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Vol. 39, Issue 22 — $1.00

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Local News

Homecoming Royalty

English & U.S. citizenship training offered DAYTON — The Golden Acres Ministry, a local family literacy center and not-for profit organization located at 8365 State Route 202, is offering free training in ESL (English/second language) and preparation for U.S. Citizenship. The training is on going and has openings for interested parties. Please contact Phil Morones or Steve Houlette for details. (937) 877-0982 or e-mail: pgoldenacres@woh.rr.com

Crochet Guild seeks new members DAYTON — Greater Dayton Crochet Guild. All skill levels welcome, including beginners. Monthly meetings. Check website at www.daytoncrochet. bravehost.com or call 937-572-8141 for current location and schedule.

Civil War group seeks additional members DAYTON — Have an ancestor in the Union Army during the Civil War? Enjoy American history? Want to honor Civil War veterans and do more? Join the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW). The SUVCW conducts patriotic ceremonies, preserves and restores Civil War monuments and gravestones, honors veterans, provides genealogy assistance, and supports Eagle Scout, Reserve Officer Training Corps, history education, and veterans programs. Dayton’s Sherman Camp supports area community and historical activities with representations, speakers, displays, and living historians representing Civil War veterans. For SUVCW information visit: w w w. S U V C W. o r g For Sherman Camp information, e-mail: DaytonSUV@gmail. com

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Photo by Andrew Wilson

Graham Oberer was crowned Homecoming King and Kathy Huelsman Homecoming Queen. For Homecoming Parade photos, see Page 2.

Northmont girls on Mum Festival Queen’s Court TIPP CITY — Two Northmont seniors competed for a spot on the Tipp City Mum Festival queen’s court. Haley Sanders and Claire Kleptz were among the 14 girls who competed in the pageant which was held in early September at Tippecanoe High School. The pageant consisted of an interview with judges, opening dance number, talent portion and evening gown. Sanders earned third attendant and Kleptz won Miss Congeniality. Both are representatives of the 2013 Queen’s Court which also includes Queen Margo Shininger, a Tippecanoe senior; First attendant Jannel Chumney, Tippecanoe senior; and second attendant Lauren Johnson, a Tippecanoe senior. The competition opened with a dance number featuring the Photo submitted Mum Festival theme of “How Members of the queen’s court ride the float during the Tipp City Mum’s Festival. Front to back, Claire the West was Mum’d”. For the Kleptz, Haley Sanders, Lauren Johnson, Jannel Chumney and Queen Margo Shininger. talent part of the competition,

Sanders, who is a member of the Northmont varsity cheerleading squad and the varsity gymnastics team, performed a gymnastic floor routine. Kleptz, also a member of the Northmont cheerleading squad and the drama club, performed a song and dance number to “Do You Like My Party Dress.” Ashley Slemker and Kirsten Patton, Northmont students, were among the other pageant contestants who also included Mara Mason, Madelyn Leembruggen, Maggie Cook, Lacey Loges, McKenzie McQuown, Morgan McKinney, Katherine Harvey and Lauren Johnson. Members of the court receive scholarship money and will represent the court at other area parades including the Bradford Pumpkin Festival, the Vandalia Air Show and the Englewood Art Festival.

Englewood bans Farm animals By Andrew Wilson Contributing Writer

ENGLEWOOD — Due to two cases regarding the housing of farm animals that came before the Englewood Planning Commission over the past several months, the City of Englewood Tuesday unanimously approved a bill to amend Chapter 1454 of the Property Maintenance Code and Chapter 618 to prohibit area residents from housing any livestock or farm animals. The first case involved two pigs on Southerly Hills Drive and required court action to have them removed. The second involved chickens on Overla Boulevard, and like the first case, the appeal to the Englewood Planning Commission was denied due to the fact that the zoning requirements did not permit the owning of such animals in a residential district. Prohibited animals include any pig, sheep, horse, cow, goat, beehive, chicken or any cloven-hoofed animal not already specified. The bill also includes “any other animal or animals traditionally maintained in an agricultural setting for animal husbandry, within the City.”

“The ordinance clarifies city policy regarding urban farm animals and provides less ambiguity as to exactly how a ‘farm animal’ is classified,” City Manager Eric Smith said. According to City officials, no property within City limits has been zoned for agricultural purposes and only one area, a lot located on West National Road, would be large enough to support livestock. The area is located near a residential subdivision and would not be an ideal location for farm animals. In other business, city council approved a resolution to authorize the purchase of upgraded security systems from Miles Ahead Technologies in Miamisburg at a cost not to exceed $99,000. The City, which has several security cameras mounted at intersections and on telephone poles near buildings, will be upgrading them to high definition to improve coverage capabilities. Cameras that will receive an upgrade include those located on telephone poles near Englewood Hills Elementary and Englewood Elementary. Other cameras include those located near the YMCA, Englewood Service

Center and several within the Englewood Government Center. “We are asking council to to approve some upgraded camera facilities here at the Government Center, which includes the desk,” Smtih said. “Which not only deals with violence, but also people who have a tendency to get agitated real easily.” Cameras located at Centennial Park and the Heck Center will be upgraded as well. Near the end of the meeting, city council approved a motion to donate $1,000 to the Randolph Township Historical Society. The donation was approved for the year 2013 and will be included in the City’s budget for 2014. During his report, Smith stated that Coate Construction is making significant progress on installing the new water line on Magnolia Drive. The project began in September and is nearing completion. At the beginning of the meeting, Mayor Patricia Burnside read a proclamation stating that the City of Englewood recognizes the efforts of the YWCA Dayton and the Artemis Center for their persistent work in helping to combat domestic violence.

Northmont to host MidStates Band Championships CLAYTON — The Northmont Band Boosters is proud to host the MidStates Band Association Class AA Championships on Saturday, Nov. 2, at Good Samaritan Stadium Northmont High School. The event will feature 21-25 high school marching bands from a threestate area. Preliminaries will begin about 10 a.m. with the finals starting about 7 p.m. at the stadium. Not only will the event

benefit the Northmont Band Boosters which contributes funding for Northmont’s marching band program as well as support for the Northmont High School band education, the Class AA Championships provides an opportunity for the Northmont community to enjoy talented students from the tri-state area, proudly promotes the Northmont School District as well as gives a potential economic boost

to the surrounding communities. Area marching bands scheduled to perform include Brookville, Milton Union, East Clinton, West Carrollton, Carroll, and Carlisle. Other bands will be making the trip to Good Samaritan Stadium from Indiana and Kentucky. The Pride of Northmont Marching Band will be performing the same date in the MSBA Class AAAA Championship at Atrium Stadium in Mason.

Photo submitted

First row: Kay Gallihar, Ann Wolf, Beth Crouse, Nancy Thomson, Sue Seibert, Marj Hargreaves. Second Row: Teresa Mayer, Diane Meier, Barb Hess, Margie Hapner, Father Jim Seibert. Third Row: Ken Coe, Bart Hockenberry, Steve Lewis, Steve Meyer, Barb Franz. Not pictured: Marge Tancred and Mark Moorman.

Stephen Ministers commissioned at St. Paul ENGLEWOOD — On September 29 seventeen individuals were commissioned as Stephen Ministers at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. Paul’s Parish on Wenger Road. These men and women have completed 50 hours of intense training that began on April 15. They are representatives of the Tri-Parishs in the Northwest Region of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati consisting of St. Rita’s, Precious Blood and St. Paul’s Parish plus one individual from Englewood United Methodist Church. Stephen Ministry is a Christian listening ministry for those individuals who are going through some tough times in their lives such as loss off a loved one, loss of a job, serious health care issue, in process of divorce or sepa-

ration, etc. A Stephen Minister is there to listen to these individuals and walk with them on their journey. They are not there to solve your problems for you but walk with you as you learn to deal with the situation. It is a confidential ministry where a man meets with a man and a woman meets with a woman for about an hour a week to listen to their care receiver for as long as needed until they feel better about their particular situation in life. This is a service for our community not just our parishes. If you or someone you know would benefit from the services of a Stephen Minister please call one of the St. Paul Stephen Leaders, Mark Moorman at 276-5954 or Barb Franz at 836-4175.

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