Coming C oming S Saturday aturday USA U SA W Weekend eekend s$&b= $2/ 9->9<= s$&b= 9->9<= +8. . +=2 +=2@366/ @366/ ==>+< >+< 9883/ 9883/ <3>>98 <3>>98 =2+<// >2/ ==/-</>= =2+< /-</>= 9900 199. 199. 9 2/+6>2 2/+6>2 009< 9< A97/8 A97/8 90 90 +66 ++1/=L 1/=L Inside S Saturday. aturday.
Vol. V ol. 12 1233 No. No. 196 196
O October ctober 2, 22013 013
S Sidney, idney, Ohio
$1.00 $11.00
Government vernment ment powerss downn GOP, Dems trading blame b in capitall
David Espo an and nd Donna Cassata Associated Press
937.498.5910 937.498. 5910
40501500 40501500
TODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S T OD DAYYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NE NEWS EWS TODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S T ODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WE WEATHER ATHER
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WA S H I N GT O N (AP) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; F First irst s slo slowed, wed, stalled politi-then st alled by politi cal gridlock, the vvast ast machinery off ggovernovernclanged ment clang ed d into parparshutdown tial shutdo wn n mode on Tuesday President T uesday and Pr esident u Barack warned B arack Obama ma w arned longer the long er it ggoes oes â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;the the moree familiess will be mor hurt.â&#x20AC;? Republicans hurt .â&#x20AC;? R epublicans publicans fault,, ssaid aid it was was his fault theirs. not their s. Ominously, O m i n o u s l y, tthere h e re were suggestions w er e sug g g estions from fr om leaderss in both thatt the shut shut-parties tha down, d do wn, heading h ding ng ffor or it its
second day, day, could ld last for weeks grow for w eeks and gr row to encompass a possible ossible default by the T Treasury reasury e if Congress Congress fails ils to raise debt raise the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bt nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s de ceiling. now ceiling. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;This This iss no w all together,â&#x20AC;? Sen. aid dS en. togetherr,â&#x20AC;? , ssaid Dick Dur Durbin, rbbin, D-Ill.. Ill.. Speaking aatt the White House, the president accused president cused Republicans caus-Republicans of caus ing the first first partial closure closure in 17 yyears ears as part of a non-stop n-stop â&#x20AC;&#x153;ideological crusadeâ&#x20AC;? crus us adeâ&#x20AC;? to wipe out his signasignature ture health care w. care la llaw. Speaker House Speak err JJohn ohn Boehner, R-Ohio, B o e h n e r, R -Ohio, gave hee gave as ggood o o d aass h got. president got . â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;The The h pr esident sident d
isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t isn â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t telling telling the whole ole story,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; story y,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he said said in an opinion article posted ed Today on the USA T oda day website. w e bsite. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;The The fact act thatt W Washington is tha on aashington Democrats have Democr at s ve ha slammed the door on rreopening eopening the ggovernoverrnment by rrefusing efusing to engage bipartisan eng age in bipartis a an ttalks.â&#x20AC;? alks.â&#x20AC;? Hee sspoke H p o ke iin n a Capitol closed to tours, rregular egular public tour rss, part of the impact off a shutdown that partial shutdo wn tha hat disrupsent ripples of disrup up outward from tion outw ard â&#x20AC;&#x201D; fr o om memorimuseums and memori riWashington als in W aashington to
A STEP BACK IN TIME 2013 Fort Rowdy Gathering set for Oct. 5-6 in Covington
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Farm agency closed in shutdown wn Patricia Ann Speelman p n
See S ee BL AME | 12 BLAME
A sign hangs hangs inn USDA the U SDA FFarm arm m Service S ervice Agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s door TTuesday uesday sstating tating the office offiice closed will be clo sed Congress until C ongress rrestores estores funding. funding ng. was FFunding unding w as cut cuut ttoo a number of of ffederally ederally funded fundeed operations across oper ations acr oss after the ccountry ountry aft ter Congress C ongress was was unable bl ttoo ppass ass a budget Monday. budg et Monda y. USDA The U SDA Farm Farm m Service S ervice Agency Agency located 820 is loc ated at 82 20 Road. FFair air oad. a R
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National P Park ark S Service ervice spokeswoman spokeswoman Car Carol ol Johns Johnson onn spe speaks aks to to reporters reporters at the National nal W orld W ar II Memorial Washing ton, Tuesday. Tuesday. A group group of veterans walked waalked past World Meemorial in Washington, a of veterans past barriers barrieers War closed World War from memberss ooff C Congress. Hundreds at the clo sed W orld W ar II memorial with help fr om m member ongress. Hundr eds ooff vveterans eterans arriv edd ffor or a pr eviously sscheduled cheduled visit ttoo the memorial TTuesday uesday morning ttoo find fiind arrived previously it barricaded barricaded by by the National P ark Service. Service. Membe ers ooff C ongress, including Republican Republiccan Park Members Congress, Rep. Bachmann went after R ep. Michele B acchmann of of Minnesota, Minnesota, w ent to to the site sit ite aft er receiving receiving ppanicked anicked emails and a cut polic ape to eterans fr om Iowa sissippi. policee ttape lett in the vveterans from Mississippi. to le Iowa andd Mis
Anyone Any one trying to rreach e h eac the S Shelby helby County office ffice of the U U.S. .S. Departmentt of Agricultur Farm Service Service vice Agriculturee Farm Ag ency T uesday w as out Agency Tuesday was of luck. No o ne w as the re to one was there answer answ er the phones. The door w as shut and lock ked. was locked. A sign posted on the glass lass told the story: â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;This This U .S. U.S. Department of Agricultur ture Agriculture office is curr ently closed, sed, currently due to the lapse in feder eral federal ggovernment overnment funding T funding.. The office will rreopen eopen once nce C ongress rrestores estores ffundundCongress ing .â&#x20AC;? ing.â&#x20AC;? The most immedia iate immediate local impact of Monda ay â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shutdo wn of the feder eral shutdown federal ggovernment overnment w as in tha was thatt office aatt 820 F air R o oad. Fair Road. E x ecutiv e Dir ector ctor Executive Director La atham F arl arley could not Latham Farley
Street S Str reet pr project oject ect completed compleeted
TODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S T ODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S THO THOUGHT OUGHT c$2/</b= 98/ A+C c$2/</b= A+C >>99 038. 9?> 30 + 7+8 3= 298/=> 298/=> _ +=5 237L 0 2/ =+C= =+C= aC/=Mb aC/=Mb C9? C9? 589A 589A 2/ 3= -<995/.Ld -<995/.Ld _ <9?-29 <9?-29 +<B +<<B U,9<8 >23= .+>/ .+>/ 38 M M .3/. . 38 V V 9< 9< 79</ 79</ 98 >9.+C >9.+C 38 3 23=>9<CM 23=>9<CM >?<8 >9 >9 :+1/ :+1/ L
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William Garrett, William Garrett, ooff C Columbus, olumbus, lays lays do down wn a white whitte sstripe tripe as ccars ars zip ppast ast him on a sstretch tretch ooff W Wapakoneta apakoneta A venue that has been closed closed ttoo thr ough tr afficc ffor or months until TTuesday uesday when it rreopened. eopened. The rroad oad w as Avenue through traffic was closed from Parkwood Street Russell Road phasee 2 ooff the W Wapakoneta Avenue clo sed fr om P arkwood Str eet ttoo R ussell R oad during d phas apakoneta A venue rreconstruction econstruction project Department Sidney. pr oject ccoordinated oordinat d ed bbyy the Ohio D epartment ooff TTransportation ransportation and the city ooff Sidne ey.
be rreached eached ffor or comment ment T ntty â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s uesday. The cou Tuesday. countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office of N attural Resources Resourrces Natural and Conserv ation was was also a Conservation closed. A ne w director directorr is new supposed to st art Monday, Monda day, start if the ggovernment overnment is up and running ag gain by then. hen. again S ervices to vveterans eterans a Services ar aree not impacted by the potential lapse in aapproppro pria tions, accor ding to priations, according Ed B all, dir ector of the Ball, director S helby County V a eeterans Shelby Veterans S ervices Commission. on. Services All V t tion eeterans Associa Veterans Association medical facilities and clinics will rremain emain fully ully oper ational. operational. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the eevent vent ther ere there rremains emains a p ro l o n g e d prolonged ggovernment o v ernment shutdo o wn shutdown iinto nt o la te O ct ob er, an d aand late October, appr opriated funding is appropriated eexhausted, xhausted, then claim pr oprocessing/pa yment to ward cessing/payment toward See S ee A AGENCY GENCY | 12
New Saturday New hours ours for callingg about bout newspaper er T o insur delivery of the Saturday Saturda d y To insuree delivery newspaper w r, the S idney Daily N ews newspaper, Sidney News hourss during hass adjusted the hour ing which ich customer service rrepresentaepresent ntatives contacted. Starting tiv e may es may be cont acted. St arting ting Saturday, customerss ma mayy ccall thiss S aturday, customer from the office fr om 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Customers aree encour encouraged C ustomerss ar aged to call 937-498-5939 7-498-5939 if they do not rreceive eceiv eive Saturday byy 9 aa.m. ttheir heir S aturday paper paper b .m. There wait Ther ere is no rreason eason to w ait until ntil Monday delivery Monda onday to call, as de livery willl be Saturday customers made de S aturday to those customer merrs were whoo w ere missed. The time adjustadjust ustensuree tha ment nt is being made to ensur tthatt all customers customers rreceive eceive their paperr on Saturday. S aturday.
Sidney ey manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2122; case among ng more than h 1,640 han 1 640 added ed to Ohio Unsolved Homicidess Databasee COLUMBUS COL UMB US U â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ohio A Attorney ttorney Gener General neral Mik Mikee DeWine DeWine has announced ed tha thatt mor moree than have 1,640 cold case se homicides ha ve been added too the Ohio Unsolv Unsolved ed Homicides Da Database tabase since nce eff efforts orts to eexpand xpand thee pr program ogram were w ere announced nced last yyear.Among ear..Among them is the case of James Jamess L. Jones Jones of S Sidney, idney, who w was as killed in Champaign County in 1994. 94. Attorney A t torney Gener General al Jone Joness DeW DeWine ine asked ask sked la law w eenforcement n f o rc e m e n t aagenge n cies to submit mit their cold case inf information ormation to t the online da datat abase in September S eptember tember 2012. A Att
the time, e, ther theree were were only 166 unsolved unsolv ed d homicide cases on the site. Today T oday ther theree ar aree 1,808 cases in n the da database. t abase. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since S ince launching the d da database t abase eexpansion, xpansion, w wee ha have ve rreceived eceived doz doz-e ens of tips rregarding egarding sseveral eve ra l ooff tthe h e llisted isted c cases,â&#x20AC;? ssaid aid A Attorney ttorney General DeWine. G Gener al DeW ine. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;We We w want ant to kkeep eep remindreminding ng Ohioans tha thatt it is n ne never ver too la late te to come informafforward o ard with inf orw ormation. ion. E Even ven inf information ormation thatt might tha ght seem insignificant could bee the det detail ail that that breaks breaks a case.â&#x20AC;?
T The ggoal oal of the Ohio Unsolv Unsolved solved Homicides Initia Initiative tive is to o bring widespr widespread ead visibil visibil-ityy to unsolv unsolved ed cases,, incr increase ease the possibility ffor or tips, and help he lp p jurisdictions compar comparee details det a ails of unsolv unsolved ed crimes. Agents Ag e ents with the A Attorney ttorney Gener neralâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s B ureau of Criminal Generalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bureau Investigation In vestig e ation can also assist agencies investigating local al ag encies in in nvestigating unsolved unsolv olved homicides. Attorney General DeWine A ttorney Gener al DeW ine features aalso lso rroutinely outinely fe atures cases cases database ffrom ro m tthe he d at a b a s e oon n tthe he homepage Attorney h homepag mepage off the A ttorney t Generalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website effort Gener neralâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s w ebsite in an eff ort thatt case incr increased to bring tha eased visibility. visibility bility. was murdered JJones o ones w as ffound ound mur dered
on the south west side of Kiser iser southwest L Lake ake S State t ate Park, Park, near near State St ate R Route oute 235 near Cary Carysville. sville. His was parked vvehicle ehicle w as ffound ound park ked in the ar ea. The cor oner â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office fice area. coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s indica indicated ted JJones ones died of blunt unt fforce orce tr auma. trauma. information Those with inf ormation on thiss or any ot other thi her unsolved unso lvved homicide can cont contact act BCI aatt 855-BCI-OHIO 855-BCI-OHIO.. T Tips ips can also be submit submitted ted online thr through ough ugh Attorney Generalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the Ohio A ttorney Gener ralâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website. w ebsite. La Law w enf enforcement orcement agencies agencies cies thatt w would likee to include their tha ould lik heir database cases in the da tabase should ould cont contact act BCIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; BCIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s JJennifer ennifer Dillion lion aatt 740-845-2000.
To T o pur purchase chasse pho photographs tograaphs appe appearing aring in the Sidne Sidneyy Daily Dailyy Ne News, ws, g ws go o to to www.sidne m