LIST: January 2012 VOL 1
Applications for positions should reach the address as indicated opposite the position not later than 12h00 on 21 January 2012. NB late applications will not be considered. Applicants are request in their own interest to submit detailed particulars with regard to their qualifications and experience. Additional information can be submitted by means of annexure. All APPLICATIONS AND ANNEXURES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE ADDRESS INDICATED. The onus rests with an applicant to ensure that an application is received timeously. Applicants who apply for positions at other centres must acquaint themselves with the attendant circumstances such as housing, schooling facilities, etc. Which could create possible implications should they be appointed at other centres. Uncertainties regarding salary scales applicable to posts may be clarified locally at personnel offices. NB.: Application forms are available at all centres. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applicants will be subject to a screening process. We urge all our employees, clients, members of the public and our suppliers to report any kind of fraud or corruption at Transnet. Call the hotline toll free number: 0800 003 056 or email