Gov. Kasich at Hartzell’s
Piqua Daily Call Commitment To Community
Piqua girls edge East.....Page 8
Brazile: Obama’s year.....Page 4
Troy Foundation awards $140k-plus in grants.....Page 6
Monday, September 30, 2013
Volume 130, Number 195 $1.00
an award-winning Civitas Media newspaper
Eight injured in fiery crash Staff Report
NEWTON TOWNSHIP - A twovehicle crash at the intersection of the Fenner and Greenlee roads on Saturday left a total of eight victims in need of medical treatment. The crash occurred around 6:30 p.m. when a pickup truck and a PT Cruiser collided in the intersection. Amy Joiner, 44, of Piqua was driving her pickup truck northbound on Greenlee Road and ran a stop sign, according to Sgt. Chris Bobb of the Miami County Sheriff’s Office. Joiner’s truck was then hit by the PT Cruiser, driven by Steven Back, 48, of Tipp City, which was traveling west on Fenner Road. Back’s vehicle crashed into a pair of utility poles, bringing live wires down across both roadways. The pickup truck overturned and burst into flames. One passenger in the truck, Bruce Sexton Jr., of Dayton, was ejected from the truck, while the four other occupants were able to
escape the burning vehicle. The three occupants of the PT Cruiser were trapped and had to be cut from the wreckage. That, however, could not be done until a crew from Dayton Power and Light arrived on the scene and cut the lines, insuring the safety of the victims and rescuers. Bobb described the scene upon officers’ arrival as “chaotic.” Five other victims, two of them children, were transported aboard medic units to area hospitals. Bobb described the injuries to the victims who were flown aboard CareFlight as possibly life-threatening injuries. He said that all of the victims were conscious and able to communicate with rescuers. Steven Back and one of his passengers, Sheila Back, 42, were taken by CareFlight to Miami Valley Hospital, where both were in serious condition on Sunday. Their 12-year-old son was taken to Upper Valley Medical Center and was later transported to Dayton Children’s
Hospital. Sexton, also transported by CareFlight to Miami Valley, was reported to be in critical condition as of Sunday evening. In addition to Pleasant Hill fire and rescue, and two CareFlight helicopters, mutual aide at the scene was provided by Troy, Union Township and Covington. A crash reconstruction team from the Miami County Sheriff’s Office was called to the scene.
Mike Ullery/Staff Photos
A crash victim is loaded aboard CareFlight as additional victims wait to be loaded aboard medic units as they arrive on the scene of a Saturday evening crash at the intersection of Greenlee and Fenner roads, between Troy and Pleasant Hill. Eight people were injured in the crash, including three who sustained serious injuries and were transported aboard CareFlight to Miami Valley Hospital. Firefighters work to put out a fire in a crashed pickup truck and keep the flames from spreading to a second vehicle, while avoiding downed power lines at a crash scene on Fenner and Greenlee roads on Saturday evening.
Homecoming Royalty
Infrastructure to make up meeting
Bethany J. Royer Staff Writer
Ben Robinson/For Civitas Media
Anthony Weber/Civitas Media
Miami East High School’s Colton Holicki and Kendra Beckman were crowned 2013 homecoming king and queen prior to the varsity football game against Mississinawa Valley on Friday night.
Index Classified.................... 12-13 Opinion.............................. 4 Comics............................. 11 Entertainment................. 5 State................................. 7 Local................................. 3 Obituaries........................ 2 Sports........................... 8-10 Weather............................. 3
7 4 8 2 5
8 2 1 0 1
Justin Williams and Hayley Adams are 2013’s Homecoming King and Queen for Covington High School. Williams was crowned King during a community pep rally last week at Smith Field. Adams was crowned Queen during Covington’s Friday night football game against Bradford.
PIQUA — A purchase of property by the city will be one of only two resolutions on the agenda for Tuesday’s commission meeting. One that will see to two proclamations, a second ordinance reading, and continued work on the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program. The property in question, 102 S. Main Street, will be under consideration by commission members at a cost of $1 for acquisition, according to the meeting agenda which is available at the city’s website listed below. If adopted, the site will be made redevelopment ready and play a part in the downtown riverfront redevelopment efforts being pursued by the city. A resolution to approve an agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) will also be brought before commission. City leaders will be seeking an acceptance of grant funding for non-infrastructure SRTS projects such as programs for area schools and parents that will teach and encourage students to walk or bike to school. A second reading to establish construction performance requirements for subdivision improvements will
be discussed, along with a proclamation on Community Planning Month for the city and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The meeting will also announce the Residence Pride award winners for the fall quarter, those recipients include: Jerry and Terre Bailey of 1816 Wilshire Drive, Clarice Carpenter of 1400 Severs Drive, Fred and Pauline Plunkett of 1607 Haverhill Drive, Lynn and Nancy Sever of 107 Blackwell Drive, Bob and Ruth Tilton of 1304 Brook Street. The Residence Pride Award is based upon property and landscape appearance, helping a neighbor in regards to their landscape or home improvement projects, and/or general clean-up of a property. If interested in submitting a neighbor or business for consideration applications are available at the government complex or at the city website. Commission meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. every first and third Tuesday of the month, on the second floor of the Government Municipal Complex, in the commission chamber. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. For more information visit
St. Paris woman happy she ‘chose’ to be an American Sharon Semanie For the Daily Call
PIQUA — Suppose you were asked to identify two ways Americans can participate in their democracy? Name the Chief Justice of the United States? Or specify the economic system of our nation? Unlike many citizens who are stumped by these questions, Sonia Haines of St. Paris is a civics aficionado and proud of it. Married and the mother of two children, Haines was among 400 individuals representing nations such as Canada, Mexico, India, Singapore and the Ukraine who became naturalized U.S. citizens during a poignant ceremony in Columbus in November 2006. In order to earn her citizenship, she notes, required extensive study over the course of several months plus and a $450 application fee.
Haines discussed her experience during government classes taught by Sue Ann Hahn at Upper Valley Career Center this week. Addressing both juniors and seniors over the course of several days, the speaker said her decision to become a citizen came about as the result of a green card which was about to expire after residing here 10 years. A native of Honduras, Haines met her future husband, Kevin, who was working on a church mission in her native country described as the “heart of Central America.” Living in Tegucigalpa, the nation’s capital, Haines was employed in a retail store selling greeting cards and gift items while also attending the University of Honduras where she majored in journalism. See American | 14
Photo by Sharon Semanie
Upper Valley Career Center government teacher Sue Ann Hahn, right, and senior Van Hawkins of Jackson Center, left, pose with guest speaker Sonia Haines on Friday. Haines, a native of Honduras, spoke with students about the process of becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen.
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