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Dems, D ems, GOP GOP in in sshutdown hutdown staredown staredown 40501500 40501500


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Andrew Taylo or Taylor Associated Press


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WASHINGTON W ASHIN GTON (AP) — A With W ith overnment teeter-i the ggovernment ing on the brink of partial sshutdown, hutdown, ccongressional o n g re s s i o n a l Republicans Sunday R epublicans vvowed owed S unday to kkeep eep using an otherwise rrououfederal tine feder al funding bill to try president’s to aattack tt ack the pr esident’’s health caree la law. car w. Congress was Congr ess w as closed ffor or dayy afterr a post post-midnight the da -midnight House vvote ote iin n tthe he GOP-run GOP-run H ouse delay to de lay by a yyear ear key key parts of the ne w health alth car w and new caree la law rrepeal epeal p a ttax ax on medical de vicdevices, in eexchange xchang ange ffor or aavoiding voiding a shutdo wn. The S enate w as shutdown. Senate was to con vene Monda convene Mondayy afternoon, just hour fore the shutdo wn hourss bef before shutdown deadline, and d Majority Leader H a rr y R ei d , D - Ne v. , h ad Harry Reid, D-Nev., had alr eady pr omised mised tha already promised thatt major-ity Democr ats would would kill the Democrats House’ ’s la test st volley. volley. House’s latest S ince the last ggovernment overnment Since shutdo wn 17 7 yyears ears ag o, tem shutdown ago, tem--

por ary funding bills kno wn as porary known continuing ing rresolutions esolutions ha ve have been no oncontroversial, with noncontroversial, neither party willing to chance a shutdo own to achie ve legisla shutdown achieve legisla-tiv oals ls it couldn ’t otherwise tivee ggoals couldn’t win. B u with health insur-ut But ance eexchanges xchang chang gees set to open on T uesda y, tea-party R epublicans u Tuesday, Republicans aree willing ar ing to ttake ake the risk in their driv rive to kill the health drive caree la car w. law. was Action n in Washington Washington a was limited mainly to the Sunday Sunday talk shows barrage talk sho ows and a barr age of press press rreleases eleases as Democr ats Democrats and R e p u b l i c a n s rrehearsed e h e a rs e d and Republicans argguments nts ffor or blaming each arguments government in fact other if the government ts doors doors aatt midnight closes its Monday. Monday. ““You’re Yoou’re ggoing oing to shut do wn down overnment if yyou ou can ’t the ggovernment can’t prevent millions of Americans prevent from ggetting ettting aff ordable car e,� from affordable care,� s aid Rep. Rep. Chris Van Van Hollen, said D-Md. ““The The House has twice no w now voted to o kkeep eep the government government voted

open. en. And if w have a shutshutwee have do w it will only be because wn, down, when en the S enate comes back, Senate Harry rry R eid says, says, ‘I refuse refuse even even Reid to ttalk,’� alk,’� ssaid aid Sen. S en. T ed Cruz, Ted R -Texas, who led a 21-hour R-Texas, br o adside ag ainst allo wing broadside against allowing the tempor ary funding bill to temporary ad vance if stripped clean of a advance party-backed provision tea party-back ed pr ovision to derail Obamacare. effort der a Obamacar ail e. The eff ort ultimately ultima mately failed. battle T The ttle started ba st arted with a short-House use vvote ote to pass the short proterm m funding bill with a pr othatt w would have vision ion tha ould ha ve eelimiliminated federal dollarss needna ted ed the feder al dollar needPresident Barack ed to put Pr esident B arack Obama’s caree ooverhaul Obama’ ama’’s health car verh haul Senate intoo place. The S enate vvoted oted along ng party lines to strip tha thatt out and lobbed the measur measuree backk to the House. T The test House measur e, la latest measure, passed sed earl ear ly S unday by a near early Sunday party-line ty-line vvote ote of 231-192, sent backk to the S enate tw o kkey ey Senate two chang nges: a one-year one -year delay delay of changes: kkey ey pr ovisions of the health provisions

Fallen allen heroes roes honored nored


insur ance law epeal of a law and rrepeal insurance ne w ttax ax on medical de vices tha new devices thatt partially funds it it,, steps tha thatt still ggo o too far ffor or The White hite Democratic House and its Democr atic allies on Capitol Hill. Senate makee it S enate rules often mak quickly, difficult to act quickly y, but the chamber can act on the House’ se’’s House’s latest proposals call-la test pr opos als by simply call ing them up and killing them. m. Eyes E yes were were turning to the next move. House ffor or its ne xt mo ve. One O of its top leaderss vvowed owed the would givee House w ould not simply giv Democrats’ in to Democr ats’ demands to Senate’s fundpass the S enate’’s ““clean� clean� fund unding bill. ““The The House will gget et back ack together tog ether in enough time, send end provision another pr ovision not to shut hut the ggovernment overnment do wn, butt to down, fund it ve a ffe w it,, and it will ha have few other options in ther or the theree ffor S enate to look aatt ag ain,� ssaid aid Senate again,� the No. 3 House R epublican can Republican leader r, R ep. K evin McCarthyy of leader, Rep. Kevin See S ee SHUTDOWN SHUTDOWN | 5

Slipper Slippery lippery claims on n he ealth la w, budg et health law, budget Calvin Cal vin Woodward Associated Assoc ciated Press

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A new new sign naming Ohio 66 fr from om Ohio 274 274 to to Ohio Ohio 119 119 Kenneth Kenneth Jut Jutte te - John Garman Garman Memorial Highway Highway is un veiled du uring a cceremony eremony at LLock ock One One P ark inn Ne w Br emen Sunday. honored fir efighters unveiled Sunday. The ceremony ceremonny honored during Park New Bremen firefighters Kenneth accident K enneth Jutte Juutte and John Garman who died in an a ac cident while fighting a fire fire on Oct. Oct. 1, 22003. 003. Unveiling Unveiling the sign ar Kenneth Jutte’s Jutte’s parents, parents, Auggie Augggie and Betty Betty Jut te, ooff St Henry, his h wif Marty Jutte, Jutte, ooff aree (l-r (l-r)) Kenneth Jutte, St.. Henry, wifee Marty New children, Kari Garman’s New Bremen, Bremeen, and his childr en, K ari Jutte, Jutte, ooff Coldwater, Coldw o water, and Corey Corey Jutte, Jutte, of of New New Bremen, Bremen, John Garman ’s parents Charless Garman, of New parents EErline rline and Charle of Ne w Bremen. Bremen. e

WASHINGTON W ASHIN GT ON (AP) — President President e Barack B arack Obama is the insurance insur urance industry industry’s ’s most po powerful werful rful pitchman chman these da days ys as he drums ums up inter est in the health insursur-interest insur ance ce mar rkets opening ffor or business ness markets T ueesday. Wha tever the merits of Tuesday. u Whatever his pr oduct , ther easons ffor or product, theree ar aree rreasons the buy er to be ware of his rh hetoric. ric. buyer beware rhetoric. T pr The esident is being a bit slipslip lip president pery ry on the costs of co verage,, in coverage, particular rticular.. particular. H His opponents ar aking ing aree ttaking their ir o wn liberties as they talk t alk own up the ills of wha ride whatt they deride as “Obamacar e� and defend their heir “Obamacare� appr proach to the budg get impasse asse approach budget tha eatens to close parts of thatt thr threatens the g overnment come T uesda day. government Tuesday. See S ee HEALTH HEAL LTH | 9

Brooks oks announces unces retirement tirement from FDLL Executive vice ce president departing eparting after 31 3 years FDL A Automation utoma omation & Company Company, y, in vvarious arious rious ssales ales S upply C ompany, an an and manag gement nt capaci Supply Company, management capaci-ieelectrical lectrical distributor ties ffor or mor moree than 31 serving w west est cen cennyears. yearrs. tr al Ohio, has ttendtral Afterr aattendannounced tha tthatt ing Wright Wright Richard R ichard ““Rick� Rick� State State U University, niiverssityy, Br rookks, s company pany Broookks beg gan his Brooks, Brooks began eexecutive xecutive vice v 40-year 40-year career career president pre esident and d cocoin eelectrical lectrical oowner, wnerr, will retire retir e e etire distribution ution at at effectiv day. effectivee toda today. Martin Electric Bro ookks, 61, has Dayton, ton, w orrkBrooks, in Dayton, workRichardd “Rick “Rick�� Br Brooks rookks been with FDL Richar ing in n insides Automation, sales and pur rsales purand the fformer ormer mer chasingg ffor or six F.D. F .D. Lawrence Lawreence nce Electric yyears. earrs. He then serv served erved as a

sales engineer assistant sales assist istant aatt Genera al Electric prior to General joining the F .D. La awreence F.D. Lawrence inside ssales ales and pur purchasrchasing team in 1982. Br Broookks Brooks was w as named account nt man man-ager ag ger tw two o yyears earrs la later, aterr, a rrole ole he he ld for for more mor oree than held 20 yyears. earrs. He w was ass named Allen-Bradley Allen-Br radley salesman salesman sman of thee yyear, th earr, C Cincinnati incinn natii disdistrict trict,, in 1994. In 2003, Br ooks Brooks became vice president prresident of opera ations after fter he operations and tw ompany twoo other company officials pur chased ed the purchased

F .D. La wrence Electric ectric F.D. Lawrence S idney bbranch, raanch, rrebrandebra b andSidney iing ng tthe he ccompany ompany F DL FDL A utomaation & Supply. Supply lyy. He Automation assumed his curr rentt role role ro current as eexecutive xecutive vice president prresident sident after Doug Christie, e, ffororrpresident, mer company pre esident ident, rretired etirred in 2009. knew “I kne w early earrly on in my career thatt the eelectricare eer tha l lectri cal distribution business siness was w as right ffor or me and nd am appreciative vvery ery appre eciaative oof my customer rs, suppliers supplierrs and customers, work associates w orrk associa ates support. support port. I have ha ave been blessed aatt FDL

to be a part of the finest nest group gro oup of people you you could ould ever ever meet and I will miss them,� said said Brooks. Brrookks. Brooks Brrookks and his wifee of 33 years, yearrs, Genny, Gennyy, reside re reside side in T Troy rro oy and have haave two t o tw children childrren and two two grandgraand a children. childrren. Aside from fr fro om his family and faith, life out outtside of FDL has always alw ways included travel, trravel, music, usic, cars, carrs, racing, rraacing, history and antiques. In retirement, reetireement ent, he plans on expanding expanding g on See S ee BROOKS BROOKS | 3

Sidney Sidne ney Cityy S Schools choolss and it itss mission mission n Editor’s no Editor’s note: te: In preparation prepar a ation for for the November November ggeneral eneral election, the SSidney Sidney DDaily aily News, News, in cconjunction onjunction with the Citizens Citizens for for Sidne Sidneyy SSchools chools levy le vy ccommittee, ommittee, will bbe publishing a que question stion ooff the w week eek to to inf inform orm vvoters oters about the fiv five-year, e-year, 1 percent per cent inc income ome ttax ax le levy. evy.

Whatt is the mission of Wha Sidney City S Sidney Schools chools and its rrewards? ewards? It is the mission of S Sidney idney City S Schools chools to pr provide ovide a supe supe-rior educa education tion on and ensur ensuree tha thatt all students realize realize their maxi maxi--

mum potential. otential. S Sidney idney City Schools S chools striv strivee to educate educate all studentss to achie achieve ve academic eexcellence, xcellence, ce, be rresponsible esponsible citi citi-zens and d become pr prepared epared ffor or further educa education tion and pr producoductivee employment. tiv emplo ployment . Theree ar Ther aree many benefits to completing ing the mission of the schools. Ther Theree is no doubt tha thatt ggood ood schools chools he help lp kkeep eep ggood ood communities. nities. While some of the benefits nefits ar aree financially

LEVY L LE VY UPDATE UPDATE rewarding, rewarding, many others others are are socially socially rrewarding ewarding iincluding: ncluding: Local cal businesses can bring and retain ret ain a fresh, fresh, yyoung oung talent t alent who become becc ome qualified qualif ied emplo employees yees and d pr prospering ospering customer customerss of local al businesses; homeo homeownwn ers ers can liv livee in healthy, healthy, st stable able neighborhoods neighbor ghborrhoods and g get et a ggood ood

re t u r n oon return n their t h e i r investment; i nv e s t m e n t ; private priv ate school par parents ents want want whatt is best ffor wha or their famifami amilies, including a st stable able and ssafe afe community with div diverse e se er neighborss who are neighbor are educa educated ted and ha have ve desir desirable able social vvalalues which ar aree the result result of a strong str ong public school sy system. stem. em. The S Sidney idney community rreale eal izes the many economic, social cial and family benefits of a str strong o ong public school sy system. stem.

To T o pur purchase chasse pho photographs tograaphs appe appearing aring in the Sidne Sidneyy Daily Dailyy Ne News, ws, g ws go o to to www.sidneydailynews.com www.sidne neeydailynews.com m

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