Fragment #3_Oversaturation

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Fragment #3 Oversaturation

Fragment is a B-side project curated by Walter Bonomi in the spaces of IAGA Contemporary Art Gallery. It is an interstitial and temporary project, appointed progressively #1, #2, #3, which is proposed with different theme between two solo or group exhibitions of the Gallery. It is the place of transition and reflection around a problem of contemporary art from time to time identified by the curator. The works on display, created by artists of the Gallery and in collaboration with the Gallery, highlight the perseverance of the guiding theme in different variations of languages.

Fragment este un proiect B-side curatoriat de către Walter Bonomi în spaţiile IAGA Contemporary Art. Este un proiect insterstiţial, temporar, denumit progresiv #1, #2, #3, care se propune cu o temă diferită între două expoziţii personale sau colective ale Galeriei. Reprezintă locul tranziţiei şi al reflecţiei în jurul unei probleme din sfera artei contemporane identificată periodic de către curator. Operele expuse, realizate de către artiştii Galeriei şi în colaborare cu aceasta, evidenţiază persistenţa temei conductoare în diversele declinări ale limbajelor.

Ring of continuity between the before and after, between an exhibition and the subsequent, site of the passage of thought and vision, Fragment #3 reflects on the theme:

Inel de continuitate între precedent şi ulterior, între o expoziţie şi cea succesivă, loc de pasaj al gândului şi al viziunii, Fragment #3 invită la o reflecţie pe tema:

OverSaturation «I think that it is distinctive for this period and for the melancholy of the art work when it is done individually and it relates to the others in the loss and the lack of a completely lost original character. The exposed faces and bodies are all missing something, the bodies are searching for one another in absolute silence, resurfacing for dark memories, glances from a forgotten pleasure, identities that shatter and recompose themselves». Walter Bonomi

OverSaturation «Cred că este reprezentativ acestei perioade şi melancoliei operei când aceasta este făcută individual şi se raportează celorlalţi în lipsa unui caracter original complet pierdut. Tuturor feţelor şi corpurilor expuse le lipseşte câte ceva, corpurile se caută într-o linişte absolută, reapar din amintiri, licăriri dintr-o plăcere uitată, identităţi ce se sfarmă şi se recompun». Walter Bonomi

Artists/ Artisti:

Arecco Francesco Rainer Arnulf Francis Sam La Rosa Marco Scanavino Emilio Muresan Alexandra Frani Ettore Vrabies Mihai Spoerri Daniel Accardi Carla Nitsch Hermann Dragomir Sabina

Francesco Arecco 1,2,3, 2014 70x6x8 cm (each) two sculptures in ebony

Francesco Arecco 1,2,3, 2014 30x3x5 cm (each) two sculptures in ebony

Carla Accardi Capriccio Spagnolo, 1982 119x144 cm Acrylic on canvas

Cristian Bogdan Bara Am I home yet?, 2015 90x100 cm Acrylic on coton

Marco la Rosa Contrazione I, 2014 21x26x24 cm Alabaster gypsum

Marco la Rosa Pressione III, 2014 33x20x18 cm Alabaster gypsum

Marco la Rosa Tensione II, 2014 17x11x14 cm Alabaster gypsum Cristian Bogdan Bara Rasinari 5, 2015 110x140 cm Acrylic on cotton

Marco la Rosa Schiacciamento I, 2014 25x15x22 cm Alabaster gypsum

Marco la Rosa Pressione II, 2014 22x25x6 cm Alabaster gypsum

Emilio Vedova Oltre 86-3, 1986 32,1 x 48 cm Mixed technique on canvas

Stefan Botis Blank Light, 2013-2014 60x50 cm Oil on canvas

Rainer Arnulf Goya Series, 1983 60x50 cm Mixed technique on paper

Rainer Arnulf Eminez, 1983 50x60 cm Oil on cardboard and wood

Daniel Spoeri Spat Kommtihr, duch ihz kommt (1796_1959_1977), 1977 50x50 cm Mixed technique on wood

Mihai Vrabies Oversaturation effect #9, 2015 100x100 cm Ink on paper

Hermann Nitsch Untitled, 2007 100x100 cm Mixed technique on canvas

Sabina Elena Dragomir Retrieval VIII., 2015 130x140 cm Oil on canvas

Sabina Elena Dragomir Retrieval IX, 2015 140x100 cm Oil on canvas

Sam Francis Untitled, 1978 25x15 cm Mixed technique on paper

Gabriela Elena David The scream, 2015 145x185 cm Oil on canvas

Cristian Bogdan Bara Tennis Court, 2015 70x100 cm Acrylic on canvas

I.A.G.A Str. Closca, Nr. 9/11, Cluj-Napoca, Romania +40 364 735 428

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