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an award-winning Civitas Media newspaper
Street projects a tough sell Bethany J. Royer Staff Writer
PIQUA —Getting the city in line for future street projects proved a tough sell at Tuesday’s commission meeting. As emphasized several Mike Ullery
Staff Photographer
PIQUA — The program is called “Unity in the Community.” The objective is to bring employees of Unity National Bank out into the community to lend a helping hand and get to know their neighbors and customers. The results are — right on target. This is the first year for the program, organized by Unity National Bank M a rke t i n g Manager Julie Monnin. It sent Unity associates to a variety of locations over a two-week period. Monnin said that the program has “gotten great feedback.” “We have nine project sites and a total of 12 shifts. It allows employees to spend time together,” said Monnin. Unity volunteers have done landscaping in downtown Piqua, alongside the Piqua Parks Department, worked at Habitat for Humanity and Partners of Hope, among other projects. Several of the volun-
times by Gary Huff, city manager, and perhaps best explained by Mayor Lucy Fess no decisions were on the resolution. One that included a potential conversion of the current four-corner intersection at Looney and Garbry Road to a
roundabout and a ten foot wide bike/pedestrian lane on East Ash Street. “We’re not approving anything,” reiterated Fess on the particulars of the projects that seemed to trip up the meeting. As the resolution was to
seek an approval to apply for funds through the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC). But the potential of a roundabout has been a particular source of concern for both Commissioner Joe Wilson and
Staff Writer
TROY — A Troy man who led authorities on a highspeed pursuit through Piqua streets learned his fate at a sentencing hearing in common pleas court Tuesday. Michael S. Minnich, 45, was sentenced to 30 months in prison for his conviction of failure to comply with law enforcement as a result of the police chase. In addition, his driver’s license was suspended for three years. Minnich was arrested on
Unity in the Community
the night of Feb. 2 after he was driving a pick-up truck that crashed. Police said Minnich drove through neighborhoods in and around Washington, Nicklin and Cherry streets at speeds in excess of 60 miles per hour with one subject in the bed of the truck and three passengers inside of the vehicle. Minnich None of the passengers were charged as a result of the chase. Reports state Minnich turned north on State Route
66 and later led Piqua police down Hardin Alternate Road where Minnich lost control on the snow-covered road and went off the roadway. There were no serious injuries reported as a result of the traffic crash. Other charges Minnich faced included operating a vehicle while intoxicated, reckless operation, failing to stop for traffic signals and driving without headlights, all misdemeanors.
tion to the jail sentence, was ordered to serve two years on community control sanctions. Epley did not speak at the hearing, but Judge Robert Lindeman said the age of the victim, who was 13, was “concerning” before handing down the sentence. L i n d e m a n Epley warned Epley that if he does not comply with the terms of his probation he will sentence him to 11 months in prison.
Prosecutors said Epley sent the inappropriate material the juvenile March 3, which is when authorities first began investigating the case. While his charge was sexual in nature, his case did not qualify him to be labeled as a sex offender. Originally, Epley was charged with the second-degree felony of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material or performance.
Suspect sentenced in sexting case Will E Sanders
Staff Writer
TROY — A common pleas court judge handed down a jail sentence of 30 days against a Troy man convicted of sending texts and pictures of an inappropriate nature to a juvenile female. Michael E. Epley, 27, pleaded no contest and was found guilty of felony disseminating matter harmful to juveniles in August at a court hearing and on Tuesday, in addi-
See PROJECTS | Page 2
teers visited the Miami County Animal Shelter on Tuesday. The visit was a noticeable labor of love for the volunteers as they helped out with everything from cleaning to walking animals. Many of the dog walks lasted longer than usual as Unity associates spent time playing with the gentle and playful dogs, all looking for good homes. Scott Davis, branch manager at the Walmart location was typical as he spent time playing with a one-year-0ld female Boxer named “Leah.” She is spayed and described as “energetic and playful.” Leah is available for adoption. Director of the Miami County Animal Shelter, Marcia Doncaster was excited to have the Unity National Bank volunteers choose them for their volunteer project. “To have people come in who care like we care,” is the largest benefit, said Doncaster. The project began Mike Ullery | Staff Photo Oct. 8 and runs through Leah, a one-year-old Boxer checks out the camera while Unity National Bank volunteer Scott Davis hangs on to her leash at the Miami County Animal Shelter on Tuesday. the 17th.
Piqua chase suspect sentenced Will E Sanders
Commissioner Bill Vogt. “I don’t like the roundabout, at all,” said Wilson in a near echo of sentiments voiced earlier by Vogt during the meeting, along with concerns over the city’s monetary
Cell phone sex offender sentenced Will E Sanders
where he lives, works or receives an education for the next 15 years. He faced up to one TROY — An acci- year in prison and a dental discovery of a $2,500 fine. cell phone underneath Ferryman did not a couch cushion by the address the court at the mother of a juvenile girl hearing. has resulted in a Piqua The judge said if man being sentenced to Ferryman breaks the a 30-day jail sentence conditions of his probaand a two-year tion he will be term of probation. sentenced to Travis K. 11 months in Ferryman, 24, prison. was convicted of According to the fifth-degree court and police felony illegal use documents the of a minor in mother of the nudity-oriented 15-year- old material or per- Ferryman victim found formance Aug. 11 after Ferryman’s cell phone he was found to be in possession of a video of underneath a couch a nude and under-aged cushion. Upon reviewing female on his cell phone the phone the mother that he accidentally left found an illicit video of her daughter on at the victim’s house. The mother of the vic- Ferryman’s phone. When the mother tim later found the phone of the victim found in the couch, searched its contents and discov- the phone she conered the video before tacted the Piqua Police Department, at which contacting the police. At his sentencing hear- point in time an invesing, Ferryman was also tigation began, police labeled as a tier I sex records show. Police say the victim offender, which requires him to annually register was a willingly particias such in the county pant in the video.
Staff Writer
Troy arson suspect seeks to withdraw guilty pleas Will E Sanders
Staff Writer
TROY — A convicted arsonist allegedly responsible for fire at a Troy apartment building in May wants withdraw his formerly entered pleas of guilty in the case. But on Tu e s d a y a hearing scheduled for the s u s p e c t , LeGrant Michael D. LeGrant, 26, of Troy, charged with two counts of aggravated arson, was continued after his attorney filed a motion to withdraw himself from the case. According to that motion, attorney Paul Princi requested to be withdrawn from the case after LeGrant told the lawyer he did not fully understand his constitutional rights when he entered the guilty pleas to the arson charges at a change of plea hearing Aug. 14. In a memorandum filed with the court, Prince stated the prosecutor’s office plans on calling Princi as a witness at LeGrant’s hearing where he seeks to withdraw his guilty pleas. On May 22 authorities allege that LeGrant intentionally set a blaze at 32 Foss Way, Troy. As a result of that fire three people were forced to jump from a second-story window and four others had to be rescued by the fire department. Those three residents who jumped were transported to the hospital with injuries, but they all fully recovered. Authorities said LeGrant deliberately set the fire and that the blaze was directed toward one resident who lived at the building. LeGrant was originally charged with five counts of aggravated arson, but pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated arson — one charge is a seconddegree felony and the other a first-degree felony. The first-degree felony count represents harm to people and the lesser felony count involves the damage to the structure. He faces nearly two decades in prison, in addition to any fines or restitution ordered in the case. Damage to the structure was estimated at $250,000 and an additional $60,000 for contents. LeGrant remains jailed on a $100,000 bond. In a strange turn of events over the weekend, the site of the arson at 32 Foss Way caught fire again after a fire started in the basement. At the time the building was being prepped for demolition by the owner.
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