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Vol. V ol. 12 1233 No. No. 203 203
O October ctober 11, 2013 2013
S Sidney, idney, Ohio
$1.00 $11.00
AG to appeal al ruling in Kimpel el lawsuitt CALL TO TODAY DAAY 937.498.5910 937.498.5 5910
440501500 0501500
TODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S T OD DAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NE NEWS N EWS
Kathy Leesee Ohio A ttorney General Attorney General Mikee DeW Mik in ne ssaid aid his office DeWine plans to â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;continue co ontinue the ba ttleâ&#x20AC;? battleâ&#x20AC;? involving lawsuit in volving a la wsuit filed by the Shelby Commissionerss S helby County nty Commissioner against Sheriff ag ainst fformer ormer mer S heriff Dean Kimpel, seeking payy Kimpe l, see k king to rrecoup ecoup pa from was fr om him while he w as under The Attorney ssuspension. uspension. T he A tt o r n e y General (AG) spokee about Gener al (A AG) spok David Faulknerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s JJudge udge Da vid dF aulkner â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ruling, a favored Kimpel, which fa vored e Kimpe l, ssaying aying he intends to appeal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Weeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not ggoing oing too let this ggo. o. W eeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re battle.â&#x20AC;? ggoing oing to continue ntinue this ba ttle.â&#x20AC;?
Faulkner Faulkner er ruled that that Kimpel Kimpel does not have ot ha ve to rreturn eturn the disputed d money and wrote thatt Kimpelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wrote tha Kimpelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s suspension sion should have have been b in both Auglaize Shelby Auglaize ze and S helby counties, Kimpel c o u n t i e s , aass K i m p el was charges was facing cing charg charges in both counties ounties at at the time. Miami County M iami C ounty DeWine eWine Municipal Municipal pal Court JJudge udg ge D Gary N Nasal, was as al, who w as special pr prosecutor osecutor in the case, along with Miami County
Prosecutor Tony Prosecutor o Tony o Kendall, Kendall, who assisted, Kimpelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a sssi st e d, filed mp elâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fi le d for fo r Ki suspension following following Kimpelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Kimpelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s indictment on sexual sexual battery ges battery charges charg in Auglaize Auglaize County. County. chargAlthough those charg gwere dropped es w ere dr opped as agreepart of a plea agr ee ment,, he w was ment as found found felony gguilty uilty of a fe lony in Shelby County.. A Att the S helby County Nasal thatt time, N asal ssaid aid tha Kimpell from rremoving emoving Kimpe from was office ice w as in â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best interest.â&#x20AC;? inter erest .â&#x20AC;?
TODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S T ODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WE WEATHER ATHER
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Sidney High S Sidney chool students Alex W illman, Logan Logan Calvert, Jared TTangeman, ric Beigel Beigel donned cheerSchool students (l-r (l-r)) Alex Willman, Calvert, Jared aangeman, EEric cheerle ader out fitts ttoo cheer the po wderpuff ffootball ootballl pla yers onto onto vict ory Wednesday Wednesday night nnight.. The ssophomore ophomore leader outfits powderpuff players victory clas won the the championship bbyy de feating the junior niors 113-7. 3--7. classs won defeating juniors
+=>l <L "9+-2
TODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S T ODAYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S THO THOUGHT OUGHT c'2/8 + 0<3/8. =:/ =:/+5= +5= >>99 7/ 7/MM A2+>/@/< A2+>/@/< 2/ =+C= =+C= 3== 38>/</=>38>/</=>381Ld 381 Ld _ / /+8 +8 " "/893<M /893<M </8-2 </88-2 79 79@3/ @3/ .3</->9< .3< /->9< U U [ V [ V 9< 79< 9< 79<// 98 >>9.+C 9.+C 38 3 23= 23=>9<CM >9<CM >?<8 >>99 : :+1/ +1/
NEWS NE WS NUMBER NUMBERS ERS s / /A= A= >3:=M >3:=M --+66 +66 [ [ s 97/ ./63@ /<CM --+66 + +66 [ ./63@/<CM [ s 6+= =303/. +.@ /<>3==381M --+66 +66 6+==303/. +.@/<>3=381M [
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SHS HS seniors rs named ed d Commended mmended ed Students ents Sidney High S idney S chool Principal rincipal School Jon has Jon Geuyy announced tw twoo stu stu-d en t s have h av e been b ee n dents mmended named Commended Students in the 2014 National N a tional Merit Scholarship M e r it S c h o la rs h i p Program. Program. A letter letter of comcommendation mendation from from the school and N National ational Merit Scholarship M e r it S c h o la rs h i p Corporation
Mavity Ma vity
(NMSC), con(NMS C), which con onprogram, ducts the pr ogram, m,
presented will be pr esented by the principal to Tyler Schlagetter T yler S chlagetter Grace Mavity, and G race Ma vityy, seniors. both SHS senior s. Approximately 34,000 Commended Students S t u de n t s tthroughh ro u g h nation aree out the na tion ar bbeing e i n g rrecognized ecognized ffor or their eexceptional xceptional promise. academic pr omi se. Although they will not continue in the 2014 competition
See S ee KIMPEL | 4
Plea ea deal nets reduced duced chargee
Cheering for their team
775Âş 5Âş 51Âş 51Âş
JJudith udith Goldstein, Unit Manager Criminal M a n a ge r ffor o r tthe he C riminal Section/Corrections JJustice ustice S ection/Corrections ons Litigation AG, Litig ation Unit ffor or the A G, ssaid aid the issue of whether the have suspension should ha ve been een filed in both jurisdictionss is thatt the Courtt is â&#x20AC;&#x153;a question tha going have consider,, but g oing to ha ave to consider theree is a due pr process arguther ocess ar rg gu thatt he (Kimpe (Kimpel) ment tha l) did gget et process thatt he all of the due pr ocess tha was So w as oowed. wed. S o essentially by thatt (suspension) notice filing tha tice
Schlagetter S chlagetter
S See ee SHS | 16
Anna-area a-area man run portablee pizza business ness from custom-made ustom-madee truck Ginny Thom Thompson mpson ANNA ANN A â&#x20AC;&#x201D; First First came the oven, oven, then came me the truck, no now ow w wee ha have ve W Wild ild F Fire ire Pizza. Michael, Road, Alan Michae hael, 13177 Ailes R oad, semimifrom trade rretired etired fr om m his tr ade as a brick mason, on, and after trying ying factory w work ork ffor or a yyear ear or break new adventure. so, decided to br eak out a ne w ad venturre. He would would cr ccreate eate a mobile, on-site pizza zza business. already He had alr eady built an ooven ven to use aatt the family cabin. abin. He could mak makee it port portable able ble by put putting ting it on a tr trailer. ailer. B But ut after some me Alan Michael put putss ano another theer pizz pizzaa in the ooven ven eexperimental xperiment al a outings, outinggs, he soon rrealized ealized he at his mobile on-site pizza pizza business, business, Wild Wild mobile,, on-site wanted w anted air-conditioning, air-- conditioning, c rrefrigeration, efrigeration, and nd Fir a. Firee Pizz Pizza. bugs out.â&#x20AC;? short,, he a â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;way way to t kkeep eep the bug gs out t .â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? In short needed a truck. uck. Theree is a fully equipped st stainlessneeds. Ther ainlesssearch His sear c led to purchase ch purchase of a 2005 005 stee steell kitchen with w water, storage, aterr, enclosed stor age, GMC bo boxx truck ruck which, to Michae Michael, l, w was as not and yes, screen bugs yes, a scr een door,, â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;to to kkeep eep the bug gs boxx truck, was just a bo ruck, but w as a food food truck. He See S ee PIZZA PIZZA | 16 designed the he interior to meet his specific ific
A jury ry trial scheduled ffor or Thursday Thurrsdaay in Shelby S heelby County Common Pleas Court ffor or Sidney charged aS idney ey man char rgeed with rape raape and kidk kid nappingg was dant was canceled canceeled l after the defendant guilty to a reduced pleaded dg uilty u reeduced charge charrge earlier earrllier week. this w eeek. Matthew Ma atthe hew Ian McKenzie, McK Kenzie, 24, who origiorigi rigiiwas charged nally w as char rged with first-degree one count unt of fir rstt-degrree rape ra ape and nd one count of first-degree fir rsstt-degr grree e kidnapping, guilty to felonipleaded dg uilty loni u feelonil assault, ous ass sault, a seconddegree state degr ree felony. feelonyy. The st ate agreed agr reed to dismiss the charges, originall char rges, accordaccor accord dMcKenzie McK enzie ing to court rrecords. reecord ds. According Accor orrding to a grand gra grand indictment, McKenzie jury indictment dictment, McK Keenzie was used was accused of restraining gaaging g in reestrraaining a woman woman and engaging eng sexual May se xu ual conduct with her by force ay forc o ce on Ma felonious 27. Thee fe lonious assault assault charge charrge that thaat he guilty pleaded dg uilty to states states that thaat he struck the woman w oman with his hands and with a chair hair choked her. and chok oked her r. Sentencing S entencing encing has been set for ov. 255 aatt foor Nov. No 3 p.m. The maximum penalties ffor oor the charge twoo to eight years char rge aare arre tw yearrs in prison and a $15,000 00 fine.
Chocolate hocolate to flow w in downtown Sidney dneyy The Th he Do Downtown wnt o wn B Business usi n es s Association Sidneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Associa ociation has announced S idney ey â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first chocolate walk, firs st chocola te w alk, to ttake ake place ace aatt businesses usinesses thr throughout oughout do downtown wnto own Sidney from Oct.. 18. S idney ney fr om 7 to 9 p.m. Oct Participants purchase P a articipants can pur chase ticktick ickkets, which cost $10 each, aatt the Sidney-Shelby S idney-S ney-S helby County Chamber of Commerce Ron Nitaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Commer mmerce offices, R on & Nit aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s or Bridge. the Bridg ge. e walk The he w alk will begin in the Historic oric Sidney S idney ney Thea Theatre, tre, wher wheree w walkers alkerss w will given bags be giv en bag gs in which to collect lect chocolates. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll theirr chocola tes. They â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be ablee to visitt aatt least 10 businesses and d at at ticket-holder each h place, each tick et-holder will get treat. g et one piece of candy or other tr e t. ea â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trick-or-treat â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an adult trick - or-treat of Director sorts,â&#x20AC;? s,â&#x20AC;? ssaid aid DBA Dir ector Amy Breinich. Br einich. nich. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll gget eet to stop in and storee yyou aree familiar socialize alize in a stor ou ar liar establishwith h or learn about an est ablish ishnever before. mentt yyouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ne ver been in bef o e. or Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s great way Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also a gr eat w ay to rreacquaint eacquaint aint Downtown yyourself ourrself with Do wntown Sidney, S idney, all chocolates while le ttasting asting yummy chocola tes and spending nding time with friends.â&#x20AC;?
GERMAN DAY Jagerschnitzel, Sauerkraut Potato Bake, On Sidneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s SSid id â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Q Quiet i Side Sid # #%/%+ + 4' 8
Sweet & Tangy Green Beans, Wainachsrollen (cookies!)
To T o pur purchase chasse pho photographs tograaphs appe appearing aring in the Sidne Sidneyy Daily Dailyy Ne News, ws, g ws go o to to www.sidne m