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Commission planning meeting

Piqua Daily Call Commitment To Community



FridAY, October 11, 2013

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Lehman duo finishes as winners Page 8

‘Because I said so’ still works Page 6

At your own risk Page 4 Volume 130, Number 203

an award-winning Civitas Media newspaper

Pumpkin Pride

For many, the Bradford Pumpkin show means confetti, as this group of youngsters demonstrates following Thursday’s parade of bands and cheerleaders.

New Salvation Army captains make Piqua their new home Will E Sanders

Staff Writer wsanders@civitasmedia.com

PIQUA — A mission deeply-rooted in serving others and the community has led a loving couple of two children to the city where they serve the Piqua Salvation Army together. Captains Doug and Bethannie Dolder took over the reins of the city’s Salvation Army at the end of June and in that time said they have enjoyed their time getting to know city residents and working in the


Classified.................... 12-13 Opinion.............................. 4 Comics............................. 11 Entertainment................. 5 Parenting......................... 6 Nation............................... 7 Local................................. 3 World.............................. 14 Sports........................... 8-10 Weather............................. 3


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community — and they look forward to their continued work with area residents. The Dolders met when they were going to the University of Cincinnati in 1991, and four years later in 1995 the couple wed. They now reside in Piqua with their two children, Kate, 13, and Stephen, 11. Doug said he was first exposed to the Salvation Army in 2003 through his church and said he and his wife were heavily influenced to take an active role in the Salvation Army after 9/11. “After 9/11 we decided to change our life plans and God called us into the service,” Doug explained further. In the decade leading up to the Dolders coming to Piqua they worked with the Salvation Army in various parts of the state, including Dayton and Akron, and other parts of the country, including Philadelphia and Springfield, Mass. During that time the Dolders assisted the Salvation Army in many


See ARMY | Page 2

A will and a miracle Bethany J. Royer Staff Writer broyer@civitasmedia.com

PIQUA — Early morning sunshine spilled through the windows of a second floor classroom at Piqua Catholic School late last month. A handful of students were playing outside, a tossed ball occasionally passing the glass and catching the attention of those in the room. Those being Cebele Cambron and Tom Zink who were eager to share how they became two of six new educators at the elementary school. Cambron leaned on a classroom desk and Zink pulled up a chair before they spoke on varied teaching experiences. The latter knowledgeable, cordial and somewhat soft-spoken as the tech coordinator and 7th grade religion teacher, and the former eliciting contagious energy for her K-8 Spanish students. Dynamic in personality, the two also share unique commutes, Zink as a long-time resident comes from Springfield and Cambron from Covington, Kentucky, a response that produces immediate surprise. “Yes, I get up at 5, I leave by 6:10 and I’m here by 7:30 to a quarter of 8,” explained Cambron, a 24 year veteran teacher who has traveled and taught around the world. She also lived in Spain for 21 years —where she learned Spanish—

Mike Ullery | Staff Photo

Piqua Catholic teacher Cebele Cambron works with her students on a recent project.

and also taught in Mexico. Along with her husband, Jason, she is the proud parent of three furbabies —a Bulldog, a miniature pinscher (min-pin) and a miniature min-pin. Previously teaching in Cincinnati, Cambron happened upon the opportunity at Piqua Catholic after she tired of watching music, arts, and foreign language classes being cut in the district and came across three openings for Spanish teachers

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Mike Ullery | Staff Photo

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online. The third call asking whether or not an opening was still available proved to be the charm. Zink has a similar story as a graduate and holder of several degrees from Wittenberg University, Wright State, and the University of Dayton. He was last at the seminary in Cincinnati and was not on the look out for something new but states it was See CLASS ACT | Page 2

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