Hypnosis Haven Weekly Digest
Therapeutic Imagery 501
An overview on Therapeutic Imagery and when is the best time to begin.
When is the best time to come in for a Guided Therapeutic Imagery Session? When can I expect to see changes or results? by Susana Padilla on September 2016
Release! Relax & Let it Go!
How can I possibly emphasize the importance of the “NOW” better than any of the other greats who have spoken before me? How can it be communicated to someone who may not be able to grasp the concept because they are buried under insurmountable ‘circumstances’ and belief systems that hinder the mind’s ability to come up with creative solutions? It can be done.
Since the only real time is “NOW”, we can only act upon now. But what guides our behavior, thoughts, emotions and demeanor? The very things that are Familiar to us: images, memories, sensations, associations, beliefs - KNOWNS, as we come to call them in Kappasinian Theory of Mind, are the reasons why people have limiting beliefs. The homeostasis of what is familiar when the concepts of ‘safety’, ‘inclusion’, ‘love’, and ‘nurturing’ were established are what guides what is accepted, believed, done, repeated. Only so much can be accomplished in life because that is all that is familiar, or associated to such a strong emotion that it does not allow for other solutions or approaches. Hypnotherapy would be the best way to use the most effective means of communicating with the subconscious mind in order to help the client overcome challenges, limiting beliefs, releasing habits, achieving new levels of success and so on.
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Release! Relax & Let it Go!
Belief systems can be something like:
Only a certain amount of income is acceptable … No one will love me There is no solution to this Exams are too hard for me to complete calmly This is the only way because this has always been the only way I’m not good enough I am going to have to live with the pain forever Every female/male in my side of the family behaved this way so I must I don’t deserve to be happy I’m ugly This is as good as it gets I will never get over this I am a failure at relationships Exercising is hard It’s beliefs like these that constitute the Behavior, Demeanor, Thoughts and Emotions of the moment. Can there be a better time than NOW to begin releasing negative thought patterns that create the actions based on beliefs that no longer serve anyone!
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Beginning in the First session of hypnotherapy with Susana, clients will begin to notice changes, even in just relaxing for a moment and focusing on Self-Improvement, Healing, or Success, clients will be able to gain both long-term and short-terms results and goal accomplishments. Example of Short lasting goals: ● ●
Hypnosis and Childbirth; recommended to begin hypnotherapy no later than 29 weeks Test Anxiety and Hypnosis; as soon as the anxiety begins (unless needed for constant testing, then more may be suggested)
Example of Lasting results: ●
Hypnosis for Weight Management; for lasting results to effectively change eating habits, beliefs and behaviors. *Works best when accompanied with a Nutritionist. Dr. referral required for 25+ gain or loss.
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Smoking Cessation; once the reasons are discovered, the behavior can be released. It is really That simple. Hypnosis to overcome fears Chronic Pain Relief
The reasons to come in are many, as relief, hope, comfort and success can all be attained with Hypnotherapy, dedication to the visions and outcome, and always - repetition. Repetition and reinforcement are key elements in making long-lasting effects and improvements, learning new skills and maintaining desired outcomes whether it is in behavior or health - REPETITION IS KEY The best and only time to come in for a Hypnotherapy session would be NOW because the sooner negative and limiting beliefs are changed, released or affected, the sooner behavioral patterns and ways of being change!
Release! Relax & Let it Go!
Contact me if you have any questions about Therapeutic Imagery. I look forward to your questions and appointments.
Susana Padilla
Who is Susana Padilla and what is the difference between a Certified Master Hypnotist and a Certified Hypnotherapist?
by Susana Padilla on October 2016
Hypnosis Haven Mission Viejo • Rancho Cucamonga • Tarzana • Skype
Release! Relax & Let it Go!