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from animals are great
Other Web sources are included in the sidebars. More comprehensive resources can be found on our Web site: www.animalvegetablemiracle.com.
oily food David Pimentel, Marcia Pimentel, and Marianne Karpenstein- Machan,
“Energy Use in Agriculture: An Overview,” dspace.library.cornell.edu/ bitstream/1813/118/3/Energy.PDF. Richard Manning, “The Oil We Eat,” Harper’s Magazine, February 2004, www.harpers.org/TheOilWeEat.html. U.S. Energy Information Administration: www.eia.doe.gov/.
hungry world Thalif Deen, “Tied Aid Strangling Nations, Says U.N.,” Inter Press
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how to find a farmer New Generation Cooperatives on the Northern Plains, “Declining Farm
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the strange case of percy schmeiser Gregory M. Lamb, “When Genetically Modified Plants Go Wild,” Christian Science Monitor, August 31, 2006, www.organicconsumers.org/ 2006/article_1992.cfm. E. Ann Clark, “On the Implications of the Schmeiser Decision,” University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, May 2001, www.biotech- info.net/ implications.html. Ron Friesen, “Studies Show Gene Flow in GM Canola Likely Widespread,” Manitoba Co-operator, July 4, 2002, www.percyschmeiser .com/Gene%20Flow.htm. “Schmeiser Decision Causes Uproar Around the World,” CNW (Canada),
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the global equation Brian Halweil, “Why No One Wins in the Global Food Fight,” Washington Post Sunday, September 21, 2003, www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/ wp-dyn/A37770–2003Sep19. John Otis, “Ruled by Fear, Banana Workers Resist Unions,” Houston
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is bigger really better? Gerard D’Souza and John Ikerd, “Small Farms and Sustainable Development: Is Small More Sustainable?” Journal of Agricultural and Applied
Economics 28 (1996): 73–83. Peter M. Rosset, The Multiple Functions and Benefits of Small Farm Agriculture In the Context of Global Trade Negotiations, Institute for Food and Development Policy Brief no. 4, September 1999, www.foodfi rst .org/node/246. Ronald C. Wimberley et al., Food from Our Changing World: The Globalization of Food and How Americans Feel About It, 2004, sasw.chass .ncsu.edu/global-food/foodglobal.html. The National Family Farm Coalition: www.nffc.net/.
the price of life “Press Release: Consumer Reports Finds 71 Percent of Store- Bought
Chicken Contains Harmful Bacteria,” Consumer’s Union, February 23, 1998, www.consumersunion.org/food/chickbacny698.htm. Economic and Structural Relationships in U.S. Hog Production, AER- 818,
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paying the price of low prices Christopher D. Cook, “Thanksgiving’s Hidden Costs,” AlterNet, November 23, 2004, www.alternet.org/envirohealth/20556/. K. Delate, M. Duffy, C. Chase, A. Holste, H. Friedrich, and N. Wantata,
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Bioscience 42 (1992): 750–60. D. Pimentel, “Environmental and Economic Costs of Soil Erosion and
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Rich and Famous Shattered Records in 2001,” Heritage Foundation
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American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 16 (1995): 25–35. The Rural Coalition, “Brief Background and History of the US Farm Bill: 1949 to Present,” www.ruralco.org/library/admin/uploadedfi les/Farm bill_History.doc. USDA Economic Research Service: www.ers.usda.gov/Features/farmbill/ titles/titleIcommodities.htm#a.
speaking up The Food Project: www.thefoodproject.org/. National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service: attra.ncat.org/. The Community Food Security Coalition: www.foodsecurity.org/.
losing the bug arms race Robert G. Bellinger, Pest Resistance to Pesticides, Southern Region Pesticide Impact Assessment Program Report 1996, entweb.clemson.edu/ pesticid/Issues/pestrest.pdf. Pesticide Action Network, carcinogenic pesticide list: www.panna.org/ resources/pestis/PESTIS.burst.357.html. Weed Science Society of America, list of herbicide- resistant weeds: www .weedscience.org.
home grown Travis Beck and Martin F. Quigley, Edible Landscaping, Ohio State
University Extension Factsheet HYG- 1255-02, ohioline.osu.edu/ hyg-fact/1000/1255.html.
Ben Sharvy, Edible Landscaping & Gardening, www.efn.org/~bsharvy/ edible.html. Ron Scherer, “Farmers Markets Boom Across the USA,” Christian Science Monitor, August 29, 2001, www.organicconsumers.org/Organic/
FarmersMarket901.cfm. Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, Your Consumer Food Dollar:
How Does It Carve Up? www.cias.wisc.edu/foodshed/pubsntools/ meal2.htm.
sustaining the unsustainable Douglass Cassel Jr., “The Great Trade Robbery,” Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, May 16, 2002. Jim Goodman, “Bush Team Squeezes Farmers Stifl es Dissent,” Capital
Times (Madison, WI), February 26, 2006, www.familyfarmdefenders .org/pmwiki.php/Main/BushTeamSqueezesFarmersStifl esDissent. Anuradha Mittal, Giving Away the Farm: The 2002 Farm Bill, www.food fi rst.org/pubs/backgrdrs/2002/s02v8n3.html. Environmental Working Group, Bumper Crop: Concentration of Commodity Loan Subsidies, www.ewg.org/reports/bumpercrop/concentra tion.html. National Family Farm Coalition, Food from Family Farms Act: A Proposal for the 2007 U.S. Farm Bill, www.nffc.net/resources/factsheets/Food %20From%20Family%20Farms%20Act.pdf. Union of Concerned Scientists, Industrial Agriculture: Features and
Policy, www.ucsusa.org/food_and_environment/sustainable_food/ industrial-agriculture-features-and-policy.html. Why Family Farmers Need Help, www.farmaid.org/site/PageServer? pagename=info_facts_help.
really, we’re not mad Charles Abbott, “Meatpacker Sues US for Right to Do Mad Cow Tests,”
Reuters, March 24, 2006, http://www.tradeobservatory.org/showFile .php?RefID=78811. Libby Quaid, “Government to Scale Back Mad Cow Testing,” Associated
Press, March 15, 2006, www.tradeobservatory.org/showFile.php?Ref
ID=78811. Sabin Russell, “USDA Lacks Power to Inform Public, Mandate Returns,”
San Francisco Chronicle, January 6, 2004, http://www.organiccon sumers.org/madcow/recall1604.cfm. “Mad Cow Watch Goes Blind,” USA Today, August 4, 2006, www.usa today.com/printedition/news/20060804/edit04.art.htm. United States Government Accountability Office, “USDA and FDA
Need to Better Ensure Prompt and Complete Recalls of Potentially
Unsafe Food,” GAO- 05-51, October 2004, www.gao.gov/new.items/ d0551.pdf.
“dig! dig! dig! and your muscles will grow big” Abiola Adeyemi, Urban Agriculture: An Abbreviated List of References &
Resource Guide 2000, National Agricultural Library, www.nal.usda .gov/afsic/AFSIC_pubs/urbanag.htm. Rachel Moscovich, “Grow Your Own, Big City,” 4/19/2006, www.zero footprint.net/green_stories/green_stories_item.asp?type_=50&ID= 5019. William Thomas, “Victory Gardens Can Save Us Again,” Convergence
Weekly, April 28, 2005, www.willthomas.net/Convergence/Weekly/
Gardens.htm. Online Magazine of Metropolitan Agriculture: www.metrofarm.com/.
trading fair and square Russell Greenberg, Peter Bichier, Andrea Cruz Angon, and Robert
Reitsma, “Bird Populations in Shade and Sun Coffee Plantations in
Central Guatemala,” Conservation Biology 11, no. 2 (1997): 448–59. Russell Greenberg, Peter Bichier, and John Sterling, “Bird Populations in
Rustic and Planted Shade Coffee Plantations of Eastern Chiapas,
Mexico,” Biotropica 29, no. 4 (1997): 501–14. Adriana Valencia, Birds and Beans: The Changing Face of Coffee Production, World Resources Institute, May 2001, earthtrends.wri.org/ features/view_feature.php?theme=7&fi d=35. Global network of fair trade organizations: www.ifat.org/.
For more on migratory birds and coffee, visit: nationalzoo.si.edu/Conser vationAndScience/MigratoryBirds/Coffee/.
legislating local Community Food Security Coalition, Farm to Cafeteria in 2006: Helping Farmers, Kids, and Communities, www.foodsecurity.org/policy.html #F2C. The National Farm to School Network: www.farmtoschool.org/ and www .farmtocollege.org/. How Local Farmers and School Food Service Buyers Are Building Alliances, www.ams.usda.gov/tmd/MSB/PDFpubList/localfarmsandschool.pdf. Small Farms/School Meals Initiative: www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Lunch/
Downloadable/small.pdf. The National Association of Farmers’ Market Nutrition Programs: www .nafmnp.org/.
By the Same Author
Prodigal Summer The Poisonwood Bible Pigs in Heaven Animal Dreams Homeland and Other Stories The Bean Trees
Small Wonder High Tide in Tucson: Essays from Now or Never
Another America
Last Stand: America’s Virgin Lands
(with photographs by Annie Griffiths Belt) Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike of 1983