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Vol. V No. 207 207 ool. 12 1233 No.

O ctober 117, 7, 22013 013 October

S idney, Ohio Sidney,

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Senate nate votes otes to avoid default efault Boehner: oehner: ‘We fought ought the good d fight. We justt didn’t win’




WASHINGTON W ASHIN NGTON (AP) — Racing to meet a deadline, the Senate S enate passed ssed and sent to the House legisla islation W legislation Wednesday eednesday night to aavoid void a thr eatened threatened national na tional default efault and end the 16-day 16day partial artial ggovernment overnment shutdown shutdo wn along the strict President terms set by Pr esident Barack B arack Obama. was bipartisan The vvote otee w as a bipartis an

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Expected approval later 81-18. E xpected appr oval la ter in the eevening vening in the House would Obama’s w ould clear it ffor or Obama’ ’s signature signa tu ure — the final act in an political drama thatt put epic p olitical dr ama tha economy’s the economy onomy ’s health aatt risk. legislation would perThe legisla tion w ould per rTreasury mit the he T reasury to borrow borrow through Feb. normally lly thr ough F eb. 7 or perhaps longer, perh haps ps a month long er,, and through fund the he ggovernment overnment thr ough Moree than tw twoo million JJan. an. 15. 5. Mor federal workers feder all w orrkerss would would be paid — those ose who had rremained emained

on n the job and those who had been furloughed. be en fur loughed. At the White House, Obama At hailed Senate’s ha ailed the S enate’’s vvote. ote. Once measuree rreaches thee measur eaches his desk, imme-he ssaid, aid, “I will sign it imme diately. We’ll dia ately. W e’ll begin rreopening eopening immediately our ur ggovernment overnment immedia tely wee can begin to lift this and d w uncertainty from cloud oud of uncert ainty fr om our businesses usinesses and the American people.� pe ople.� market surged T The ket surg ged stock mar prospect higher gher aatt the pr ospect of an

thatt also end to the crisis tha a threatened shakee ccon con-had thr eatened to shak fidence in the U.S. omy U.S. economy overseas. o verrsseas. embraced The White House embr acced worked the bill, w orked out by the Senate’s two S enate’’s tw o party leaders, leader erss, statement would ssaying aying in a st atement it w o ould “protect cred“pr otect the full faith and cr redStates it of the United St ates and end government the g overnment shutdown.� shutdown.�� Republicans R epublicans rns. e had other concerns. See S ee BUDGET BUDGE ET | 5

A time to remember member

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The R Rev. ev. Phil Chilc Chilcote ote leads leads the fifth annuall Hope LLaunch aunch TTuesday uesday night at W Wilson ilsson Memorial Ho Hospital, spital, Sidne Sidney, y, wher where re family family member memberss rremember emember the lo ss of andlee lighting cceremony eremony ffollowed ollowed by informal reception. regnancy and loss of a child. The event event featured featured a ccandle by an informal reception. It w aas held in hhonor ooff National P was Pregnancy Inf ant LLoss oss Awareness Awareness D ay. Infant Day.

Buchy hy applauds ds resolution olution passage sage COL LU UMBUS—St ate Representative Representativ ive Jim Jim Buchy, Buchyy, R-Greenville, R-Greenville, e, announced Wednesday Wednesday that thaat the Ohio House passed ed a bipartisan bipartisan resolution urging resolution ur rging the IRS to not review appli-review ttax-exempt ax-exempt appli ax cations organicaations based ed on an or rganiization’s presumed zaation’s pr resumed sumed political affiliation. affiliaation. Beginning B eginningg in 2010, the IRS IRS used used inappropriate inappropriate criteria to re review review organiorrganizations zaations applying plying ffor or ttaxaxxexempt status, according exempt st atus, accor ding to a re recent report ecent re eport by the federal General. f d all Inspector feder I pector t Genera Gener G al.l Organizations thatt under underOrrganizaations ns tha rwent went furtherr scrutiny based on such criteria eria experienced experienced extended delays extended de l ys and in many la cases were asked provide weree aask ked to pr rovide

unnecessary unnecess aryy information. informaation. groups One of the gro gr oups ttargeted arrgeted was Shelby by the IRS w as the S helby Group. County Liberty erty G roup. efforts fed-““The The eff forts o of the fed eral era al ggovernment overnment ment to target tarrget affilia-based on political affilia are tion ar re another nother eexample xample Washington’s inability of W ashington gton’s inabi lity work together to w orrk tog gether to fix our problems,� pro oblems,� said said Buchy, Buchyy, “I am happy to support pport this rresoluesolu uefforts tion becausee the eff forts of the federal federaal government government ttararreducational organizaggeted eted educa ational or rganizadistrict.� tions in my district .� Concurrent House Concurr ent Resolution R esolution 27 will be sent U.S. Secretary to the U .S. S ecreetary of the Treasury T rreeasury and d the acting IRS commissioner. commissioner err.

Injured ured girl in fair condition n after Monday day crash The T he cchildren h i l d re n injured in the A injured ATV TV crash cr ash Monday Monday after-noon on Miami Conservancy Conserv rvancy Road Road have ha ve been een identified preliminary in the pr eliminary investigation. in vestiggation. Operating O p e rat i n g tthe he ATV A TV w was a 10-y as 10-year-old ear-- old Alexis Sowers, Ale xis S owers, of Sidney, S idney, who was was listlisted in fair condition aatt Dayton Dayton ton Children’s Children’s Medical al Center Wednesday W ednesda sda y after after-5-year-old noon. Her 5-y ear-- old sister Miley S Sowers owers was pas-w as riding ding as pas senger ATV seng er on the A TV aatt crash. the timee of the cr ash. She transported S he was was a tr ansported Wilson to W ilson son Memorial Hospital Hospit a by Sidney al S idney

EMS Monda day, but EMS Monday, on was was her condition not available. available. e. Both girls B oth gir l were ls were transported t ra n s p o r t e d ffor or “incapacit ating � injuries, accordaccor ding to the prelimithe pr eliminary crash n ary cr ash rreport, ep ort , the younger younger e girl girl to Wilson Wilson and the older girll dir directly rectly to Dayton Children’s Dayton Childr dren’s by CareFlight. CareFlight . According preAccording to pr eliminary reports, reports, Alexis was operating Alexis w as oper perating the ATV ATV with w her sister as passenger passeng assenger when the vvehicle ehicle entered entered the rroadway oadway and was was struck ruck by an oncoming ng car, car, driven Sandra d r i ve n bbyy S a n d ra

Karne hm, 65, of Karnehm, Piqua. Karne hm w as Karnehm was treated tr eated aatt the scene ene and rreleased. eleased. B oth girls girls were wer e e Both eejected j e c t e d ffrom ro m tthe he ATV A TV upon impact act ATV and the A TV landed ded down upside do wn some me 50 feet aaway way from from o impact. the point of impact act . The gir girls ls w were ere not n wearing helmets w earing he lmets or ssafety afety clothing clothing.. Emergency Emerg gency units nits rresponding esponding to the were sscene cene w e re tthe he Shelby S he lby County nty Sheriff S heriff ’’ss Office, ce, Houston Fire H ouston F i re and and EMS, Sidney EMS E MS , S id ne y E M MS CareFlight. and Car eFlight . The T investigation conin vestigation is con ontinuing.. tinuing

Commissoners missoners OK contract ontract for court urt case management gement system The Shelby S he lby County Commissioners Commissioner ners approved approved a contract contr act eexceeding x xceeding $800,000 ffor or the implement implementation mplementation of a ne w court case manag geement new management system sy stem and d took other action

during their meeting T Tuesday. uesday. Shelby S helby by County Common Pleas Court Administr Administrator ator Lori Moor Mooree upda updated ted the com com-missioner ners on implementaimplement a missioners tion off the ne new w Court Case

Management, Manag anag ement , Document Management Manag anagement S System ystem and Electronic Electr ectr onic Filing F iling and Electronic Electr ectronic Commerce Commerce S Solution olution shar ared rresource esource pr oject . shared project. T The programs pr ograms w would ould be

implemented for for the S Shelby heelby County Clerk Clerk of Courts, the Shelby Shelby County Common Pleas leas Court and S Sidney idney M Municipal unicipal ipal Court . The commissioner ners Court. commissioners See S ee COUNTY | 2


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