Geological Mapping and Mineral Exploration

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SUPERIOR SENSORS :: SUPERIOR SERVICE :: SUPERIOR PRODUCTS This is not our mission statement; this is our promise

HyVista Corporation Pty Ltd The company specialises in the supply of airborne hyperspectral remote sensing imagery and information products for a wide range of applications including geological mapping, mineral exploration, environmental monitoring, agriculture and land use planning.

Why use HyVista for your next airborne remote sensing survey? With over a decade of experience and the benefits of continual product development, HyVista uses the HyMap sensor to provide the “world’s best” hyperspectral imagery. We are committed to delivering the maximum outcome for our clients.

“HyVista Delivers Every Time”

The company also provides imagery to support R&D projects in areas of future satellite simulation, defence surveillance, soil degradation and vegetation species mapping. Hyperspectral remote sensing (or spectral imaging) provides a significant advantage over the more traditional multi-spectral imaging by leveraging the power of spectroscopy to make more detailed discrimination and identification of the earth’s surface materials and to be able, in many cases, to reveal details of the material’s physical and chemical state. For more than a decade, the company has been delivering survey products of the highest quality to its clients and continues to maintain a high level of product development, from equipment performance through to the most effective image processing outcomes. The company’s mission is to provide our clients with a “world best” survey service and product delivery on a worldwide basis.

Application in Geological Mapping and Mineral Exploration High resolution spectral sensing (hyperspectral) is an advanced remote sensing technique that maps the distribution of surface materials through their spectral signatures. This technology can be applied to applications in mineral exploration, geological mapping and environmental monitoring. The successful application of this technique depends on having sensors with high signal to noise ratio and sufficient spatial and spectral resolution. HyVista Corporation utilises the HyMap airborne


Mineral Spectral Signatures: Effect of Spectral Resolution


Spectra recorded by the HyMap scanners show the same diagnostic information as those measured in the laboratory by the USGS. In comparison ASTER spectra are under-sampled and critical diagnostic information can be lost.

The seamless mineral map (above) was produced from 27 strips of HyMap imagery acquired in Namibia during 2005. The image is a grayscale background overlain with the distribution of the 9 minerals derived from the HyMap data at a spatial resolution of 5m.


Mineral Spectral Signatures: Seamless Maps



hyperspectral sensor which delivers “world best� performance.

IRON ORE MINERAL MAPPING airborne hyperspectral remote sensing

MAPPING HEMATITE, GEOTHITE AND SURROUNDING LITHOLOGIES FROM HYMAP HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGERY IN THE MOUNT WHALEBACK IRON ORE MINING AREA Mt Whaleback is an iron ore mine in the Opthalmia Range and is probably the richest deposit in the great Hamersley


Iron Province which starts at the coast north of Onslow and runs ESE for more than 500km. The province contains vast quantities of iron‐bearing material, an estimated 24,000 million tonnes at 55% iron.

Western Australia

The Mt Newman deposits are in a mineral lease covering nearly 800 square km. Mt Whaleback is the prime ore body (5.5 km long and 225 m high) and lies in the Newman area of the lease at the eastern edge of the Opthalmia Range and is assayed at 68.8% iron content (with a possible maximum of 70% pure iron). A HyMap demonstration test survey was flown on the 25th October 2007.

Mt Whaleback

Left Top: Hematite and goethite spectra extracted from the JPL spectral library (over the range 0.7 to 1.0 microns—VNIR region) that have been convolved to the wavelength channels of the HyMap scanner used for this survey. Note shift in peak at ~0.7 microns and trough at >0.8 microns to longer wavelengths in goethite compared to hematite.

Left Bottom: Hematite and goethite spectra obtained from the survey data. After flight strip data has been converted to reflectance, BRDF corrected and mosaicked, processing has been applied to map the distribution of hematite, goethite and background minerals including kaolinite, muscovite and chlorite. There are several ways in which the mineral mapping data can be presented as shown in the images below.

Mineral Map Classification

Distribution of Hematite @ >85% probability of occurrence

Distribution of Goethite @>85% probability of occurrence >85%


MORE INFORMATION For more information on HyMap surveys for mineral exploration or environmental assessment please contact : HyVista Corporation Pty Ltd ٠ phone: +61 2 8850 0262 ٠email: ٠

DIAMOND EXPLORATION airborne hyperspectral remote sensing

MINERAL MAPPING IN KIMBERLITE EXPLORATION Hyperspectral surveys, can be used in diamond exploration to locate kimberlites that are exposed or weathered in areas of residual soil. Transported overburden, masking rock formations and vegetation cover exceeding 70% preclude surveys. Surveys need to be conducted during the dry season. Presence of other ultramafic rocks and amphibolites produce similar spectral targets but analysis by experienced spectral geologists and advanced data processing reduces the number of non-kimberlite anomalies.

The original HyMap scanner was commissioned by De Beers for kimberlite discovery. Over 25 kimberlites (both pipes and dykes) were discovered between 1997 and 2005, at a relatively low cost compared to other methodologies. Most exceeded 1 hectare and required minimal follow-up for confirmation. In suitable areas, hyperspectral surveys are a costeffective kimberlite exploration technique, comparable in price to highresolution aeromagnetic surveys but with significantly lower follow-up costs. The ratio of targets to kimberlite discovery is similar to that of aeromagnetic surveys and is dependent on the geological conditions within the survey area.

Kimberlite Mineralogy and Weathering Products

The Mg rich unweathered minerals in kimberlinte (above) progressively alter during weathering into minerals that have distinct spectral signatures (red boxes) which can be detected in hyperspectral data. Those highlighted in dashed boxes are not typically observed in residual regolith derived from kimberlite, though they may be apparent in outcropping kimberlite. The spectral signature of these minerals, apart from hematite and silica, are characterised by a strong absorption minima at ~2300nm and ~2390nm (right). Though not unique to kimberlite detection, anomalous occurrences of these minerals can lead to the discovery of kimberlite, particularly when combined with other exploration data in GIS analysis. Neither hematite nor silica can be used effectively to locate kimberlite. To detect mineral anomalies indicative of kimberlite, the hyperspectral image (1 below) is procData Processing essed so that new bands are derived showing the distribution of spectrally distinct materials (2 & 3). The band (4) that maps the target spectrum (2) is then selected and further processed to highlight anomalous occurrences of the target being sought. The spectra of the anomalous regions of interest are then checked and those requiring follow-up selected.







Wavelength nm

Pine Creek, South Australia Left: True colour composite of Pine Creek kimberlite field in South Australia. Yellow boundaries are confirmed kimberlites; green boundaries are probable kimberlites and the blue boundary is a buried kimberlite.

Right: Index image created from spectrally classified images (far left, 4 & 5). Blue overlay maps distribution of Mg-Carbonate and red overlay occurrence of Mg-Smectite. Not all of the red anomalies have been field checked.


Right: Simplified geological map of HyMap survey area in West Greenland. Survey area indicated by black frame, the red frame outlines map area to the right.

Index image showing distribution of Mg-OH minerals, carbonates and kaolinite in red, green and blue. The kimberlite dyke crosses the centre of the image and is highlighted in red due to its high Mg-OH mineral content. Other red areas indicate amphibolite and greenstones.

Results from kimberlite mapping in the survey sub area. Known and discovered kimberlites shown in red; those located from hyperspectral imagery shown with circles.

Left: Index image — ultramafic maps the kimberlite.

Right: Spectral legend the colours of the spectra match the coloured areas within the image. The spectra of the yellow area is hyrdro-carbon. Pixel Size 5m Image 1 Km wide Ultramafic

Chlorite-Mafic Seds.

Above Right: Natural Colour HyMap Image Above Left: RGB Talc-Saponite, Nontronite and Serpentine supervised spectral classification image mineral map (same area as CC). Kimberlite is bright feature in centre, >6 hectares.

MORE INFORMATION For more information on HyMap surveys for mineral exploration or environmental assessment please contact : HyVista Corporation Pty Ltd ۰phone: +61 2 8850 0262 ۰email: ۰

Oil and Sand

White Mica-Seds.

ALTERATION MAPPING airborne hyperspectral remote sensing

Example: Kimberley Area, Western Australia Gordon Downs 1:250,000 Map Sheet: Duffer Range Area Sub‐Scene HyMap data was obtained from the Halls Creek mobile belt area (Figure 1) during 2004. A sub‐scene (Figure 2) covering the Duffer Range area (centred 24km NE of Halls Creek) has been processed to produce mineral maps of the alteration and other minerals present in this area.

Figure 1: Survey Area and Duffers Creek subscene (red box)

Figure 2: Duffers Creek Subscene image overlain onto 1:250,000 topographic map.

Figure 3a: Duffers Creek sub‐scene MNF CC Image, image extends north of geological map red polygon.

Figure 3b: Portion of 1:250000 Geology Map covering Duffers Creek sub‐scene.

CLASSIFIED MINERAL MAP Standardised HyVista Corp processing methodology was applied to the atmospheric and geometric corrected full‐spectral mosaic. The mineral mapping algorithms detected and mapped the following minerals in this sub‐scene: Iron Oxide—Kaolinite—Calcite—Pryophyllite — Epidote—Chlorite—Amphibole—Ammonium Alunite— White Mica/Chlorite Mixture—Muscovite— White Micas both Al rich and Al poor There appear to be 4 main areas of argillic alteration in this area: SE (SE) – occurs in an Al rich white mica unit that corresponds to an granite unit and is expressed as a marker unit showing zoning within the granite. Little Mount Isa (LMI) ‐ area associated with a ridge, mainly pyrophyllite, with zones of iron oxide which could be gossan. Halls Creek Fault Zone (HCF) ‐ area of alteration along the Halls creek fault north of LMI. Western Zone (WZ) – truncated by a north south trending fault. The LMI, HCF and WZ alteration areas occur to the east and west of a unit which is dominated by Al poor white mica but immediately bounded by muscovite white mica. The 1:250,000 geology map only shows one mineral occurrence in this area a Cu/Pb/Zn prospect which lies lose to the Halls Creek fault where argillic alteration is weakly present. The Halls Creek gold field is located to the SW of this area and the alteration does extend through it and beyond. This alteration probably results from a large hydrothermal event, possibly associated with the Halls Creek Fault, though large hydrothermal events have occurred elsewhere in the Kimberley region (Kimberley Basin near Seppelt Creek area, NW of Wyndham). There are a number of known gold and other mineral deposits and prospects along the Hall Creek Mobile Belt and the results of this hyperspectral mineral mapping would suggest that a more detailed assessment of the alteration in the area would be of exploration significance.



Rule classified mineral map. This image shows


several distinct areas of argillic alteration (red). In the SE the argillic alteration is within and area of Al rich white mica (blue), the others areas (WZ. HCF, LMI) appear to be associated with longer wavelength Al poor white mica.

Argillic Alteration — Pyrophyllite + Kaolinite + Dickite


Ammonium Illite


Al Poor White Mica

Al Rich White Mica

Muscovite White Mica MORE INFORMATION For more information on HyMap surveys for mineral exploration or environmental assessment please contact : HyVista Corporation Pty Ltd ۰ phone: +61 2 8850 0262 ۰email: ۰

ALTERATION MINERAL MAPPING airborne hyperspectral remote sensing

UNCONFORMITY URANIUM DEPOSITS EXAMPLE: Ranger Mine, Australia Unconformity‐type deposits are the world’s main source of uranium.

chemical conditions changed and cause the metals to precipitate from

These deposits form at or near the contact between an overlying

solution. Alteration mineralogy and geochemistry of unconformity

sandstone and underlying metamorphic rocks, often metamorphosed

deposits and their host rocks are among the most important exploration

shales. The ore‐bodies are lens or pod shaped, and often occur along

criteria in the Athabasca Basin in Canada and the Kombolgie Basin of

fractures in sandstone or in basement rocks. The host rocks often have

Australia. District and corridor scale high‐temperature diagenesis and

disseminated uranium minerals and show hydrothermal alteration.

hydrothermal alteration (producing dickite, white mica (illite), dravite,

Where the fluids with dissolved uranium and other metals, moved

chlorite and possibly pyrophyllite) characterise these deposits.

through the sandstone and encountered the basement rocks,

Ranger Mine HyMap Survey Location

Ranger HyMap Survey Data Processing Seven lines of HyMap data were acquired from the Ranger mines area on the 20 August 2006. Processing of the imagery was applied to a mosaic of the reflectance corrected and geometrically rectified 125 channel HyMap data which had been masked to remove water, green and dry vegetation. Vegetation cover both green and dry is extensive in the area (Plate 1) and it is only around the mine site that distinct minerals have been mapped spectrally. False Colour Composite HyMap Image

Colour Composite masked to remove water, green and dry vegetation

Mineral mapping algorithms were applied to the visible‐near infrared and shortwave



(Ka) halloysite

infrared sub‐banded data separately. This resulted in the minerals within their spectra

white mica @2200 nm

shown in the table below being identified from the data, mainly around the mine site. Mineral chlorite


white mica @2212_a

white mica & calcite

(To) tourmaline

white mica @2220 nm (Dr) dravite

Background non alteration minerals.

white mica @2212_b

white mica @2225 nm

Alteration Minerals Alteration Minerals

RANGER URANIUM MINE, NORTHERN TERRITORY The Ranger unconformity‐style uranium deposit is located in the Alligator

In the main Ranger string of deposits, the minerals associated with the

Rivers uranium field, some 250 km east of Darwin in the Northern Territory,

mineralisation that can be mapped from HyMap data are:

Australia. The Ranger deposits are located in the north‐eastern part of the

Amphibole — Chert — Chlorite — Dolomite — Magnesite — Graphic schist

Paleoproterozoic Pine Creek Geosyncline which overlies Achaean basement.

(opaque mineral response) — Sericite (micaceous equivalent to white mica / illite)


It has also been reported that tourmaline occurs within the pegmatites that are intruded into the U deposits. See: WM&Ca



Background Minerals Total Area


Alteration Minerals Total Area








White Mica 2212

White Mica 2200

White Mica 2225


White Mica & Calcite

White Mica 2212



Conclusions Of the 7 minerals reported to be associated with the Ranger Uranium deposit, 4 have been identified from the hyperspectral imagery: Chlorite (Mg) Sericite (4 varieties of white mica) Tourmaline (dravite) Dolomite (white mica mixed with carbonate)

MORE INFORMATION For more information on HyMap surveys for mineral exploration or environmental assessment please contact : HyVista Corporation Pty Ltd ۰ phone: +61 2 8850 0262 ۰email: ۰

URANIUM EXPLORATION airborne hyperspectral remote sensing


Produce images and mineral maps that improve regional and local geological maps in target areas.

Locate minerals that are associated with U deposits to:

Define alteration zones that target unconformity U deposits to assist with ranking radiometric anomalies and locate mineralisation that does not outcrop.

Detect Reibeckite that is an indicator of metasomatic deposits.

Map carbonate dykes and pods that define carbonatites and detect the presence of earth minerals and apatite in these rocks.

Map regolith associated with paleodrainage calcrete deposits including differentiating calcite from dolomite and potentially locating buried dolomite calcrete from presence of Mg-Smectite.

Detecting the quartz stockworks (+/- xenotime-rare earth phosphate) and associated alteration clay signatures that define hydrothermal deposits containing rare earths and uranium.

Mapping graphitic horizons that are associated with unconformity deposits.


CALCRETE HOSTED PALEODRAINAGE URANIUM DEPOSIT : LANGER HEINRICH, NAMIBIA The area around the current location of the Langer Heinrich mine was imaged image by the HyMap airborne hyperspectral sensor in 2006. The image below shows a surface mineralogy map as determined by spectral processing.

The boundaries of known mineralised calcrete at Langer Heinrich are shown as white polygons. The predominant mineral that defines these calcretes is calcite (red). Residual illite partially covers some of the calcrete and in the eastern most polygon the presence of dolomite may show a change in calcrete facies. There are areas of calcite within drainage channels (to the south of the eastern-most polygons) that may not yet have been mapped as calcrete; these may be of worthy of further investigation.


The Lake Mason uranium deposit lies 40km to the south west of Yeelirrie and developed during similar climatic conditions over a similar granitoid basement. The Lake Mason palaeodrainage system has uranium channel radiometric data anomalies drilling of which has indentified mineralisation of approximately 1 million tonnes at an average grade of 170ppm uranium. Source: Prime Minerals Ltd. Website:

The HyMap hyperspectral images shown to the right are (left) a colour representation that simulates a LANDSAT-741 image.

Hyperspectral imagery maps details in regolith and highlights the calcretised paleodrainage.

The right part shows a surface mineral map according to the colour legend.

The mineral maps show that the paleochannels contain calcite, dolomite, Mg-Smectite & gyspum. Dolomite can weather into MgSmectite so the presence of this clay may indicate unexposed dolomitic calcrete.


Hyperspectral Imagery Has Been Used In Uranium Exploration Programs by: CAMECO (NT) — ATOM ENERGY (NT) AFMECO (AREVA) (WA & NT) — NORTHERN URANIUM (WA) TERRITORY URANIUM (NT) — MEGAHINDMARSH (SA)

MORE INFORMATION For more information on HyMap surveys for mineral exploration or environmental assessment please contact : HyVista Corporation Pty Ltd ۰phone: +61 2 8850 0262 ۰email: ۰

ALTERATION MAPPING airborne hyperspectral remote sensing



Alteration Spectral Signature And Deposit Type Alteration Spectral Signature And Deposit Type Commodity

Deposit Type / Alteration Style

VNIR Minerals

SWIR Minerals



Archaean Gold/ Hydridic Cells

Goethite, Hydrated FeOx

White mica (Al rich to Al poor & hydration state), pyrophyllite, Fe& Mg chlorite, amphibole

Intersecting cells defined by changes in mica chemistry (gradients) and fracture control.


High Sufidation/ Epithermal? Advanced argillic

Goethite, Hydrated FeOx

Alunite, pyrophyllite, kaolinite, dickite, diaspore, opaline silica

Concentric and fracture controlled zonation of alteration minerals.


Unconformity/ Argillic-Propylitic


Chlorite, white mica, pyrophyllite, dickite

Zone along unconformity.

Base Metals

VMS/ Argillic

Goethite, Hydrated FeOx, jarosite, rozenite

Jarosite, white mica (Al rich to Al poor & hydration state), chlorite, opaline silica

Strike controlled trains of deposits, can be en-echelon.

Base Metals

Porphyry Copper / Hematite

Amphibole, carbonate (Ca>Mg), montmorillonite, nontronite, epidote, Mg& Fe chlorite


Phyllic (Sericitic)

White mica (Al rich to Al poor & hydration state), illite-smectite, kaolinite, quartz.


Biotite, phlogopite, chlorite, vermiculites, anhydrite, gypsum

Argillic-Advanced Argillic


Kaolinite, halloysite, montmorillonite, white mica, dickite, pyrophyllite, alunite, diaspore, topaz

Supergene Leach Cap

Hematite, goethite

Alunite, jarosite, kaolinite, gypsum

See below

HyMap Spectra Of Alteration Minerals The SWIR spectra shown are a selection of the main alteration minerals as recorded HyMap scanners. Top: White mica (illites) spectra in which the main absorption at ~2.2um shifts in wavelength with variations in mineral chemistry from Al rich at 2.19um (paragonite) to Al poor at >2.215um (phengite). Centre: Phyllic-Argillic mineral dominated by absorptions at and below 2.2um.

Bottom: Propylitic minerals dominated by absorptions beyond 2.25um.

Haib HyMap Hyperspectral Survey Below: HyMap imagery was acquired with a spatial resolution of 5m in October 2006. The area survey was 5,000 sq km. Unprocessed reflectance data is available from the Geological Survey of Namibia.

Below: A portion of the Haib hyperspectral survey covering approximately 100 sq km over the Lower Proterozic Haib porphyry copper deposit has been analysed to produce several mineral maps. The Haib is a deeply weathered system but still shows the zoning of the various alteration minerals.


View of terrain near the Haib porphyry copper deposits


INDEX COLOUR COMPOSITE (Hematite, Goethite, Pyrophyllite)



PROPYLITIC ALTERATION: Mg Chlorite Fe Chlorite Montmorillonite Amphibole White Mica / CO3

ARGILLIC ALTERATION & TOURMALINE (Pyrophyllite, White Mica, Tourmaline)





PHYLLIC ALTERATION: White Mica-Paragonite

White Mica-Muscovite White Mica-Phengite

PROPYLITIC & PHYLLIC ALTERATION: Mg Chlorite Montmorillonite Calcite Amphibole

MORE INFORMATION For more information on HyMap surveys for mineral exploration or environmental assessment please contact : HyVista Corporation Pty Ltd ۰phone: +61 2 8850 0262 ۰email: ۰

Fe Chlorite

HYPER2 DIGITAL IMAGERY airborne hyperspectral remote sensing

Recently HyVista Corporation acquired a Vexcel UltraCam D RGB/CIR digital camera to co‐fly with the HyMap hyperspectral sensor. Some example imagery from both systems are shown below. Figure A is a HyMap true‐colour mosaic (4 HyMap image strips) of Mt Whaleback iron ore mine in Western Australia. This image is 14.5 km x 5.2 km and has a spatial resolution of 4 m. The digital camera image was acquired simultaneously at a spatial resolution of 0.15 m (15 cm).



D E E B: A section of the Hymap image is overlain with a single frame of the digital camera (approx 360 m x 490 m). C: Shows the area covered by the single digital camera frame. D: A section of the digital camera image illustrated the detail


revealed with a 15 cm pixel.

E: The HyMap and UltraCam D co‐mounted in a Cessna 404 aircraft. Both are mounted on stabilised platforms and the camera position is determined by a Novatel SE precison DGPS/IMU.

Single aircraft deployment to acquire both hyperspectral and high resolution digital imagery—significant cost savings.

• •

Use digital imagery to sharpen mapping results of hyperspectral. Ortho‐photos and precision DEM’s from digital camera.

Hyper² Imagery ‐ produced from Vexcel Ultra Cam D • Large format digital mapping camera • High Spatial resolutions from 2.5cm to 50cm • Cost effective imagery collection with large format frames Hyper² Imagery products • FastLook Ortho‐Photography • Enhanced Orthophoto Mosaics • Digital Surface Models (DSM) • DSM Point Cloud data

Hyperspectral image products from the HyMap such as mineral maps can be merged with high spatial digital imagery from the UltraCam to produce high quality information maps. An example of such fusion products are displayed below.

Top: UltraCam digital photo imagery at 15cm GSD Below: UltraCam digital photo imagery merged with HyMap mineral maps.

MORE INFORMATION For more information on HyMap surveys for mineral exploration or environmental assessment please contact : HyVista Corporation Pty Ltd ٠phone: +61 2 8850 0262 ٠email: ٠

Processing of HyMap Data for Mineral Exploration and Geological Assessment Processing of hyperspectral data is carried out to produce various image products through a sequence as described below: LEVEL 1: Preprocessing Level 1A: Conversion of Raw DN images to radiance imagery and derivation of geometric correction files Level 1B: Conversion of radiance to reflectance data. Level 1C: Production of geometrically, cross track and radiometrically corrected mosaic from which further products are derived LEVEL 2: Photo Interpretation Products (images that do not map mineral uniquely) Overview Colour composites: Landsat TM 432 equivalent, true and false colour images MNF Colour Composite Images: 2-4 colour composites are produced Mineral Class Images that map distribution of: MgOH/CO3, FeOH, SiOH, ALOH, Argillic, Sulfate, Iron Oxides minerals but not specific minerals, produced using decorrelation stretching LEVEL 3: Mineral Abundance and Mineral Chemistry Image Maps SWIR and VNIR Mineral Abundance Mapping: Mineral abundance images are produced from end-member un-mixed images, Match Filtered and Logical Operator processes and are presented as: Thresholded Greyscale Thresholded Pseudo Coloured Mineral Map RGB Colour Composite Rule Classified Multi Mineral Maps Pseudo Coloured Absorption Minima Wavelength Shift Mapping is carried out by using a polynomial curve fitting routine to determine the wavelength position of an absorption feature of interest in each pixel and creating an image of these values. This technique can be used to determine: Illite Al content FeOx type Carbonate and Chlorite composition LEVEL 4: Detailed Integrated Analysis After the customer has examined the delivery products which are the produced as ENVI images and in formats for input into GIS (ECW, GeoTiff, JPEG and if vectors shape files), further refinement of the processing can be carried out interactively with the customer. Some Mineral Targeting examples of models are: Mapping zoning in porphyry systems Mapping Argillic and Advanced Argillic minerals to target epithermal deposits Mapping changes in carbonate composition in Calcrete U and MVT deposits Mapping change in white mica – illite Al content associated with Archean gold deposits and unconformity U also location of Chlorite and Dravite. Locating Mg-OH minerals – Talc, Serpentine and Saponite that highlight kimberlite etc Gibbsite mapping for Bauxite deposits OUTPUT IMAGES that are result of Level 2 and 3 (underlined) processing are written to ENVI, ER Mapper, ECW, JPEG and GeoTiff formats. The mineral mapping and mineral chemistry images can be presented as overlays onto a grayscale background and individual areas of mineral occurrence can be output as shape files.

SUPERIOR SENSORS :: SUPERIOR SERVICE :: SUPERIOR PRODUCTS This is not our mission statement; this is our promise

Products and Services From photons-on-a-detector to maps-onyour-desk; a truly end to end integrated survey service. Survey Planning HyVista works closely with its clients to design efficient field deployments including international airfreight of equipment and in-country permitting. The use of advanced flight planning tools provides optimum time of day and flight line orientations to maximise data acquisition efficiency and image quality.

Deployment and Data Acquisition HyVista’s operational model is to airfreight its sensors and support equipment internationally and then lease local aircraft to undertake the survey. This provides the most cost efficient deployment for our clients. HyVista is passionate about sensor calibration and thus undertakes an on-site spectral and radiometric calibration of the sensors immediately prior to aircraft integration.

For data delivery, HyVista undertakes atmospheric correction and geo-location pre-processing. Data can be delivered as seamless mosaics and corrected for directional surface scattering effects, including sun glint removal in imagery over water bodies. HyVista offers a comprehensive range of map products using proprietary value-adding software. For example, HyVista can deliver large area, seamless surface mineralogy maps to mineral exploration clients or, as an additional step, an alteration map. All such products are GIS compatible in a number of formats, ensuring rapid integration into the clients mapping database.

Consulting Services HyVista’s survey staff is fully trained to undertake in field pre-processing and quality assessment on a daily basis. To add further value for the client, HyVista’s staff are Quick-look imagery is available immediately for client available for consultation to either assist in the review. interpretation of the delivered map products or to design a targeted specific mapping theme.

Data Processing HyVista’s clients request a variety of survey products ranging from fully calibrated and corrected data through to surface component maps that are immediately GIS compatible.

HyVista’s airborne hyperspectral sensors and proprietary data processing software have been designed to undertake large area surveys rapidly and efficiently (up to 1000 sq km per day), and to generate seamless mapping products deliverable to the client in days, not months.

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Contacts: Peter Cocks Head Office - Sydney Australia Unit 11, 10 Gladstone Rd Castle Hill NSW 2154 Australia PO Box 437 Baulkham Hills NSW 1755 Australia Phone: Fax: Email: URL:

General Manager ph +61 2 8850 0262

Dr Mike Hussey Principal Geologist mbl +61 (0)414 648 661

+61 2 8850 0262 +61 2 9899 9366 Š Copyright HyVista Corporation Pty Ltd 2011 HyMap is a trademark of Integrated Spectronics Pty Ltd

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