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Coming Monday M American Ame erican Profile s Life With MamaN MamaN &3-53 &3-53 +A</8-/M >2/ =3./53-5 >9 /B:69--973- 6/1/8. +<96 ?<8/>> ?<8/>> +8. >2/ +,<+=3@/M /B:69 =3@/ 79>2/< 98 2/< 9A 9A8 A8 +7+b= +736CM </06/->= 98 //< +8. </+6 0+736C 630/L Inside 2/< A3./[<+81381 -+</ -+<//< Mondayy

Vol. 123 No. 194

September 28, 20 2013 013


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INSIDE TODAY AY Y e. .. Insid ig b save

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S Sidney, idney, y, Ohio

www.sidneydailynews.com www.sidneeydailynews.com

Wilson son president, sident, CEO C announces nounces retirement ent leadership dedi-Thomas J. Boecker, president and “Tom’s To ’s outstanding leade rsh ship and dedi CEO of Wi Wil son Memorial Hospital, has cation have been integral to the t vibrancy Wilson announced his plans to retire the end and success of the organization orga g zation as a gani of March 22014. 014. Oct. 3, will mark markk his strong, independent community unity hospihospi40th annive ersary s at Wi Wilson Memorial. tal. He has built a talented organization organization org anniversary which collaborates too deliver relBoecker ha as served in many relhas evant and compassionate capacities att the hospital and has compassion nate medical services to meet the needs of our for years. been CEO fo or the past 16 years rs. n community. Boecker said, said, “It has been a sinsiny. The Board Boaard is most grateful to Tom privilege cere privileg ge to be the president To forr his many years of Wi Wilson Memorial M Hospital for yearss of allegiance and service to Wilson, and we’re years. the last 16 years rs. I’ve ’ve had the Wi we’rre delighted to have work opportunity to wo rkk closely with ave Tom’s To ’s active activve participaparticipation during this leadership transi-dedicated many dedic ated individuals over leader ership rs transi years. the past 440 0 yea rs. s I am very Thomas Boecker tion.� Wilson Memoriall has conwhat have proud of wh hat we ha ave been able conaccomplish. to accompli ish. Our community is very tracted with a search firm m to assist have fortunate too ha ave the medical expertise in identifying identify fying candidates for foor Boecker’s ’s supportive and suppor rtive v technologies close to replacement. It is anticipated anticipated the search home. Over the next six months, I plan process will be complete and d a new CEO work closely to wo rkk clos sely with the Board to ensure in place prior to Boecker’s ’s retirement. transition.� a smooth tra ansition.� Boecker intends to stay fullyy active in all activities accepting In accept ting Boecker Boecker’s ’ss resignation, resignation hospital acti ivities and will be involved in nvolved selection Chairman Board Chai irman Ken Monnier said, in the CEO search and select tion process.

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Ted Bruns, of Russia, R unloads harvested soybeanss at Trupointe Trupoint Cooperative Friday.

Somee speed limits mits to increase ease COLUMBUS COLUMB BUS — For the second time this yea year, r,, speed s limits on some Ohio roadways are arre about to go up, this time on certain sections s of U.S. Routes and Routes. State Route es. The Ohio Department Transportation increas-of Tr Transport rtation (ODOT) is increas ing some speed sp peed limits on 607 miles of roadway as a result of new legislation passed by the t Ohio General Assembly earlier year, effec-ea rlier l this yea r,, which becomes effec Sunday, tive on Sunda day, September 29. legislation The legisla lation increases speeds on: š ÆHk ÆHkhWb HkhWb Z_l_Z[Z ^_]^mWoiÇ je ,& miles per hour hoour (194 miles of roadway) š ÆHk ÆHkhWb HkhWb [nfh[iimWoi m_j^ekj jhW\\_Y control sign signals� nals� to 65 miles per hour

(15 miles of roadway) š ÆH ÆHkhWb HkhWb \h[[mWoiÇ je --& & c_b[i f[h hour (398 miles of roadway roadway) y) “Raising speed limits iss not some some-thing the state takes lig ghtly,â€? said lightly,â€? Wray. ODOT Director Jerry Wr Wra ay. y. “We We put iden-much time and consideration on into iden tifying roadways where sspeed peed limits maintaining could increase while mainta aining a safe commute for Ohio motorists.â€? ts.â€? changes The legislative chang ges require new ODOT to produce 1,100 n ew highway signs at a cost of $114,845. Most of the completely signs — 580 — will be complete mpletely new Seee SPEED | 8

Edison son looks to the future ture Editor’s Note: Th This is the finall of the fivepart seriess of stories highlighting highlightin ng Edison College Community ty Colleg ege as it celebra celebrates rates its its 40th year of service. Fo Focusing ng on Edi dison’s ’s fu futu tu ure, this h piece Edison’s future, was wri written ritten n by and is being ng submi submitted itted on behalf lf of Edi Edison’s dison’ss president, p t, Dr. r. Cris Valdez Valdez.. The key to inform inform-ing and inf influencing fluencing the future is to embrace and fu examine thee past. Edison Communityy College’s first 40 yea arss of se rvice v years service provide an ideal springgboard for ffuture u uture endeav-endeav ors, but thee future is an uncertain thing hing and try try-ing to predict dict it is diffi diffi-cult. There are however, tools and approaches ap pproaches that take some of o the mystery and element elemen nt of chance

out of this pr process. rocess. At Edison Edison, n, the choice was made to engage with all internal and a external stakeholderss to begin our futuree planning. As a result, in 2011, all planning, ra anging from ranging strategic to departmendepartmental underwe ent a review underwent by Presidentt Cris Valdez Va with the inte ent to engage intent and ene energize rgize g e the campus

Rank R ank

District D istrict

Score S core


Minster M inster

1109.897 09.897


Fort F or t LLoramie oramie

1109.222 09.222


Russia R ussia

1109.181 09.181


Botkins B otkins

1108.127 08.127


Versailles Ve rsailles

1107.392 07.392


New Knoxville N ew K noxville

1106.793 06.793


Anna A nna

1106.307 06.307


New Bremen N ew B remen

1105.464 05.464

1140 40

Center JJackson ackson C enter

1103.201 03.201

3325 25

Fairlawn F airlawn

999.376 9.376

3340 40

Hardin-Houston H ardin-Houston

999.050 9.050

5510 10

Riverside R iverside

995.665 5.665

5585 85

Sidney S idney

992.455 2.455

Area a schools score re high g forr performance formancee pspeelman@civitasmedia.com dia.com



Ohio Dept. off E Education O hio D ept. o ducation Performance 22013 013 P erformance IIndex ndex

Patricia Ann Speelman S

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while continu uing to move continuing the campus forward to excellence. Following this t review, Edison began n to develop a new strategic gic plan uti uti-lizing a pro process ocess based on appreciat ive inquiry appreciative called SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Aspirations,, Results). SOA AR includes SOAR a vital listening ening pro pro-cess where stakeholders s tell the oorganization rga g nization its strengths, core c com com-petencies, advantages, a and challeng ges; either challenges; confirming or o defining what is alrea ady believed already and known. All A areas of the oorganization rganiza g ation were engaged in th he planning the through pa articipation participation in the SOA AR process. SOAR See EDISON | 8

Three area school s systems have been rank ranked ked in the top 20 Ohio public and charter sch hool school systems based d on the Ohio Department of Education’s ’s Performance Peerformance Index (PI). The Perform mance Index is a calculation that t Performance measures stud dent performance on the O hio student Ohio Achievement Assessments/Ohio Graduation Graduation Tests in grad Te des 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. grades The index, al ong with proficiency measur res, along measures, informs the st ate report cards for each distr rict state district and each school. ool. Minster Lo cal Schools ranked 12th with h a Local score of 109.8 897. Fort Loramie Local Scho ools 109.897. Schools ranked 15th with w a score of 109.181. R usssia Russia Local Schoolss ranked 16th with a score of 109.181. “Wi With achievement Wi achiievement levels that are only o “With topped by 14 other o districts in the entire st tate state of Ohio, the community c needs to understa and understand the significan ce behind this score,� said Fort F significance Loramie Supe erintendent Dan Holland in n a Superintendent press release. He said the success is a result of a combined combin ned eff ffort: “I beli eve that our staff ff has a play yed effort: believe played a big part in the achievement levels of the students. In addition, the parental supp port support that our students studeents receive at home in regards regaards learniing is also a major maj ajor impact on the to their learning students This is outstandi ing ing, success of ourr students. outstanding, celebratee.� and somethingg everyone needs to celebrate.� Loram mie “Over the past four years, Fort Loramie continued to raise their Performance Performan nce has continued e year.. The administration administration Index score every year. t challenges thee staff each year to improve this th hey have responded favorably favoraably score, and they the release said. every time,� the Ru ’s superintendent, sup perintendent, Steve Rose, echoed echo oed Russia’s reecognizing that no one factor facctor Holland in recognizing responsib ble for an increase in the annual ann nual was responsible disstrict went from a 106.7 scoree in score. The district h 109.2 109.2 09 2 score this hi yea r,, what h Rose Rose 2012 to the year, called a “hugee jump.� “We We’re veryy proud of it,� he added. “We’re “We Wee’re “We’re passs on our appreciation to the trying to pass s and staff ff, because it’s ’s community, students staff, teeam effort eff ffort to reach this levell of a complete team es a achievement. Making sure every child make makes ’s worth of o growth was the biggest bigge ggest facto or.� year’s factor.� Boeeke, superintendent of Minster ster Brenda Boeke, See SCHOOLS | 8

Residents dents askedd to report port fraud The Shelbyy County Sheriff’s Sheriff ff’s ’s Off Office ffice and a the Shelby County C Prosecutor’s ’s office are working wo rking k g jointly jjointlyy to investigate g and p prosec prosecute cute Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Progr Program ram (SNAP) (form (formerly merly l known as food stam stamps) ps) fraud. Recent repo reports orts and information received d by the Auditor off State’s ’s off office ffice allege that SN SNAP NAP benefits are not n being utilized by the autho authotho rized recipients. ts. Prosecutor “Sheriff (John) (Jo ohn) Lenhart and Prosecu utor (Tim) Sell sup support pport helping strugg struggling ggling famil families lies put food on the t table, but hey also wantt to know taxpayerr dollars dollarss are spent wisely,� sai said id a joint press rel release ease from the sheriff sheriff’s ’ss and pr prosrosecutor’s ’s offices es Friday. “Our proactive stra strateate gies will ensure ensu ure that the program is ta targeted rge g ted towards indiv individuals iduals and families who need d it See FRAUD | 8

To purchas purchase se photographs appearing a in the Sidney S Daily News News, wss, go to www www.sidneydailynews.com ww. w.sidn neeydailynews ws.com m

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