City of Johannesburg Johannesburg Water (Pty) Ltd
17 Harrison Street Johannesburg
Johannesburg Water 11 688 1400 Tel +27(0) PO Box 61542 Fax +27(0) 11 688 1528 Marshalltown 2107
JOHANNESBURG WATER (PTY) LTD VACANCY CIRCULAR JW242/2012 Johannesburg Water (Pty) Ltd is a municipal entity owned by the City of Johannesburg. Its core purpose is to provide water and sanitation services to approximately 4 million people. JW will ensure that the selection and recruitment process is employment equity compliant and in line with the company’s EE plan. This is an internal circular, external applications will only be considered after the internal applications.
Applicants must complete all fields in the JW application form, quote the relevant circular reference number, incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications must reach the HR Application box on the ground floor (Head Office, No17 Harrison Street) no later than 16h00, Friday 27 January 2012
Correspondence will be conducted with shortlisted candidates only. Should you not hear from us within two weeks of the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.
Directors: Ms Martie van Rensburg (Chairperson), Mr Gerald Dumas (Managing Director), Mr Manu Padiaychee (Financial Director), Mr Neil Macleod, Dr Nomonde Mabuya, Mr Nandha Govender, Ms Natalie Skeepers, Mr Tebogo Modipane, Ms Nompumelelo Msezane, Mr Cassim Tilly Mr Graham Luden (Company Secretary), Johannesburg Water (Pty) Ltd Registration Number: 2000/029271/07