I-Female Magazine | September 2012

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Pg.8 A Sanja Knox Story Pg. 6

5 Tips For Going Back to School As An Adult

Pg. 12 National Book Festival Pg. 20

Gospel secrets

Pg. 14 National Yoga Month I-Female Magazine $6.50

September 2012 | www.i-female.net | I-Female Publishing

J.T. Barber Presents SoulSpeak Sundays is held every 3rd Sunday of the month from 5-8pm at Teaful Bliss Cafe in Philadelphia. Whether you're a poet, spoken word artist, musician, comedian, singer, or spectator, this monthly event is for you. The first hour of SoulSpeak Sundays is for business networking and socializing. So bring your product(s) and/or business cards. Come out and relax, relate, and release...and let your Soul Speak Upcoming SoulSpeak Sundays Event _________________________________ 09/16/2012 | J.T Barber Presents: SoulSpeak Sundays "E-Cubed" Edition 10/21/2012 | J.T Barber Presents: SoulSpeal Sundays 11/18/2012 | J.T Barber Presents: SoulSpeak Sundays "Thanksgiving" 12/16/2012 | J.T Barber Presents: SoulSpeak Sundays "Winter Special" Visit www.jtbarberonline.com for more information about SoulSpeak Sundays

Publisher Stenell Greene-Myers Editor Vanessa Curtis Design Trudean Wright Le Petite Capella Photographer Brittany Beeunas Contributors Tony Myers Tina Louise If you want I-Female magazine at your location email us at magazine@i-female.net If you want to get involved, if you have a story or something you want to share contact us. magazine@ifemale.net Find us online www.i-female.net Join our mailing list for month newsletter for give away and upcoming events



I-Female is a tribute to female empowerment; it allows you to look at yourselves as strong individuals and not just victims or survivors. Cover Photo: London, Amaya and Sana Back Cover: WOW Business Expo Photographer by: Brittany Beeunas WRITE US I-Female Magazine welcomes letters from its readers. To contact Editorial: Send us a fax (215-613-5000), email (magazine@i-female.net) or mail (Letters to I-Female Magazine, P.O Box 935 Vineland, New Jersey 08362). Letters should include the writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

Letter from the Publisher‌ I-Female is here for all women no matter what you’re going through in life, health and relationships. We are an advocate for teens in areas of teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and making healthy choices. As we continue to grow we will feature many articles and resources that can assist your needs. We have been working very hard getting information out to our subscribers. We are so excited to see the growth as we continue to expand. We have reached over 28,585 viewers online. I-Female sends a warm thank you to all of our supporters. It is a pleasure to have information available to the women not only in our community but around the world. As the summer comes to an end September is the month school begins. About 80 million children from preschool to college will start school. September is another year of learning and preparation for children and a great time for parents to have their children in the bed early so they can regain a piece of mind. This is also the month for Labor Day which is an American federal holiday that is observed September 3. Labor Day celebrates the economic and social contribution of workers. Matthew Maguire in 1882 was a machinist who first proposed the holiday. This major holiday is in the remembrance of the deaths of worker of the U.S military and U.S Marshals. The date was originally chosen by the CLU of New York. This holiday while barbecuing, going out to amusements parks, or anyway you chose to celebrate, remember the soldiers who are no longer here. Our children are our future, because at I-Female our mission is to inspire, motivate, and encourage! We are happy to have three beautiful young girls on the cover of September magazine. The goal of the magazine is to be a positive voice in the community as well as around the world. What we do as women makes a difference in the eyes of our children who are the greatest foundation of us as women setting positive standards. This month you will see beautiful 4 year old London, Amaya age 7 and 10 year old Sana. These three little girls are representing Canvas hair salon owned by Regina Grace located in Sicklerville, New Jersey. Sonj Knox owner of I.A.M fashions and founder located in Mt, Laurel New Jersey and Charlena Barnes make-up artist of Dramatic eye -Lusionz, located in Willingboro New Jersey. Sanja Knox is founder and owner of I.A.M Fashions located in Mt. Laurel New Jersey. She is the designer of the three little girls on the cover. I. A. M mission I Can Do Anything, I Can Be Anything, and The Possibilities are endless. I-Female extends a warm Happy Birthday to everyone born in September. We want to thank our wonderful staff and everyone who make I-Female a reality to the world. Be safe and blessed! Remember I-Female is me. I-Female is you. Stenell Greene-Myers Publisher whosgonnapaythemortgage@i-female.net


8 | A Sanja Knox Story 9 | Don’t Get It Twisted ( A man giving you money is not a get out of jail free card) 13 | Wholistic Tip By Tina L.. 18 | 10 Skills For High School Students 20| Let Go & Let God- Gospel Secret

TalkingBack! MailTime! Letters From Readers WRITE US I-Female Magazine welcomes letters from its readers. To contact Editorial: Send us a fax (215-613-5000), email (magazine@i-female.net) or mail (Letters to I-Female Magazine, P.O Box 935 Vineland, New Jersey 08362). Letters should include the writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

Before the First Day by Maya Cohen It's hard to predict how a child will handle separation on the first day of kindergarten. Some kids will cling to their mom in terror, while others will skip happily off without even a parting glance in mom's direction. If your child leans toward the former behavior, don't be alarmed. Starting kindergarten is big step for children, and the anxiety they experience is a perfectly normal part of the developmental process. Nevertheless, there are ways you can make this transition easier for your child. Discuss Kindergarten In the weeks before school begins, discuss kindergarten with your child. Express enthusiasm and excitement at all she is going to learn. Try to evoke responses from your child to see how she may be feeling. Don't overdo it and don't force the topic, if your child is not interested or seems unwilling to discuss it. The main idea is to make kindergarten something exciting to look forward to, rather than something to fear. Try Time Away from You Before your child starts school, you can gauge how he deals with separation anxiety with a trial run. Try leaving him with a relative or close family friend, or suggest a sleepover at Grandma's house. See how your child reacts to being without you in a safe and supervised environment. Set Up Playdates Many schools distribute phone lists for each class of students before the school year begins. If you have such a list, try setting up playdates with your child's future classmates. That way, when your child walks into class on the first day, she'll see some familiar faces - her new friends.

Read more on FamilyEducation: http://school.familyeducation.com/ kindergarten/anxiety/51261.html#ixzz25FhqRCuO

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5 Tips for Going Back to School as an Adult By Deb Peterson, About.com Guide Get Financial Help Unless you’ve won the lottery, money is an issue for almost everyone going back to school. Remember that scholarships aren’t just for young students. Many are available to older students, working moms, nontraditional students of all kinds. Search online for scholarships, including FAFSA (Federal Student Aid), ask your school what kind of financial aid they offer, and while you’re there, ask about work on campus if you’ve got a few extra hours available. 2. Make a Date with Yourself for Study Time You have a full life already. For most college kids, going to school is their job. You may very well have a full-time job plus a relationship, children, and a home to care for. You’re going to have to manage your study time if you’re adding school to your already busy schedule. Choose the hours that make the most sense for you (early morning? noon? after dinner?), and mark them in your date book or planner. You now have a date with yourself. When something comes up during those hours, stay strong, politely decline, and keep your date to study. 3. Manage Test Anxiety No matter how hard you’ve studied, tests can be stressful. There are lots of ways to manage your anxiety, assuming you’re prepared, of course, which is the first way to reduce test stress. Resist the urge to cram right up to test time. Your brain will function more clearly if you: · Arrive early and relaxed · Trust yourself · Take your time · Read the instructions carefully · Answer the questions you know easily first, and then · Go back and work on the harder ones Remember to breathe! Breathing deeply will keep you calm and relaxed. 4. Get Your Forty Winks One of the most important things you can do when learning anything new is to sleep! Not only do you need the energy and revitalization that sleep provides before a test, your brain needs sleep to catalog learnings. Studies have shown that people who sleep between learning and testing score much higher than those who haven’t slept. Get your forty winks before testing and you’ll do much better. 5. Find a Support System So many non-traditional students are going back to school that many schools have websites or organizations set up to support you. · Get online and search for "non-traditional students" · Stop at your school’s front office and ask if they have help in place for non-traditional students · Introduce yourself to other students like yourself and support each other. Don’t be shy. Get involved. Almost every non-traditional student has some of the same concerns you do. 6

…I Can Do Anything …I Can Be Anything …The Possibilities are endless

Photography by: Brittany Beeunas


A Sanja Knox Story In 2011 Canvas Hair Salon collaborated with Fashion by teaming up with I.A.M Fashions to focus on fashion evolution for children & adults. I.A. M Fashions was started by Sanja Knox who has always had an eye for fashion. Starting her career in her teen years with modeling, she attended Barbizon School of Modeling & Acting. From there she went into acting and landed a role in a small feature film with Jersey South Films called “The Golden Empire” alongside Clifton Powell. Shortly thereafter, she landed a contract with Joe Anderson Models. After a few years, Sanja took a hiatus to start a family. As a mother, Sanja wanted her journey to reflect her passion and beliefs. She wanted her legacy and path to be an example to anyone who questions their life’s mission. Everyone has a purpose and mission in life and once you understand who you are, not only do you gain confidence but you’re motivated to let your gifts shine. I.A.M Fashions is a product line to assist children and young women from all walks of life that beauty is enhanced by their beauty within. “I Can Do Anything…, I Can Be Anything….The Possibilities are Endless for me”, is our mission statement. Sanja’s vision: to creatively reflect your personal individuality and how you feel from within and the jewelry enhances your outer beauty. As a single parent, Sanja is a role model for her children. Life’s daily hustle and bustle kept her motivated to become an entrepreneur to show her children you can do anything you put your mind too. She wants to teach them that life is full of opportunities. All you have to do is keep the faith. God will lead the way to your next lesson and your next step in life. I-Fem ale M agazine


player fifty dollars; remember this as women take a lot from a man. I one put fifty dollars in the free hear it all the time: as long as he is parking, and whoever landed on giving me money, or paying my car free parking collected the money – note, he can do what he wants, I just learned that one in my adult knowing you’re lying. And the age. Regardless of what the rules young girls: as long as he is getting are, we all wanted that one thing: my nails and hair done, I don’t care the GET-OUT-OF-JAIL-FREE CARD. if he’s with her. GROW UP, stop When someone had the card, we selling yourself for a car note or would try to buy it from them at manicure. Pay your own bills, get whatever price they named, if it your own hair done, and dump the was a reasonable price, or just loser.



Don’t get it twisted

waited three turns until we could

There are so many times we

get out of jail for free. What I am allow men to walk into our lives speaking about is a board game. and take over. They come in; rearLife does not give us these many range our schedule to fit theirs at options; we roll the dice, take our their pleasure while we allow them turn, and land where our heart to do so. In return we get cheated takes us. We can’t pull a card, pay on, which means we are being dis-

(A man giving you money is money, or wait until everyone respected, but because we have an

not a get-out-of-jail-free card)

takes their turn to restore our extra three hundred in our pockets heart.

we let them pass with the card. There are so many women Because he gives us the good sex

It feels good as a single fe- that take a lot from their man be- that makes us sing, do three hunmale with or without children cause he helps eliminate some of dred sets of pushups and sit-ups, in sometimes getting some assistance the monthly pressure of paying thirty minutes he gets a free pass. from the man we are involved bills. I will be the first to admit that PLEASSSE!!! WAKE UP, you have to with. Remember in the game Mo- being single paying a mortgage, car have more respect for yourself, nopoly, Boardwalk was the most note, utilities, cell phone, food, and which is, remembered, PRICELESS. expensive property on the game. other household expenses not inLadies, you may not agree Throwing the dice and landing on cluding things the kids need and of GO TO JAIL was not good. We all course my beauty upkeep which is with me and that is fine; however, I had different ghetto game rules, a must, is a lot to handle. As am trying to empower you, not put never following the real game women, we want the help and you down. rules, just like our love life. Re- sometimes will allow more than we Sheila, a nice-looking woman – no member, some say you have three should in order to continue getting children, great career, owned a chances to throw the dice three his part of the money to relieve house – was happily single. times and get doubles, or pay each ours. The problem is like I said, we 9

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She had several bad encounters He finally changed her mind by one with him although she knew she with men, so she decided to focus day placing a check in the mail for was second. Ladies, she allowed on continuing her education and five hundred dollars. She did not this man to define her self-worth relationship with her higher power. cash it, and told him she could not over a thousand dollars a month She met this man at a concert, they be bought. Three days later he put and good sex. He did not court her; became friends, went out a few another five-hundred-dollar check he could not take her many places times, but not often.

since he was mar-

After three months

ried. She gave him

they had sex, and





good at first. They


sold her soul.

talked about every-

Julie and her

thing, he always told

boyfriend George of

her stories about his

three years live to-

childhood, and they

gether. George is a



barber who owns his

sonal stories with

shop and makes a



decent living. Julie

man told her he

does not work; she

loved her, wanted to


one day marries her;

Do not pass go, GO STRAIGHT TO JAIL – at least in jail however, one of the you won’t be invaded by lies, deceit, and manipulation. deep personal sto- This “jail” I call is you setting values and standards for ries he did not menyourself, by yourself.

school that is paid

tion was that he was

risma, and of all

deep other.


by George. This man is



built, has great cha-

married. He had been married for in her mailbox. You know what she things works in a customer-filled eighteen years with three children. did next? Cashed both checks. The environment of desperate women Finally, he told her when she began minute he saw the checks were lurking for a man to help them take to question his living arrange- cashed, bingo you got it, he was in. care of their little Mikeys that ments, asking why she could not He cried, begged, pleaded, and told come to the shop every week to come to his house, where he and her she was so good to him, that get their hair cut. Julie is well his mother lived. This woman was he could not be without her. He known in the area he works in and hurt, felt misused, taken advantage came up with the story of I’m going has a lot of associates. George is a of, and lied to. She did not speak to leave my wife as soon as I BLAH woman lover; he has a reputation to him for a few weeks. He would BLAH BLAH. She fell for the GAME for talking more than just customer appear at her house with dinner, because she was getting at least a talk. He gives out his number and call her apologizing, singing the thousand a month. This girl contin- has secret sexual encounters with blues, and she would not give in. ued to have a sexual relationship these ladies. I-F emal e Magazi ne


Julie has been told several times about her man’s behavior creeping with other women, she yells threaten to leave, but never does; remember, George pays for her to attend school. Julie tells herself he is supporting me, pays all the bills, gives me money, and pays for me to attend school, so she deals with it her own way, not openly. She continues to argue and fight the other women, but deep inside she knew she was not going anywhere. Ladies, this is a prime example of a get-over relationship. Because her man is supporting her, she feels entitled to be mistreated and disrespected. Somewhere along the way she lost values and self-respect. It is a great honor for your man to take care of you. He should, if he confesses his love, since you both have good plans that incorporate building and enlarging your future together. George does not get a GET-OUT-OF-JAILFREE CARD; he is using her not working and him paying for her education as an advantage for him to continue freely doing what he wants. Ladies, you know Julie better not find a man on the side; George would leave her before I could finish this sentence. Do not pass go, GO STRAIGHT TO JAIL – at least in jail you won’t be invaded by lies, deceit, and manipulation. This “jail” I call is you setting values and standards for yourself, by yourself. Healing from the pain that was once given to you from the seductive kiss to the staring in your eyes “I love you.” Love yourself as stated in Chapter 2 Self-esteem. Take time out for you; go to dinner, the movies alone. Get a room once or twice a month for you alone, go to the spa, write a book – I did. Advance your education, build up yourself first, and don’t settle for what you know you should not be settling for. Do whatever you can constructive to better yourself. Your life is all about you. Do not allow a man to define who you are or your happiness; when


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ABOUT THE NATIONAL BOOK FESTIVAL The National Book Festival, an annual event held each September on the National Mall in Washington, DC, is a celebration of the joy of books and reading is sponsored by the Library of Congress and gives attendees the opportunity to visit with more than 100 award-winning authors, illustrators and poets who will talk about and sign their books. National Book Festival Pavilions are set up for Fiction & Mystery, History & Biography, Children & Teens, Poetry, Home & Family, Urban Fiction and Graphic Novels. The Library of Congress Pavilion features a variety of interactive family-centered activities about the importance of lifelong literacy, cultural preservation, and preserving digital culture. At the National Book Festival, visitors have the opportunity to learn about the reading programs and resources in libraries across the country. Representatives from every state and territory welcome families and children interested in that state's writers and reading programs.

Dates and Times September 22-23, 2012 Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, noon to 5:30 p.m. Come to the 12th annual Library of Congress National Book Festival on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are honorary chairs for the event. The festival is free and open to the public. Festival poster by Rafael L贸pez. This year's festival will feature authors, poets and illustrators in several pavilions, including two Sunday-only pavilions: Science Fiction, Fantasy & Graphic Novels and Special Programs. Festival-goers can meet and hear firsthand from their favorite poets and authors, get books signed, hear special entertainment, have photos taken with storybook characters and participate in a variety of activities.

National Book Festival Location National Mall, between 9th streets and 14th Sts Stay Connected with the Festival With two busy days of activities and dozens of authors, the 2012 Library of Congress National Book Festival promises to be bigger and better than ever. Keep up with the latest news and get a head start on planning your visit. follow on Twitter at @LibraryCongress. www.loc.gov/bookfest

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Wholistic Tips by Tina Louise

I want to remind everybody this month to "Pursue Your Purpose/ Live Your Dreams".

healthy inside, then it manifests on the outside and then the sum of having a healthy thought process - equals being whole, or in a state of well-being. If we clutter our minds with negative thoughts - hopelessness, low self-esteem, or depression; then we need to reprogram! How can we reprogram? Well, I am always going to tell you - we can start by exercising more regularly, meditate, stretching, drinking more water, going for a leisure walk; or start a new hobby. Maybe you can do some gardening, take a pottery class, go bowling, go roller skating, or bike riding. When we incorporate eating balanced meals, exercising, and participating in a positive activity/hobby - it will help us

iveness. In doing these things, we will increasingly become motivated to feed our dreams and live out our passion. I know, some days we think our best idea is to just stay in bed - but get up, because one good positive/active idea may change the rest of our life.

balance our lives. Everybody has their own uniqueness about them, talents, and gifts. When we understand what that is, or what our best characteristics, or gifts are then we can focus on our distinct-

Take care and embrace your wholeness, your uniqueness, be enthusiastic, and embrace the good. Talk to you next month!

In conclusion, we were meant to be in good health, live a joy filled and harmonious life, and to prosper - while we live. Believe that you can attract positive into your life, and unlimited opportunities. We just have to expand our thinking, our awareness - so that our focus will dictate healing and activate well-being in our mind, body, and spirit.

If you look up the meaning of the word whole you will find many definitions, such as: to emphasize the novelty or distinctiveness of something; not divided, restored, physically sound and healthy, or being healed. Therefore, my tip this month is to remind you that "in pursuing our dreams we may not always feel like we have the ideal situation to move forward or have been presented with enough opportunities to be successful". But first, we must understand our uniqueness and balance our lives by seeking to be whole. Balance is being healthy in our mind, body, and soul. How do we find or understand our wholeness or uniqueness? Once our body is


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National Yoga Month is a national observance and awareness campaign held during the month of September to educate about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire a healthy lifestyle. The awareness campaign consists of yoga classes, concerts and other special events during September to celebrate National Yoga Month and inspire people to practice yoga and to create a more balanced lifestyle. In 2008, the Department of Health and Human Services designated September as National Yoga Month, one of a select number of national health observances. That same year, thousands of yoga and health enthusiasts participated in a 10 City Yoga Health Festival Tour featuring yoga classes, lectures, music, entertainment, exhibits. Since then, the initiative has taken root as a global awareness campaign, educating, inspiring and motivating people to achieve a healthy lifestyle. According to the chocagoist.com the awareness campaign's goal is to get people moving and encourage them to make healthy living a part of their daily lives. If you’re new to yoga, it’s the perfect opportunity to learn, ask questions and try classes for free. That’s right, the Yoga Health Foundation has teamed with yoga studios across the country to offer free week-long passes for new students to get all zen. There are tons of studios in Chicago taking part, including Corepower, Exhale, Chicago School of Hot Yoga, Fitness Formula Club and many more. Just check with your local studio to find out if they’re participating, or use Yoga Health Foundation’s search tool.

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Upcoming Events in Chicago. For more information visit www.chicagoist.com There are lots of other events (including more free stuff) throughout the month in honor of National Yoga Month that experienced yogis and novices alike can take part in: Athleta is offering complimentary classes every Saturday in September at their Southport store along with giveaways and an online calendar with daily yoga activities, tips and inspiration. Check their site at the beginning of the month for times. 3415 N. Southport Ave. Lululemon Athletica is always providing free classes at their five chicago locations. Check the calendar for the store closest to you for days and times: Michigan Avenue, Rush Street, Bucktown, Halsted or Southport. New UIC-area studio YogaBliss has a free class at 11am on Sunday, September 9 to celebrate Yoga Aid. With the spirit of competition, Yoga Aid is raising funds for various world charities including Africa Yoga Project and Yoga Across America. Donations are encouraged! 1344 S. Halsted St. If you feel like hiking up to Evanston at 8 a.m. on Sunday, September 16, several local studios are teaming together for a free class on the beach at Sheridan Road and Clark Street. In honor of the Third Annual Evanston Yoga Day, they’ll also have raffles and giveaways from Lululemon and I Love Yoga. Exhale Spa in the Gold Coast celebrates their Second Annual NamasDAY on Thursday, September 20 with complimentary yoga classes throughout the day and a yoga bash that evening with DJ’s and more giveaways. Check their website as the event gets closer to register. 945 N. State St. Bikram Yoga Andersonville hosts Karma Yoga Day on Monday, September 24. For every body in the room, they’ll donate a dollar to Yoga Gives Back. The second class of the day is always free, so push karma a little further by sticking around for a second class. 5715 N. Clark St. Pure Wellness in Lincoln Park invites one and all to their first Wellness Expo on Saturday, September 29 from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. The open house will have product samples, refreshments and more. 2536 N. Halsted.


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September 1 “Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with” Mark Twain

September 10 “Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a September 2 “The best and safest fish.” Ovid thing is to keep a balance in your September 11 “Education is the life, acknowledge the great powers ability to listen to almost anyaround us and in us. If you can do thing without losing your temper that, and live that way, you are or your self-confidence.” Robert really a wise man.” Euripides Frost September 3 “The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself.” Oscar Wilde

September 12 “Faith is taking the firststep, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King Jr

September 4 “Character is like a September 13 “Ignorance, the tree and reputation like its shadow. root and the stem of every evil.” The shadow is what we think of it; Plato the tree is the real thing.” Abraham Lincoln September 14 “If you can give September 5 “I was always looking your son or daughter only one outside myself for strength and con- gift, let it be enthusiasm.” Bruce fidence, but it comes from within. It Barton is there all the time.” Anna Freud September 6 “Try not to become a September 15 “Look to your man of health; and if you have it, praise success but rather to become a man God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second of value.” Albert Einstein blessing that we mortals are caSeptember 7 “Nobody cleared a pable of, a blessing money can't path for themselves by giving up.” buy.” Izaak Walton Alacia Bessette September 8 “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not lived at all. In which case, you've failed by default.” J.K. Rowling

September 16 “It is a great thing to know the season for speech and the season for silence.” Seneca

September 17 “Sometimes the lies you tell are less frightening September 9 “Men are not prisonthan the loneliness you might ers of fate, but only prisoners of feel if you stopped telling them.” their own minds.” Franklin D. RooBrock Clarke sevelt


Quote of the Month “He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their city, and will save them. The Lord preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy.” PSALM 145: 19-20 KJV

September 18 “Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values.” Ayn Rand September 19 “Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.” Bob Newhart September 20 “He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.” Confucius September 21 “The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.” Francis Maitland Balfour September 22 “Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in

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his moccasins.” Native American Proverb September 23 “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” Anne Frank September 24 “The worst thing of all is standing by when folks are doing something wrong.” Kirby Larson September 25 “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John F. Kennedy

Top 10 Skills for HighSchool Students by Clint Page

Whether you're a freshman or a senior, developing the following 10 skills will help you achieve success in school, in your chosen career, and in life.

September 26 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.” 1 John 4: 18 September 27 “ Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence” Calvin Coolidge September 28 “Be a good listener. Your ears will never get you in trouble.” Frank Tyger September 29 “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning" Lamentations 3:22-23 September 30 “I felt despair. Though it seems to me now there's two kinds of it: the sort that causes a person to surrender and then the sort I had which made me take risks and make plans.” Erica Eisdorfer,

Time Management You know the deal: There are just 24 hours in each day. What you do with that time makes all the difference. While high-school students average 35 hours per week of class time, college students log an average of 15 to 18 hours per week. Getting your "free" time under control now will help prepare you for managing that extra 20 hours a week come freshman year of college — when you'll need to study and want to socialize more than ever. If you don't already, start using a daily planner. This could be a datebook you keep in your bag, an online version you maintain at home, or both. It's easy to over-schedule or "double-book" if we aren't careful. Manage your time wisely and you'll get the maximum out of each day.

Inspire! Motivate! Encourage! I-F emal e Magazi ne


Good Study Habits If you've got them, great. If not — well, there's still time to develop them. Good study habits include these basics: 

Always be prepared for class, and attend classes regularly. No cutting!  Complete assignments thoroughly and in a timely manner.  Review your notes daily rather than cram for tests the night before.  Set aside quiet time each day for study — even if you don't have homework or a test the next day! 3. The Ability to Set Attainable Goals It's important to set goals, as long as they're attainable. Setting goals that are unreasonably high is a set-up — you'll be doomed to frustration and disappointment. 4. Concentration Listen to your teacher and stay focused. Be sure that you understand the lesson. If you don't understand something, ask questions! You've heard it before, but "the only dumb question is the one you don't ask" is absolutely true. If you've been paying attention, it definitely won't be a dumb question. 5. Good Note-Taking You can't possibly write down everything the teacher says since we talk at a rate of about 225 words per minute. But, you do need to write down the important material. Be sure to validate yourself after a test by going back over your notes to see if your notes contained the answers to questions asked on the test. If not, you need to ask to see a classmate's notes or check with the teacher for help on improving your note-taking. Studying with a partner is also a good idea, provided that you study and don't turn it into a talk-fest (there's time for that later). Note-taking should be in a form that's most helpful to you. If you're more of a visual person, try writing notes on different colored index cards. Music can also be a good memory aid as long as you don't find it distracting. Re-writing your notes daily is another strategy. If you really have a problem with note -taking, you might ask your teacher if you can tape-record daily lessons. Do whatever it takes! 6. Completion of Assignments Teachers assign homework for a reason. While it may seem like "busywork" at times, it definitely has a purpose. Put your homework to good use. Remember, you'll only get out of it what you put into it! 7. Review Your Notes Daily Don't wait until the night before the test to review your notes. Go over your notes each day while the lecture is still fresh in your mind. Add any missing pieces. Compare your notes with a classmate's notes. This isn't cheating — it may even be mutually beneficial. Review your notes each day to reinforce your learning and build towards your ultimate goal: MASTERY of the subject or skill.


I-F emal e M agazine

8. Organizational Skills Keeping yourself organized will save you valuable time and allow you to do everything you need to do. Remember: "A place for everything and everything in its place." Keep all your study materials (calculator, planner, books, notebooks, laptop, etc.) in one convenient location.

Gospel Secret By Tonty Myers


9. Motivation You need to be motivated to learn and work hard, whether or not you like a specific subject or teacher. Self-motivation can be extremely important when you aren't particularly excited about a class. If you must, view it as an obstacle you must overcome. Then, set your mind to it and do it — no excuses. Success is up to you! 10. Commitment You've started the course, now you need to complete it. Do the best — and get the most out of it — that you can! Your commitment will pay off in the end. In high school, the academic workload increases as teachers’ expectations rise. Use these resources to promote your child’s educational development. You can also encourage his success in high school by helping him prepare for standardized tests and other exams. For more visit www. school.familyeducation.com

I-F emal e Magazi ne

In today's society, pressure is all around us. At the job, pressure! At home, pressure! Even at church pressure seems to be circling our lives at every angle. However, we as Christians have hope beyond this earthly rim. We as Christians mostly look to Jesus. Jesus said," Cast you care upon me for I care for you." This sounds like a statement but it's more of a commandment. Jesus came to bare the infirmities of the weak and fainthearted. I was in church the other day and the Lord spoke to me plainly and said," Do you really think I don't know what's going on?" That question really hit home. Although I answered with a quick "yes", I questioned what was in my heart? To regain clarity, I went to the word and began to worship God for being Jehovah - jireh. The God that provides all my needs. Through my worship I was able to receive the word from God into my heart! Worship has the ability to open the heart and let the word in. So let's surrender our hearts to the word of God and let go! Praise God!! 20

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I-F emal e Magazi ne


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