PAST LIFE REGRESSION HYPNOSIS - A few weeks before comi ng in f or my firs t P LR ses sion , I w as experienci ng symptoms of a real ly bad earache coming u p again. The speci ali sts have never b een ab l e t o und erstand wh y it is that I have these i ssues. Once a gain, I mad e an appointment, k n o w in g it would take weeks to get in, and I continued to liv e w ith th e pain i n the background. Somet imes it “spoke”, y ou know , it let itsel f be known, I didn't think any thing of this u nt il I was i n th e session and the pain "spoke for me". -
S usana P ad i ll a, C Ht , C H Hy p no si s-H ave n. c o m The following is a testimonial shared with the client's permission.
The session began with a simple question, “what do you want to discover about?” …. What a question … And for whatever reason, I replied, “ Let’s find out why I have an aversion to getting married.” I thought I would never really pay for that therapy because I was ok with not wanting to ever get married, but I wanted to know “why”. After the hypnotic relaxation, I was enjoying the sensation but I didn't feel “hypnotized”. As I was about to tell him that it wasn't working, I realized I was having these visions appear, blurry, but something. He asked me about my form, was I human or otherwise, male or female. The vision wasn't clear and I wasn't sure. What I was seeing was two hockey sticks but then I realized the perception of the observer was coming in from underwater. Turns out, what I was seeing was two feet hanging from the end of a dock on a lake. Again I was asked, and at the moment I heard "male", my right ear that had been bothering me for about 3 weeks just "popped". I took it as my body answering for me and from there the visions just came in as though I was watching a movie. I can clearly recall the light of the room, the colors of the clothing. The sounds of shoes scuffling on the wooden floor. They all came in one after the other as there were more questions of discovery. I came into the life of a young man who was about 17 years old and about to graduate from high school. He has his high school sweetheart and they live in a small town where not much changes. It was the early 1900’s America. Not much changed. This young man loved to dive, he grew up on a farm with a deep pond and he would dive in swimming holes, he was great at it and more than anything in his life, he wanted to join the navy to become a diver. His mother was furious and outspoken about it. He had just been in the kitchen with his mother and his girlfriend Laura. His mother said he needed to stay and marry Laura because they'd been together since childhood and who would take care of the farm … He was torn because deep-sea mechanical diving was still new and very dangerous. He didn't want to marry her and leave her a widow, or taking care of him should he become disabled. Laura stood there silently, barely lifting her eyes. The streak of sunlight beamed brightly between her and me and seemed to accentuate the shadows on the sides. His mother spoke for Laura any time she tried to and finally when she did get a chance to speak all she said was “Follow your heart”.
I left her. The next visions I had were of him as a young man, a professional diver, learning and taking on the physical effects that came with diving, like ear problems. He became an instructor and was very well recognized in his field. He traveled the world. I saw his life and then came time for the life to end. It was in the home, it was a beautiful morning. I looked around his home as the walls were covered in awards, plaques, trophies all around. He had a clean home and he lived alone. The number 67 kept repeating but I'm not sure if that was his age or if that was the year because the furnishings were of that time. After breakfast, he looked over to the sofa, took his paper, and walked over to the spot where the soft morning sunlight filtered through the blinds in such a way that warmed him deeply. He settled in to read the paper. At that point, I became him. I became him because I was given the option to observe or to experience the death. I chose the latter. I noticed the dust particles in the sunlight looked more like air bubbles when divers descend. There were more and more bubbles as I felt a tugging sensation within me. I didn't want to go. I felt the pull and heard my internal voice say, “I want to dive one more time.” And a calm knowing came over me that said, “It's time for you to dive in other waters.” And with that, I comfortably let go. When I released the images and returned to my personal space within, I was able to see the lessons and the message of that life. He did what he loved and he loved what he did. He was well recognized and awarded, successful, but he lived alone. He had decided in his heart that if he didn't marry Laura, he wasn't going to marry anyone at all and would only live to work. The other lesson - We die anyway, so love! Update - it's been almost 6 years since this session and the client reports the ear aches never returned.
I have enjoyed taking clients on hypnotic journeys and while many people believe this type of hypnotherapy to be “fringe”, it is best described as a narrative. Perhaps an opportunity to understand it is needed. When we go to the movies we are sometimes moved emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Movies can change a life, a generation. It is all visual and the communication of the visions is directed to the observer. What a person experiences in a session is a very personal movie that has a message for them. The message comes through in symbols and stories, details that only they could know. I remember one client saying “that's my daughter now! The girl who was my daughter in that life is my daughter again now!”. Past Life Regression (PLR) is often used to help discover reasons for repeated patterns of behavior, unexplained medical or physical ailments, to understand recurring dreams. Some people come in to discover who their soul groups are, their partners in past lives, or even to understand a relationship with a family member. Past Lives, Future Lives, and that space of time in Between lives are all accessible to help clients delve into perspectives that can offer solutions perhaps not seen before. Past life memories are the autobiography of your eternal soul-—personal stories that explain who you are now and why you're here on Earth. Past life regression is a therapeutic technique for accessing and re-experiencing your past lives directly. - Carol Bowman
When coming in for a PLR session make sure to have a few things in mind: Eat enough to be comfortable and lying back for 2-3 hours Use the restroom to ensure no interruptions during the session Come with a desired intention in mind, although that's not always needed Know that not everyone will experience a past life vision in session. It is possible to have the visions come in dreams, at a later time or after a few sessions You cannot stay stuck in a past life or in hypnosis you are always capable and able to open your eyes and count yourself out Past Life Regression is not the same as Age Regression These sessions can be done as a group event as well as an individual, but the group environment can be distracting and not as therapeutic as the individual session. For questions contact
OFFICE LOCATION NEW MILFORD, CT HYPNOSIS-HAVEN.COM Susana is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with over 1,000 hours of formal training at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute of Tarzana, CA. She has been practicing Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in CT since 2016 and has helped clients from ages of 4 to 86 with challenges like: Anxiety Self-esteem Anger Abandonment Career Success Health Improvement Quitting Sugar Smoking Cessation Stroke Recovery Test Anxiety Overeating Life Management Childbirth Self-sabotage Writer's block Tics Relationships