Hypnosis Haven Therapeutic Imagery 201

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Hypnosis Haven ​ Weekly Digest

Therapeutic Imagery 201 An overview on Therapeutic Imagery and how it can help.

by ​ Susana Padilla​ on July 2016

How does Therapeutic Imagery work? In order to understand the “​ how”​ , let us take into consideration that thoughts have a way of making things happen. We think about what we want to eat for lunch, we get it. We think about what to wear, we put it on. We think about things we want and the body makes it happen by implementing our physical abilities, whether it takes our hands and feet to get somewhere, our voice to speak or our knowledge to make things happen everything begins with a thought.

Naturally, the next question would be - ​ what is a thought​ ? Where does it come from? From a ​ neuroscientific perspective, it is still a mystery as to what in the brain brings thoughts forward. Yet here we are, thinking. Thinking of so many things in life, ​ what we have, what we don’t have, what we would rather have, why this, when that… ​ Thoughts are there and they are affected by our energy, the ​ ‘mood’ so to say. But what came first, the thought or the mood? Both of those have the power to influence actions and yet neither one of them are actually tangible. The energy that Thought ​ “is” will attract similar energy since those are the laws of attraction. Before any self-help books and courses were created, the Laws of Attraction were already happening. People attract into their life what it is that they focus on the most. Granted it does take more than thought to make some changes or realities happen, but it is possible to change a mood with thought, to change the way we think, change the way we act and then our feelings about circumstances or situations will change. Hypnosis and Therapeutic Imagery are powerful tools to influence these changes.

Beyond positive thinking and trying to attract change into our physical state is the process of uncovering within the Self. Looking into the ​ Self can be an opportunity for profound and clear understanding of how thoughts may have been subconsciously holding us back​ . Realizing that beliefs and thoughts accumulated over a lifetime may no longer be of benefit to the ​ life intended is a breakthrough in the process that can now be cleared away and replaced with ​ better and positive habits, ideas, beliefs and images. In order for those changes to take place, A Kappasinian trained hypnotherapist and Master Facilitator will take into consideration the way the Subconscious Mind took all those beliefs into the mind to begin with. It is estimated that the Subconscious Mind takes up 88% of the mind and the Conscious Mind is 12%. Within that 12% there is the ​ “Decision Making”, “Reasoning”, “Analysis”, “Will-Power”, ​ and “Logic”. Within the Subconscious Mind we will find the familiar Homeostasis. It would rather stick to what is known, the way things have always been, rather than to allow the changes the Conscious mind may be trying to implement. So when a person is ready to make a change in their life, they’ve decided they want to stop a certain behavior, they’ve reasoned as to why that’s enough and have analysed the benefits vs. the detriments and incorporate all the logic and will-power to get it done --the Subconscious Mind will compare the new ideas to what is familiar, and will either allow the new information or reject the ideas.

How then, do we get through? Therapeutic Imagery allows the client to relax deeply and creates an environment within the mind where the journey of discovery can begin to unfold. Since the Subconscious Mind uses imagery to communicate, the facilitator along with the client, will allow for the Subconscious to bring forth the images that represent ​ ‘fear’, ‘confidence’, ‘health’, doubt’, ‘success’​ . Using the same type of language patterns and speech that the client learns with, the hypnotherapist will shift from a journey of discovery to a session of therapy to strengthen the new and positive ideas discovered by the client and give the client mental and physical anchors to help reinforce the desired outcome. There are journeys to help the clients with issues such as: ​ Improving Health, Career Success, Relationship Enhancement, Changing Habits, Self-Improvement, Healing Before and After Surgery, Tinnitus, and many many more.

Like the mind, Icebergs have 88% of its volume and mass underwater, with 12% on the surface.


What Can I Expect From Therapeutic Imagery? by ​ Susana Padilla​ on July 2016


Contact me if you have any questions about Therapeutic Imagery. I look forward to your questions and appointments.

Susana Padilla



Hypnosis Haven Mission Viejo • Rancho Cucamonga • Tarzana • Skype

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