IDRP Booklet 2013

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International Association of Dental Students

Standing Committee on Research and Education Table of Contents IDRP Description 2013


Selection Process and Logistics


University of Oklahoma (United States of America)


Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia)


Charles University Prague (Czech Republic)


Samara State Medical University (Russian Federation)


Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (Indonesia)


Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran) University of Malaya (Malaysia)

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Baskir State Medical University (Russian Federation


Omsk State Medical Academy (Russian Federation)


Istanbul University (Turkey)


Perm State Medical Academy (Russian Federation)


Qassim University (Saudi Arabia)


Alexandria University (Egypt)


Charles University Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic)


Masaryk University (Czech Republic)


Saratov State Medical University (Russian Federation)


Medical University of Lublin (Poland)


Near East University (Cyprus - North Cyprus)


Izhevsk State Medical Academy (Russian Federation)


Explore, Discover, Improve


“A vast contribution

in the future

of the dental research field�

Description: The Standing Committee on Research and Education within IADS is proud to assure the successful continuity of the International Dental Research Program - the first worldwide dental research exchange network which aims to transfer and foster research knowledge to the ones who desire to make a difference within their dental communities. The students will attend dental research internships which consist of assisting a dental research project developed within |3

a foreign University partner of the IDRP network. The internships takes place for about 2 to 8 weeks, the students being selected through a rigurous selection process and eventually having the facilities covered by the host university. In 2013, 16 Universities worldwide offer research internships to talented dental students and young graduates, in: Armenia, Poland, Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, USA, Russian Federation, Cyprus (North Cyprus), Turkey. The Program is a new limestone in the dental student research activity, which purposes to enlighten talented dental students who one day will be the ones to push dentistry towards innovative and more successful treatments.

Pavel Scarlat Katerina Miklisova IADS President

IADS International Scientific Officer

IDRP network Founder


Selection Process


The students have to submit the complete applica-

- The Program/network consists of Universities offer-

tion to the IADS National/Local Scientific Officers or

ing dental research internships to international stu-

the Project Leader (Mentor). The University receives

dents who are rigurously selected by the University.

the applications and has the option to select the students who better fit the scientific project.

- A team of IADS National/Local Scientific Officers are in charge of successfully implementing and assuring

a) A complete application consists of:

the continuity of the Program.

1) Curriculum Vitae in English

- The Universities have the full right of selecting the

2) A letter of intent ( a short description of the scien-

students who better fit the dental research internship

tific activities should be attached) 3) Two letters of recommendation

- The student is involved in a dental research intern-

4) Copies of Medical Certificates and Awards.

ship for a period of time ranging from 2 to 8 weeks, and at the completion of the internship it is granted

The application materials should be written or trans-

with a Certificate of Participation in the IDRP research

lated in English.

internship. Explore, Discover, Improve

University of Oklahoma, College of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics, (USA)

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data. 5|

Name of the research project:

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

Evaluation Denver Growth Collection

acquire during the research project?

Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. G. Fräns Currier and Dr. Onur

Management and application of 2D and 3D data with analy-


sis, including 3D model scanning methods through various

Description of the project:

computer softwares.

Denver Growth collection is one of the legacy,

longitudinal growth studies. The project will involve analysis of various aspects of the Denver Growth Data,

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? Understanding basic statistics is preferred.

including but not limited to 2D and 3D conversion as well

Language(s) of use: English ; Minimum number of weeks to

as longitudinal evaluation of human dento-facial growth.

participate: 2 weeks ; Hours of work per day: 8 hours Avail-

Contact person:

able months: September, October, November ; Students to

Dr. G. Fräns Currier and Dr. Onur Kadioglu

be accepted: 2 students, Explore, Discover, Improve

Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia)

Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Name of the research project: Application of self-ligating brackets in orthodontics Project Leader (Mentor): Hrant Ter-Poghosyan Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Head of department, Mikayel Nalband-

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level

nyan Assist. Prof.

of studies required?

Description of the project: The research work include statistical,clinical, experimental componenets of departments scientific work,for second research project - comparison of dental and alveolar changes as a result of application of self-ligating braces various types. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? : The students will get a chance to participate, observe and also assist in research and the

Basic knowledge in TMJ anatomy, knowledge in basics of gnathology and orthodontics, Basic skills in use of articulator Language(s) of use: English or Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 3-4 weeks Hours of work per day: 4- 8 hours Available months: May 2013

experiments Students to be accepted: 1-2 students What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? : The student

Tigran Gyokchyan

would be acquainted with the new and routine tech-

National Scientific Officer - Armenia

niqes of orthodontic treatment and planning email address: Explore, Discover, Improve


Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia) Department of Prosthodontics Name of the research project: Removable partial and complete dentures Project Leader (Mentor): Associate Professor Marine Petrosyan Description of the project: : The project is focused on methods of retention and stabilizations of complete and partial removable dentures, principles of design of removable partial dentures, laboratory stages during removable |7

dentures fabrication. Retention is the principle that describes how well the denture resists the force of gravity, adhesiveness of foods and the forces associated with the opening of the jaws. . Denture is prevented from moving in the vertical plane. Stability is defined as the quality of a denture to be firm or constant to resist displacement by functional stresses. Stability is the principle that describes how well the denture base is prevented from moving in the horizontal plane, withstands horizontal forces. During our research project we pay attention on the factors which affected on stability and retention: 1.Anatomical factors, which include size and quality of denture bearing area. 2. Physiological factors (viscosity of saliva).

3. Physical factors, which are adhesion, cohesion, interfacial surface tension, atmospheric pressure and peripheral seal. 4. Mechanical factors (implants, denture adhesives, clasp systems).Before designing a removable partial denture we do surveying. Objectives of surveying are the followings: 1. To design a removable partial denture such that it’s rigid and flexible components are appropriately positioned to obtain good retention and bracing. 2. To determine the path of insertion of a prosthesis such that there is no interference to insertion along this path. 3. To mark the height of contour of the area (hard and soft tissues) above the undercut. 4. To mark the survey lines (height of contour of a tooth). 5. To mark the undesirable undercuts into which the prosthesis should not extend.During laboratory stages we study casting procedures of removable partial dentures metal framework, stages of acrylic resin polimerisation.The research work will include statistical, clinical, experimental components of chair scientific work. Explore, Discover, Improve

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? : The student will observe,assist and will be directly involved in the research program. |8

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? : The student would be acquainted with basic procedures,new and routine techniques of making removable partial and

Language(s) of use: English or Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 3 weeks Hours of work per day: 6 hours Available months: October - November 2013 Students to be accepted: 2 students

complete dentures. Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? The student is required to have knowledge about the partial and complete adentia and the level of jaws atrophy. To have basic skills regarding Prosthodontic

Contact: Tigran Gyokchyan National Scientific Officer - Armenia email address:


Explore, Discover, Improve

Charles University Prague (Czech Republic) Name of the research project: The role of metals as a risk factor of civilization diseases-a follow-up study Project Leader (Mentor): Prof. Procházková Jarmila Institute of Clinical and Experimental Dental Medicine

Description of the project: Follow-up study. The aim of study: To assess the health status of patiens examined and treated in the context of their proven

Language(s) of use: English

intolerance to metals, their follow-up 5 to 10 years after thera- Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 -3 weeks peutic intervention, verification of continuing averse effects of metals in the mouth on their health using anamnestic, clinical (dental and cariologic) and laboratory tests (MELISA test, test of cancer markers).

Hours of work per day: 6 hours, two times a week Available months: I-VI, IX-XII Students to be accepted: 3-4 students

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Following clinical examination of patient’s oral cavity and laboratory test for dental metal materials intolerance.


What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire Veronika Píšková during the research project? IADS National Scientific Officer - Czech Republic Clinical examination of patiens, insight to laboratory tests in Laboratory for oral biology. Explore, Discover, Improve


Samara State Medical University (Russian Federation) Name of the research project: Optimization of restoration’s quality by examination the adhesion of filling material. Project Leader (Mentor): Chief of the chair of restorative dentistry, M.D., Professor Gilmiyarov Edward.

Description of the project: The aim of the project – to examine the adhesion of a composite material to treated surfaces; the usage of apparatus Shear Bond tester (Bisco). What will be the student’s involvement within the research project?: The role of the student – assistant of a dentist, examination the adhesion of a filling material to treated surfaces using Shear bond tester (Bisco).

Language(s) of use: English, Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 5-6 hours Available months: September Students to be accepted: 1-2 students

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project?: The student will be able to learn what kind of pretreatment of tooth surfaces would be used for the best bond strength and restoration’s quality. Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? The students must follow the requirements which are determined by the standards of studying at the dental

Contacts: Tatiana Vorovchenko IADS National Scientific Officer - Russian Federation email address:

faculty. The are no juridical limitations. Explore, Discover, Improve

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Samara State Medical University (Russian Federation) Name of the research project: Estimation of efficiency of new combined antimicrobial treatment of periodontal diseases Project Leader (Mentor): Resident responsible for this project organization – A.E. Scherbovskich, Associate professor Y.V. Petrov, professor V.A.Kurkin, professor E.V.Avdeeva

Description of the project: The inflammatory periodontal diseases are amongst the most common chronic diseases to affect people. According to the statistics of World Health Organization aproximately 93% of adults and 80% of children suffer from this pathology. The majority of modern medical measures used in such cases have synthetic origin. For this reason, while having antimicrobial action these drugs have a great number of disadvantages, such as causing hypersensibilization, gradual resistance of pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms and etc. From this point of view, drugs based on medical herbs have such advantages as safety, efficiency, minimal risk of allergic effect and wide therapeutic effect.

As a result of complex research which was based on department of pharmacology and botanics in the cooperation with maxillofacial surgery and dentistry, general and clinical microbiology, immunology and allergology completely new herbal medicament was developed. The aim of this research project is to study antimicrobial, regenerating and hemostatic effects of new combined drug on the inflammatory process in periodontal tissue. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project?: Assisting professor in patient’s clinical examination, participation in experimental research work, organization of statistical evaluation. Explore, Discover, Improve

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Language(s) of use: Russian, English, German What practical skills and knowledge would the student | 12

acquire during the research project? : Skills of patient’s clinical examination and local status evaluation of dental and maxillo-facial area. Technic of facial bones’ immobilization of patients with fracture,

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 3-4 hours Available months: July-August Students to be accepted: 2-3 students

methods of microbiological sampling and study material, statistical processing of the results. Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of


studies required?

Tatiana Vorovchenko

Basic knowledge of microbiology, periodontology,

National Scientific Officer - Russian Federation

general surgery

email address:

Explore, Discover, Improve


Description of the project:


and Clinical Visits. The aim of these studies is to know

Name of the research project: 1. Epidemiological Study and Overview of Community Dental Works as Oral Health Service in Community 2. Caries Risk Assesment of Pediatric Patients in Voluntary Works Project Leader (Mentor): 1. Drg Ana Medawati, M.Kes 2. Drg Erlina M.Kes 3. Drg Laelia Anggraini Sp KGA 4. Esti Riyanda Astuti, S.KG 5. Wika Putri Adriani

The students must follow all of International Dental Summer School 2013 program specially Voluntary Works the visibility of community based dental work to prevent dental disease and also to cure the oral and dental infection. Caries Risk Assesment is really necessary to be taken to know the focus of future treatment in Voluntary Works or other community dental service. The datas will be taken during Voluntary works of International Dental Summer School 2013. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project?: 1. To assist the local students(researchers) as primary researcher 2. To examine all subjects during Voluntary works 3. To make qualitative investigations

Explore, Discover, Improve

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Language(s) of use: English, Indonesia, Malay What practical skills and knowledge would the student | 14

acquire during the research project? : 1. Subjective and Objective Examination 2. Communication Skill Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? 1. Dental Public health

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 5 hours Available months: 28th June 2013- 11st July 2013 Students to be accepted3 students Special remarks: The deadline of Application Period is 21st April 2013 The Acceptance Confirmation : 1 week after Applica-

2. Community based dentistry


3. Preventive Dentistry (esp: Pediatric Dentistry)

Contact: Email : Web : Phone: +6285642154005

Explore, Discover, Improve

Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran) Department of Orthodontics Name of the research project: Mechanical properties of ”Z-Spring” in removable orthodontic appliances:an in-vitro study Project Leader (Mentor): Dr Allahyar Geramy, DDS, MS Departmentof Orthodontics,Dental School, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, North Kargar St., Tehran, Iran Description of the project: Different sizes of ”Z-Springs” for the mesio-distal width of the artificial teeth will be fabricated and inserted in acrylic blocks. The blocks will be loaded in the universal testing machine to assess the force production manner. Load-deflection rate of the ”Z-Springs” will be drawn using a real-time computer software program. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project?: Students will make the Z-springs, make the blocks, attend the lab and work on the statistical methods.

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies required? English Language skill ; Passing at least pre-clinical course on Orthodontics; Elementary knowlege of statistics to work with SPSS to analyse the data. 15 |

Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4-6 weeks Hours of work per day: 4 hours Available months: November-October; April-May Students to be accepted: 2 students Contacts:

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire Sara Ehsani, IADS Local Scientific Officer - Tehran, Iran during the research project?: The skill of making Z-Springs; The email address: measuring techniques of force production manner; Sufficient knowledge about using universal testing machine

Sajjad Ashnagar, Regional Coordinator & National Training Officer, email address: Explore, Discover, Improve

Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran) Department of Prosthodontics Name of the research project: Evaluation of efficacy of Zirconia burs in Zirconia cores preparation in comparison with diamond burs Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. Marzieh Alikhasi, DDS, MS Description of the project: During the preparation of Zirconia cores, two types of burs are used : new Zirconia burs and diamond burs. The hypothesis is that Zirconia burs are more efficient in this process, because diamond burs produce sparks and damage the zirconia cores. During this in-vitro project, students are involved to compare the efficacy of these two

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies required? English language Skill, Passing at least preclinical course on Fixed prosthodontics, Research methodology, Elementary knowlege of statistics to work with SPSS to 16 |

analyse the data.

types of burs in zirconia core preparation and this comparison Language(s) of use: English will be evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) observation and universal testing machine (Biaxial test). What will be the student’s involvement within the research project?: Preparation of Zirconia cores, Working with universal testing machine, Working with SEM, Analysis of Data, Writing manuscript What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project?: How to work with Diamond and zirconia burs; How the zirconia restorations (CAD/CAM and copy milling) would be made.; How to work with SEM; Sufficient knowledge about using universal testing machine

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4-6 weeks Hours of work per day: 4 hours Available months: November-October; April-May Students to be accepted: 2 students Contacts: Sara Ehsani IADS Local Scientific Officer - Tehran, Iran email address: Explore, Discover, Improve

Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran) Department of Prosthodontics Name of the research project: Computer assisted implantology (CAI); a prerequisite educational method in predictable implant surgery Project Leader (Mentor): Abbas Azari (DDS, MSc),Associate Professor of Prosthodontics, Department of Prosthodontics Description of the project: In this project we aimed to learn how to use the principle of CAI in routine implant surgery. Students will be actively involved in using raw DICOM images of CT/CBCT, converting them, segmenting the anatomical purposes sites, diagnosis and treatment planning, using the socalled Dr.james, using the dedicated implant/abutment selection and positioning, finding the best implant positioning and dispersionm etc. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project?: Basic principles of CAI technology; Basic principles of implantology; Principle of DICOM management in Implant sur-

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies required? English Language Skill, Basic knowledge of routine computer work, ability to work with mouse and graphical basic programs. 17 |

Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 Hours of work per day: 2 hours Available months: No essential limitation but september and february preferred

gery; Dicom Conversion in implant Pretreatment; Principles of Students to be accepted: Max. 10 (preffered) Virtual Reality; Principles of Augmented Reality; Bone density and Bone density measurement by CAI; advanced methods of


implant-type selection; CAI approach; Advanced methods of

Sara Ehsani, IADS Local Scientific Officer - Tehran, Iran email

abutment selection; CAI approach; Biomechanical consider-


ations using CAI

Sajjad Ashnagar, Regional Coordinator & National Training Officer, email address:

Explore, Discover, Improve

University of Malaya Oral Cancer Research & Coordinating Centre (OCRCC), Faculty of Dentistry, (Malaysia) Name of the research project: Genetic polymorphism and risk of cancer of the oral cavity in the Malaysian population Project Leader (Mentor): Karen Ng Lee Peng/ Prof Dr Rosnah

What practical skills and knowledge would the student


acquire during the research project?

Description of the project: To genotype specific genes in cancer and controls, and to as-

Knowledge and skills in carrying out various molecular biology research techniques

sess theassociation of genetic polymorphism with oral cancer

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of


studies required?

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? The students will be carrying out various laboratory work related to the project.

Basic knowledge on PCR technique Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 7-8 weeks Hours of work per day: 8 hours

Contact: Zhen Feng Chong: IADS Local Scientific Officer - Malaysia

Available months: June - July Students to be accepted: 2 students Explore, Discover, Improve

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University of Malaya

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

Oral Cancer Research & Coordinating Centre (OCRCC), Faculty of Dentistry, (Malaysia)

Knowledge and skills in carrying out analytical chemistry

Name of the research project:


Micronutrient assessment and risk of oral cancer in a Malay-

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

sian population

studies required?

Project Leader (Mentor): Wan Maria Nabillah WA Ghani/ Vimmitra Athirajan/ Prof Dr Rosnah Zain Description of the project: To assess micronutrient level (ie vitamin C, beta-carotene) of oral cancer patients and controls, and to assess its association

acquire during the research project?

techniques such as chromatography and basic statistical

Basic skills on pipetting technique Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 7-8 weeks

with oral cancer risk

Hours of work per day: 8 hours

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

Available months: June - July

project? The students will be carrying out laboratory work such as sample preparation, HPLC and also basic statistical analysis

Students to be accepted: 2 student

Contact: Zhen Feng Chong: IADS Local Scientific

Officer - Malaysia, email address:

Explore, Discover, Improve

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Baskir State Medical University (Russian Federation) Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Name of the research project: Treatment and rehabilitation of children with congenital cleft lip and palate Description of the project: The aim of this project is the implemention of complex treatment of children with congenital cleft lip and palate including postoperative curation, rehabilitation and caries prevention What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Clinical examination of children with congenital pathology of maxillofacial area, asisting doctor and developing individual preventive program. What practical skills and knowledge would the student ac-

Language(s) of use: English, Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 6 hours

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Available months: June - September Students to be accepted: 2 students

quire during the research project? Ethyology, pathogenesis and development of congenital pathology of maxillofacial

Special remarks:

area, basic principals of operative methodics in clinical cases

The choice will be preferably given to 4th and 5th year

of children with congenital cleft lip and palate, most com-


mon individual hygenic program used during postoperative period. Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : Practical experience and theoretical knowl-

Contact: Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer Russian Federation,

edge of treatment patients with congenital pathology of

Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer Assistant-

maxillofacial area. Explore, Discover, Improve

Omsk State Medical Academy (Russian Federation)

Department of Dental Therapy Name of the research project: Study of diagnostic problems of fissure caries Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, professor L.M. Lomiashvili Description of the project: The aim of research is to reveal the most effective diagnostic technique of fissure caries Methods: cavities’ investigation by using caries-marker, DentEst system; electric pulp test system, x-ray, fluorescent intraoral video camera of SOPRO LIFE. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Assisting in clinical examination of patients with fissure caries by using standard and modern diagnostic methods, working with fluorescent intraoral camera SoproLife and DentEst system. Processing and statistical analysis of the results. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Studying modern

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : The students must follow the requirements which are determined by the standards of studying at the dental faculty. 21 |

Language(s) of use: English, Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 6 hours Available months: September Students to be accepted: 1 Special remarks: The choice will be preferably given to 4th and 5th year student

methods of fissure caries diagnosics, the principles of using intraoral camera SoproLife, DentEst system. Furthermore,

Contact: Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer

students will be given an opportunity to learn the tech-

Russian Federation,

niques of minimally invasive preparation treatment of cavi-

Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer Assistant-

ties on phantoms and assisting dentist in the clinical cases. Explore, Discover, Improve

Istanbul University (Turkey) Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology (Turkey)

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Name of the research project: Evaluation of dental students’s awareness of periodontal status and contribution of dental education on their awareness. Project Leader (Mentor): Prof. Dr. Erhan Firatli, Dr. Duygu Yaman Description of the project: Our study aims to evaluate the extent of students’ awareness of periodontal health and determine the contribution of their dental education on this awareness. The study will be performed in dental students of Istanbul University Faculty of Den-

It consists of two parts. In the first part, all students from 5 different classes will be asked for a questionnaire about general oral health, peridontal health and their ethnic/social properties . In the second part, 50 students of each class will be selected in order to determine their periodontal status using certain periodontal measurements. Additionally CPITN index will be applied in order to determine need for treatment of participants.


Explore, Discover, Improve

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

Language(s) of use: English

project? | 23

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 1 month They will be involved in planning of research project, distribution and data collection of questionnaire part, and asisting to lo-Hours of work per day: 3 hours cal students(researchers) in clinical evaluation part of the study. Available months: 1-6,9-12 What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire Students to be accepted: 2 students during the research project? The students will be able to have skills and knowledge in order to evaluate oral and periodontal status of any individual. Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level or studies required?

Contacts: Gorkem Sengun

Students should have knowledge about basic periodontology, IADS National Scientific Officer - Turkey periodontal tissues and evaluation. Explore, Discover, Improve

Perm State Medical Academy (Russian Federation)

Department of Dental Therapy Name of the research project: Optimization of treatment methods of the periodontal inflammatory diseases Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Professor, L.A. Mozgova Description of the project: The aim of the project – to obtain

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

positive immediate results of treatment of the inflammatory

studies required? : Students must follow the requirements

periodontal diseases. Methods of treatment: basic common

which are determined by the standards of studying at

treatment of the inflammatory periodontal diseases, mul-

the dental faculty. The are no juridical limitations. Further

tifactorial pathogenical therapy with the using of infrared

information can be found from the articles of the depart-

laser light (ILL) and “Vektor” system.

ment’s staff published under the guidance of Professor L.A.

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


project? The role of the student – assistant of a dentist, obtaining the manual experience on admission of patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Knowledge: etiology, pathogenesis and basic common treatment of inflammatory

Language(s) of use: English, Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 1 month Hours of work per day: 5-6 hours Available months: July Students to be accepted: 2-3 Special remarks: It is preferably to have students of 4th and 5th year of studying.

periodontal diseases; technique and principles of treatment

Contact: Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer

by using “Oprotan” and “Vektor” system. Practical skills: pro-

Russian Federation,

fessional oral hygiene; laser methods of periodontal pockets’ treatment.

Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer Explore, Discover, Improve

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Qassim University (Saudi Arabia) Orthodontic &Pediatric department

Name of the research project: Assessment of Facial Profile Type, Malocclusion Class and Dental Arch Morphology Among Snoring and Non-Snoring Adult Saudi University Population

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Banabilh S.M

studies required? : No

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Description of the project: The present study will be undertaken To determine the prevalence of snoring in an adult

Language(s) of use: English

university Saudi population, and to assess the facial profile,

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

malocclusion class, dental arch morphology in snorers compared to non-snorers.

Hours of work per day: 4 hours Available months: 6-18/4/2013

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Reading articles and take care of the questionnaire

Students to be accepted: 1 male student, 1 female student

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project?


How he/she _ design a research project ; how he/she read

Murad Alrsheedi - National Scientific Officer, Saudi Arabia

the leturture review ;

email address:

Explore, Discover, Improve

Qassim University (Saudi Arabia) Orthodontic &Pediatric department Name of the research project: Development of the permanent dentition and validity of the Demirjian and Goldstein method for dental age estimation in sample of Saudi Arabian children Project Leader (Mentor): Prof. Ragia Elprince Description of the project: DA will be assessed twice from the panoramic radiographs using the method of (Demirjian

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

& Goldstein). In this method ,the individual radiographic

acquire during the research project? How he/she would

appearance of the seven permanent teeth (second molar to

design a research project ; how he/she read the literature

central incisor) on the left side of the mandible are evalu-

review ;

ated according to developmental criteria to score different stages of a permanent tooth calcification. The stage of each tooth will be converted to corresponding numeric value, and then all seven values will be added to obtain a dental maturity score, which corresponded to DA by using available tables. -- The standards are given for boys and girls separately. Using the above described method, a dental maturity score will be obtained and the DA will be determined for each subject in both groups and the differences between the chronological age CA & DA demonstrated the delay or acceleration in dental maturity. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Reading articles and data collection

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Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : No Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 4 hours Available months: 14-29/5/2013 Students to be accepted: 2 students Contact: Murad Alrsheedi - National Scientific Officer, Saudi Arabia email address: Explore, Discover, Improve

Qassim University (Saudi Arabia) Orthodontic &Pediatric department Name of the research project: Qassim Dental Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes towards HIV/AIDS Patients. Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Banabilah Description of the project: The present study will be undertaken to investigate knowledge of AIDS and HIV infection among Qassim university dental students , the source of that knowledge and attitudes of dental students towards infected patients. What will be the student’s involvement within the research

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project? Reading articles, Take care of the questionnaire, data collection and analyses What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? How he/she would design a research project ; how he/she read the leturture review Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of stud-

Hours of work per day: 4 hours Available months: 6-18/4/2013

ies required? : No

Students to be accepted: 1 male student, 1 female student

Language(s) of use: English


Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Murad Alrsheedi - National Scientific Officer, Saudi Arabia email address:

Explore, Discover, Improve

Qassim University (Saudi Arabia) Department of Endodontics

Name of the research project: A project to develop a reproducible treatment strategy for optimal root canal cleanliness and disinfection: An evidence based approach. Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Mohammad Salman Description of the project: The aim of this project is two way: 1st: to develop an ideal irrigating strategy that is able to clean the root canal system completely from debris and smear layer by evaluating current devices and techniques in the market either separately or combined for different time periods. 2nd: clinically evaluating the ability this strategy to disinfect root canal system and rendering it free of bacteria. Materials and methods to be selected based on sound criteria and careful inspection of the literature. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Reading articles, Developing the Project What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? How he/she would design

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : No

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Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: variable Available months: during all the year of 2013 Students to be accepted: 4 students Contact: Murad Alrsheedi - National Scientific Officer, Saudi Arabia email address:

a research project ; how he/she read the literature review Explore, Discover, Improve

Qassim University (Saudi Arabia) Orthodontic &Pediatric Dentistry

Name of the research project: Career Decisions among Undergraduate Dental Students at Qassim University Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Banabilh S.M

Description of the project: Despite many studies in medical education fields over the last few years, the reasons for choosing dentistry as a professional career have not been well documented by dental educators especially in the developing countries.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : No

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Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 4 hours

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Reading articles, Take care of the questionnaire, data collection and analyses What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? How he/she would design a research project ; how he/she read the literature review

Available months: 6-18/4/2013 Students to be accepted: 1 female student and 1 male student Contact: Murad Alrsheedi - National Scientific Officer, Saudi Arabia email address:

Explore, Discover, Improve

Alexandria University (Egypt) Department of Orthodontics

Name of the research project: Research on new techniques of treatment of cleft lip and palate Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. Hassan Mahmoud Moussa Description of the project: Observing and/or assisting * cleft lip and palate surgeries (within the project). - Doing a tissue engineering research on new techniques of treatment of cleft lip and palate. - Assisting in Managment of preoperative and post operative orthodontic treatment for cleft lip and palate patients. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? 1.managment of preoperative and post operative orthodontic treatment for cleft lip and palate patients. 2. Research on new techniques of treatment of cleft lip and palate. 3.Learning orthodontic photography and correct analysis of radiographs. 4.gaining experience with the filling

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : No

30 |

Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 3 weeks Hours of work per day: from 10 am till 5 pm. Available months: August and September Students to be accepted: 4 participants / period

systems What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Background on ortho-


dontics or maxillofacial or tissue engineering is preferable

Taher Ashraf El- Kowiry - National Scientific Officer, Egypt


email address: Explore, Discover, Improve

Charles University in Prague, Medical Faculty Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic ) Department of Histology and Embryology

In previous years we were able to reduce the amount of supplements of animal origin (especially fetal calf serum) in culture medium from the usual 20% to 2% and supplement culture medium with recombinant growth factors. This resulted in a change of basic bio-

Name of the research project:

logical and phenotypic properties of cultured DPSC.

Cultivation of human dental pulp stem cells in media con-

We expect (and our unpublished results confirmed

taining human blood plasma

this) that the addition of human plasma to the culture medium has not only beneficial effects on basic bio-

Project Leader (Mentor): Tomas Soukup, M.D., Jakub

logical properties, higher proliferative potential and

Suchanek M.D., Ph.D.

stability but also effects changes in the phenotypic

Description of the project:

profile of DPSC. Our activities lead to achieve higher

Dental pulp represents rich and accessible source of stem

yields during cultivation process and to prepare pro-

cells, which can be utilized anytime during the life of the

tocols for future clinical application of stem cells in

patient. Dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) cultured in vitro are

clinical dental practice and in the other clinical fields.

greatly influenced by the composition of the cultivation medium.

Explore, Discover, Improve

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The project is in full compliance with research and development strategy of the Czech Ministry of Health, presenting the thesis linking the basic and applied research. The project will continue to develop unique methods and international cooperation.The proposed project is focused on modifying stem cell culture conditions of human dental pulp in order to sustain the isolated cell lines characteristics of stem cells and culture to achieve higher yields. Properties of cultured cells will be characterized over time in correlation with cells grown in medium containing calf (animal) serum. The examination will focus on the growth characteristics of

| 32

cells, xCELLigence growth profiles, examination of telomere

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies

length, immunophenotyping, and differentiation potential


of stem cells. Optimization of culture conditions will not only

Advanced knowledge in cell culture, tissue engineering and

maintain long-term desirable properties of stem cells as their

laboratory methods are required.

self-renewal and clonogenicity, but also prevent their premature senescence and damage. In addition, using human plasma will facilitate the transfer of experimental findings to the possible therapeutic applications of stem cells. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? : The students will get a chance to participate, ob-

Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks Hours of work per day: 6 - 8 hours Available months: Jan, Feb, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep

serve and also assist in research and the experiments.

Students to be accepted: 2 students

What practical skills and knowledge would the student


acquire during the research project? : The students will acquaint with basic procedures and techniques of experimen-

Veronika Píšková

tal histology, odontology, molecular biology, tissue engineer- IADS National Scientific Officer - Czech Republic ing, stem cell culture and get the unique chance to look to the possible future of their jobs. Explore, Discover, Improve

Masarykova University


Republic )

Although regulation of tooth crown morphogenesis is well known and tissue engineering and tooth regeneration are becoming a realistic possibility, information on proper morphogenetic processes within

Name of the research project:

tooth primordia, including proliferation, differentia-

Odontogenesis and regeneration of periodontal tissues

tion, distribution and death of cells is still incomplete. Hitherto studies on cell proliferation concentrated as

Project Leader (Mentor): Ivan Misek, Prof. D.V.M. Ph.D

a rule on the region surrounding the enamel knot – a

Description of the project:

structure regarded as a signalling centre controlling

The project is focused on tooth development and morpho-

the shape of the future crown, and on the cervical

genesis of tooth anlagen as well as related structures. It is

loop, where the existence of stem cells is affirmed.

based on signalling, proliferation, programmed cell death,

Our prospective research is focused on signalling

differentiation and redistribution of single cell populations

within tooth morphogenesis, proliferating processes

within the tooth primordia development.

and apoptosis in different eutherians (pig, reptiles).

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The study is focused also on complete development of normodont dentition using an unique pig model with aim to characterize it as a suitable reference model of odontogenesis. This approach could contribute to the generalization of results obtained from studies of highly specialized dentition of laboratory rodents (mice, rats). The results could extend the current knowledge and contribute to the understanding of principles and mechanisms of odontogenesis and to the explanation of evolution of mammalian dentition and adjacent orofacial structures. Current odontological research aims to analysis of cell

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies

and molecular interactions, but also tends to integrate the


knowledge in the general concept of tissues and organs to | 34

understand development, homeostasis, disorder of related cranio-facial structures and possible regeneration of periodondal tissues. Therefore, the proposed research follows these strategies and covers topics from molecular investigations up to broader applications. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? : The students will get a chance to participate, observe and also assist in research and the experiments. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? : The students will acquaint with basic procedures and techniques of experimental embryology, odontology, molecular biology, tissue

Advanced knowledge in developmental biology, tissue engineering and laboratory methods are required. Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 4 - 8 hours Available months: August – September Students to be accepted: 1-2 students Contacts: Veronika Píšková IADS National Scientific Officer - Czech Republic

engineering and get the unique chance to look to the possible future of their jobs. Explore, Discover, Improve

Saratov State Medical Academy (Russian Federation) Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics Name of the research project: Chairside diagnosis of risk of developing periodontal diseases during orthodontic treatment Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Associate Professor, D.E. Suetenkov Description of the project: To obtain and analyze the immediate results of a chairside diagnostics of inflammatory periodontal diseases utilizing BANA-test What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Assisting dentist in registration of clinical changes,

Language(s) of use: English, Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks 35 |

Hours of work per day: 6

documentation, mathematical and statistical analysis of the

Available months: May, June, September, October, No-



What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases; evaluation of oral hygiene status by common oral hygienic indexes, processing and statistical analysis of the results. Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of stud-

Students to be accepted: 2-3 Special remarks Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying. Contact:

ies required? : Experience in diagnostics of inflammatory

Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer Russian

periodontal disease, professional oral hygiene, processing


and statistical analysis of the results and treatment planning of periodontal disease of adolescents.

Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer Assistant

Explore, Discover, Improve

Saratov State Medical Academy (Russian Federation) Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics Name of the research project: Determination of efficiency of light-activated disinfection in treatment of gingivitis among teenagers Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Associate Professor, D.E. Suetenkov Description of the project: To investigate the efficiency of light-activated disinfection produced by “Photosan” technology in clinical cases of inflammatory periodontal diseases’ treatment What will be the student’s involvement within the research

Language(s) of use: English, Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks 36 |

Hours of work per day: 6

project? Assisting dentist in registration of clinical changes,

Available months: May, June, September, October, No-

documentation, mathematical and statistical analysis of the


results. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases; evaluation of oral hygiene status by common oral hygienic indexes, processing and statistical analysis of the results, basic knowledge of “Photosan” system. Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : Knowledge in Periodontology and public dentistry.

Students to be accepted: 2-3 Special remarks Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying. Contact: Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer Russian Federation, Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer Assistant

Explore, Discover, Improve

Saratov State Medical Academy (Russian Federation) Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics Name of the research project: Developing program of dental diseases’ prevention for patients with cerebral palsy Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Associate Professor, D.E. Suetenkov

Description of the project: Development of complex dental preventive program for patients with cerebral palsy. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Assisting in clinical examination of children with

Language(s) of use: English, Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks 37 |

Hours of work per day: 6

cerebral palsy, obtaining and analyzing results of clinical

Available months: May, June, September, October, No-

patient’s examination, development of complex dental


healthcare preventive program. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Clinical examination and diagnostics of patients with somatic diseases. evaluation of oral hygiene status by common oral hygienic indexes, processing and statistical analysis of the results. Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : Knowledge of public dentistry.

Students to be accepted: 2-3 Special remarks Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying. Contact: Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer Russian Federation, Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer Assistant

Explore, Discover, Improve

Saratov State Medical Academy (Russian Federation) Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics

Name of the research project: Study of the properties of polyelectrolyte coverings for the surface modification of orthodontic microimplants Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Associate Professor, D.E. Suetenkov Description of the project: Study of the properties of poly-

Language(s) of use: English, Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 6 38 |

electrolyte coverings

Available months: May, June, September, October, No-

What will be the student’s involvement within the research


project? The student will carry out laboratory procedures for studying physical and chemical properties of the new composite coverings made of chitosan, antiseptical materials and metals. The student will work with the atomic force microscope.

Students to be accepted: 3-4 Special remarks Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying. Contact:

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? The experience of research work in laboratory Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : Knowledge of public dentistry.

Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer Russian Federation, Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer Assistant Explore, Discover, Improve

Medical University of Lublin (Poland) Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Name of the research project: Diagnosis, visualization and managment of dental caries Project Leader (Mentor): Associate Professor Dr. hab. Renata Chałas Head: Prof. Teresa Bachanek

Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

Description of the project: The main aim of the project is to recognize caries during dental examination and visualize it using by digital tools. What will be the student’s involvement within the research

Hours of work per day: ~ 39 |

Available months: August Students to be accepted: 5

project? Student will be an active member of the project group and will take part in all procedures. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Students will gain a knowledge how to diagnose the caries with different methods and how to manage early caries lesions with ozonotherapy Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of stud-

Contact: Robert Czajka - TSS Lublin email address:

ies required? : Dental Examination Explore, Discover, Improve

Near East University Cyprus (North Cyprus) Department of Pedriatic Dentistry Name of the research project: A comparative evaluation of Diagnopen with visual and radiography for detection of occlusal and proximal caries_of primary teeth. Project Leader (Mentor): Prof.Dr.Serap Çetiner (Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry) & Dt. Sıla Korun(PhD student at Department of Pediatric Dentistry)

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

Description of the project: The aim of study: to determine

studies required? : Students should have knowledge

the effectiveness of clinical use of Diagnopen in case of a

about diagnosing caries and have positive approach

right diagnosis to be able to make a treatment under the

towards children._And also students are prefered to be 4th

minimal invasive principle.This project will be performed at

or 5th grade

Near East University Faculty of Dentistry. Students will study on the project by using extracted primary teeth.

Language(s) of use: English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Firstly they will be involved in searching about the subject then performing the clinical and laboratory studies with local students. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? They will be able to use improved technological diagnosis techniques and detect caries by using them. of their studies.

Hours of work per day: 4 Available months: February, Marc 2014 Students to be accepted: 2 Contacts: Ferdiye Küçük - Local Scientific Officer email address: Explore, Discover, Improve

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Izhevsk State Medical Academy Russian Federation Department of Operative Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery Name of the research project: Low-intensity laser radiation in inflammatory diseases, tumors, injuries in the maxillofacial region Project Leader (Mentor):Head of Department, Professor, E.I. Deryabin

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : Knowledge on the effects of low-

Description of the project: Low-intensity laser radiation is an

intensity laser radiation in various inflammatory diseases,

additional method for the treatment of inflammatory diseas-

tumors, and injuries in the maxillofacial region.

es, tumors, and injuries in the maxillofacial region. Impact on the lesion, reducing the treatment time of patients with this condition due to the normalization of blood circulation in the lesion What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? The role of the student – assistant of a dentist, obtaining the manual experience on admission of patients with inflam-

Language(s) of use: English and Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 1 month Hours of work per day: 4- 5 Available months: July - August Students to be accepted: 3-4

matory diseases, tumors, and injuries in the maxillofacial

Special remarks: It is preferably to have students of 4th and


5th year of studying.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project?

Contact: Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer Russian Federation,

Knowledge of physics, biophysics, microbiology Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer

Explore, Discover, Improve

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Izhevsk State Medical Academy Russian Federation Department of the Therapeutic Dentistry Name of the research project: The study of living drop of blood for diseases of the oral mucosa Project Leader (Mentor):Head of Department, Professor, T.L. Redinova Description of the project: The aim of the project - the study of living drop of blood under the microscope, with the ability to not only visualize the process of research on the

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

screen, but also the calculation of the basic hematological

studies required? : Knowledge of the patient’s blood

parameters, as well as the ability to render immediate drop

sample for further study under the microscope. Knowledge

of blood sampling in patients with diseases of the oral mu-

of Hematology, Microbiology.

cosa and the subsequent investigation of collection. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? The role of the student – assistant of a dentist, obtaining the manual experience on admission of patients with diseases of the oral mucosa. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project?

Language(s) of use: English and Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 1 month Hours of work per day: 4- 5 Available months: July - August Students to be accepted: 3-4

Knowledge hematological in various diseases of the oral

Special remarks: It is preferably to have students of 4th and

mucosa.The study of blood by this method allows us to

5th year of studying.

understand not only the changes in the oral cavity, but also gives an idea of possible somatic pathology, confirmation of

Contact: Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer Russian Federation,

which will require a more in-depth study, which will increase student performance dental faculty of dentistry not only,

Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer Assistant-

but also of medicine in general.

Explore, Discover, Improve

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Izhevsk State Medical Academy Russian Federation Department of Operative Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery Name of the research project: Saprophytic microflora in inflammatory diseases, tumors, and injuries in the maxillofacial region. Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Professor, E.I. Deryabin Description of the project: Saprophyte microflora is an

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

antagonist of pathogenic organisms, which causes the

studies required? : Clinical-diagnosis and treatment of

development of various inflammatory diseases in the maxil-

inflammatory diseases, tumors, injuries in the maxillofacial

lofacial area and also exacerbates the clinical situation with


injuries and tumors in the oral and maxillofacial region. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? The role of the student – assistant of a dentist, obtaining the manual experience on admission of patients with inflammatory diseases, tumors, and injuries in the maxillofacial region. What practical skills and knowledge would the student

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Language(s) of use: English and Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 1 month Hours of work per day: 4- 5 Available months: July - August Students to be accepted: 3-4

acquire during the research project?

Special remarks: It is preferably to have students of 4th and

Knowledge of microbiology, especially opening phleg-

5th year of studying.

mon and abscesses, knowledge about the possibilities and prospects of this method in the treatment of inflammatory

Contact: Tatiana Vorovchenko - National Scientific Officer Russian Federation,

diseases, tumors, and injuries. Gulnara Tuguzbaeva - National Scientific Officer

Explore, Discover, Improve

Contacts: Katerina Miklisova IADS International Scientific Officer

Pavel Scarlat IADS President

International Dental Research Program

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