Coming C oming Monda Mondayy American Ame erican P Profile ro ofile Foraging ffor Foraging or ggems ems amo among ong the junk — S Searching earching ffor or gems gems among pile or Mike olfe and rewarding job ffor Mike Wo piless ooff junk is a rewarding Wolfe FFrank rank Fritz, Fritz, who demons t ate the skill ooff foraging tr foraging ffor or vvalualudemonstrate antiquess and ccollectibles dilapidated barns, clut-able antique ollecttibles in dilapidat ed b arns, clut ttered ered sheds and oovergrown vergrown w yyards ards in the History History Channel’ Channel’ss Pickers� Mondayy ““American American Pick ers� sseries. eries. Inside Monda
Vol. V ol. 12 1233 No. No. 204 204
O October ctober 12, 22013 013
S Sidney, idney, Ohio
United ited Way funds nds assistt local cal seniorss
40501500 40501500
937.498.5910 937.498.59 910
775Âş 5Âş 58Âş Lukee Gr Luk Gronneberg onneber berg | Sidney Sidney Daily Daily News News
For a full weather For weather rreport, epoort, turn to to ppage age 99..
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Localife EEditor Localife ditor P a atricia wl ooff name eporter Mik effrin draws winners W Patricia Ann Speelman holds a bo bowl namess as rreporter Mikee S Seffrin draws winners Wednesday eednesday Harvest Cookbook Jones, in the 22013 013 Har vest Holiday Holiday C ookbook ccontest. ontest. Looking Looking ng on is ccookbook ookbook winner Darla Darla Jone es, ooff Sidney. Sidney.
Local ocal cooks ooks win in SDN drawing ing Patricia Ann Speelman S pspeelman@civitasme
DEATHS DE ATHS Obituaries and/or Obituaries and//or o death death noticnoticeess ffor or the following following people appear appe ar on page page 3 today: toda o y: s Kris Kristi ti K. O Osborn sborn s LLeonard eonard H. Jenkins ns s LLester ester M. Harp
INDEX INDE X Busine Business ss................. ................................ ............... 13 Cit City, y, C County ounty rrecords ecordss ............... ...............22 Clas Classified sified ............... ......................... .......... 115-18 5-18 Comics .................................. C omics ................... ............... 14 Hintss fr from Heloisee ..................6 Hint om Helois .................. 6 Hor oscopes ............ .......... 114,20 4,20 Horoscopes ...................... .................................6-7 LLocalife ocalife ................... .............. 6-77 Nation/World ..........................5 Nation/ World ......... ................. 5 Obituariess .............. ...............................3 Obituarie ................. 3 Sports .............................. Spor ts .................... .......... 110-12 0-12 State News St ate Ne ws ..............................4 .............................. 4 ‘Tween ‘T Tween 12 and 20 20 .................. .................. 19 Weather/Sudoku/Abby/Out W eather//Sudoku//Abb Abby/Out ooff Past/Dr. Roach the P ast/Dr. R oach .................9 ................. 9
TODAY’S T ODAY’S THO THOUGHT OUGHT “Too kno “T kknow w one one’s ’s sself elf lf is wis wisi nott ttoo kno know one’s dom, but no w one ’s neighbor neighborss is ggenius.� eniuss.� American — Minna Antrim, m, Americ an writer (1861-1950) writ er (1861 -1950) For For more more on today today in i history, history, turn ttoo p page age 5
NEWS NE WS NUMBER NUMBERS ERS s / /A= A= >3:=M >3 =M --+66 >3: +6666 [ [
s 97/ ./63@ ./63@/<CM /<CM --+66 + +66 [ [ s 6+= 6+==303/. =303/. +.@ +.@/<>3=381M /<>3==381M --+66 +66 498-5925 4 98-5925 s" "/>+36 />+36 +.@ +.@/<>3=381M /<>3=381M --+66 +66 [ [ 55980 980
$1.25 $11.25
Barb B arbb Monn Monnin, nin, of R Russia; ussia; Chery Cheryll Koewler, Koewler,, of S Sidney; idney; and nd Marilyn W Winner, innerr, of Fort Fortt L Lor Loramie, amie, i h ha have ave w won on top t prizes i i the in th Sidney Sidney id y Daily N ews 20 013 Harv est Holida Cookkbookk News 2013 Harvest Holidayy Cookbook dr drawing. awing. Their name names es w were eree drawn drawn from froom among 488 entra ants who ssubmitted submitted rrecipes ecipes ffor or inclusion n entrants Harvest Holidayy Cook Cookbook. in the 2013 H arvest Holida kbook. Thee drawing dr awing took place W Wednesday eednesday in the Dailyy N ews offices. Darl la JJones, ones, who sent several News severaall Darla re ecipes, serv ed as witness as rreporter eporter Mike recipes, Mike served S effrin pulled the names. Seffrin Monnin w o a $200 cash prize. W on innerr won Winner w on a $50 cash prize. K oewler w on a won Koewler won KitchenAid Ultra Ultra P ower 10-speed, 4 Power 1/2quart , st and mix er dona ted by thee 1/2-quart, stand mixer donated KitchenAid E x xperience R etail Center, Centerr, 423 S.. Experience Retail Br oadway, G reen e nville. Broadway, Greenville. R ecipes came ame fr om Anna, B otkins,, Recipes from Botkins, Br adford d, F amie, Houston, Jackson n oorrt Lor Jackson Bradford, Fort Loramie, Center r, Maple ewood, Minster,, N ew Kno xville,, Center, Maplewood, New Knoxville, Piqua, R ussia, ussiaa, S idneyy, V andalia, V errsailless Russia, Sidney, Vandalia, Versailles
and W apakoneta. Wapakoneta. The cook kbbook will be distributed d as an cookbook insertion in the S idney Daily aily N ews edition Sidney News of No ov. 23. Additional copie es can be ord dereed Nov. copies ordered in ad dvance ffor livery wit th the ne wspaper oor de advance delivery with newspaper orr pick up p in the Daily N ewss offices or ffices ffor or $1.25 $1 25 pickup News each. Copies can be mailed led ffor or $5 each. T o or der additional copies, es, send a check To order pa yable to the S idney Dai ily N ews to SD N payable Sidney Daily News SDN Cook kbook Or Ord derr, 1451 N andemarkk R andemar oad, Cookbook Order, N.. V Vandemark Road, S idneyy, OH 45365. Or derss ar Sidney, Orders aree limited to 20 copies per name. Include a ship -to addre ess. ship-to address. F or inf formation, call 498 8-5939. For information, 498-5939. The ffollowing rss pro ovided cop oollowing publisher publishers provided cop-ies of their ne wly publish hed cook kbook b s as newly published cookbooks prizes: Ar rssenal Pulp Pre esss, Uly yssses Pre ess, Arsenal Press, Ulysses Press, McCle lland & Ste wart Ltd d., Alpha B ooks, McClelland Stewart Ltd., Books, A tria B ooks/Simon & S ch husterr, American t Atria Books/Simon Schuster, Diabetes Associa tion, The H Harv ard d Common Association, Harvard Pr ess, Thomas N elson, au uthorss JJen en Elsner Press, Nelson, authors and JJulie ulie Metzler r, A ARP aand P osit S cience, Metzler, AARP Posit Science, W orrkman Publishing, JJeremy ereemy e P arc archer/ Workman P.. T Tarcher/ P engguin, The Harv ard Common Pr ess, Penguin, Harvard Press, S kyhorsse Publishing and Andre ew McMee Andr Skyhorse Andrew McMeell Publishing L LC. LLC.
Kidss festival set for Oct. ct. 19 9 The annuall Kids F Fall all Festival Festival has been n scheduled ffor or Oct Oct.. 19 fr from om 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.. in do downtown wntown S Sidney. idneyy. The tr traditional aditional onal festiv festival al fea features atur turees trick trick-ork-orrttreating reating around arooun nd the the courtsquare courtsquare and and free freee activities aatt Amos A Memorial Libr Library. raryy. It iss sponsore sponsored ed by the Do Downtown wntown S Sidney idney B Business usinesss Association, Library, Associa tion, Amos Memorial Libra Libr aryy, thee Spot rrestaurant estaurrant and the S Sidney-Shelby idney-Shelbyy County Chamber ber of Commerc Commerce. Commer ce. Theree will be a costume Ther costume-judging -judging j g g contest ffor orr childre children en up to ag age ge 12 aatt 10 a.m. on the north h side of the courtsquar courtsquare. e. Trick-or-treating Trickk- orr-treating g begins aatt 11 a.m. aatt participa participating ating do downwn-
to town wn businesses, which willl displa displayy a trick trick-ork-orrtre treating eaating sign in their windo windows. ws. Costumes aree rrequired equireed ffor equir or trick trick-or-treating k-orr-trreaatingg and ffor or ag ages ges 12 and under only only. y. F From rroom 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. childr children childreen can enjoy enjoy pumpkinpumpkin-decorating, decoraating, ggames ames and refreshments refreshments re aatt the Amos Memorial Libr Library. raryy. Prizes ffor or the costume contest c have ha ave been dona donated ated by ar area rea restaurants restauraants ts and businesses, and the Spot rrestaurant estaurrant annually nually provides pr pro ovides the pumpkin p p pies p as part p of thee tre tr treats eaats enjo enjoyed j yed at at the libra library. aryy. F For or iinformation nformation oorr tto o d donate onate tto o the Kids F all F estival, call 492-9122. Fall Festival,
The S Shelby h lby County United W he Way ay has h rreported eported campaign tot als of $156,884 4 as totals of the end d of w eek no. 4 of the campaign. gn. week A ffourth ourth rth impact ar ea of funding is area â&#x20AC;&#x153;Improving Lives Seniors,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Impr oving ng the Liv es of S eniors,â&#x20AC;? ffor or agencies funding.. which ffour ou ur ag encies rreceive eceive funding Senior Sidney-Shelby The S e enior idney-S helby Center of S County had 39,195 annual v i s i t s to their center $1.3 $1 $ 1.3 i 2012, an in Million M i llion incr ease of increase Goal Goa o l 8,000 visits. sits. 1 Million Million The thr ree threestory facility cility offer m offerss many 750,000 0,000 programming oppor pporoppor675,000 5,000 tunities fr om from car d ggames, a ames, card billiar ds, and billiards, 500,000 0,000 bing go to chair bingo volleyball, 375,000 5,000 the Mo ve & Move G ro ove ex e rGroove exercise cour ourse, course, 250,000 0,000 and an eexerxercise rroom oom m with 125,000 5,000 many pieces ieces of car d dio cardio e q u i p m e n t . Pickleball and nd a Pila t tes Pilates class will be added ed shortly shortly.. A d u l t D a y Services, loca ted in n the lo wer le vel of F ven aair Ha located lower level Fair Haven S helby County Home, pr ovides senior orss Shelby provides seniors supervision on and health car cial caree in a social set ting to o pr omote continued indepen ensetting promote independence. Many seniors seniors w ould ld be home me would homebound and nd enter nur rsing homes aatt an nursing ear lier ag ge in their liv es if they did not earlier age lives participa t in the Adult Da te ervices ces participate Dayy S Services Pr ogram. Thr ough pr ogramming, senior orss Program. Through programming, seniors kkeep eep their eir independence long er while hile longer impr oving g both their phy sical and ment nt al improving physical mental functioning ng le vels. levels. Ca tholic ic S ocial S ervices S enior Health alth Catholic Social Services Senior pr ogram assisted 17 senior ted program seniorss with United W ay funding ding in 2012. A monthly car are Way care plan consists sists of car ement , emer merrcaree manag management, emerggency ency rresponse, esponse, sponse, social w orkk counse ling, ng, work counseling, pers sonal car ew. personal caree services to name a fe few. Ninety per cent of the seniorss rreported eported ted percent tha rsing s home placement w as pr ethatt nur nursing was prevvented ented orr de layed. delayed. R e t i re d S en i o rs V olunteer P ro g ra m Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RS VP) rrecruits ecruits and identifies senior orss (RSVP) seniors to open vvolunteer olunteer opportunities with S helby County nonpr ofit org ganizations ons Shelby nonprofit organizations and school ol districts. RS VP ma tches vvololRSVP matches unteer with or rganizations wher heir unteerss w organizations wheree their past life eexperiences xperiences and skill sets will be maximized. mized. F or inf o orma tion about the United W ay, For information Way, or to dona nate, call 492-2101. donate,
Broudd retiring; Sielschott elschott to take ake over at Edward dward Joness
Visit the Sidne Visit Sidneyy Daily Daiily News News on the w web eb at w
Broud Br oud
Erroll Err oll Broud Broud of the financial ancial ward JJones, ones, services firm Ed Edward with offices in S Sidney, idney, rrecently ecently cently rreceived e c e i ve d tthe he L Legacy e ga c y A Award w a rd finan-designed to rrecognize ecognize finan cial ad advisers visers who will rretire etire after aatt least 20 years yearss of o ser-vice with the firm. Br oud, who has served served e 36 Broud, yyears ears as an Edward Edward Jones Jones financial ad viser, will rretire etire adviser, Dec. 31. Danie Danielle lle S Sielschott ielschot schott
will be ttaking aking oover ver the br branch anch office aatt tha thatt time. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Throughout Throughout his yyears e s of ser-ears vice, i E Err Erroll oll ll has de devoted voted d tens thousands hours workof thous ands of hour ours w orkking one one-on-one - on- one with clients to he help lp them meet theirr financial needs,â&#x20AC;? ssaid aid JJim im W Weddle, eddle, the firmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s managing partner tner. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am firmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s partner. gr ateful ffor or his 36 yyears ears with grateful our firm dedica ted to making dedicated a differ difference ence ffor or his clients by
under understanding standing their financial needs and ggoals oalss and identify identify-ing individual financial solu solu-tions.â&#x20AC;? i â&#x20AC;? Broud honored Br oud ssaid aid he is honor ed to rreceive eceive the Leg Legacy acy aaward. ward. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;When When I joined d this firm 36 yyears ears ag o, I kne ew I w as mak kago, knew was making the right decision,â&#x20AC;? ssaid aid Br oud. â&#x20AC;&#x153;No w I can ssay ay tha Broud. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Now thatt Sielschott chott See S ee RE RETIRING ETIRING | 3 Siels