … and … keep an eye on the set of plants you’re using JUNGLE JUICE™ with … Watch your plants power through their growth phase. Enjoy seeing them get greener, look stronger, and look healthier. And finally, enjoy watching them hit the bloom phase stronger than ever before … and … produce the biggest, juiciest, smelliest, most potent buds possible! Lastly, after you harvest, you need to compare your two sets of crops to each other and ask yourself two very important questions: 1. Which set of test crops looks better? 2. Did JUNGLE JUICE™ give me a better overall value?

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