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Piqua girls soccer fall to Troy Page 8

School News Page 7, 11

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thursdAY, October 10, 2013

Volume 130, Number 202

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an award-winning Civitas Media newspaper

Shutdown affecting home buyers, housing market Will E Sanders

Staff Writer wsanders@civitasmedia.com

PIQUA — The federal government shutdown has stymied home buyers and home sellers alike, especially those hoping to secure USDA home loans for rural properties, area loan officers and Realtors said Wednesday. Since getting a home loan involves paperwork or tax return transcripts processed through federal government agencies, like Social Security, IRS and federal

housing administration offices, the shut down has stalled the process of home ownership. That means with federal offices closed during the shutdown tax return transcripts usually verified by the IRS or Social Security to confirm a buyer’s identity are not being processed. Many of such transcripts and verifications are required by banks and other mortgage lenders before proceeding with the home-buying process. For those first-time home buyers attempting to qualify for or already qualified for federal housing loans,

the process has stalled and will remain that way until the shutdown is no longer in effect, specifically those seeking USDA federal housing loans, which involve homes in areas of the county deemed rural. Kurt Eberhardt, a loan official at American Mortgage Service Company in Piqua, said the closure of federal housing offices means the application process has been put on hold — and will remain that way until the shutdown ends. “Everything else is somewhat

Mike Ullery | Staff Photo

Area loan officers and Realtors say the federal government shutSee SHUTDOWN | Page 2 down has stymied both buyers and sellers of homes.

PAC brings Creative Classrooms to fourth-graders Women of Excellence speaker named

Mike Ullery | Staff Photo

Entertainer Thaddeus Rex, of Portland, Ind. holds a “Reading Like a Rockstar” workshop with fourth-grade students at Wilder Intermediate School on Wednesday.

Belinda M. Paschal Staff Writer bpaschal@civitasmedia.com

PIQUA — Romance is a chocolate river running over a waterfall, according to Wilder Intermediate School students who composed that lyric as the lead-in to a song they wrote Wednesday with musician Thaddeus Rex. Rex worked with about 85

fourth-graders to create a tune that taught them about metaphors, similes and alliteration as part of Creative Classrooms, a partnership between Piqua City Schools and the Piqua Arts Council. His appearance was made possible by a grant from Honda of America. “Every program is cross-curriculum with some kind of outcome,” said Jordan Knepper, PAC’s executive director. “We

try to do things that the schools are going to get excited about.” During Rex’s multi-media, multi-discipline performance, the students brainstormed to come up with ideas for a song, which Rex wrote on an overhead screen. The subject of romance was by far the most popular idea for a song, with McDonald’s running a distant second. Other topics considered included school, puppy

love and Wal-Mart. Mixing humor with his lessons, he explained a simile as, “This is like that. My head is like a bowling ball,” referring to his shaven dome and bringing peals of laughter from the children. To demonstrate the usefulness of metaphors, the Indianabased artist sang a song with See ROCKSTAR | Page 2

Classified.................... 14-15 Opinion.............................. 4 Comics............................ 13 Entertainment................. 5 Religion............................ 6 School News................ 7, 11 Local................................. 3 Obituaries........................ 2 Sports........................... 8-10 Weather............................. 3

7 4 8 2 5

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See WOMEN | Page 2

Piqua Homecoming Court



PIQUA — Debbie Watts Robinson, CEO of Miami Valley Housing Opportunities, will be the featured speaker at the YWCA 17th Gala Celebration honoring the 2013 Women of Excellence on Thursday, Oct. 17, at the Piqua Country Club. The reception begins at 11:30 a.m. followed by the Luncheon Award Presentation at 12 p.m. The 2013 Women of Excellence honorees are Melissa Romanoli of Troy and Susie Wise, RN of Piqua. The 2013 Young Woman of Tomorrow honoree is Annie Denlinger of Troy. Watts Robinson has training in both law and engineering and has been leading the Miami Valley Housing Opportunities (MVHO) since 2010. MVHO is the largest provider of permanent supportive housing in Montgomery County. Permanent supportive housing provides people with disabilities the supportive services needed to help them maintain housing stability. The organization provides housing opportunities to nearly 1000 individuals and families in the Miami Valley. Prior to her leadership with MVHO, Watts

The Piqua homecoming court for 2013 includes, seated l-r, Sarah Grunkemeyer, Heidi Strevell, Lena Garber, Caitlin Cromes, Layne Patrizio, Madison Evans, Kaili Ingle, Emily Wenrick. Standing l-r, Aaron Shroyer, Jacob Teague, Austin Reedy, Bryan Mayse, Dom Stone, Daniel Monnin, Jacob Sowry, David Wyson. Piqua’s homecoming queen will be crowned at Friday’s football game against Sidney. The annual homecoming dance will take place on Saturday at Piqua High School.


Photo by Mike Ullery

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