Thursday SPORTS
Trojans look to end skid vs. Aviators PAGE 13
It’s Where You Live! October 10, 2013
Volume 105, No. 239
Benefit night set for Friday
Funds to help pay for cancer patient’s medical expenses David Fong
Perry had just started a new job and his wife’s insurance coverage has run out. With medical bills mounting, the Biles’ many friends decided to step in and help. “The friends we have cannot be beat,” said Perry, a Troy resident. “I wanted to help them, but they said, ‘You’ve got enough on your plate right now. You let us handle this.’” And they’ve done just that. From 7-11 p.m. Friday at AMVETS Post No. 99 on 1123 S. Brown School Rd. in Vandalia, the Biles’ friends will be hosting “Carla’s Casino Night,” a fundraiser to help the Biles pay for Carla’s medical
Executive Editor
Obama plans to talk to GOP again on shutdown, debt
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is inviting Republican lawmakers to the White House as pressure builds on both sides to resolve their deadlock over the federal debt limit and the partial government shutdown. See Page 10
TROY — In their darkest hour, Perry and Carla (Peck) Biles found out who their true friends are — and just how many they have. Several months ago, the Biles found out Carla had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. What started in her bones had spread to her liver, essentially destroying the organ. Doctors told Perry several weeks ago there was nothing he could do to help his wife but keep his wife comfortable. Doctors gave Carla six months to live.
bills. In addition to a $10 entrance fee, there will be a silent auction, door prizes, a 50/50 drawing, a gun raffle for a Remington 870 express pump shotgun ($5 a chance or five chances for $20) and casino games featuring blackjack and Texas Hold ‘Em, at which participants to earn tickets for chances at prizes including a Kindle Fire HD and tickets to the Cleveland Browns vs. Cincinnati Bengals game this November in Cincinnati. Also, beer and mixed drinks will be sold, with all proceeds going to pay Carla’s medical expenses. Additionally, an Elvis Presley
tribute artist, Jason Griffith, is scheduled to perform. Because Perry is a huge Johnny Cash fan, half of Griffith’s performance will be an Elvis tribute, while the second half will be a Cash tribute. Finally, for those unable to make Friday’s benefit, Perry has set up a fund in his wife’s name at any U.S. Bank. Those who wish to donate may visit their nearest U.S. Bank and make a donation in Carla Perry’s name. “People have been so amazing to us,” Biles said. “We have been very blessed to know so many wonderful people.”
Safety Saturday set at Lowe’s Event aimed to bring awareness to community Melody Vallieu
Staff Writer
Trial date for Morsi stokes Egypt political drama
CAIRO (AP) — The trial of Egypt’s ousted President Mohammed Morsi will begin on Nov. 4, See Page 7
INSIDE TODAY Calendar..........................3 Crossword .......................9 Deaths .............................5 MaryAnn McDaniel Hazel L. Clawson Daniel A. Thomas Opinion ............................4 Sports............................13
OUTLOOK Today Mostly sunny High: 72 Low: 49 Friday Mostly sunny High: 74 Low: 52 Home Delivery: 335-5634 Classified Advertising: (877) 844-8385
Anthony Weber | Troy Daily News Photos
Approximately 40 employees from UTC Aerospace Systems Wheels and Brakes Division including Josh Karas, left, and Todd Hoglund volunteered their time to help clean up and work in areas wherever needed at The Rec in Troy Monday.
Fall cleaning: Melanie Yingst
Staff Writer
TROY – With funding from community grants
pouring in, The Troy Rec’s historic building went on a cleaning spree to help prepare for a flurry of remodeling set to take place in the coming
UTC Aerospace helps spruce up The Rec weeks. With help from the local community, more than 40 volunteers from the of UTC Aerospace Wheels and Brakes
Division rolled up their sleeves and gave Troy Rec executive director Nicole Hanes and
Agencies from the local, state and federal level will come together at the Troy Lowe’s store this Saturday to help enlighten the community on the importance of safety. Lowe’s will offer its Second annual Safety Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the northwest corner of the home improvement store’s parking lot, where everything from fire trucks to wildlife information will be on display. Adam Peeples, loss prevention specialist for the store, said approximately 450 people came out for last year’s inaugural event, and employees and others involved See SAFETY | 2
See FALL | 2
Troy Plannning Commission Second Market On rules decorations can stay
The Miami is Saturday
Melanie Yingst
Staff Writer
TROY — Members of the Troy Planning Commission approved three downtown business to keep their exterior decorations on display from the Gentlemen of the Road musical festival on Thursday. Two of the displays that will remain will be the unofficial “mustache,” which the Mumford & Sons band has as part of its music following. Expressions of the Home, located at 6 South Market Street, requested the 9 ft. by 2 ft. sheet metal mustache above the store’s entryway remain affixed to the historic building. The owner, Diana Scheib, said the decorative piece does not advertise her store, yet has been well received long after the Labor Day concert. See RULES | 2
Colin Foster
Staff Writer
The first annual Market On The Miami went well last year. It was such a big hit, the local vendors wanted to bring the one-of-a-kind venue back for a second year. “The nice thing about an indoor market like this is that no matter how Anthony Weber | Troy Daily News the weather is, it doesn’t Several area downtown businesses including David Fair on the Square, located on the affect the experience Southeast quadrant of the Public Square, wish to keep its decorations which reflect the recent Gentlemen of the Road Stopover tour in Troy.
See MARKET | 2
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