2024 Groundwater 101 Week Agenda

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Groundwater 101Week

JULY 15-19, 2024 | VIRTUAL

FIVE days of training


Groundwater 101 Week Committee

Kate E. Richards, CHG

Hiroko M. Hort, PhD, PE

Clay Sorensen, CHG

Moises Santillan, PG

Jessica Chomyn, PG

David Garrison

Groundwater 101Week

JULY 15-19, 2024 | VIRTUAL


EVENT SPONSORS environment & water


Roscoe Moss Company


JULY 15, 2024

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Capabilities in MODFLOW-USG: Dual Porosity, Contaminant Transport, and PFAS Modeling

Understanding and managing groundwater flow and contamination in complex geological settings requires advanced modeling tools. MODFLOW-USG offers enhanced capabilities for simulating dual porosity systems, contaminant transport, and emerging pollutants such as PFAS. This lecture provides an introductory overview of these key features in MODFLOW-USG, aimed at students and practitioners new to MODFLOW-USG with some experience with groundwater models. We discuss the dual porosity approach, which allows for the simultaneous simulation of flow through both matrix and fracture networks, addressing the limitations of traditional single porosity models. Additionally, we explore the transport capabilities of MODFLOW-USG. Special attention is given to the new PFAS package (USGT-PFAS), which is designed to model the complex behavior of these persistent contaminants. Through practical examples and case studies, we demonstrate the application of MODFLOW-USG in real-world scenarios, highlighting its utility in groundwater management, contamination assessment, and resource evaluation. This overview aims to provide a foundational understanding of MODFLOW-USG’s advanced features, equipping readers with the knowledge to effectively apply these tools in their work.


Learning Objectives:

• Dual Porosity Modeling: Learn how MODFLOW-USG simulates groundwater flow through both porous media and fracture networks for complex geological settings.

• Contaminant Transport: Understand how MODFLOW-USG’s transport modules serve as a foundation for basic contaminant transport simulations and can be expanded for more advanced transport modeling capabilities.

• PFAS Package: Gain insights into modeling persistent contaminants like PFAS with MODFLOW-USG’s specialized package for effective contamination assessment.

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Use of Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Data for Groundwater Modeling and Management in California

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has been conducting airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys across California’s high- and medium-priority groundwater basins to aid in the implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). These surveys, along with extensive supplementary hydrogeologic and geophysical data collection, provide invaluable resources for groundwater modeling and management, benefiting state and federal agencies, Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs), stakeholders, and the public. This course will provide valuable insight into introduction to AEM surveys and data collection, workflows for aquifer characterization, model parametrization and calibration, assessment of groundwater basins, and compliance with SGMA. The course begins with an introduction to the workflows designed for characterizing aquifers through 3D visualization, display, and processing of AEM and additional hydrogeologic and geophysical data. Participants will learn about developing or refining hydrostratigraphic models and identifying structural features that influence aquifer flow dynamics. Next, the course will explore practical applications of the collected data for model parametrization. Attendees will be introduced to a suite of processes and tools that streamline the parametrization and calibration of groundwater models.

Finally, the course will present practical examples demonstrating the use of AEM and supplementary data to assess critical features and processes for groundwater basin understanding and resource management in line with SGMA. This includes evaluating recharge suitability and identifying probable recharge pathways.


Mesut Cayar, PhD, PE, Senior Technical Leader, Woodard & Curran

Jack Baer, PG, Hydrogeologist and Environmental Geologist, Woodard & Curran

Sercan Ceyhan, PhD, Integrated Hydrological Modeler and Water Resources Engineer

Liz DaBramo, PE. Water Resource Planner and Manager

Learning Objectives:

• Introduction to AEM surveys and data collection

• Workflows for aquifer characterization, model parametrization and calibration

• Assessment of recharge potential and pathways

JULY 16, 2024

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Aquifer Pumping Tests: Application of Practical Methodologies for Extracting Relevant and Useful Characteristics about an Aquifer and a Well Installation

The session will cover the basics associated with conducting aquifer pumping tests including: the well installation, step drawdown tests, barometric effects, aquifer test design, data collection, and data analysis. The session with explain the hydrodynamics associated with radial groundwater flow to a well and will provide a high-level discussion of the groundwater theory that underlies the different types of pumping tests analyses. Both traditional analysis methods and more advanced analysis methods better suited for complex or heterogeneous aquifers will be explained. The second half of the session will discuss case examples where aquifer test data is presented and analyzed. The case examples will include applications of borehole flowmeter techniques to characterize the three-dimensional aspects of groundwater flow that could be important for efficient well design, for optimizing well field operations, and for better characterization of flow and transport processes.


Steven Young, Ph.D., PE, PG, INTERA Incorporated

Learning Objectives:

• Learn the principals of aquifer pumping tests.

• Review theory underyling pumping tests and data analysis methods for different circumstances.

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Everything is Contaminated – How to Properly

Sample for PFAS

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of manufactured compounds that have been used extensively in a variety of industrial, commercial, and consumer products. As an emerging contaminant, regulations are evolving and research is ongoing. With the toxicity of certain PFAS confirmed, PFAS is being added to environmental cleanup sites as a contaminant of concern. However, many typical sampling products contain PFAS and may contaminate samples during preparation of the sampling site, sample collection, decontamination of sample equipment, or shipment and storage of samples. Given the high probability of PFAS cross-contamination, it is imperative to design and implement effective PFAS sampling procedures to ensure that environmental investigation is being conducted appropriately and that data obtained can be relied upon for making site evaluation and remediation decisions. This class will provide an overview of the current regulatory landscape that is driving an increasing amount of PFAS investigation, project setup and planning considerations that are required for PFAS projects, and a detailed discussion on PFAS sampling protocols. This talk will also review available and upcoming PFAS laboratory analytical methods and when it is appropriate to use each method, as well as quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) considerations. Lastly, this talk will discuss current waste management options for PFAS projects.


Heather Gosack, Assistant Vice President and Senior Geologist, WSP

Kelsi Evans, Lead Consultant and Senior Environmental Chemist, WSP

Learning Objectives:

• Overview of the current regulatory landscape

• Project planning considerations

• PFAS sampling protocols

• Analytical methods

• Quality assurance and quality control considerations

• Waste management

JULY 17, 2024

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Improving Well Rehabilitation Outcomes with Science Based Approaches

Long term well performance is dependent on many factors including how the well is designed, constructed, and later how it is operated and maintained. This presentation will discuss the importance of well development for maintaining long term well performance. The talk will describe a multi-facetted, science based approach to developing well specific rehabilitation plans.


Brian J. Peck, MS PG CHG (California), Senior Hydrogeologist, Shannon & Wilson Inc.

Learning Objectives:

• Key well design and construction factors impacting rehabilitation

• Mechanisms of well screen and filter pack clogging

• Research related to well rehabilitation methods and approaches

• Real world successes and failures

• Well maintenance efforts that help minimize loss of performance

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Basic Design Principles for Monitoring, Production, and Recharge Wells

He has nearly 40 years of experience as a professional geologist specializing in development of ground water for municipal use. Kevin was a founding member and Chair of the CA/NV AWWA Water Well Technology Committee, member of the AWWA A100 Well Standards Committee and is a current member of the CA DWR Well Standards Update Committee. Prior to joining Roscoe Moss Company, he worked as Director of Recharge Operations and as a Senior Hydrogeologist for the Orange County Water District in Fountain Valley, CA. He is a Registered Geologist in the State of California. He is also the recipient of the 2022 National Groundwater Association’s McEllhiney Distinguished Lecturer Award.


Kevin McGillicuddy, Chief Hydrogeologist, Roscoe Moss Company

Learning Objectives:

• Gain insights into the development of groundwater resources for municipal use.

• Learn about water well standards and technological advancements from industry committees.

• Analyze real-world groundwater management case studies, including recharge operations at the Orange County Water District.

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Technical Writing & Presentation Development 101

Effective communication of technical information is a vital skill for water industry professionals in both public and private sectors. Most project deliverables include a written technical memo or report, which can range from a couple to several thousand pages depending on the nature of the project. In addition to written deliverables, technical staff are often required to present project updates and/or conclusions to clients, public agency boards, stakeholders, and other water industry professionals (for example, at the 2024 Western Groundwater Congress being held October 7-9th at Lake Tahoe, CA). The first half of this course will focus on general approaches for writing and organizing technical documents, while the second half of the course will focus on preparing and delivering oral presentations. Differences between the two mediums will be discussed, with tips and tricks for each provided.


Gus Tolley, PhD, Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc

Learning Objectives:

• Fundamental technical writing tips

• Presentation development tips

• Oral presentation delivery/audience engagement tips

• Differences in overall approach between writing and oral presentations in technical field

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Project Management 101

This Project Management 101 course introduces participants to the key phases of managing environmental and hydrogeological projects, using the installation of a long-term groundwater monitoring well as a practical example. The course will cover the process from receiving a client’s request for proposal (RFP) to proposal preparation, project execution, and project completion. By the end of the course, attendees will understand how to effectively manage and execute such projects to ensure a successful outcome.


Chris Romero, Senior Project Manager, WSP USA Inc.

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the entire project lifecycle from RFP to project completion. Develop skills in proposal preparation, including detailed project planning and resource allocation.

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Best Practices for Working with Imperfect Data

The presence of inaccurate, incomplete, or inconsistent data (i.e., “imperfect” data) can present challenges for the spatial and/or temporal analysis of environmental data. These imperfect data can arise from a variety of causes including (but not limited to) infrequent or irregular sampling; other changes in monitoring programs over time and space; the presence of non-detects (i.e., censored data); and the influence of physiochemical processes that are not accounted for in the conceptual site model (CSM). This short course will discuss and present some common – and less common – techniques employed by groundwater professionals to undertake analyses using imperfect data. This will include methods for identifying outliers; working with both spatially and temporally discontinuous datasets; and for handling censored data will be discussed.


Matt Tonkin, Ph.D., President, S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc.

Erica DiFilippo, Ph.D., SSPA, Environmental Chemist, S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc.

Learning Objectives:

• Methods for identifying outliers

• How to work with both spatially and temporally discontinuous datasets

• Handling censored data

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Subsidence: Where, Why, How, Who, Whom, and What?

This 101 course provides a comprehensive introduction to land subsidence, addressing the key aspects of where it occurs, why it happens, how it develops, who is affected, whom to involve in management, and what can be done about it. You will learn about the regions most prone to subsidence in California, the natural and human-induced causes behind it, and the processes involved. The course will highlight the impact on communities, industries, and ecosystems, and emphasize the importance of involving government agencies, scientists, and local communities in subsidence management with a particular focus on the role of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Additionally, the class will delve into the technical aspects of processing subsidence data, including detection, monitoring, and prediction.


Chin Man Mok, PhD, PE, PG, GE, DWRE, DGE, Vice President, GSI Environmental Inc.

Pin-Ching Li, PhD, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeler, GSI Environmental Inc.

Learning Objectives:

• Where Subsidence Occures

• Why Subsidence Happens

• How to Monitor Subsidence

• Who is Affected by Subsidence

• Whom to Involve in Subsidence Management

• What Can Be Done About Subsidence

JULY 15-19, 2024 |

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