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Coming C oming Monda Mondayy American Ame erican P ro ofile Profile s Cho Chow w Time TimeNN ?< ?< >>+=>C +==>C <</-3:/= /-3:/= 009< 9< -29 -29A./<M A./<M + -<9== ,/>A//8 +<// 69 69+./. ,3>== -< 9== ,/ >A//8 ==9?: 9?: +8. + ==>/AM >/AM +< +./. A3>2 ,3> 9900 ==/+099. /+099. +8. @@/1/>+,6/=L /1/>+,6/ + =L Inside Monda Mondayy

Vol. V ol. 12 1233 No. No. 199 199

O October ctober 55,, 22013 013

S Sidney, idney, Ohio

www.sidneydailynews.com www.sidneeydailynews.com

$1.25 $11.25

1 h comes 1487th mes home ome Guardd unit gets Guar gets heroes’ herroes’ wwelcome elcomee on return return frfrom o Aghanis om Aghanistan tan


Will E Sande Sanders ers

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Staff Writer wsanders@civitasmedia.com wsanders@civitasm edia.com


86ºº 65 65ºº

PIQUA PIQU A — A pa patriotic triotic sho showing wing of lo ved ones nes pack ed the Piqua loved packed High S chooll G ymnasium as the sol School Gymnasium sol-dierss fr om the he Ohio Army N ational from National Guar d’s 1487th 14 487th T Guard’s ransport ation Transportation made their triumphant t rreturn eturn home Friday emo-F riday afternoon rnoon during an emo ceremony held tional homecoming ecoming cer emony he ld honor. in their honor or. patriotic A pa trioticc sea of rred, ed, white and blue, American rican fflags, lags, veterans, veterans,

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war children war a wives wives and flag-waving f lag-waving childr ldren erupted soldierss enter entered upted as the 160 soldier tered into to the gym to the rrousing ousing applause lause and crowd. d emotion of the cr owd. Only O On ly 11 11 months ago a similar milar months ago sim event was held event e w as he ld aatt the high school chool for forr the unit’s mony, unit’’s Call to Duty ceremony, cerem but moree bu ut that that ceremony ceremony was was much mor somber thatt day Friday mber tha r y rida day than it was was F when wh hen the soldierss were nited were reunited reunited with celebrated th their families and ce lebrrated '366 ' 366 L # #+8./<= +8./<= n # for country.. forr their service to the country A lone balloon balloon lingers lingers in the he air of of the Piqua High School School ggymnaym mnaunit,, st stationed Eaton T unit The ationed in Ea ton n but sium Friday Friday as ssoldiers oldiers fr om m the 11487th 487th TTransportation ransportation C omppany from Company filt er into eremony am mid a ppatriotic atriotic oovation vation by edss ooff filter into the cceremony by hundr amid hundreds

See S ee HOME E | 8 ffamily friends.. amily and friends

Fire safety afety


Fed shutdown hutdown threatens tens WICC

e. .. Insid ig b save

Michael Rubinkam

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“It’ ’s lik yment nt ,� “It’s likee a car pa payment,� ssaid ai d the t h e unemployed u n em p lo yed mother of thr ee. three. The Special S upplement al Nutrition ion Nutrition Supplemental Pr ogram ffor or W omen, men, Program Women, Infants and Childr en — Children bet ter kno wn as WIC better known — supplies lo w-income ome low-income w omen with check women checkss or de bit car ds tha debit cards thatt can be used ffor or infant fformula ormula mula and cer eal, fruits and vvegegcereal, et ables, dairy items and etables, other healthy ffood. ood. WIC also pr ovides br east-feed eedprovides breast-feeding support and nutri utrinutrition classes. P oor w omen men Poor women with ith childr en under d 5 ar children aree eeligible. ligible. JJust ust bef or e tthe before shutdo wn, the U .S. shutdown, U.S. Department of Agricultur arned ned Agriculturee had w warned tha ates w ould run r thatt st states would out of WIC cash after er a ““week week or so.� No w the Now ag ency ssays ays WIC should ould agency be able to pr ovide bene ene provide benefits thr ough g la te October ber, through late October, with st ates using $100 100 states m il lion in fe deral cconon million federal ting ency money rreleased eleased sed tingency W e d n e s d ay aand n d $$280 280 Wednesday million in unspent funds nds fr om the last budg et yyear. e . ear from budget If the aid dries up, des des-per ate moms will pr rob perate probably dilute their babies’ ies’ fformula ormula with w ater to water mak er,, or makee it last long longer, simply giv ater givee them w water or milk, ssaid aid the R ev. Rev. Douglas A. G reenaway, Greenaway, head of the N ational WIC National Associa tion, an ad voca o Association, advocacy gr oup. P ediatricians ans group. Pediatricians ssay ay childr en under 1 children shouldn ’t drink co w ’s shouldn’t cow’s m il k bbecause ec a u se tthey h e y ccan an milk See SHUTDOWN S ee SHUTDO WN | 5

Associated Press


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Leilani S Leilani Serrano, erranoo, 7, 7, of of Anna, tries tries on a fir firefighter’s efighter’s jack jacket et with the help of of firefighter firefighter Mark P ulfer, ooff Anna, a, during a fire fire safety safety program program heldd at the Anna Fir Department ffor or Anna Pulfer, Firee Department sstudents. tudents. Several Sever e al students students took took turns put ting on the jack et. Leilani Leilani is the daughter daughtter ooff putting jacket. Tina S errano. Serrano.

ALLENTOWN, AL LE NT OWN, P Pa. a. — Jacob Jacob Q Quick uick is a fa fatt and happy 4-monthh- old 4-month-old with a big and eexpensive xpensiv nsive appetite. Lik Likee millions ions of other poor w omen, men, women, JJacob’s acob’s mother rrelies e lies men, on the federal federal W oom Women, pro Children proInfants and Children gram to pa nfant for infant gram payy for formula — aid that thaat is formula now jeopar dized by the now jeopardized government shutdo w wn. government shutdown. Pennsylvania and other Pennsylvania states say say they can operoperstates ate t WIC aatt least l t thr o h ough ate through the end of October,, eas eas-cials fears among officials ing fears that it w ould run out ut of that would But days. But money within days. advocates and others other hers advocates worry what what will happen ppen worry shutdown drags draggs on if the shutdown beyond that. that . beyond “What’’s going going o “What’s to hap hap-ask sked pen to my baby?� asked Jac ob’s mother, mo the r, Cierra Cii erra Jacob’s S choeneberg ger, as she Schoeneberger, bottle of formuformu rmufed him a bottle la bought with her WIC voucher.. ““Am Am I ggoing oingg to voucher. haave to feed him regular reggular have going g to milk, or am I going haave to scr ounge up the have scrounge little bit of chang little changee I do haave for for formula formula or eeven ven have food?� baby food?� serv es nearly near early WIC serves mothers and 9 million mothers yyoung oung childr en, providprovidchildren, ing wha vocates ssay ay is whatt ad advocates vit al nutrition tha p vital thatt poor families might otherwise wise be unable to aff ord. afford. S choenberg er, ffor or Schoenberger, eexample, xample, ssaid aid her son g oes thr ough about $40 goes through w orth of fformula ormula a w eek. worth week.

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United U ited t dW ted Way h helps elps l people ple in crisiss The S Shelby helby l County United W Way ay has rreporteported tha thatt W Week eek Thr Three ee of its Aspire Aspir ire to Livee United Liv d cam cam-paign p ai g n totals t o t all s are are $133,241. Through dona-Thr ough dona tions, the S Shelby helby County United Way W ay funds ffour o ag our agencies encies in the impact ct ar area ea of car-ing ffor or people le in crisis: New N ew C Choices hoic oic es is a domestic violence olence she shellE XXOT OTIC INSECTS FROM AROUND THE W WO ORLD

ter ffor or ba battered tterred w women omen and childr children. en. Last yyear, ear, 96 w women omen and nd childr children en in the county ounty need need-ed a ssafe afe fe place to st ay and nd rreceive eceive stay supportt servic servici es. S Separately, epar parately, it offerss w offer workshops orkshops and pr presentations e esent ations on da dating ting violence olence and bullying to local cal schools . The Northern ern Miami See S ee CRISIS | 8

$1.3 $$1 1.3 Million M illion Goa G o l Goal 1 Million Million 750,000 0,000 675,000 5,000 500,000 0,000 375,000 5,000 250,000 0,000 125,000 5,000

State enabling abling bling online filings forr businesses COLUMBUS COL UMBUS (AP) — Ohio Secretary Secrretary of State State Jon Jon H usted’’s office is launching hing Husted’s a ne w initia ative to let busibusiinew initiative nesses file moree re required equir ireed st state ate p paperwork paperw p orrk online line instead of by mail. He ssays ays accepting the most fre frequently equently used filing filings ing gs online will he help lp ggovernment overnment ment kkeep eep pace with the speed d of business and mak ke the proprromake cess more morre efficient to benefit nefit consumer consumers rs and ttaxpayers. axpaayerrs. s He ssays ays the fforms orms availavaill-

able ffor or online submission sion re epreesent about half of the represent filing gs his office re eceived last filings received yyear. earr. The aavailable vailable fforms orms rms will include those to cre create eate ea a limited liabilityy company company, panyy, renew re eneew a tra trade trade name or mak make ke a biennial re report eport for for a pro proprofessional associa association. ation. T o file online, business ness To will ha ave to cr reaate a profile prrofile o have create thr rough the securee site for for through Husted’s H usted’’s office. P Paper aper forms forms rms still will be aavailable vailable ffor or those who pre prefer efer them.

Dr.insecta’s D Dr Dr.ins r.ins r. ins nsect sect sec se ctta’s cta taaa’ss B Bug ugg La LLab ab ab

Totally T otally E ED-F ED-Fun-Cational un-C Cational October Octob berr 5, 5, 2013 at 11:00 A.M. A.M . . Cameo Theatre • 304 S. West St. • Sidney,y, OH 45365 4

Children C Ch Child hild ild ldren dren $4 $4 • Adult Adultt $6 $6

Purchase Tickets At Gateway G y Arts Council, Ron & Nitas and d at the door

937-498-2787 937-4 4 498 498-2787

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