Ex-Pro Bullettin Jan 2012

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IAAS EXPRO BULLETIN Welcome Address D ear IAASers, On behalf of the EC and EQB, I welcome you to another edition of the EXPRO Bulletin. Compliments of the season to all IAASers all around the world. My sincere appreciations go to my predecessor, Eri, Lara, Teresa, Susan, Jo, Akorede taiwo and

the EQB for their support and contributions since after my election as VP Exchange. This edition will show full information on all available Expro places around the world and also update you on what’s new and what lies ahead. You are welcome! Uke Praise VP Exchange


Tajikistan is landlocked, and is the smallest nation

in Central Asia by area. It is covered by mountains of the Pamir range, and more than fifty percent of the country is over 3,000

meters (9,800 ft.) above sea level. The only major areas of lower land are in the north (part of the Fergana Valley), and in the

southern Kofarnihon and Vakhsh river valleys, which form the Amu Darya. Dushanbe-the capital of Tajikistan is located on the

southern slopes above the Kofarnihon valley.

EXPRO PLACE Address: 735730 Chkalowsk, “Bogi darahtparvari va niholshinonii shahri Chkalow” Location: Sogd Region, Tajikistan Job Description: - Plant production in greenhouse - Harvest Fruit and vegetables (Apricots, Persimmons, and Grapes etc.) Month available to open exchange program: June September Maximum duration of the program: 4 months Minimum duration of the program: 2 months Work Hours of work per day: 8-9 Work Days per week: 5 Providing salary: The students get about 150-190 US Dollar Specific farmer requirement: Speak Russian good, interested or experience in the fields. Accommodations: provided free Food: provided free Website: None Email: contact the Exco IAAS Tajikistan – Sharif

Jabborov: renewediaas2009excotajikistan@gmail.com

The pomegranate is native to the region of Persia and the western Himalayan range,

and has been cultivated in Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Northern India, Russia, and the Mediterranean region for several millennia.

EXPRO PLACE 1 Name: Majątek Giże Marczak Address: Giże 41, 19-411 Swiętajno koło Olecka Contact person: Lech Marczak Mobile: +48 509 782 015 or 87 523 04 05 E-mail: marczak@ekoturystyka.com.pl The size of farm is 21 hectares. Month Available: April – October

Max Duration: 12months Min Duration: 1month

Hours of work per day: 7hours Work days per week: 5days (Sunday and one other day) Provides only accommodation and food, No Salary The student must be interested in nature and foreign countries; he/she should be the willing to work. The

student cannot smoke and drink alcohol. Language: English or German

EXPRO PLACE 2 Name: Gospodarstwo Rolne Michał Ulanowski (Farm Michał Ulanowski) Address: Wrzeszczewice 8, 98-100 Łask Contact person: Michał Ulanowski Mobile: +48 604 524 108 E-mail: comp4ct@wp.pl The size of farm is 60 hectares. On the farm are grown cereals (wheat, hay, barley) and legumes (red clover). Pigs are reared in a closed cycle – 30 sows, which are 600-700 pigs per year. The practice will be to work with pigs (farrowing, poultry farm, young pigs, and feed for pigs) and the production plant (harvest, assisting with work of filed).

Month available to open exchange program: Year – round (from January to December) Max duration of the program: 12 months Minimum duration of the program: 1 month Work Hours of work per day: maximum 8 hours per day Work Days per week: five days per week Farmer doesn’t provide salary, but he provides accommodation and food. Specific farmer requirement: The student should have health insurance (sickness, accident). The student must be interested in agriculture; he/she should be able to work physically. The practice will be to work with pigs (farrowing, poultry farm, young pigs, and feed for pigs) and the production plant (harvest, assisting with work of filed). The language of communication will be English and Russian primary degree Two students could be accepted at the same time in farm. Academic degree is not important. In spare time you can: Visit the area (the disposal of the scooter), use a computer, Internet, TV play basketball, soccer, billiards and darts use fitness equipment.

ECO Farm Gaighat, Tanahun, Nepal Devghat-9, Gaighat, Tanahun ECO

Farm is










Services Centre

(www.ecoscentre.org.np). Ecological Services Centre (ECOSCENTRE) is a national non-governmental organization located in Bharatpur municipality, the district headquarters of Chitwan district. Since its establishment in 1994, ECOSCENTRE has been working to narrow the distance between economy and ecology through sustainable development on agriculture, environment and ventures. ECOSCENTRE has successfully completed

more than Fifteen years for national development through Natural Resource Management, Ecological and Organic Agriculture, Revival of Indigenous Knowledge, Bio-diversity Conservation and Indigenous Rights for socio-economic development of women, poor, marginal and disadvantaged people. In order to maintain and conserve agro-biodiversity, we have established a farm occupying 1 ha. in Gaighat, Tanahun district. There are around 20 households of mixed community in the neighbourhood of farm. The farm

has been acting as a resource centre and demonstration farm for organic agriculture and bio -diversity management. The farm is 18 Km far from Bharatpur Municipality where ECOSCENTRE is located and on the way to Kathmandu. The farm has preserved various species of cereals, pulses, seasonal vegetables, and hundreds of fruits, fodder as well as timber. It has also maintained the rich diversity of flowers, medicinal and aromatic

plants. Located in sloppy landscape and in the vicinity of Trishuli River, the pasture and grasslands have also further added the value of the farm. The farm is currently managed by one farmer family with his children. There are few cattles, goats and chickens with him. There are basic facilities to accommodate few guests up to 2-3. This capacity will be increased in near future up to 10-12. Regarding climate, the farm is situated in

subtropical region at foothill and in bank of the Trishuli River which is famous for rafting in Nepal. ECOSCENTRE has very comfortable working environment and friendly employees. Internet facility is available at the office. We need some volunteers having interest and skills on documentation and farm design to improve the quality and services of the resource centre and demonstration farm. Knowledge and interest on seasonal vegetables and herbal plants will be additional advantages.

Contact: Vijaya Raj Joshi Mobile No: +977-9845082408 E-mail: bjoshn@gmail.com


UD ARTHA PROFILE Name Address Topography Phone/fax

UD ARTHA Jl. Raya Beji No.1 Kota Batu-Jawa Timur Wavy and hilly +62-81-75051711

Tilt Kind of Soil Ph of Soil Land type Average rainfall Temperature Main Comodities Marketing

10-30° Latosol 4.5 – 5.5 Dry 1,600 mm / year 14-25° C Bonsai Direct Selling Distributor/order

Some Activities And Products

SOERJANTO ORCHID PROFILE Company/Farm’s Name Address Telephone/fax/email Contact Person

Wide of production land Commodity Supporting Facilities Marketing Seed production Farm’s Personel The Criteria of Student who can be accept in That place : 1. College Student 2. Sex 3. Marriage Status 4. Smoking 5. Driving License

Soerjanto Orchid Panglima Soedirman IX/3 Batu-Malang +62341-592759/+62341-592759/ soerorchid@yahoo.com Novianto Telephone : +628123160872 Email : soerorchid@yahoo.com 2 +/ 7000 M Orchid Cultur in Vitro Laboratory Direct Selling Orchid Rent Cultur in vitro explan generative 10 Peoples

International F/M Single/married No Up to you

6. 7. 8. 9.

Ability to drive tractor Ability to operate computer Working experience Special knowledge

10. Ability to speak Indonesian 11. Ability to speak English Training Mechanism : 1. Time of Receiving student 2. Time to stay 3. 4. 5. 6.

How many student that can be accept in one time Work days a week Work Hours a day Accommodation for the student

Training Activity : 1. Farm 2. Commodity 3. Activity 4.

Spesial note

No No No Yes, the student must read at least 2 books about orchid, before they start training in that place No Fair According to farm’s schedule Minimum : 1 month Maximum : 3 months >1, maximum 2 students 6 days 5,5 Hours Not always, depend on the situation (no pocket money, but if stay on their home, they serve a meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with Indonesian menu, and also you can learn about the tradion of Javanese habitual) Horticulture (work in farm) Orchid Student will follow all activity, start from seedling until marketing Student must follow the farm’s rule Discipline Working hard

BBIB (Balai Benih Inseminasi Buatan) ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION

Company Address

BBIB (Balai Benih Inseminasi Buatan) Artificial Insemination. ToyomartO village, Singosari - Malang, 20 km north of Malang city.

Telephone/fax/email Contact Person Telephone : Email : Wide of production land Commodity Supporting Facilities Seed production Farm’s Personel The Criteria of Student who can be accept in That place : 1. College Student 2. Sex 3. Marriage Status 4. Smoking 5. Driving License 6. Ability to drive tractor 7. Ability to operate computer

Artificial insemination

International F/M Single/married Up to you Up to you No Yes

8. Working experience 9. Special knowledge 10. Ability to speak Indonesian 11. Ability to speak English Training Mechanism : 7. Time of Receiving student 8. Time to stay 9.

How many student that can be accept in one time 10. Work days a week 11. Work Hours a day 12. Accommodation for the student

No No Fair According to farm’s schedule Minimum : 1 month Maximum : 3 months >1, in maximum 2 students 5 days 5,5 Hours Not always, depend on the situation (no pocket money, but if stay on their home, the distance from house to the BBIB more closer because it can do by walk and you can get many menu in Indonesia food).

Training Activity : 13. Farm 14. Commodity 15. Activity 16. Spesial note Discipline Working hard

Note : This hosting place need more promotion and it’s still process to do collaboration, because it’s the new one. SMK Pertanian 1 Batu (Vocational High School of Agriculture 1 Batu) 

 

Activities : 1. Teach the student about agriculture (it can include cultivation, harvesting and production). 2. Follow the processing to make a product. 3. Doing a project in laboratory with the teacher in there. 4. Teaching English language. The location of the school is not in the city but the distance is not far from city, if you want going to some place you can facilited by public transportation. It’s like taxi but more bigger than taxi and it’s filled with 5- 8 people. The condition in there still nature with the cool air and the temperature in there average 120C- 80C. You can find many field, garden, and of course water fall. It is the new project of hosting place and need any promotion.


BPBHAT PASIR BANTENG PROFILE Balai Pengembangan Benih Hortikultura dan Aneka Tanaman (Seed Development and Research Center and Various Horticultural Crops) BPBHAT Pasir Banteng. Activities in BPBHAT Pasir Banteng: 1. Seed multiplication 2. Procurement and maintenance of the parent tree fruits 3. Procurement and Maintenance of the collection trees/plants 4. Planting the production trees 5. Inventory of breeder seed, parent trees from the area of horticulture development 6. Guidance breeder seed 7. Development farmers seed users 8. Observation seeding 9. Information about seeding 10. Purification varieties 11. Testing 12. Germination improvement of tissue culture technology 13. Cooperation with other institutions 14. Distribution and Partnership

Name Address

Phone/Fax/email Elevation Land Area Topography Tilt Kind of Soil Ph of Soil Soil Texture Land type Climate Condition Average rainfall Temperature Main Comodities Working Area Location Map

BPBHAT Pasir Banteng Jalan Raya Jatinangor KM. 23 Desa Hegarmanah Kecamatan Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang Jawa Barat 45363 +62 22 7911067 / uptdbpbhat@yahoo.co.id 750-800 m asl 28.880 Hectares Wavy and hilly 10-30° Latosol 4.5 – 5.5 Clay Dry C Type 1,600 mm / year 16-26° C Avocado and Orange All of West Java Province

Fasilities in BPBHAT Pasir Banteng

Parent Tress of Fruits

The Fruits Harvest

Ornamental Plants

Tree Seedlings

Some Activities

Student Exchange from Belgium (Jasmien Waterschoot & Jolien van Orshoven)


There are some places that become hosting in LC Unhalu, 1.

such as :

Balai Benih Induk Dataran Rendah which activities in Horticulture sector such grafting, Slips the arrange trees and crossbreeding the ornamental plant trees, (ceres and Archimedes).


The Fish Fresh Water Hatchery of Abeli Sawah which activity to produce or to supply stock of fish fresh water (ceres and Archimedes).


PT. Agro Postlarva which activity to produce or to supply stock of shrimp marine (Penaeus monodon) (ceres and Archimedes).

4. 5.

BP. Walacea which activity to rearing sea fish especially the grouper (ceres and Archimedes). The Shrimp Hatchery of Mata which activity to produce or to supply stock of shrimp marine (ceres and Archimedes).


Marine National Park of Wakatobi (Wakatobi Dive Resort and Research Center of Operation Wallacea) ďƒ Ceres and Archimedes (www.wakatobi.com).


The National Park of Rawa Aopa Watumohai (Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai – TNRAW) which have some of unique ecosystem and endemic organism such dwarf buffal o, giant frog, etc (Archimedes).

Notes : The National Park of Rawa Aopa Watumohai is one of complete ecosystem with high variety species in the world.

IAAS Thailand 6 Universities Collaborated in one United National committee - Khon Kaen University (KKU)

Work together with... - Thammasat University (Bangkok)

- Kasetsart University (Bangkok)


King Mongkut' s Institues Of Technology Ladkrabang Chumphon Campus (Chumphon)

- Mahasarakham University


The category of IAAS in Thailand 1. The farm category: IAAS exchange program in Thailand is offering the good opportunity for students to experience and learn about agricultural related to farming systems, animal production, mixed farming and/or work in on-farm work in mixed farming where animals and crops are integrated. 2. Location: Student will work at small holder farms or university research farms.

3. Applications description: Smallholder farms,  Students will be working along with small dairy farm and have to help the farmers with their routine work such as animal feeding, milking, feed preparation, cleaning the pen etc. University research work,  The students will be working along with on-going research work in ruminant nutrition and feeding. 

Student will assist in feeding the animals, collection of data and work in the laboratory analyze of nutritive value of feeds and rumen microbes study.

Students will attend the seminars, meetings to exchange ideas, experiences and information in class or annual conferences etc. 4. Working hours per day: 8 hours per day 5. Working day per week: 6 days per week

Hosting place Dairy farms

Cattle farms

Mixed farms where animals and crops are integrated.

University research work

1. a. b. c. d.

The first place: “Tropic bio” Location: Lomé, Agoè-gbonvé Responsible person : LABA Bakouma mail : tropicbio@yahoo.fr Contact: (+228)90018644; (+228)22253352

e. Farm activities: Production of “fruit juice” in bottle, and “dry pineapple” for eats.

(All for sell and exported to Europe) f. Job description: to collect fresh pineapples, washing, weeding, crushing, pressure, pasteurization, the setting in the bottle-filling machine of the bottles, to capsule it. The sale and export.

Number of working days per week: 6 days Number of hours of work per day: 6 hours g. Food: yourself h. No salary i. Accommodation (room): 20 euro per month 2. The second place “laboratoire aviaire” a. Location : Lomé, university of Lomé, Ecole Supérieure d’Agronomie b. Responsable person : TONA KOKU c. Mail: contact_esa@univ-lome.tg d. Website: www.univ-lome.tg e. Contact: +228 2225 41 97 f. Farm activities: livestock, egg production, chick of one day production, animal production (cow, goat and sheep) and meal production Number of working days per week: 6 days Number of hours of work per day: 6 hours g. Food: yourself h. No salary i. Accommodation (room): 20 euro per month And others farms: SECORDY (vegetable production), KOVIE (rice production and agricultural hydraulic), MARIANIST FARMS (all, animal, food, vegetable production) etc.



Noun: Togolese (singular and plural) adjective: Togolese Complete Name: Republic of Togo Native Name: Togo Region Name Maritime Plateaux Centrale Kara Savane TOGO


Capital Lomé Atakpamé Sokodé Kara Dapoang LOME

A km² 6,100 16,975 13,317 11,738 8,470 56,600

Pop. 1981 1,040,241 650,393 273,138 426,651 329,144 2,719,567

Pop.2010 2,398,915 1,278,566 577,629 721,504 776,710 5,753,324

Largest cities, with population Lomé: 750,757 ; Kara: 89,439; Sokodé: 88,557 ; Kpalimé: 69,531 ; Atakpamé: 62,047 Religions Christian 29%, Muslim 20%, indigenous beliefs 51%

Ethnic groups African (37 tribes; largest and most important are Ewe, Mina, and Kabye, Moba, Ana, Akposso, Kotokoli, Losso, Lama, Bassar, Adja, etc.) 99%, European and SyrianLebanese less than 1% Monetary: Franc CFA 1Euro=655,957 FCFA Togo, nation in West Africa, had become independent country since April 27, 1960 (from French-administered UN trusteeship. He celebrates then his National holiday every 27 April. His Executive branch chief of state: President Faure GNASSINGBE (since 4 May 2005); head of government: Prime Minister Gilbert HOUNGBO (since 7 September 2008) cabinet: Council of Ministers appointed by the president and the prime minister elections: president elected by popular vote for a five-year term (no term limits); election last held on 4 March 2010 (next to be held in 2015); prime minister appointed by the president Population 6,771,993, estimates for this country explicitly take into account the effects of excess mortality due to AIDS; this can result from the lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality, higher death rates, lower population growth rates, and changes in the distribution of population by age and sex than would otherwise be expected (July 2011 est.) Age structure 0-14 years: 40.9% (male 1,387,537/female 1,381,040); 15-64 years: 56% (male 1,878,114/female; 1,912,132); 65 years and over: 3.1% (male 92,689/female 120,481) (2011 est.); Median age. Total: 19.3 years; male: 19 years; female: 19.5 years (2011 est.) ; Population growth rate: 2.762% (2011 est.); Birth rate:35.58 births/1,000 ; population (2011 est.); Death rate:7.96 deaths/1,000 population (July 2011 est.); Urbanization: urban population: 43% of total population (2010) rate of urbanization: 3.9% annual rate of change (2010-15 est.)

Agriculture Principal engine of nation’s economy compared to its contribution to the Gross domestic product estimated at 42% in 2007, Togolese agricultural provides more than 20% of the export receipts and employ 75% of the active population. The principal products of revenue, in particular cotton, the cocoa, the coffee contribute to a total value of 9% on average to the agricultural GDP whereas the food products remain the main thing under sector of national agricultural economics and account for 69% of the agricultural GDP gross country. Turned towards subsistence farming, the products appreciably vary southernmost areas with the northern areas: yam in the prefecture of Tchaoudjo and the plates; millet in Kozah and Doufelgou; rice in

Zio and Ave, the maize on all extended from the national territory. With cultivable rich soils including nearly 3.4 million hectares corresponded to 60% of cultivate soils, 25% of the exploitations profit a support council while 89% are plowed with the small agricultural equipment and 10% with the harnessed culture. Hardly 16% receive manure while less than 3% of the food surfaces are sown with selected seeds. More than 75% of the farmers practice breeding. Although agriculture is the main activity of the Togolese population, several phenomena block its development: the low level framing of the producers, insufficiency of credit, the degradation of the natural resources and out datedness of the equipment and materials of research.; in that, we add the food crisis which touch Togolese since January 2008. “Nobody hadn’t imagined width of this crisis” declared Minister EWOVOR. Togo is confronted today with a major challenge: to fight against poverty and to increase the rural incomes of households. “To increase the productivity will allow the producers to gain more without increasing the prices on the markets” specifies the Minister. With this intention, the agricultural policy pursues three Objectives: • To ensure food self-sufficiency with an unceasingly increasing population • To produce in sufficient quantity for export •To accelerate industrialization Outline  Crops products: cereals, tubers, leguminous plants and fruits.  Industrial products: cotton, cocoa, coffee and oilseeds.  Breeding and fishing

Interesting place: pic d’agou, cascade de kpimé, cascade de womé, temple Tamberma, chateau vial, maison des esclaves.

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