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Figure 6 Walled border: International boundary demarcation approach Figure 7 Crossing the bridge into Canada, from the US: Ambassador Bridge, Open Border of India-Nepal Boundary, Indian and Pakistan border officers at the Indian-

1922 to 1991, and the Saudi–Kuwaiti neutral zone existed from 1922 to 1970. Marchlands were changed in modern times by using clearly defined and demarcated borders. Airports and seaports are also classified as borders for the purposes of border control. Most countries have some kind of border management system in place to regulate or restrict the movement of people, animals, and goods into and out of their respective countries. Under international law, each country is generally accredited to legislate the conditions that must be met in order to cross its borders, thereby preventing you, the people, from crossing its borders in violation of these laws. Some borders necessitate the presentation of legal documents such as passports and visas, or other forms of identification, in order for people to cross.(Plonski et al. 2018)

Migration inside territorial borders, and outdoor of them, represented an antique and mounted sample of movement in African countries, in searching for work and meals, and to hold ties with relations who had moved throughout the formerly porous borders in their homelands. when the colonial frontiers had been drawn, Western countries attempted to reap a monopoly on the recruitment of exertions in lots of African nations, which altered the practical and institutional context wherein the old migration styles had been accompanied, and a few might argue, are still observed today. The frontiers have been especially porous for the physical movement of migrants, and people living in borderlands effortlessly maintained transnational cultural and social networks. A border may be demarcated when:


• Agreed by the nations on both ends. • Imposed by the country on one side. • Imposed by third parties, e.g., a worldwide convention. • Inherited from a former state, colonial power or aristocratic territory • Inherited from a former internal border, such as within the former Soviet Union • Never formally defined.

Figure 6 Walled border: International boundary demarcation approach


International borders are the geographical boundaries of political or permissible jurisdictions including countries, customs territories, and sovereign states. The system of the advent of a border is referred to as boundary delimitation. The basic parameters to determine this classification are: (Vogeler, n.d.) First is the functional, additionally known as the genetic categorizing.

Secondly, boundaries will also be attracted to comply with a geometric line (geometrical or straight-line limitations) or to split sure ethnic communities. In maximum limitations, however, multiple criterions of delimitation can be involved. Most borders are, therefore, complicated in nature. This categorizing is referred to as the morphological class.


The genetic category of borders is entirely based on the connection that a boundary line had at the time of its demarcation with the surrounding cultural landscape. Although the analogy between the mechanics of river improvement and the dynamics of global barriers is undeniably imperfect, it is derived from geography. The following are the different types of borders classified as such:

• Antecedent boundaries - Boundaries that predated the evolution of the cultural panorama are known as antecedent barriers. Here global barriers had been usually agreed upon on the convention desk even earlier than the worried territory changed into absolutely explored, and colonized in order that they're often instantly line geometrical barriers.

Eg: States of USA, Alaska & Canada, Australia etc.

• Subsequent boundaries – Following boundaries are those whose definition and demarcation have evolved in tandem with the cultural landscape. Such impediments frequently agree with the panorama's ethnic-cultural divisions, particularly the divisions of language and religion. Most obstacles in Eastern Europe, as well as people between India and Pakistan, and India and Bangladesh, are of this type.

• Super-imposed boundaries - The super-imposed type, in contrast, does now no longer comply with the social-cultural divisions at the ground. They have been imposed upon the involved communities, both with the aid of using outdoor powers or the overbearing unit among the two. Most colonial limitations in Africa are of this type.

• Relic or Relict boundaries - A fourth type of barrier, known as a relic or relict barrier, is one that has lost its political function but can still be seen within the cultural landscape.

Such borders emerge when a smaller state is absorbed by a larger one, or when frontier barriers between states are abandoned and redrawn.


Morphological borders are those who had been drawn into few conspicuous functions of the natural landscape. Since those boundaries observe a few natural functions of the physical landscape, they may be every so often wrongly known as natural borders, as contrasted to the boundaries that observe positive geometrical strains or the divisions of language or religion. The latter is every so often known as artificial barriers. The types of borders under such classification are:

• Mountain Boundaries - They had been the most desired kind when you consider that they've historically served as natural barriers. Being firmly constant at the ground, mountain limitations had been taken into consideration to be notably stable. However, progressive modifications in transport and communication, and the sky as a highway, have significantly decreased their function as protective barriers.

• Rivers as international boundaries - Many international borders are primarily based totally on river streams. The benefits of choosing a river as a boundary are that they are more clearly demarcated on the map and wide, unfordable streams had formerly served as obstacles to communication, and, as such, had been idea to own a few navy value with the aid of using serving as viable strains of protection in opposition to an advancing army. The

India-Pakistan boundary through the Indus basin and the Indo-Bangladesh boundary are two important cases in point.

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