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July 13, 13, 22013 013


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Country untry fans ans risee with the sunn Weather W eaather her mild for N Newport ewporrt concer concert errt Averie Born horst Bornhorst NEWPORT was NEWPOR RT — The music w as was loud, the beer w as fflowing lowing and people’s people’ ’s spirits irits w ere high on the were second da dayy of Country Concert Concert.. For concertgoers, For somee concertg oers, the day day began beg an as early ear arlly as 7 in the morning. morning. dedicated These dedica icated fans lined up at at the entrance entrance ce gates, gates, which opened aatt 9 a.m., a m in n order order to receive receive a Gold Circle Pass. aree giv given Cir cle P ass. These passes ar en first to the firs st 5,000 people to enter the area, free charge. With concert ar eaa, fr ee of charg ge. W ith a Circle Pass, aree admit admitted Gold Cir cle P ass, fans ar ted area, into a fenced-in ed-in ar ea, located located just behind stage front seats. be hind the st age fr ont sea ts. The official entertainment, ial entert ainment , howhow-

began eever, ver,, beg an aatt 11 a.m. with a kkaraaraoke ok ke contest on the saloon s aloon stage. sttage. JJake ake Miller, Millerr, from from Mansfield, Mansfield, is no stranger strranger to the saloon s aloon stage, stage, ass this was was a his third n this third year year competing in karaoke kar a aoke contest. contest . “Karaoke “Karaoke is kind of a hobbyy for for me. e. I do it a couple nights a week,� wee e k,� said s aid Miller. Miller. His karaoke karaoke skills were were made maade obvious as he made his way way through thrrough the cheering crowd crowd while w singing sin nging “Eight “Eight Second S econd Ride� Ride�� by by Jake Jake Owen nd of Owen in the finalist round round the the competition. Other sources sources of entertainment entertainment ment within ithin the concert area area include clude

KELSEY JUMPER, 33,, KELSEY ooff B elle C enter, gets gets a Belle Center, from Smith, ride fr om Ron Ron Smit th, ooff B elle Center, Belle Center, on Country FFriday riday at C ountry Concert. C oncert. Kelsey Kelsey is daughter the daught er ooff LLori o ori Anderson. Ander son. ?5// < ?5 988/,/<1 n # <988/,/<1 #


Hensley ensley to serve rve his fifth fth life sentence nce Pleadss guilty to killing ing fellow w prison p inmate te TOLEDO T OLEDO O (AP) — Lawrence Michael La wrence Michae l “Mike� Hensley, “Mik e� Hens sleyy, 44, who is serving ffour sen-oour life sen murders tences ffor oor mur derrs in Sidney S idney in 19 999, pleaded 1999, Friday Lucas gguilty uilty F ridaay in L ucas County Com mmon Pleas Common Court to th der of thee murd murder a fe llow inm maatte in the fellow inmate T oledo Corr ectional Toledo Correctional Institute. Brad Hamlin, was Bra ad Ham mlin, 24, w as strangled Sept. str angled on n S ept. 20. Hensley’s Hensley ’s initial i plea was w as not gguilty uilt uilty ty to assaultassaulttstrangling ing and st rangling Hamilton. As A a rresult esult change of the chan ngge of plea, was ordered Hensley w as or dered servee a fi sen-to serv fifth life sen tence. previously The pr e viously ordered sentences were or dered sen ntences w eree conviction ffor or his con nviiction of ffour our aggravated counts of ag ggravated murder, three mur derr, thr e counts of ee three kidnapping, and thr ee counts of aattempted ttempted

aggravated murder ag ggravated mur rder in the deaths dea ths of Sheri Sherii Kimbler, Kimblerr, Tosha Barrett, 16; T osha B arr rreett, 16; Mikesell, Amy Mik esell,, 14; and Brett Wildermuth, Bre ett W ildermu ildermuth, uth, 37. current In the curr rent case, JJudge udge Gene Zmuda oordered rdered tthe he ssentence, entence, not which does no ot include parole, the possibility of paro ole, served consecutive to be serv ed co onsecutive sentences. to the other sen ntences. asked Hensley ask ked to be incarcerated incarc ceraated aatt the Ohio State Penitentiary St ate P enitent ntiary in Youngstown Y ounggstown — which houses some of the dangerous inmates most dang gero erou us inma ates — because off a family rrequest. equest. don’t want ““They They don ’t w ant me to hurt nobodyy eelse, lse, kill nobody eelse,� lse,� Hensley judge. ssaid aid to the judg ge. Sidney Daily News S idney D aily ily N ews Patricia Ann writer P atricia cia A nn Speelman S peelman ccontributed ontrributed to this th is rreport. eportt.

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LAWRENCE MICHAEL ‘Mik LAWRENCE ‘Mike’ e’ Hensle Hensleyy ent entered ered a guilty ple pleaa murdering inmatee FFriday Lucas County ttoo mur dering a ffellow ellow inmat riday in the Luc as C ounty Common Pleas Court. Hensley, 43, Sidney, C ommon Ple as C ourt. Hensle y, 4 3, formerly formerly ooff Sidne y, was accused Bradley w as ac cused ooff sstrangling tranggling Br adley LL.. Hamlin, 224, 4, a ffellow ellow inmat oledo C orrectional Ins titution. Hamlin w as inmatee at TToledo Correctional Institution. was ffound ound unr esponsive on o the floor ooff Hensle y’s ccell ell S ept. unresponsive Hensley’s Sept. 220 0 and died ttwo wo da ys lat er in Mer cy St incent Medic al days later Mercy St.. V Vincent Medical Center, C enter, ac cording ttoo The Blade erving ffour our according Blade.. Hensle Hensleyy is sserving lif entences plus 80 0 additional yyears ears in the July 11999 999 lifee ssentences de aths ooff mur ders ooff Sheri Kimbler 6, TTosha osha B arrett 116, 6, deaths murders Kimbler,, 116, Barrett Amyy Mik Mikesell, Brett Wildermuth, Am esell, 114, 4, and Br ett W ildermuth, 337. 7.

Airstream to bee featured on Ohio io Business Profilee A S helby County will be Shelby highlighted h ighlighted iin n JJuly’s uly ’s O hio Ohio B usiness Pr ofile. Business Profile. S ecret ary of St ate JJon on Secretary State H usted announced F rida day Husted Friday tha ngo thatt as part of an ong ongoing eff ort to rrecognize ecognize the effort impact of Ohio businesses, ses, JJuly’s uly ’s Ohio B usiness Profile o Profile Business will highlight businesses ses fr om ar ound the st ate tha tthatt from around state fall under the “K eep on “Keep T ruckin� theme. Truckin� “Ohio is full of outst a and outstanding tr ansport ation compa mpa transportation companies tha lp us gget et ar ound� nd� thatt he help around� S e cret ary H uste d ssaid. a id. Secretary Husted “Each Each one of these busi usi businesses contributes to our economy in a positiv ay positivee w way and I am pr oud they call proud Ohio home.� Companies pr ofiled this profiled month include: Q Air Airstream, stream, Inc. – S Shelby heelby County — The oldest R RV V manufactur manufacturer er in the country ntry and they still mak makee all of their w world-renowned orld-renowned silv silver lver trailers west tr ailers ilers and d coaches h in i w est central centr al Ohio. Q 7 7x77 x77 Cycles Cycles Inc. — Donate Ashland County — Dona nate See AIRSTREAM S ee AIRS TREAM | 3A

Suicide icide bomber omber kills 38 8 in Iraq q Qassim Abd Abdul-Zahra dul-Zahra Associated Press

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BAGHDAD BA GHDAD A — A suicide bomber deto detoona nated ted his eexplosives x xplosiv es in a cr crowded owded coffeee shop la te F r y in the northern Ir rida aqi cityy late Friday Iraqi of Kir Kirkuk, kuk, killing aatt least 38 and w woundound ding mor moree than han tw twoo dozen in the la latest test st in a string of bloody aattacks ttacks poundingg Ir Iraq aq since the st start art of the holy month of Ramadan this his w eek. week. Ir aq is being ing rrocked ocked by its deadliest and d Iraq most sust sustained ained ned wave wave of bloodshed in half lf a decade. Mor ve Moree than 2,600 people ha have been killed since the st start art of April, rraising aisingg fear he country is once ag ain edg gfearss tha thatt the again edging to ward the t brink of civil w ar a decadee toward war after S addam mH ussein w as toppled in thee Saddam Hussein was U U.S.-led .S.-led in invasion. vasion. a Another suicide bomber and a shoot tshooting eelsewhere lsewher ere in the country killed fiv fivee memberss off the security forces, forces, bringingg F Friday’s riday ’s tolll to 43. The la late-night te -night night blast ripped thr through ough thee Classico Cafe afe in Kirk Kir kuk, 180 miles north h Kirkuk, of B Baghdad, aghdad,, as pa patrons trons were were enjoying enjoying teaa and w water ater pipes hours hours after the sunset et

meal tha thatt br breaks eaks the da daylong aylong Ramadan fast,, police officials ssaid. fast aid. The city is a fflashpoint lashpoint nt ffor or ethnic ten ten-sions, with its mix of Ar abs, K urds and Arabs, Kurds T urkkomen holding competing ur peting claims to Turkomen claims ffor or contr ol of the oil-rich ar ea. The control area. Kurds K urds want want to incorporate incorporate it into their self-ruled se lf-ruled rregion egion in Ir Iraq’s aq’’s north, but Ar Arabs abs and T Turkomen urkomen ar aree opposed. ed. Ther Theree has been no claim m of rresponsibilesponsibilityy for for the Kirkuk Kirkkuk blast or other attacks att acks in rrecent ecent da days. ys. B But ut S Sunni u unni eextremists, xtremists, including al-Qaida’ al-Qaida’s ’s Ir Iraq aq br branch, anch, fr frequentequently ttargets arggeets S hiites, securityy fforces orces and civil Shiites, servants serv ants in an eff effort ort too undermine the Shiite-led S hiite -led ggovernment overnment in n B Baghdad. aghdad. They also ar aree be believed lieved to be be behind hind fr frequent equent aattacks ttacks in a band of disputed puted territories ar ound Kirkuk Kirkkuk aimed at at heightening ethetharound nic tensions in the ar ea. area. The cafe aattack tt ack w ounded ed 26, police and wounded hospital hospit al officials ssaid. aid. All ll officials spok spokee on condition of anonymity ity as they w were ere not authorized to ttalk alk to journalists. Hourss bef before ore the Kir Kirkuk kuk u aattack, tt ack, S Sunni unni cleric S alah al-N uaimi ur rged calm among Salah al-Nuaimi urged Ir aqis during a joint Sunni-Shiite Sunni-S ni-Shiite sermon Iraqis

F riday in B aghdad aimed aatt easing sect tar-Friday Baghdad sectarian tensions. ons. “Enough gh is enough,� al-N uaimi told al-Nuaimi w orsshipper ers aatt a B aghdad mosque. ““We We worshippers Baghdad all lo ve Ir a w aq, aqis and w ant love Iraq, wee ar aree all Ir Iraqis wee w want to be united. ted. W ant to stop the blood oodWee w want bloodletting, let ting, and nd de develop velop and build Ir Iraq.� aq.� Earlier Earl lier in the da day, y, a suicide car bomber ber struck a police pa patrol trol outside the north northrthern city of Mosul, killing ffour our policemen, men, ap police officer fficer and a medical official ssaid. a aid. Mosul is 225 miles north northwest west of the Ir Iraqi raqi capital. capit al. And outside tside the northern city of T ikrit krit , Tikrit, 80 miles north of B aghdad, drive-by drive -by Baghdad, shooter ted with shooterss armed with pistols fit fitted silencer T silencerss kkilled a senior police officer.. The aattack ttack took ok place in the to wn S hirqat , a town Shirqat, police officer icer ssaid. aid. Officialss also pr ovided det ails of ne w provided details new aattacks ttacks on n Ir aqi S hiites la te the pr evious ous Iraqi Shiites late previous night.. night In one of the aattacks ttacks on S hiites, a sui ssui-Shiites, cide bomber ber rrammed ammed his eexplosives-laden xplosives-laden den motor cycle le into a funer al tent ffor or a S hiite motorcycle funeral Shiite S ee IIRAQ R AQ | 3A See

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On Sidney’s Quite

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Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013

MUNICIPAL COURT In Sidney Municipal Court Friday, assigned Judge Donald Luce fined Laurie R. Jones, 36, 731 W. North St., $600 and $103 costs and suspended Jones’ driver’s license one year for driving under the influence (breath). Dismissed were charges of driving under the influence (refusal of test) and failure to drive within continuous lanes. Q Ronald Speaks, 62, 2330 Collins Drive, was fined $50 and $138 costs for disorderly conduct, amended from aggravated menacing. Q Chanda N. Umbaugh, 26, 208 E. College St., Jackson Center, was fined $30 and $105 costs for speeding. Q Marilyn A. Tebbe, 60, 6363 Amsterdam Road, Anna, was fined $30 and $105 costs for speeding. Q Emily Tucker, 73, 765 Campbell Road, was fined $25 and $111 costs for failure to control. Q Kevin Pruitt, 21, 223 E. Water St., was fined $100 and $138 costs for attempted theft, amended from theft. A drug abuse case was dismissed. Q Randy Vandegrift, 42, 2557 Alpine Court, was fined $25 and $111 costs for traffic control device violation. Q Shane E. Blackford Jr., 38, 1800 Shawnee Drive, was fined $30 and $105 costs for speeding. In Municipal Court Wednesday, Luce fined Ashley N. Greer, 28, 219 1/2 S. Miami Ave., $100 and $138 costs and sentenced Greer to five days in jail for attempted theft, amended from receiving stolen property. Q Oziel Godinez Galvan, 23, 2325 Collins Drive, Apt. G, was fined $100 and $132 costs and sentenced to five days in jail for attempted falsification, amended from falsification. Q Fredrick Martin, 712 Country Side

St., Apt. 6, was fined $375 and $128 costs, sentenced to five days in jail, and his driver’s license was suspended six months for driving under the influence.A DUI (breath) charge and failure to control charge were dismissed. Q Honorio S. Quezada Jr., 21, 2485 Alpine Court, was fined $30 and $105 costs for speeding. Q Stephanie A. Copfer, 25, 6737 Dawson Road, was fined $25 and $95 costs for unsafe operation around an emergency. Q Judy L. Skeens, 40, 5880 State Route 29 East, Lot 39, was fined $75 and $136 costs for failure to reinstate license. Q Jeffery D. Collingsworth, 38, 1002 Broadway Ave., was fined $10 and $111 costs for assured clear distance. Q The driving under suspension case of James A. Amador, 25, 1209 Hamilton Court, was dismissed on condition the defendant completes the License Intervention Program. Q The case of Annette M. Chadwell, 43, 899 Hayes St., charged with failure to reinstate license and expired license plates, was dismissed. Civil cases Civil cases filed recently were: Credit Adjustments, Defiance v. Crystal Beam, 503 Sycamore Ave., $3,505. Portfolio Recovery, Norfolk, Va. v. Ashley Murphy, 8264 Port Haven Drive, $738.01. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Jillian Copeland, 240 N. Pomeroy Ave., $806.45. Lima Radiological Associates, Lima v. Angela R. Chamberlin, 1699 State Route 29 East, $665. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Melissa

S. Wheeldon, 1152 W. Mason Road, $637.25. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Elsa M. Dixon, 2360 Wapakoneta Ave., $1,585.02. Wilson Care, Sidney v. Richard E. Propps, 1515 Fair Oaks Drive, $539. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Krystal E. Allspaw, 827 Arrowhead Drive, Apt. H, $1,684.03. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Jeffery Funk, 7243 State Route 47, $345. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Bridgett E. Brown, 21741 Herring Road, $2,704.84. Lima Radiological Associates, Lima v. Jean A. Murphy, 1100 Hazelnut Lane, $254.62. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Larry D. Graber, Sidney, $294.23. Nurtur, doing business as Aveda Institute, Indianapolis, Ind. v. Amber Cook, 320 Maple St., $5,197.53. Capital One Bank, Columbus v. Geraldine Jones, 2010 Fair Oaks Drive, $8,453.66. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Kenneth Barlow and Brittany Barlow, 1227 Rees Drive, $8,468.72. Wilson Care, Sidney v. Stephen C. Lewis and Julie A. Lewis, 21541 Tawawa St., $325.10. Wilson Care, Sidney v. Megan N. Martin and Jason D. Martin, 609 Anna Place, $268. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Joshua Freisthler and Ashley Freisthler, 9560 Thompson-Schiff Road, $1,631.93. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Timothy S. Campbell and Candice Campbell, 10995 Little Turtle Way, $450. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Joseph M. Beam and Susan Beam, 3354 Tawny Leaf Court, $1,410.65.

Wilson Memorial Hospital v. James G. Couch and Rebecca Couch, 610 Foraker Ave., $579.75. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Brian M. Gold and Angela Gold, 3084 Jonathon Drive, $704.63. Cases dismissed Civil cases dismissed were: Midland Funding, San Diego, Calif. v. Patricia N. Hawkins, 21705 MiamiShelby Road East, Conover, $4,272.70; paid in full. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Patricia McMahon, 215 Sapphire St., Anna, $1,500.33; dismissed without prejudice. Palisades Acquisition, Columbus v. Gina M. Puthoff, 827 Arrowhead Drive, Apt. D, $4,181.17; judgment settled. WC2 Capital, Columbus v. Ronald Borges, 1036 River Bend Blvd., $1,509.83; dismissed by plaintiff. Cach, Denver, Colo. v. Eugene Roth, 1100 Hazelnut Lane, $3,118.62; judgment satisfied. Cach, Denver, Colo. v. Tracy L. Asher, 2500 Leatherwood Creek Road, $7.974.35; dismissed without prejudice. PNC Bank, Kalamazoo, Mich. v. Sharon F. Douglas, 326 Lane St., $11,124.61; dismissed due to lack of prosecution. LVNV Funding, Greenville, S.C. v. Roger Thornton, 1001 Fourth Ave., Lot 52, $1,355.66; paid in full. St. Henry Tile Co., St. Henry v. Doug Bruns, 11022 State Route 364, Fort Loramie, $5,303.84; paid in full. Citifinancial, Dayton v. Brian Welch, 2314 Collins Drive, $10,342.24; judgment satisfied. Wilson Memorial Hospital v. Patricia McMahon and Timothy McMahon, 215 Sapphire St., Anna, $2,371.17; judgment satisfied.

the Country Concert grounds. –12:20 a.m.: assault. A person reported someone hit a friend in the face on the Country Concert grounds. THURSDAY –3:13 p.m.: theft. James Richmond, 5880 State Route 29, Unit 57, reported a theft. –2:31 p.m.: auto accident. Deputies, Russia firefighters and Houston Rescue

were called to an auto accident with injuries reported at 1821 Miami-Shelby Road. Fire, rescue FRIDAY –12:12 p.m.: medical. Anna Rescue was called to the 100 block of East Lynn Street, Botkins. –9:24 a.m.: fire. Van Buren Township firefighters were called to 9500 Blanke

Road where some wheels were on fire. –8:47 a.m.: medical. Perry-PortSalem Rescue was called to the 300 block of Pasco-Montra Road. THURSDAY –8:47 p.m.: structure fire. Firefighters from Anna, Botkins and Van Buren Township responded to a fire at 114 W. Main St., Anna. Further details about the fire were not available.

theft. The case is under investigation. The report did not indicate what was stolen. –10:24 a.m.: theft. Lisa M. Gross, 809 Arrowhead Drive, Apt. G, reported the theft of a necklace, valued at $129. –9:17 a.m.: property found. A credit card and driver’s license of Amanda Greene, 232 E. Poplar St., were found at Dairy Mart. ACCIDENT Jesse G. Rismiller, 29, 2441 LoramieWashington Road, Houston, was cited with improper backing after an accident

Wednesday at 9:41 a.m. Rismiller told police the transmission in his pickup truck went out, causing the vehicle to roll back and hit a car parked in front of 319 E. South St. The parked car was owned by Angel M. Barker, 319 E. South St. FIRE, RESCUE FRIDAY –1:40 a.m.: medical. Medics were called to the 800 block of Taft Street. –12:31 a.m.: medical. Medics were called to the 2400 block of Wapakoneta Avenue.

THURSDAY –7:54 p.m.: open burning. Firefighters were called to 1848 Fair Oaks Drive to investigate an open fire. The fire was found to be in compliance with the city ordinance. –6:32 p.m.: injury. Medics were called to the 1000 block of Whipp Road. –1:15 p.m.: medical. Medics were called to the 1800 block of Daniel Place. –11:03 a.m.: medical. Medics were called to the area of Court Street and Miami Avenue.

COUNTY RECORD Sheriff’s log FRIDAY –12:17 p.m.: trespassing. Two people were on the Country Concert grounds without bracelets or tickets. –7:02 a.m.: property-damage accident. A car hit a pole at Ohio 47 and Tawawa-Maplewood Road. –2:14 a.m.: theft. Theft of an iPhone, book bag and money was reported on

CITY RECORD Police log FRIDAY –2:35 a.m.: driving under the influence. Police arrested Douglas A. Grigg, 54, of Harrisonburg, Va., on a charge of driving under the influence. THURSDAY –8:07 p.m.: criminal trespass. US Bank Home Mortgage reported the theft of 100 feet of copper wire, valued at $50, from 332 N. West Ave. –11:35 a.m.: theft. Personnel at Clean All, 324 Adams St., reported a possible

Anna Rescue to host ‘King of the Road’ blood drive Tuesday at Anna High School

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Copyright © 2013 The Sidney Daily News Civitas Media, LLC (USPS# 495-720)

ANNA — Anna Rescue Squad will hold a community blood drive at Anna High School Tuesday from 2 to 6 p.m. This blood drive location was recently moved from Anna Elementary School to Anna High School due to maintenance at the elementary. Everyone who registers to donate will receive the new, limited-edition Community Blood Center (CBC) “King of the Road Blood Drive – Route 56” T-shirt in HarleyDavidson colors. They will also be automatically entered into the summer blood drive drawing to win a Harley-Davidson

Limited-edition T-shirt available Road King Classic motorcycle. Donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment online at www.DonorTime.com. CBC has partnered with Gover Harley-Davidson in Piqua and REACH Magazine on the “King of the Road Blood Drive” campaign. Everyone who registers to give blood at any CBC Donor Center or mobile blood drive now through Aug. 31 automatically qualifies for a chance to win the Road King Classic motorcycle. Ten computer-selected finalists will be invited to

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Frank Beeson Group Publisher

a special envelope-opening announcement event in September to decide the winner. (Must be 18 to win. Official rules available at www.givingblood.org). All who register to donate during the summer months will receive a free “King of the Road Summer Blood Drive Route 56” T-shirt. The latest design is offered from Monday through Aug. 31. Other blood drives next week are: Q Thursday — Cargill, Sidney, noon-4 p.m., for

employees. Q Thursday — Sidney Apostolic Temple, 3-7 p.m., for public. Other area blood drives in July include: Q July 23 — Wilson Memorial Hospital, Medical Building, Sidney, 11:30 a.m.-6 p.m., for public. Q July 24 — Sidney Senior Center, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., for public. Q July 25 — Advanced Composites, Sidney, 2-5 p.m., for employees. Q July 3 — Discovery Center, Bellefontaine, noon-4 p.m., for public.

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The Shelby County Highway Department will begin the replacement of a concrete bridge on Mason Road on Wednesday, according to County Engineer Bob Geuy. Mason Road will be closed to traffic between Kuther Road and Ohio 29 beginning on that date. The bridge replacement project will take about one month to complete.

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Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013



Douglas Snyder

Robert Arthur Stiers

PIQUA — Douglas Allen Snyder, 50, of Piqua, died Sunday, July 7, 2013. A celebration of Douglas’s life will be held Monday, July 15, 2013, at Melcher-Sowers Funeral Home, Piqua.

Eva Louise Arnett Visitation today 11am-1pm Service 1pm @ Pemberton UMC

Jacob A. Ulrey

James Rinehart Visitation today 5pm till hour of service Celebration of Life 7pm


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Edward Davis

View obituaries at


PIQUA — Edward Francis Davis, 62, of Piqua, passed away Friday, July 12, 2013, at his residence. Arrangements are being handled by Adams Funeral Home, 1401 Fair Road, Sidney .

WAPAKONETA — Emily Ann Saam 17, of Wapakoneta, died Thursday July 11, 2013. Funeral services are scheduled for Sunday, July 14, 2013, at Schlosser Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Wapakoneta.



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ADA — Jacob A. Ulrey 31, of Ada, formerly of Wapakoneta, died July 11, 2013, at Grant Medical Center, Columbus. Arrangements are incomplete at Schlosser Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Wapakoneta.

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Due to incomplete information provided the newspaper, the names of three deceased sons were inadvertently omitted from the obituary of Daisy Bingham of Piqua which appeared in Friday’s Sidney Daily News. The sons were Ronald, Carl and Charles Bingham Jr.

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currently a surveyor for Wenco Construction Company in New Carlisle. He was a member of the First Christian Church in Sidney. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, July 16, 2013, at noon at the Cromes Funeral Home, 302 S. Main Ave., Sidney, with the Rev. Philip K. Chilcote officiating. Burial will follow at Graceland Cemetery in Sidney. The family will receive friends on Monday from 5 to 7 p.m. at the funeral home. The family suggests that memorials be made to the First Christian Church in memory of Robert Arthur Stiers. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. Guestbook condolences and expressions of sympathy may be expressed to the Stiers family at Cromes Funeral Home’s website, www.cromesfh. com.

NEW WESTON — Magdalen Rose (Henry) Niekamp, 95, of U.S. 127, New Weston, passed away Thursday afternoon, July 11, 2013, of natural causes, at Celina Manor. She was born May 8, 1918, in North Star, to Albert and Agnes (Barga) Henry. On Nov. 26, 1946, Magdalen married Elvin “Chic� Niekamp, who preceded her in death in 1981. S urviving are one son, Reed and Kathleen Niekamp, of Celina; two grandchildren, Jamie and Doug Carlin, of Celina, and Steven Niekamp, of Manhattan, Kan.; two great-granddaughters, Natalie and Jenna Carlin; two siblings, Roger and Alma Henry, of Dayton, and Ann Huber, of Dayton; and a sister-in-law, Henrietta Henry, of St. Henry. She was also preceded in death by both parents; one greatgranddaughter, Alivia Carlin; five siblings,

Opal (Alfred) Subler, Basil Henry, Mary (Andrew) Bergman, Lawrence (Gertrude) Henry and Bernadine (Linus) Miller. A graduate of the former North Star High School, Magdalen was a homemaker and had been a member of St. Louis Catholic Church in North Star. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m., Monday, July 15, 2013, at Gehret Funeral Home, 64 Elm St., Fort Loramie, with the Rev. David L. Zink presiding. Interment will follow at St. Louis Cemetery, North Star. Friends may call Sunday 3 to 7 p.m. and Monday 9 to 10 a.m. at Gehret Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to the charity of donor’s choice. Condolences may be expressed at www.gehretfuneralhome.com.

OBITUARY POLICY The Sidney Daily News publishes abbreviated death notices free of charge. There is a flat $85 charge for obituaries and photographs. Usually death

notices and/or obituaries are submitted via the family’s funeral home, although in some cases a family may choose to submit the information directly.

Author convicted in sweat lodge deaths freed FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) — An author who saw his self-help business crash after he led a sweat lodge ceremony that left three people dead was paroled from prison on Friday after serving nearly two years for negligent homicide convictions. James Arthur Ray, 55, was freed from the state prison in Buckeye, near Phoenix. Nothing in his conditions of release prohibits him from holding self-help seminars or conducting another sweat lodge ceremony, but his brother said Ray has no immediate plans to resurrect his business. But Jon Ray didn’t rule out the possibility in the future, maintaining the deaths weren’t his brother’s fault. “At this point, he wants to get out and hide out, and start putting his life back together, which has been completely turned upside down,� he told The Associated Press earlier this week. “I say that with all due respect because I know a lot of people’s lives have been turned upside down because of this unfortunate incident.� The tragedy occurred after dozens of people traveled to a scenic retreat just outside Sedona in October 2009 for James Arthur Ray’s five-day “Spiritual Warrior� event. The sweat lodge was the culminating event, touted as “hellacious hot� and a chance for participants to have powerful

breakthroughs. Things started going wrong about halfway through the twohour ceremony. When it was over, 38-year-old Kirby Brown of Westtown, N.Y., and 40-year-old James Shore of Milwaukee were dead, and 18 others injured. Liz Neuman, 49, of Prior Lake, Minn., slipped into a coma and died after more than a week in the hospital. At trial, prosecutors said Ray ratcheted up the heat to dangerous levels, ignored pleas for help, and watched as overcome participants were dragged out of the sweat lodge. A jury acquitted him of more serious manslaughter charges and convicted him of negligent homicide. He served 85 percent of the concurrent two-year terms for each of the deaths. Ray has appealed the convictions, alleging that errors by the prosecution tainted the case. Ray has acknowledged that he was responsible for the deaths but offered no excuses for his lack of action as the chaos unfolded at the sweat lodge. He and his attorneys said Ray would have stopped the ceremony had he known people were dying or in distress. The defense centered its case on the possibility that toxins or poisons contributed to the deaths. None of the victims’ families

believes that 20 months was a sufficient sentence. They have said they would rather not see Ray in the self-help industry, or he should at least be more accountable for his actions. Members of Neuman’s family meet regularly to talk about her, share memories and vent feelings of frustration and anger — a lot of which is aimed at Ray, said her daughter, Andrea Puckett. The birth of Puckett’s two children and her brother’s wedding are among the events made bittersweet by the loss of Neuman, she said. “Ideally, we don’t want him doing anything in the industry anymore,� Puckett said. “I don’t think he has the right to work with people. If he does move forward with that, I hope people become aware of what he did and he changes the way that he handles his seminars and his teachings.� Brown’s mother, Virginia, has quit her full-time job to focus on the nonprofit group called SEEK Safely that the family formed to help others avoid such a tragedy. This week, she was busy reaching out to people in the self-help industry asking them to commit to basic standards to ensure practitioners are truthful, act with integrity, and respect the people who choose to follow them — something she said Ray failed to do.


From page 1A family in the town of in Muqdadiyah, about 60 miles north of Baghdad, officials said. The late Thursday evening explosion killed 13 people and wounded 24, the officials said. In the northern town of Dujail, about 50 miles from Baghdad, a parked car bomb went off outside a Shiite mosque late on Thursday. As people gathered around the blast site, another bomb went off. That twin bombing killed at least 11 people and wounded 25, mayor Nayif al-Khazrachi said. Two medical officials, who weren’t authorized to speak publicly, confirmed the casualty figures.

The two attacks raised the overall death toll Thursday from a series of attacks, which included assaults on police stations in the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah west of Baghdad, to 40. On Wednesday, gunmen launched an assault on an army checkpoint and special oil industry police assigned to protect a nearby pipeline in the western Iraqi desert, killing at least 14 troops there. Sinan Salaheddin and Adam Schreck contributed to this report.


& Conference Center 400 Folkerth Avenue, Sidney 40294066

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R o b e r t Arthur Stiers, 73, of 2613 N. State Route 29, passed away Thursday, July 11, 2013, at the Miami Valley Hospital. He was born on Dec. 31, 1939, in Springfield, the son of the late Ralph Stiers. His mother, Louise (Croft) Stiers, survives and lives in Springfield. Also surviving are a son, David William Stiers, of Myrtle Beach, S.C.; his fiancee, Barbara Seigle, of Sidney; one brother, James Stiers, of South Carolina; two nephews, Paul Stiers, of New Carlisle, and Bill Stiers of Texas;and his special pet cat, Ajax. He was preceded in death by one son, Michael Lee Stiers. Mr. Stiers was a 1957 graduate of Tecumseh High School and a 1963 graduate of the University of Cincinnati, where he belonged to the Triangle Fraternity. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran, serving his country during the Vietnam era. Robert retired in 1992 as a civil engineer and surveyor for ODOT District 7, and was

Magdalen Rose Niekamp

Iraq 40294562 40109916

Friday drawings Mega Millions estimated jackpot: $13 million Pick 3 Midday: 9-9-4 Pick 3 Evening: 8-5-2 Pick 4 Midday: 2-0-5-1 Pick 4 Evening: 4-6-2-2 Pick 5 Midday: 9-5-3-4-3 Pick 5 Evening: 8-5-4-8-6 Rolling Cash 5: 18-22-31-3536 Powerball estimated jackpot: $94 million Mega Million results will be published in Monday’s newspaper.

Page 3A



From page 1A all profits from their online retail motorcycle parts and accessories business to help atrisk youth. Q M&M Delivery, LLC – Noble County –With 21 years of experience, they make hauling large loads a breeze with their fleet of flatbed and dump trucks. Q Kumler Collision — Fairfield County — Originally started working on buggies and Model A’s in 1928 and still work on anything with wheels today. Q AMP Electric Vehicles – Hamilton County — A high tech manufacturer that specializes in the development of all-electric, zero-emission power trains for many popular vehicle makes and

models. Q Stonebraker’s Transit, LLC — Belmont County — Started off with one truck in 2006 and have since expanded their fleet to help transport oversized and legal loads all across the eastern U.S. Q Rife’s Autobody — Franklin County — Currently in their third generation of family ownership and have nearly 70 years of experience in auto collision repair and antique restoration. Launched in June 2011, Ohio Business Profile has helped raise awareness about companies registered and doing business in Ohio that are creating interesting products, offering outstand-

ing service, contributing to their local communities and employing Ohioans in the process. Each month, a handful of diverse businesses linked together by a common theme are featured on the Secretary of State’s website at OhioBusinessProfile.com, where Ohioans are encouraged to go to submit companies they feel are deserving of recognition in future months. Husted’s office also releases a monthly report of new business filings in Ohio. Recent data has shown that the number of newly registered businesses in Ohio is up for the year as compared to the same timeframe last year.

Page 4A


Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hundreds of additional charges filed in Cleveland kidnap case COLUMBUS (AP) — The man accused of holding three women captive in his Cleveland home for about a decade was charged Friday with hundreds of additional counts covering the entire time period of the alleged imprisonment. The 977-count indictment against Ariel Castro includes charges of rape and kidnapping and two counts of aggravated murder on accusations that Castro starved and punched one of the women while she was pregnant until she miscarried. The indictment does not include charges that could carry a death sentence, but Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty said he is still reserving that option. Castro, 53, is charged with kidnapping the three women and holding them captive — sometimes restrained in chains —

along with a 6-year-old girl he fathered with one of them. Castro pleaded not guilty to an earlier 329count indictment. A message was left with his attorney Friday seeking comment on the new charges. Castro is charged with two counts of aggravated murder related to one act, saying he purposely caused the unlawful termination of the pregnancy of one of the women. The new indictment also charges him with 512 counts of kidnapping, 446 counts of rape, seven counts of gross sexual imposition, six counts of felonious assault, three counts of child endangerment and one count of possessing criminal tools. The 576-page indictment covers the period from August 2002, when the first girl disappeared, to May, when the women were rescued. The first

indictment covered only the period from August 2002 to February 2007. “Today’s indictment moves us closer to resolution of this gruesome case,” McGinty said in a statement. “Our investigation continues, as does our preparation for trial.” News that the women had been found alive electrified the Cleveland area, where two of the victims were household names after years of searches, publicity and vigils. But elation soon turned to shock as allegations about their treatment began to emerge. The indictment against Castro alleges he repeatedly restrained the women, sometimes chaining them to a pole in a basement, to a bedroom heater or inside a van. It says one of the women tried to escape and he assaulted her with a vacuum cord around her neck.

Associated Press

JOSEPH DREHER Jr. gives a thumbs-up to a crew member of Sentimental Journey, a B-17 vintage bomber, after a beautiful takeoff from Lost Nation Airport on Thursday in Willoughby. During the war, Dreher, now 88 and living in Rocky River, was a radio operator/waist gunner who flew 29 missions over Europe on a B-17 with the U.S. 8th Army Air Forces. He was shot down on his 29th mission and captured after parachuting from his flak-damaged aircraft.

WWII airman takes 1 more trip on B-17 Brian Albrecht The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer Associated Press

ARIEL CASTRO is led into Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court in Cleveland for a July 3 pretrial hearing. A 977count indictment against Castro was filed Friday, including aggravated murder, kidnapping and rape charges, but does not yet carry death penalty specifications.

Federal judge hears case on ballot, ID rules COLUMBUS (AP) — Voter advocates asked a federal judge Friday to extend a court order they say ensures that broad definitions of voter identification requirements would remain in place in the perennial presidential battleground of Ohio. Though attorneys for the state’s top election official said he’s committed to the more lenient voter ID definitions, unless the Legislature changes the law. At issue is whether a 2010 expiring court agreement that governs provisional ballots and forms of voter ID in Ohio should continue. An attorney representing home-

less voters told the federal court in Columbus that without the decree, the state would return to a “Wild West” system in which county election boards could apply vague standards unequally and unfairly to legitimate voters. Cleveland attorney Subodh Chandra told U.S. District Judge Algenon Marbley that his clients would like the decree to continue indefinitely, or at least until 2021, which could allow state legislators to put into law the broad ID definitions. Since the decree was issued, Chandra told the court, “the General Assembly has simply failed

to do so.” The debate over the federal court agreement dates to 2006, when a state law laid out the requirements for when provisional ballots are counted, starting with voters who have only the last four digits of a Social Security number as identification. A 2006 lawsuit by advocates for homeless voters challenged the state law, and in 2010 then-Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, entered into a federal consent decree that was more open when it comes to provisional ballots and identification requirements.

WILLOUGHBY — Joseph Dreher soared on the wings of World War II memories Thursday, driven by the roar of vintage B-17 bomber engines. During the war Dreher, now 88 and living in Rocky River, was a radio operator/waist gunner who flew 29 missions over Europe on a B-17 with the U.S. 8th Army Air Forces. He was shot down on his 29th mission and captured after parachuting from his flak-damaged aircraft. The experience was an unsettling end to his military aviation career, but not disturbing enough to deter Dreher from accepting an invitation to once again fly aboard a fellow survivor of that bygone war. He gladly signed a waiver warning of this “inherently dangerous and hazardous activity.” “No doubts at all. It’s a very dependable airplane,” Dreher said before the flight. Then, flashing a grin, he added, “Besides, if you had to go, that’d be the way to go.” The B-17 he flew aboard Thursday is visiting the Lost Nation Airport in Willoughby where the Gathering of Eagles XVII Air Show will be held Saturday and Sunday. The event, presented by the U.S. Aviation Museum, features a variety of vintage airplanes, plus other displays and activities. Dreher’s winged time machine was the “Sentimental Journey,” a B-17 maintained by the Commemorative Air Force Arizona Wing Museum in Mesa. The bomber was built in late 1944 and was flown in the Pacific theater during World War II. As Dreher walked to the plane, a smile spread across his face as if evoking lyrics of the bomber’s nickname: “Gonna make a Sentimental Journey, to renew old memories.”

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Carload Night - Carload night includes entry to the fair and all rides for everyone in your vehicle for $30.00. Carload night begins at 4:00 P.M. at Gate D Only. Carload night stamps must be purchased by 9:00 P.M.


Industrial Day 2- special prices through participating Industries in and around Shelby County. Wrist Bands MICHAEL’S must be purchased at these Industries only for $7.00 and admits one person and ride all day.



Kid’s Day - Kid’s day admission and ride special - Everyone sixteen and under will be admitted free until noon - with special rides bands to be purchased by 5:00 P.M. for $7.00 at Michael’s Amusements ticket booths.


Best One Tire/Sidney Tire at the Fair - Special priced wrist bands at $7.00 can be purchased at either location.


Regular Admission Price

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Truck & Wipeout Enterprises Tractor Pull Wednesday, July 24, 2013 4:00 p.m. $2.00 GRANDSTAND

Show Times: SUNDAY - 6:00 & 8:00 P.M. MONDAY THRU SAT. 4:00, 6:00 & 8:00 P.M. SPONSORED BY:


Shows Sunday Thru Saturday 5 - 7 & 9PM Next to Milkhouse Shelby Co. Fair Sponsors Rising Sun Express Crop Productions Burke Oil Company Gerlach Family Homemade Ice Cream Chuck’s Foods Chester Foods Grumpy’s Barbecue Lincous Hawaiian Shaved Ice

Class Order: Antique Tractors: Division II 5500#, Division II 6500#, Division II 6000#, Division III 5500#, Division III 6500# Wipeout Enterprises Tractor Pull: Hot Rod Tractors, Farm Stock Tractors, Natural Super Stock (NSS), Light/Limited pro Stock 9000#Trucks: Pro stock Pickups 6500#, Diesel Pickups 8500#, Pure Stock Pickups 6200#, Buckeye Modifieds 40251178


Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013

Page 5A

Zimmerman jury adjourns deliberations SANFORD, Fla. (AP) — With police and civic leaders urging calm, a jury began deliberating George Zimmerman’s fate Friday after hearing dueling portraits of the neighborhood watch captain: a cop wannabe who took the law into his own hands or a well-meaning volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin because he feared for his life. As the jury got the murder case, police in this Orlando suburb went on national television to plead for peace in Sanford and across the country, no matter what the verdict. “There is no party in this case who wants to see any violence,” Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger said. “We have an expectation upon this announcement that our community will continue to act peacefully.” During closing arguments, Zimmerman’s lawyers put a concrete slab and two life-size cardboard cutouts in front of the jury box in one last attempt to convince the panel Zimmerman shot the unarmed black 17-year-old in self-defense while his head was being slammed against the pavement. Attorney Mark O’Mara used the slab to make the point that it could serve as a weapon. He showed the cutouts of Zimmerman and Martin to demonstrate that the teenager was considerably taller. And he displayed a computeranimated depiction of the fight based on Zimmerman’s account. He said prosecutors hadn’t met their burden of proving Zimmerman’s guilt

beyond a reasonable doubt. Instead, he said, the case was built on “could’ve beens” and “maybes.” “If it hasn’t been proven, it’s just not there,” O’Mara said. “You can’t fill in the gaps. You can’t connect the dots. You’re not allowed to.” In a rebuttal, prosecutor John Guy accused Zimmerman of telling “so many lies.” He said Martin’s last emotion was fear as Zimmerman followed him through the gated townhouse community on the rainy night of Feb. 26, 2012. “Isn’t that every child’s worst nightmare, to be followed on the way home in the dark by a stranger?” Guy said. “Isn’t that every child’s worst fear?” One juror, a young woman, appeared to wipe away a tear as Guy said nothing would ever bring back Martin. The sequestered jury of six women — all but one of them white — will have to sort through a lot of conflicting testimony from police, neighbors, friends and family members. Jurors deliberated for three and a half hours when they decided to stop Friday evening. About two hours into their discussions, they asked for a list of the evidence. They will resume deliberations Saturday morning. Witnesses gave differing accounts of who was on top during the struggle, and Martin’s parents and Zimmerman’s parents both claimed that the voice heard screaming for help in the background of a 911 call was their son’s. Zimmerman, 29, is charged with sec-

ond-degree murder, but the jury will also be allowed to consider manslaughter. Under Florida’s laws involving gun crimes, manslaughter could end up carrying a penalty as heavy as the one for second-degree murder: life in prison. The judge’s decision to allow the jury to consider manslaughter was a potentially heavy blow to the defense: It could give jurors who aren’t convinced the shooting amounted to murder a way to hold Zimmerman responsible for the killing. To win a manslaughter conviction, prosecutors must show only that Zimmerman killed without lawful justification. O’Mara dismissed the prosecution’s contention that Zimmerman was a “crazy guy” patrolling his townhouse complex and “looking for people to harass” when he saw Martin. O’Mara also disputed prosecutors’ claim that Zimmerman snapped when he saw Martin because there had been a rash of break-ins in the neighborhood, mostly by young black men. The defense attorney said Zimmerman at no point showed ill will, hatred or spite during his confrontation with Martin — which is what prosecutors must prove for second-degree murder. “That presumption isn’t based on any fact whatsoever,” O’Mara said. In contrast, prosecutors argued Zimmerman showed ill will when he whispered profanities to a police dispatcher over his cellphone while following Martin through the neighborhood. They said

At least 6 dead in France train crash BRETIGNY-SUR-ORGE, France (AP) — A train carrying hundreds of passengers derailed and crashed into a station outside Paris on Friday on one of the busiest days of the year for vacation getaways. At least six people were killed and dozens were injured, officials said. The crash was the deadliest in France in several years. French President Francois Hollande rushed to the scene at the Bretignysur-Orge station, 20 kilometers (12 miles) south of Paris. The Interior Ministry said some 192 people were either injured or being treated for shock — of which nine were in a critical condition. Four of the seven train cars slid toward the station, crushing part of the metallic roof over the platform. Images on French television and on Twitter showed gnarled metal and shards on the platform, and debris from the crash clogging the stairwell leading beneath the platform. Some 300 firefighters, 20 medical teams and eight helicopters were deployed to get survivors out of the metal wreckage, according to the Interior Ministry. The accident came as France is preparing to celebrate its most important national holiday, Bastille Day, on Sunday, and as masses of vacationers are heading out of Paris and other big cities to see family or for summer vacation. Hollande praised “the mobilization of the emergency services,” and reached out in “solidarity with the victims’ families.” He said an inquiry has been launched to determine the cause of the accident. “The inquiries will be public so that there is absolutely no doubt on what happened,” he added. Witnesses reported that the train was not moving at an excessive speed, deepening the mystery of what happened. “I think it’s genuinely too early to start to give this or that hypothesis. Now, we’re still in the emergency operation,” said Interior Ministry spokesman, Pierre-Henry Brandet. “There’s some long work ahead from experts that will allow us to know the exact circumstances and the exact causes of this drama.” Ben Khelifa, a 20-year-old

Associated Press

THIS IS the scene where a train derailed Friday at the station, in Bretigny sur Orge, south of Paris. The packed passenger train skidded off its rails after leaving Paris, leaving six people believed dead and dozens injured as train cars slammed into one another and overturned, authorities said.

accounting apprentice whose commuter train was on the adjacent track, told The Associated Press that the derailed train “was unrecognizable. “There was nothing but metal scraps,” he said. “The train just collapsed, just like that, on its side… There was blood.” He added that he was one of a number of passengers in the adjacent train that went to help pull trapped survivors out of the wreckage. “People were screaming, people were asking where their children were,” he said. Another witness, Bazgua El Mehdi, 19, told Le Parisien newspaper: “I heard a loud noise. A cloud of sand covered everything. Then the dust dissipated. I thought it was a freight train, but then we saw the first casualties … Many passengers on the (train) were crying.” It was unclear whether all the casualties were inside the train, or whether some had been on the platform, or how fast the train was traveling. The head of the SNCF rail authority, Guillaume Pepy, called it a “catastrophe.”

The train’s third and fourth cars initially derailed, which then knocked the other cars off the track, Pepy said. “Some cars simply derailed, others are leaning, others fell over,” he said. The Interior Ministry said six people died in the crash and nine were in critical condition. Earlier, Interior Minister Manuel Valls had said seven people died. The SNCF said the train was carrying about 385 passengers when it derailed Friday evening at 5:15 p.m. (1515 GMT; 11:15 a.m. EDT) and crashed into the station at Bretigny-sur-Orge. The train was headed from Paris to Limoges, a 250-mile journey, and was about 20 minutes into the scheduled three-hour journey. A passenger speaking on France’s BFM television said the train was going at a normal speed and wasn’t meant to stop at Bretigny-sur-Orge. He described children unattended in the chaotic aftermath. Trains operations have been suspended in Bretigny-sur-Orge for the next three days. Thomas Adamson contributed to this report from Paris.

Snowden wants asylum in Russia

Zimmerman “profiled” the teenager as a criminal. Guy said Zimmerman violated the cornerstone of neighborhood watch volunteer programs, which is to observe and report, not follow a suspect. Zimmerman’s account of how he grabbed his gun from his holster at his waist as Martin straddled him is physically impossible, Guy said. “The defendant didn’t shoot Trayvon Martin because he had to; he shot him because he wanted to,” Guy said. “That’s the bottom line.” But to invoke self-defense, Zimmerman only had to believe he was facing great bodily harm, his attorney said. He asked jurors not to let their sympathies for Martin’s parents interfere with their decision. “It is a tragedy, truly,” O’Mara said. “But you can’t allow sympathy.” With the verdict drawing near, police and city leaders in Sanford and other parts of Florida said they have taken precautions for the possibility of mass protests or even civil unrest if Zimmerman, whose father is white and whose mother is Hispanic, is acquitted. There were big protests in Sanford and other cities across the country last year when authorities waited 44 days before arresting Zimmerman. About a dozen protesters, most of them from outside central Florida, gathered outside the courthouse as the jury deliberated. Martin supporters outnumbered those for Zimmerman.

Napolitano resigning WASHINGTON (AP) — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced her resignation Friday to take over the University of California system, leaving behind a huge department still working to adjust to the merger of nearly two dozen agencies after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The former Arizona governor came to President Obama’s Cabinet with plans to fix the nation’s broken immigration system, and she is leaving in the midst of a heated battle in Congress over how — or if — that overhaul will be accomplished. The most frequent contact by most Americans is with the department’s Transportation Security Administration screeners at airports. But its charter is much broader: It comprises agencies that protect the president, respond to disasters and enforce immigration laws as well as secure air travel. It includes the Secret Service, the Coast Guard, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection as well as TSA. Like the department Napolitano has run since the beginning of the Obama administration, the University of California system is a giant, multilayered organization, though with a far different mission. Her appointment, which still must be confirmed by the system’s board of regents, could triple Napolitano’s salary from $199,700 to around $600,000. She said she would stay on as secretary until early September. It is not clear whom Obama may be considering to replace her. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said Friday he wants to Obama to nominate New York Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly. Unlike the University of California school system, which dates to the 1860s, the Homeland Security Department is just a decade old and at times has seemed in search of a clear mission. Though Napolitano came to Washington with plans to change the immigration system, her tenure is marked with few new sweeping immigration policies. And those she has pushed through were met with great controversy, such as a policy to give thousands of young immigrants living in the U.S. illegally temporary reprieve from deportation, a plan rolled out in the summer of 2012 before the presidential election. Opponents assailed Napolitano and Obama for creating what they called “backdoor amnesty.” Under her instructions, immigration officers have been told to focus on deporting criminals living in the U.S. illegally who pose dangers to public safety and national security.

TODAY IN HISTORY Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) — Edward Snowden emerged from weeks of hiding in a Moscow airport Friday, still defiant but willing to stop leaking secrets about U.S. surveillance programs if Russia will give him asylum until he can move on to Latin America. Snowden’s meeting with Russian officials and rights activists cleared up uncertainty about where the former National Security Agency systems analyst is, but left open the big question: What comes next? Snowden said he was ready to meet President Vladimir Putin’s condition that he stop leaking secrets if it means Russia would give him shelter that could eventually help him get to Latin America. There was no immediate response from Putin’s office, but speakers of both houses of the Kremlin-controlled parliament spoke in support of Snowden’s plea. Vyacheslav Nikonov, a senior law-

maker with the main Kremlin party, described Snowden as “a bit nervous but smiling” and noted his “perfect haircut.” He said that when asked to describe his stay at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport, Snowden answered with one word: “Safe.” Snowden is believed to have been stuck in the airport’s transit zone since his arrival on June 23 from Hong Kong, where he had gone before his revelations were made public. He booked a seat on a Cubabound flight the next day, but did not get on the plane and had remained out of the public eye until Friday. Putin has said Snowden stayed in the transit zone and thus technically didn’t cross the Russian border. He also insisted that Russian special services haven’t contacted the NSA leaker — a claim that drew skeptical winks from some security analysts who noted that Russian intelligence agencies would be all too eager to

learn the secrets in his possession. Sergei Nikitin of Amnesty International’s Moscow office said that plainclothes men who looked like officers of Russian special services attended the meeting, which was held in a cordoned section of a corridor. The exact location was unclear as hundreds of journalists were left in a hallway outside the meeting area, behind a gray door marked “staff only.” Nikitin said participants were asked not to take photos and video. “Snowden himself requested that, saying his pictures would give too much information to the U.S. special services,” Nikitin said. Human Rights Watch’s Tanya Lokshina posted a photo of Snowden at the gathering on her Facebook page, the first new image of him since the Guardian newspaper broke the story of widespread U.S. Internet surveillance based on his leaks.

Today is Saturday, July 13, the 194th day of 2013. There are 171 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On July 13, 1863, deadly rioting against the Civil War military draft erupted in New York City. (The insurrection was put down three days later.) On this date: In 1787, the Congress of the Confederation adopted the Northwest Ordinance, which established a government in the Northwest Territory, an area corresponding to the present-day Midwest and Upper Midwest. In 1793, French revolutionary writer Jean-Paul Marat was stabbed to death in his bath by Charlotte Corday, who was executed four days later. In 1913, broadcaster Dave Garroway, the first host of NBC’s “Today” show, was born in Schenectady, N.Y. In 1923, a sign consisting of 50-foot-tall letters spelling out “HOLLYWOODLAND” was dedicated in the Hollywood Hills to promote a subdivision (the last four letters were removed in 1949). In 1939, Frank Sinatra made his first commercial recording, “From the Bottom of My Heart” and “Melancholy Mood,” with Harry James and his Orchestra for the Brunswick label.

Reach Localife Editor Patricia Ann Speelman with story ideas, club news, wedding, anniversary, engagements and birth announcements by phone at (937) 498-5965, email at pspeelman@civitasmedia.com or fax at (937) 498-5991.

LOCALIFE Saturday, July 13, 2013

COMMUNITY CALENDAR To access the Community Calendar online, visit www.sidneydailynews.com, click on “Living” and then on “Calendar.”

This evening Q Lumber Company Baseball hosts fundraising bingo to support the children on the teams. Doors open at 4 p.m. and games begin at 7 p.m. at Sunset Bingo, 1710 W. High St., Piqua. $20 to play all night. For information, call 937-543-9959. Q Shelby County Deer Hunters holds its monthly Saturday Night Trap Shoot at 7988 Johnston-Slagle Road beginning at 6:30 p.m., 10 birds. Program starts at 8 p.m., 50 birds, long run, handicapped and Lewis class. Open to the public. Q The Sidney-Shelby County Chess Club Checkmates meets at 7 p.m. at the library at the Dorothy Love Retirement Community. All skill levels are welcome. For more information, call 497-7326. Q The Narcotics Anonymous group, Saturday Night Live, meets at 8 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 120 W. Water St.

Sunday evening Q Lumber Company Baseball hosts fundraising bingo to support the children on the teams. Doors open at 4 p.m. and games begin at 7 p.m. at Sunset Bingo, 1710 W. High St., Piqua. $20 to play all night. For information, call 937-543-9959. Q The Narcotics Anonymous group, Never Alone, Never Again, meets at 6:30 p.m. at First Christian Church, 320 E. Russell Road. Monday Afternoon Q Sidney Rotary Club meets at noon at the Sidney Moose Lodge. For more information on activities or becoming a member, call Deb Barga at 492-3167.

Monday evening Q Art Study Group meets at 6 p.m. For information, call Starr Gephart at 295-2323. Q Women of the Moose meets at 7 p.m. at the Moose Lodge, on the corner of Broadway Avenue and Russell Road. Q Overeaters Anonymous, a 12-step group offering experience, strength, and hope to anyone who suffers from an eating disorder, meets at 7 p.m. at Hillcrest Baptist Church, 1505 S. Main St., Bellefontaine. Use the rear parking lot and door. Q The Narcotics Anonymous group, Vision of Hope, group meets at 7 p.m. at Russell Road Church, 340 W. Russell Road. Q Sidney Boy Scout Troop 97 meets at 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ. All new members are welcome. For more information, call Tom Frantz at 492-7075. Q TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at 7 p.m. at Faith Alliance Church, New Knoxville Road, New Bremen.

Tuesday morning Q The Francis J. Stallo Memorial Library in Minster presents Stories in the Park at 10 a.m. Stories will be read in Paris Street Park for all ages. Q The Sidney-Shelby Branch of the American Association of University Women meets for lunch at Charlie Brown’s Restaurant in Anna at 11:30 a.m. Guests are welcome; to attend, call Molly Helmlinger, 710-4246.

Tuesday afternoon Q The Narcotics Anonymous group, Addicts at Work, meets at noon at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 120 W. Water St. Q The New Bremen Public Library offers crafts for children who have completed grades K-3. Advance registration is required for sessions at 1, 1:30, or 2 p.m. Q The Springfield Regional Cancer Center in Springfield hosts a support and education group for cancer patients and their families from noon to 1:30 p.m. The groups are free and open to anyone who has a need for cancer education and support. For more information, call the cancer center at (937) 325-5001 or the American Cancer Society at 937-399-0809.

Tuesday evening Q Head, Neck and Oral Cancer Support Group for patients and caregivers meets at St. Rita’s Regional Cancer Center in the Garden Conference Room from 5 to 6:30 p.m. For more information, call 419-227-3361. Q The Highly Recommended Book Club meets at the Francis J. Stallo Memorial Library in Minster at 6:15 p.m. Q The Narcotics Anonymous group, Living the Basics, meets at 6:30 p.m. in the Apostolic Temple, 210 Pomeroy Ave. Q The Miami County Historical and Genealogical Society meets at 6:30 p.m. in the Piqua Public Library, 116 W. High St., Piqua. Andy Hite will speak on “The Canal, from Lockington to Tipp City.” 937-307-7142. Q The Shelby County Genealogical Society meets at 7 p.m. in the First Church of God on Campbell Road. The speaker will be Mark Morton, who will talk about tombstone preservation and resurrection. The public is welcome. Use the rear door. Q The Brain Injury Support Group meets at 7 p.m. in conference rooms A and B at the Upper Valley Med Center, North Dixie Highway, Troy. This group meets to support the caregivers and see the progress of survivors. For more information, call Shirley Whitmer at 937-3390356 or Margie Luthman at (937) 394-8681. Q Pleaides Chapter 298 Order of the Eastern Star meets at the Masonic Temple at the corner of Miami Avenue and Poplar Street at 7:30 p.m. Q The Miami-Shelby Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Greene Street UMC, 415 W. Greene St. at Caldwell Street. All men interested in singing are welcome and visitors are always welcome. For more information, call 937-778-1586 or visit www.melodymenchorus.org. Q The Al-Anon Sidney Group, for friends and relatives of alcoholics, meets from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church on the corner of North Street and Miami Avenue. All are welcome.

Wednesday morning Q The Downtown Business Association meets at 8 a.m. at TWT Shirts, 115 E. North St. Q Dayton Area ALS (Amoyotropic Lateral Sclerosis/ Lou Gehrig’s Disease) support group meets from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the West Charleston Church of the Brethren, 7390 State Route 202, Tipp City. This meeting will be a sharing format. Attendees are encouraged to take a brown bag lunch; beverages will be provided. For more information, call 937-339-4571 or e-mail wtaverna@alsohio.org. Q The Sidney Kiwanis Club meets at 11:30 a.m. at the Moose Lodge. Lunch is held until noon, followed by a club meeting and program.

Page 6A

Local United Way meets national requirements Scott Barr, executive director of the Shelby County United Way, announced that the chapter has successfully completed all of United Way’s national membership requirements. The annual certification process includes completing the membership requirements certification, membership investment to support the national office, and a survey of total resources generated (a survey that captures the full extent of a community’s resource development efforts during the year). A required tri-annual agency and board self-assessment was conducted in 2013. “The membership process provides transparency and accountability for the procedures and operations of the Shelby County United Way. We are entrusted with the community’s generous donations and need to ensure we are excellent stewards of those gifts,” Barr said. The Shelby County United Way funds 27 agencies and programs in Shelby County. The board of directors comprises 19 local community volunteers. The Shelby County United Way is one of 1,800 community-based United Ways in 45 countries and territories within the United Way Worldwide network. For any additional information, call 492-2101 or visit www.shelbycounitedway.org.

Attracting wildlife Dear Readers: If you enjoy the outdoors and the wildlife that lives in it, there are some easy things you can do to support the animals. The National Wildlife Federation suggests the following: Q Select plants for around your home that are native to the area. Make sure you have plants that animals can use not only for nests and shelter, but that also provide food in the form of nectar, berries or nuts. Q Have a water source available. If not a natural stream, then have a few decorative dishes filled with water, birdbaths or a small pot. Q Think about planting smaller shrubs and grasslike plants. Along with rocks and special landscaping, smaller animals and reptiles can be encouraged to hide and live there. HInts Q Place birdhouses around your propfrom erty, but also have plants that attract Heloise insects for the birds to eat. Try doing Heloise just one small thing to help benefit the Cruse wildlife near you. — Heloise P.S.: If you are lucky enough to enjoy backyard wildlife, please be sure to be kind to them all. Handy Trivet Dear Heloise: When I need a rack (to put something on while cooking — Heloise), I use the 6-1/2-inch-diameter rack that came with my pressure cooker. This particular size is perfect for roasting a Cornish hen. — Andrea Johnsen, via email Good idea, Andrea. — Heloise Pet Pal Dear Readers: Sallyanne Calvert of Middle Point, Ohio, sent a photo of her dog Jethro, who looks like a dachshund. He is standing up against the TV stand watching another dog on TV. To see Jethro, visit www.Heloise.com and click on “Pets.” — Heloise Flower Power Dear Heloise: I enjoy reading your hints in the Abilene (Texas) Reporter-News. I read the one about buying flowers for the cemetery at a dollar store. I do this, but I also keep an eye out for closeouts. After Easter, one of the big chain stores had spring flowers for half off. Most were $1 to begin with, so at 50 cents, I was able to stock up. I keep a storage tub full of the extras so I have a “go to” supply. I also buy inexpensive solar lights. I purchase the cheapest ones and use the tube and spike from them as a holder for

RECENT BIRTHS WESBECHER Aaron and Sarah Wesbecher, of Sidney, have announced the birth of a son, Kayden Thomas Wesbecher, born June 30, 2013, at 11:30 p.m. in the Copeland-Emerson Family Birth Center at Wilson Memorial Hospital. He weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 20 inches long. He was welcomed home by his sister, Addyson Elizabeth, 3. His maternal grandparents are Ron and Janet Langley, of Sidney. His paternal grandparents are Tom and Barb Wesbecher, of Troy. His mother is the former Sarah Langley, of Sidney. SEITZ ANNA — Brad and Mindy Seitz, of Anna, have announced the birth of twin sons, born June 28, 2013, in the Copeland-Emerson Family Birth Center at Wilson Memorial Hospital in Sidney. Jake Roman Seitz was born at 12:02 p.m., weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and was 18.5 inches long. Max Bradley Seitz was born at 12:03 p.m., weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 19.5 inches long. They were welcomed home by their sisters, Madison, 5, and Avery, 1, and their brother, Carter, 3. Their maternal grandparents are Gary and Molly Buehler, of McCartyville. Their paternal grandparents are Carol and Duane Heinfeld, of Maria Stein, and the late Rick Seitz. Their great-grandparents are Dorothy Buehler, of McCartyville, and Walter and Bernice Frey, of Osgood. Their mother is the former Mindy Buehler, of McCartyville.


SCARF notes first anniversary The Shelby County Animal Rescue Foundation (SCARF) will celebrate its first anniversary by hosting a pet adopt-a-thon at the Shelby County Animal Shelter, 1100 Clem Road, July 20, from 9 a.m. to noon. Because its an anniversary event, SCARF will cover the adoption fees for all qualified adoptions of dogs and cats during that morning. In addition, the group will accept aluminum cans for recycling. The Cans for Canines drive supports animal care at the shelter.

Brown coming to Dayton DAYTON — The Victoria Theatre Association has announced that tickets for “Alton Brown Live! The Edible Inevitable Tour” will go on sale Monday. The “Iron Chef” host will appear at the Schuster Center in downtown Dayton at 8 p.m., Feb. 10. Tickets start at $30. VIP seats are $100 and include seats in the first four rows of the theater, a “Meet and Greet” with a signed photo and complimentary poncho. For tickets call the Ticket Center Stage at 888-2283630 or go online to www.ticketcenterstage.com.


Howards mark golden date PIQUA — Darrel Dean and Marilyn Howard, of Piqua, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary June 1, 2013, with family and friends, hosted by their daughter, Rhonda R. Monsauret. Darrel Dean and the former Marilyn Lee Smith were married April 23, 1963, in the Methodist Church in Union City, Ind., on a nice, sunny day. It was a small wedding, with six in the wedding party. The Rev. Howard Fox performed the ceremony. Witnesses were John Pitman and Olive Smith. The couple had met in the Hasty Tasty Restaurant in Greenville. Darrel Dean is the son of the late Darrel and Mary Howard. He has two sisters, Janice Howard and Anna Howard. Marilyn is the daughter of the late Zelma A. Smith and Doyle Stivers. She has four living sisters, Mary Devor, Olive Roberts, Sharon Roach and Julia Jones; a living brother, David Smith; three half-sisters, Wavelyn Hewitt, Hazel Coffey, and Linda Stivers; and a half-broth-

Mr. and Mrs. Howard

Wedding day, 1963

er, Junior Stivers. Three sisters, Opal Ellis, Carol Gleason and Goldie Elmeta Smith, and a brother, Richard Smith, are deceased. The Howards have two sons, Dean D. Howard, of Sidney, and William J. Howard, of Amelia, and a daughter, Rhonda R. Monsauret, of Sidney. They have four grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. Marilyn was a K-Mart employee. She enjoys sewing, crafts and woodworking. Darrel Dean retired from Hartzell Fan in Piqua in 2008. He enjoys fishing, woodworking and gardening.


Couple to wed MINSTER — Tracy Monnin, of Minster, and Aaron Wulber, of Yorkshire, have announced their engagement and plans to marry Aug. 24, 2013, in the St. Augustine Catholic Church in Minster. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Jeff and Mary Jo Monnin, of Minster. She graduated from Minster High School in 2009 and is employed by Globus Printing and Packaging.


Her fiance is the son of Roger and Krista Wulber, of Versailles. He is a 2006 graduate of Versailles High School and is employed by Midmark Corp.


Harris heading to Chicago State Konner S. Harris, a scholarship to play basket2013 Sidney High ball for Chicago School graduate, State University. has been accepted Her other high by Chicago State school activities University, where included student she plans to study government and education. DECA. The daughShe attends St. ter of Terry and John’s Lutheran Kelly Harris, of Church and Sidney, she let- Konner S. Harris is employed tered in basketball part time by and soccer and Reliable Process received a full athletic Solutions.

NEWS TIPS? CALL US AT 937-498-5965.

Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013

Page 7A

SINGER KELLIE Pickler (left) gets a mirror ball hat from fan Kathy Kilroy, of Maineville, during Country Concert Friday. The mirror ball hat is a reference to the Mirror Ball Award Trophy Pickler won while on “Dancing With the Stars.”

BRANDON KNEPP (left) and Jeremy Graber, both of Loogootee, Ind., cheer for Blackhawk at Country Concert Friday.

THE LEAD singer of the Blackhawk band, Henry Paul, performs at Country Concert Friday.

JENNIFER FREE Free, of Botkins, dances to Black Hawk at Country Concert Friday.

SCOTT KRIMM (left) of Cleveland, hands country singer Kellie Pickler a Mike’s Hard Lemonade during her performance at Country Concert Friday.

BLACKHAWK SINGER singer Henry Paul is shown on a large screen as people enter the front stage seating area at Country Concert Friday.

DRESSED IN tutus Rachel Aleesi (left) and Jazzmin Hero, both of Pemberville, listen to Blackhawk perform at Country Concert Friday.

Concert From page 1A shopping for souvenirs, playing the lottery at the Ohio Lottery stand, bull riding and photo booths. Heidi Denker-Tibai and Kristin Manon, both of Toledo, have already taken advantage of several of these opportunities. “I’m looking forward to trying the bull riding tonight,” said Denker-Tibai. The two friends are both first-timers at Country Concert. They’re camping out and attending the concert all three days. In both the concert area and campground, it is nearly impossible to find a flushable toilet to use. Rather, Porta Potties are the norm. Clusters of them are scattered throughout the camping areas, so no campsite is too far away from a

bathroom. Within the concert area, there are 11 Porta-Kleen trailers, each with several Porta Potty stalls inside. Porta-Kleen also provides shower facilities. It costs each camper $6 to use a shower. Country Concert also has a variety of drink and food stands. The drink stands sell pop along with Leinenkugal’s beverages, Mike’s Hard Lemonade beverages and beer. The food stands sell everything from fair food to ice cream to Pizza Hut. Maurice Smith, of Georgia, worked the grill for a barbecue stand. Although he could not give exact numbers, he said that they did quite well in sales, with the Rebel Burger being their biggest seller.

Smith isn’t just there to work, however. He’s a big fan of country music. “I was watching the show whenever I got the chance. I even got some pictures and videos of Jason Aldean’s performance,” he said. This was Smith’s first time to Ohio, and he was shocked by the Ohio weather. “I don’t get this crazy stuff. It’s so nice during the day, but so chilly at night,” he said. On the other hand, Denker-Tibai, an Ohio resident, boasted that the weather this weekend has been “pretty amazing.” The second day of the concert was mostly sunny, reaching temperatures in the upper-70s. With the nice weather, ice, water and

beer sales are expected to be high this year. It was predicted that by Sunday, the concert will have gone through four semi-loads of ice, six skids of water and 2,500 cases of beer. The Shelby County Sherriff’s Office said things have been relatively quiet and they haven’t had many issues at the concert. The main stage performances on Friday began at 4 p.m. with Blackhawk. They were followed by Kellie Pickler, Little Big Town and Dierks Bentley. The headliner for today’s concert is Brad Paisley, who will perform at 10 p.m. Other performers on tap for today are Chris Young, Lee Brice, Chris Cagle, Dustin Lynch and Jana Kramer.

Reach Executive Editor Jeff Billiel with story ideas by phone at (937) 498-5962, email at jbilliel@civitasmedia.com or fax at (937) 498-5991.

BUSINESS Saturday, July 13, 2013

Page 8A

Hot Head Burritos to Board prepares for fair; race purses to open Sidney restaurant increase this year

Patricia Ann Speelman Staff writer

The Hot Head Burritos restaurant that will open in Sidney next month will be the fruition of more than two years of effort to establish a presence in Shelby County. Franchisor and owner Cynde Wiley, of Kettering, and franchisee Pam Sommer, of Covington, were at the location of the new eatery, 2028 Michigan St., to discuss its progress with the Sidney Daily News Friday. They’ve planned a mid-August opening and are accepting applications for employment on the website, www.hotheadburritos.com. Sommer plans to begin onsite interviews in about two weeks and will hire 20 employees. The fast-casual restaurant, as Wiley calls it, will offer burritos, nachos, tacos, quesedillas, bowls and kids’ meals ranging in price from $4.29 to $6.99. It will be open from 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays and from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sundays. “We’ve wanted to be in Sidney for a couple of years,” Sommer said, “but we couldn’t find (a good place). So, we went and put stores in other locations and then circled back around.” She and her husband operate four other Hot Head Burrito franchises and several Subway shops. “We are thrilled to be in Sidney. It works well for our footprint,” Wiley said. “We get a good workforce and loyal customers.” Wiley created the recipes and developed the concept for the chain because, as a native Texan, she missed good Mexican food when she moved to Ohio. “If it weren’t for Chipotle (another Mexican restaurant chain), I wouldn’t be here,” she said. “I’d been going to Chipotle and enjoying their food, but it wasn’t consistent. I thought, ‘Someone’s got to be able to make Mexican food taste the same. (My husband and I) had Subways, so I was

Patricia Ann Speelman | SDN

PAM SOMMER, of Covington, and Cynde Wiley, of Kettering, post a sign on the door of a new Hot Head Burritos restaurant that will open in Sidney in August. Wiley is the owner of the chain, and Sommer is the franchisee of the Sidney location.

already in the food industry. So one day, I said, ‘I can do this. I can make these recipes.’” She developed all of them in her home kitchen and opened the first restaurant in 2007. “We found a place and I dragged my husband through the first two years,” she laughed. “It was challenging to build it from the ground up.” Their shared Subway connection was what brought Wiley and Sommer together. Wiley invited Sommer to eat at the first Hot Head Burritos. Sommer liked the food and said, “When you’re ready to franchise, call me.” Sommer likened the experience to a Subway with Mexican food. The chain really took off, Wiley noted, when AOL.com named it one of the top up-and-coming restaurant chains. “Our website crashed, we had so many hits. We only had two locations open. It was then we decided to look into franchising.” Sommer was their first franchisee, opening a restaurant in Troy in 2009. There are now 47 stores in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky,

Indiana and North Carolina, 23 of them franchises. Another eight will open during 2013, including some in Michigan and Florida. Sommer hopes to open additional burrito shops, too, but she’ll stick to the I-75/I-70 corridor. “The things that make us unique are these: family friendly, variety of toppings, we allow for a lot of customization, 14 sauces to choose from. People think, because of the name, that we only serve spicy hot food. That’s not true,” Wiley said. “There’s mild to wild,” Sommer added. The local eatery will seat 46 people and renovation of the site (it last served as a Quiznos restaurant) is going smoothly, she said. “The city already has been good to us,” she noted. Her email box has been flooded with employment applications. “We try to make it a fun atmosphere to work in,” Sommer said. Wiley also wants customers to be happy. “It’s a good healthy meal. We want them to go away feeling good about what they bought,” she said.

FDL Automation & Supply relocates FDL Automation & Supply recently completed the move to its new headquarters at 301 S. Stolle Ave. Planning for the new facility began more than two years ago, and ground was broken in April 2012. The company invested more than $2 million in design and construction of the facility that is at the forefront of technology, according to an article in the June edition of the Shelby County Sizzles website. The building encompasses 24,000 square feet and includes a large office and warehouse, which provide an additional 25 percent of space over the company’s former location of 32 years on Vandemark Road. An extensive customer center incorporates a large, state-ofthe art training and education cen-

ter, automation lab and expansive counter sales and product display showroom. The location will also allow for future company growth and expansion. The office area utilizes cuttingedge, energy-efficient LED lighting and controls — 70 percent of the space features this technology, using half the energy of traditional fluorescent and incandescent lighting. The warehouse is arranged for maximum effi ciency, and also incorporates the latest in energysaving lighting technology. The company has also invested in an upgraded business system that integrates with a VOIP state-of-the-art telecommunications system. The expansive customer and training center enables the com-

pany to expand its open enrollment program with supplier Rockwell Automation. Through this program, customers from not only the FDL sales region, but all across the country, will attend specialized, hands-on training at the company. Customer training continues to be an important aspect of the total services offered by FDL. The company also plans to make the customer and training center available for use by local civic organizations. Locally owned by Gary Heitmeyer and Rick Brooks, FDL Automation & Supply is a full-service electrical distributor serving west-central Ohio, selling electrical equipment to the contractor, original equipment manufacturer, and the industrial market. The company was founded in 1981.

At its May meeting, the Shelby County Agricultural Society (Fair Board) learned that race purses would increase this year for the fair, as distribution from the first video lottery terminal at racetracks gave each fair $15,100 for purses and general operations, according to Tim Everett, president. Everett also told members that the county’s insurance company wants three quotes to repair spouts on the livestock complex. Bill Clark reported that the 4-H Foundation had approved up to $3,000 to repair flooring in the Junior Fair Building. Also reported was that more than 450 Junior Fair participants and adults attended the Quality Assurance Meeting. The board also met June 19 with 26 members present and Barb Heilers, board treasurer, reported that at the end of May the checking account balance was $31,716.96 and $25,000 in CDs. June bills to be paid are $9,605.56. At this meeting members learned the fair could use more machinery dealers at the fair; the possibility of getting more ground cover for show area one was discussed; the pulling track has been redone and came in under the estimated cost; the audit was completed and everything was OK; the Maplewood Grange lunch stand will be used for rest area, but the grange was given year to find someone to take over lunch stand; Runyon Insurance Agency will provide a Nationwide Insurance Car Show, glass hauler and simulator Wednesday of the fair between 3 and 9 p.m. Work days for fair board members will be Monday to July 20.

STOCK MARKET Listed are Friday’s stock market prices at closing for firms in the Sidney-Shelby County area traded on the major markets. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE This Week Chng. Alcoa Inc...............8.09 -0.01 (PF of Alcoa Building Products, Stolle Machinery) Appld Ind. Tech..51.74 -0.35 BP PLC ADR......42.19 -0.35 Citigroup............50.71 +0.67 Emerson Elec.....57.21 -0.66 (PF of Copeland Corp. Division) Griffon Corp.......12.07 +0.06 (PF of Clopay Corp.)30.62+0.68 H&R Block Inc...30.62 +0.68 Honda Motor .....38.41 -0.06 Ill. Toolworks .....71.89 -0.32 (Parent company of Peerless) -0.11 JC Penney Co.....17.56 (Store in Piqua) JP Morgan Chase54.94 -0.19 (Former Bank One, Sidney) Kroger Co...........37.62 -0.17 (PF of Kroger) Meritor .................7.58 +0.06

NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE This Week Chng. Lear Corp...........64.72 +0.18 (PF of C.H. Masland) McDonalds Corp.101.58 +0.79 Radio Shack .........2.91 +0.28 +0.44 Sherwin-Wllms187.32 Sprint ...................6.64 +0.36 Thor Industries..51.78 +1.27 (PF of Airstream Inc.) Time Warner Inc.61.70 +0.03 (PF of Time Warner Cable) U.S. Bancorp ......37.65 +0.50 (Former Star Bank of Sidney) Walgreen Co.......48.74 +0.04 Walmart Stores .77.59 -0.04 Wendy’s Int. Inc. ..6.48 +0.35 YUM! Brands.....70.64 -0.89 (PF of Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Pizza Hut) OVER THE COUNTER Bob Evans ..........50.14 -0.31 +0.18 Fifth Third ........18.99 Peoples Bank .....10.00 0.00

A - Refers to Affiliated With PF - Refers to Parent Firm Closing Dow Jones Industrial Averages: 15,464.07 This Week: Change: +3.15 (Quotes courtesy of the Sidney offices of Edward Jones, Erroll Broud, Vance Stewart, Danielle Gilroy-Sielschott, DiAnne Karas and Andrew Stewart, registered investment advisers.)

‘What are you looking forward Inquiring Photographer to at this year’s Shelby County

Fair, which starts next Sunday?’

Bill Huffman Piqua, farmer, mechanic “Color Guard and the people.”

Bradyn Frilling, 7 Fort Loramie, son of Adam and Jessica Frilling “Go to see family members show animals.”

Dale Armstrong

Rhonda Farley

Avery Bergman, 5

Audrey Flaute, 6

Jim Kreitner

Sidney, Sidney Russia, retired Sidney, Miami Maplewood, AMVETS Fort Loramie, “I go to the Jr. County Park daughter of commander daughter of Keith Fair on Senior Citi“Probably the District Randy and Lisa and Amy zens Day. They have Color Guard. Too old naturalist Flaute Bergman drawings and a free “Talking to the “I like the bouncy to do anything else. “Animals.” lunch. I go to watch people in the NatuCan’t ride the rides.” house.” the goat show.” ral Resources building.”

Text and photos by Luke Gronneberg


Sidneyy Daily Sidne Daily Ne News, ws, S Saturday, aturd day, Julyy 13, 13, 2 2013 013

P Page age 9 9A A

Out O ut of of the Past Past 100 y earrs years JJuly uly 13, 1913 913 Th ne w fir Thee new firee truck, rrecently ecently ly pur pur-chased by thee Safety Safety TODAY TONIGHT SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY D ep ar t me nt ooff tthe he Department LOCAL L OCAL OUTL OUTLOOK LOOK departfor the fir city for firee department , will arriv ment, arrivee here sometime me this here week. W ord has as been week. Word Partly Partly 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% An ar ea of low area low cloudy cloudy chance of chance of chance of chance of chance of receiv ed from m the from received pressure will mo ve pressure move High: 85 Low: 65 T-storms T-storms T-storms T-storms T-storms aFrance LaF American LaFrance area south of the area High: 88 High: 88 High: 88 High: 88 High: 88 Co., aatt Elmir a, N ew Elmira, New Low: 68 Low: 72 Low: 72 Low: 72 Low: 72 west and end up west Y ork, manufactur cturers, York, manufacturers, weekof us this weektha ck has thatt the truck end. This puts us been shipped. b k in i a warmwarmback ——— — er, more more humid er, The arr anggements arrangements f l ow ‌ and a n d with with flow‌ ffor or furnishing ng and Sunrise/Sunset Temperature Precipitation ian Davis the slight chance Brian equipping the he ne w new Saturday sunset.................9:06 Thursday high.................................79 ..........79 Thursday ...................................None ....None 06 p.m. of mainly after-high school build build-Sunday sunrise...................6:19 Wednesday low...............................57 ...........57 Month to date..............................4.99 ......4.99 19 a.m. showerss/thunder ersstorms. But But ing ar noon showers/thunderstorms. apidly ly mo varee rrapidly movSunday sunset....................9:05 Year to date ..............................23.53 ....23.53 05 p.m. we we expect expect a lot of dryy weather weather this ing along and d it is Source: Sidney Wastewater Treatment Plant,, official weather station Shelby S ource: The S idney W astewater T reaatment Plant cial w eatther rreporting eporting st ation ffor or S helby weekend, weekend, too! eexpected xpected tha thatt all will County,, and the U U.S. Naval Observatory. current low/high temperatures, County .S. N aval Observ atory. For For curr ent daytime daytimee conditions, lo w/high temper atures, s, ggo o to be in rreadiness eadinesss by the AccuWeather.com. AccuW Weaather.com. opening of school hool on the fir rst Monda nday in first Monday S eptember. Th eptember. he corps The September. of teacher i s com teacherss is com-plete with thee eexcepxcep National forecast cast City/Region /Region tion of a man to ttake ake Forecast highs for Saturday turday, July 13 Saturday, Sunny Pt. Cloudy Cloudy High | Low temps charg ge of the manual charge rday, July 13 Saturday, Forecast for Saturday tr aining department artment training MIICH. M MICH. CH. which will be loca ted located iin n tthe he h i g h sschool ch o o l high Cleveland nd d building, but its ts privi privi-Toledo Toledo do o 8 | 66° 82° 6 82° | 61° 1° 1° leg es will be eextended x xtended leges to the bo ys and nd gir ls boys girls Y oungstown stown town n Youngstown of the se ven th and seventh 88° | 61° eighth h h gr ades. d grades. Mansfield d PA. P PA A 75 y ears years 82° | 63° JJuly uly 13, 1938 938 The S helby County Shelby F airrgr gro ounds will ill ag gain Fairgrounds again C l b Columbus Dayton y n be the scene of the 84° | 64° 84° | 61° 84° annual picnic of Holy Fronts Pr essure Pressure Cold W arm Stationary Lo w High Warm Low Ang gels parish on the Angels afternoon and eevening vening Cincinnati ati ti of A uggust 4. Elabor ate August Elaborate 90° | 66° 9 pr eparations, eexceedxceedpreparations, -10s 10s -0s 0 0s 0s 10s 20s 0s 0s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 1 0s 0 00s 1 10s 100s 110s ing all fformer ormerr yyears, earrs, Portsmouth P orrtsmouth or ortsmouth smouth h are e being inaug ug g ura ur ated inaugurated 8 4° | 63° 4° 63 6 3° 3 84° W .V VA. VA A W.VA. Showers Rain T -storms Flurries Snow Ice T-storms to mak aala eevent vent makee this ggala K Y Y. KY. moree intere esting ing and interesting Š 2013 2 20 013 013 3W Wu un u nd nde d ground.com de derground.com g ou d om Wunderground.com Shower derstorms For The Plains Thunder Showerss And Thunderstorms outst anding than an eever. verr. outstanding A low pressure system m moves of offf the Rockies and into the Plains, ThunderCloudy Flurries Ice The aawards ds this his yyear ear ward storms bringing showers and thunderstorms to the Northern Plains s and to be giv en e xceed given exceed Upper Midwest. Meanwhile, while, scattered showers persist for the he Partly Rain Cloudy Sh howers S Snow Showers the amount of $1,000, East. in addition to cash +" ) & )!)',& 0 +" ) ! .$!, ) !,# #,*/) 3 ! .$!, !,#,*/) aawards. warrds. ——— — The 40 B oy S couts Boy Scouts of S idney and S helby Sidney Shelby County y, whoo w ere County, were aattending ttending thee B oy Boy S cout camp last st w eek, Scout week, rreturned eturned to their ROACH: C I am other possibilities for for tr eat- tions for for 10 seconds, nds, with a Greek Greek w ord for for o “airway,â€? “airway,â€? homes on S DEAR DR ROACH: treatword unda day after rSunday afteran, and ing overactive dder. dilator â€? iis fr om the noon after se a 57-year-old 57-yearr- old woman, woman, overactive bladder bladder. 10-second pause after each and ““dilatorâ€? from even da ys seven days haave been taking oxybuYou don’t ake contraction. contraction. Latin w ord ffor or ““to to widen.â€?) of camping activities takingg oxybudon’t have have to ttake I have You Latin word ctivities bout 10 medicine. One treatment Don’t expect expect a m iracle Symbicort, Symbicort , like tynin, 5 mg, for for about treatment like all inhaled under the leader Don’t miracle errship of leadership yearss for . that that is at effective soon. It takes o to six medications medications with ith ster oids, R for overactive overactive bladder. b at least as effective takes four four years steroids, obert R oth, off S idneyy. Robert Roth, Sidney. was told that that I would would o get as medication medication butt doesn ’t weeks weeks of eexercise xercise ise bef ore is there there to pr event e pr oblems The gro I was get doesn’t before prevent problems oup camped mped in group very dry mouth. B ut for for have have any any side side eeffects ffects is is you you see rresults. esults. takken rregularly. eg gularlyy. the hill are a very But and must be taken ea off south area south-two years, yearss, s, I have have Kegel Keggel eexercises, xercises, especially ROACH: Symbicort Symbicort usually ally is ttaken aken eastern Ohio. the past two DEAR DR. ROACH: ised with I use a Symbicort Symbicort ort inhaler twice a da y. Y o shouldn’t ou shouldn’t had not only a dryy when supervised day. You 50 y ears years very dryy as part of my aller lerggy treattreat- vary vary the dose depending epending on mouth, but very biofeedback. allergy JJuly uly 13, 1963 963 exerrcises ttarar-- ment Ov er-the he - counter symptoms. skin, loss of hair,, dryy These exercises ment.. Over-the-counter F rederick B oyer, of Frederick Boyer, trouble sleepsleep get the pelvic pelvicc muscles. medica tions and awareness awareness B oth heart disease and nose, trouble get medications Both imporrYou have have to t learn of the allergy allerggy triggers trigggerss have have asthma can cause ause short ing and, most imporYou short-tant , decaying h. es to conlped, and my use of the ness of br eath,, and somedecaying teeth. con- he some tant, which muscles helped, breath, tract . You wn to ame talking to myy Yoou do d so by inhaler is do t once or times both exist existt in the ssame After talking tract. down asked d f low of twice per da y. My My question person, persson, so thing nggs can g et doctor,, he only asked stopping thee flow day. things get wanted to change chang ge midstr idstream. is whether using the inhaler confusing. confusing. If the he shortness if I wanted urine in midstream. To Your You h You stop the flow f low only w ould mask heart eart-related of breath breath goes goes away away with medicine. I left with would heart-related Good more questions than n how to con hortnesss of br eath asthma treatment, treatment ent , it’s it’’s pr etmore to learn how con-- issues. S Shortness breath pretHealth tract answerss. Is I it timee t actt the pelvic tr pelvic l i musmus- sounds d lik uld ld be rrelatela l t- ty t ggood ood d eevidence vidence idence nce that that the answers. likee it could for me to stop taktakkit’’s not part of the ed to either condition. dition. How How asthma asthma w as tthe he ca use ooff for cles; it’s was cause Dr. Keith ing this this medicine? medicine? exercises themselves. themse emselves. w ould I know know the differ-- the symptoms. B ut ttaking aking a ing exercises would But Roach T.P P. You get get the he same s ame ence? — N .B. you think hink will he lp — T.P. You N.B. medicine you help ANSWER: I thinkk effect by by contracting contracting ANSWER: Symbicort Symbicort mbicort is can sometimes mak symp ANSWER: effect ANSWER: makee sympthere are are better better options tions for for the muscles you you would would use a powerful powerful asthma ma medica better — eeven ven if the there medica-- toms better you. expulsion on of ggas. as. tion tha containss two two comcom- medicine shouldn’t shouldn dn’t be effec you. to stop the expulsion thatt contains effec-uses a Don’t Don’t contr act yyour ourr abdomi oid, d, for for anti- tive tive ffor oor that that problem. problem. blem. We We call Oxybutynin causes contract abdomi-- ponents: a ster steroid, annoying dryy mouth nal muscles. inf lammatory effects; ffects; and this the placebo placebo b rresponse, esponse, mildly annoying inflammatory for many people, but the Perform 10 pelvic-muscle pelvic-muscle vic-muscle a bronchodilator, bronchodilatorr, to open and it can be very very e powerful. powerful. for Perform re lief from from overactive o v er e activ e contractions contractions in a rrow. ow. Hold airw ays. (The names ames often Your Your doctor needs eds to rely rely on relief airways. may be worth worth it. it . each contraction contraction ffor or thr ee ggiv you a clue: “cortâ€? in your your p phy ysical eexamination, xamination,, bladder may three givee you “-cortâ€? physical However, decaying decaying teeth teeth seconds, and then rest rest three three a name often indica ndicates a and and som etimes llaboratory aboratory However, indicates sometimes happen when when dry dry mouth mouth seconds. Work Work ork to the point ssteroid, t e ro i d , like l i ke cortisone. c o r t i s o n e . or other tests, to diagnose happen very severe. severe. There Ther here are are where where you you hold thee contr ac- “Br onchusâ€? is fr om the other conditions. s. is very contrac“Bronchusâ€? from

Humidity returns eturns


TToday's oday's Forecast

Medicinee not the only ly help for overactive veractive bladder adder

Anna, is the ne w pr resnew president of the S idney ney Sidney S helby County B oard Shelby Board of Health. He w as named aatt a was meeting of the boar ard board F riday night to suc Friday suc-ceed the la te JJohn ohn n B. late Halpin, of S idney, in Sidney, tthat hat ca pacity. B o ye r capacity. Boyer h as bbeen een a me mber has member of the boar d se ver e al board several yyears ears and is rregarded eggaarded d as w ell equipped by well eexperience xperience to handle ndle the duties of the post ost . post. ——— HY YANNIS PO RT, HYANNIS PORT, M ASS. — Pr esid dent MASS. President K d to eennedyy, who had Kennedy, giv or o oolf ffor o ttw givee up ggolf two yyears earss because of a back ack injury y, w as back aatt the injury, was ggame ood enough ugh aame in ggood o fform oorm toda todayy to win the applause of clubho ouse clubhouse pr ofessionals. professionals. The chief eexecutive xecuttive w alloped ll d a d driv walloped drivee 2225 yyards ards and smiled aatt the accolade fro om a hastily stily from assembled ggallery allery af fter after rushing to the H nnis yan Hyannis P ort Club to pla evPort playy sse sever al holes bef for ghtto e nig eral before nightfall F riday. Friday. 25 y ears years JJuly uly 13, 1988 Ther as another her Theree w was mur der in S idney ney. murder Sidney. R e becca S nider, a Rebecca Snider, rresident esident of the to w wn, town, w as ffound ound str angled gled was strangled to dea th. Her bo ydeath. boyfriend JJay ay Crider,, ag ge aage 21, w as char ged in was charged her dea th. Crider r,, a death. Crider, rrecent ecent Army vveteran, eterran, h as rreportedly e p o rt e d ly ccononhas fessed to the crime. me. Lt artz Mik Martz Lt.. Mikee rreleased eleased the det ailss of details the case to the media. dia. Crider w waa s arr aigned o e or bef arraigned before JJudge udge S winger and Swinger giv en $100,000 bail. given P ro s e c u t o r M i ke Prosecutor Mike B oller objected to the Boller bond, which he char har-characterized as ““very very lo w.� B oller did note, ote, low.� Boller h ho wever, tha ere however, thatt ther there w as also a pr obation t was probation viola tion holder on violation Crider Crider..

Sudokuu puzzle Sudok puzzless als alsoo appe appear ar on tthe Sidney Sidney Daily Daily News News website website at www.sidneydailynews.com. www.sidneydailynews.com.

Oldest off 6 tries to fill gap left by mother who drinks Ala ateen is a gr roup p ffor or teens Alateen group DEAR ABB ABBY: BY Y:: I’ I’m ’m a 13-y 13-yearyearrthat at w was as est established ablished ed special special-lold gir rl and I had a big ar rgu- tha girl arguor yyoung oung peoplee who ar re are ment with my mom. It’ It’s ’s about ly ffor ffected by the drinking king pr probrob bh d her drinking. drinking i king g. I ha h have ave tried t ied i d to t gget ett affected her to stop because most ost of the lem of someone closee to them. You would welcome ou w ould also be w elcome money she mak makes kes ggoes oess str straight raight Y weekly eekly Al-Anon Al-Anon m meeteetto her alcohol, but instead nstead of aatt a w Pago. ag go. F For or mor more re ttalking alking it out out,, she st starts a yellarts yelll- ing in Chalan P information inf formaation on n Al-Anon ing. She ing g. S he ssays ays it’s it’’s her and Ala Alateen, ateen, visit www www. w. life and w ell wee can can’t’t te tell al-anon.alateen.org, al-anon.ala ateen.or orrg, email her wha what at to do with wsoal-anon.org wsoal-anon.or rg or call her money money. y. 888-4AL-ANON. 888-4AL -ANON N. I ha have ave fiv fivee yyounger oungger Att your A your tender nder ag age, ge, sister sisters rs and br brothers, rotherrs, yyou ou should not ot ha have ave to and I tryy to come assume financial al rresponesponup with the money sibility ffor or yyour ourr younger youngger my myself yself fr from om babyDear siblings. sibling gs. Y You ou should hould dis disssit ttingg. I fee el as if my sitting. feel Abby cuss this with y your our cler clerryyounger ou ungger sibli siblings inggs ar are re Abigail gyperson, rson, a teacher eacher aatt my childr children. ren. I am so Van Buren gyper school or another her trusted fed up with my moth moth-adult because they ma may ay er er’s ’s be behavior. ehaaviorr. et you you some help heelp S Should hould I kkeep eep ttalking alking lking to be able to gget from rom a social servicess or organizarganizaher about it or lea leave ave it be? fr — C CAN’T AN’T DO IT AL ALL LL ON tion. DEAR ABBY: ABB BY: A relative relaative of G GUAM UA AM 5-year-old yearr-old d son who DEAR C CAN’T AN’T DO IT mine has a 5-y 3 pounds AL ALL: LL: As long as yyour ourr mother is aatt least 20 or 30 verweight. Everyone Everyone ne in the continues to deny tha that at she has ooverweight. ed about a drinking pr problem, roblem, ther there re is family is concerned it,, but no one kno knows ows w how ho ow to nothing yyou ou can do to help heelp her it reents withwithparents without further put putting tting ng her on bring it up to the par Wee don don’t’t the defensiv defensive. e. B But ut yyou ou may maay out offending them. W understand rstand ho how ow the he parents parrents be able to find support ort fr from rom under grandparents or gr randparrents don’t don n’t see his Ala Alateen. ateen.

w eight as an issue. weight Bullying B ullying is a hug huge ge deal among childre children, en, and w wee fear h might he ight ha have ave ttrouble trrouble ble with other kids his ag age ge teasing t him. However, Ho oweverr, w wee ar are re mor m more re w worried orried about his health than an anything g. anything. Being B eing tha that at ooverweight verw weight ight is a lot ffor or any one, but especially a anyone, yyoung oung child. Wha What at should w wee do? d o? — S SOMEONE OMEONE W WHO HO CARES C ARES IN CHICAGO CHICAGO DEAR SOMEONE ONE WHO C ARES: Ho ow do yyou ou kno ow CARES: How know child’s parents grandthe child’ ’s par rents and gra gr and dparents don’t’t see his w weight par rents don eight way as an issue? A w ay to rraise aise the would subject w ould be to mention what yyour our concern and d ask wha at boy’s pediatrician the bo oy’s pedia atrician ian has had it.. While to ssay ay about it W yyears earrs ago doctors may have ag go doctor rs ma ay ha ave been raise rreluctant eluctant to ra aise the issue, today are toda ay they ar re much uch less so because the American can Medical Association declared obe-Associa ation has declar eclarred obe sity to be a disease.. Also, as a rrelative, elaativ t e, try to physical iinclude nclude the the bboy oy iin n p hysical engage activity yyou ou eng gagge in. ABBY: Myy 2-y 2-yearDEAR ABB BY Y:: M yearrgranddaughter, Brayleigh, old gr randdaughterr, Br rayleigh, outgoing. is friendly and outg goingg. If yyou ou grocery store, see us in the gr rocery o stor re, probably she will pr robably smile aatt yyou ou

She would love and ssay, ay, “Hi.� S h w he ould lo ove it if yyou ou smiled back and ssaid aid it too, but PLEASE, SE, rresist esist the urge her. ur rge to t ttouch ch her r. Your may Y our kids or grandkids grrandkids ma ay giggle playy ““got gig ggle when yyou ou o pla got yyour our nose� or ““tickle tickle yyour our belly� that’s be elly� with them, m, but tha at’’s know because they kno ow and trust You are stranger yyou. ou. Y ou ar re a tot ttotal al str rangger Brayleigh, know to Br rayleigh, eeven ven n if yyou ou kno ow may well, me. While yyou ou ma ay mean w ell, total stranger rush-imagine a tot al str rangger rush putting ing up and put tting ng their hands Abby, how all oover ver yyou! ou! Abby byy, ho ow about message? passing along the mess agge? — BRAYLEIGH’S GRANDMA BR RAYLEIGH’S GR AND DMA GRANDMA: DEAR GR RAND ND DMA: II’m ’m help. glad to he elp. Noo one should first asktouch a child without hout fir rst ask kfrom ing permission fr rom the adult little who is accompanying ying the lit ttle boy girl. bo oy or gir rl. Nott only could it,, the child be frightened htened by it parent misunderbut the par rent could uld misunder rstand st and and it could ld lead to an altercation. alter rcaation. Dear Abby written D ear A bby is writ tten Abigail Van by A bigail V an Buren, Burren, also Phillips, known as JJeanne eanne P hillips, and mother, was ffounded ounded by her mother r, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear P auline P hillips. W rite D ear Abby www.DearAbby. A bby at www w.DearAbbyy. P.O. ccom om or P. P O. Box Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA A ngeles, C A 90069. 69.

O dds and E nds Odds Ends E x-g governor nor’s jibe might Ex-governor’s bec come W is. ccapital’s apittal’ al’s ’s mo otto become Wis. motto MADISON is. (AP) — The ma yor of MADISON,, W Wis. mayor W isconsin’s capit pital city is pro oposing its fir rst offi Wisconsin’s capital proposing first offi-cial mot tto: 77 squar quaree miles surro ounded by rreality. eality ityy. motto: square surrounded The phra ase iss a ttake akke on fformer ormer R epublican Go ov. phrase Republican Gov. Lee S herman Dr reyfus’ jibe in 1978 while running ning Sherman Dreyfus’ ffor or ggovernor overnor tha haat “Madison is 30 square square miles iles that surr rounded by rreality.� ealityy.� A on’s surrounded Att the time, Madison Madison’s Democra atic Ma yor P aul S oglin told a Dre eyfus aide a Democratic Mayor Paul Soglin Dreyfus tha at the st atement ent w as wro ong — not in sentiment ent, that statement was wrong sentiment, grown square but because the city had gr gro own to 65 squar re miles. les. Soglin, first Madison’s mayor S oglin, who fir irrst became Madison ’s ma yor in the reclaimed now pro1970s and re eclaimed aimed the office in 2011, no wp pro ophrase city’s first poses turning the he phr rase into the city ’s fir rst official cial motto. known liberalism mot to. Madison n is kno wn ffor or its liber ralism and quirkiness. For quir rkiness. F or eexample, xample, in 2009, the city adopted ted bird. the plastic pink fflamingo laming go as its official bir rd. Soglin proposed motto selfS oglin ssays ays he h finds the pro pr oposed mot to se elfdeprecating vibrant depre ecaating and d re rreflective efflective of a vibr rant citizenry nry engaged cultural intellectual eng gag ged in civic, c, cultura cultur al and inte llectual activities. ies. that have “I find tha at people p ha ave a sense of humor and appreciation it,� Wisconsin State appre ecia iation t ffor orr it ,�� he h told t ld the W isconsin i i St tate t JJournal. ournal. leaders aren’t sure. Other city leader aderrs are ar en’t so sure sur e. have humor. have “I ha ave a sense nse of humor r. I ha ave my pink fflalamingo. But don’t it’s motto have ming go. B ut I don on’t think it’ ’s a ggood ood mot tto to ha ave city,� President Schmidt ffor or the city y,� Council uncil Pre Pr esident Chris S chmidt ssaid. a aid. ““We’re We’ree feeding a meme. This is more more harmful than han helpful he lpful to us.�

Page 10A

Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013



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Contact Sports Editor Ken Barhorst with story ideas, sports scores and game stats by phone at (937) 498-5960; email kbarhorst@civitasmedia.com; or by fax (937) 498-5991.

SPORTS Saturday, July 13, 2013

TODAY’S SPORTS REPLAY 50 years ago July 13, 1963 If Piqua’s umpires were in the doghouse before, they’ve been practically disinherited by at least two clubs of the Western Ohio League today, after failing for the second time to keep an assignment for the St. Marys-Coldwater engagement. Earlier, in a season’s opener, the Piqua umps had alibied for not turning up at the Coldwater-St. Marys game that they had been held up by motor trouble in Anderson, Ind.

25 years ago July 13, 1988 Sidney HIgh’s new head football coach Kevin Fell thinks it’s definitely a step in the right direction, saying “it puts you one year ahead all the time.� He was talking about 7th grade football, which the school announced recently that it was reinstating, after not having it for the past 15 years. “There was a real push from the community to bring seventh grade football back,� said athletic director Mike Swank.

10 years ago July 13, 2003 It was like nothing longtime Shelby Oaks club pro Rob Fridley had seen in his 23 years at the course. The non-stop rain of the past week left much of the county under water, and Shelby Oaks did not escape the storm’s wrath. “We basically shut the course down Saturday through Thursday. We’ve never had to do that in my 23 years here and we took a big hit,� Fridley said.

CALENDAR American Legion baseball Schedule Today s > ?=>/8,9<./< 3/6. Noon — vs. Muncie, Ind. (2) Legion Tournament Tuesday s :L7L _ @=L 3;?+ 9=> +> $<9C High School field


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Reds slide past Braves 4—2 ATLANTA (AP) — Bronson Arroyo pitched seven sparkling innings, Brandon Phillips hit a two-run single in Cincinnati’s three-run first and the Reds beat the depleted Atlanta Braves 4-2 on Friday night. Arroyo (8-7) allowed three hits, including Brian McCann’s twoout solo homer in the seventh, and walked one. Sam LeCure pitched a perfect eighth and Aroldis Chapman gave up a run in the ninth before earning his 21st save. Braves outfielders B.J. Upton and Justin Upton left the game with injuries. Jason Heyward was held out one day after he strained his right hamstring. B.J. Upton strained his right adductor muscle in the first inning. Justin Upton strained his left calf while running to first base in the seventh. The Braves’ patchwork outfield at the end of the game included Tyler Pastornicky, Reed Johnson and rookie Joey Terdoslavich. Pastornicky walked with two outs in the ninth and went to second on defensive indifference. He scored on Freddie Freeman’s single, but McCann popped out to end the game. The Reds jumped on Kris Medlen (6-9) right at the start. ShinSoo Choo singled and moved to second on Derrick Robinson’s bunt single. Medlen walked

AP Photo/John Bazemore

Cincinnati Reds’ Jay Bruce (32) is safe at second with a double as Atlanta Braves shortstop Andrelton Simmons, center, handles the late throw in the third inning of a baseball game on Friday in Atlanta.

Joey Votto to set up Phillips’ two-run single to center. Votto scored on Todd Frazier’s triple off B.J. Upton’s glove and left knee. Upton’s right knee dug into the grass as he attempted to make the catch. He appeared to favor his right side as he walked slowly off the field, accompanied by assistant trainer Jim Lovell. It was another big blow in a series of injuries for the Braves’ outfield. General manager Frank Wren announced during the game that Jordan Schafer’s right

ankle injury is more serious than originally believed. Schafer went on the 15-day disabled list on July 4 with what was called an ankle contusion, but a MRI on Friday revealed a stress fracture. Wren said the normal recovery period for the injury is six weeks “and he’s two to three weeks into it.� Evan Gattis, who has made 11 starts in left field, could return from an oblique injury after the All-Star break. The Reds chased Medlen in the fifth. Robinson singled and moved to third on Votto’s double before

Medlen hit Phillips with a pitch to load the bases. Left-hander Alex Wood then came in and gave up a sacrifice fly to Jay Bruce. Medlen was charged with four runs and nine hits. Medlen, who was 4-1 with a 2.14 ERA in five June starts, has allowed a combined 10 runs in two straight losses. The Braves had only two hits before McCann’s seventhinning homer. Medlen singled with two out in the third and Justin Upton singled to right field in the fourth. Upton was thrown out

at second by Bruce. NOTES: Reds LHP Sean Marshall threw to batters before the game. Manager Dusty Baker said Marshall is closer to returning from his second DL stint with a sore left shoulder. ‌ RHP Homer Bailey will make his second start since throwing his second career no-hitter against San Francisco on July 2 when he faces Atlanta’s Mike Minor on Saturday. Bailey followed the no-hitter with a loss at Milwaukee on Monday.

Allen breaks away OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Michael Allen shot a 7-under 63 Friday and broke away from the pack for a 5-stroke lead after the second round of the U.S. Senior Open. Allen was among seven players who shared the first-round lead at 3-under. He birdied five of the first eight holes and eagled the par-5 14th while shooting his best round of the year in hot, breezy conditions at the par-70 Omaha Country Club. Allen’s 36-hole lead is the largest in the event’s 34-year history. Rocco Mediate, at 5-under, is his closest pursuer. Mediate finished with 14 straight pars while shooting a bogey-free 67. Jeff Sluman, who also shot 67, is at 4-under after missing an 8-foot par putt on the 18th. Allen was short with his birdie putt on the last hole, ending his bid to match the U.S. Senior Open record of 62 by Loren Roberts at Prairie Dunes in 2006. The 54-year-old Allen never won in 394 starts on the regular tour, but he has four victories since joining the Champions Tour four years ago, including the 2009 Senior PGA Championship.

QUOTE OF THE DAY “Yes it is true. But if you think I won’t come back stronger ‌ (than) before then you got the wrong guy.â€? —Shane Larkin, son of former Red Barry Larkin, in a tweet after suffering a broken ankle in a practice with the Dallas Mavericks, who recently drafted him

ON THIS DATE IN 1881 — William Renshaw sets the record for the shortest men’s championship match by time and games by beating John T. Hartley 6-0, 6-1, 6-1 in 37 minutes at Wimbledon. 1971 — Reggie Jackson hits a mammoth home run off the power generator on the right-field roof at Tiger Stadium to highlight a barrage of six homers — three by each team — as the AL beats the NL 6-4 in the All-Star game. 1972 — Robert Irsay buys the stock of the Los Angeles Rams for $19 million and swaps the franchise for the Baltimore Colts. The players and coaches are not affected. 2011 — Abby Wambach breaks a tense tie with a thunderous header in the 79th minute, and the United States earns its first trip to the Women’s World Cup final since winning it in 1999 with a 3-1 victory over France. Japan upsets Sweden 3-1 in the other semifinal

Miracle puts women wrestlers ‘through the wringer’ CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. — Campbellsville University’s first-year women’s wrestling program, with Sidney native Lee Miracle as the head coach, held an on-campus camp recently with 13 girls participating from a wide variety of hometowns. “As far as I know this is the only intensive wrestling camp for women in the United States,� said Coach Miracle. “I’ve put them through the wringer and they’ve responded well.� Miracle, retired from the Navy, knows a little about the mental psychology and physical training necessary to be successful and he said he tried to weave some of that into his four days (nine practices) of camp. “We really worked on the idea of strengthening them mentally to expand their comfort zone,� continued

Miracle. “We want each of these girls to leave here with the belief that they’re better.� Miracle and camp counselor Christen Dierken put the campers through extensive physical conditioning sessions along with live wrestling, tips and techniques, mat awareness, hand fighting and positioning. At one point they even called the girls back in for a midnight practice, all designed to mentally prepare them for competition. “We put them through one session where we destroyed their legs and then went and ran the hills at Miller Park. We have some exceptional athletes here, but none of them handled that.� Miracle sat down with each camper and set individual goals and explained the personal sacrifices necessary to reach those goals. But not every-

thing was blood, sweat and tears. There was adequate down time with jaunts to the pool, movie night, some work in classroom settings where instructional and motivational videos were shown, and a field trip to a local farm. “This was a great opportunity to showcase the community, the university and our wrestling facilities,� said Miracle, “especially since the majority of these girls will be scholarship targets of mine now or in the future.� Miracle also recently announced his first class of women’s wrestling recruits, signing 11 girls. Campbellsville University women’s wrestling will become the university’s 25 th intercollegiate sports program and will compete in the Women’s Collegiate Wrestling Association beginning in 2013-14.

Photo courtesy of Campbellsville University

SIDNEY NATIVE and Campbellsville University (Kentucky) head coach Lee Miracle gives Emilee Richardson of Knox, Ind., some instruction after a live match recently during the first-ever women’s wrestling camp at the school.

Indians blanks Royals 3-0 CLEVELAND (AP) — Corey Kluber pitched into the eighth inning and pinch hitter Michael Bourn had a big two-run single, leading the Cleveland Indians to a 3-0 win over the Kansas City Royals on Friday night. Kluber (7-5) allowed three hits and struck out eight in 7 2-3 innings. The right-hander worked out of a bases-loaded, one-out jam in the fifth. Joe Smith recorded the final out in the eighth and Cody Allen struck out Jarrod Dyson with the bases loaded for his second save. The five-hitter was Cleveland’s American League-leading 12th shutout. Allen was subbing for regular closer Chris Perez, who had appeared in five of the previous six games. Perez was on the disabled list from May 27 to June 26 with a sore right shoulder and missed time in spring training because of the injury. Royals left-hander Bruce Chen pitched six innings of one-hit ball in his first start of the season. Carlos Santana’s leadoff double in the fifth was Cleveland’s only hit off Chen, who struck out four and walked one while throwing 97 pitches. Cleveland’s lineup seemed to wake up after Chen was pulled. Tim Collins (2-4)

gave up singles to Jason Kipnis and Nick Swisher to begin the seventh before being relieved by Aaron Crow. Santana then lined a single up the middle. Center fielder Jarrod Dyson charged the ball and made a strong throw home but Kipnis slid around catcher Salvador Perez’s tag and touched the plate with his left hand. Mark Reynolds, mired in a 2-for-31 slump this month, reached on a bunt hit to the left of the mound to load the bases. Bourn, batting for Ryan Raburn, then singled to rightcenter to give Cleveland a 3-0 lead. Kluber got out of big trouble in the fifth. David Lough started the inning with a triple but held at third when Alcides Escobar grounded out to second. Elliot Johnson walked and stole second before Dyson walked. Alex Gordon, who hit a grand slam off Kluber in Kansas City on July 2, struck out. Kluber fielded Eric Hosmer’s slow roller to the left of the mound and ran to first for the putout. Gordon drew a one-out walk in the eighth. Kluber, who won for the fourth time in his last five decisions, was removed after striking out Hosmer and received a loud ovation from the crowd of 24,077.

Chen replaced struggling right-hander Luis Mendoza in the rotation. Chen was 3-0 with a 2.41 ERA in 19 relief appearances before being moved to the rotation. NOTES: The Indians optioned RHP Danny Salazar to Triple-A Columbus a day after he won his major league debut by allowing one run in six innings against Toronto on Thursday. RHP Chen-Chang Lee was called up from the Clippers. ‌ Royals SS Alcides Escobar batted seventh for the first time this season. He has hit second 67 times, ninth 13 times, and atop the order four times. “He’ll be back in the two-spot tomorrow with a lefty starting, but he struggles against right-handed pitchers, so we’re going to vary where he bats from day to day,â€? Royals manager Ned Yost said. Escobar is hitting .302 against left-handed pitchers and .222 against righties. ‌ Bourn wasn’t in the lineup against Chen. Michael Brantley batted leadoff. ‌ Johnson, who made his first start since Sunday, is 1 for 27 (.037) since June 20. ‌ Royals RHP Jeremy Guthrie (8-6) takes on Indians LHP Scott Kazmir (4-4) in the second game of the three-game series Saturday.

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Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013

Future OSU schedules include season-opening league game JOHN KAMPF AP Exchange

COLUMBUS — A nine-game conference schedule and a rare season-opener against a league opponent in 2017 were the highlights of Ohio State’s future schedules, which were released by the Big Ten on Thursday. The 2016 season will kick off the Big Ten’s nine-game conference scheduling format. The Buckeyes will play nine consecutive weeks of Big Ten play in 2016 without a week off. Then in 2017, Ohio State opens with Indiana on Sept. 2 — the first time Ohio State has opened with a Big Ten game since 1976, when the Buckeyes played Michigan State. With the announcement of the league schedules, Ohio State’s 2016 schedule is set. OSU is searching to fill a Week 2 (Sept. 9) slot before solidifying the 2017 schedule. In 2016, OSU will open with home games against Bowling Green (Sept. 3) and Tulsa (Sept 10) before hitting the road for a Sept. 17 game at Oklahoma. After an off week, OSU will play nine straight league games, hosting Rutgers (Oct. 1) and Indiana (Oct. 8), going to Wisconsin (Oct. 15) and Penn State (Oct. 22), hosting Northwestern (Oct. 29) and Nebraska (Nov. 5), traveling to Maryland (Nov. 12) and Michigan State (Nov. 19). The regular season in 2016 wraps up on Nov. 26 with a visit from Michigan, with the Big Ten title game on Dec. 3. The 2017 season starts with the game at Indiana, which will also be the first time Ohio State has opened on the road since 1998 (at West Virginia). While the Week 2 slot is yet to be filled, Week 3 (home against Oklahoma)

and Week 4 (at North Carolina) are expected to be much tougher tasks than recent non-league games for the Buckeyes. The 2017 conference season features road games at Rutgers (Sept. 30), Nebraska (Oct. 14), Iowa (Nov. 4) and Michigan (Nov. 25). The conference home slate includes Maryland (Oct. 7), Penn State (Oct. 28), Michigan State (Nov. 11) and Illinois (Nov. 18). The 2017 game at North Carolina potentially could feature two area players, as it would be Mitch Trubisky’s redshirt senior year (if he were to take a redshirt year) and the senior season of Brandon Fritts. Both of Mentor, Trubisky is an early enrollee North Carolina this year, and Fritts is about to enter his senior season at Mentor after giving his verbal commit to the Tar Heels. Buckeye watching A number of Ohio State players have been announced to initial watch lists for the upcoming season. @kd_eh gkWhj[hXWYa 8hWnjed C_bb[h and junior running back Carlos Hyde are on the Maxwell Award watch list, which goes to the College Player of the Year. I[d_eh iW\[jo 9$@$ 8Whd[jj" `kd_eh cornerback Bradley Roby and junior linebacker Ryan Shazier are on the Bednarik Award watch list, which goes to the College Defensive Player of the Year. I^Wp_[h" HeXo WdZ i[d_eh iW\[jo Christian Bryant are on the watch list for the Bronko Nagurski Award, which goes to nation’s best defensive player. I[d_eh e\\[di_l[ b_d[cWd @WYa Mewhort and junior offensive lineman Andrew Norwell are on the watch list

for the Outland Trophy, which goes to college football’s top interior lineman. I[d_eh Y[dj[h 9eh[o B_dib[o _i ed the watch list for the Rimington Trophy, which goes to college football’s top center @kd_eh j_]^j [dZ @[\\ >[k[hcWd _i on the watch list for the Mackey Award, which goes to college football’s most outstanding tight end. I[d_eh h[Y[_l[h 9eh[o 8hemd _i ed the watch list for the Hornung Award, which goes to the most versatile player in college football. Ohio State Football Future schedules 2014 August 30 — Navy (in Baltimore) September 6 — Idle 13 — Kent State 20 — Virginia Tech 27 — Cincinnati October 4 — at Maryland 11 — Idle 18 — Rutgers 25 — at Penn State November 1 — Illinois 8 — at Michigan State 15 — at Minnesota 22 — Indiana 29 — Michigan Big Ten championship — Dec. 6 —— 2015 September 12 — Northern Illinois 29 — at Virginia Tech October 3 — at Indiana 10 — Maryland 17 — Penn State

24 — at Rutgers 31 — Idle November 7 — Minnesota 14 — at Illinois 21 — Michigan State 28 — at Michigan Big Ten championship — Dec. 6 —— 2016 September 3 — Bowling Green 10 — Tulsa 17 — at Oklahoma October 1 — Rutgers 8 — Indiana 15 — at Wisconsin 22 — at Penn State 29 — Northwestern November 5 — Nebraska 12 — at Maryland 19 — at Michigan State 26 — Michigan Big Ten championship — Dec. 3 —— 2017 September 2 — at Indiana 16 — Oklahoma 23 — at North Carolina 30 — at Rutgers October 7 — Maryland 14 — at Nebraska 21 — Idle 28 — Penn State November 4 — at Iowa 11 — Michigan State 18 — Illinois 25 — at Michigan Big Ten championship — Dec. 2

Blockbuster trade complete, Pierce, Garnett to Brooklyn NEW YORK (AP) — The blockbuster breakup of the Celtics is complete. Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett are Brooklyn-bound. The Nets and Celtics finalized their draft-night trade Friday, a nine-player, threedraft-pick swap centered on the two aging champions who won a title in Boston in 2008. And with a championship chapter in the Celtics’ storied history closed, it’s the Nets who are thinking big as they head into their second season in Brooklyn. “Today, the basketball gods smiled on the Nets,” team owner Mikhail Prokhorov said in a statement. “With the arrival of Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce, we have achieved a great balance on our roster between veteran stars and young talents. This team will be dazzling to watch, and tough to compete against.” J^[ D[ji Wbie ]ej @Wied J[hho WdZ :$@$ M^_j[ \hec Boston, while sending Gerald Wallace, Kris Humphries, CWhI^ed 8heeai" Ah_i @ei[f^" Keith Bogans and first-round draft picks in 2014, 2016 and 2018 to the rebuilding Celtics. Boston also gets the right to

swap first-round picks in 2017. The teams agreed to the deal ed @kd[ (- Xkj _j YekbZdÉj X[ completed until after next season’s salary cap was set. The Nets plan to introduce their new stars Thursday at Barclays Center. Boston won five straight division titles from 2008-12 before falling back last season, the first following Ray Allen’s departure to Miami. Then the Celtics let coach Doc Rivers out of his contract W\j[h j^[ i[Wied Xo WYgk_h_d] a first-round pick from the Los Angeles Clippers. This trade signals a new phase for the team that has won an NBAhigh 17 championships and got used to being in the hunt again after Garnett arrived in 2007. “Paul and Kevin exemplified everything it means to be a Celtic,” Celtics managing partner and CEO Wyc Grousbeck said. “They were instrumental in bringing back Celtic Pride and providing our fans with the franchise’s first championship in over 20 years in 2008. We wish them nothing but the best in the future.” The Nets went 49-33 in their first season in Brooklyn and have spent big in hopes of bet-

tering that in 2013-14. They also signed versatile forward Andrei Kirilenko, re-signed backup big man Andray Blatche and added reserve guard Shaun Livingston. They blew well past the luxury tax line and are facing a bill of more than $70 million in taxes, but Prokhorov wanted a title within five years of owning the team. A starting five of Garnett, Pierce, :[hed M_bb_Wci" @e[ @e^died and Brook Lopez, along with former Sixth Man of the Year Terry, has a chance to compete for one. “We are excited to welYec[ A[l_d" FWkb WdZ @Wied to Brooklyn,” Nets general manager Billy King said. “All three players have championship pedigree and possess the l[j[hWd gkWb_j_[i j^Wj m_bb cWa[ us a stronger team.” The Celtics hadn’t won a title since 1986 before they WYgk_h[Z =Whd[jj WdZ 7bb[d _d 2007. They joined with Pierce to form the core of a team that won 66 games and a title their first season together, reached the NBA Finals again in 2010, and returned the Celtics to their longtime place atop the league.

But Garnett is 37, Pierce will be 36 by opening night, and general manager Danny Ainge realized the Celtics’ days of competing for titles with this group were finished after a first-round exit, and chose to go in another direction. “We would not have won Banner 17 without Paul and Kevin and they will go down amongst the all-time great players to have ever worn a Celtics uniform,” Ainge said. “At the same time we are excited to welcome Gerald, Kris, Keith, MarShon and Kris to the Celtics family. They bring a wealth of talent, experience, depth, and flexibility to our team.” The Celtics thanked Garnett and Pierce, who is second on the team’s career scoring list, with a full-page ad in Friday’s Boston Globe. Wallace was a starter for the Nets last season, and Humphries and Bogans sometimes started. They join a Celtics team led by first-year coach Brad Stevens, the former Butler coach who was hired to replace Rivers. The Nets also will be led by a heea_[ _d @Wied A_ZZ" m^e mWi hired shortly after retiring as a

Post 217 takes on Piqua in Legion tournament I_Zd[o Feij ('- m_bb jWa[ ed F_gkW Feij '.* WdZ Troy will meet Lima in the first round of the four-team American Legion “super regional,” which takes place at Troy and will determine the representative to the State Legion Tournament. The tournament begins on Tuesday with the two ]Wc[i$ F_gkW WdZ I_Zd[o m_bb fbWo Wj - f$c$ Wj j^[ Troy High School field, and Troy and Lima will play at Duke Park. All the remaining games will be played at Duke Park. The first-round losers will play at 6 p.m. Wednesday at Duke Park, and the winners will follow at 8:30. The loser’s bracket final will be Thursday at 7 p.m., with the winner of that game needing to beat the winner’s bracket champion twice to punch a ticket to Lancaster. The finals begin Friday at 7 p.m., and if necessary, a second game will be played Saturday at 7 p.m. Following is the schedule

TUESDAY 7 p.m. Å I_Zd[o li$ F_gkW Wj Jheo >_]^ IY^eeb \_[bZ 7 p.m. — Troy vs. Lima at Duke Park (Troy) WEDNESDAY At Duke Park 6 p.m. Å I_Zd[o#F_gkW bei[h li$ Jheo#B_cW bei[h 8:30 Å I_Zd[o#F_gkW m_dd[h li$ Jheo#B_cW m_dd[h THURSDAY At Duke Park 7 p.m. — Loser bracket final FRIDAY At Duke Park 7 p.m. — Winner’s bracket champion vs. loser’s bracket winner SATURDAY At Duke Park 7 p.m. — Championship game, if necessary; Winner je IjWj[ B[]_ed JekhdWc[dj @kbo (/ je 7k]$ ( _d Lancaster

player and will see much more talent when he looks down his bench. Garnett is a 15-time All-Star and Pierce a 10-time selection, and both are among the NBA’s top-20 career scorers. Even while slowing down a bit as they near the end of their careers, Pierce averaged 18.6 points last season, and Garnett added 14.8 points and 7.8 rebounds while remaining one of the NBA’s most tenacious defensive big men. Terry averaged 13.5 points last season, his only one in Boston. Kirilenko agreed to his contract Thursday and was signed Friday. He will make $3.2 million this season and has an option for the second year. The forward opted out of a deal that would have paid him $10 million in Minnesota this season and will play again for former CSKA Moscow boss Prokhorov. “He is a true talent with tremendous versatility,” Prokhorov said. “As a fellow countryman, I am especially proud that the best Russian player in the history of the NBA will be wearing a Nets jersey.”

Dayton Sluggers to hold tryouts July 24, 25 The Dayton Sluggers Baseball Organization will hold open tryouts for its 2014 season, it was announced Friday. The organization includes three teams, 13U, 14U and 15U, and each play 55 to 60 games a season, including 8-to-10 major tournaments. The team plays in the highly-competitive Midwest Super Conference, which includes the Cincinnati Flames, Indiana Bulls, Midland, D-1 Hoosiers, Ohio Elite and Kentucky baseball, among others. J^[ jhoekji Wh[ i[j \eh @kbo (* WdZ (+ Wj j^[ LWdZWb_W H[Yh[Wj_ed 9[dj[h" '''' Ijed[gkWhho Road in Vandalia. Registration is at 5 p.m., and the tryouts from 6-to-8:30. For more information, call 937-423-3053 or email daytonsluggers@yahoo.com

Sports Spor ts

Sidneyy Daily Sidne Daily Ne News, ws, S Saturday, aturd day, Julyy 13 13, 3, 2 2013 013

P Page age 3 3B B

Harvick ck keeps Bud, drives ves No. 4 for Stewart-Haas wart-Haass No N o four fourth th h team, so so Newman Newman wman told he he’’s out next neext season season o LOUDON, L OUDON, N N.H. .H.. (AP) — K Kevin evin Harvick w as stuck in n a rut after so many was empty seasons chasing sing a championship with Richar d Childr ress Racing Richard Childress Racing.. ““When When yyou ou sho w up to the ssame ame desk show ffor or 12 or 13 years, years, yyou’re ou’re lik e, ‘Man, I like, need a ne w desk,’” Harvick ssaid. aid. new Mor w tteam. Moree lik likee a ne new S o Harvick will sw ap the car et So swap car,, gget a ne w w orkk addr ess, ss, eeven ven chang new work address, changee his number number.. JJust ust toss him a cooler ooler — he’ ’s kkeeping eeping he’s the beer beer.. Harvick will ttake ake his B udweiser spon Budweiser spon-sor ship with him when he mak es his sorship makes lo ng-awai ted m ove tto o S tewart-Haa s long-awaited move Stewart-Haas Racing in 2014. Harvick will ha ve have B udweiser on the No. o. 4 Che vrolet as the Budweiser Chevrolet primary sponsor ffor orr 20 races races in 2014. “It w as just me needing eeding to rrejuvenate ejuvenate was my self,” Harvick ssaid aid F riday aatt N ew myself,” Friday New Hampshir way. Hampshiree Motor Speed Speedway. H arvick’s m ove h ad been been brewing brewing Harvick’s move had since he made thee decision last yyear ear to bolt the R CR team am tha ed him in RCR thatt hir hired 1999. He’ ’s made the he most of his lame He’s duck season, with tw twoo wins and eight str aight top -10s in the No. 29 to parkk straight top-10s him in ffourth ourth place in the points st andstanding gs. s ings. F or many rreasons, easons, s, including a close For friendship with Tony Tony ny Stewart, Stewart , Harvick is set to mo ve on. move S o is R ewm man. yan N So Ryan Newman. Harvick’ ’s arriv al means one driv er Harvick’s arrival driver in the SHR st able had h to ggo. o. N ewman’s stable Newman’s time is up after this his season. Ste wart , Stewart, Harvick and Danicaa P atrick will driv Patrick drivee the SHR entries ne x season. xt next ““We’re We’re not ready ready dy to expand expand to a ffourth ourth team,” Ste wart ssaid. aid. ““That’s That’’s Stewart

AP Photo/Mary Photo/Mary Schwalm Schwalm

NASCAR driver NASCAR driver K Kevin evin Harvick Harvick signs a car car for forr a ffan an after NASCAR New Hampshire aft er practice prractice for for the NA SCAR Ne w Hamp pshire Cup Series Sprint C Series Camping World World RV RV Sales Salees 301 301 autoo rrace aut acce FFriday riday in LLoudon, oudon, N.H.

wha t’’s made this a bit terssweet da y. I’ m what’s bittersweet day. I’m bringing ng in another one of my friends ds to the or rgganization, also kno wing tha at I’m I’m organization, knowing that losingg a friend aatt the end of the yyear. eaar.. … This w as a business decision.” was N ewman w on thr ee C up rraces aces Newman has w won three Cup in fiv aving fivee seasons with SHR after lea leaving Penske sea-P enske Racing ffollowing ollowing the 2008 8 sea Stewart Newman 20-minson. Ste wart told N ewman in a 20-min -minconversation Wednesday thatt ute con on nverss ation W ednesday nightt tha was out.. he w ass out know whatt my futur futuree h “I doo not kno w wha holds. have Newman I ha ve no idea,” N ewman ssaid. aid. ““That’s T t’’s Tha

thatt w weighs shoulders. something tha eighs hs on my shoulder s. have little homework can’t I ha ve a lit tle home work to do. I can ’t ssay ay I’ m happy with h ho w eeverything verything I’m how unfolded.” unf olded.” Newman, N ewman, 16th in the points rrace, ace, could fill the empty sea CR. Ku urt seatt aatt R RCR. Kurt Busch, drives Furniture Row B usch, who driv es ffor or F urniture R ow candidate Racing, is a potential al candida te along Childress’ Austin with Childr ess’ grandson, grandson, son, A ustin Dillon. Childr ess has P aul Menar d and JJeff eff Childress Paul Menard B urton under contr a . He could just act Burton contract. rreplace eplace Harvick or add dd a ffourth ourth car.. B usch, whose team m has a technical Busch, alliance with R CR, simply ssaid aid he has RCR, “ir ons in the fir e” ffor or ne xt season. “irons fire” next Childr ess is openly gr ooming his org gaChildress grooming organiza tion ffor or his gr andsons, dsons, A ustin and nization grandsons, Austin T urrently competing Tyy Dillon, who ar aree curr currently in N ASCAR’s lo wer n na tional le vels. NASCAR’s lower national levels. Harvick and P atrick ck ar ttractive to Patrick aree aattractive SHR because they bring the gguaranuaranteed sponsor ship dollar larss needed to fund sponsorship dollars rides in the C up series. es B es. udweiser also Cup Budweiser will sponsor Harvickk aatt the B udweiser Budweiser Due weeks aatt Da ytona Duell during Speed Speedweeks Daytona Interna tional Speed way. B udweiser will International Speedway. Budweiser serv ociate sponsor ffor or servee as a major associa associate the rremaining emaining rraces aces on the Sprint C up Cup S eries schedule. Harvick vick did not kno w Series know if sponsor immy JJohn’s ohn’s and Rheem sponsorss JJimmy w ould join him aatt SHR. HR. would Harvick has rrepresented epresented e udweiser Budweiser B Bud staple since 2011. B ud has as been a st aple in the C up S eries da ting back to its Cup Series dating sponsorship Terry Labonte’ss No. sponsor ship of T erry ry Labonte’ Chevrolet Stratograph Racing 444 4 C h ev rol e t aatt St ratog ra p h R a ci ng Budweiser celebrated in 1983. B udweiser has ce lebrated a championship and near ly 60 wins in nearly NASCAR’s likes N ASCAR’s eelite lite division sion with the lik es Darrell Waltrip, Bodine, of Darr ell W altrip, Geoff B odine, Bill Elliott, Kenny Schrader, Rickyy Cr Craven, Elliot t, K enny S chrader der,, Rick aven,

Wally Earnhardt Jr., W ally Dallenbach, Dale Earnhar dt Jr. Jr ., Kasey Kahne and Harvick. didn’t want through ““We We didn d ’t w ant to ggo o thr ough our driver seven, ffourth ourth driv er in se ven, eight yyears ears and a new new driver,” build up p ne w equity with a ne w driv e ,” er Blaise D’S ylva, vice pr esident of media, dia, D’Sylva, president sports and entertainment keting, ing, entert ainment mar marketing, Anheuser er--Busch, ssaid. aid. “K evin’s donee a Anheuser-Busch, “Kevin’s gr eat job b during tha great thatt space.” D’S ylvva ssaid aid Childr ess put some ome D’Sylva Childress ““very very aattractive” ttractivee” offer ablee to offerss on the ttable rremain emain with R CR. B ut , after surv eying ying RCR. But, surveying N ASCAR A fans and B udweiser drinkdrink inkkNASCAR Budweiser er s, the company ffound ound ther as as a ers, theree w was str ong, successful connection betw e een strong, between the driv ver and the br and. S o they ’ll stick tick driver brand. So they’ll with him. m. “He been a winner and he has sho own shown an amazing zing level level of commitment to the brand,” D’Sylva D’Sylva ssaid aid by phone. brand,” ick has 21 Cup Cup wins, 96 top-fives top -fivves Harvick p -10 finishes in his car e . eer top and 1988 top-10 career. He’’s been en with R CR in the Cup ries Cup series He’s RCR replaced Dale Earnhardt Earnhardt after fter since hee replaced fatall cr ash in the 2001 Daytona Daytona 500. his fatal crash He’’s made ade the Chase ffor or the Sprint C up He’s Cup onship the last three three seasons.. championship But the t lity But inconsistency and inability Cup title with RCR RCR had been een to win a Cup frustrating ing for for Harvick, and led to o a frustrating revolving ng door of cr ew chiefs on the revolving crew ears. As Harvick vick No. 29 the last several several yyears. went winless inless thr ough the first firsst 34 points ints went through races last lastt year, races year, it made d sense to t look lookk around even even though his contract contract ran ran around through h 2013. through “It was a just something that new was that we we knew kne we we wanted wanted nted to do and we we left it up p to our people ople to try to make make it all work,” worrkk,” Harvickk said. s aid.

Keselowski elowski wins pole pole at New Hampshire mpshire p e LOUDON, L OUDON, N N.H. .H.. (AP) — Br Brad ad K Keselowski eselowski is back on top of N NASCAR. ASCAR. W ell, ffor or a rrace, ace, aatt least Well, least.. B ut he’ ’s quickly running out But he’s of time to mak makee it back to the Chase ffor or the Sprintt C up cham Cup cham-pionship and defend d his series championship. His firs st pole of the season first might giv on the boost givee his season he needs to becomee a contend contend-er.. K eselowski turned ned a lap of Keselowski 135.922 mph on F rida iday to set a Friday tr ack rrecord ecord aatt N ew Hampshir track New Hampshiree Motor Speed way. Speedway. Keselowski won n only his won Keselowski third career nd first career pole and first since third racces left until Wiith eight races 2011. With 12- driver Chasee field field is set, set , the 12-driver Keselowski is winless ess and sit Keselowski sit-uncomfort o able 13th ting in an uncomfortable standinggss. place in the points standings. “ There is i a sense se off urgenurg urgen“There cy but not a sensee of panic,” Keselowski said. said. “I think there there Keselowski strong difference difference nce between between is a strong two. We We are are eager eager to get get the two. going, we we are gry and feel are hungry feel going, like we we can do it butt I don’t don’t feel feel like Ther here are are still a sense of panic. There two months of racing a racing essentwo essenget into thee Chase.” tially to get Keselowski led a fast day day at at Keselowski track as nine drivers driv ivers topped pped the track previous track track record record held held the previous Ryan Newman, Newman, who went went by Ryan 135.232 in 2011. Ten drivers drivers topped ped that that lap Ten der Jimmie Jimmie until points leader

Johnson’s second-fastest ond-fastest qualiqualiJohnson’s was a scrapped scrapped after fying time was his car failed inspection. His Chevrrolet , which had No. 48 Chevrolet, two issues in the pre-qualifypre - qualifytwo n, failed after his ing inspection, attempt because use both sides of attempt front were were too low. low. He’ll the front st art in the rear reaar in 43rd. 43rd. start “We were ble to get were able get the car “We right ,” crew crew chief hief Chad Knaus right,” s aid. “just “just not exactly “j exactly right.” right .” said. Johnson will ll actually st art Johnson start behind 71-year-old 71-year- old Morgan Morgan behind Shepherd. Shepherd Shep pherd d will become Shepherd. river to start driv start a the oldest driver NASCAR Sprint nt Cup Sprin Cup race. raace. NASCAR S hepherd, who w went only Shepherd, went 128.290 in qualifying, made Cup debut debut in 1970 and won won his Cup four times in n NASCAR’s NASCAR’s top four ished as high as series. He finished nal standings standinggs in fifth in the final hasn n’t started stt arted t d a race race 1990 and hasn’t since 2006. Four-time Cup C up champion Four-time Jeff Gordon Gordon had no problem problem Jeff Shepherd competing on with Shepherd Sunday. Sunday. that’s quite an “I think that’s accomplishment nt ,” Gordon Gordon said. said. accomplishment,” “We talk ut how t alk about how amazing “We M k Martin out Mar it is to see Mark there being competitive competitive over over there years old, but to jjust ggoo out 50 years there and do what what he does as there Morrgan n is concerned at at far as Morgan that’’s amazing.” amazing zing.” 71, that’s Jim Fitzgerald Fitzgerald a when he was was Jim years, 6 months and 20 65 years,

days when en he raced raced in 1987 days at Riverside Riv er e side International International at Raceway. Raceway. “At some me point, point , I think you you “At haave to trust that that he knows knows just have what he can do and what what he what can’t do,”” Keselowski Keselowski said. s aid. can’t Kurt B usch will now now join Kurt Busch Keselowski on the front front row. row. Keselowski nhardt Jr., Earnhar Jr., Kyle Kyle Busch Busch Dale Earnhardt Gordon d round round out the top and Gordon five. e Carl Carrl Edwards, Edwards, Denny five. Jeff Hamlin, Kasey Kahne, and Jeff Burton all all topped topped Newman’s Newman’s Burton record. record. Keselowski w won five five races races Keselowski won on but lost his conconthis season sistency this season in the No. Ford. He H has three three straight straight 2 Ford. worse and finishes of 21st or worse top -10 finish in his only one top-10 races. a last 10 races. Whate v er w orked f or Whatever worked for Keselo l wski ki last season is gone. gone. Keselowski t ailspin His team has been in a tailspin ailed April inspection since a failed Texas after NASCAR NASCAR confisconfisin Texas cated parts rts in the rear rear suspensuspencated Ford. sions of his Ford. Keselowski w knows a win or Keselowski knows two can pr opel him back into two propel keep alive alive his the Chasee and keep for a second straight straight title. bid for ve the ssame ame goal goal “I still ha have that is i to continue to be a and that nd that that is what what fuels fuels winner and e,” he said. s aid. “The “ The comcomme inside,” petitive fire f e that fir that burns inside petitive there whether I of me is still there was a champion ampion or not prob was not.. I prob-

AP Photo/Mary Photo/Mary Schwalm Schwalm

BR RAD AD KESELOWSKI KESELOWSKI waves waves to to a few few cheering cheeering fans fans in the stands stands aft after er winning ning qualifying autoo rrace the pole p during qualif ying for for the NASCAR NASCAR Sprint Cup aut ace on FFriday riday in Loudon, Loudoon, N.H.

bly have have it with a lit ha tle bit ably little more confidence and I believe believe more m self and those around my around me in myself t stronger little stronger because of the a little mpionship.” championship.” Th he long-expected long- expected StewartStewartThe eup was was final Haass Racing shak shakeup final-dF riday. K evin Harvick and ized Friday. Kevin B ud weiser sponsorship sponsorship his Budweiser teammates Tony Tony will join SHR teammates Stewart and Danica Patrick Patrick Stewart 2014. Ryan Ryan Newman Newman is out in 2014. he New New Hampshir record of the Hampshiree record at SHR. bookk — and a job at Newman (15th) and Stewart Stewart Newman th) actually start st art on the (16th) s amee row. row. Harvick st arts 18th same starts

d Patrick Patrick t i k is i 32nd. and There was alatwas at at least one palatpala There Harvick’’s move moove able shift with Harvick’s crack a Stewart might have have to crack — Stewart lebratee. Bud to ce open a cold Bud celebrate. For years, yearss, he’ ’s been an open pen For he’s admirer — and frequent frequent chugchug hugadmirer ger — of low-budget low-budg get S chlitz. z. ger Schlitz. “ Yeah, I’m I’m finally upgr rad “Yeah, upgradood stuff,” Ste wart ing to the ggood Stewart said. “I fee ‘ The Jeffersons’ Jeffersons’ ons’ said. feell lik likee ‘The now. I’ ’ve mo ved up. p Y eah,, it’ ’s now. I’ve moved Yeah, it’s S chlitz era. era. a I the end of my Schlitz can’t ssay ay that that it’s it’’s terribly disapdissap can’t pointing. No w I gget et e to drink rink pointing. Now good stuff every every da y, guilt guilt u the good day, free.” free.”

SCOREBOARD S COREB EBOARD NASCAR-Sprint R-Sprint Cup 11. (2) Br BBrad add KKeselowski, eselo l wski, k FFord, ord, d 1135.922 35.922 mph. h 2. ((78) 78) KKurt urt Bus ch, Chevrolet, Chevrolet, 1135.835. 355.835. Busch, 33.. (88) DDale ale EEarnhardt arnhardt Jr Chevrole o t, Jr.,., Chevrolet, 1135.786. 35.786. 44.. (18) KKyle yle Busch, Busch, TToyota, oyota, 1135.757. 35.757. 55.. (24) (24) Jeff Jeff Gor don, Che vrolet, 135.525. 1355.525. Gordon, Chevrolet, 66.. (99) Carl EEdwards, dwards, FFord, ord, 1135.487. 35.487.

Final round und scores from m the 107th h Ohio Amateur ur The Associated Press CANTON, Ohio ((AP) AP) — RResults esults from from o CANTON, Friday’s third third and final rround ound of of the t 22013 013 Friday’s Ohio Amateur Amateur championship at tthe 77,100,100yard, yard, par-71 par-71 Brookside Brookside CCountry ountry Club: C Andrew Chester Andrew Dorn, Dorn, West West Che ster 66-69-73_208 66-669-73_208 Daniel BBelden, elden, Akr on 70-69-71_210 70-69-71_2210 Daniel Akron Corey Richmond, West West Union Union 663-71-76_210 3--71-76_210 Corey Chase Wilson, Wilson, Zanesville Zanesville 667-70-74_211 7-70-74_211 4 Chase Parker Parker Hewit, Hewit, Westfield Westfield Center Center 669-699-6974_212 74_212 Michael Bernard, 66-68-79_213 Bernard, Huber Hts. Hts. 66-6 68-79_213 Clinton 71-69-74_214 71-69-74_214 Jon Clark, Clinton Alex Alex Pietrandrea, Pietrandrea, Cincinnati 72-69-74_215 72-669-74_215 Nicholas Scott, Scott, Union Union 73-73-70_216 73-73-70_2216 Thomas Dunne, Dunne, DDublin ublin 774-69-73_216 4-69-73__216 Alex Andrews, Andrews, Kir tland 76-67-74_217 76-67-74__217 Alex Kirtland Dublin 770-69-79_218 0-69-79_2218 Nathan Clark, Dublin Peter Peter SSamborsky amborsky II, Dayton Dayton 772-74-72_218 2-744 72_218 Korey Ward, Korey W ard, West West Chester Chester 71-72-75_218 71-72-75_218 Tyler Tyler Light, Light, Massillon Massillon 667-71-80_218 7-71-80_2218 Christopher Burger, Burrger, Cincinnati 771-701-70Christopher 78_219 78_219 David David Tepe, Tepe, Liberty Liberty Twp. Twp. 772-71-76_219 2-71-76_21 6 9 Beau Beau Titsworth, Titsworth, AAvon von 74-70-75_219 74-70-75_2219 Aaron Bickle,, Lancaster Aaron Bickle Lancaster 72-71-76_219 72-71-76_21 6 9 Byyron Firestone, Firestone, Cant on 775-68-76_219 5-68-76_219 Byron Canton McLaughlin, Cle veland 75-72-72_219 75-722 72_219 Mac McLaughlin, Cleveland Connor Connor DDudley, udley, FFremont remont 71-74-75_220 71-74-75_22 5 0 Clark Engle, Springfield Engle, Spring field 776-75-69_220 6-75-69_22 9 0 Robert Windham Robert Schustrich, Schustrich, W indham 774-71-75_220 4-71-75_220 Chaney, Shaker Shaker Hts. Hts. 775-70-75_220 5-70-75_220 John Chaney, Logan Jone s, Dublin Dublin 778-69-74_221 8-69-74_2221 Logan Jones, Kevin Kevin Gr Grabeman, abeman, Columbus Columbus 772-75-74_221 2-75-74_221 Sam Geise, Sam Geis e, Centerville Centerville 72-69-80_221 72-69-80_221 Dillon Klein, Tiffin Tiffin 71-73-77_221 71-73-77_221 Kerns, IrIronton onton 72-72-77_221 72-72-77_221 Nathan Kerns,

Dennis Dennis Holub, Holub, RReminderville eminderville 77-71-74_222 77-71-74_222 Bryan Yeo, Yeo, Litchfield Litchfield 76-70-76_222 76-70-76_2222 Bryan Crouch, Mt. Mt. Vernon Vernon 75-73-74_222 75-73-74__222 Tim Crouch, Jeffrey Scohy, Scohy, BBellbrook ellbrook 776-72-75_223 6-72-75_22 5 3 Jeffrey Mark BBorlin, orlin, Solon Solon 774-74-75_223 4-74-75_223 John Mancinotti, Mancinotti, TToledo oledo 773-75-75_223 3-75-75_22 5 3 Ryan W enzler, Dayton Dayton 773-72-78_223 3-72-78_2223 Ryan Wenzler, arter, Mog adore 74 4-74-75_22 5 3 Nathan TTarter, Mogadore 74-74-75_223 Marcus Hunt ort Clinton Clinton 72-74-78_224 72-74-78_224 Marcus Hunt,, PPort Williamson, Cincinnati 76-72-76_224 76-72-76_224 Bill Williamson, Andrew Montooth, Montooth, Columbus Columbus 76-7376-73Andrew 75_224 75_224 Jeff Malle tte, Nor th Cant on 74-70-80_224 74-70-80_22 0 4 Jeff Mallette, North Canton Robert Gerwin, Gerwin, Cincinnati 74-74-76_224 744-744-76_22 6 224 Robert Nate Yankovich, Yankovich, Blacklick 73-73-79_225 73-73-79_225 Nate Morrow, BBoardman oardman 72-72-81_225 72-72-81__225 Tim Morrow, Bobby Thomas ecumseh, Mich. 75-7375-73Bobby Thomas,, TTecumseh, 77_225 77_225 Erik Hoop s, Perrysburg Perrysburg 772-77-77_226 2-77-77__226 Erik Hoops, ort, Columbus Columbus 775-75-76_226 5-75-76_226 Mark Monf Monfort, David French, French, Columbus Columbus 776-72-78_226 6-72-78_22 8 6 David Schmidt, Cincinnati 73-76-77_226 73-76-77_226 Michael Schmidt, Matt Kern, Kern, Springbor 73-76-77_2226 Matt Springboroo 73-76-77_226 Otto Black, Pinckne y, Mich. 74-71-82_227 74-71-82_227 Otto Pinckney, Josh Wick, Wick, Columbus Columbus 775-76-77_228 5-76-77_228 Josh Conor OO’Hea, ’Hea, Middletown Middletown 76-70-82_228 76-70-882_228 Conor Tristan LLewis, ewis, PPepper epper Pik 744-75-79_228 Tristan Pikee 74-75-79_228 Seth Br BBrenneman, enneman, Columbus Columbus l b 76-75-78_229 766 755 78_229 8 229 Seth Nicolas PPaxson, axson, Cincinnati 71-75-83_229 71-75-83_229 Nicolas Mert SSelamet, elamet, Dublin Dublin 73-76-81_230 73-76-81_230 Mert Matthew Renner, Renner, Hilliard Hilliard 73-76-82_231 73-76-82_231 Matthew adel, Toledo Toledo 74-76-82_232 74-76-82_232 Alan FFadel, Patrick Luth, Medina 76-75-82_233 76-75-82_233 3 Patrick Ransone, Hilliard Hilliard 72-78-83_233 72-78-8 8 3_233 Jonathan Ransone, Blake FFoutty, outty, Canal FFulton ulton 75-76-83_234 75-76-883_234 Blake Jacob St asiulewicz, Galena 776-75-83_234 6-75-8 5 3_234 Jacob Stasiulewicz, Stephen Spalding, Spalding, Stow Stow 776-75-87_238 6-75-87_2 7 38 Stephen

77.. (11 Denny Hamlin, H l Toyota, Toyota, 1135.482. 35.482. 82 (11)) Denny 88.. (5) Kas ey Kahne Chevrolet, 1135.333. 355.333. Kasey Kahne,, Chevrolet, 99.. (31 ton, Che vrolet, 1135.246. 35.246. (31)) Je Jeffff Bur Burton, Chevrolet, 110. 0. ((42) 42) Juan PPablo ablo Montoya, Montoya, Che v olet, vr Chevrolet, 13 5.107. 135.107. 11. (1 amie McMurr ay, Che vrolet, (1)) JJamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 1135.073. 35.073. 12. (2 0) Mat enseth, Toyota, Toyota, 1135.006. 35.006. (20) Mattt KKenseth, 113. 3. (55) Brian Vickers, Vickers, TToyota, oyota, 1134.978. 34.978. 114. 4. (2 7) PPaul aul Menard, Menard, Che vrolet, 1134.868. 34.868. (27) Chevrolet, 115. 5. (3 9) RRyan yan Ne wman, Che vrolet, (39) Newman, Chevrolet, 1134.849. 34.849. 116. 6. (1 4) TTony ony St ewart, Che vrolet, 1134.753. 34.753. (14) Stewart, Chevrolet, 117.7.. ((43) 43) Aric Almir ola, FFord, ord, 1134.71. 34.71. Almirola, 18 evin Har vick, Che vrolet, 1134.492. 34.492. 18.. (29) KKevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 119. 9. (56) Martin Martin Truex Truex Jr oyota, 1134.411. 34.411. Jr.,., TToyota, 220. 0. (1 5) Clint BBowyer, owyer, TToyota, oyota, 1134.089. 34.08 0 9. (15) 21. (9) Mar cos Ambrose, Ambrose, FFord, ord, 134.028. 134.028. Marcos 22. (1 6) Gr eg Bif fle, FFord, ord, 133.839. 133.839. (16) Greg Biffle, 223. 3. (1 7) Rick enhouse Jr ord, (17) Rickyy St Stenhouse Jr.,., FFord, 1133.835. 33.835. 224. 4. (38) DDavid avid Gilliland, FFord, ord, 1133.821. 33.821. 8 25 Joey LLogano, ogano, FFord, ord, 1133.778. 33.778. 25.. (22) Joey 226. 6. (51) (51) A J Allmending er, Che vroleet, Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 1133.778. 33.778.

227.7. (8 3) DDavid avidd RReutimann, eutimann, TToyota, oyota, 1133.637. 33.637.7. (83) 28 3) Cas ey Me ars, FFord, ord, 1133.431. 33.4311. 28.. (1 (13) Casey Mears, 29 4) DDavid avid RRagan, agan, FFord, ord, 1133.273. 33.273. 29.. (3 (34) 30 owell, FFord, ord, 1132.993. 32.993. 30.. (98) Michael McD McDowell, 31. (9 3) TTravis ravis KKvapil, vapil, To oyota, 1132.919. 32.919. (93) Toyota, 332. 2. (1 0) DDanica anica PPatrick, atrick, Che vrolet, (10) Chevrolet, 1132.905. 32.905. 33 47) BBobby obby LLabonte, abonte, TToyota, oyota, 1132.72. 32. 2 72. 33.. ((47) 334. 4. (1 9) Mik s, TToyota, oyota, 1132.485. 32.4855. (19) Mikee Blis Bliss, 35 sh W ise, FFord, ord, 1132.002. 32.002. 35.. (35) Jo Josh Wise, 36 andon Cas sill, Che vrolet, oowner wner 36.. (33) LLandon Cassill, Chevrolet, point s. points. 337.7. (3 2) KKen en SSchrader, chrader, FFord, ord, oowner wner point s. (32) points. 38 7) Joe Nemechek, TToyota, oyota, oowner wner 38.. (8 (87) point s. points. 339. 9. ((7) 7) DDave ave Blane y, Che vrolet, oowner wnner Blaney, Chevrolet, point s. points. 40 .J. YYeley, eley, Che vrolet, oowner wner 40.. (36) JJ.J. Chevrolet, point s. points. 441. 1. (5 2) Mor gan Shepher d, TToyota, oyota, oowner wner (52) Morgan Shepherd, point s. points. 42. (30) DDavid avid Str emme, To oyota, oowner w wner Stremme, Toyota, point s. points. 443. 3. ((48) 48) Jimmie Johns on, Che vrolet, Johnson, Chevrolet, oowner wner point s. points.

Honda Indy dyy Toronto Race 1 Lineup neup The Associated Press After FFriday After riday qualif qualifying; ying; rrace ace Saturday Saturda dy AAtt TToronto oronto sstreet treet cir circuit cuit TToronto oronto LLap ap leng length: th: 1.75 1.75 miles miles ((Car Car number in pparentheses) arentheses) All ccars arrs DDallara allara chas chassis sis 1. (10) (10) DDario ario FFranchitti, ranchitti, Honda, 1105.872 05.872 mph. Chevrolet, 2 ((7) 2. 7) SSebastien ebastien BBourdais, ourdais, Che vroleet, 1105.705. 05.705. 33.. (12) Will Will PPower, ower, Che Chevrolet, vrolet, 1105.193. 05.193. 44.. (11 (11)) TTony ony Kanaan, Che Chevrolet, vrolet, 1105.093. 055.093. 55.. (1 (16) 6) James James Jakes, Jakes, Honda, 1105.05. 05.055. 66.. (9) Scott Scott Dix Dixon, on, Honda, 1104.737. 04.737. 77.. (1 (1)) Ryan Ryan Hunt Hunter-Reay, er-Reay, Che Chevrolet, vrolet, 1104.958. 04.958. 88.. (3) Helio Castroneves, Castroneves, Chevrolet, Chevrolet, 1104.799. 04.799.

9. 9. (19) (19) Jus Justin tin W Wilson, ilson, Honda, 1104.784. 04.784 8 . 10. 10. ((4) 4) Ryan Ryan Briscoe, Briscoe, Che Chevrolet, vrolet, 1104.63. 044.63. 11. (25) Mar Marco co Andretti, Andretti, Che Chevrolet, vrolet, 104.253. 104.253. 12. (14) (14) TTakuma akuma SSato, ato, Honda, 1101.277. 01.277. 13. 13. ((77) 77) Simon PPagenaud, agenaud, Honda, 1104.55. 0 .55. 04 14. 14. (2 (27) 7) JJames ames Hinchclif Hinchcliffe, fe, Chevrolet, Chevroleet, 104.415. 104.415. 15. (5) E. J. Viso, Viso, Che vrolet, 1104.506. 04.5066. 15. E.J. Chevrolet, 16. (8 3) Charlie Kimb all, Honda, 104.16. 1044.16. 16. (83) Kimball, 17. 17. (98) Ale Alexx TTagliani, agliani, agliani Honda, Honda 1104.501. 04.5001. 1 18. 18. (1 (15) 5) Graham Graham Rahal, Rahal, Honda, 1104.108. 04.108. 19. 19. (6 (67) 7) Jo Josef sef Ne Newgarden, wgarden, Honda, 104.288. 104 0 .288. 20. 20. (18) Mik Mikee CConway, onway, Honda, 1103.654. 03.654. 21. (55) TTristan ristan VVautier, autier, Honda, 1103.735. 03.735. 22. (78) (78) Simona de Silv Silvestro, estro, Che Chevrolet, vrrolet, 103.311. 103.311. 23. 23. (20) (20) EEdd Carpenter, Carpenter, Che Chevrolet, vrolet, 103.173. 103.173. 24. 24. (6) SSebastian ebastian Saavedra, Saavedra, Che Chevrolet, vrole o t, 103.077. 103.077.

Shelbyy County ntyy Youth Youth Soccerr Fall Seaso Season on Rec League e Sponsoredd by Alvetro Orthodontics All games played ed on Saturday Mornings at the Lodgee Fields in TTawawa awawa Park Games begin late August gust and will end in early Octoberr

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AUGLAIZE NEIGHBORS Saturday, July 13, 2013

Contact News Editor Melanie Speicher with story ideas and news releases by phone at (937) 498-5971; email mspeicher@civitasmedia.com; or by fax (937) 498-5991

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Festival fun

Committee event Nets more than $53,000 for Grand Lake Hospice

Gary Katterheinrich, of New Knoxville, drives visitors on the Freedom Train at New Knoxville’s Fourth of July Festival.

Mia Metzger, 8, of New Knoxville, plays plinko at New Knoxville’s Fourth of July Festival. Plinko winners walked away with gum. Mia is the daughter of Stacey and Jason Metzger.

Cohen King (left), of Huber Heights, and Greg Berning, of New Bremen, compete in a cornhole tournament at New Knoxville’s Fourth of July Festival. SDN Photos/Luke Gronneberg

CELINA — More than 300 guests attended Grand Lake Hospice‘s fifth annual gala “Viva Las Vegas” this spring at Romer’s in Celina. Guests arrived at 5 p.m. and were ushered in the party room and had their photograph taken by professional photographer, Emily High of High Five Photography in St. Marys. The guests then moved into a tent on the patio where drinks and hors d’ oeuvres were served while they looked more than 70 different silent auction items in which they could garner a bid At 6:30, guests were escorted into the main ballroom at Romer’s. After the welcome speech and rules were announced, the games opened for the guests to play. They were entertained, while trying their hands at blackjack, Texas hold’em, craps and roulette, by a disc jockey who provided music, laughs and contests to allow the guest to win more money. The live auction was followed by auctioneer Tim Eiting, of New Bremen. Sponsors who made the evening a reality included G. A. Wintzer & Son, HCF Management Inc., Fitzwater Tree & Lawn Care, Miller Funeral Home, H.A. Dorsten Inc., TSC, Donald Elsass Memorial, CAPTCelina, Trupointe

Cooperative, Inc., The People Bank, Nidec Minster Corp., Mister Eagles Aerie 1391, Barb Ziegenbusch, AAP St. Marys, Stroh Johnson & Co., St. Marys Surgical Associates and Auglaize Erie Machine. This year the sponsors had the opportunity to have their logo on one of the gambling tables termed the “High Roller” sponsorship. Those who were High Roller sponsors were Kogge Plumbing, Heating & A/C, Quality Ready Mix, St. Marys Foundry, St. Marys Kroger, Schwieterman Pharmacies and 3 Rivers Federal Credit Union. Linda Haines, director of Grand Lake Hospice, said, “We are grateful for the sponsors, those who donated auction items, and for everyone who came to enjoy the evening all while supporting the care that is provided by Grand Lake Hospice.” Karen Ryals, executive director for JTD Hospital Foundation, said, “Sandy Gerdeman, chair, and committee members, Rick Gerdeman, Brooke Dingledine, Tanya Temple, Meliss a Smalley, Rick Haines, Scott Temple, and Eunice Ernst, are to be congratulated for their outstanding fundraising efforts. Plans are already underway for next year’s event on April 5, 2014.”

When he gets to know YOUR HOROSCOPE you, he will trust you DR. WALLACE: I’m 16 have a lot of good hospital and so is the girl I’m seeing. insurance.” He never smiles She couldn’t date until she when he talks to me and was 16, and I’m the first always wears a frown. I feel guy she has gone out with. very uncomfortable when We met at a mutual friend’s I’m near him. Thank goodbirthday party. I’ve taken ness her mother is a friendly her out seven times, and all and pleasant lady. Should I tell Mindy about of our dates have been super. We have a lot of things in my displeasure with her dad common, especially that we or should I talk to her father are both Chicago White Sox directly and ask him what his problem is with fans surrounded by a me? Do you have a large group of Cubs better suggestion? — fans. Besides watching Jacob, Chicago, Ill. suspense movies, we JACOB: Since both like to bowl. She you are the first boy is a better bowler than to date his daughI am, but I’m gaining ter, Mindy’s father on her. doesn’t have experiI like this girl, and I know she cares for ‘Tween 12 ence with boyfriends. He’s nervous and me. She has invited & 20 me to attend church Dr. Robert says things bluntly that should be said with her on Sunday Wallace diplomatically. and I’ve gone the past Don’t say anything few weeks. Mindy is an only child, and her par- about this rudeness to either ents are very strict with her. Mindy or her father. It’s not Since she is an only child, worth the risk of ending she is the love of their lives, your happy relationship and they devote a lot of time with her. Avoid taking these making sure that nothing insensitive remarks personally. Dear Pld Dad would bad happens to her. My problem is that her be saying the same things father doesn’t seem to like to any guy Mindy dated. me. I even think he dislikes Sooner or later, he’ll start me. Whenever I pick her up to know and trust you. Then or bring her home, he has he’ll relax, and the rudeness something uncompliment- will abate. DR. WALLACE: I just ary to say, such as, “I want her home at 11:30 or before wanted to write to you and and not a second later. Do thank you for your wonderyou understand that?” Or, ful column for young people. “If I ever catch a trace of As an eighth-grade teacher cigarette smoke or alcohol in Southern California, I on your breath or on my use some of your letters as daughter’s, you had better writing assignments for my

students. I especially enjoy the topics that are debatable (e.g., Should cheerleading be considered a sport?). Since one of the writing styles that I teach is persuasive writing, I often use your letters as writing prompts for my students. When the students know that the prompt was an actual question written to an advice columnist, they seem to have more of a vested interest in the topic and this produces some of the best writing they have ever done. So, once again, thank you for all you do in helping young people get the facts straight and making my curriculum more exciting and fun. —Jean, San Diego, Calif. JEAN: Thanks for your kind words. It’s always rewarding for me when my column is used as a classroom-learning tool. As a former educator, I miss the daily contact with teachers and students, but it’s nice to know that I’m still reaching teens in the classroom. Dr. Robert Wallace welcomes questions from readers. Although he is unable to reply to all of them individually, he will answer as many as possible in this column. Email him at rwallace@galesburg.net. To find out more about Dr. Robert Wallace and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www. creators.com.

BY FRANCIS DRAKE What kind of day will tomorrow be? To find out what the stars say, read the forecast given for your birth sign. For Monday, July 15, 2013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Conversations with others are significant today. Give them your full attention and pay them the courtesy and respect they deserve. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Use today to get better organized at work or at home so that you feel you’re more on top of your game. Make lists and shop for basic necessities. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Today you feel more like playing than working. Nevertheless, you can use this energy to come up with creative approaches to whatever you have to do. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Family discussions could be significant today. You might also want to cocoon at home to replenish your energy and get a good start on your week. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Today will be busy with errands, shopping, talking to others and taking short trips. The tempo of your day will be accelerated right from the get go. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Focus on money matters today. Check with your bank account and get a good sense of your assets and the lay of the land. Information is important because then you know what your situation is. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You might be a bit more emotional today because Moon is in your sign. No biggie. This happens for two days every month. However, it does improve your luck!

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Enjoy some quiet time for yourself if you can squeeze it in somewhere today. You need a little breather to contemplate your life. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) A discussion with a female acquaintance, especially in a group situation, will be meaningful for you today. You might want to share your hopes and dreams for the future. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Don’t be too emotional when talking to authority figures today because you might spill the beans about something. Private details about your personal life might come out. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Try to do something different today because you want a change of scenery and a little adventure in your life. Go someplace you’ve never been before. Just do it. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Focus on loose ends regarding banking, taxes, debt, inheritances and insurance matters today. You’ll be glad to solidify things and clear up foggy issues. YOU BORN TODAY You have strong self-discipline, which you demonstrate by controlling your activities and even your environment. At times, you can control other people. You have high ideals and are willing to act on them. You feel responsible to others and are generous about sharing what you have. You want to do the right thing. Your year ahead is the beginning of an exciting new cycle. Open any door! Birthdate of: Travis Fimmel, actor/model; Diane Kruger, actress; Forest Whitaker, actor.

Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013 Comics & Entertainment












For Sunday, July 14, 2013 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Be tolerant and cooperative with others because the Moon is opposite your sign today, which means you have to go more than halfway when dealing with others. Furthermore, it's easy for arguments to take place today. Go gently. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Don't be pushy about getting your way at work today because an argument might explode. Check out the lay of the land and carefully do whatever you can. Think things through first. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Relations with others, especially romantic partners or children - are delicate today. Disputes about money, earnings and responsibilities might arise. Easy does it. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) In your efforts to make improvements at home, you might anger someone. Make sure you include everyone in your plans so no one feels caught off guard or excluded. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Choose your words carefully today because it's very easy to antagonize others even innocently. Be especially diplomatic when dealing with groups. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Because you have firm ideas about financial matters today, you might make demands about getting what you want. Remember: You can attract more flies with honey than vinegar. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Squabbles with authority figures might arise today; however, you are naturally charming and diplomatic. Use your social skills to keep a lid on things. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Someone might be working against your best interests and he or she might be doing this behind the scenes. If you think something fishy is going on - it is. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Avoid groups if you find you are at odds with someone today, which is likely. Don't wade into the fray. Instead, wait for another day to make your case. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Show respect and deference when dealing with authority figures today. You'll be glad you did. If you have something important to say - today is not the day. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Avoid controversial subjects like politics, religion and racial issues because people will only fight and argue today. Just sidestep these issues for your own self-preservation. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) This is a poor day to discuss how to share something or divide an inheritance. People are argumentative and their judgment is skewed. Postpone these discussions until Tuesday the 16th. YOU BORN TODAY Your strong quiet confidence is so seductive you can convince anyone of anything. You easily win the hearts of others with charm and good humor, and yet, you sometimes doubt your ability to do this. In the coming year, something you've been involved with for nine years will end or diminish to make room for something new. Birthdate of: Gustav Klimt, artist; Jane Lynch, actress; Harry Dean Stanton, actor. (c) 2013 King Features Syndicate, Inc.






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Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013

Advertise today by calling (877) 844-8385

that work .com JobSourceOhio.com

Lost & Found LOST: Cody is a large male yellow lab, neutered, gold eyes. Charlie is a medium chocolate lab, neutered. Both very shy, will not come to call. Last seen behind Shelby County Line between Piqua and Sidney. REWARD (937)238-9122, (937)2140568.

HOUSTON, 6166 Houston Road, Thursday 4pm-8pm, Friday 9am-8pm, Saturday 9am1pm, Boys & girls clothing 0-4, water heater, Little Tykes, Fisher Price toys, bikes, 2 riding lawnmowers, shelving units, lighting, desk, entertainment center, Lots of Miscellaneous PIQUA, 1320 Aiken Road (off Route 66), Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9am-5pm, Vacant house sale!! Furnace, cabinets, water pressure tank, doors, 13 year old windows. hay bales, etc. PIQUA, 325 North Hardin Road, (1 mile North of Johnston Farm) BIG BARN SALE, Friday 9-6pm, Saturday 9-4pm, clothes, tools, furniture, fishing, boating, lots of miscellaneous! PIQUA, Indian Ridge Community Sale, Saturday 9-5pm. Something for everyone! RUMMAGE SALE, Salvation Army, 419 North Buckeye Avenue, Saturday 9-noon, clothing, furniture, knickknacks, all kinds of odds and ends! SIDNEY, 1443 Park Street, Friday 9-4pm, Saturday 9-noon, lots of name-brand clothes, boys clothes, sizes 5-14, some small mens, lots of juniors clothes all sizes, scrubs, toys, dresser, vanity and stool, household items, miscellaneous.

See each garage sale listing and location on our Garage Sale Map. Available online at sidneydailynews.com Powered by Google Maps

Yard Sale

SIDNEY, 10994 Little Turtle Way, Friday, Saturday 9-?, MOVING SALE, must get rid of lots of extra stuff not needed, 3 piece oak entertainment center, tv, wood gun case, bookcase, lots of self help books, holiday decorations, clothes, gardedn tiller, hunting equipment, all prices negotiable.

SIDNEY, 11277 Fair Road, Saturday 9-6pm, MULTIFAMILY SALE, Elvis, Kiss, NASMemory / Thank You CAR collection, video games for Xbox360, PlayStation 3, Miscellaneous DVDs, boys clothes preemieWHIRLPOOL, window air con- 6years, men/women clothing, ditioner, 13500BTU, 115 volts, lighting, globes, nicknacks, cools large rooms, $100 OBO household items. Call (419)628-2101 SIDNEY, 1131 Fairmont Drive, Thursday, Friday & Saturday Real Estate Auction 9 - 2 p m , B O O K S , B O O KS , BOOKS, & MORE!, New Coleman 6250 generator with extra Yard Sale power cord, Weber grill, 50 HARDIN, 7422 North Patter- Beanie Babies, stainless cookson Halpin Road, Thursday & ware, canning jars, crochet set Friday 8-4pm, clothes, baby (new), large cape code, Avon items, books, VCR movies, glass dinnerware set, lots of toys, furniture, dolls, toddler miscellaneous. bed, Christmas miscellaneous, computer, TV, Ping gold flubs, SIDNEY, 1327 Riverbend, scroll saw artworks, wedding (Multiple sales in neighbordress, alot of miscellaneous. hood), Saturday 8am-2pm, Lots of baby items, furniture, appliances, collectibles, books, lawn furniture, barstools, miscellaneous HOUSTON, 5125 Dawson Road, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 9am-6pm, Name brand childrens clothes, Girls 6x-8, boys 24 Month-4, Mens 34x30, Winter coats, childrens books, carseat, toys, strollers, child recliner, straight chairs, Foosball table, cookbooks, Jeff Gordon paraphernalia, Longaberger purses, fiber optic Christmas decor, Tons of Miscellaneous

Yard Sale

Help Wanted General

SIDNEY, 1334 Rutledge Street, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9-2pm, MOVING SALE, baby clothes, baby items, decorations, Vera Bradley, men & women clothing, too much to list! SIDNEY, 1337 Logan Court (off Millcreek Road), Friday 95am, Saturday 9-2pm, glassware, toys, fishing poles, videos, stereo system with 8 speakers, kids books, and much more!!! No Early Sales. SIDNEY, 14279 Charm Hill Drive (just South of Sidney off 25A) Friday & Saturday 8am5pm, Huge sale!!! everything is priced to sell so dont miss this one, Too many thing to mention! Something for everyone!!

SIDNEY, 1512 Port Jefferson Road, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9am-3pm, 2 family sale! table saw, tanning bed, church pew, purses, luggage, dvds, books, dishes, Wagner Ware, cornhole game, arcade style video games, bike, Too much to mention!!! SIDNEY, 1620 Holly Place, Thursday 11-5pm, Friday to Sunday 9-5pm, 2 flat screen TVs, WCW wrestling beanie babies, Thomas and Friends train sets, tools, girls clothes size 14-16. Lots of miscellaneous. SIDNEY, 226 West Parkwood, Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-12pm, Horder's been healed, come claim her stuff before she changes her mind. Antiques, sofa bed, coffee table, Precious moments, fishing supplies, Fernandez guitar, amp, household items, clothes, miscellaneous

SIDNEY, 320 East Russell Road at First Christian Church in parking lot, Saturday, 9-3. ANNUAL Yard Sale! Household items, books, clothes, baby & toddler items, lamps, CDs, cassette tapes and lots of miscellaneous. Proceeds to be used to fund various humanitarian projects. In case of rain, sale will be held in church basement. SIDNEY, 328 Lunar Street, Friday 9-5pm, Saturday 9-3pm, 4 FAMILY SALE. Something for everyone. Must come and see!!! SIDNEY, 3670 W. Michigan Street, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 9am-5pm, Tools, gun cabinet, picnic table, jewelry, books, household items, Christmas items, Great for college kids!! SIDNEY, 4876 Hardin Wapak Road, Friday & Saturday 84pm, baby girl clothing Newborn-4T, boys clothing size 10, small bike, baby gear, baby & kids toys, Longaberger planter, miscellaneous household items, sewing crafts, handmade garden art. SIDNEY, 5963 Hardin Wapak Road, Friday & Saturday 95pm, dresser, kids-adult clothes, DVDs, treated lumber, helmet, dishes, desk, tables, toys, Tonka trucks, shoes, drinking water system, lots more!! SIDNEY, 612 Chestnut, Friday & Saturday 9am-3pm, grill, baby clothes, Christmas items, Little bit of everything, Something for everyone SIDNEY, 725 South Miami (in rear), Friday & Saturday 9am?, hutch, Deburrer, duck collection, books, knives, mugs, miscellaneous

lots of miscellaneous.

decorating items,

TROY 2592 Peebles Road Friday, Saturday 9am-5pm, and Sunday 9am-? Huge Barn Sale too much to list

Administrative / Professional PARALEGAL Local professional office looking for a full time Real Estate Paralegal. Must have good computer skills and the ability to multitask. Prior legal experience a plus. Competitive salary and benefits. Please send resume to: Human Resources PO Box 499 Sidney, OH 45365 Drivers & Delivery CLASS A DRIVERS NEEDED DEDICATED ROUTES THAT ARE HOME DAILY!! Excellent opportunity for CDL Class A Drivers with 2 years' experience. All loads are drop & hook or no touch freight. To qualify for these positions you must have 2 years' experience with a clean MVR. We reward our drivers with excellent benefits such as medical, dental, vision & 401K with company contribution. In addition to that we also offer quarterly bonuses, paid holidays and vacations. To apply please contact Dennis 419-733-0642

Real Estate Auction

ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday August 10th. 9:30 a.m.

310 East Pinehurst Sidney, Ohio 3 BR 2 BA BA Well Well ll maintained maint i ained i d br b bri brick ric i ck R ick Ranch anch h on Sidney’s North End sells to the highest bidder regardless of price.

Open House Sun. July 21st 11-1:00 Contact: Co C ont ntac ta t: Justin Vondenhuevel V denhue Vond hueve vell Au A Auc Auctioneer/REALTOR uctioneer/REALTOR T


Drivers-$2000 sign on! Competitive Benefits. Avg income 2011 $61K. CDL-A, 1 yr OTR req. A&R Transport


937-538-6231 auctions@woh.rr.com 9

Re/Max One Realty

Jason 888-202-0004


Memory / Thank You


SIDNEY, 782 Marva Lane, Friday & Saturday 9am-1pm, computer desk, oak corner shelf, electronics, small appliances, athletic shoes, home decorations, boys & girls clothes, misses clothing & dresses, toys, books, miscellaneous

CDL Grads may qualify Class A CDL required Great Pay & Benefits! Call Jon Basye at: Piqua Transfer & Storage Co. (937)778-4535 or (800)278-0619

SIDNEY, 8850 West Russell Road, 4 1/2 miles west of Vandemark, Friday 9-5pm, Saturday 8-1pm, household items, furniture, tent, canopy, books, china, DVDs type writer, sewing machine and more!!


SIDNEY, 3155 Millcreek Road, Friday & Saturday 9am-4pm, Lots of boys clothing nb-8, girls clothes 4t-5, kids & adult clothing, mens, womens, Juniors name brand clothing xs-xxl, tons of baby items, household items, much more, priced to sell. something for everyone, No early birds!!

SIDNEY, 9690 North Kuther Road, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 9-5pm, HUGE GARAGE SALE, men bike, GPS, yard trailer, western boots, floral supplies, Fenton, antiques, clothes, dog stroller, home

TIPP CITY, 6920 South 25A, Thursday & Friday, July 11-12 8am-5pm, Saturday, July 13, 8am-Noon. Dresser, couch, chairs, twin bed, computer stand, bikes, Little Tykes toys, pictures, housewares, home decor, wooden ironing board, sports items, books, toys, boys clothes 0-12 years, girls 0-2T, electronic Leapster, glassware, shoes, ladies clothes, purses, Vera Bradley and much more!


SAFE HANDGUN LLC, Next CCW Class - July 27th, For more information contact us at 937-498-9662 or email: safehandgun@gmail.com

Yard Sale SIDNEY, 1071 North Kuther Road, (across from Menard's) Friday 5:30-?, Saturday 8-?, clothing, junior, women, young men, baked goods, books, toys, guitars, purses, home decor, much more!!

Help Wanted General

Leonard Gephart July 5, 1934 ~ July 14, 2012

Rememberance is a golden chain Death tried to break, But all in vain. To have, to love and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one’s heart The years may wipe out many things But some they wipe out never. Like memories of those happy times When we were all together.



Love Wife, Brother, Children & Grandchildren

Memory / Thank You

PRODUCTION WORKERS SIDNEY, Northwood Village Condominiums, parking only on North Main Street, Northwood & Apollo. Saturday Only 8-4pm, over 15 families, something for everyone!!! WEST MILTON, 6405 South Wheelock Road, Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9am-6pm, Barn clean out Sale! antiques, primitives, yard art & junk, Jaeger cement mixer, Oliver Superior grain drill

Help Wanted General

Adecco has current openings for Production Workers in Sidney.

In Memory of

Qualifications: Ability to lift up to 50 lbs, must be reliable and able to work every scheduled day, be able to pass a drug screen and background checks.

July 21, 1934 – July 14, 2012 What lack the valleys and mountains That once were green and gay? What lack the babbling fountains? Their voice sad today. Only the sound of a voice, Tender and sweet and low, That made the earth rejoice A year ago.

Apply online at:

AdeccoUSA.com EOE

ENGINEERING TOOLING PRODUCTION STAFF KTH Parts Industries, Inc. a quality oriented manufacturer of stamped and welded auto parts, located in St. Paris, Ohio, has an immediate opening for a Production Staff member in our Engineering Tooling Department. This position will provide a wide range of support, including the following: -Inputting die quotations; -Tracking press capacity; -Document creation for New Model Evaluation meetings; -Responsible for creating purchase orders for procuring dies, components and tooling supplies; and -Maintain and organize all die drawings. The successful candidate for this position must have strong communication, organizational and analytical skills as well as being detail-oriented. Also the candidate must be proficient with Microsoft Office Software with emphasis on advanced skills in Excel. Flexibility and short notice overtime is required. KTH Parts offers a very attractive benefit package, competitive wage, and team oriented manufacturing environment. Qualified candidates should send a confidential resume including salary requirements to:

ATTENTION: 29 serious people to work from home using a computer. Up to $1500$5000, full time/ part time. www.mbincome4unow.com. HELP WANTED Minster Area Steady Shop Work Excellent pay, health insurance, 401K, vacation Send resume to: JOBOPEN54@YAHOO.COM

What lack the tender flowers? A shadow is on the sun. What lack the merry hours, That I long that they were done? Only two smiling eyes that told of joy and mirth; They are shining in the skies, we mourn on earth. Loved and missed by family and friends, Wife – Dorothy Phelps Children – Roger and Vicki Fulk; Chris Phelps Grandchildren – Kati, Sara, and Emily Fulk 40299214

Memory / Thank You

In Loving Memory of Tejay H. Miller 12-06-1976 - 07/13/2012 Who Passed Away 1 Year Ago Today

I miss you everyday Heaven is too far away, But I’ll see you again someday.

KTH Parts Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 940 St. Paris, OH 43072 Attn: Engineering Tooling Production Staff Recruiter Or Email: kth.hr@kth.net

Love & miss you a lot & always -Mom

KTH is an Equal Opportunity Employer 40326908

Johnnie Phelps

Advertise today by calling (877) 844-8385 Help Wanted General

Help Wanted General

CLEANING POSITIONS, part time 15-20 hours per week in Sidney area. Duties: basic cleaning, restroom, dusting, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, pulling trash. Offices and break rooms, etc. Looking for people that have great attention to detail and good work history. Will train on site. Must have reliable transportation and valid driver's license. This is a second shift position. Please call for application/ interview at (937)498-7070.

Construction Workers Wanted Applications being accepted for general laborers Looking for experience in Framing (wood & steel), finish carpentry, steel erection , welding Company benefits include: paid holidays, health insurance, retirement plan Applications must be picked up at main office. Westerheide Construction Company 1120 Milligan Ct. Sidney, OH 45365 We are an equal opportunity employer

DIESEL TECHNICIAN Full time position maintaining, inspecting, servicing, and purchasing parts for roll off trucks. Wage: $16.00 - $20.00 per hour (based upon experience) Benefits: Health Insurance, Retirement, Vacation, & Holiday Pay Apply 8am-5pm Monday-Friday onsite send to: chadg@hemmelgarnservices.com or call: (937)498-1553 Hemmelgarn Services, Inc. 624 N. Knoop-Johnston Rd Sidney, OH 45365

Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013 Help Wanted General

Help Wanted General

Edison Community College invites qualified candidates to apply for the following positions: Part-time College Bound Advisor-Greenville H.S.

Adjunct Faculty for Geology Adjunct Faculty for Hydraulics & Pneumatics Adjunct Faculty for Business Math Adjunct Faculty for International Business Adjunct Faculty for Nursing For a complete listing of employment and application requirements please visit www.edisonohio.edu/ employment EOE/AA Employer

Experienced Concrete Job Site Foreman

Experienced Industrial Electricians

Requires 4+ Yrs. Exp.

Skills Needed: *Must be able to run conduit *Read blueprints *Troubleshoot control circuits *Problem solving skills *Large project supervision exp. a plus *Willing to travel, work overtime weekends and holidays if needed Requirements: *2+yrs experience *Drug testing and background check.

Skills Needed: * Ability to handle all aspects of concrete construction * Read blueprints * Ability to lead and delegate crews of 3-5 employees * Operate backhoe, skid steer, power concrete tools * Experience with underground utility work * Knowledge of storm drainage * Highly motivated * Strong customer communication skills Requirements: * Willing to travel, work overtime, weekends and holidays if needed. * testing & background check. * CDL Preferred Please email resumes to:


amyj@wellsbrothers.com Or mail to:

French Oil is a custom manufacturer of hydraulic presses and screw presses for rubber and thermoset molding applications as well as synthetic rubber screw press applications. We are seeking to fill an Electrical Engineer position for our expanding business: Associates degree in EE is required but BSEE is preferred. Experience in AB or Siemens programming, HMI, PLC knowledge, and troubleshooting systems of electrical and hydraulic controls for custom machinery is a plus. Must be willing to travel to customers' plants for start-up and service work. Excellent pay and benefit package including 25% match on 401k. Please submit resume and salary requirements in confidence to: Electrical Engineer P.O. Box 920 Piqua, Ohio 45356 engineering@frenchoil.com

Open House Directory

OPEN HOUSE SUN. 7/14 • 2-4PM 444 APOLLO, SIDNEY Well maintained 3 bedroom 2 bath home offers a split bedroom floor plan with large rooms, sun kissed island kitchen and a beautiful 4 season sun room. This home offers a comfortable family room with fireplace, many updates, appliances and more. $139,000.

Help Wanted General

Help Wanted General



Adjunct Faculty for Chemistry

Page 7B

Wells Brothers Inc. Attn: Human Resources 105 Shue Dr. Anna, OH 45302 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE EOE

Email resumes to: amyj@wellsbrothers.com Or mail to: Wells Brothers Inc. Attn: Human Resources 105 Shue Dr. Anna OH 45302 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE EOE

Welder/Fabricator Victory Machine & Fab is seeking a full time welder/metal fabricator, minimum 5 years experience. Stainless steel tig welding, millwright & mechanical experience is a plus. Benefits, paid holidays & premium pay available based upon experience. Send resumes to: PO Box 357 Botkins, OH 45306

Experienced Concrete Laborers Requires 2+ Yrs. Exp. Skills Needed: *Ability to handle all aspects of concrete construction *Operate backhoe, skid steer, power concrete tools *Experience with underground utility work *Rigging experience *Knowledge of storm drainage *Working outside in the hot/cold weather Requirements: *Willing to travel, work overtime, weekends and holidays if needed. *Drug testing & background check. *CDL Preferred Email Resumes To: amyj@wellsbrothers.com Mail To: Wells Brothers Inc. Attn: Human Resources 105 Shue Dr. Anna, OH 45302 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE EOE

Industrial Machining Services, Inc. PO Box 228 Fort Loramie, OH 45845 Email: hr@ims-spi.com Website: www.ims-spi.com Hiring Local Full Time Positions Dayshift Shift IMMEDIATE OPENINGS



Please mail or email your resume with hourly rate requirements to the above address IMS is a EEOC Employer

MPA Services provides Supported Living Services to individuals with MRDD, We are accepting applications for employees to perform in home care in Shelby and Miami Co (Full Time 2nd shift). You will assist with daily living skills, transportation, money management, medication supervision. Working in a fun atmosphere.

Help Wanted General

Join a growing company that offers a drug free workplace for its associates. Aunt Millie’s Bakery has openings for 2 qualified maintenance mechanics. WORK SCHEDULE CONSISTS OF 3 DAYS A WEEK/ 12 HOUR SHIFTS/ AND CONSISTS OF BOTH WEEKDAYS AND WEEKENDS. * Excellent Compensation Excellent Benefits Package Including: Medical, Dental, & Vision Insurance, 401(k) Program, Paid Vacations & Holidays Qualified candidates should be skilled in the following areas: * Welding * Plumbing * 480 V3PH electrical systems * Familiar with PLC * Other industrial maintenance functions Applications will be accepted Tuesday, July 16th and Wednesday, July 17th from 9am –11am and 2pm – 4pm or send resumes to: AUNT MILLIE’S BAKERIES 1900 PROGRESS WAY SIDNEY, OH 45365

TRUCK DRIVER MULTIPLE OPENINGS Freshway Logistics, the transportation division for Freshway Foods based in Sidney, Ohio is currently seeking multiple drivers for the area. CDL Class "A" drivers only, Excellent pay and benefits including health insurance and 401k with company match. Applicants must have minimum of 1 year over the road experience and clean driving record. Email your resume to: tarnold@freshwayfoods.com Applications can be completed: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 601 North Stolle Ave Sidney, Ohio 45365

Equal Opportunity Employer

Continental Express Inc., a full service transportation company that specializes in hauling refrigerated food products is recruiting for the following positions: FLEET MECHANIC SUPERVISOR Primary responsibility will be overseeing work being done by Mechanics on semi trailers including; preventative maintenance, DOT inspections, general repairs and new trailer preparation. This will be a hands-on, working supervisor position. Person must have working knowledge and experience on tractor trailers. Strongly prefer someone with prior supervisory or leadership experience. REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN Person will be responsible for maintenance and repairs to semi trailer refrigeration units. Must have ability to diagnose and repair units, perform preventative maintenance and install new units. Prior experience on Thermo King and/or Carrier units required with a preference on having certification. Both positions are on day shift and must have own tools. We offer a very clean work environment and newer model equipment. Excellent compensation and benefit package. Apply at: Continental Express Inc. 10450 St Rt 47 Sidney, OH 45365 800-497-2100

We are Hiring! Well-established manufacturer is seeking applicants for several positions: Welders, Design Engineering Manager, Applications Engineer, Process Improvement Engineer, VP of Operations, Fabricators, Credit Manager, Packaging Manager, Production Supervisor, Lumber Packager/Back up Picture Tally, and General Labor for Hardwoods.

We want employees who: * Do what they say and do it right the first time * Maintain high personal expectations and accountability * Want to help build a financially strong company * Expect a can-do attitude and a sense of urgency from everyone * Operate with a high degree of integrity and respect for each other * Embrace change as a path to success We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits including Medical and Dental coverage, 401(k), paid holidays, tuition reimbursement, and vacations. Some of these are direct hire while others are available through our Temp Agencies. Please visit us on our website at: www.hartzell.com for more information. Email resumes to: careers@hartzell.com EOE

Or email resume to: mgoubeaux@ceioh.com

We provide a consistent schedule, great pay/ benefits plus paid training, Our employees must have a HS diploma/ GED, be highly self-motivated and have superb ethics. If interested in an employer that genuinely cares for its employees, please call (567)890-7500

Help Wanted General

Help Wanted General



KTH Parts Industries, Inc., a quality oriented manufacturer of stamped and welded auto parts, located in St. Paris, Ohio, has an immediate opening for an individual in our Equipment Support Group (ESG). KTH is a state-of-the-art robotic facility. The successful candidate will have the following:

KTH Parts Industries Inc., a quality oriented manufacturer of stamped and welded auto parts, located in St. Paris, Ohio, has an immediate opening for an individual in our Equipment Support Group (ESG). The successful candidate should have two years industrial experience or an equivalent technical degree. Good working knowledge of Robotics, PLC’s, Basic Electricity, Pneumatic and Hydraulic systems is desired. Industrial electricity safety training, mig or arc welding, or familiarity with oxyacetylene welding and cutting is also a plus. This is a second shift position.

Associate’s Degree in Electrical/Electronics or equivalent; A working knowledge of PLC’s, robotics, and HMI controls; Strong mechanical ability and knowledge of pneumatics, hydraulics, and automated systems; Good working knowledge of computers and applications; Strong analytical and troubleshooting abilities; Good mechanical abilities; Good written and verbal communication skills; and Experience in the related field KTH Parts offers a very attractive benefit package, competitive wage, and a team oriented manufacturing environment. Qualified candidates should send a resume to: KTH Parts Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 940 St. Paris, OH 43072 Attn: Industrial Equipment Technician Recruiter OR Email: kth.hr@kth.net KTH is an Equal Opportunity Employer

KTH Parts offers a very attractive benefit package, competitive salary and team oriented manufacturing environment. Qualified candidates should send a resume including salary requirements to: KTH Parts Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 940 St. Paris, OH 43072 Attn: Equipment Support Technician Recruiter Or Email: kth.hr@kth.net KTH is an Equal Opportunity Employer



Mechanics ATV MECHANIC wanted, full time, must have experience and own tools, must work well with others. Pay based on experience. Apply in person at: Bob's Cycle Repair, Inc., 2199 State Route 47, Houston, Ohio 45333. Medical/Health AUDIO TECH TRAINEE Hearing Professionals seeking audio tech trainee. MUST HAVE: 3-5 years recent sales experience, college degree preferred. Must fit our culture of positive attitude & high energy. If you have a desire to work with highly qualified people, learn their techniques and strive to achieve goals, send resume to: humanresources@ hearingprosonline.com Full Time, $12 hour, benefits. Only those that are results driven and thrive on accountability need apply.

Please email resume to: drvantreese@gmail.com or mail to 2627 N Broadway Ave Sidney, OH 45365 OPEN HOUSE for STNA’s July 17th from 2-4:00 pm We have a career solution for you. You’ll like our beautiful, 150 bed facility. Fill out an application and speak with Beth Bayman, Staff Development or Becky Apple, DON. All applications completed will receive a free gas card, gift bag and door prizes will be given out. Koester Pavilion 3232 North County Road 25A Troy, OH 45373 937.440.7663 Phone 937.335.0095 Fax (I-75 at Exit 78) Located on the Upper Valley Medical Center Campus EOE

HUMAN RESOURCES 319 S. Vine St. Fostoria, OH 44830 For Sale By Owner 24 FOOT TRAVEL TRAILER, 2 axle, awning, a/c unit, refrigerator, stove, Lot 14 at Piqua Fishing Game Campground (Spiker Road), Lot rent paid until March 2014. Can leave there or tow away. Asking $1,900 OBO (419)778-7178 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS, Brick/ Cedar Ranch, 3 baths, wooded, brick fireplace, 2.5 car garage, 12x16 shed, basement, 2600 sq ft, $179,000 (937)726-5694 IN SIDNEY, rent to own, remodeled, 2.5 Bedroom, fenced yard, garage, down payment required, (937)526-3264 Houses For Sale NEARLY NEW 5 bedroom country ranch. Finished basement, Anna Schools, John Barnett, (419)738HOME(4663). Scott Ross Realty. Open House Directory Apartments /Townhouses 1 BEDROOM, Fort Loramie, stove refrigerator, air, washer & dryer included $320 monthly plus utilities, deposit & references required, (937)423-5839 1 BEDROOM, range, refrigerator, no pets, $135 per week all utilities included, $300 deposit, (937)726-0273 1520 SPRUCE. 2 bedroom, $475 month, $300 deposit. Air, range, refrigerator, laundry, no pets. Call for showing: (937)710-5075

3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, duplex, garage, all appliances, no pets, $700, call (937)658-4453 ANNA, Large 3 bedroom duplex. Attached garage. No pets. gemstoneofanna.com (937)538-6793 dmgreve@bright.net CARRIAGE HILL Apartments, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom, appliances, fireplace, secure entry. Water, trash included, garages. (937)4984747, www.firsttroy.com D I S C O V E R PEBBLEBROOK, Anna. 2 & 3 Bedroom townhomes/ ranches. Garages, appliances, washer/ dryer. Near I-75, Honda, 20 miles from Lima. (937)498-4747, www.firsttroy.com NICE 2 bedroom upstairs, 506.5 South West Avenue, $389 month, $300 deposit, (937)726-0273. NORTHTOWN APARTMENTS, 2 Bedroom, 1.5 bath townhouse, all appliances, NO PETS, $455 monthly, (937)295-3157 or (937)7265992 PRIVATE SETTING, 2 Bedroom Townhouse, No one above or below! Appliances, Washer/ Dryer Fireplace, garage, Water, Trash included, (937)4984747, www.firsttroy.com

Amos Schwartz Construction

Trucks / SUVs / Vans


All Small Engines • Mowers • Weed Eaters • Edgers • Snowblowers • Chain Saws Blades Sharpened • Tillers

FREE pickup

within 10 mile radius of Sidney

Painting & Wallpaper Gutter Repair & Cleaning

Houses For Rent 218 Forest, 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath, privacy fence, $650 monthly, (937)498-9842 after 2 pm 3 BEDROOM DOUBLE, 528 North Main Avenue. Available Immediately. Call (419)7334176 3 BEDROOMS, 104 North Wilkinson Avenue, $500 deposit, $500 monthly, pay your own utilities, no pets. Call (937)538-6881 Pets 7 WEEK OLD PUPPIES, Labrador, Rottweiler, Boxer mix, $10 each, Call (937)489-6295 AKC Dobermans Blue/Gold, Black/Gold, Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, Morkies, Toy Fox Terrier. Bag of FREE food with puppy. Garwick's the Pet People 419-795-5711. garwicksthepetpeople.com BLACK LAB, 1 year old female, spayed, current on shots, needs room to play, $50. Call (937)726-6860. HIMALAYAN CAT, free to good home, 5 year old male, (937)492-9302 KITTEN, 10 Week old male, light tan in color, litter trained, playful and ornery, indoor home only, (937)492-7478 leave messge MINIATURE DACHSHUND PUP, red, long coat female, AKC, 2nd shots, wormed, written guarantee, crate training and doing well! $350 (937)6671777 Farm Equipment

1996 GMC SONOMA 71000 miles, original owner (937)710-9099

Paving & Excavating Landscaping & Gardening


Hauling & Trucking

RIDING LAWNMOWER, Wheelhorse, completely rebuilt, New battery, tuneup, rebuilt carburetor, seat, paint, new blades, Runs great!!, $400, (937)492-1501

COOPER’S GRAVEL Gravel Hauled, Laid & Leveled Driveways & Parking Lots

Miscellaneous 27" TV & WOOD TV STAND, with drawers & shelves, both in great condition $100, Call after 5pm (937)638-2993.


Limited Time: Mention This Ad & Receive 10% Off!

875-0153 698-6135

CARPET, 18X11.5, Tweed brown & beige, good condition, $35, (937)492-5322

Pools / Spas



ELECTRIC SCOOTER, Guardian Trek-3, A1 condition, $400, call (937)778-8692 or (937)214-1825

ESTATE ITEMS, truck, car, low miles, John Deere riding mower, washer, stove, recliner, couch, coffee/end tables, bigscreen TV, computer desk. (937)492-2173


JOHN DEERE, 265 riding lawn mower, 17hp, 48" deck, hydrostatic drive, heavy duty, very reliable, excellent condition, Call (419)628-2101

Remodeling & Repairs 5RRĂ€QJ 6LGLQJ Tree Service

KINDLE FIRE, slightly used, with case $150. Call (937)4923927

Land Care

WISE Tree & Shrub Service

WEIGHT BENCH, 2 bars and lots of York weights, Sons have move out so no longer need, $90, (937)295-2626

• Tree Trimming & Removal • Shrub Trimming & Removal • Stump Removal

Sporting Goods CCW CLASS, $60, August 17th and 18th, Piqua Fish & Game, (937)760-4210, parthelynx@aol.com

937-308-7157 TROY, OHIO

937-947-4409 937-371-0454

Tickets RACE TICKETS, (5) Brickyard 400, 7/28 NASCAR race in Indianapolis, Paddock Box in shade near start/finish line, $90 each face value. (937)5966257.

2 BEDROOM, Michigan Street, washer/ dryer hookup, appliances, rent special, $350 monthly, no pets! (937)6380235

2461 ALPINE Court, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 2 car garage, all appliances, AC, $695, (937)497-1053, (937)6387982.

(937) 232-7816

SIDNEY, 121 North Street, Nice Office Space for Rent, Air conditioned, 1-6 offices. Call Ryan (407)579-0874

2 BEDROOM Duplex Sidney, appliances, air, laundry, garage, fireplace, lawncare, no pets, $625 monthly, (937)3947265

2 BEDROOM, 1.5 Bath, Sidney, appliances, air, laundry, trash paid, no pets $460 monthly, (937)394-7265

30 Years experience! 40324813 2376331

YourNextPlaceToLive.com *Restrictions May Apply




Please send resumes to:

Only 3 left! Call Today! (866) 349-8099


Cleaning & Maintenance

TRACTOR, FORD 1300 4x4 diesel compact Tractor, Low hours, 3 point, pto. (937)4891725


DENTAL ASSISTANT Hiring full time Dental Assistant who is passionate about providing excellent patient care. Candidate must have 5+ years experience, current radiographer license and references. Benefits and pension.

Seeking team members who want to build a career with our growing company. The ideal candidate should be highly motivated, excel in team environments and, have 3-5 years of manufacturing experience. The plant operates on a 12-hour shift basis with current openings on the 7pm to 7am shift. We offer a highly competitive wage and full benefits.

Free Rent through July 31st*



Wants roofing, siding, windows, doors, repair old floors, joust foundation porches, decks, garages, room additions.


West Troy designs and manufactures tooling, automation, metal stampings, and assemblies as a contractor for the Consumer, Industrial, and Building Products Markets. To learn more about West Troy, please visit www.westtroy.com.


Mower Maintenance

Autos For Sale


1999 CHEVY CORVETTE automatic convertible with approximately 67,000 miles. This car is in great condition. $20,500 or best offer. Call Craig at (937)776-0922


NEED HELP? Helping Hands is here for you!

Home Maintenance • Home Cleaning Lawn Care • Grocery Shopping Errands • Rental & Estate Cleanouts Whatever you or your loved ones may need Professional & Insured Free Estimates / Reasonable rates


937-638-8888 • 937-638-3382 937-492-6297

Busch Family Fishing Lakes Relax and enjoy the fishing.

2002 GMC SIERRA 1500 Regular cab, fiberglass high top camper, aluminum running boards, 2 wheel drive, 5300 Vortec engine, excellent condition, $8150 Call (937)538-1294 2005 CHRYSLER LIMITED CONVERTIBLE, 31,500 miles, excellent condition, $8500, Call (937)570-2248 or (937)7731831 Boats & Marinas FISHING BOAT, 13 Foot, aluminum with trailer, 6hp motor, trolling motor, swivel padded seats, oars, life jackets, $500 firm, (937)295-2626


15030 Lock Two Road Botkins, OH 45306

937-693-3640 www.buschfamilyfishfarm.com Fishing is only by appointment 40251556

Construction & Building


Self performing our own work allows for the best prices on skilled labor. 25 years combined experience FREE estimates (937)573-7357 InerrantContractors@gmail.com




A&E Home Services LLC A simple, affordable, solution to all your home needs.

Roofing • Drywall • Painting Plumbing • Remodels • Flooring Eric Jones, Owner


Insurance jobs welcome • FREE Estimates

SPRING SPECIAL SUMMER SPECIAL $700.00 off $6k or more on a roof & FREE Gutter Guard with New $5,000 or more. $150.00 roof Roof tuneofup aandehomeservicesllc.com Licensed Bonded-Insured


937.492.8003 • 937.726.2868 5RRÀQJ 6LGLQJ

For Sale By Owner

Remodeling & Repairs

FOR SALE BY OWNER 4190 West Miami-Shelby Road (2nd house east of St Rt 66 on 1 acre) OPEN HOUSE: July 13, 2-4pm


Call 937-295-2636


25 Year Experience - Licensed & Bonded Wind & Hail Damage -Insurance Approved 15 Year Workmanship Warranty

• • • • 40296626

Roofing Windows Kitchens Sunrooms

• • • •

Spouting Metal Roofing Siding Doors

• • • •

Baths Awnings Concrete Additions


40058888 40296712

3 BR, LR, DR, new kitchen and deck with awning, new full bath up and remodeled ½ basement. Laundry room and full bath on first floor. Has attached and detached garage. 40317849


Qualified applicants may submit a resume to; hr@westtroy.com or 155 Marybill Drive Troy, OH 45373

Sycamore Creek Apartments


Construction & Building


Qualified candidates: Must have a minimum of 5 years of experience or equivalent training and High School diploma or GED required. Experience with metal-forming press operations is a PLUS!

RVs / Campers '89 GULF STREAM MOTOR HOME, 28 foot Chevy 454 automatic, AC-cruise, 16K miles, news tires, stove, refrigerator, roof air-conditioner, 3500 Owen Generator, 19 foot awning all new roof vents, roof coated/resealed last Fall, sleeps 6, lots of inside & outside storage. Good condition. $6700. (937)493-0449


West Troy currently is looking for a Mechanical Maintenance Technician. This individual will have EXTENSIVE hands-on experience building, servicing and repairing factory automation. Candidate must be proficient in hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical systems. Responsibilities include providing maintenance support for a multi-department manufacturing facility in a cost effective manner. We need an individual who can function independently and participate as part of a team.

Apartments /Townhouses




40296321 40042526

Help Wanted General

Advertise today by calling (877) 844-8385


Sidney Daily News, Saturday, July 13, 2013


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