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fridAY, October 4, 2013

Volume 130, Number 198

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an award-winning Civitas Media newspaper

Police shoot, kill driver after Capitol Hill chase Bradley Klapper Laurie Kellman Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — A woman with a 1-year-old girl led Secret Service and police on a harrowing car chase from the White House past the Capitol Thursday, attempting to penetrate the security barriers at both national landmarks before she was shot to death,

police said. The child survived. “I’m pretty confident this was not an accident,” said Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy Lanier. Still, Capitol Police said there appeared to be no terrorist link. Authorities would not say whether the woman had been armed. Tourists, congressional staff and even some senators watched as a caravan of law enforcement vehicles chase a black Infiniti

with Connecticut license plates down Constitution Avenue outside the Capitol. House and Senate lawmakers, inside debating how to end a government shutdown, briefly shuttered their chambers as Capitol Police shut down the building. The woman’s car at one point had been surrounded by police cars and she managed to escape, careening around a traffic circle and past the north

side of the Capitol. Video shot by a TV camerman showed police pointing firearms at her car before she rammed a Secret Service vehicle and continued driving. Lanier said police shot and killed her a block northeast of the historic building. One Secret Service member and a 23-year veteran of the Capitol Police were injured. Officials said they are in good condition and expected to

recover. “This appears to be an isolated, singular matter, with, at this point, no nexus to terrorism,” said Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine. Authorities did not immediately identify the driver of the car. Stamford, Conn., Mayor Michael Pavia said the FBI was executing a search warrant at

See CAPITOL | Page 2

Local student testifies at statehouse

Mike Ullery | Staff Photo

John Lawrence of SimplexGrinnell Life Safety, out of West Chester, installs a residential sprinkler system in a demonstration building, as Lee Adams, of the Lockington (and Piqua) Fire Department watches on Thursday morning.

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Upper Valley Career Center student Arian Braun, far right, and Springfield student Jason Demeter, left, are pictured with Representative Rick Perales of the 73 District, author of a teen traffic safety bill.

Susan Hartley

Executive Editor shartley@civitasmedia.com

PIQUA — Arian Braun, a student at Upper Valley Career Center, put Piqua on the map again this week, testifying before legislators at the Ohio Statehouse concerning a teen driving safety bill. Braun, of Houston, traveled to Columbus on Tuesday as part of the school’s Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), a peer-to-peer prevention, education and activism organization. SADD students gathered with the Ohio House of Representative Committee on Transportation, Public Safety and Homeland Security, to present testimony on pending laws that will affect how Ohio teens drive. House Bill 204, sponsored by Representative Rick Perales of the 73rd

Index Obituaries........................ 2 Weather............................. 3 Local................................. 3 Opinion.............................. 4 Entertainment................. 5 Parenting......................... 6 Sports............................ 8-11 Comics............................ 12 Classified.................... 13-15 World.............................. 16

District, calls for tougher laws for teens as they advance through the state’s Graduated Drivers License Program. “Car crashes continue to be the number one killer of teens across the Buckeye state and our nation,” said Richard Birt, Director of Ohio SADD. “We are excited that today our elected officials will hear from teens themselves why this issue is so important to them.” Braun was selected from a national pool of applicants to attend the SADD SPEAKS program, a week-long training in advocacy and education. Braun has experience speaking to law makers in Washington, D.C. about these very issues. “Teen traffic safety is an important issue to me,” said Braun, “I’m looking forward to sharing my perspective on Ohio’s GDL laws with my elected officials.” See CLASS ACT | Page 2

Home Depot to host Home Safety Day

Mike Ullery

Chief Photographer mullery@civitasmedia.com

PIQUA — There will be a fire in Piqua on Saturday. Actually, there will be two. The Home Depot store in Piqua will be hosting their annual Home Safety Day on Saturday morning and have added a new demonstration that should attract a lot of attention. Firefighters from the Lockington Fire Department have constructed two identical buildings. Both are approximately eight feet square by eight feet tall and have their interiors finished the same as a typical home. The difference

between the two is that one is constructed without a residential sprinkler system, while the other contains a sprinkler, designed to spray water, dousing a fire, before it can spread to the rest of the home. Both structures will be set on fire and allowed to burn as they would in a real-life situation. The system, installed by John Lawrence of SimplexGrinnell Life Safety Company out of West Chester, will be able to be seen in operation through a Plexiglas wall on one side of the structure. SimplexGrinnell donated the materials for the sprinkler system while Home Depot

did the same with the building materials. Labor to build the pair of buildings was provided by Lee and Jon Adams, along with other members of the Lockington Volunteer Fire Department. The event on Saturday will run from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the parking lot at Home Depot on East Ash Street. There will be food and games on site along with displays from area First Responders. Local D.J., Jimmy Weaver, will be on hand at the event. The Piqua Fire Department Dive Team trailer will be on display for part of the day. The fire demonstration is slated to being at noon.

Lehman Royalty The Lehman Homecoming Court includes Grace Jackson, MaKenna Cabe, Rob Heckman, Julia Harrelson, Gabe Berning, Millie Cartwright, James Rego, Jordi Emrick, Erik Collier, Sarah Gravunder, Kevin McElroy, Grace Frantz, John Husa, and Brad Montgomery. The homecoming football game is 7 p.m. today at Alexander Stadium in Piqua against the Dayton-Jefferson Broncos. The dance will be held Saturday in the Harriett Frantz Gymnasium at Lehman on Saturday. The theme for Homecoming weekend is “America.”

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