Muiderpoort Station renewal - Panels

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Muiderpoort Station Renewed


Hyeon-su Yang -Tutors: P. Vermeulen, H. Mihl, E. Grambergen


Large infrastructural works dominate the area around Muiderpoort station and the adjacent Oosterspoorplein. The area was designed in 1930’s as an elegant ensemble in style with the Amsterdam Amstel Station, but as it was cut of from the urban fabric by railway dikes, never contributed much to the public life in the adjacent neighborhoods. The recent development of Muiderpoort station as one of the most important infrastructural nodes in the Amsterdam region, leaded to many practical adjustments in the station area. These alterations did nor solve the initial problems, but rather weakened the urban and architectural quality.




In and around Muiderpoort station, there is potential to improve the situation. First of all, the recent mixed-use development in Oostpoort, located south of the station area, could bring urban diversity to East Amsterdam.Secondly, The daily Dappermarkt (market) and the main shopping street (Javastraat) are attractive aspects for both locals and visitors.Thirdly, Muiderpoort station and the square, Oosterspoorsplein, have a potential to become the local heart of East Amsterdam as they from the connection between these activities. In order to transform Muiderpoort station area from anunfavorable place to the heart of local neighborhoods in East Amsterdam, I propose the modification of dikes into buildings. These buildings will contain various public facilities: a public library, music school, rentable workshopsand retail spaces. Alsonewentrances to the station platforms alongside the street and Oosterspoorplein are taken into account. Too provide a better connection between the Dapperbuurt and the Indischebuurt the existing viaduct will be broadened and improved by skylights and new internal facades. The plan must be seen as a generator for the area, a first step, leaving space for new developments on the south side of the Oosterspoorplein in the future.



A’ Railway on ground level

: Until the early 1900, railway tracks was a boundary of the city of Amsterdam.

Public Library

Dapper buurt

Indische buurt


Railway as an urban obstacle

: Rapid urban-sprawl till 1930th led that railways became the physical blockage in urban areas because tracks became to be placed in between urban blocks.

A Music school

Dapper buurt

Indische buurt

Railways on a dike

: Railways was raised onto a dike in 1930th. Consequently, it resulted the decline in visual connection among urban blocks.

B’ N Dapper buurt

Indische buurt

Site plan: first floor 0




Viaduct for urban connection

: The introduction of viaducts in 1930th aimed to create physical points to improve urban connection among blocks. Technically, it was helpful but this instrument was designed not for pedestrians but more for transportation.

Dapper buurt

Indische buurt

Suggestion 01 - Light-box and Void : The introduction of light-box and void help to improve the spatial quality of underpass by getting more natural light. Moreover, light-boxs are also helpful for citizens to change their negative perception toward railway infrastructures.

Suggestion 02 - progames & enlarged underpass

: Embedding functions help to make railway infrastructures as a part of urban blocks. Enlarged underpasses can improve the spatial quality of the existing underpasses which have negative perception by citizens.

Strong visual connection

Strong physical connection

Weak visual connection

Weak physical connection

Section A-A’







Section B-B’






1. Oosterspoorplein (Public Square) 2. Restaurant (Previous Station hall) 3. Train Platform (Amsterdam-Amersfoort) 4. Train Platform (Amsterdam-Utrecht) 5. Light-boxs

Second Floor

: Muiderpoort station | 1:300 scale






2 A’







1. Oosterspoorplein (Public Square) 2. Restaurant (Previous Station hall) 3. Public Library 4. Local Music School

5. Workshops (rentable) 6. Bookshop 7. Art-gallery 8. Retails (rentable)

SECTION A-A’ (1:300 scale)

SECTION B-B’ (1:300 scale)

Ground Floor

: Various public & private facilities | 1:300 scale




8 D’



2 C


5 1 4

1. Oosterspoorplein (Public Square) 2. Restaurant (Previous Station hall) 3. Public Library 4. Local Music School

5. Workshops (rentable) 6. Bookshop 7. Art-gallery 8. Retails (rentable)

SECTION C-C’ (1:300 scale)

SECTION D-D’ (1:300 scale)

First Floor

: Various public & private facilities | 1:300 scale


DETAIL no.12

DETAIL no.13

ELEVATION (1:25 scale)

DETAIL no.01

DETAIL no.03

DETAIL no.02

DETAIL no.04

DETAIL no.08

DETAIL no.05

DETAIL no.07

DETAIL no.09

DETAIL no.11

DETAIL no.12

DETAIL no.16

DETAIL no.15

SECTION (1:25 scale)

No. 01: Roof Edge of Light-box (vertical detail)

No. 02: Edge between Light-box and Translucent Glass Shelter (vertical detail)

Double-Glazing Glass Thermal Breaking Element Aluminum Flashing (for Drainage) Rectangular Steel Beam with (with fire-resistance coating), 400x200mm

No. 05: Pavement of Platform (vertical detail)

Inward-openable window (Aluminum profile) Aluminum Flashing for drainage Translucent Double-glazing Glass Cube Steel Beam (with water-resistance coating), 200x200mm

No. 06: Sandwich Concrete Slab (vertical detail)

Precasted Concrete Pavement Block, 500x500mm, 100mm thickness Foot for Pavement Block Water-proof membrane (bitumenious), 8mm Prefabricated Concrete Deck

No. 09: Top of Facade-window (vertical detail)

No. 10: Middle of Facade-window (vertical detail)

(horizontal detail)

Double-glazing glass Laminated Wood Mullion, 50x150mm Laminated Hard Ork Wood (Dark, Interior), 30mm C shape steel profile, 7mm thickness, 90x100mm Thermal Insulation Layer Water-proof membrane C shape steel profile, 7mm thickness, 150x140mm Laminated Hard Ork Wood (Dark, Exterior), 45mm Concrete wall, 165mm Fiber Concrete Panel, 35mm

No. 07: Railway Track (vertical detail)

(Vertical detail)

Cube Steel Beam with (with fire-resistance coating), 200x200mm Double-glazing glass Mullion Facade System (Aluminum profile) Thermal Insulation Layer Water-proof membrane Aluminum Flashing Rectangular Steel Beam with (with fire-resistance coating), 400x200mm

No. 08: Edge between Prefabricated Brick Tiles and Concrete Roof (vertical detail)

Standard Railway Track Anti-vibration met layer 1 Anti-vibration met layer 2 Sleeperbed Concrete Mortar for Railway Sleeperbed

No. 11: Bottom of Facade-window (vertical detail)

Double-Glazing Glass Inward-Openable Window (wooden frame) Laminated Wood Mullion, 50x150mm

No. 14: Pavement of Ground

No. 04: Drainage of Light-Box (vertical detail)

Aluminum Flashing Double-Glazing Translucent Glass Drain Cube Steel Beam (with water-resistance coating), 100x100mm Lighting (covered by Translucent PVS cover) Cube Steel Beam (with water-resistance coating), 200x200mm

Concrete Mortar for Railway Sleeperbed Water-proof membrane (bitumenious), 8mm Reinforced Concrete Slab, 200mm Thermal Insultation (Hard-Foam, 100mm) with Steel-wire Truss Reinforced Concrete Slab, 150mm Prefabricated AASHTO concrete beam, 700mm

Prefabriated Concrete Beam Thermal Insulation, 100mm Water-proof membrane, 8mm Steel Truss (with water-proof coating) Steel Profile (with water-proof coating) Wooden Ceiling (Ork Hardwood, Light) Sun-protection Aluminum Blinder

No. 13: Window - Window

No. 03: Drainage of Translucent Glass Shelter (vertical detail)

Selant Prefabricate Brick tile panel (Tile 30mm, Mortar 10mm, Concrete block 80mm) Drainage Step Flashing Reinforced Concrete Slab, 200mm

No. 12: Fiber Concrete Facade - Window (horizontal detail)

Laminated Hard Ork Wood (Dark, Interior), 30mm Stone Threshold Reinforced Concrete Wall, 200mm Thermal Insulation Layer, 80mm Water-proof membrane, 8mm Prefabricated Concrete Block, 240mm

No. 15: Ground Floor (vertical detail)

Double-glazing glass Laminated Wood Mullion, 50x150mm Laminated Hard Ork Wood (Dark, Interior), 30mm C shape steel profile, 7mm thickness, 90x100mm Thermal Insulation Layer Water-protection Layer C shape steel profile, 7mm thickness, 150x140mm Laminated Hard Ork Wood (Dark, Exterior), 45mm Inward-Opening Window (with wooden frame)

No. 16: Floating Floor (vertical detail)

Prefabriated concrete pavement brick, 30mm

Reinforced Concrete with wire-mesh, 200mm

Floating Floor (with wooden floor or carpet)

Sand, 20mm

Thermal Insulation Layer (cement mortar), 100mm

Floor Heating Device for Floating Floor

Concrete with wire mesh, 100mm

Water-proof Layer, 8mm

Foot for Floating Floor

Hard-core (Gravel), 200mm

Hard-core (Gravel), 200mm

Concrete Batten



DETAILS (1:5 scale)

Technical room

Technical room

Air-in (mechanical ventilation) Technical room

Air-out (mechanical ventilation) Technical room

Natural & Mechanical Ventilation

Natural Ventilation (in & out) Air-in (mechanical ventilation) Air-out (mechanical ventilation)

Technical room

Water supplying Water returning

Water collecting Water Tank

Drainage & Collection of Rainwater Re-using (including Floor Heating) Water Supply & Return

Technical Room Water Tank

Water collecting Water supplying

Water Tank

Techincal room

Water System

Water returning

Drainage & Collection of Rainwater Re-using (including Floor Heating) Water Supply & Return

Water Drainage Floor Heating System

Technical Room Water Tank

Summer time Winter time 2pm 12am


7pm 10am

Natural Light from Facade Natural Light from Light-box


Natural Light Artifical Light Alumimun Blinder

Climate Design

Public Library + Music School | West Elevation

Public Library + Music School | East Elevation

Workshops | West Elevation

Workshops | East Elevation

Bookshop + Art Gallery + Retails | West Elevation

Bookshop + Art Gallery + Retails | East Elevation

ELEVATIONS (1:300 scale) N

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