IAAS Members Guide 2016/2017

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INDEX Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Our Vision ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 General Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Our HistorIAAS ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Our Structure ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Our IAAS 2020 ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Our Activities ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 No Food Waste Project .............................................................................................................................................. 12 My National Committee............................................................................................................................................. 13 Membership..................................................................................................................................................... 14 How to structure the committee? ........................................................................................................ 15 How to participate in IAAS activities? ............................................................................................... 16 How to coordinate different local committees? .......................................................................... 18 What does it cost to be a member of IAAS? .................................................................................... 19 How can I find people interested in joining?................................................................................. 20 Contact IAAS Headquarters .................................................................................................................................... 23 IAAS Acronyms............................................................................................................................................................... 24


INTRODUCTION Dear IAAS Member We are glad that you are part of our Association. After all, our members are the ones that make us more than only the largest Agricultural Student Association. We’re all members of one big familIAAS and we’re so happy to have you in the World of IAAS! Do you even know how big your familIAAS is? IAAS was founded in 1957 in Tunisia and started with only 8 member countries. We have been growing for 60 years! Today, with over 10 000 members from over 50 countries, IAAS is the oldest and largest agricultural related student association in the world. IAAS is a family that encourages us to dream big, grow beyond our limits, develop leadership and achieve positive changes in our world, no matter how different we are! This guide is created to support your committee to keep improving! We start with a general overview of our Association and encourage you to share this information with your members. If you’ve any further questions, never hesitate to get in touch with one of us. Enjoy reading it! Yours sincerely Executive Committee IAAS World


OUR VISION To promote the exchange of experience, knowledge and ideas, and to improve the mutual understanding between students in the fields of agriculture and related sciences all over the world.


GENERAL INFORMATION The International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) is an organization that connects students from all around the world who share similar dreams and ideals for agricultural and related Sciences. The aims and objectives of IAAS have been defined by the founding of the General Assembly back in 1957. As is stated in our vision, our goal is to work worldwide. We are therefore very happy with your interest in starting IAAS in your country. The objectives upon which IAAS operates are: ❖ Encouraging the interchange of ideas in all fields of education and practices in agricultural and related Sciences ❖ Promoting the co-operation and understanding between students of agricultural and related sciences from all over the world. ❖ Preparing students to fulfil the challenges of their future work with a practical and global view. ❖ Encouraging the formation and development of local organisations of students in agricultural and related Sciences. ❖ Organising international meetings, seminars and training periods abroad for students in agricultural and related Sciences. ❖ Promoting sustainable agriculture, economics and food production in the whole world. ❖ Promoting a higher education system of high quality, accessible for everyone. ❖ So far, we have been working to fulfil these aims and objectives IAAS is standing for, throughout the world, by organizing different types of activities.



IAAS is a global network that provides links between professionals and students in the field of agriculture and related sciences. Our Association is preparing students to fulfil the challenges of their future work with a practical and global view. We offer international experiences to our members by organizing together local, national, regional and worldwide events. Global projects are created every year. ‘NoFoodWaste’, to improve awareness about the huge amounts of food that are wasted every day, and ‘WomenInAgriculture’, to support the role of women in the field of agriculture, are two of our main worldwide projects in 2016-2017. Furthermore, we focus on member’s involvement and development. IAAS gives all students the chance to grow in its association, to develop leadership and other soft skills, by providing trainings, offered by our own IAAS Trainings Committee.

IAAS is organizing a variety of international activities to strive towards achieving its objectives. We focus on promoting the importance of sustainable agriculture and sustainable food production throughout all our activities and projects. Main IAAS events are the yearly World Congress, the different Regional Directors Meetings, the Exchange Coordinators Meeting, Exchange Weeks and Seminar Weeks. Members from all over the world come together to discuss our association, to start worldwide projects and to experience the local agriculture and food sector by field trips, company visits and lectures from inspiring speakers. Those international meetings are also the ideal opportunity for students to exchange experience, knowledge and ideas.


OUR HISTORIAAS IAAS members all over the world celebrate the IAAS 60th Birthday in 2017! To read about the celebration day on the 21st of March 2017, you can check out the report: www.iaasworld.org/worldwide-celebration-of-the-iaas-60th-birthday. How was IAAS started 60 years ago?

Picture of the first World Congress in 1957

IAAS was established in a decade in which nations all over the world were still recovering from the harsh devastation and suffering resulting from the Second World War. However, young people strongly fostered hope for progress, peace and stability. Students in the field of agriculture decided to come together and create a new international student platform by establishing IAAS more than half a century ago in Tunis. 1957 was the real beginning of the IAAS, which was then called AIEA (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Agriculture) and had French as the working language. The Students council from the Netherlands (NSR) and from Tunis (UGET) both planned to organise an international seminar on agriculture in 1957. Around December 1956, NSR and UGET got to know about each other’s plans and this caused a conflict. However, several careful and diplomatic dialogues per mail, and a meeting in Leiden (the Netherlands) resulted in a cooperation and a tight friendship between the president of UGET the president of NSR. The NSR decided to cancel its congress in Wageningen in favour of the one in Tunis and to cooperate intensively with UGET. It seems to be just an anecdote, but there are reasons to believe that this cooperation between The Netherlands and Tunisia was crucial for the continuity of IAAS in the first years. When the Dutch cancelled their seminar, they asked all participants to come to the seminar in Tunis instead. This seminar turned out to be the founding World Congress of IAAS. The Dutch students were well prepared to organize a seminar in the Netherlands in 1958, which became the second world congress of IAAS‌ Where was the WOCO organized during all those years? Check it out: www.iaasworld.org/our-historiaas


OUR STRUCTURE Our members are the foundation of our association and have their voice through the decision-making body, the General Assembly. The Assembly takes place every July during the IAAS World Congress. IAAS Members are active in their Local Committee. If a country has only one Local Committee, this committee is the National Committee. If a country has several Local Committees, then there is one National Committee that is working with all the Local Committees and organizes National Meetings. A National Committee is leaded by a National Director and the National Exchange Program by a National Exchange Coordinator. National Committees are encouraged to organize national and international activities, to engage with the students from the whole IAAS network and to fulfil the duties according the mission of IAAS World.


All National Committees are divided in 4 regions: Africa, America, Asia-Pacific and Europe. The European region is also divided in 3 subregions: Western Europe, Central Europe and Northern-Eastern Europe. Every (sub)-region has its own Regional Director and Regional Exchange Coordinator, who are elected during Regional Directors Meetings every December. Some regions choose to create a board to assist the Regional Director and Regional Exchange Coordinator. A Regional Board exists then of more than 2 members. The Regional Boards are the link between the member countries and the Executive Committee of IAAS World. The EC or Executive Committee exists of a President, Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Exchange, Vice President of External Relations and a Vice President of Finance. All Vice Presidents have their own board to help them fulfil their tasks and improve IAAS on the global level. Finally, the work of the EC is supervised by the Control Committee or CC. The EC and CC work on the global level for 1 year and are elected every World Congress. And what’s more? There is the possibility to create independent committees, working on a specific IAAS task. Recently, the IAAS Training Committee (ITC) was re-established where our own IAAS trainers work together to provide our members with a variety of trainings which help members improve their skills.



OUR IAAS 2020 IAAS 2020 is a long-term ambition that shows us a clear strategic direction with measurable progress, challenges IAAS and refreshes the ambition and excitement, and aligns what we do with what the world needs. The IAAS2020 Strategy was created during the General Assembly on the IAAS World Congress in July 2016 in Indonesia. The creation process was guided by the Executive Committee of 2015-2016.

IAAS 2020 strategy is striving for excellence by empowering future leaders in a diverse, innovative and team focused environment. Values of IAAS 2020:

#TeamFocus We provide an exceptional platform to spread and exchange the knowledge, experience, ideas, and values we develop with our members all around the world. We are inclusive by respecting and actively encouraging contributions by every individual.

#Innovation IAAS is working to prepare future professionals to address the issues that affect agriculture and related sciences. Our projects and events aim at increasing the understanding and opening the conversation on sustainable innovation in our sector.

#Excellence IAAS acts towards high quality of performance and impact within our network: by providing trainings, and achieving high quality performance, by inspiring and empowering future generations to accomplish meaningful impact. We strive to mobilize our members to take action and be innovative, while aiming for excellence.

#Leadership IAAS 2020 prepares youth to meet the challenges of their future work with a practical and global overview, by providing leadership positions on a variety of levels. We encourage leadership by giving youth the opportunity to take meaningful action and empowering them to inspire others and make an impact.

#Diversity Our global network provides youth the opportunity to learn, experience, and grow in a multicultural setting. We value respect and equality. #Sustainability We act in a sustainable way for our organization and society. Our decisions consider the needs of future generations.


OUR ACTIVITIES Main international activities are listed below. For further information, you will find upcoming international events on the ‘events’ section on www.iaasworld.org. Learn, Explore & Have Fun!

World Congress

Yearly meeting Governing body of IAAS (General Assembly) elects new leadership and votes on changes to the Constitution and By-laws Important agricultural issues are discussed

Regional Directors Meeting

Meeting with committees within your region African Directors Meeting, Asia Pacific Directors Meeting, Directors Meeting of Americas and European Directors Meeting


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Village Concept Projects

Projects with a social impact in which IAASers give back to the comunity Many successful projects currently in Indonesia

Seminars and Conferences

International events with a specific scientific, practical or training topic Participants pay a small participation fee to the Organizing Committee Important notice: since 2016, National Committees need to contact the EC when planning a Seminar to improve qualities of IAAS Seminars. .

Exchange Weeks

Committees from different countries invite each other Participants don’t pay a participation fee, but invite the committees to their next Exchange Week Exchanging ideas and facilitating intercultural dialogue and understanding

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Next to the international activities, member countries organize several additional local activities like motivational weekends, outreach programs, company visits, lectures, debates and many social activities.


But there is more! An important program IAAS is offering, is the Exchange Program or in short ExPro. Throughout the years, the IAAS Exchange Program has been offering more than 20.000 students practical internships on farms, in research institutions and in volunteering projects, all on an international level. By offering students the unique opportunity to have practical experience and learn about agricultural (related) subjects, they also have the chance to broaden their horizons and get to know new cultures. While participating in our internship program, students have the possibility to experience how the agricultural institutes work in another country and exchange the ideas, experiences and information. Organizing the Exchange Program is one of the ways in which we try to accomplish our mission. Every National Committee has one Exchange Coordinator who is responsible for finding internship places in their country, promoting ExPro and selecting students for internship places abroad.

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NO FOOD WASTE PROJECT On World Food Day, 16th of October 2016, IAAS World launched his No Food Waste Project with the IdeIAAS Against Food Waste magazine. The idea of this project was born in a work group from the 59th World Congress in Indonesia with the intention of raising awareness of food waste. We all know how much food can be wasted when cooking, so we want to encourage people to take advantage of all the leftover ingredients or materials that are left after preparing a dish. This is how the magazine project works: 1. Each IAAS member country participates through nominations from other committees, with a maximum of four nominations for video. 2. When a country gets nominated, they choose a typical national dish, make a video of the members preparing the dish and explaining the recipe. 3. After preparing the dish, the committee members come up with some ideas about how to use leftovers of the meal preparation – the packages and residues of the ingredients and explain it in the video. 4. The video should be shared in the IAAS World Facebook group, to show great effort of the members and to nominate new committees to do the same. 5. After posting the video, the committee will receive the template of the IAAS World Cooking Book and they will send it to Silvia Goizueta, manager of the No Food Waste Project. She will then update the online magazine with all the recipes. You can check our progress so far on the website: www.iaasworld.org/no-food-waste-project

We are looking forward to all the recipes and ideIAAS against Food Waste! Go further! Go IAAS!

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MY NATIONAL IAAS COMMITTEE As IAAS is a student association and our members are often only a few years part of IAAS and committees are changing continuously. It doesn’t matter if you started in a small, struggling committee or in a big, successful committee. As a member, you can always improve your committee and let it further grow, together with your team members. Here we share some useful information for your committees, including some tips from IAAS members from different places around the World of IAAS. Enjoy!

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Membership In IAAS, countries are members, instead of every single committee in the country. There are 3 important categories of members in IAAS: Candidate member - Full member - Frozen member

Candidate Membership A Candidate Member country should have the intention to apply for full membership. A country can only stay candidate member for two years and an application for full membership therefore needs to be handed in for voting at the General Assembly maximum two years after the country has gained the status of Candidate Member. As a Candidate Member you have all the same rights as a Full Member except being allowed to vote at the General Assembly or having Committee members elected in the Executive or Control Committee. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Participate in meetings, seminars and other activities organised by IAAS. Organize events in the name of IAAS. Participate in the Exchange Program. Receive IAAS World Newsletters. Being added to the IAAS mailing lists.

Full Membership Full membership comes with voting rights and eligibility for the EC and CC positions, but also with some constitutional duties. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Have a National Committee with a National Director and Exchange Coordinator. Pay Annual Membership Fee and submit the Annual Committee Report. Promote the goals, projects and events of IAAS. Keep in touch with the Regional Director.

Frozen Membership Sometimes difficulties occur with a Full Member country. In this case a Frozen Status can be given to the Full Member for maximum 1 year. During the next General Assembly, Full Membership could be given back or in the case the difficulties didn’t get solved, the country may unfortunately need to be excluded from the network. It is very important that the Frozen Member keeps in touch with the EC to find together a way of solving the issues. Frozen Status can be given because of the following reasons: ❖ No payment of Membership or Exchange fees or not submitted the Annual Committee report before the beginning of the World Congress. ❖ Misuse of the name of IAAS. ❖ Not having a National Director and/or Exchange Coordinator.

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How to structure the committee? The two obligatory positions in your National Committee are the following: • •

National Director National Exchange Coordinator

You are free to come up with other positions which will contribute to efficiency and effective operations of your National Committee. You could create as many positions as your team finds necessary. Usually the committees have elections for the positions of National Director & Exchange Coordinator every year. It is important to inform the current EC about changes in those two positions. In order to give the opportunity to many students to practice and develop their leadership skills, we recommend to create different positions and have yearly elections. If you have more than one committee, you create Local Committees with Local Directors, Local Exchange Coordinators and other positions which can contribute to the working of a Local Committee.

Tasks of National Directors Promote IAAS and its objectives in their country Inform their members about events, projects and opportunities of IAAS World Responsible for all IAAS activities in their countries Responsible for representation of their countries in all negotiations with IAAS World

Keep the Regional Director and the EC updated about team changes, new developments and activities in their countries Submit committee report and pay membership fee in time Make sure the country page at iaasworld.org is updated Train their successors

Other recommended positions: • Vice President of Finance • Vice President of Communication and Membership • Vice President of Project Development When you structure your committee you always need to take into account the laws of your country. Some countries have laws governing the structuring and registration of associations, so it’s important to inform yourself about those.

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Example from a former National Director Siti Nisrina Hasna, IAAS Indonesia

For the management of IAAS Indonesia, we have adopted the CBL of IAAS World and made our own constitution (called PD PRT) that rules the system and management of IAAS Indonesia on the national level. On the local level, our local committees are required to create their 'Organizational Operation Guideline' that refers to the PD PRT of IAAS Indonesia and CBL of IAAS World. I think what makes IAAS Indonesia very organized is because the eight local committees are well-managed and have a clear division for the members (that’s why they are productive and have a clear target). Human Resources and Development (in charge of recruiting new members, maintaining the harmony of the organization and developing the member’s potential) Project Department (in charge of the Village Concept Project) Science and Technology (in charge of increasing members knowledge and information on agricultural and related sciences) Public Relation (in charge of maintaining the social media accounts, publications, press release, etc) Exchange Program (in charge of searching the hosting places, hosting the EP, sending EP, coordinating with the EP, etc)

Also, on national level, we have a structured board. Each of the national committees, has a guideline for their work and is actively coordinating with the local committees. National Director (actively coordinates with all local directors and national committee) Vice Director of Exchange Program (actively coordinates with all local exchange coordinators) Vice Director of Partnership (creates more partnerships and “branding” for IAAS Indonesia) Vice Director of Finance (actively coordinates with all treasurers in local committee) Vice Director of Communication (actively coordinates with all Public Relation coordinators in all local committee) Vice Director of Project and Sciences (in charge of the Village Concept Project and other development projects)

How to participate in IAAS activities? Where would you like to go? International activities organized by IAAS are announced via email, Social Media and on www.iaasworld.org. Start following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to know what’s going on! Make sure all members of your committee are also in the Member Database, so they will receive important announcements in their mailbox.

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Participation in IAAS international events is kept at the lowest possible prices – in the end we are all students. Participation Fees vary between 50 and 450 euros, in order to give the chance to all members to get involved. IAAS came up with a Development Fund intended to partially support persons from developing countries with a low financial status based on the World Bank rankings. This is to encourage our members from low income countries to actively participate in IAAS international events.

Example from a Regional Director Ramoudane Orou Sannou, IAAS Benin

Organization of an 'Online Debate': In 2017, we started the Online Debate in Africa trough Whatsapp. The idea is very simple: take one day per month (e.g. last Saturday) and introduce a relevant topic about which members can share their thoughts/experiences. The discussion last for the entire day, led by a moderator whose role is to introduce the topic with key questions that the discussions should answer. He also organizes discussions so that people feel like there is a journalist asking them questions. At the end, the moderator closes the debate and draft a report send to the Regional Director who corrects it and shares with all IAASers around the world.

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How to coordinate different local committees? Example from a former National Director Siti Nisrina Hasna, IAAS Indonesia

The 6 members of the National Committee come from different Local Committees and are elected by the forum at the beginning of the year at our annual National Congress. The formation of a Local Committee in IAAS Indonesia has several stages Application stage. The requirements that we created are: Receive any support and approval from its university to establish IAAS Possess 25 members (minimum) which are all “active” students and legally enrolled in its university (this is to guarantee the regeneration of the Local Committee) Have 1 Hosting Place for the Exchange Program (this is to guarantee that IAAS Indonesia can offer various and active Hosting Places. And this works! We currently have 42 active Hosting Places in total) Have a partnership with 1 Village for Village Concept Project (this is to guarantee that IAAS Indonesia can contribute directly to society especially in the rural area. And this works! We currently have 8 VCP in total) Attending the National Congress #1 (Give a presentation to the National Forum to gain approval. If it’s approved, then the applicant becomes Candidate Member for a year. If not, the applicant needs to improve their preparation with support of the National Commitee.) Becoming Candidate Member (For 1 year. At this stage, the Candidate Member can conduct any local activities under supervision of National Committee. They can also join national activities throughout the year) Attending the National Congress #2 (Present again at the National Congress to be evaluated by the national forum. After the evaluation, the forum will decide whether they are accepted as the new Full Member or remain Candidate Member) Becoming Full Member as Local Committee (Final stage. We have our own Constitution and By Laws which refers to IAAS World CBL. In our constitution, full member have several duties and obligation such as paying the membership fee, attending national congress once a year, attending national strategic meeting once a year, and so on)

It seems quite a long process and very demanding, but this works very well for IAAS Indonesia. Through this process, we can really select and see which applicant who has big willingness to join IAAS. Because we do not want to have any Local Committee who joined us very “easy” and ended up disappointing (not active, membership fee unpaid, lost communication, etc). As ND, I also suggest you to maintain the communication with all Local Directors. That’s the key to coordinate IAAS in your country as well as synergizing the work of every Local Committee. In IAAS Indonesia, I had monthly online meeting with the 8 Local Directors. Also, do not forget to conduct any national events where all local committee members can gather and connect with each other! :)

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What does it cost to be member of IAAS? Candidate Members don’t pay for membership. From the year the National Committee becomes a full member (maximum two years after becoming a Candidate Member) a yearly Membership Fee needs to be paid. This Membership Fee is based on the World Bank rankings of a country’s economic status. All member countries are divided into five financial categories. The countries with relatively the lowest national income pay the lowest Membership Fee. In IAAS those countries are called ‘A-countries’. The countries with the highest national income according to the World Bank (E-countries) have to pay a higher Membership Fee. B-, Cand D- countries lay in between. Additionally, the amount of the Membership Fee depends on how many Local Committees (L) are existing in that country. The yearly costs for full National Committees are as follows (with L the number of Local Committees): Country Category A B C D E

Membership Fee (EUR) 0 100 + 10×(L-1) 250 + 20×(L-1) 350 + 30×(L-1) 450 + 50×(L-1)

Next to the Membership Fees, individual IAAS members will need to travel to and participate in meetings, seminars and other IAAS international activities. To make our important international events more accessible for members of A and B Category Countries, IAAS started the Development Fund where members from these countries can apply for funding from IAAS. Tips from around the world Organize a Job Fair. By inviting companies to present themselves during a job fair for students in their field, you create a unique chance for partnerships between IAAS and the invited companies. You ask them to pay a certain amount for their presence at the Job Fair which is an income for your IAAS Commitee. Proven successful by IAAS Chile & IAAS Poland. Organize a Food Action. Ask for sponsored food to companies and prepare a meal with it. You can sell the meals then to students and professors. The annual breakfast action of IAAS Belgium is since many years their main source of income. Get support of your universities. Meet with the staff of your university and discuss what kind of activities they are able to support financially. Some universities pay for example the annual membership fee.

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How can I find people interested in joining? There are many ways to find fellow motivated students to join your committee. It is always interesting to give a presentation to other students, use official IAAS World presentations and edit them according to your target audience. We have listed some possible strategies you could use to attract new members: Participate in international activities of IAAS! You will get in touch with the “familIAAS” and get the viral motivation! Joining an international event is a great way to introduce yourself and other new students to our members. When coming back home, you can share your enthusiasm with other students and get them motivated. Improve your relationship with your university! To find interested students and get support from your university, your personal contact with your university staff is highly important. Organize a meeting between staff and the committee at least once a year. IAAS World has a great partnership with ICA, the umbrella organization of all life science universities in Europe. They are providing us contact information of staff in many European universities. Don’t hesitate to ask us for that contact information. We would love to start partnerships with similar organizations in other regions as well, feel free to contact us about those Inform your professors about IAAS! They could inform other students about your new committee. They could also help you with contacts for internship places for the Exchange Program, for sponsorship or for activities. Organize your first IAAS event! Once you have found a small group of students, it will be easier to reach out to more people. Organize a ‘Welcome Event’: an information evening or an international evening in the university, where all students, faculty staff, deans and international officers are invited. Those evenings our ideal to get people excited about joining your committee.


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Tips from a National Director Madan Poudel, IAAS Nepal Use of social media: Facebook groups to reach all members easily. Engage more and more members via social media by regular updates and engage the audience with diverse content. Conduct campaigns and projects: Online activities are easy to do. Start some good ideas and launch an online contest (bog, video, photo...). Those contests help for brand awareness and are easy to organize. It is effective for mass networking. Keep members active: Share responsibilities and keep in regular touch with the members via active communication through formal meetings (1 or 2 weeks interval) or via social media. Keep them posted and engage them with different roles and tasks. Sharing is caring : A program with sharing ideas in front of an audience with 20 min time frame. This is very effective to organize on university level as it is easy to find a speaker and it could be engaging. Motivate members by informing them about different opportunities, introduce them with the network of IAAS. Celebrate the birthdays of the members in the network! Develop practical knowledge: The bitter truth of many agriculture universities is that they are more theoritical oriented rather than being practical. It is always fun and interesting to visit to farm and collect experiences. Develop some small project in universities where students can learn by doing. Composting. mushroom farming, gardening, nursery establishment are fun things to do and do not require much operational funds.

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I have a question… I have a new idea for IAAS World… I would like to become more involved… Get in touch with the Regional Director or Executive Committee. They will be more than happy to help you further. If you have any new ideas or proposals or you just want to get more involved, contacting them is your first step in growing in IAAS. When you are a member of IAAS, you will always have a welcoming family around the world.

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Contact IAAS Headquarters KU Leuven Faculty Bioscience Engineering Kasteelpark Arenberg 20 3001 Heverlee Belgium Email: vpcommunication@iaasworld.org Homepage: www.iaasworld.org

Executive Committee ❖ President: Ruth Vandeputte, Belgium president@iaasworld.org ❖ VP Communication: Ana Postek, Croatia vpcommunication@iaasworld.org ❖ VP Exchange: Nastya Bondarenko, Belgium vpexchange@iaasworld.org ❖ VP Partnership: Constantine Sarafis, Greece vppartnership@iaasworld.org ❖ VP Finance: Ellen Van Mello, Belgium vpfinance@iaasworld.org

Control Committee ❖ Josipa Arapovic, Croatia ❖ Giannis Chaniotakis, Greece ❖ Anne-marie Dzinoreva, Zimbabwe controlcommittee@iaasworld.org



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Alumni Coordinator


IAAS African Directors Meeting


IAAS Asian Pacific Directors Meeting


Constitution & By-laws


Control Committee


Development Fund


IAAS Directors Meeting of Americas


Executive Committee


IAAS European Directors Meeting


Exchange Fee




Exchange Coordinator


Exchange Program


International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences


Interuniversity Consortium of the Agricultural Universities in Europe


Food and Agricultural Organisations of the United Nations


Intersectoral Informal Meeting of International Student Organizations


International Relations Officers of the ICA


Local Committee


Local Director


National Committee


National Director


Non-Governmental Organization


Organizing Committee


Regional Director


Regional Directors Meeting


Regional Exchange Coordinator


Strategy Meeting


Sub Regional Meeting


Village Concept Project


Vice President

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See you in the world of IAAS! 15


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