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Vol. 123 No. 206

October 16, 2013

Sidney, Ohio



Suspect arrested shortly after bank robbery CALL TODAY 937.498.5910




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Sidney Police arrested a man Tuesday afternoon about an hour after he allegedly robbed a bank downtown. Arrested and charged with one count of robbery, a third-degree felony, was Trevor Michael Newbauer, 39, 1529 E. Court St., Apt. H. Police arrested Newbauer at or near his residence about an hour after the robbery, Detective Sgt. Rob Jameson said. Jameson said Newbauer was arrested without incident. Police used photos taken by bank cameras to identify and locate Newbauer, Jameson said. Police got a 911 call about 12:09 p.m. reporting a robbery at the US Bank, 115 E. Court St. The suspect entered the bank and handed the

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A man who robbed US Bank in downtown Sidney Tuesday is shown in this bank securitycamera photo. Police arrested a suspect about an hour after the robbery.

teller a note demanding money. He then fled the bank on foot with an undetermined amount of cash. No weapon was displayed. Officers and detectives responded to the scene and during the # 29>9 n 35/ #/00<38 course of the investigaA police cruiser sits in front of US Bank in downtown Sidney Tuesday afternoon after a robbery tion a suspect was idenwas reported at the bank. Police arrested a suspect in the robbery a short time later. tified, police said.

Girls injured in ATV crash Two young Shelby County girls were injured after the ATV they were riding was struck by a car Monday afternoon. The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the incident and has determined the 10-year-old girl was operating the ATV in the 1600 block of Miami Conservancy Road off the west side of the road. Her 5-year-old sister was riding as passenger. For an unknown reason, the ATV entered the southbound lane of the road and was struck by a vehicle driven by Sandra Karnehm,

65, of Piqua. Both youths were ejected from the ATV on impact. Karnehm was treated at the scene and released. The 10-yearold girl was taken via CareFlight to Children’s Hospital in Dayton. The 5-year-old was transported to Wilson Hospital by Sidney medics. The girls were not wearing helmets or safety clothing. Emergency units responding to the scene were the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, Houston Fire and EMS, Sidney EMS and CareFlight. The investigation is continuing.

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Shelby County Sheriff’s Deputies investigate the scene of a car and ATV crash that occurred early Monday afternoon near 1650 Miami Conservancy Road, near Lockington. Lockington Fire, Houston Rescue, CareFlight and Sidney medics also responded to the scene. Further details were not available at press time.

Man still missing A 78-year-old man reported missing from his Sidney home Monday night was still missing as of late Tu e s d a y afternoon, Sidney Police said. Police said James N. Cole, 330 Brookburn Cole St., was last seen at his home Monday afternoon. Cole is white, 6 feet tall and weighs about 190 pounds. He has gray hair and blue eyes. Police said it is out of character for Cole to be walking outside of his home and he may need medication. Anyone with information on Cole’s whereabouts is asked to call 911 or 1-866693-9171.

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City assesses property owners for weed cutting, junk removal

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Property owners who’ve failed to cut weeds or remove junk will find charges for that work on their real estate tax bills as a result of action taken by Sidney City Council Monday night. Council adopted an ordinance assessing the costs. Forty-six properties will be assessed a total of $7,338.24 for weed cutting and another 17 properties will be assessed $3,253.26 for junk removal. The city had previously notified the owners that their properties were not in com-

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pliance with the city code. When the owners failed to take action, the city paid to have the work done. The owners were charged for the cost of the work, plus fees. City officials said that of the 46 properties to be assessed for weed cutting, 17 are delinquent on their real estate taxes. Among the 17 properties to be assessed for junk removal, two are delinquent. The assessment figures in 2012 were $8,851.41 for weed cutting and $1,453.92 for junk removal. The city has received about $4,200 of those bills from the Shelby County Auditor’s Office. The auditor’s

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staff told the city that all delinquent properties have been charged a penalty, and interest will be accruing on the assessment until paid. Councilman Tom Miller observed that the city is “not doing too well� in getting payment from delinquent property owners. Finance Officer Ginger Adams said the bill “continues to grow� for some properties. She said the assessments stay with the properties. In other business, council held a public hearing and introduced an ordinance that would rezone 1390 Fourth Ave., from I-1, light industrial, to B-2,

community business district. The property is located on the the east side of Fourth Avenue, between Russell Road and Countryside Street. Property owner Dave Temple has not submitted specific plans for property, but has inquired about its use for motor vehicle sales, according to Community Services Director Barbara Dulworth. The most recent uses of the property have been as a limousine livery and Sidney Door and Window. Council passed a resolution approving the See PROPERTY | 10

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To purchase photographs appearing in the Sidney Daily News, go to www.sidneydailynews.com

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