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Friday COMING SUNDAY Troy woman turns home business into thriving industry

See the Miami Valley Sunday News

It’s Where You Live! October 4, 2013

Volume 105, No. 234


Troy unveils plans for bicentennial celebration Melanie Yingst

Staff Writer

Ship capsizes off Italy; 114 African migrants die

ROME (AP) — The rickety fishing boat was the third of the night to head toward the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa, overloaded with African migrants seeking a better life in Europe. Most never reached shore. See Page 11


TROY — The city of Troy may be turning 200 years old in 2014, but old age won’t slow the city down as parades, parties and a calendar full of bicentennial events are scheduled for its birthday bash. The 2014 Bicentennial Celebration committee unveiled its official logo and a list of growing events scattered over the year to celebrate the city’s birthday in style on Thursday at the Troy-Hayner Cultural Center. The historic home of Mary Jane Hayner itself will turn 100 in 2014 as well and was a fitting venue for the celebration committee to reveal just a few of the many planned events, which begin Jan. 4.

A Bicentennial Kick-Off will be held on Jan. 4 and will serve as the first “Birthday Party,” said Tom Cooney, co-chair of the event for the Bicentennial committee. “This will tell the stories of the foundation of Troy — this is Troy’s good side,” Cooney said, adding one part of the historical displays will also include “the bad and ugly side” including the 1913 Great Flood, Troy’s ghosts and scandals. The Kick-Off will include historical displays at Hobart Corporation to showcase to the community interesting information and artifacts from organizations and events that have shaped Troy’s history over the past 200 years, Cooney said. Other events throughout the year include living history events, a showing of the 1962 movie called “Troy Story,”

depicting what every day life was like more than 50 years ago, and other various activities held all around the city. Troy Public Access Channel 5 will feature “Bicentennial Minute” beginning January 2014. Each evening throughout the year, a different local speaker will highlight a moment in Troy’s history on the television

show. Also, the Troy Daily News plans weekly features throughout the year looking back at the past 200 years. For the city’s grand finale to wrap up the year-long birthday party, committee member Tom Kendall teased the audience with hints of big things to come for the September 20, 2014 day of celebration. Kendall alluded to the last big city bash on Dec. 31, 1999, which set the bar for the city’s late night celebrations, to give just a hint of what is in store for the community that evening. An afternoon parade will wind through the city and lead back to Hobart Arena on that date, where Kendall said a grand finale will be in store and “fun for all” who attend. “We will be ending the celebration on a high note,” Kendall promised.

Rec and Parks reccomend move forward Melanie Yingst

Staff Writer

Shutdown in third day with bigger trouble looming

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama laid the blame for the government’s partial shutdown at the feet of House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday, escalating a confrontation that is running the risk of a potentially damaging clash over the nation’s borrowing authority. See Page 10

INSIDE TODAY Calendar..........................3 Crossword .......................9 Deaths .............................5 Darlene Purk Doloris Lyman Shannon Hoefler Mary Thorpe Valorie Berry-Wickliffe Thomas Joe Payton Joyce E. Lake Opinion ............................4 Sports............................14

OUTLOOK Today Chance of rain High: 83 Low: 62 Saturday

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Anthony Weber | Troy Daily News

Cast members of Steel Magnolias, a Troy Civic Theatre production, from left, Nikki James “Truvy Jones,” Tina Hayes “Shelby Eatenton-Latcherie,” Karen Lohr “Clairee Belcher,” and Samantha Persing who portrays “Annelle Dupuy-Desoto,” rehearse on stage Thursday at the Barn in the Park.

TCT to stage ‘Steel Magnolias’ Performances begin today at the Barn in the Park Melody Vallieu

Staff Writer

TROY — It’s about loss, family and friendship. It will make you laugh — and cry. Troy Civic Theatre’s production of “Steel Magnolia’s” will run viewers through a gamut of emotions when the all-woman cast takes the stage beginning at 8 p.m. today. The production will continue at 8 p.m. Saturday and for a 4 p.m. Sunday performance at the Barn in the Park. Future performances will be at 8 p.m. Oct. 11-12. TCT’s Daytony Award-winning director Rebecca O’Brien said she, along with the only male, stage manager Scott Atkinson, have had a great time preparing the women for opening night. The cast for “Steel Magnolias,” includes Nikki James as Truvy, Samatha Persing as Annelle, Karen Lohr as Clairee, Tina Hayes as Shelby, Krissy McKim Barker as M’Lynn and Sandy Ehrlich as Quiser. The cast includes TCT veterans as well as some first-timers who TCT welcomes to their stage, O’Brien said. “I’m very excited. It’s a very strong cast,” O’Brien

Anthony Weber | Troy Daily News

Samantha Persing portrays Annelle Dupuy-Desoto in a Troy See MAGNOLIAS | 2 Civic Theatre production of Steel Magnolias.

TROY — The three Troy City Council members on the recreation and parks committee met on Thursday to recommend to the rest of the council to advertise for bids and enter into a contract to build a new restroom facility at Treasure Island Park. The project is funded by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources at a cost not to exceed $85,000. The city of Troy would be reimbursed for the project once it is complete, according to public service and safety director Patrick Titterington. “It is a ODNR grant awarded to us last year,” Titterington said, noting the reimbursement process. “Once we spend it, we’ll get it back.” The design of the restroom would mirror the facility at Miami Shores Golf Course, said city engineer Debbie Swan. The design was done in-house. Stan Kegley, project manager, said the restroom facility would be located beside Treasure Island’s parking lot near the boat launch pad. Councilman Al Clark asked how long the process would be to build the restroom area and the time line the project would be complete. Swan said once and if the measure is passed and approved, the bidding and contract award process and the building process would likely be done by spring. Titterington said the restroom facility was budgeted for the 2014 park budget as well. The parks department would be in charge of all maintenance. The recommendation is not labeled as an emergency. Clark, along with Robin Oda and Doug Trembley all approved the recommendation for the rest of council. The next city of Troy council meeting is at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7 at city hall.

Police shoot, kill driver after Capitol Hill chase WASHINGTON (AP) — A woman with a 1-year-old girl led Secret Service and police on a harrowing car chase from the White House past the Capitol Thursday, attempting to penetrate the security barriers at both national landmarks before she was shot to death, police said. The child survived. “I’m pretty confident this was not an accident,” said Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy Lanier. Still, Capitol Police said there appeared to be no terrorist link. Authorities would not say whether the woman had been armed. Tourists, congressional staff and even some senators watched as a caravan of law enforcement vehicles chase a black Infiniti

with Connecticut license plates down Constitution Avenue outside the Capitol. House and Senate lawmakers, inside debating how to end a government shutdown, briefly shuttered their chambers as Capitol Police shut down the building. The woman’s car at one point had been surrounded by police cars and she managed to escape, careening around a traffic circle and past the north side of the Capitol. Video shot by a TV camerman showed police pointing firearms at her car before she rammed a Secret Service vehicle and continued driving. Lanier said police shot and killed her a block northeast of the historic building.

One Secret Service member and a 23-year veteran of the Capitol Police were injured. Officials said they are in good condition and expected to recover. “This appears to be an isolated, singular matter, with, at this point, no nexus to terrorism,” said Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine. Authorities did not immediately identified the driver of the car. Stamford, Conn., Mayor Michael Pavia said the FBI was executing a search warrant at a Stamford address in connection with the investigation. Police officers had cordoned off a condominium building and the surrounding neighborhood See CAPITOL | 2

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