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Vol. V ol. 12 1233 No. No. 201 201
O October ctober 9 9,, 2013 2013
S Sidney, idney, Ohio
$1.00 $11.00
Lawsuit wsuit against Kimpel el fails in attempt pt to recoup coup back ack payy CALL TO TODAY ODAAY
Kathy Leese
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TODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S T OD DAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NE NEWS EWS TODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S T ODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WE WEATHER ATHER
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Kimpel, behalf Shelby Kimpe l, on be half of the S helby Commissioners, seekCounty Commissioner Commissionerss, see kA la lawsuit wsuit to rrecoup ecoup back ing to rrecoup ecoup approximately approximately payy fr pa om former mer S heriff Dean $60,424.87 from former Sheriff interest. Att the 87 plus inter est . A Kimpel, Kimpe l, who w as ter-was ttime ime the lawsuit lawsuit was was minated mina ted ffor orr alleg ed alleged filed, AGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fi iled, the A Gâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office wrongdoing, wr ongdoing, has failed. thatt Kimpel aargued ar gued tha Kimpel aree County officials ficials ar â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;was was unjustly enriched upset with the he ruling, for hold-$ $60,424.87 for hold rrendered endered byy JJudge udge ing Sheriff in ng the office of S heriff David Faulkner, Da vid F aulkner lkner, a Shelby County, o S of helby County y, but Hardin rretired etired Har din in County d did not eexercise xercise any Common Pleas eas Court powers o the rights, po of wers JJudge udge and Kenton Kenton o rresponsibilities or esponsibilities of Dean D ean Kimpel Municipal M unicipal Court urt JJudge. udge. between Oct.. tthe he office betw een Oct was The decision w as filed 6 2011 and JJune 6, une 15, Shelby Clerkk of 2012.â&#x20AC;? in S helby County Cler Monday. Court Monda y. his Faulkner IIn n h i is rruling, uling, F aulkner Attorney Generalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Ohio A ttorney Gener alâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wr wrote that sus-ote tha hat Kimpel Kimpel was was sus lawsuit against office filed the he la wsuit ag ainst pended fr from om office ffor or an
Cityy launches launches E-bill E-bill bill program locals pr ogr gram for for loc ocals Kathy Leese
Walk W alkk to to E End nd Alzhe Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sset et ffor or Saturday Saturda d y s 6969-+6 +6 00+736C +736C >>+65= +65= +,9?> >2/ >>936 936 6D2/37/<b= 6D2/37/<b= 2+== >+5/8 >+5/8 98 >2/3< 69 @/. 98/ =L P a e 77.. ag Page 69@/. 98/=L
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During a Sidney S idney City orrkshop session Council w workshop Mondna y, member embers hear d of Mondnay, members heard new plans ffor or a ne ew online utility E bill pr E-bill ogram a aavailable vailable to program rresidents esidents thiss month. The program progrram will allow allow local rresidents esidents nts to receive receive ttheir h ei r u t i li t y bbills il l s iin n ttheir h ei r utility email accounts. nts. The sy stem system will reportedly dly also rreduce educe reportedly costs to the city ity. city. City Manag ger Mar Markk C undiff Manager Cundiff ssaid aid local rresidents esiidents can begin no w to ggoo online onlline and sign up now by ffollowing ollowing the prompts prompts on the h city â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s webpage. webpag b ge. The h inf forrcityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s informa attion is loca ated on the main mation located pag ge of the w ebsite and if they page website ha ave pro oblems, they can call have problems, the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s city â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s revenue revenue collection department for for o more more inf formainformation. Kare en B erniing, rrevenue evenue col Karen Berning, col-lections manager manaagger ffor or the city of Sidney, Sidneyy, along alon ng with K Keen V an Ken Van Hook, IT manag er ffor or the manager city y, ggave ave a P owerpoint pre ecity, Powerpoint present ation rre eggarding the ne w sentation regarding new p rogram. T he p rogram gave gave program. The program an overview overview of the Revenue Revenue
ns Department , Collections Department, verrssees billing and paypaywhich ooversees oor income tax, tax, utility ments ffor billing, swimming imming pool passes and other billing bbilling.. Ther our cler rks who Theree aar aree ffour clerks handle the w orrk in the R evenue work Revenue Co llections De partment and Collections Department theree is an n income ttax ax admin admin-istra ator and d a department man istrator man-ag ger er. The part time clerkk and ager. seasonal he lp positions have haave help not been fi illed. The emplo yees filled. employees handle appr pproximately 5,165 approximately bills tha at aare are mailed and pr othat processed each ch month, as com com-par ed to aappr oximaately 4,800 pared approximately bills tha at w eree pr ocessed each that were processed month in No vember 2011. November Appro oximaately 37 per cent of Approximately percent all accounts ts ar y. aree billed monthly monthly. Ther re 909 commerc cial, Theree ar are commercial, industrial and ggovernment overnment utility bills s, of which 10 0 aare re bills, 100 billed monthly nthly and 809 ar aree billed quarter arterly. Ther quarterly. Theree ar aree 8,149 rresidential esidential idential utility bills with 3,282 82 billed monthly and 4,867 billed quarter rlyy. quarterly. C urrently ly, local customerss Currently, can pa u bills thr ough payy utility through A utoPa y, online banking, AutoPay,
compensation felony â&#x20AC;&#x153;indictment dictment ffor or fe lony filed in the compens ation paid.â&#x20AC;? Faulkner addressed Auglaize Countyâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kimpe â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kimpell A uglaize glaize County F aulkner addr essed the issue sue Kimpell under later entered la terr enter ed a plea of gguilty uilty of ssalary alary paid to Kimpe der O.R.C. thatt issuee is unrelated felony charge to an unr elated fe lony char rge O .R.C. 3.16, noting tha detailed Shelby County.. He in S helby County â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;very very det ailed and spespe was thatt w as sentenced on tha cificâ&#x20AC;Ś.it is the rresponespon ponccharge harrgge and the Auglaize sibility of the aattorttort Auglaize charged was dis-County unty case w as dis ney char rged with the prosecution make missed sed on motion of the pr osecution to mak ke a determination concernState.â&#x20AC;? St ate.â&#x20AC;? t determina tion concern ernthatt fe felonyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Reviewing R eviewing the fact ing tha lony â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rrelaelaofficialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thatt Kimpe Kimpell continued tha tionship to the officialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Upon determindurto rreceive e eceiv e his ssalary alary dur rduties. U pon determin minthatt rrelationship, was sus-ing the time he w as sus ing tha elationship, hip, David D avid Faulkner Faulkner a from pended ded fr om office and iitt iiss tthe he aattorneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ttorney â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transwas later convicted w as la ter con nvicted of a rresponsibility esponsibility to tr a ans charging docufelony charge Shelby County, fe lony ny char rge in S helby County y, mit a copy of the charg ging docu ocuFaulkner wrote, Board F aulkner ote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;the the B oard (of ment to the Chief JJustice ustice of the a lkner wr Shelby Commissioners) S helby l County Commissioners s) See S ee LAWSUIT LAWSUIT | 3 brought br ou ught this action to rrecover ecover
Weaving its web
# 29>9 n ?5/ <988/,/<1
A banded garden spider hangs out in a field along Russell Road Tuesday. The spider can be found around the world.
S See ee CITY | 4
Levyy committee tee updates tes BOE on election n Board also learns ns more about third-grade rd-grade reading guarantee Melanie Speic Speicher cher mspeicher@civitasme
The upcoming ming income ttax ax le levy vy and the third-grade third-grade rreading e eading gguarantee uarantee topped the reports reports hear heard d Monday Monday night by the S Sidney idney City Schools S chools B Board oard of Educa Education. tion. Renee R enee Da Davis, vis, is, one of the levy levy co co-chair- chair-reported ed the Citizens ffor or S idney men, reported Sidney S chools Levy Levyy co - chairss continue to meet Schools co-chairs on a regular reggular basis in pr preparation eparation for for the Nov. Nov. 5 ballot pr proposal oposal ffor or the fiv five-year e -year 1 percent percent tr traditional aditional tional income ttax ax le levy, vy, which will replace replace the he eexpiring xpiring 9.9 mill pr property operty tax. tax.
Brett Brett Bickel, Bickel, she said, said, has been added committee and willl bring his eexpexpe to the committee government and communicommunirience as a government cations cations teacher at at Sidney Sidneyy High School. S chool. B oard of of Education Education President Pres e ident Me lanie Board Melanie Cook has also joined thee commit committee tee to represent represent the BOE. â&#x20AC;&#x153;During the past two two weeks, weeks, we we ha have ve made mailings mailing gs to targeted t arggeted ed voters,â&#x20AC;? voterss,â&#x20AC;? said said Davis. Davis. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This â&#x20AC;&#x153; This week week a mailing ng is being sent community mmunityy.â&#x20AC;? to those of the senior community.â&#x20AC;? informational card card too the entire entire com An informational com-munity, she said, said, will be mailed ailed next next week. week. k munity, Davis Daavis said s aid residents residents who o still ha have ve their yard yard signs from from the August Auggustt eelection lection should
Obama, Obama, ma, B Boehner oehner ner tr trade adee barbs, b arb bs, hint hintss o off ccompromise ompromis o e David Espo AP Special Correspond Correspondent dent
WASHINGTON W ASHINGTON (AP) â&#x20AC;&#x201D; President Presidentt Barack Barack Obama ma and House Speak Speaker er JJohn ohn n Boehner B oehner tr traded aded ded hea heated ted rh rhetoric hetoric yyet et also o showed showed signss of compr compromise omise T Tuesday, uesday, a frustratingly frustratingly inconclusiv inconclusivee combina combination tion tha thatt left an eight-day eight- da d y partial ggovernment overnment shut shut-down down firmly in place and the thr threat eat of an n unprecedented unprecedented ed na national tional default drawing drawingg closer.. Stockss fell Stock fell significantly â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the Dow Dow Jones Joness average average by b 159 59 points i t â&#x20AC;&#x201D; as political litical grid gridided. And, in the la test in a string off lock endur endured. latest dire dire w warnings, arning gss, the Interna International tional Monet Monetary aryy Fund Fund ssaid aid failure failur ilure to rraise aise Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s de debt btt limit could lead to default and disruptt
worldwide worldwide financial markets, markkets, raise raise interest interest rates rates and push the U.S U.S S economy conomy back into recession. recession. Even Even the dea deaths ths of U U.S. .S.. servicemen oover ver the weekend weekend in Afghanist Afghanistan tan w were ere grist ffor or the politicians. The Pentagon Pent nt agon ssaid aid tha thatt because of the partial shutdo shutdown wn it w was as unable to pay pay the customary omary dea death th ben ben-survivorss. R epublican House efits to the survivors. Republican Speaker Speaker JJohn ohn B Boehner oehner ssaid a Congr aid Congress ess had passed legislation legislation last w week eek permit permitting ting the payments, payments, adding it w was as â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;disgracefulâ&#x20AC;? disgracefulâ&#x20AC;? ffor or the administration administration to ssay ay otherwise. In Congress, Congress, a plan l bby S Senate enate Democr Democrats ats to raise raise the de debt bt limit by $1 trillion to st stave av e off a possible default drew drew lit little tle eevidence vidence of See S ee C COMPROMISE OMPROMISE | 5
yards. Anyone Anyone who put them out in their yards. yard sign collected after the had their yard August election election ection or anyone anyone who needs ds a August sign should ld contact contact the board board office, 497arner arner,, 498-0763, to rreceive eceiv eive 2200, or Bill W Warner, a sign. Public information inf nformation about the levy levy can n be obtained obtained at at g. Public blic informational informational onal meetings meeting gs will be he held ld aatt at the 11:30 a.m.. and 6:30 p.m. on Oct Oct.. 23 at S idney-S heelby County YMCA YMCA and Oct. Oct . 24 Sidney-Shelby at Amos Public Libr aryy. at Library. S uperintendent ntendent J ohn S cheu heu Superintendent John Scheu S See ee L LEVY EV Y | 3
Sidney man to S bee tried for rape, kidnapping A jury ury trial is scheduled ffor or Thurs Thursday sda day in S Shelby helby County Common n Pleas Court ffor or a S Sidney idney man charg charged ged d with rrape a and kidnapping ape kidnapping.. The defendant is Ma Matthew tthe w Ian McK McKenzie, enzie, nzie, 24, who is charg charged ged e one count of firs stt- degree rrape ape first-degree and one ne count of firs first-degree st- degr egree kidnap kidnap-ping ping.. McK McKenzie enzie is curr currently ently tly incar incarcerceraated ted aatt the S helby Shelby Countyy JJail ail aawaitwait- McK McKenzie enzie ing trial. al. The incident rreportedly eportedly edly occurr occurred ed Ma Mayy 27.
To T o pur purchase chasse pho photographs tograaphs appe appearing aring in the Sidne Sidneyy Daily Dailyy Ne News, ws, g ws go o to to www.sidne m