
Balick, Aaron Keep your cool: how to deal with life’s worries and stresses 155.5
Brownlee, Liz The same inside: poems about empathy and friendship 155.5
Carpenter, Adam Let’s talk: a boy’s guide to mental health 155.5
Collins-Donnelly, Kate Starving the anger gremlin: A cognitive therapy workbook on anger management for young people 155.5
Collins-Donnelly, Kate Starving the anxiety gremlin: A cognitive therapy workbook on anxiety management for young people 155.5
Collins-Donnelly, Kate Starving the stress gremlin: A cognitive therapy workbook on stress management for young people 155.5
Dewar, Matthew The mindful breathing workbook for teens: simple practices to help you manage stress and feel better now 155.5
DK Stress: The psychology of managing pressure 155.5
Galanti, Regine Anxiety Relief for teens: Essential CBT skills and mindfulness practices to overcome anxiety and stress 155.5
Head, Honor Beating stress and anxiety 155.5
Head, Honor Your brain and body 155.5
Head, Honor Your emotions 155.5
Hibberd, Jessamy This book will make you calm 155.5
Hipp, Earl Fighting invisible tigers: Stress management for teens 155.5
James, Anthony Say ‘no’ to exam stress: the easy to use programme to survive exam nerves 155.5
Jeffrey, Bernstein Anxiety, depression and Anger Toolbox for teens: 150 powerful mindfulness, CBT and positive psychology activities to manage emotions 155.5
Kalanithi, Paul When breath becomes air 155.5
Katherine, Sara Be happy, be calm, be you: A mindfulness journal for teens 155.5
Lavington, Suzie A girl’s guide to being fearless: how to find your brave 155.5
Lohmann, Raychelle The anger workbook for teens: Activities to help you deal with anger and frustration 155.5
Maats, Hunter The straight-A conspiracy: Your secret guide to ending the stress of school and totally ruling the world 155.5
McGee, Paul Yesss!: the SUMO secrets to being a positive, confident teenager 155.5
Morgan, Nicola Be resilient: how to build a strong teenage mind for tougher times 155.5
Morgan, Nicola Blame my brain: the amazing teenage brain revealed 155.5
Morgan, Nicola Exam attack: a practical, positive guide to exam success and beating stress 155.5
Morgan, Nicola The teenage guide to stress 155.5
Nagel, Paula The mental health and wellbeing workout for teens: skills and exercises from ACT and CBT for healthy thinking 155.5
Oattes, Gavin A head full of everything: inspiration for teenagers with the world on their mind 155.5
Richardson, Tanya Zen Teen: 101 mindful ways to stay calm when life gets stressful 155.5
Shannon, Doug The shyness and social anxiety workbook for teens: CBT and ACT skills to help you build social confidence 155.5
Shannon, Jennifer The anxiety survival guide for teens: CBT skills to overcome fear, worry, and panic 155.5
Tompkins, Michael My anxious mind: a teen’s guide to managing anxiety and panic 155.5
Williamson, Anna How not to lose it: mental health sorted 155.5
Young, Frankie
The self-care kit for stressed-out teens: healthy habits and calming advice to help you stay positive 155.5
Albertalli, Becky
The up-side of un-requited Life
Anderson, Laurie Halse Speak Life
Asher, Jay
Bardugo, Leigh
Thirteen Reasons Why Life
Six of crows Fantasy
Brahmachari, Sita Kite Spirit Life Dhami, Narinder
Bang, Bang you’re dead Crime
Downham, Jenny Before I die Life
Drews, C.G.
Green, John
Kinsella, Sophie
The boy who steals houses Life
Turtles all the way down Life
Finding Audrey Romance
Levithan, David Every Day Life
McCombie, Karen
Nelson, Jandy
The whispers of Wilderwood Hall Adventure
The sky is everywhere Life
Perkins, Stephanie
Rowell, Rainbow
Shusterman, Neal
Stratton, Allan
All the things we never said Life
Isla and the happily ever after Life Rahman, Yasmin
Fangirl Romance
Challenger Deep Life
The Dogs Crime
Zephaniah, Benjamin Face Life
Aspden, K.L. Help I’ve got an alarm bell going off in my head! How panic, anxiety 616.8
Balinson, Andrea Depression, anxiety and bipolar disorders 616.8
Baty, Louise In my head: a young person’s guide to understanding mental health 616.8
Collard, Dr Patrizia The little book of mindfulness: 10 minutes a day to less stress, more peace 616.8
David, Lee 10 Minutes to better mental health: a step-by-step guide for teens using CBT and mindfulness 616.8
Dawson, Juno Mind your head 616.8
Dowrick, Christopher Can I tell you about depression? : A guide for friends, family and professionals 616.8
Goff, Sissy Brave: A Teen girl’s guide to beating worry and anxiety 616.8
Haig, Matt Notes on a nervous planet 616.8
Haig, Matt Reasons to stay alive 616.8
Johnstone, Matthew I had a black dog: his name was depression 616.8
Knowles, Sue My anxiety handbook: getting back on track 616.8
Maddox, Lucy What is mental health? Where does it come from? And other big questions 616.8
Morgan, Nicola The awesome power of sleep: how sleep super-charges your teenage brain 616.8
Nichol, Lucy A series of unfortunate stereotypes: naming and shaming mental health stigmas 616.8
Potion, Leo Perfectly imperfect stories 616.8
Rae, Dr. Tina
It’s ok not to be ok: a guide to wellbeing 616.8
Reynolds, Shirley Am I depressed and what can I do about it?: A CBT self-help guide for teenagers experiencing low mood and depression 616.8
Rosenberg, Liz I just hope it’s lethal: Poems of sadness, madness, and joy 616.8
Stowell, Louie Looking after your mental health 616.8
Thomas, Bonnie Creative coping skills for teens and tweens: activities for self-care and emotional support including art, yoga and mindfulness 616.8
Tompkins, Michael A. The relaxation and stress reduction workbook for teens: CBT skills to help you deal with worry and anxiety 616.8
Van Dijk, Sheri Don’t let your emotions run your life for teens: Dialectical behaviour therapy skills for helping you manage mood swings, control angry outbursts and get along with others
Malcolm, Deborah Meh: A story about depression 616.8
Cox, Terri Shiny happy person finding the sun between clouds of depression 616.8
Anderson, Laurie Halse Speak Life Asher, Jay Thirteen Reasons Why Life
Brahmachari, Sita Kite Spirit Life Brown, Echo Black Girl unlimited Life Chbosky, Stephen
The Perks of being a wallflower Life Emmich, Val Dear Evan Hansen Life Gardner, Faith Girl on the line Life Garvin, Jeff The lightness of hands Life Gornall, Louise Under rose tainted skies Life Green, John Paper towns Life Green, John Will Grayson, Will Grayson Life Forman, Gayle I was here Life Fortunati, Karen Weight of zero Life Kaysen, Susanna Girl, Interrupted Life Khorram, Adib Darius the Great is not okay Life Maas, Sarah J. A court of mist and fury Fantasy Miller, Sam J. Destroy all monsters Life Niven, Jennifer All the bright places Life Pan, Emily X.R
The astonishing colour of after Life Rosen, Michael Michael Rosen’s sad book Life Salinger, JD
The Catcher in the Rye Contemporary Shusterman, Neal Challenger Deep Life
Derisley, Jo Breaking free from OCD: a CBT guide for young people and their families 618.928
Higashida, Naoki The reason I jump: one boy’s voice from the silence of autism 618.928
James, Laura Odd girl out: an autistic woman in a neurotypical world 618.928
Limpsfield Grange School M is for autism 618.928
Rooke, Margaret Dyslexia is my superpower (most of the time) 618.928
Vermeulen, Peter I am special : a workbook to help children, teens and adults with autism spectrum disorders to understand their diagnosis, gain confidence and thrive
Wells, Joe Touch and go Joe: an adolescent’s experiences of OCD 618.928
Wood, Kelly Stand up to OCD!: a CBT self-help guide and workbook for teens 618.928
Balen, Katya
The space we’re in Life
Erskine, Kathryn Mockingbird Life Haddon, Mark
Martin, Ann M
McNicoll, Elle
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Life
How to look for a lost dog Animals
A kind of spark Life
Scott, Libby Can you see m? Life
Scott, Rebecca Ways to be me Life
Stevens, Robin
The Guggenheim Mystery Crime
The London Eye Mystery Crime OCD
Dowd, Siobhan
Alkaf, Hanna
The weight of our sky Life
Bourne, Holly Am I normal yet? Life
Green, John Turtles all the way down Life
Ness, Patrick
The rest of us just live here Life
Thompson, Lisa Goldfish Boy Life DYSLEXIA
Elphinstone, Abi
Everdark Adventure
Lawrence, Patrice Rat Life
Riordan, Rick
Wheatle, Alex
The Lightning Thief Fantasy
The humiliations of Welton Blake Life
Wooding, Chris Pale Fantasy
Atlantic Publishing group Young adult’s guide to stop bullying: understanding bullies and their actions 302.34
Bathie, Holly Social media survival guide 302.34
Burton, Bonnie Girls against girls: how to stop bullying and build better frienships 302.23
Chang, Victoria Love, love 302.23
Elliott, Michele Bullies, cyberbullies and frenemies 302.23
Head, Honor 12 hacks to beat bullying 302.23
Head, Honor Social media and you 302.23
Hemmen, Lucie The teen girl’s survival guide: 10 tips for making friends, avoiding drama, and coping with social stress 302.23
Lovegrove, Emily Autism, bullying and me: the really useful stuff you need to know about coping brilliantly with bullying 302.23
Naik, Anita Queen bees, drama queens and cliquey teens: how to survive the friendship game 302.23
Stowell, Louie Usborne staying safe online 302.23
Velasquez, Lizzie Dare to be kind: how extraordinary compassion can transform our world 302.23
Ainsworth, Eve 7 days Life
Anderson, Sophie The house with chicken legs Life
Blackman, Malorie Cloud Busting Life Blackman, Malorie Boys don’t cry Life Burgess, Melvin Kill all enemies Life
Crossan, Sarah We come apart Life
Crossan, Sarah The weight of water Life
Dawson, Juno Hollow Pike Horror
Earle, Phil Bubble Wrap Boy Life
Forde, Catherine Fat boy swim Life
Gavin, Jamila
Coram Boy Life Mann, Manjeet Run, Rebel Life
Ness, Patrick A monster calls Fantasy
Nielsen, Susin We are all made of molecules Life
Oakes, Colleen
The Black Coats Crime
Pitcher, Annabel
Silence is goldfish Life
My sister lives on the mantelpiece Life Pitcher, Annabel
Rutter, Helen The boy whose wishes came true Life
Thompson, Lisa The Rollercoaster Boy Life
Aggarwal, Shelley No weigh!: a teen’s guide to positive body image, food, and emotional wisdom 612.221
Bailey, Jacqui The girl files: All about puberty and growing up 612.221
Bailey, Jacqui Sex, puberty and all the stuff 612.221
Biram, Tracy Body image 612.221
Collins-Donnelly, Kate Banish your body image thief: A cognitive behavioural therapy workbook on building positive body image for young people 612.221
De Meza, Lesley A-Z of growing up, puberty and sex 612.221
Flavell, Liz Puberty in numbers
Hooper-Hodson, Alex The boy files: Puberty, growing up and all that stuff 612.221
Lask, Bryan Can I tell you about eating disorders? 612.221
Levete, Sarah The hidden story of eating disorders 612.221
Markey, Charlotte Being you: the body image book for boys 612.221
Markey, The body image book for girls: love yourself and grow up fearless 612.221
Meredith, Susan What's happening to me? 612.221
Morgan, Nicola Body brilliant : a teenage guide to a positive body image 612.221
Winston, Robert Help your kids with growing up : a no-nonsense guide to puberty and adolescence 612.221
Keplinger, Kody The Duff Life
Niven, Jennifer Holding up the universe Life
O’Neill, Louise Only ever yours Sci-Fi Palacio, R.J. Wonder Life Petro-Roy, Jen Good enough Life
Rowell, Rainbow Eleanor and Park Life
Rowell, Rainbow Fangirl Life
Murphy, Julie Dumplin’ Life Murphy, Julie Puddin’ Life Watson, Renee Love is a revolution Life
Westerfeld, Scott Uglies Sci-fi Wolkenstein, M. Evan Turtle Boy Life
Belge, Kathy Queer: the ultimate LGBT guide for teens 306.76
Caught, Alexis Queer up: an uplifting guide to LGBTQ+ love, life and mental health 306.76
Jennings, Kevin Confronting stereotypes 306.76
Barker, MegJohn Queer: a graphic history 306.766
Dawson, Juno This book is gay 306.766
Dawson, Juno What is gender? How does it define us? And other big questions 306.766
Fisher, Fox Trans Teen survival guide 306.766
Head, Honor Trans global: transgender then, now and around the world 306.766
Huegel Madrone, Kelly LGBTQ: The survival guide for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning teens 306.766
Kuklin, Susan Beyond magenta: transgender teens speak out 306.766
Purkis, Yenn The awesome autistic guide for trans teens 306.766
Teich, Nicholas Transgender 101: A simple guide to a complex issue 306.766
Albertalli, Becky
Atta, Dean
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda Life
The Black Flamingo Life
Six of crows Fantasy Bayron, Kalynn Cinderella is dead Fantasy Callender, Kacen Everybody Looking Life
Bardugo, Leah
Danforth, Emily M.
The miseducation of Cameron Post Contemporary Eldred, Ava
The boyband murder mystery Crime
Green, James Simon Heartbreak Boys Life Lloh, Candice Everybody looking Life Kanakia, Naomi
We are totally normal Life
Eight pieces of Silva Crime Lester, George Boy Queen Life
Lawrence, Patrice
Murphy, Julie Dumplin’ Life
Murphy, Julie Puddin’ Life
Rowell, Rainbow Eleanor and Park Life
Rowell, Rainbow Fangirl Life Russo, Meredith Birthday Life
Sharpe, Tess
The girls I’ve been Life
Sutcliffe, Lucy Girl heart Girl Life Watson, Renee Love is a revolution Life
Williamson, Lisa The art of being normal Life
Bonanno, George The other side of sadness: what the new science of bereavement tells us about life after loss 306.9
Gootman, Marilyn When a friend dies: A book for teens about grieving and healing 306.9
Hopkinson, Emma It’s your loss: living with grief is hard 306.9
Kalanithi, Paul When breath becomes air 306.9
Popowitz, Coral Grief recovery for teens: letting go of painful emotions with bodybased practices 306.9
Sjoeqvist, Suzanne Still here with me: teenagers and children on losing a parent 306.9
Almond, David Skellig Life Asher, Jay
Thirteen Reasons Why Life
Brahmachari, Sita Kite Spirit Life
Brahmachari, Sita Artichoke Hearts Life Chbosky, Stephen
The perks of being a wallflower Life Dessen, Sarah The truth about forever Life
Falkoff, Michelle Playlist for the dead Life Fiedler, Lisa We walked the sky Life Forman, Gayle
If I stay Life Green, John The fault in our stars Life Green, John Looking for Alaska Life
Honeyman, Gail
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine Life
Macdonald, Helen H is for Hawk Contemporary
Ness, Patrick A monster calls Fantasy
Niven, Jennifer
All the bright places Life Oliver, Lauren Before I fall Life Picoult, Jodi My sister’s keeper Life
Reynolds, Jason Long Way Down Life Rosen, Michael Michael Rosen’s Sad book Life Sebold, Alice
The Lovely Bones Contemporary Silvera, Adam History is all you left me Contemporary Thomas, Angie The Hate you Give Life
Welford, Ross
Time-travelling with a hamster Life Westcott, Rebecca Dandelion Clocks Life
Wheatle, Alex
The humiliations of Welton Blake Contemporary Wooding, Chris Pale Sci-Fi
Skeen, Michelle Just as you are 158.1
Williams, Mark Mindfulness 158.1
Rushford, Marcus You can do it 158.1
Head, Honor Be your best you 158.1
Sedley, Ben Stuff that sucks 158.1
Naik, Anita Self esteem and being you 158.1
Anderson, Laurie Halse Wintergirls Life
Anderson, Laurie Halse Speak Life
Asher, Jay 13 Reasons why Life Earle, Phil Saving Daisy Life Forman, Gayle I have lost my way Life
Green, John The fault in our stars Life Kinsella, Sophie Finding Audrey Life Niven, Jennifer All the bright places Life
Rowell, Rainbow Fangirl Life Shusterman, Neal Challenger Deep Life Yoon, Nicola Everything, Everything Life
Williamson, Nicola Paper Avalanche Life Zephaniah, Benjamin Face Life
Arnold, David Mosquitoland Contemporary
Blume, Judy It’s not the end of the world Life
Bourne, Holly It only happens in the movies Life
Dessen, Sarah That summer Life
Dessen, Sarah What happened to goodbye Life
Ibbotson, Iva The morning gift Life
Kinsella, Sophie Finding Audrey Life
Nielsen, Susan We are all made of molecules Life
Nielsen, Susan My sister lives on the mantelpiece Life
Toten, Tessa The unlikely hero of room 13 B Life
Towsend, Sue The secret diary of Adrian Mole aged 13 3/4 Life
Wilson, Candy Floss Life
Calm Zone Empathy Lab Mind NHS— Bereavement and young
Papyrus Reading Well
Relate Rethink Samaritans Shout Young Minds