Profile mapim

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Content MAPIM Status and Background


Background of MAPIM’s Establishment


Commitment of MAPIM


Organizational Structure


MAPIM Office Bearers


National Achoevement


Training and Workshops


Core Member Organizations


Our Mission Nowadays, there are hundreds of Islamic organizations (Islamic NGOs) that exist. There are NGOs for education, health, charity,human right,law, interest of the nation and also for religious dignity.However there is yet an effort to create an effective, sustainable and agreeable networking that can uplift Ummah dignity to its righteous place. Current socio-economy crisis and Ummah politic are extremely worrying. It is more disappointing and heartbreaking with the internal crisis among Muslimss. It a must for all Islamic movements that embrace Islam as their goal and label to assemble an organized row to seek His love as stated in Surah As-Saff verse 4. 4

Background of

MAPIM’s Establishment 27 – 28th October 2007 • The idea of MAPIM’s establishment was initiated in a resolution document named “Consensus Declaration of Verandah of Mecca” (CDVM) 2007 • CDVM 2007 was introduced in the National Conference of Malaysia’s Islamic Organizations in Kota Baharu, Kelantan • Moved by Congress Secretariat of Malaysia’s Muslim with the association of State Goverment of Kelantan Darul Naim • Participated by 500 representatives from 78 Islamic organizations of state and national level • Summary of Conference: All Islamic organization movers must realize the importance to act as one strong line to elevate the status of Muslims and to strengthen the place of Islam in this country

Ramadhan 1429H/2008 • The conference continued in Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan • MAPIM’s methods and guidelines were accepted in the meeting to clarify MAPIM’s structure and movement mechanism.

1 Muharram 1431H/2009 • Second conference in Pendang, Kedah • MAPIM managed to completed reference documentation to smooth MAPIM’s movements • MAPIM started its movement on this day 5

“ MAPIM has been conducting a nationwide campaign to uplift the status of the Syariah within the Muslims community in the country. Campaigns to advance the Syariah as an alternative for the


undamentally MAPIM was established to handle countless issues faced by Muslimss. Some of the challenges include internal and external issues of global political hegemony and antiIslam western powers that continuously threat Ummah in e c o n o m y, c u l t u r e , s o c i a l a n d military aspects.

community has been focused in the talks, khutbah and community seminars.


Specifically MAPIM will be a medium to coordinate and facilitate efforts to improve the effectiveness of Islamic organizations and activist in the

efforts to build Islamic society that is “KhairoUmmah” as a whole. To d a y M A P I M i s a c t i v e l y voicing out Muslimss related issues in the country and be the umbrella for 87 member organizations of Islamic organizations in Malaysia such as SHURA, TERAS, SALIMAH, JIM, ABIM, ISMA, PUM, GAMIS, WEHDAH, BARAKAH, PERKID, R U R A L C I T I Z E N , J A M A I ’ I Y, FORUM, IMPAK, IMAD, B A K U N , M U H A M M A D I YA H I N T E R N AT I O N A L , G A D I S a n d UMAH AID.

Mission Rebuilding the whole community entirely and strongly based on principles of Al-Quran an AsSunnah. For that, MAPIM will move to realize Islam as an ideal way of life and kaffah as total submission to Allah S.W.T in all aspect of life.

“Surely this Islam is your religion, only one religion and I am your lord, therefore you serve Me” (Al-Anbiya’:92)

Philosophy of MAPIM MAPIM embraces the philosophy that: Everybody is Caliph on earth. As someone who has races and nationality, we are responsible torealize this philosophy into real life.This philosophy can only be internalized when da’wah Islamiah is accompanied with strong proof

“Say: This is my way, I call to Allah, I and those who follow me being certain, and glory be to Allah and I am not one of polytheists” (Surah Yusuf: 108)


Commitment Of MAPIM


To increase the effectiveness of Islamic organizations movements to contribute to: • The efforts to uplift Islam’s status particularly in this country • Bring forward Islamic alternative in all aspects at national and international level


To build programs that enhances character and value of life. True Muslims will go through tarbiyah’s approaches and effective da’wah to create a model Islamic society that can be referred in the efforts to repair moral collapse due to uncontrolled social problems to restored dignity of Ummah.





To gather strengths of all Islamic organizations to move in a more organized and effective movement to uplift Muslim’s status in all aspect of life

To build authority and integrity of Islamic organizations in Malaysia as a respected and authorized association that fight for: • Social justice • Democratic right for regardless of religion.





To move the effords to defend the oppresses and estranged society due to injustice development process in order to order to restore peace and social justice for citizens and specially for Muslims.

To provide continuous advocacy to ensure the success of transformation and change of communities’ and nation’s system to establish Islamic Justice as an alternative.




Vice Chairman


MAPIM’s Board Members


Responsible to: 1. Director for International Affairs 2. Director for Strategic Planning & Corporate Relation 3. Director for National Coordinator Activities 4. Director for Information & Media 5. Director for Activist Training & Organizational Development 6. Director for Relief & Humanitarian Aids 7. Director for Research 8. Director for Woman Affairs 9. Special Projects



4 Committees

Responsible to: Supervise and administer MAPIM’s overall movements

MAPIM’s Central Secretariat


Res 1. S 2. E a


General Musyawarah Council (Shura)

- Consist of 5 representatives from each member organizations - Responsible to: Supervise and administer MAPIM’s overall movements - Consist of chairman or president from each member organization

Secretary General

3 MAPIM’s Leadership Council (MLC)

- Responsible to: 1. Plan and formulate MAPIM’s vision and mission 2. Consult and coordinate activities of member organizations

Executive Director

Secretariat Staff

sponsible to: Secretariat for Mapim’s Central Secretariat Executive authority to plan, monitor, implement and evaluate activities and administrative affairs

4 MAPIM’s Central Secretariat


National Achievement Islamic Community Awareness Programs • National Campaign on Strengthening & Protection of Aqidah This is an initiative to reassert the Ummah’s faith towards the tauhidic concept of submission to Allah and protecting from derailment of Muslims’ Aqidah in a multi-racial and multi religious community. Talk and seminars are continuously organized to instill understanding and resolve problems faced by bornMuslims and reverted Muslims relating to their belief, faith and social cultural and economic livelihood. 12

• Strategic National Memorandum on Mainstreaming of the Syariah This activity is to advocate for the development and progress of Syariah in the legal and social economic development of the Muslims community. Formulating of a strategic plan of action and forwarding memorandum to the government is the focus of the campaign of Syariah mainstreaming in the national development of the country. • National campaign for “Save the children” This is a national initiative by MAPIM member organizations to address the problems of children upbringing and parenting issues among theMuslims community. Basic issues like eating habits, culturally negative influences, health, media influences, degrading moral values by western cultures, social interactions, educational and love for knowledge, children safety issues are among the components incorporated into this campaign. Workshops at community level are organized to instill awareness of protecting and development of theMuslims children in accordance to Islam. 13

• National campaign on suppor ting the Syariah MAPIM has been conducting a nationwide campaign to uplift the status of the Syariah within the Muslims community in the country. Campaigns to advance the Syariah as an alternative for the community has been focused in the talks, khutbah and community seminars. The aim of the campaign is to promote the comprehensive understanding of the Syariah and Maqasid Syariah to enable the Muslims to appreciate the importance of supporting Syariah as a way of life and a system of governance.

• Campaign for Ummah Unity The essence of this campaign is to promote the importance of unity among Muslims in the country. The concept of Wehdatul Ummah as an important theme is being promoted in various activities conducted by MAPIM. A clear message on the dangers of Sectarianism and divisive element within the Ummah has been the major thrust of MAPIM’s activities. Dialogues and interMazhab interaction are promoted to instill Ummah unity at various level of thecommunity.


• Community ser vices and independent initiatives MAPIM promotes the importance of social services for the disadvantaged and marginalized communities. social services conducted by MAPIM includes healthcare, care for the elders, services for the orphan, handicapped, single mother, the poor, relief and humanitarian for environmental disaster’ victims and extension of the help for the poor irrespective of race and religion. • Mobilizing the Muslimah for Ummah consciousness MAPIM views the Muslimah as a crucial component in the Ummah development process.Concertizing theMuslimah toassert their rule in community development and Ummah building is organized in different modules of activities. The various Muslimah group within different communities are organized to participate in decision making and local community initiatives. MAPIM formulates guidelines and tools to enable the Muslimah community to effectively play their role in enhancing the livelihood quality of the Ummah.


• National campaign for “Practicing Islam in totality” This is a campaign that promotes the total transformation of Muslims community to conform with the teaching of the Quran and guidance of the Prophet. Activities are conducted to enhance the understanding the concept of “Enter into Islam in its totality” (udkhulufissilmikaaffah) within the Muslims c o m m u n i t y. T h e i m p o r t a n c e o f p r a c t i c a l actions in daily life based on the teachings of Islam is vital to assert the beauty of Islam


as an exemplary way of life. MAPIM seeks to demolish the secular and compartmentalization of life which has undermined the Islamic integrated concept governing the life of Muslims. Activities are conducted to instill the importance of molding ever y behavior of t h e Muslims in accordance to the Quran and to reaffirm the Islamic identity in every social and cultural aspects of the community.

• Organizing Muslims Children day MAPIM has decided to create a world Muslims children day as a mark of imparting an important message to the parent that Muslims children must be brought up accordance to Islamic teachings. The day of the birth of Prophet Muhammad pbuh has been chosen as the world Muslims children day and MAPIM advocatesMuslim communities to organize events for Muslims children on that particular day. Non-Muslims children are also invited to interact with activities to develop closeness and caring among children as that has been thought by the Prophet. The main theme of the celebration is to incorporate love and emulate the exemplary character of the prophet within the children.

>>> Training And Workshops • Muslimah activist and leadership workshop The objective of this workshop is to equip and enable selected Muslimah within the community to lead for change and transformation among Muslims. Knowledge an organizational skills are components of the trainings and the selected activist will be assigned to function in their own community for the advancement of Islam and the Ummah livelihood quality.


• Young Muslimah leadership training S e l e c t e d y o u t h f r o m s c h o o l a n d c o l l e g e students are recruited to undergo special leadership training. The main objective is to develop a pool of conscious youth to play their role to develop the Ummah and to instill Islamic idealism within them. The training is modeled to develop the youth to become effective change agent and to prepare as future leaders in the community. The training includes character building, understanding global issues, perspective building, inculcation of Islamic leadership qualities, training in organizational skills and team building. • Activist training for Qar yah transformation MAPIM envisions local community models to develop good Islamic functioning communities. The smallest unit in the community being the Qaryah is a focus to be developed into exemplary community in various aspects. Selected members among the Qaryah are trained to become change agent and community catalyst. They are trained to understand how to organized the community in various aspects of their livelihood including health, education, economic, cultural, local resource management, family development and parenting, youth development, environmental protection, effective functioning of the Masjid and community conflict management, da’wah and Islamic knowledge advancement. • Young Muslims writers workshop MAPIM is also involved in developing young Muslims writers to encourage the distribution of good Islamic literature and reading materials. MAPIM selects potential young writers to nurture their writing skills to encourage them to write and develop their talent in using the current media to promote Islamic ideas and messages. Workshops are conducted to develop these young writers and build their confidence to become part of the Ummah building process. 18

• Organizational and leadership training for young Ulama The young ulama are an important component in the present Ummah. They are the future scholars to strengthen and protect Islamic mission in the present world. The young scholars must be groomed to face various intellectual challenges confronting the Ummah. MAPIM seeks to train young ulama not only to become knowledge resource for the community but also as effective community leaders within the Ummah. They are trained to understand how to function in the community and to play an active role in guiding the Ummah to advance the Islamic mission and vision. • MAPIM’s volunteers training workshop MAPIM is continuously recruiting volunteers to be mobilized in various activities conducted in the country. Volunteers are trained to understand how to conduct and assist the organization to reach out to every level of the community. They are also trained to be ready to function in emergency situation and are selected from all levels of the community including retired personnel.


>>> Ummah Solidarity Events All these activities are tailored to create unity and solidarity within the Ummah. MAPIM organizes the events with cooperation of member organizations and try to coordinate the events simultaneously at the same day in every state and district. The main message of the events will be focusing on the importance of unity and to become exemplar y communities in multi-racial and multi religiousmilieu in the context of nation building. Activities will be conducted accordingly to the theme of the events and it will be monitored to ensure the effective deliverance of messages to participants. MAPIM will be tapping local resources and mobilize media agencies to promote the events to maximize participation of communities. These events will be featured in the annual calendar of activities and all member organizations are required to implement the activities accordingly. The following are the major annual events conducted by MAPIM. • 1st Muharram celebration • MaulidurRasulcelebration • Nuzul Qurancelebration • Qurbani day celebration

- Hijrah for Ummah transformation - Emulating the Prophet and asserting the Sunnah - Character building based on the Quranic teachings - Instilling the true value of sacrifice for Islam

>>> International Achievements • Campaign for Palestinian cause MAPIM is actively involved in the campaign for the Palestinian cause. It has mobilized its resources to participate in various campaigns to advocate for the Palestinian struggle for liberation. MAPIM has been working close with various international organizations including the UN and OIC and various international NGOs including international Al Quds Foundation and the World 20

Ulama Muslimin Association. MAPIM was also involved in the Asian Caravan to Gaza, Global March to Jerusalem, AsianPeople Solidarity for Palestine (APSP), Al Aqsa Working Group Indonesia, and UniversalJustice Network. The involvement of MAPIM has been to the support in the deliberation of issues includingthe liberation of Al Aqsa and right of return for the Palestinians, return of the occupied land, illegal settlement by the Jews and demolishing of the separation wall. MAPIM advocates for justice for the Palestinians. MAPIM demonstrate its full support to assist in the campaign for a free Palestine and to mobilize international solidarity in affirming the rights of the Palestinian.

• Humanitarian and Relief for Gaza MAPIM commits itself to focus on the plight of the Palestinian in the Gaza strip. Since 2010 MAPIM has sent more than 10 missions to visit Gaza and channel its relief to the Gaza people. MAPIM is working closely with international agencies and the Gaza authorities to identify priority needs of the people and to plan for relief and rehabilitation. Several specific projects have been identified and MAPIM is now working earnestly to complete its commitment in enhancing the projects that have been identified. The following are projects that are still commencing to be completed. MAPIM is working very hard to raise fund for the financial needs for the projects. • • • • • • •

Rebuilding of Destroyed Mosques Food Parcel for Ramadan Adoption Sponsorship of Orphans Scholarships for Students for Higher Learning and Trainings Fund Raising for Proposal of a Pediatric Hospital Housing for the poor and destroyed home Malaysian – Gaza cultural corporation


• Humanitarian and Relief for Rohingya Refugees In Myanmar MAPIM has taken the initiative to address the issues of Rohingya and the Kaman Ethnic Muslims in Myanmar. The decades of oppression and genocide have been hidden from the attention of the international community. The plight of Rohingya falls back from the occupation by the Buddhist ruler until the British occupation in the 17th century. Since the military rule of Burma, the Rohingya has undergone heinous suppression leading to massacre of unprecedented scale. The denial of citizenship has rendered the Rohingya and Kaman ethnic as stateless people. Millions has fled from the Myanmar regime into 14 countries as refugees and hundreds of thousands as IDPs. The precarious situation of remaining Rohingya and Kaman ethnic are now under threat of being cordon into concentration camps. The genocide is still proceeding unhampered and systematically backed by the ruling regime. MAPIM is working closely with international agencies including the UN, OIC and ASEAN to advocate for the rightsofthe Rohingya and Kaman ethnics while simultaneously assisting the humanitarian needs for the refugees in and outside Myanmar. MAPIM is working in hand with Union of World Rohingya Organization (UWRO) to unite the voice of Rohingya in advocating for their human rights including rights to citizenship, basic needs, and protection under the law, rights to education, religious practices, protection of heritage and culture, rights of return, rights to legal address for justice and protection from ethnic cleansing and genocide. The following are some of the initiatives taken by MAPIM. • Humanitarian Food Relief to Arakan and Refugees Camps in Bangladesh • Qurban Relief • Advocacy to International Relief Agencies • Advocacy for Citizenship rights for Rohingya


• Fact Finding Mission to Turkey - Syria Border Camps MAPIM has initiated a fact finding mission to look into the needs of the Syrian refugee camps at the border of Turkey. Missions to establish the situational needs of the refugees had been deployed to the camps to access the current conflict. More 150 000 refugees as of December 2012 bordering Turkey is in dire need of food and non-food assistance. MAPIM has also established working relationship with Turkey’s Humanitarian NGO to collaborate in dispatching of aid to the refugees.


>>> Core Member Organizations Following are MAPIM’s core member organizations:

Teras Pengupayaan Melayu Malaysia (TERAS) (Pillar of Malay Empowerment) Phone : 019 4818687 (Azizan) 016 4731816 (Shah Rizan) 013 4013342 (Salman Siddiqiy) Web


Per tubuhan Jemaah Islam Malaysia (JIM) Address : Lot 300.3, Lorong Selangor, Pusat Bandar Melawati, 53100 Kuala Lumpur Phone

: 603 41089669


: 603 410071754





Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) Address : No.6, Jalan TC 2A/2, Taman Cemerlang, 53100 Kuala Lumpur



: 019 2881300 / 03 41084500


: 03 41082400



Persatuan Ulama Malaysia (PUM) Address : 14B, Jalan Plumbum P7/P, Pusat Komersial Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam. Phone

: 603 55124300 /03 55114301


: 603 55114302



Per tubuhan Ikram Malaysia (IKRAM) Address : No.9, Jalan Dagang SB 4/1, Taman Sungai Besi Indah, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. Phone

: 603 89456999 / 603 89453666


: 603 89451772





Per tubuhan Himpunan Lepasan Institusi Pendidikan Malaysia (HALUAN) Address : A-03-01, Medan Pusat Bandar 5, Seksyen 9,43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Bangi, Selangor. Phone

: 603 89268892 / 017 3206871


: 603 89266892






Jaringan Muafakat Per tubuhan Islam Perak (JAMAIY) Address : Pusat Motivasi jamaiy Perak, No.33 a, Jalan Ampang Baru 6a, Ipoh, Perak. Web


Majlis Permuafakatan Rakyat Terengganu (MAMPAT) Address : No 109, Taman Pusu 3, 21300 Kuala Terengganu Terengganu. Phone

: 609 6660758 / 013 93286885




: http://mampat.blogspot

Sekretariat Misi Cakna Palestin Kelantan (Cakna Palestin) Address : Pupuk Bilai Murni Berhad, RF 49 Tingkat 1, Medan Usahawan Stadium, Sultan, 15200 Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Phone

: 609 7488443


: 609 7488443




: facebook/pages/Salimah-Kebangsaan

Persatuan Persaudaraan Muslimah Malaysia (Salimah) Email





Malaysian Chinese Muslims Associations (MACMA)

Iman (Rangkaian Per tubuhan Islam Bersepadu Selangor) Address : Pejabat Pimpinan, Masjid Negeri Selangor, Persiaran Masjid, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor. Web




Ikatan Muslimsin Malaysia (ISMA) Address : N0 25-1-1 & 27-1-1, Jalan Medan Pusat Bandar 1A, Medan Pusat Bandar 1, Seksyen 9, 43650 Bangi. Phone

: 603 89265954 / 03 89265424


: 603 89261520






PKPIM Address : Sekretariat PKPIM Pusat, Lot 2965, Jalan Kampung Tengah, Batu 6 1/2, Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur. Phone

: 603 61842286


: 603 61842285












: PeneranganGamis


: Gamis_Malaysia

Youtube : Gamis TV


: http:// persatuanulamakedah.blogspot. com


Citizen International (CI) Address : No. 10 Jalan Masjid Negeri, 11600 Penang, Malaysia. Email




Yayasan Amal Web

: malaysia

Persatuan Muafakat Kesejahteraan Rakyat Pulau Pinang (Permaufakat) Address : F-2-10 Lorong Sembilang 14, Taman Desa Cemara, 13700 Seberang Jaya, Penang, Malaysia. Phone

: 019 4145663


: 04 3992053




MALAYSIAN ISLAMIC NGOS CONSULTATION COUNCIL MAPIM Suite 1, Level 5, Perak Techno-Trade Centre (PTTC), Bandar Meru Raya, Off Jalan Jelapang, 30200 Ipoh, Perak.


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