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Keeping Children Safe in Education
SEND Collection
Safeguarding Collection
Contains 11 courses. Assessed. IOSH Approved.
A collection that raises awareness and helps you take action on tough subjects
We’ve all got a part to play in the health, well-being, and human rights of those who are most vulnerable from abuse. Whatever your role in the lives of people who are differently abled, children, or the elderly, our collection of expertly curated safeguarding courses are perfect for raising awareness and helping you tackle these tricky topics. All courses have been researched thoroughly, then vetted by subject matter experts in the field, so you can be sure of their high quality.
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Safeguarding Collection
Basic Safeguarding Awareness
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who wants to better understand safeguarding and abuse, but especially people who work in education, health, social care, policing, or another field which involves children or vulnerable adults. You might not be on the ‘front line’ in these sectors, if you have a cleaning, administrative, or maintenance role for instance. But you should still be aware of your safeguarding responsibilities.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain what is meant by abuse
Identify factors that put people at high risk of abuse
Recognise key safeguarding principles for protecting people from harm
Creating a Safeguarding Culture
Why take this course? Safeguarding is a vital part of protecting people from harm, but it can be a tough subject to tackle because it’s difficult to talk about. This course is for leaders who are interested in establishing an effective culture of safeguarding in their workplace. Understanding your safeguarding responsibilities will help you take practical steps towards providing valuable support to the people you work with.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why a safeguarding culture is necessary
Describe the safeguarding responsibilities at all levels of an organisation
Identify the measures that establish a safeguarding culture
Managing a Safeguarding Disclosure
Why take this course? For victims of abuse, telling someone about it is a big step. But it’s the first step to them getting the help they need. So, knowing how to support someone when they decide to make a disclosure is a vital part of safeguarding. This course is for people who work with children or vulnerable adults, or anyone else who wants to be approachable and supportive to victims of abuse.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise how to support people’s feelings so they feel safe and comfortable talking about abuse
Identify appropriate responses for a safe disclosure
Demonstrate how to record and report a disclosure effectively
Helping People Stay Safe Online
Why take this course? This course outlines the dangers and risks of sharing information online, so you can identify the warning signs and take steps to make sure vulnerable people are protected from harm. It’ll help you to recognise potential scams and identify which data is safe to share. And it also looks at cyberbullying – what it is and how to manage it if it does occur. Not IOSH Approved
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise potential scams
Identify which data is safe to share
Manage cyberbullying, if it occurs
Why take this course? FGM is a very serious and difficult problem that you may come across as part of your safeguarding responsibilities. And because of its seriousness, it’s vital you understand the impact of FGM and how to safeguard the physical and emotional well-being of girls at risk. This course looks at FGM, and how it should be handled. It’s suitable for health professionals and anyone who works or volunteers with female children and teenagers.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain FGM and the physical and mental health impacts
Identify female children and teenagers who are at risk
Why take this course? This course is for people who want to better understand the issues surrounding neglect. If you work in a field that involves children and vulnerable adults, such as education, health, social care, or policing, this is a vital issue to be aware of.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the different types of neglect
Identify the risk factors and impacts of neglect
Recognise some key warning signs of neglect
Types of Abuse
Why take this course? Everyone has the right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. But abuse does happen, and it can happen anywhere, to anyone. But children and vulnerable adults are especially at risk. This course is for people who want to better understand the complex topic of abuse and safeguarding. If you work in education, health, social care, policing, or any other field that involves children and vulnerable adults, it’s vital to be aware of the different types of abuse and the warning signs to look out for.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the main categories of abuse
Identify specific types of abuse and abusive situations
Recognise some key warning signs of abuse
Why take this course? While anyone is at risk from radicalisation, children, teenagers and young adults are particularly vulnerable. This course is suitable for parents, carers, teachers and anyone who works or volunteers with children and young people. It will help you to spot the signs and take steps to prevent radicalisation from taking hold.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain Prevent and its role in helping people avoid being drawn into terrorism
Identify children and young adults who are at risk from radicalisation
Demonstrate safeguarding procedures to protect vulnerable individuals
Safeguarding Collection
Why take this course? Everyone working with vulnerable people needs to understand how whistleblowing can help to protect those people from harm, while ensuring organisations run safely and effectively. This course will help employers and employees understand how important whistleblowing is to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults against harm.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define whistleblowing and its effects within and external to your organisation
Choose the proper way of raising a concern (anonymously or openly), taking into account the impact and effect of each
Demonstrate understanding of raising a concern internally or externally and reporting malpractice to a relevant regulator or external body
Understanding & Identifying Patterns of Grooming
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who wants to improve their safeguarding awareness skills, particularly people whose work might bring them into contact with children or vulnerable adults who could be the victims of grooming. Being able to spot the signs early can be the most effective way of preventing some of the worst types of abuse.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify patterns of grooming
Recognise warning sign behaviours in a child or vulnerable person
Help vulnerable people be more aware of unsafe situations
Respond to potential grooming situations regulator or external body
Introduction to Safer Recruitment
Why take this course? If you work with children or vulnerable adults, you have a duty of care to safeguard them against harm of any kind. Making sure your organisation embeds safer recruitment principles at every step of the process will help you to contribute to an environment in which the safety of vulnerable people is always a priority.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe the main principles of safer recruitment and how they contribute to safeguarding, in line with statutory guidance
Define the different levels of criminal record check available to prevent unsuitable applicants from being appointed to work with vulnerable people
Identify the requirements of a safer recruitment policy statement to clarify recruitment procedures designed to safeguard vulnerable adults and children
Health and Safety Collection
Contains 23 courses. Assessed. IOSH Approved.
Health & Safety training doesn’t have to be boring to help you achieve compliance
Workplace health and safety is all about sensibly managing risks to protect your workers and your business. Good health and safety management is characterised by strong leadership involving your managers, workers, suppliers, contractors, and customers. In a global context, health and safety is also an essential part of the movement towards sustainable development. Our Health and Safety Collection covers a wide range of topics to help you and your employees with all the knowledge you need to stay safe at work. That sounds a little dry, but don’t worry – it’s not. Not when we’re involved.
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Health and Safety Collection
Fire Safety Awareness
Why take this course? Whatever your role in the company, fire safety is of utmost importance. It’s literally a case of a life and death situation, so if you and your colleagues want to stay safe at work, this course is for you. It will be of particular interest to fire wardens and designated ‘responsible persons’, but very useful to everyone else, too. So go on, become the workplace hero you were meant to be.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify different types of fire safety equipment and how to use them
Describe an emergency escape plan
Recognise hazardous substances and mitigate the risks they pose
The Basics of Manual Handling
Why take this course? Manual handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work, accounting for over a third of all workplace injuries. As an employer, you have a duty of care to protect employees from lifting hazards. As an employee, you must be able to demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge to stay safe while manual handling. Doing so will help prevent and reduce the risks of injury and save unnecessary pain and expense.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the leading causes of manual handling injuries and identify common risks
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of safe manual handling
Explain the provisions of manual handling regulations
Slips, Trips, & Falls
Why take this course? From the office to the warehouse, if we’re at work, we could all use this training. Most slips, trips, and falls can be easily avoided, with care. This course explains how, and the consequences of not doing so. As an individual or a representative of a company, it’s beneficial to take this training to avoid costly and painful injuries.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify common causes of slips and trips
Understand the regulatory requirements that cover you
Define good and bad practices
Explain the consequences of slips and trips injuries
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Why take this course? This course will be useful to anyone who needs to wear any form of protective gear in the workplace. This might mean construction workers or people who work in factories or in places where there may be hazards. It’s unlikely to be much use if you’re a desk jockey, but it’s handy stuff to know regardless. PPE is the last line of defence against an injury. You have no excuse NOT to wear it, but why wouldn’t you want to keep yourself safe anyway?
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise PPE legislation and understand its importance
List the duties of employers and employees
Identify different types of PPE and recognise what does and doesn’t constitute PPE
Describe the consequences of not wearing PPE
Aggression & Violence
Why take this course? It’s not nice thinking about being the target of aggression and violence at work. But if you work in a profession where emotions may already be running high, then knowing what to do when things boil over is vital. Sadly, violence and aggression could happen in any workplace. So, it’s important that all workers, regardless of their profession or position, know how to spot when a situation might be getting out of control and how to handle it effectively to keep everyone safe.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify warning signs
Demonstrate how to handle difficult situations
Perform steps to protect yourself from harm
Analyse the consequences of inaction
Why take this course? Workplace temperature levels have a distinct impact on workforce productivity levels. Heating is one of the most important features of an office – if you don’t turn it on when it gets chilly, you’ll get a frosty reception from your staff. Workers don’t like being subjected to working conditions which are hot and sweaty, either.
Adequate temperature control is required to keep employees comfortable and concentrated on work.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define the concept of thermal comfort
Identify measures to control temperatures in the workplace
Outline guidelines for employees to follow
Risk Assessment Training
Why take this course? Wherever you work, you’ll more than likely encounter risk assessments and workplace health and safety guidelines. Knowing what should have risk assessments, and how to interpret and act on them is vital to keeping you ‘ahead of the game’! Managers or persons in charge of health and safety should pay close attention, as this training will also talk you through the how, when, what, and who of risk assessments, so that your ‘risk strategy’ isn’t just decided by the roll of a dice.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define the law on risk assessment
Explain what a risk assessment is
Demonstrate how to complete a risk assessment
Identify when a risk assessment is needed
Describe what and who a risk assessment cover should cover
Why take this course? Whether you work alone or with others, the need for adequate lighting is always there. Injury or illness caused by bad lighting is avoidable, so knowing what to do and what to look out for is a vital part of safe working. This course will help you understand the dangers of having insufficient lighting and illumination levels in the workplace, and help you assess and manage the health and safety risks attributable to lighting in the workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe what the requirements are for adequate lighting
Explain why bad lighting can cause BIG problems
Demonstrate how to beat bad lighting
Health and Safety Collection
Good Housekeeping
Why take this course? Good housekeeping is essential to employers and employees because good housekeeping in the workplace is everyone’s job. This course will help you understand what ‘good housekeeping in the workplace’ is, and how to help keep you and your team safe, by spotting potential hazards before they turn into nasty accidents. It will also help set up an efficient system of working and promote the reporting of hazards. Raise your productivity rather than the first aider’s blood pressure!
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why bad housekeeping is bad for business
Identify the benefits of good housekeeping
Implement a plan for a good housekeeping programme
General Workshop Safety Equipment
Why take this course? If you use or work in the vicinity of machinery or tools, this course is for you, as knowing how to protect yourself and colleagues is vital. Managers and persons in charge should pay particular attention to fully understand the regulations for using machinery, and the requirements for safety equipment. OK, things are more exciting when there’s an element of danger, but in the workplace, risk is no laughing matter. This course will help you to better understand the safety precautions you need to take.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the benefits of the PUWER regulations and what’s included to keep you safe
Identify the general items of safety equipment and Personal Protective Equipment
Describe how to control risks using Personal Protective Equipment and safety checks
Identify correct safety procedures when using workshop machinery and equipment
Getting In & Out of Buildings
Why take this course? This course is for everyone who works in a building – which is most of us. We all need to be able to enter and exit the buildings we work in safely. This course will teach you about the obstacles and dangers you might encounter, how to get in and out safely, and the different types of door to look out for. And in case you were wondering what my fave Crystal Maze zone was..., I liked the Aztec Zone, the Medieval one was rubbish.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify different types of doors
Define the normal use of doors and fire exits
Identify common obstacles and the dangers of getting in and out
Demonstrate an understanding of how to get in and out safely
Personal Hygiene in the Workplace
Why take this course? Everyone should be aware that personal hygiene is important. Bad hygiene has negative consequences, like feeling isolated, and affecting your own and your colleagues’ productivity. Bad hygiene can also have serious health risks and spread illness. It’s a tricky subject to approach, but we all need to take it seriously.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why good hygiene should be practiced
Describe the personal and social benefits of being clean
Demonstrate how to talk to others about their hygiene problems
Identify the HR policy on personal hygiene
Introduction to Safe Systems of Work
Why take this course? Whether you are a lawyer, construction worker, or a chocolate maker, you must be qualified to perform your task with caution. All employers have the legal duty to assess this, and this course will give you a better understanding of safeguarding workers efficiently, so you don’t end up in breach of protecting your staff.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Demonstrate how to assess a task
Implement a safe system of work
Describe how to monitor a safe system of work
Welfare Facilities
Why take this course? If you run a business, it’s important to know what welfare provisions you’re required to provide. Even if you only have a few staff, this course will help you to understand your responsibilities, so you can stay on the right side of the law and make sure your employees are happy and healthy at work.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define an employer’s responsibilities regarding welfare facilities
Differentiate the different categories of welfare facilities
Identify how to ensure that each category is appropriately provided for
Drugs & Alcohol at Work
Why take this course? The heart of the issue is awareness. Employers must be sensitive in situations which might or do involve drug or alcohol misuse. You must protect and support your employees in all matters of health and safety, and this training will explain how to approach these situations with delicacy and discretion.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe what is required in a risk assessment
Recognise signals which might indicate drug or alcohol misuse
Identify appropriate training and support initiatives
Defining Hazard and Risk
Why take this course? If you’re a manager, a team leader, or responsible for health and safety in your workplace, you need to be able to define and manage hazards and risk. This course will demystify hazards and risk and show you how successful risk management can stop your workplace turning into a danger zone.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ in the context of health and safety compliance
Complete a scored risk assessment based on the principles of likelihood and impact
Apply the risk management cycle to create and maintain a low-risk workplace
Health and Safety Collection
Why take this course? If you work with sharps then it’s vital you work with them safely. That’s where this course will help. It’ll explain what sharps are and the laws surrounding their use. And, by exploring the risks posed by sharps, who’s at risk, and when exposure could happen, you’ll be able to sharpen your practices, to keep you, and others, safe.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define what sharps are
Identify the risks posed by sharps, who’s vulnerable to sharps exposure, and when exposure could happen
Define your legal duties when working with sharps
Recognise best practices for safe handling and disposal of sharps
Identify the actions to take if a sharps-related incident happens
Winter Weather Awareness
Why take this course? Anyone who needs to go to work in wintery conditions will benefit from this course. You’ll discover what to consider before a journey, so you stay safe. The course will also show you the increased risks from wintery conditions, including slips, trips, and falls, and overexposure to cold temperatures. And you’ll find out how to work outside safely in wintery conditions.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify winter weather safety considerations so you can effectively prepare for essential journeys
Recognise the increased risk of slips, trips, and falls in winter weather, so you can stay safe
Recognise the signs of overexposure to cold temperatures, so you can take effective action to maintain your safety
Demonstrate understanding of the correct actions to take while working outside in winter to successfully experience safe conditions
Health Surveillance
Why take this course? If you’re a manager or person in charge of health and safety, it’s your job to make sure health surveillance is carried out correctly. This course examines the circumstances in which health surveillance is required, as well as how to set up and maintain a health-surveillance scheme correctly.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify all employees in your workplace who require health surveillance to ensure the correct support is offered
Implement an effective health-surveillance scheme within your workplace to proactively support your employees
Use health-surveillance results to inform appropriate actions required to minimise risk to your employees’ health
Create and maintain appropriate health-surveillance records for your company to meet legal obligations
Construction Dust
Why take this course? This course is ideal for anyone working in construction. You’ll learn about the health risks associated with construction dust, which high-risk tasks produce the most dust, and how to reduce your construction dust exposure, so you can do your job safely. Because no one wants to let something as little as dust ruin their life, right?
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the health risks related to construction dust, so you can take action to keep yourself safe at work
Identify which tasks are high risk for producing construction dust, so you know when to take safety precautions
Apply the correct safety precautions to reduce your exposure to construction dust and preserve your health
Setting Up Your Home Office
Why take this course? For anyone who works from home a lot, getting your home office set up correctly is vital for keeping you happy, healthy, and productive. It’ll also help ensure you’re working safely and complying with any regulations you need to. This course will highlight the risks of long-term home working, guide you through setting up a home office that’ll help you avoid the risks, and keep you at the top of your game.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Outline everything you will need to carry out your job effectively from home
Identify how home-office ergonomics can affect productivity
Define ways to ensure your home working stays compliant with regulations
Recognise ways to find the most suitable location for your home office
Active Shooter
Why take this course? We all know that guns are dangerous, yet we see so few of them outside movies that we’d find ourselves at a loss for what to do if there was an active-shooter incident nearby. Poor preparation costs lives. If you lead an organisation at risk from potential active-shooter incidents, you need to know what to do. This course will show the steps you must take to make sure your organisation is prepared. You’ll also learn about how people react in active-shooter situations, the ‘run, hide, tell, fight’ strategy to stay safe, and what will happen when an armed police unit arrives.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the steps needed to be prepared for an active-shooter attack, so you and your organisation can keep people safe
Recognise how people react to active-shooter incidents, so you can prepare your employees to capably respond
Demonstrate the correct use of the ‘run, hide, tell, fight’ strategy to respond effectively to an active-shooter event
Recognise what to expect from an armed police response to maximise effective cooperation
Dealing with Terrorism Threats
Why take this course? Employers have a duty of care towards their employees. That means preparing and planning for emergency situations of all kinds, including terrorist incidents. This course will help employers to understand the importance of planning in deterring and responding to terrorism threats. It’ll also help you assess the severity of a threat and act accordingly, to protect your organisation and the people you work with.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand the importance of clear procedures and plans to keep you and others safe
Identify and assess the seriousness of a range of potential security risks
Recognise how to respond effectively to terrorism threats to maximise your chances of keeping your employees safe
Health and Safety Collection
Workplace Inspections
Why take this course? If you’re a manager, safety representative, or in charge of health and safety, it’s likely you’ll be carrying out, or involved in, workplace inspections. So, it’s vital you know what you need to do, and when you need to do it. This course will help you get to grips with the basics of safety inspections, and give you effective methods for conducting inspections in your workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise and describe the different safety inspection types, to ensure you can effectively keep your workplace safe Construct safety checklists, relevant to your workplace, to help keep colleagues safe Identify the important safety representative roles required within your workplace to ensure continuous safe operations Plan safety inspections that are necessary for keeping your workplace safe and compliant
Policy & Compliance Collection
Contains 28 courses. Assessed. IOSH Approved.
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Training doesn’t have to be boring to help you achieve compliance
Compliance is a set of rules that both employers and employees from different regulatory bodies, governments, or industry organisations must follow. Almost all employees come across compliance in their day-to-day roles, in any industry. Sounds a bit… dry, right? Not if we have anything to say about it! Our compliance collection uses storytelling, animation, and interaction to engage learners, and clear language to make sure it’s accessible to all. Our goal is to help keep everyone safe, and you can be assured of their quality and accuracy as all relevant courses are approved by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) after vetting by subject matter experts.
Policy and Compliance Collection
Fire Warden Training Safety Training
Why take this course? This course is perfect for those who have been designated a fire warden, or fire marshal, in the workplace. Being a fire warden isn’t quite as thrilling as being a firefighter. But doing this job does make you a hero, too. You’ll be responsible for the lives of your colleagues, both when that alarm sounds, and while going about your everyday duties. As a fire warden, you’re being recognised as a person who can be trusted with the lives of others. Take this course and find out how.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify different types of fire safety equipment and how to use them
Describe an emergency escape plan
Recognise hazardous substances and mitigate the risks they pose
Accident Reporting Training
Why take this course? When it comes to safety in the workplace, employers have a duty of care to keep up with the law and provide employees with a safe environment. Accidents do happen, however. If and when they do, it’s essential that you report them to the relevant authorities in the proper way. If you’re the designated ‘responsible person’, manager, owner, or team leader in a business, this course can guide you through the reporting process and explain how to keep records of accident investigations.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why reporting accidents is so important
Understand how to complete an accident book and make RIDDOR reports correctly
Recognise which records to keep and when to report incidents
Define employee and employer responsibilities
DSE Computer Workstations
Why take this course? This course is essential for any employer who provides employees with a computer, including any screens. It’ll inform you of the health and safety regulations and guide you through your duties to keep workers safe when using display screen equipment (DSE). If computer workstations are set up correctly in your workplace, it can protect staff from experiencing effects like eye strain, upper limb problems, and backache.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Demonstrate how to use a computer screen, keyboard, and mouse safely
Recognise and control any risks
Identify which furniture to provide for staff
Explain employee rights on DSE
Why take this course? If your job puts you at risk of injury from electrocution, this training is going to be of real benefit. Equally, if you work indirectly with electricity, the information will be useful to keep in mind. It’s important we understand that although electricity is familiar, it’s also extremely powerful and can pose a serious threat to you and others around you – that’s the shocking truth. So best to be aware, eh?
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the dangers that electricity holds
Describe the precautions to take when working with or near electricity
Demonstrate how to reduce the risk of electric shocks
Analyse the consequences of poor practice
CDM Regulations
Why take this course? If you have any role in the construction industry, you need to know how the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM regulations) need to be applied. This includes any and every kind of project: new builds, demolition, refurbishment, extensions, conversions, repair, and maintenance. Even if you just make the tea for the grafters, it’d be useful to know this stuff. Understanding and implementing the CDM regulations has far-reaching consequences, and has an integral role in keeping everyone safe on site.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define the basics of CDM regulations and how they affect you
Explain how CDM affects different roles, such as clients, designers, and contractors
Identify the 3 main documents required for CDM Regulations 2015
Demonstrate understanding of the CDM Regulations 2015 in a variety of situations
Legionella Awareness
Why take this course? Exposure to legionella can result in people contracting Legionnaires’ disease, a potentially fatal form of pneumonia. So, whether you are a technician, manager, duty holder, or you have been appointed the Legionella Responsible Person then you have a duty of care to prevent legionella and must be able to demonstrate that you have the appropriate level of knowledge and be competent to do the job required of you.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand what Legionnaires’ disease is
Identify where legionella bacteria are found
Understand what it does and how it affects people’s health
Be aware of the Bath Hospital Case study
Identify legionella risks in the workplace
Understand the role of the responsible person (my duties)
Identify and assess sources of risk
Manage, prevent, and control the risk
Understand treatments for Legionnaires’ disease
Have knowledge of the key legislation in relation to the control of legionella
Outline the requirements, actions, and records you need to keep
Know the actions and controls to implement
Why take this course? Hearing is a key sense that you must protect. Whether you operate a small team working in the countryside, or a large industrial process, you need to be aware of which noises apply to your work and how to reduce the risks. Take this course to develop a comprehensive idea of the actions you can take to protect your employees and ensure that the day of having to wear hearing aids or the onset of tinnitus doesn’t arrive prematurely.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the risks of noise
Assess your workplace for noise hazards
Explain your duties as an employer
Take action to reduce levels of noise
Policy and Compliance Collection
Working at Height
Why take this course? Did you know that working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries? It’s true. If precautions aren’t taken, a person could fall, and end up seriously injured, or even dead. And whether you’re someone who works at height now or will in the future, or just near people that do, we want you to avoid that risk. So let’s dive in. But dive from a safe height, yeah? And make sure the diving board has been risk assessed.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Implement safety precautions when working at height
Identify which areas are considered working at height
Describe control measures
The Adventures of the Lone Worker
Why take this course? You have a duty of care as an employer and must take every reasonable precaution ensuring the safety of your lone workers and must have measures in place to mitigate risks. Treat this course as part of your business contingency plan to protect you, your business, and your workers from harm.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand common types of lone workers and the industries they work in
Identify and assess sources of hazards and risks
Complete suitable and sufficient risk assessments
Manage, prevent, and control the risks
The Ups & Downs of Ladder Safety
Why take this course? This course is essential to anyone working with or around ladders, and focuses on how to keep employees safe as they work with them. Whether manager, duty holder, or simply a member of the public, it’s essential to know how to follow health and safety procedures and mitigate ladder risk. Let’s take a look.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise correct positioning and securing of ladders to avoid injury
Identify potential risks and dangers of working with ladders
Choose the correct type of ladder for the job
Describe appropriate emergency procedures in the event of an accident
Understand lone worker safety devices
KPIs up a safe system of work
The Adventures of RIDDOR
Why take this course? Safety first! In practice, RIDDOR promotes health and safety in the workplace, which helps to prevent accidents. RIDDOR places duties onto employers, the self-employed, and people in control of work premises to report certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases, and specified dangerous occurrences. It is a piece of UK health and safety legislation. It applies to all ‘responsible persons’ and requires them to correctly report and keep a record of certain injuries and incidents that happen at work. Therefore, as an employer or someone in a position of authority, it is important that you know exactly what the law says. Not IOSH Approved
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand what RIDDOR means and where to use it
Know where to go to make a report
Know who’s responsible for reporting
Understand why RIDDOR exists
Control of Contractors
Why take this course? As an employer, you have a duty of care to take every reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of contractors working for you. Treat this course as part of your business contingency plan to protect yourself, your business, and your workers from harm.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe how health and safety law applies to contract work
Identify questions to ask in thorough interviews to select suitable contractors
Assess all the risks of a job
Explain how to manage contractors more effectively
Asbestos Awareness
Why take this course? As the responsible person or employer, you have a duty of care to take every reasonable precaution to ensure maintenance staff, building workers, and the public are protected from asbestos, and you must have measures in place to manage the hazards effectively. This course will give you sufficient knowledge to be able to assess asbestos hazards in terms of occupational health & safety, and to manage the environment to help keep personnel safe from harm, allowing them to undertake their duties safely and effectively.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand the history behind asbestos and its legacy
Understand how it affects people’s health
Demonstrate procedures to deal with an emergency, e.g. an uncontrolled release of asbestos dust into the workplace Deal with an exposure or discovery of asbestos
Introduction to First Aid
Why take this course? Emergency first aid is an essential skill that everyone should be proficient in. Many acute illnesses and injuries require immediate care. In an emergency there is often little to no time to read first aid instructions. This course will give you the basic knowledge you need to care for someone in a life-threatening position, so you can give them the best chance of survival until they receive medical assistance.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the process for completing primary ABC checks correctly and safely for you and the victim.
Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and effective use of CPR to preserve life.
Identify ways to react effectively to 9 everyday first aid situations to help save a life.
Explain the steps to deal with incidents such as: Anaphylaxis, burns and scalds, choking, drowning, fractures, heart attack, shock, stroke, and heavy breathing.
Hand-Arm Vibration (for employers)
Why take this course? Anyone employing people to work with handheld, vibrating equipment needs to understand how to keep them safe while following UK guidelines. This course will help employers understand the risks of handarm vibrations and how to avoid and report associated injuries.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise how to assess and control the risk to employee health posed by excessive hand-arm vibration, in line with the relevant UK regulations
Identify appropriate steps to take in implementing health surveillance procedures designed to recognise and respond to early signs of physical damage caused by hand-arm vibration
Explain how to report cases of hand-arm vibration related injuries and medical conditions in line with UK regulations
Policy and Compliance Collection
Plant & Machinery
Why take this course? This course will benefit anyone who oversees or operates plant and machinery in the workplace; for example, in the construction, manufacturing, or engineering industries.
Understanding how to use machinery safely will massively reduce your chances of suffering an accident or injury. So, stay safe and take this course. You can even eat your microwaved spag bol at the same time, so long as your computer is properly earthed.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the importance of equipment safety
Identify responsibilities of employers and employees
List the Plant and machinery regulations
Describe the consequences of using unsafe equipment
Driver Awareness Training
Why take this course? This course provides guidance on how to assess the potential health and safety issues that arise when people are at work behind the wheel, and how to manage these issues. While it is aimed at employers, the guidance is also useful for the self-employed.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe how health and safety law applies to on-the-road work activities
Recognise the health and safety risks of driving at work
Identify suitable contents for a health and safety checklist
Explain methods of risk reduction for working drivers
Working in Confined Spaces
Why take this course? If you or your colleagues work in, or are going to work in a confined space, then you’re going to find this course very useful indeed. Even Indy would have benefitted, in honesty. You seriously don’t want to go into a confined space unprepared. It’s a no-brainer. Too much can go wrong. But if you follow the advice in this course, you’re much more likely to have a wholly uneventful working experience, rather than one that’s full of misery and nightmares. Bonus.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the hazards of working in a confined space
Explain the consequences of poor practice
Identify the relevant regulatory information in this area
Describe useful tips to mitigate the risks involved
Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations
Why take this course? Anyone overseeing or working in an environment where dangerous substances are present needs to be aware of their responsibilities under DSEAR. This course will help employers and employees understand the possible risks and how to eliminate or reduce them.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify whether the DSEAR and ATEX apply to your workplace activities to keep you and others safe
Identify potential risks in your own workplace and ensure best practice is in place to mitigate them
Define your responsibilities as an employee and/or an employer when dealing with dangerous substances and/or explosive atmospheres development.
Abrasive Wheels
Why take this course? If you work with abrasive wheels on handheld or fixed workshop machines, this course is for you. Learning to use them properly is essential. Without this knowledge, you could be placing yourself and your colleagues at risk of injury or even death. We’ll show you how to use and handle a range of abrasive wheels safely.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of abrasive wheels
Recognise the dangers of using abrasive wheels
Know how to use abrasive wheels safely
Know how to mount abrasive wheels
Demonstrate the correct operation of abrasive wheels
Working with Substances Hazardous to Health
Why take this course? If you work with any kind of chemical or harmful substances, then you need to know how to do that safely, and how to store them correctly. This course will help you to understand the dangers of working with chemicals and harmful substances and teach you the right way to do it.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain what chemicals and harmful substances are
Identify the dangers
Demonstrate how to work with chemicals and harmful substances safely
Eye Protection Training
Why take this course? Employers and employees all have responsibilities when it comes to eye safety in the workplace and providing and caring for eye protection equipment. This course will help anyone who works in an environment in which eye hazards are present to understand the risks and take steps to minimise them.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand your responsibilities regarding eye protection as an employee or an employer
Identify and minimise the risk of eye hazards to make the work environment safer
Decide if eye protection equipment should be used in common workplace scenarios
Spill Prevention & Control
Why take this course? Most workplaces contain substances that can be spilled, from innocent beverages to hazardous substances. So everyone can benefit from learning about spill prevention and control. This course will explain the risks associated with spillages in the workplace along with how to prevent and respond to them. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the risks posed by spills in the workplace and your responsibilities in line with UK legislation
Explain how to prevent spillages, so you can maintain appropriate levels of health and safety
Identify procedures for responding appropriately to contain and clean up spills, to protect people and the environment from harm
Policy and Compliance Collection
Heavy Plant - Lift Truck Safety
Why take this course? Employers need to be aware of how to make working with lift trucks safe for everyone. This course will help you to understand your responsibilities and identify the relevant UK guidelines and legislation to follow when doing so. This will help make the workplace safer for everyone and keep your business compliant.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the minimum standard of basic training required to operate different types of lift truck, in line with the relevant UK regulations and code of practice
Understand the role of a banksman and signallers in keeping sites where lift trucks are in use safer for workers and bystanders
Identify the procedures for examining lift trucks effectively, including pre-shift checks and routine inspections and maintenance, in line with the relevant UK regulations and code of practice
Lone Working
Why take this course? If you manage employees who work on their own, it’s important to understand how to protect them. This course looks at the risks of lone working, including high-risk situations. You’ll also learn about your responsibilities to employees, as well as their responsibilities. And using the guidance in the course, you’ll be able to reduce the risks of lone working.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify common risks of lone working, as well as what is considered high-risk work
Describe your responsibilities and those of your employee when lone working Follow guidance to reduce the risks associated with lone working
Why take this course? Moving heavy objects can be very dangerous, not just to the people lifting, but others around them. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in; anyone who owns, operates, or employs others to operate lifting equipment needs to know what’s expected of them in LOLER. This course will help you to ensure that working with lifting equipment in your workplace is as safe as possible.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define a lifting operation in the workplace, and when LOLER applies to ensure you remain compliant
Recognise when lifting equipment needs to be inspected, and the general requirements of an inspection to ensure the safety of equipment in your workplace
Understand how to plan a lifting operation to minimise risk to yourself and others around you
Electrical Safety Training (Lockout/Tagout)
Why take this course? Wherever you work, and whatever job you do, you’ll encounter electricity. So, understanding the threat it can pose and how to minimise risk is crucial. This course will explore the main types of hazards that electricity and electrical equipment cause, and what to do if the worst does happen. Taking this course will also help you better understand how to spot faulty equipment, and how to work safely around electricity.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the main types of electrical hazards and define how each could affect you or your working environment
Recognise signs of faulty equipment and identify the appropriate action to ensure you and others are safe
Identify the appropriate steps to take if someone suffers an electrocution accident in your workplace to help preserve life
Demonstrate understanding of safe working practices to ensure your workplace remains compliant with regulations
RIDDOR for Schools
Why take this course? School leaders, medical staff, business managers, and trust central estates management teams will all benefit from this course. It’ll clarify which incidents need reporting under RIDDOR, and how to go about it.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the different types of reportable incidents that must be reported to maintain compliance with RIDDOR
Recognise how to report incidents under RIDDOR in a timely and appropriate way
Mental Health Collection Contains
26 courses.
Supportive mental health training delivered sensitively
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. And most of us struggle with it from time to time. When those dark clouds form, you need a bit of support. Our Mental Health & Well-being Collection is here to offer expert advice, insight, and guidance. The varied topics cover sensitive topics which are beneficial to children and adults alike. And they’re all explained in clear language, so you can get the help you need, or so you can help someone else who needs it.
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Mental Health Collection
Depression & Low Mood
Why take this course? Everyone is at risk of suffering depression. So, taking this course will give you the knowledge and understanding you might need to help yourself or someone you care about. While depression can encompass a wide range of symptoms and can vary in severity, it should never be dismissed or taken lightly. You can’t just ‘get over it’. Anyone that says you can is wrong. The black dog, as depression is sometimes known, is no joke. After taking this course, you might one day be in a position to save someone’s life. Even your own. Yep, it’s that serious.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to recognise:
The symptoms of depression
The difference between depression and sadness
How and where to find treatment
What recovery looks like
Why take this course? If you’re suffering with anxiety now or have at any point, you’ll know how debilitating it can be. We can’t promise a cure but understanding anxiety better can be key to controlling it. Taking this course will give you the knowledge and understanding that you might need to help yourself or someone you care about. Maybe both. And, in doing so, you could quite possibly save a life.
By the end of this course, you’ll know:
The common symptoms of anxiety
The difference between anxiety and stress
Tips on controlling your anxiety
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Why take this course? The brain is a wonderful and powerful tool. We’ve all got one. It helps us to thrive physically, socially, and emotionally. But sometimes it can hold us back if our mindset has been clouded by things like past experience or negative self-image.
If you feel like this, doing something to help navigate negative thinking is vital for regaining courage and positivity. CBT is a short-term therapy that’s used to improve those with depression and anxiety disorders, but it can also be used to treat bipolar, OCD, eating disorders, panic, phobias, PTSD, schizophrenia, psychosis, and addiction,
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to understand:
Who will benefit from CBT
What is CBT
How it works
The benefits
How to get help
Being Kind to Yourself
Why take this course? There are a variety of different ways you can improve your mental well-being. And why wouldn’t you want to do that? Having good mental well-being only brings positive effects and benefits for you and the people you encounter. So, this course is for, quite literally, everyone. Because everyone wants to feel better about stuff, right?
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to contemplate:
Being mindful
Getting active
Making connections
Learning new skills
Being a giver
Workplace Mental Health
Why take this course? Mental health is not taken as seriously as physical health, but it’s just as important. And if somebody in your business is suffering with mental health issues, it’s your duty to recognise the problem and get them the help they need. So, it’s vital that everyone understands that mental health is not a taboo subject. This course contains useful advice on mental health for everyone. And, if you’re a manager or team leader, it’ll equip you with the knowledge to assist those that come to you for help, and to spot signs of mental health issues at an early stage.
By the end of this course, you’ll understand:
What mental health means
The difference between mental health and a mental health diagnosis
How to improve mental well-being in the workplace
How to have a conversation about mental health
How a business can support mental health diagnoses
Drug Abuse Awareness
Why take this course? If you’re taking drugs or just thinking about it, then this course is for you. But let’s face it, everyone should know the truth about drugs. The more knowledge you have, the better you’re equipped to make the right decisions. You’ll learn to spot different types of recreational drug, recognise the effects they have, and get help to stop taking them.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify different types of drugs
Recognise the effects of drugs
Get help to stop taking drugs
Mental Health Collection
Dealing with Stress
Why take this course? Stress has been declared a hazard in the workplace. But unlike ‘traditional’ workplace hazards, like frayed wires and boxes in the middle of the aisle, stress is often hard to spot, so it’s harder to deal with. This course has been designed to help you cope with this silent killer. We all suffer with stress at some point, so this course is going to be useful to everyone, wherever they work.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to understand the following: What is stress?
What happens when I get stressed?
The different types of stress
How to spot stress in others
Tackling stress
Why take this course? Whether you suffer from paranoid thoughts currently or not, feelings of paranoia could happen at any time. Understanding the damage these intrusive thoughts can have is key to saving yourself or others from their effects. This course is informative and can help you take appropriate pre-emptive action.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the symptoms of paranoia
Identify the causes and characterise the effects of paranoia
Implement a self-help plan
Choose a course of treatment
Social Media & Self Image
Why take this course? Taking this course will give you the knowledge to understand why everyone, especially young people, are so involved in online societies and how they are influenced. So you can prevent yourself being sucked into the competition and help anyone else in need of the same distance.
By the end of this course, you’ll have an understanding of:
How social media can impact negatively
The difference between perception and reality
How to prevent children becoming negatively influenced
Why take this course? These days, whether you are 8 or 80, everyone has access to technology. And that means anybody, from school children to lawyers, can fall victim to cyberbullying. Often people can feel too intimidated to seek help but knowing the warning signs of cyberbullying means you can put a stop to it. This course will teach you how to recognise and tackle internet intimidation, ending the bullying for yourself or a loved one.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the different forms of cyberbullying
Spot the signs of someone that is being cyberbullied
Take the steps to tackle the bullying and build a case
Dealing with Suicidal Feelings
Why take this course? Suicide is a difficult topic but it may be closer than you think. Taking this course will teach you who is most at risk, and how to spot warning signs, start a conversation, and seek appropriate help. So you can save yourself, or someone you know, from harm.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the reasons people consider suicide and who is at risk
Identify any suicidal warning signs
Have a successful conversation about suicidal thoughts
Assist someone who needs immediate help
Crisis Prevention
Why take this course? If you’ve been suffering with mental illness for a while then this course would suit you. You might feel that you’re at breaking point and don’t know where to turn or what options are available. Crises don’t only affect those with diagnosed conditions, however; they may stem from stressful life issues such as grief, abuse, addiction, or money problems that are spiralling out of your control.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify a mental health crisis
Pevent a crisis
Make a joint Crisis Plan
Getting help in a crisis
Responding to Difficult Events
Why take this course? Fortunately, there are ways to help maintain our mental well-being and keep stress in check when such events occur. For example, developing supportive and positive relationships with others. Suitable for all individuals, this short course will help you build up your emotional resilience and respond more mindfully to difficult events.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the most difficult life events
Explain how stressful events affect us
Demonstrate resilience and coping mechanisms
Warning Signs
Why take this course? Frankly, it’s tricky to tell if someone is suffering from a mental illness, unless you know what you’re looking for. Spot the signs and you may be able to help. If you spot them in yourself, you might even be able to take pre-emptive action. It might be the most important thing you do today.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise different types of mental illnesses
Dispense advice on what physical symptoms you may notice
Understand when and how to help
Mental Health Collection
Sleep Problems
Why take this course? Just a single sleepless night can make you moody, forgetful, or depressed, so it’s no surprise to learn that after a few days, the mental and physical effects it can have on your body start to become more serious. Taking this course will help you ‘wake up’ to those dangers and ultimately put your mind at rest.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define sleep disorders
Identify the most common sleep disorders
Analyse what breaks a sleep cycle
Explain sleep problem treatments
Social Media, Screens, & Teens
Why take this course? Whether a teen yourself, a parent, or caregiver, this course will help you to explore the positive and negative effects of social media and screen use. It will also provide tips on how to develop and maintain a healthy relationship with social media and digital devices.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the positive effects social media has on teens’ well-being
Describe the negative impacts of social media and excessive screen time List social media good practices and ways to develop healthy screen habits
Panic Attacks
Why take this course? Research suggests that around 13% of people in the UK have experienced a panic attack at some point. It’s frightening and distressing, and even if you’re one of the lucky ones who has never suffered, you’ll need to know what to do if it happens to someone you work with or care about.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise what causes panic attacks
Identify symptoms of a panic attack
Demonstrate how to manage those symptoms effectively
Why take this course? There are a number of quick and easy ways you can relax without having to fork out for the plane to palm trees and white sands. Subtle changes you can make every day can really help your brain get an easier ride, and this course will help you make those changes. Time to put your feet up, you deserve it.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why you should relax
Demonstrate relaxation techniques
Identify the effect of relaxation on your mental health
Why take this course? There are many ways to resist and ultimately overcome the urge to self-harm. If you’re a young person who self-harms and are seeking help, or if you know someone who does and want to help, this course is useful. It can also provide support and advice for parents, caregivers, teachers, and anyone who works with young people.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the types of self-harming behaviour
Identify reasons why young people might self-harm
Demonstrate coping techniques and strategies
Exam Stress
Why take this course? The good news is there are lots of effective ways in which you can reduce exam stress and cope with the pressure. These can be things like, talking to trusted friends or family, and taking regular study breaks. Whether you’re at school or college, this short course will help you to look after yourself during exam season. It’s also suitable for parents, caregivers, and educators.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the causes of exam stress and anxiety
Explain how stress affects your mental health List ways to manage revision and cope with stress
Eating Disorders
Why take this course? One of the first steps to recovery is talking to someone you trust. This course is suitable for you if you’re struggling with an eating disorder or are worried about a friend who you think might be suffering. It can also provide help and guidance for parents, caregivers, and educators.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the different types of eating disorders
Describe possible causes and why young people might develop eating disorders List treatments available and tips for recovery
Attachment & Separation Anxiety
Why take this course? Fortunately, there are many ways to ease a child’s attachment and separation anxiety. For example, if they’re crying because it’s their first day at school, keeping calm will help to alleviate their fears. Suitable for parents, carers, and teachers, this course will show you some of the causes of separation anxiety and provide tips on how to help.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define attachment and separation anxiety and its symptoms
Explain causes of attachment and separation anxiety
List ways to help children and teens manage their anxieties
Mental Health Collection
Coping with Isolation
Why take this course? We’re social creatures. Removing that aspect of our already complex lives might cause unpleasant effects such as depression, stress, dependency on alcohol, and other negative outcomes. Taking this course is your first step to understanding, combating, and coping with those effects, which will result in improved happiness and health.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the effects of isolation
Demonstrate coping mechanisms
Recognise conditions isolation might cause
Worry & False Thinking
Why take this course? It’s important to understand how negative patterns of thought can disrupt your well-being, especially if you, or people you know, suffer from depression, anxiety, or OCD. This course will teach you how to recognise different types of false thinking and start finding strategies that will help.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the implications of false thinking
Recognise typical signs of false thinking
Demonstrate strategies for coping with false thinking
Talking about Men’s Mental Health
Why take this course? 1 in 4 adults will experience mental illness at some point in their lives. Everyone deserves support. And nobody should feel that their mental health is embarrassing or a sign of weakness. That’s why we can all benefit from understanding the barriers men encounter when they need support. This course will help you identify signs that suggest your colleagues need to talk about their mental health. It’ll explain why men may struggle to speak openly about mental health. And it’ll help you take steps to encourage the men you work with to seek support, when they need it.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify signs that suggest your colleagues need to talk about their mental health, so you can encourage them to do so
Recognise the specific barriers many men face when talking about mental health, so you can support colleagues to overcome them
Explain how to support men in the workplace to overcome stigma and talk about their mental health
Substance Use Disorder Advice
Why take this course? Anyone, at almost any age, can be affected by Substance Use Disorder. Whether it’s yourself or someone else (like a work colleague), it’s important to spot the signs that help is needed, and know how, and where, to get it. This course can be a useful tool for everyone, regardless of personal circumstances.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the common signs of problematic drug use in yourself and others
Understand the importance of getting help with Substance Use Disorder
Identify resources to help with Substance Use Disorder
Health & Wellbeing Collection
Contains 9 courses. Assessed. IOSH Approved.
Looking after yourself made easy.
Learning about new skills is brilliant, but they are of no use if you’re lacking motivation because you haven’t taken care of your health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, too many people simply don’t give their health, both physical and mental, enough consideration. The iAM health and wellbeing collection is here to help with that. This collection of simple courses has been curated and checked by experts, helping you understand the importance of looking after yourself, and the consequences if you don’t. Avoid burnout and spend some time with our thoroughly vetted courses.
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Health & Wellbeing Collection
Dangers of Night Working
Why take this course? If you work a night shift this course is for you. It’ll help you identify the risks of working at night and show you how to avoid them. You’ll also learn how to get a good day’s sleep and discover techniques that’ll improve your ability to work at night.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the risks of night working and how to avoid them
Identify ways to maintain a healthy sleeping pattern
Apply techniques that’ll improve your ability to work at night
Mental Health First Aider
Why take this course? This course is for everyone because, sadly, mental-health issues are common in every workplace. You’ll see what a mental-health first aider is, what the signs and symptoms are for a range of mentalhealth conditions, and how a mental-health first aider can provide assistance and guidance for their colleagues. Please note that this is a short course, and only touches on some of the more common mental-health problems. It will not qualify individuals to diagnose or treat mental ill health; and learners may not be called mental-health first aiders based on completion of this course alone.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the effects of isolation
Demonstrate coping mechanisms
Recognise conditions isolation might cause
Kicking the Bad Habits
Why take this course? This course is for everyone because, let’s face it, we all have bad habits. So, whether you’re looking to cut down on screen time, eat more fruit and veg, or get those abs back, this course will help you recognise bad habits and replace them with healthier ones.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify bad habits and common triggers
Recognise why willpower won’t help you change bad habits
Create an action plan to help kick your bad habits
Managing Shift Work
Why take this course? Managing shift work correctly can be a real balancing act. If you want to do it successfully, then this course is for you. It’ll show you what the perils of shift work are and explain your responsibilities. You’ll also see what appropriate workloads for shift workers look like and learn to apply techniques that’ll make your workplace a happier, safer, and more productive place to be.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the risks of shift work
Define your shift-management responsibilities
Identify appropriate workloads for shift workers
Apply shift-management techniques to improve the workplace environment
The Importance of Sleep
Why take this course? Humans, unlike machines, can’t just push a button and go into sleep mode – at one time or another, most of us will suffer from the effects of poor sleep. This course will help you to understand how sleep affects your life – and how lack of sleep damages it. Better sleeping habits can really improve your work life and your personal life – even if you do dribble.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe some of the key mechanisms of sleep
Identify the health risks caused by chronic lack of sleep
Implement a better sleep-hygiene regime
Consider why you should change your sleeping habits
The Importance of Exercise
Why take this course? Exercise, and therefore this course, is recommended for just about everyone. Whatever your age, weight, height or level of fitness, having a healthy exercise plan is beneficial – just a small amount of aerobic exercise each week can make a huge improvement to most people’s lives. Whether you start to stretch your body a bit more, join a spin class or hire a personal trainer, taking this course is the first step towards better health.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the benefits of exercise for the body and mind
Recognise how much, and which types of, exercise can keep you healthy in different ways
Devise a plan for simple exercise routines
Consider ways to change your mindset towards exercise
Health & Wellbeing Collection
Menopause - Asking for Support
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who is going through or will go through the menopause while holding down a job. It’ll give you clarity around what to expect from your organisation and help you feel more confident having conversations about the menopause at work – both about your own symptoms and needs, and discussing the topic with colleagues. Ultimately, it’s designed to reassure you that support is available and that the menopause is no longer considered an awkward topic of conversation to bring up at work.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand what support you can ask for when it comes to the menopause, and have the confidence to discuss your needs and expectations with your manager
Use your knowledge of the menopause to ensure you get the right support, and share this knowledge with colleagues so they have a better understand of what support is available, if needed. Full course info
Menopause - Awareness at Work
Why take this course? Whoever you are, someone you know or work with will experience symptoms of menopause during their lifetime. Understanding the challenges they face in the workplace will allow you to provide the support and practical solutions they need.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the impact menopause can have on people and communicate sensitively about these challenges
Understand how important it is to have awareness and consideration, and challenge the stigma of menopause in the workplace
Dispel the myths and misconceptions surrounding menopause and contribute to a more comfortable working environment for those affected by menopause
Menopause - Providing Support
Why take this course? This course is for any manager who wants to understand more about what the menopause is, who it affects, and the impact it can have on individuals and the organisation as a whole. You’ll need this key information in order to prevent it from having a negative impact on your team’s work, to improve your team’s morale, retain valuable skills, and reduce sickness absence. So unless you’re a menopause doctor by trade, and already know your stuff, this short course is sure to benefit everyone and add to your growing list of management skills.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the law surrounding menopause in the workplace and provide relevant support to team members
Use your knowledge to build a menopause-friendly workplace
Explain what the menopause pledge is and how it increases well-being, reduces absenteeism, and improves organisation and working practices
Soft Skills Collection
Contains 25 courses.
Soft skills to help enact positive behavioural change
Everyone wants a highly skilled, motivated workforce, and this collection can help provide that. It’s a group of what we think every organisation should have as standard when it comes to development and culture change. This collection helps individuals enact behavioural change, with courses that challenge the learner to upskill. These skills include time management, effective decision-making, and how to have an honest conversation. Basically, it’s extremely useful for creating high-performing teams and empowering people to develop themselves.
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Soft Skills Collection
Conflict Management
Why take this course? Happy staff are productive staff. When you all work together to eliminate conflict within the workplace, your business can continue to flourish. Conflict can have a detrimental effect on productivity and morale, so it’s best to sort it out quickly and effectively. Whether you’re someone who works in HR, a Learning & Development (L&D) role, or are in a position of authority, you’ll find this course useful. It’s only a few minutes of your time, but it could potentially save you many hours of conflict resolution meetings in the future. So, the pay-off is pretty big.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Handle conflict at work
Accommodate different personality types
Prevent conflicts from occurring
Change Management
Why take this course? Change management is a process which helps to ease transitions within an organisation, specifically aiding the people involved in that change. That might be you, your employees, or your colleagues. Getting to grips with this stuff is an essential part of business and deserves attention, even if your business isn’t in any obvious or immediate peril. Be complacent at your own risk. You’ll particularly benefit from this training if you’re a manager, but even if you don’t have a direct management role, learning about how to cope with change is useful to help yourself and others adapt along with your business.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand the essential steps for effective change management
Foresee the consequences of poor change management
Cope with those big changes
Time Management
Why take this course? When it seems like there just aren’t enough hours in the day, it can be daunting to say the least. But in many cases, this is a problem that can be resolved without additional resources. Taking this course is a great way to give you the skills you need to make the most of your working day. All you need to do is find the short amount of time you’ll need to take it. Whether you manage a team, are someone that works within a team, you’re self-employed, or just a busy person that feels like they always have a million things to do at once, you’ll benefit from taking this course.
By the end of this course, you’ll understand:
The importance of managing your time effectively
Tips to improve your productivity
How to prioritise all your tasks
Creating a Coaching Culture
Why take this course? Whether you’re a manager or someone working their way up the ranks, it’s important to at least have a knowledge of what a coaching culture is because of the great benefits that culture can bring to your business. This would be of particular use to HR staff or people in a Learning & Development (L&D) role.
With the knowledge from this short course, you can help grow and nurture the talent at your disposal. Only then can you develop effective coaching strategies and cultivate a strong workforce.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand what we mean by a ‘coaching culture’ and why it’s important
The benefits of fostering a coaching culture in your business
Becoming a good coach - using this how-to guide
Emotional Intelligence
Why take this course? Whatever your role, you’ll find that developing your emotional intelligence is a key life skill. We could all benefit from refining our EI, because it’s something we use every day. Better EI will help you control your emotions appropriately, which in turn will enhance your career and personal life, and help make you a more wellrounded person. Being emotionally intelligent will help to open doors and defuse potentially difficult situations, such as times when cooler heads need to prevail.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand emotional intelligence
Know the benefits of becoming more emotionally intelligent
Use emotional intelligence to become an effective leader
Effective Decision-Making
Why take this course? Learning how best to make effective decisions can help to enhance your career as well as improve your personal life. Understanding the consequences of your decisions and the reasoning behind them will force you to give them proper consideration and help you remove doubt. If you’re in a position of authority, or simply someone who is indecisive, looking to improve your skills and climb the ladder of success, you’ll benefit from this course.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand what goes into making a decision
Apply reason and intuition in your decision-making
Overcome problems that might affect your decision-making
Speaking up for yourself
Why take this course? Everyone, no matter how confident, can recall a time when they wish they’d spoken up. Most of us have also been in a situation where we’ve spoken up and found it didn’t go well. But that shouldn’t stop you from upgrading this useful skill. This course can help you identify when to speak up and how to do it effectively.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the risks and benefits of speaking up
Explore the skills required to speak up effectively
Develop an approach to speaking up respectfully
Influencing, Persuading and Negotiating
Why take this course? This course is for everyone. Literally. Because we can all benefit from being able to influence, persuade, and negotiate more effectively in work. You’ll see the benefits of influencing, persuasion, and negotiation and learn how to do all three as well as a Mega-City One judge.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the benefits of influencing, persuading, and negotiating in the workplace
Identify ways to influence or persuade others and negotiate successfully
Demonstrate influencing, persuasion, and negotiation skills to reach mutually beneficial agreements
Soft Skills Collection
The Power of Storytelling
Why take this course? Whether you are leading your company from the top or working your way up, learning how to tell stories effectively can bring great benefits. Even if you aren’t learning for work, with your new-found set of skills you’ll be able to give your kids the best bedtime stories ever!
Storytelling is an essential communication tool. Use it correctly and you can make complex data accessible, bring a team together, and shape organisational culture with compelling narratives and other great benefits.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Try out the benefits of powerful storytelling
Improve your basic storytelling skills
Use storytelling to build relationships
Collaborative Problem-Solving
Why take this course? It’s beneficial to understand the importance of collaborating with others to get some problems solved. It’s nice to get a fresh perspective on those sticking issues, and whether you’d like to admit it or not, most people are brimming with ideas that could help. You might not even have to accept their ideas, but a combination of views can often solve a problem. Any professional should consider learning this invaluable information, whether they work in a team or prefer (or are required) to work alone.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the differences between collaboration and working independently
Identify the benefits of collaboration at work
Describe how to set differences aside for the greater good
Personal Productivity
Why take this course? Working without good personal productivity is a bit like renting. Sure, you get to live in the property, but that money would be better spent on a mortgage. You’ve got the ability to improve yourself but if you’re exerting all your energy getting less done, you won’t feel the benefit of your labour. It’s time to make your time work for you. Whether CEO or self-employed, it doesn’t matter. If you’re interested in improving your career or simply gaining time so you have a better work/life balance, then this is a few minutes well spent.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify how to maximise your personal productivity
Recognise the benefits of improving your personal productivity
Explain why personal productivity is important to your business
Being Your Best Self
Why take this course? Whether you’re a leader of others, or just looking to improve your work performance, this course will help you bring your best self to work. Using positive triggers in your work life and embracing failure as an opportunity will help you be your very best self.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify positive triggers or things that bring out the best in you
Incorporate positive triggers into your work life
Explain how to use failure as an opportunity to learn
Communication Skills
Why take this course? As your career progresses, so does the need for great communication skills. If you’re looking to upskill and develop excellent communication skills at work, this is the course for you. You’ll learn about the core skills you need, when to use them, and how to perfect your own skills over time.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise essential communication skills and when to use them to build rapport and ensure clear understanding Plan to improve your communication skills through deliberate practice, ensuring you demonstrate continual development.
How to Have an Honest Conversation
Why take this course? This course will help you to understand why you need to have honest conversations and what might happen if you don’t. Early intervention will help your work and life relationships. It will make difficult conversations easier to have, improve the outcomes of them, and reduce stress and anxiety. If you’ve ever had an honest conversation and it hasn’t gone well, then you should definitely take this course. It’s the dialogue that opens doors!
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand why we need honest conversations
Know how to have an honest conversation
Deal with fear and discomfort
Turn off Work Thoughts during Free Time
Why take this course? This course is useful for everyone, because learning to rest and relax outside of work is important for both physical and mental well-being. It’s also essential if you want to perform well in your role. So, mute your notifications and learn how to switch those work thoughts off to make your free time really count.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why people struggle to turn off work thoughts during their free time
Recognise why boundaries between work and leisure time are important
Implement strategies to transition from work mode and avoid rumination
Dare to Disagree
Why take this course? Being able to disagree productively is a useful skill for everyone to learn. This course will show you how to recognise anxieties that could cause disagreements, understand how cognitive dissonance and bias shut down reasoned debate, and disagree productively in the workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Identify anxieties that could trigger disagreements Recognise how cognitive dissonance and bias block productive debate Adopt productive disagreement skills in the workplace
Soft Skills Collection
The Power of Passion & Perseverance
Why take this course? Anyone who has an idea, a dream, or an aspiration – no matter how big or small – will benefit from this course. You’ll learn the advantages of passion and perseverance, recognise how these traits affect others, and see how displaying grit can help make your goals seem more achievable.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the effects of passion and perseverance on others
Identify the benefits of passion and perseverance in the workplace Apply passion and perseverance to achieve your goals
Redefine your Personal Average - Overcoming Challenges
Why take this course? Everybody will benefit from redefining their personal average. It’ll help you find a measure of success that works for you, show you how to apply it, and help you redefine your past successes so you can see where your strengths truly lie.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify ways of measuring success that work for you
Redefine your past successes to find your new average Apply techniques to help measure your personal progress
Dealing with Stressful Situations
Why take this course? Everyone can benefit from learning to deal with stressful situations – it’s essential for good mental health. You can’t fully avoid stress (especially if you’re John McClane), but this course will help you take steps to reduce its impact. Understanding how to manage stressful situations will help you achieve a more balanced work and personal life.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the triggers that cause you stress
Choose better responses to stressful situations
Implement ways to increase your resilience
Personal Resilience
Why take this course? Everyone will benefit from improving their personal resilience, even if they think they already handle things pretty well. And, thankfully, personal resilience is a skill you can learn. This course will show you how you can improve your personal resilience, by giving you tips and techniques you can apply to your own life.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand the importance of personal resilience
Identify ways to improve personal resilience
Build personal resilience using a range of techniques
The Role of Luck (Taking Risks)
Why take this course? Everyone wants to feel lucky. And everyone can benefit from learning how to make the kind of choices that lead to greater success. This course will show you how to direct the winds of chance in your favour.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify potential communications blockers
Develop new approaches to clear and effective communications
Use active listening to build rapport
Improve interpersonal relationships through clear communication
Ask for Help
Why take this course? Needing help isn’t a sign of weakness. We all need a little help every now and again. And everyone can benefit from overcoming the fear of asking for help, by learning to approach others in a way that’s more likely to be effective. This course will show you how.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why people struggle to ask for help
Recognise how asking for help is important
Implement techniques to increase the likelihood of success when asking for help
Why take this course? Everyone who needs a confidence boost will benefit from this course. You’ll learn how to look, sound – and most importantly – feel more confident. By focusing on your own strengths and the way you present yourself you’ll increase your self-esteem, change the way others see you, and take a positive step towards achieving your goals.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise your own strengths
Identify ways to speak, look, and act more confidently
Choose confident behaviour in real-life situations
Don’t Fail Fast, Fail Mindfully
Why take this course? Having a mindful approach to failure is an important skill to develop. This course will show you how to recognise the positives of failure, help you define a mindful approach to it, and introduce mindfulness techniques you can apply in your day-to-day life.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the positives of failing
Define a mindful approach to failure
Apply mindfulness techniques in your day-to-day life
Soft Skills Collection
Managing and Curating your Network
Why take this course? Networking is a vital part of everyone’s life, both inside and outside of work. This course explains the 3 types of networking, when to call on each of them, and how to recognise which type your contacts fit into. And by using the advice in this course, you’ll also be able to identify how each person in your network can help you achieve your goals.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Compare the 3 network types and define situations where each type could be effectively utilised within your field
Categorise your existing contacts into the 3 network types to help you successfully identify the areas where they can be most helpful
Choose the most relevant contacts from your network to help with specific tasks or problems
Embrace Conflict
Why take this course? Embracing conflict in a positive way can be useful for everyone. This course will show you how to identify when dysfunctional conflicts arise, explain the positives of productive conflict, and help you use productive-conflict tools in your working life.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise why dysfunctional conflicts arise
Identify the positives of productive conflict
Adopt productive-conflict practices
Cyber Security Collection
Contains 24 courses.
Every second without proper cyber security leaves your business vulnerable
The digital world is constantly changing, so it’s more important than ever to secure your tech. This superb collection will teach you how to mitigate cyber threats and secure your data from theft and corruption. Use this bite-sized content to turn the tide in the cyber security war! This collection is useful to anyone that uses any digital system in the workplace or simply for leisure activities. In short, that’s everyone!
View Courses
Cyber Security Collection
Why take this course? This course is for everyone, because we all have data to protect. Keeping data safe is a huge deal, especially in the modern world. Taking this course helps you take control of what’s yours. That way, you can go back to posting those pet selfies without worrying about sneaky data thieves. Just sign the declaration promising us your earthly soul, and come on in.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define what GDPR is and its main points, including subject rights
Demonstrate an understanding of the 7 core principles of data protection
Explain how to report a data breach and what it should include
Identify the key tasks of a Data Protection Officer
Recognise those responsible for GDPR accountability
Define the differences between UK and EU GDPR regulations
Viruses & Malware
Why take this course? If cybercriminals take over your computer, you’re at risk of financial or personal loss. Companies (and even nation states) go to great lengths to protect themselves from cyberthreats that stem from a number of origins. Learning about viruses and malware is learning to know your enemy. If you can equip yourself with some simple technical know-how, you’ll be able to block attempted attacks, and keep your devices safe.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand why people create viruses
Identify common viruses and how they work Malware! What’s that?
Staying Safe Online
Why take this course? Whether in your job or at home you’ll spend at least some work or leisure time online. And it’s vitally important that you stay in control of your personal data while you’re using the internet. If you don’t, criminals could steal it and use it to commit crimes. Unfortunately, this could happen to anyone, from the basic computer user to seasoned veterans who venture onto the World Wide Web.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identifying online threats
Stay safe online
Improve computer security
Using a Strong Password
Why take this course? If somebody has access to even a small amount of your data, they can use this to guess passwords to important websites, and access things like bank accounts. So, whether you are a casual social media user or the owner of a successful website, equipping yourself with knowledge on strong passwords and their uses will allow you to prevent your information from being targeted. This course will teach you what to look out for and how to protect yourself.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify online threats
Stay safe online
Improve computer security
Email Security
Why take this course? Hackers and cybercriminals are always trying to find a way into your systems for their own personal gain. An obvious way in for them is through the front door: your emails. Malware sent as links or attachments could wreak havoc, as could phishing attacks which try to con you out of your hard-earned cash. You need to be savvy when it comes to protecting your emails. A securely set up email system is your shield from these bad guys. Using passwords, encryption, and common sense, you put a metaphorical bouncer on the door and beef them up to repel attackers.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand how to protect your data
Identify different threats to email security
Demonstrate different ways to keep email secure
This course also available the following languages: Dutch, German, Italian, French & Spanish
Why take this course? If you work with a computer or just use one privately, you’re susceptible to a cyberattack. Imagine what a criminal would do with your personal information, or worse, if, through you, they access your employer’s data, potentially affecting many more people. It doesn’t bear thinking about. You simply must prepare yourself, and this course will help you do that.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise common types of phishing attacks
Demonstrate how to protect yourself from attacks
Explain the consequences of a phishing attack
The Internet of Things
This course also available the following languages: Dutch, German, Italian, French & Spanish
Why take this course? As technology gets smarter, so do hackers, and so must we. With products joining the IoT at a rapid rate, data is constantly being collected. That data can be exploited by those criminals for their own purposes, so all of us should be aware of how to protect ourselves and our belongings. It’s extremely useful stuff to know.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define the IoT
Identify uses for the IoT
Implement security measures to protect yourself
Protection & Infection Control
Why take this course? This course is suited to anyone who has an online presence – personally or professionally. You’ll learn practical ways to protect your data, so you can stay safe against security breaches that may threaten your virtual world, as well as your real one.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify online threats
Prepare a strong cybersecurity response plan
Implement practical actions to improve security
Cyber Security Collection
Spoofing Attacks
Why take this course? There are lots of ways that a fraudster might try to spoof attack you, but they all rely on one essential element to be successful – the naivety and trusting nature of their would-be victims. But there are steps you can take to defend yourself. This course is gonna teach you the rules to help you not just survive but completely avoid a spoof attack.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the types of spoofing
Explain how spoofing attacks work
Demonstrate how to detect and protect against spoofing attacks
Denial of Service Attack
Why take this course? Whether you work for an organisation with a dedicated server that only it uses, or a smaller organisation that makes use of a shared server, you can still be affected by Denial of Service attacks. You’ll need to know how to put protocols in place to protect against loss of income and reputation. We can’t help you get those festival tickets, but we can help you to understand how these attacks work and how to limit the damage they cause.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the types of Denial of Service attacks
Explain how Denial of Service attacks work and the effect that they have
Demonstrate how to minimise the effects of Denial of Service attacks
Data Handling (Best Practices)
Why take this course? If you work for a company that controls or processes data, then you need to take this course pronto. Understanding the best practices when it comes to handling data is key for compliance with data regulations, including the UK GDPR. Whatever the size of your organisation, this course will help you properly care for the personal data and keep the trust of anyone that uses your products, and that includes your employees.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe key data protection principles
Explain the meaning of ‘data protection by design and default’ Apply best practice when handling data in your workplace
Subject Access Requests
Why take this course? A SAR isn’t just for finding out why you’re receiving junk mail. You can use it for obtaining bank statements, pay slips from old employers, CCTV footage, and much more of your personal data. As an individual, you can exercise your right of access, and this course helps you do just that. As someone that works for an organisation, you may need to know how to respond to a SAR, and this course covers that, too. Pretty neat, right?
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe what a Subject Access Request (or SAR) is
Explain how you can make a SAR Follow best practice when dealing with a SAR
GDPR Overview
Why take this course? Keeping your data safe is a huge deal in the modern world. You’ll understandably want to keep control of what’s yours. Organisations collecting data have a legal requirement, under the GDPR, to keep your data safe. If they don’t, the consequences are severe. Like, a 20-million-euros-fine severe. So, this course is useful for both individuals and businesses. Let us help you stay safe and on the right side of the law.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act
Explain the relationship between UK GDPR and data protection legislation from other countries, including EU GDPR
Define the 7 core principles of UK GDPR
Demonstrate an understanding of what personal data is
Apply the 7 core principles of UK GDPR to common workplace situations
The Role of Data Protection Officers
Why take this course? Data Protection Officers have varied roles. They’re vital for organisations which deal with large amounts of data; they may still be useful even in organisations which don’t do so. If you own or manage a business, or have been chosen to be a Data Protection Officer or one of their support team, then this short course will be invaluable.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe the role and responsibilities of a Data Protection Officer
Support a Data Protection Officer in their day-to-day activities
Clarify when a Data Protection Officer is needed
Data Breaches
Why take this course? Integrity and confidentiality of data is one of the cornerstones of the UK data protection regulation, GDPR. Basically, if you fail to adequately look after the personal data you process, you can expect some serious consequences. But it’s not just Data Protection Officers that need to pay attention. If we handle data in our roles, from customer names to more sensitive data, we all have a responsibility to keep it safe.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify different types of data breaches
Describe what to do when data breach happens
Minimise the risk of data breach
Fake News
Why take this course? Fake news isn’t something new, but modern technology has seen it evolve into a booming business. Wherever you work, this is an enlightening course. Falling victim to a fake-news scam doesn’t just put your reputation at stake, it can have financial consequences, too. However, if you know how to spot fake news and take the appropriate precautions, you can protect yourself from harm.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify and explain fake news to ensure you remain well informed
Recognise and mitigate the risk of fake news to protect your personal and professional reputation
Deal with the consequences of malicious fake-news links to protect your personal and financial information
Cyber Security Collection
Protecting your Personal Data
Why take this course? This course is for people who want to secure their personal data online. It’ll help you recognise the risks of a data breach, identify what steps to take if you’re the victim of a cyberattack, and offer tips on tightening up your data security.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise how data breaches could affect you, so you can put reasonable cybersecurity measures in place to protect your data
Identify the 3 key steps to take if you’re the victim of a cyberattack to reduce the damage to you and your networks
Follow data-security tips to help you protect your personal information from hackers and thieves
Disaster Recovery
Why take this course? When you rely on computers for data protection, financial transfers, and day-to-day business, it’s important to put disaster recovery systems in place. In this course you’ll learn about the fundamental parts of a disaster recovery plan, the importance of assembling a recovery team, and some key disaster recovery methods.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the fundamental components of an effective disaster recovery plan
Explain how to assemble a disaster recovery team
Identify key disaster recovery methods
WiFi Security
Why take this course? Whether your Wi-Fi network is shared by many users, or just you in your home office, it’s important to stay on top of security. In this course you’ll find out about the key security threats to Wi-Fi security and measures you can take to protect your network. You’ll also learn preventative actions if you think your security’s been compromised.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise key security threats Wi-Fi users face
Identify measures you can take to protect your Wi-Fi network
Explain actionable steps to respond to compromised Wi-Fi security scenarios
Life in the Cloud
Why take this course? As cloud storage becomes more common, everyone needs to be aware of how it works, the risks, and how to avoid and manage them. This course will walk you through the basics of cloud storage and its common vulnerabilities. It’ll also cover how to strategically avoid and manage those risks.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the basics of cloud storage
Identify common cloud storage vulnerabilities that a business is prone to
Develop a cloud security strategy to protect your business
Maintain your cloud security strategy to minimize future threats
Choosing the Right Cloud Vendor
Why take this course? This course is for IT managers and company leaders looking to take their cloud-based operations to the next level. It’ll help you choose the most appropriate cloud vendor for your specific online needs.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Choose the most effective cloud vendor to fulfil the needs of your cloud-based operations
Working Remotely (But Safely)
Why take this course? This course is for remote workers who’re concerned about protecting their company’s data. It’ll help you recognise the biggest cybersecurity threats for remote workers and follow best-practice tips to help safeguard your company’s data.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the 8 key remote-working cybersecurity threats workers face to help you mitigate these risks
Follow remote-working cybersecurity tips to help protect your company’s data
Stolen Devices
Why take this course? This course is for people who want to protect their personal devices and data. It’ll help you take action to secure your data from thieves, know what to do if your device is stolen, and help you reduce the chance of your device being stolen in the first place.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify safety measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of your device being stolen
Carry out preventative security actions to ensure thieves can’t make use of stolen data
Recognise the immediate steps you need to take after a device is stolen to protect your data and privacy
Multifactor and 2F Authentication
Why take this course? Protecting data isn’t just the job of Hollywood super-spies. It’s vital for any business. If you’re a decision-maker for IT and cybersecurity, this course takes the ‘impossible’ out of your mission to protect data. It’ll explain multifactor and 2F authentication, and how to choose, and use, authentication wisely, so you can keep everything safe.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain various ways multifactor and 2F authentication mitigate risk in the context of a business
Categorise methods according to three types of authentication factors (knowledge, possession, and inherence)
Identify key questions to ask when searching for a multifactor authentication vendor
Food Safety Collection
Contains 3 courses. Assessed. IOSH Approved.
If you work with food, our courses will help you stay safe and compliant
In the food industry, safety and hygiene are of paramount importance. Our courses are designed to explain the laws and legislation in an engaging, fun way, so you can keep everyone safe. Using our combination of exciting animation, world class voice-over, and superb interactivity, these courses will help upskill your people and drive behavioural change.
Food Safety Collection
Allergy Awareness
Why take this course? Allergens should be mentioned on labels or menus. But mistakes can happen, and labels can be misread. So, it’s important to know which food types contain allergens, because they could cause serious harm if they’re given to a person with an allergy when all they wanted was a bit of cake. It’s thought that 1 in 4 people suffer with an allergy of some kind. Adults with allergies often know what they’re allergic to, and how to avoid allergens, but often, children don’t. So, it’s essential for teachers, carers, parents, and anyone in charge of children or vulnerable adults that suffer from food allergies, to know what to look out for, and what to do in an emergency.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the most common food allergies
Recognise different allergen-containing foods
Describe the different reactions associated with food allergies
Explain what to do in the event of a severe allergic reaction
Food Safety & Hygiene Level 2 (overview)
Why take this course? Food is big business, but it can be the source of some pretty nasty bugs, too. Food-borne illnesses affect about 600 million people in the world every year. And the worrying thing is most of them could be prevented if food was handled more safely and hygienically while it’s in the food supply chain. So, if your job involves food handling, storage, or preparation, you need to be able to follow strict guidelines to ensure safety and hygiene is a top priority. And that’s where this course can help.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of food safety and hygiene laws and legislation
Explain the concept of contamination and causes of food poisoning
Use safe methods of chilling, cold handling, storing, cooking, and reheating food
Identify allergens and other hazards
Recognise the need for high standards of cleaning and hygiene in food businesses
Control of Cross-Contamination
Why take this course? Have you ever found something in your food that’s not meant to be there? A piece of plastic, a bit of hair, or maybe even a fly? Yuk. All of these are signs that your food is contaminated. Rather more worryingly, there are some contaminants that make people very sick, or worse, which can’t be seen with the naked eye. But how do these things get into food in the first place? Well, often it happens through cross-contamination, and that’s a big problem in the food industry, which needs to be controlled. And, if you work anywhere in the food supply chain, controlling cross-contamination is your responsibility. Managers and other people in charge also need to know about the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, or HACCP, principles, and how to use them.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define the 4 types of cross-contamination
Identify the 3 main ways cross-contamination can occur
Demonstrate safe working practices to reduce the risk of cross-contamination
Explain the benefits of a HACCP plan
Human Resources Collection
Contains 9 courses. Assessed.
HR plays a key role in developing, reinforcing, and changing the culture of an organisation.
Maybe HR doesn’t have the most glamorous of reputations, but that’s ok - businesses would struggle without a strong Human Resources team. Our collection of courses is designed to help you learn about important things which will impact all employees. And it’s brought to you in clear language, without unexplained jargon, and in a very accessible way.
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Human Resources Collection
Virtual Interviews
Why take this course? Since the old days, when people actually had to visit business premises for interviews, technology has moved forward, creating a new way to approach hiring: the virtual interview. It’s great for progress, convenience, and everything else the modern world demands, and they’re becoming the norm. But, if you’re the one doing the interviewing, it’s vital to know what you’re doing, to make sure it doesn’t turn into a virtual disaster. If you’re a manager, supervisor, or anyone who will be leading interviews, this course is for you.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the importance of environment
Explain best practices and how to prepare for an interview
Describe virtual conference technology and its benefits
Modern Slavery
Why take this course? What does the word ‘slavery’ mean to you? You might think it’s something that just happened in the past, but it’s not. Modern slavery is a heinous and often hidden crime, and it remains very much in the present. And it isn’t just a problem in one part of the world or one specific industry. It’s happening everywhere, in every field. Increased awareness and reporting will help law enforcement tackle perpetrators and protect victims. So, whatever you do, and wherever you work, you should take this course and help make modern slavery ancient history.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify what modern slavery is and who it affects
Describe warning signs to look out for
Identify the role of tech with modern slavery and learn how it can be used to combat it
Identify business’s responsibilities under the Modern Slavery Act 2015
Use reporting methods to refer potential victims
Interview Skills
Why take this course? Since the old days, when people actually had to visit business premises for interviews, technology has moved forward, creating a new way to approach hiring: the virtual interview. It’s great for progress, convenience, and everything else the modern world demands, and they’re becoming the norm. But, if you’re the one doing the interviewing, it’s vital to know what you’re doing, to make sure it doesn’t turn into a virtual disaster. If you’re a manager, supervisor, or anyone who will be leading interviews, this course is for you.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the importance of environment
Explain best practices and how to prepare for an interview
Describe virtual conference technology and its benefits
Managing Grievances
Why take this course? Implementing an efficient grievance process means that you can provide a safe environment in which employees feel they can raise concerns without fear of reprisal or dismissal. Whether you’re an employer or an HR professional, this course will show you the importance of managing grievances and provide tips on how you can do just that.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Utilise your knowledge of the various types of grievances to improve procedures
Maintain a professional approach when handling employee grievances
Apply best practices when managing all grievance procedures
Selling Age-Restricted Products
Why take this course? If your role includes selling potentially harmful products, such as alcohol, tobacco, or anything dangerous that could be subject to age restrictions, then this is the course for you. Even seemingly harmless products such as party poppers and Christmas crackers could potentially hurt someone and land you in a whole heap of trouble. Penalties include fines, loss of licences, and even prison time.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the laws in place to protect children and adults, and the consequences of illegally selling age-restricted products
Demonstrate the right time to use the Challenge 25 scheme
Identify what can be accepted as proof of age when requested
Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace
Why take this course? Regardless of intent, sexual harassment causes real harm to individuals, teams, and organisations. As a leader, you’re responsible for creating a workplace culture in which nobody has to experience it. This course will help you understand what isn’t acceptable, so you can make sure your workplace isn’t hostile, degrading, or humiliating for anyone.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define sexual harassment in legal and practical terms to ensure you know what you are looking for in your workplace
Identify red flags in your workplace that may indicate cases of sexual harassment, so you can step in and support your employees
Understand the potential business and personal impacts of sexual harassment to ensure the topic remains a priority
Understand the importance of reporting all suspected or reported cases of sexual harassment to ensure you are advocating for the well-being of your team and not being a bystander
Managing Absence
Why take this course? While most cases are genuine, a robust procedure can help to avoid unauthorised absence, sometimes known as AWOL, or sick pay abuse. Whether you’re an employer or HR professional, this course will show you the significance of managing absence and provide valuable guidance on how you can handle it in your organisation.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify potential absence concerns in the workplace
Maintain a fair and professional attitude when managing absence
Follow effective methods when dealing with all forms of absenteeism
Managing Disciplinaries
Why take this course? Managing a disciplinary procedure may not be the most fun part of your job, but being able to handle them effectively is beneficial for everyone. Whether you’re an HR professional or employer, this course will help to streamline the process and equip you with confidence so you can deal with them successfully.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Maintain a confident and professional attitude to disciplinaries
Adhere to a standard disciplinary procedure
Follow effective methods for handling disciplinary action
Human Resources Collection
Performance Management
Why take this course? Employees are the lifeblood of all organisations. Suitable for employers and HR professionals, this course will show you why implementing performance management means that you can help to keep your business in tip-top condition.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Identify when performance management is required Apply the 3 stages of performance management in an effective way Maintain professional relationships when performance managing employees
Establishing a Learning Culture Collection
Contains 5 courses.
When we all learn together, we can achieve something really special
Learning doesn’t have to be confined to the classroom. Remember the pride you felt when you figured out how to work that filter on your spreadsheet? How about the moment when a newly acquired skill came in handy and you were able to solve a problem effectively? That’s the joy of learning. Every little thing you learn expands your mind. Imagine what could be achieved if there was a culture of learning in your workplace. A group of inspired, engaged employees will benefit any business, so check out this collection and make the sky the limit.
Establishing a Learning Culture Collection
What is a Learning Culture?
Why take this course? If you’re in a position to enable learning throughout your company, this is the course for you. Bring your workforce back to the land of the living and feed their brains, rather than… Well, you know... This course will demystify learning cultures, but also give you the tools to assess your environment and create your very own zombie esca… action plan.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Characterise an effective learning culture and its benefits
Evaluate your own workplace culture
Plan your next steps for growing your learning culture
Continuous Learning
Why take this course? We were all born with an innate drive to learn, so this course is suitable for everyone. More specifically – for anyone who wants to upskill, whether for your own professional development, or to help others as a leader in your company. You’ll begin to rethink what learning means to you and discover the endless opportunities to make continuous learning in your workplace a reality.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Evaluate your current approach to learning
Identify and justify different tools for continuous learning
Integrate new opportunities for continuous learning into your workplace
Giving & Recieving Feedback
Why take this course? Giving and receiving feedback are essential skills. So, this course will be useful for everyone –especially if you’re interested in using feedback more effectively at work. You’ll get clear, actionable advice on how to give and receive feedback to improve your team’s performance, and your own.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Give constructive feedback to help motivate and empower others, while maintaining positive relationships
Receive feedback positively and use it to maximise your own personal and professional growth
The Growth Mindset
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who wants to relish a challenge instead of worrying about making mistakes. Have you ever felt restricted by others’ expectations of you, or discounted an opportunity because you didn’t think you could succeed at it? Take this course to find out how to alter your mindset, unlock your true capabilities, and really unleash your potential.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain how the growth mindset can help you
Differentiate between a fixed mindset and the growth mindset
Identify your fixed mindset triggers, and know how to navigate past them
Implement the growth mindset to help you improve your prospects
Empowering Others
Why take this course? Empowering employees matters to every leader, and this course is going to benefit people in leadership or support roles the most. You’ll gain solid strategies for empowering the people you support – all you need to start powering up your workforce.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the characteristics of an empowered employee
Explain the benefits of empowering others
Implement strategies to empower the people you support
Customer Service Collection
Contains 10 courses
Treating your customers like royalty is key to getting those sales in and hitting your targets
Business is all about making money from your customers, right? When it comes to customer service, you’ve got to meet their expectations and satisfy their needs, before, during, and after the sale. If you do that, they’ll likely keep coming back for more. That’s where our fantastic Customer Service Collection comes in. Our content will help all sales staff improve their skills, understand the customer better, and develop themselves in the process. Our engaging, accessible, bite-sized courses will make your customers happy and make learners level up.
Customer Service Collection
Customer Empathy
Why take this course? This course is for anyone working in customer service who would like to find out more about empathy skills. Empathy is a vital skill for customer service and can help you represent the company in the best way possible. Empathetic interactions can bring repeat customers and improve the reputation of your company.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the difference between empathy and sympathy
Recognise different types of empathy
Explain the benefits of using empathy in customer service
Apply techniques to increase empathy with customers
Customer Persuasion
Why take this course? This course is ideal for anyone working in customer service. Being able to influence others through persuasion can help you engage customers, build customer satisfaction, and maintain customer relationships. You can even transfer these persuasion skills from your work life to your personal life.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the 6 principles of persuasion
Recognise barriers to successful persuasion
Apply tips to be more persuasive
The Art of Patience
Why take this course? This course is suitable for anyone in customer services or with a customer-facing job. It’ll help you become more patient when dealing with customers through the use of techniques and tips. You’ll learn why patience is so important in customer services and what common things can challenge your patience.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why you need to be patient with customers
Identify behaviours and circumstances that will challenge your patience
Demonstrate patience when dealing with customers
Clear Communication
Why take this course? This course explains why clear communication is so important and how to steer customer interactions so they can be as efficient and effective as possible. You’ll learn how to warm up vocally to make sure customers understand you clearly.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the benefits of clear communication in customer service
Warm up vocally to achieve vocal clarity
Demonstrate ways to communicate clearly with customers
Taking Responsibility
Why take this course? In this course, you’ll understand the importance of taking responsibility for customers’ problems. You’ll learn ways to deal with customers without passing the buck on to someone else. Suitable for anyone in customer services, it’ll also cover how to implement proactive customer service to solve problems before they even arise.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise why taking responsibility is essential in customer service
Explain what proactive customer service is
Demonstrate responsibility for customers’ issues
Handling Complaints
Why take this course? Words are powerful, and the ones you choose, as well as the way they’re delivered, can have farreaching effects. This course is particularly useful for anyone in customer service or with a customer-facing job. You’ll learn what words and phrases to avoid and what to say instead to keep customers happy and de- escalate the mood of angry customers.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the benefits of using positive language when speaking to customers
Identify positive alternatives to common words and phrase
Demonstrate positive language when talking to customers
The Use of Positive Language
Why take this course? Words are powerful, and the ones you choose, as well as the way they’re delivered, can have farreaching effects. This course is particularly useful for anyone in customer service or with a customer-facing job. You’ll learn what words and phrases to avoid and what to say instead to keep customers happy and de- escalate the mood of angry customers.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the benefits of using positive language when speaking to customers
Identify positive alternatives to common words and phrase
Demonstrate positive language when talking to customers
Ability to Admit You Don’t Have All the Answers
Why take this course? Recognising and admitting when you don’t have an answer is a valuable skill, meaning this course will be useful to everyone, but especially those in customer service. You’ll learn strategies to solve customer problems honestly, efficiently, and with confidence, no matter what the question.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Communicate honestly and confidently with customers
Maintain your professional credibility while acknowledging you don’t have an answer
Use available resources to solve a customer’s problem
Customer Service Collection
Having Tough Conversations
Why take this course? This course is suitable for anyone in a customer-facing role. You’ll learn concrete strategies for handling tough conversations and develop skills to ensure you’re giving the customer (and yourself) the most positive experience possible.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
De-escalate heated conversations
Actively listen and show empathy to your customers
Maintain professional boundaries during difficult conversations
Controlling the Conversation
Why take this course? This course is aimed at customer service professionals. You’ll learn strategies and techniques to keep control of the conversations with customers: making sure that issues are resolved efficiently, while maintaining positive relationships.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Redirect customers when they’re off topic to keep the conversation productive
Use open and closed questioning to gain relevant information and manage the conversation Manage customers’ expectations to prevent further issues or complaints
New Business Owner Collection
Contains 7 courses
Helping you with all the things you need to know about business ownership
Becoming the owner of a new business can be a tough time, particularly if you aren’t familiar with the basics. This well-curated collection offers advice and training in key fields that you might not have considered yet. Things like budgeting, premises management, and balance sheets. This group of courses will help give you the tools you need to make your new business a success, and it’s done in clear language, without all the unexplained jargon, too.
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New Business Owner Collection
Cash Flow Statement Pro
Why take this course? If you’re new to running a company’s accounts, then you’ll need to know the ins and outs of all the business dealings. How else can you keep track of finances? A CFS should be able to tell you and investors at a glance just how healthy your business is. Learning how to put one together is an investment you must make in yourself, and it’s one that will always pay dividends.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define what a Cash Flow Statement is
Demonstrate how to create a Cash Flow Statement
Explain the importance of good cash flow to a business
Maintaining a Healthy Cash Flow
Why take this course? If you run a business, or if you’re thinking of starting one up, then this course will help you keep it running smoothly. You’ll learn what cash flow is, how to maintain one, and what the benefits of a healthy cash flow are. So, put down your balaclava and blowtorch, and get comfortable.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe what cash flow means
Recognise the benefits of a healthy cash flow
Demonstrate how to maintain a healthy cash flow
The Balance Sheet Explained
Why take this course? Whether you run a business or take care of the accounts, this course is for you. You’ll see how a balance sheet works, what the benefits of using a balance sheet are, and how to use a balance sheet to benefit a business. Just make sure you get it right. Capisce?
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify how a balance sheet works
Explain the benefits of the balance sheet
Use a balance sheet correctly
The 4 Basics of HR
Why take this course? This short course is ideal for professionals who might be stepping into line management for the first time. Equally, those who are running their own business and building a large team will also benefit from learning about and utilising the HR basics. So, pin this course to your board and let’s get started.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the 4 basic HR functions
Explain their importance and how they affect your organisation
Effectively implement the four basics
Good Premises Management
Why take this course? If you own or operate a business, you need to ensure that your staff are comfortable and happy. Staying compliant with legislation will help keep them safe, too. This course can help you get your premisesmanagement strategy into such fantastic shape that you totally get taken for granted, but in a really, really good way.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the features of excellent premises management
Create a successful premises-management strategy
Identify premises-management standards to ensure compliance
Budget Like a Boss
Why take this course? Running a small business or looking to learn some accounting basics? Learn how to budget correctly and you’ll likely end up with more freedom to spend rather than less. If you’re conscious of your outgoings in advance, you can plan around them and prepare yourself for most things that life throws your way.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain what budgeting is
Implement basic budgeting tips
Identify irregular-income budgeting issues
P&L Explained
Why take this course? If you are running a small business, are responsible for a company or departmental accounts, or just want to check out the financial reports filed by public companies/potential investments, an understanding of profit and loss is essential.
A P&L statement will basically show you whether a company is making money and how it could make more. Learning how to produce one enables you to quantify a company or project’s financial health.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define what a Profit and Loss Statement is
Demonstrate how to create a Profit and Loss Statement
Know how this differs from a Cash Flow Statement
Understand how this can help in preparing future budgets
Financial Conduct Authority Collection
Contains 7 courses. Assessed.
Placing financial fairness at the heart of your business.
Here in the UK, we’re lucky to have a reputable governing body that looks out for customers and businesses alike. It’s called the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and all business must adhere to its rules. Why? Well, it helps to minimize corruption, reduce risk of fraud, and ensures that all customers are treated fairly. This expanding collection has been curated and reviewed by experts and are designed to be accessible to all. Whether a seasoned pro or own a fledgling business, all owners and employees should be able to simple grasp the laws regarding how they conduct themselves financially.
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Financial Conduct Authority Collection
Good Governance: Anti Money Laundering and Corporate Criminal Offences
Why take this course? Everyone needs to understand the risks of money laundering and tax evasion. This course will help you understand how these crimes damage integrity, which groups could be high risk, and how to make a report if you suspect a crime has been committed.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand how money laundering and corporate criminal offences damage integrity to lessen the chance you or your company commit a crime
Identify certain groups that might present higher risks to avoid facilitating criminal activity
Demonstrate an understanding of how to report money laundering and corporate criminal offences in line with NCA guidelines to help shut down these illegal practices
Why take this course? This course is for frontline workers who handle debit and credit card transactions. It’ll help you recognise the key PCI DSS requirements, the risks you face if you fail to be compliant, and which level your company falls into for compliance.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the 12 key requirements of PCI DSS to demonstrate your company’s compliance
Recognise the risks your company faces if it fails to comply with the requirements to encourage take up
Demonstrate an understanding of PCI DSS compliance levels to identify where your company sits
Why take this course? Anyone could find themselves in a situation where they need to blow the whistle. This course will help you see when whistleblowing is needed to protect others. It’ll help you understand the difference between personal grievances and whistleblowing issues. It’ll also help you feel confident in the key reporting steps and understand how the law applies to whistle-blowers.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise when whistleblowing is necessary to protect others from wrongdoing, risk, or malpractice
Differentiate between whistleblowing and personal grievances
Identify the key steps in making a report to ensure confidence in your claims
Understand how the law applies to whistle-blowers to protect yourself from legal breaches
Consumer Duty
Why take this course? If you sell financial products or services to consumers, you must follow the Consumer Duty. This course will examine how the consumer principles are applied in the workplace, and how to use key behaviours to achieve positive customer outcomes. It’ll also explain how you can continuously monitor firm-customer relationships, to keep delivering high standards of service.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the consumer principle as it applies to workplace activities, ensuring the prioritisation of customer outcomes in your decisions
Apply the three key behaviours of consumer duty to all your applicable activities, ensuring positive customer outcomes
Define and monitor the four outcomes of the firm-customer relationship, ensuring delivery of expected standards in all activities
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
Why take this course? The UK Bribery Act 2010 applies to businesses, employees, and anyone working on behalf of an organisation. This course will help you identify what counts as a bribe and take steps to minimise the risk of corruption taking place. It will also show you how risk assessments can be an important part of your anti-corruption toolkit.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify what constitutes a bribe to show awareness of how and when your organisation could be affected
Implement reasonable steps to minimise the risks of corruption taking place in your organisation
Promote risk assessments as part of your business’s anti-corruption toolkit to maintain transparency
Insider Dealing
Why take this course? Insider dealing is a serious crime that every investor or person working in a financial institution needs to be aware of. This course will help you identify when insider dealing might be happening, understand market abuse and market manipulation, and show an awareness of the penalties and fines companies face if they break the law.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the hallmarks of insider dealing, to avoid encouraging these practices in your organisation
Understand why market abuse is a criminal act, to ensure legal compliance
Demonstrate an understanding of the penalties and fines companies face if they choose to participate in insider dealing
Competition Law
Why take this course? If you work in business or finance, you need to know how competition law protects you, your competitors, and your customers. This course will help you recognise the benefits of competition law, see the damage anticompetitive agreements and abuse of market positions can do, and gain an understanding of how breaches are reported and punished.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the benefits of competition law to promote fairness in your organisation
Identify the key ways anticompetitive agreements and abuse of dominant market positions harm competition (to avoid these practices)
Demonstrate an understanding of how competition law is enforced and reported on to ensure your company’s compliance
Environment, Social & Governance (ESG)
Contains 10 courses.
Helping you with all the things you need to know about
business ownership
We’ve only got one planet, so we’ve got to look after it. Modern companies are doing what they can to lessen their impact on the environment and make their business sustainable, because they understand the benefits to this approach. Corporations can make a massive difference in terms of energy consumption, pollution, and waste management. But these forward-thinking strategies not only make a difference to the outside world, they also bolster a company’s image and build trust, raise awareness, and encourage social change, too. This collection explains how.
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Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) Collection
Energy Efficiency
Why take this course? All employees should be aware of the environmental impact of products in their workplace. We can all make positive changes, whatever our job title. By taking this course, you’ll learn which small (and big) actions you can take to make a big difference. Let’s go shed some (energy-efficient) light on climate change.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why using energy efficiently is important and the consequences of not doing so
Recognise how energy-saving appliances will save your company money
Describe how you can cut a company’s carbon footprint by controlling heating, lighting, and equipment
Corporate Social Responsibility
Why take this course? Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is pretty much the same concept as ‘Paying it forward’. It’s about how a company ‘gives back’ to the community and society by operating in a sustainable and ethical way. This might be through reducing their carbon footprint, giving to charity, or even sending employees out to volunteer in the local community every once in a while. But CSR doesn’t just help the wider community; it also benefits the business by boosting employee morale and creating a positive image. It can also help win new customers as many consumers will research a company before doing business with them, to check that they have ethical policies.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify why CSR is important to businesses
Describe how CSR can be incorporated into the daily running of a business
Recognise ways to develop or improve a CSR strategy
Workplace Recycling (including Wishcycling)
Why take this course? Recycling at home is pretty standard, but workplaces are lagging behind. If you want to reduce your business’s impact on the environment, understanding what can and can’t be recycled is important. In this course you’ll learn about recycling and wishcycling, and how recycling can benefit the workplace. You’ll also learn how to develop a workplace recycling plan and some common workplace items which can be recycled.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the basics of recycling and wishcycling
Identify the benefits of workplace recycling, including the impact of wishcycling
Develop a recycling plan for your workplace
Identify common workplace items that can be recycled
Leading Ethical Decisions
Why take this course? Businesses have a responsibility to make ethical decisions. In this course you’ll learn to identify the business impacts of making ethical decisions, how to craft a sustainability mission statement, and how to apply an ethical decision-making framework to your operations.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the business impacts of ethical decision-making
Write a sustainability mission statement
Apply an ethical decision framework in a business context
Waste Management
Why take this course? Everyone can benefit from reducing consumption and managing waste more effectively. This course will help you understand the fundamentals of waste management and a product’s life cycle, make a positive argument for putting reduce, reuse, recycle at the heart of your business, and help you adopt moresustainable waste-management practices in your workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Make a positive argument for putting reduce, reuse, recycle at the heart of your business’s approach to waste management
Adopt more-sustainable waste-management practices in your workplace to reduce unnecessary consumption
The Role of Eco-Innovation
Why take this course? This course is ideal for business owners who are concerned about their environmental footprint. You’ll learn about the importance of collaboration in eco-innovation, and the barriers you may face to making your ideas reality. You’ll also discover an 8-step model you can use to track your eco-innovation progress.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise how collaboration sparks eco-innovation to ensure the free flow of ideas in your workplace
Identify barriers to eco-innovation, so you can overcome them and achieve effective change
Build an 8-step structure into your eco-innovation to measure your progress on environmental sustainability
Dealing with Food Waste, Water Waste and Going Zero Waste
Why take this course? Whatever sector you’re in, there’s never been a more important time to look at managing and reducing the waste your company produces. This course will help you understand the positives of prioritising waste management, techniques for cutting down on food and water waste, and the steps your business can take towards becoming a zero-waste workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the benefits to businesses of prioritising waste management
Describe food-waste management techniques for businesses
Explain water-waste management best practices for businesses
Recognise steps businesses can take towards going zero waste
Economic & Brand Benefits
Why take this course? Across all sectors there’s now a bigger push for sustainability. All businesses can benefit from the financial and reputational boosts of going green. This course will help you recognise how encouraging ESG standards can benefit your business’s finances, identify the economic and brand benefits of going green, and adopt sustainability in your workplace to lower costs and promote your brand.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise how encouraging ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) standards within your business can give you a financial advantage
Identify the economic and brand benefits of sustainability to incentivise green practice in your workplace
Adopt sustainability in your workplace to promote your brand and increase economic efficiency
Environment, Social & Governance
(ESG) Collection
Green Technology & Carbon Zero
Why take this course? Climate change affects everyone. So, we should all take this course. It’ll help you better understand green technology and carbon neutrality, make a positive argument for adopting green technology, and help you implement practical changes that could see your workplace achieve carbon neutrality.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
List the characteristics of green technology and carbon neutrality to exhibit a broad understanding of the current landscape
Make a positive argument for adopting green technology that may persuade your workplace to change Implement changes to guide your workplace towards achieving carbon neutrality
Ethical Supply Chains
Why take this course? This course will support anyone working with supply chains to make sure the products are ethically sourced and the work practices are fair. Developing an ethical supply chain helps the environment, protects workers, and can give the brand you work for a boost. In this course you’ll learn to recognise some common supplychain challenges and the impact of unethical practices. You’ll also find out about solutions that can help you address these challenges.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise common ethical supply-chain challenges that business face, including supply-chain complexity, cost, and market pressure, and lack of transparency/regulation
Analyse the impact of unethical supply-chain practices, including reputational damage and environmental impacts
Propose practical solutions to address ethical supply-chain challenges, such as promoting transparency, fairness, and sustainability
The Problem with Plastic
Why take this course? If you want to reduce plastic use at the company you work for, this course will show you how. You’ll learn how to find opportunities for reducing plastic use and organisational waste. It’ll show you how to align organisational objectives with industry and social standards. And you’ll find out how to create a plastics reduction plan.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify opportunities for your organisation to have a positive impact on reducing plastic pollution, reducing organisational waste, and increasing marketability
Align organisational objectives to industry and social standards around plastic pollution, ensuring legal compliance and social acceptance
Create a corporate plastics reduction plan, including detailed metrics, to demonstrate organisational commitment and guide future activities Full course info Watch the
Social Injustice and the Environment
Why take this course? If you want to highlight links between social injustice and the environment, this course will support you. It’ll help you bring about positive changes in your organisation. You’ll learn to recognise how your organisation’s current business practices affect social injustice. You’ll find out how to make a more positive impact. And you’ll learn how to take steps towards delivering an environmental action plan.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the impact your organisation’s current business practices has on social injustice, through its contribution to environmental issues
Identify opportunities for your organisation to have a positive impact on the environment and related social injustice, increasing marketability
Take practical steps towards delivering your organisation’s environmental action plan, to meet ESG guidelines
Creativity & Innovation Collection
Contains 3 courses.
Innovation is crucial to success.
Your business requires innovation to thrive. All businesses are built around new ideas, and if yours is starting to stagnate, you’ve got a problem. Luckily, it’s one that can be fixed, with some of our crucial training. Our creativity and innovation collection is designed to get you thinking about ways to improve your business, both on a professional and personal level. As usual with iAM topics, these courses contain actionable learning outcomes, rather than just theory. Animation and interactivity keep learners engaged as they upskill.
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Creativity & Innovation Collection
Adaptability & Flexibility
Why take this course? Adaptability and flexibility are key skills for workers in any workplace. They help you find creative solutions and adapt to changes and challenges. This course will help you improve these skills through practical techniques. Now, where are those biscuits?
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify what makes a person adaptable and flexible
Recognise the benefits of being adaptable and flexible in any workplace
Implement techniques and strategies to improve your adaptability and flexibility
Creativity and Innovation
Why take this course? Everyone can benefit from a clear understanding of the roles creativity and innovation play. This course will help you characterise the difference, and recognise the unique relationship between creativity and innovation. You’ll also learn to adopt tools that will boost your creativity and innovation in the workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Characterise the difference between creativity and innovation to encourage the correct division of these skills
Recognise the unique relationship between creativity and innovation to ensure the best allocation of time and resources
Adopt tools to boost your creativity and innovation to promote an innovative workplace culture
Creative Thinking
Why take this course? Being able to think creatively is a useful skill for everyone to learn. This course will show you how to challenge stale thinking patterns and expand your creativity. By the end of this course, you’ll have the tools to think creatively and bring fresh ideas into your workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define your own creative-thinking process
Identify possible barriers to creativity
Adopt creative-thinking tools in your work
Sales Collection Contains 8 courses.
Level up your sales skills
Whether you’ve got the patter or not, selling effectively is a skill that anyone can learn, with the right kind of training. Thankfully, you and your team can up your sales skills with our brilliant bitesize courses. Our sales skills collection engages with learners, whether on the office or remotely, giving them the tools they need to improved their sales game. Result? Increased revenue and happier, motivated employees.
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Sales Collection
Using Rapport
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who needs to build relationships as part of their job, or improve their sales techniques. Being able to use rapport will help you to establish and maintain customer relationships, and encourage sales.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define what rapport is
Explain why rapport is important Implement rapport-building tips
Understanding the Customer
Why take this course? This course will benefit anyone who deals with customers. You’ll be able to gain knowledge about your customers and use that knowledge to identify their needs. Understanding the customer is the key to great customer service and the foundation of making successful sales.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Identify who your customers are Recognise what your customers need Be able to use a variety of methods to conduct customer research
Remote Selling
Why take this course? Remote selling is becoming more and more commonplace; we’ve all had to adapt in recent times, and thanks to modern tech, we’ve been able to do it well. Working remotely has many benefits for businesses, their salespeople, and customers too, that you might not be aware of. If you want to find out how to do it right, this course is for you.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the benefits of remote selling
Create the ideal working environment in your home
Use best practices to increase your sales
Presenting with Confidence
Why take this course? Everyone will need to give a presentation at some point. So, it’s best to be prepared. This course will show you why it’s important to do it confidently, and how you can go about doing it, so you can get out there and really wow your audience.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the importance of presenting confidently Identify methods to improve confidence when presenting Present confidently using a range of techniques
Maintaining Commitment - Closing the Sale
Why take this course? This course is for salespeople who want to be at the top of their game. It’s important to understand that how you present yourself and communicate with customers makes the difference between closing that sale or not. Learning these techniques will help you become the best salesperson you can be.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify opportunities to create and build relationships with your customers from the start
Provide an incentive for the customer to secure a purchase with you
Secure commitment for the long term to ensure repeat customer satisfaction
Selling in a Digital World
Why take this course? If you work in sales, or you’re a business owner who wants to make the most of digital marketing and e-commerce, then this course is for you. With so much useful tech to help you boost sales, adapting to a digital world makes sense for a business now more than ever. Time to take that 1st step into the digital world.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Build trust with your customers as an online seller
Use digital tools and analysis to your advantage
Offer exceptional customer service online
Sector Knowledge (Verticals)
Why take this course? If you work in sales, it’s likely that you’ll regularly answer questions about your products and sector. So, this course is for you. It’ll show you why learning all there is to know about your sector is important, help you identify ways to learn more, and explain how to apply these techniques so you can learn about your sector.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Identify key knowledge needed about your sector to improve sales
Use appropriate techniques to effectively obtain information on your sector to improve sales Use competitor analysis to identify and promote your USPs and overcome competitor objections
Building Your Brand on LinkedIn
Why take this course? This course is aimed at anyone who’s eager to get ahead in their chosen career. LinkedIn is a great platform to sell yourself to potential employers or just to make connections in the same field that you work in. If you look your best on LinkedIn, they’ll notice. Let’s take a look at how you can get ahead.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Determine your brand – how you want to be perceived by your peers, clients, and potential employers
Build a network of connections with other users in your field to maximise brand awareness
Utilise LinkedIn’s tools and features effectively to support your brand image
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BEDI - Belonging, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Contains 14 courses.
The cornerstones of a healthy workplace
We’re all responsible for championing and embedding these values. These courses will challenge you and your business to become more supportive, understanding and aware of others. Way beyond the demonstrated business benefit, it’s important that we consider how we work together and our contribution to culture and wellbeing.
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BEDI - Belonging, Equity, Diversity
& Inclusion Collection
Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion
Why take this course? This course will be beneficial to anyone wanting to better understand equality, diversity, and inclusion and why it’s so important in the modern workplace. You’ll also discover actions you can take to improve inclusivity in your organisation and see how to implement them.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define what equality, diversity, and inclusion means
Explain why ED&I is important
Implement actions to improve inclusivity
Recognising Privilege
Why take this course? We can all benefit from recognising that privilege exists and how it affects our lives. Recognising and acknowledging your privilege doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. And understanding how you may lack privilege can help you to see how things beyond your control may impact your life. Ignoring privilege increases the likelihood that you, your colleagues, and your loved ones could be excluded in ways that may not be obvious to you. This course will help you to recognise your privilege.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define privilege
Explain what intersectionality is and the role it plays in recognising privilege
Bullying (Employees & Managers)
Why take this course? Bullying and harassment can be hard to define, hard to notice, and hard to tackle. This course provides guidance on what to do if you encounter bullying in the workplace – whether you’re the victim, a witness, an HR professional, or a manager. It’s important that everyone pulls in the same direction, because bullying behaviours at work threaten the health of an organisation, as well as the health of its staff.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify types of bullying behaviour
List the potential effects of bullying and harassment
Implement a system for dealing with workplace bullying
Know your Worth (and Ask for It)
Why take this course? Knowing your worth and being able to ask for it is a useful skill for everyone to learn. This course will show you how to pinpoint the non-negotiables in your life, identify the areas in which you add value to the workplace, and show you how to adopt negotiation skills so you can climb your own ladder.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the non-negotiables in your life
Recognise the areas in which you add value
Apply negotiation skills in your day-to-day life
Unconscious Bias
Why take this course? How would you feel if you were passed up for promotion because of your accent? Or you didn’t get the job because you’re living in an area that is perceived as undesirable? It’s simply not right. Without knowing it consciously, you could be doing that to someone else. Take this course, and in a few minutes you’ll have a better understanding about how to make the world, and your organisation, a fairer place.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Know how to overcome unconscious bias
Tell where unconscious biases come from Determine the effects of unconscious bias in the workplace
Combatting Imposter Syndrome
Why take this course? Whatever you believe about yourself, you aren’t an imposter. This course will help you change your mindset in a positive way to help you beat imposter syndrome. Experiencing it has nothing to do with how successful or talented an individual actually is, so we can all benefit from learning how to combat it.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define imposter syndrome and how people experience it
Recognise the impact of imposter syndrome
Implement strategies to overcome imposter syndrome
Bring your Whole Self to Work (Authenticity)
Why take this course? By taking steps to bring your whole self to work, you’ll enjoy a fuller and more productive work life. And by doing so, we can all contribute to an inclusive workplace culture in which everyone feels supported to be their true selves.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Describe what authenticity in the workplace is, and why people struggle with it
Define the benefits of bringing your whole self to work
Implement techniques to help you be authentic at work
Allyship in the Workplace
Why take this course? Becoming an ally is the right thing to do. We all have a responsibility to own our mistakes and centre conversations about discrimination around those who are impacted. This course will help you understand your role and how to work towards being a better ally.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand what allyship is and how it can benefit individuals and the wider organisation
Take initial steps to become or be a better ally
Use micro affirmations to affirm the identities of your colleagues
BEDI - Belonging, Equity, Diversity
& Inclusion Collection
Gender Identity in the Workplace
Why take this course? Everyone needs to understand how to respect their colleagues, so they feel comfortable and safe being themselves. This course will help you understand what gender identity is. It’ll also explain the relevant legislation and show you how to make sure everyone feels welcome, wherever they work. By completing this course, you’ll be taking the 1st step to positive change.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define gender identity and its practical impact on workplace well-being, to ensure a dignified workplace for every employee
Understand the legal implications and requirements of the Equalities Act as it relates to gender identity in the workplace, to ensure compliance at all times
Begin to promote positive changes and the adoption of best practice in your workplace, to move towards creating a more positive and inclusive working environment
Microaggressions in the Workplace
Why take this course? Creating a workplace where nobody has to experience discrimination of any kind is everyone’s responsibility. If you accidentally act or speak in a way that harms others, you may feel embarrassed or defensive. But when someone tells you you’ve made a mistake, they’re actually giving you a chance to grow. This course will help you understand how harmful microaggressions can be and how to spot and respond to them.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify microaggressions in the workplace and categorise them to allow for an informed response
Respond to witnessing a microaggression in a constructive and effective way
Receive feedback on your own behaviour without becoming defensive over your actions
Anti-Racism in the Workplace
Why take this course? Everyone has a responsibility to recognise and challenge racism, wherever it appears in the workplace. Nobody should have to face discrimination. And racism, including covert racism, is an unlawful form of discrimination in UK workplaces. This course will walk you through what racism is and how to begin challenging it.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define racism and the importance of clear anti-racism policies and practices in the workplace to maintain a dignified working environment
Explain the primary forms racism takes within organisations and how it can be prevented or removed to create a positive working environment
Suggest key elements of improvement to the organisational anti-racism strategy to continually improve the working environment for everyone
Disability in the Workplace
Why take this course? Disabled people’s experiences of their conditions vary greatly. You may not even be aware that some of your colleagues are disabled. But discrimination is never acceptable. And we all have a role to play in overcoming it. That’s why everyone can benefit from understanding more about disability in the workplace. This course will bring you up to speed, so you can work towards creating a workplace where all your colleagues are treated fairly.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define disability and the importance of clear accessibility policies and practices in the workplace to maintain a dignified working environment.
Explain common ways disability can impact a person in the workplace and how these can be prevented or removed to create a more inclusive working environment.
Suggest key elements of improvement to the organisation’s policies to continually improve the working environment for everyone.
The Importance of an Inclusive Workplace
Why take this course? Nobody wants to work somewhere that’s unfair and unsupportive, or where they don’t feel safe. And nobody does their best work in that kind of space, either. That’s why everybody needs to work towards an inclusive workplace, so nobody is discriminated against and everyone is valued. This course will help you understand what inclusion is and the associated benefits and challenges. It’ll even give you some ideas to improve your organisation’s inclusivity strategy, to boot.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define inclusivity and the importance of clear policies and practices in the workplace to maintain an inclusive working environment
Explain the benefits and challenges of creating inclusion in the workplace
Suggest key elements of improvement to the organisation’s inclusivity strategy to continually improve the working environment for everyone
Creating a Workplace that Embraces Neurodiversity
Why take this course? It’s estimated that around 15% of people are neurodivergent. It’s likely that many of your colleagues are neurodivergent, too. That’s why everyone can benefit from learning more about neurodiversity and how to remove the barriers to inclusion that neurodivergent people sometimes encounter. This course will help.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define neurodivergence and the importance of clear policies and practices in the workplace to maintain an inclusive working environment
Explain how neurodiversity can positively impact an organisation, and how to maximise this
Suggest key elements of improvement to the organisation’s practices to continually improve the working environment for everyone
Digital Transformation Collection
Contains 3 courses.
Keep your business ahead of the game.
Like it or not, advances in technology can make or break a business. Think back to those businesses on your high street that sold music in obsolete formats, for example. Where are they now? Face is, if you want your business to not just survive, but thrive, then you must understand digital transformation. Our expanding collection helps you with that, explaining in clear language what you need to know and act upon.
Digital Transformation Collection
Digital TransformationChange Management, Right?
Why take this course? This course would suit anyone involved in organising a digital transformation, particularly if you work in change management or human resources. You’ll be able to see what makes digital transformation different to change management, adapt your change strategies, and use the right approach to make digital transformation a success.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Distinguish between change management and digital transformation, and choose which process to use in different scenarios for the most-effective results
Adapt change-management strategies for digital transformation to maximise the chance of success
Implement techniques to make digital transformation a success
What is Digital Transformation?
Why take this course? This course is ideal for anyone who wants to find out more about digital transformation or encourage a digital transformation in their workplace. Knowing more about a digital transformation means you can be an important part of its success.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Distinguish between digitisation, digitalisation, and digital transformation, and use the correct terms for the appropriate actions
Identify 4 types of digital transformation used in business and choose which type to use in different scenarios
Apply helpful tips to become an advocate for digital transformation
Why take this course? If you’re curious about how AI use intersects with GDPR and data security, then this course is for you.
You’ll come away with an understanding of using AI while fulfilling ICO requirements and remaining GDPR-compliant. It’ll also help you perform a DPIA when one is needed.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Make use of AI in your business and fulfil ICO requirements to maintain GDPR compliance
Decide when a DPIA is required to comply with ICO rules and regulations
Perform a DPIA, so that safeguards and mitigating circumstances can be assessed and put in place for GDPR compliance
Leadership & People Managemnet Collection: Looking After your Team
Contains 10 courses & resources.
Wellbeing and psychological safety are finally high up on the Leadership agenda, and for good reason; engaged, motivated, trusted employees drive retention, innovation, and company growth. We’re full of ideas to help you develop great relationships within your team and build a positive culture.
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Leadership & People Management Collection: Looking After your Team
Being a Leader, Not a Counsellor
Why use this resource? Leaders and managers sometimes have to give extra support to their team. But that doesn’t mean they should become counsellors. In this course you’ll learn the difference between coaching and counselling. You’ll also learn steps to avoid promoting a counselling relationship with your team.
By using this resource, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the difference between coaching and counselling to create a clear boundary in your leadership role
Identify key steps you can take to avoid becoming a counsellor to your team
Managing Sickness
Why take this course? Unfortunately, sickness is inevitable. But as a team leader, supervisor, or business owner, it’s important to know the difference between what is normal sickness and what could be deemed problematic. Recurring absence can cost a business a significant amount of money. Furthermore, it impacts daily operations and staff morale. Having an effective policy in place to offer support while maintaining accountability is the best way to monitor sickness.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the main causes of sickness absence and find potential ways to decrease it
Explain the problems of sickness absence and how it can affect an organisation
Understand the importance of return-to-work interviews as a tool for the management of absence
Supporting your Team
Why take this course? Anyone who leads a team will find this course ideal. Whether you’re managing a large group or a small one, everyone on your team needs to feel supported to do their best. In this course you’ll learn how supportive leadership can benefit your team and communication techniques to help you lead effectively.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the ways supportive leadership boosts inclusivity, morale, and productivity
Identify communication techniques to help you lead and support your team to achieve their targets and goals
Lead with Empathy, not Ego
Why take this course? Whatever leadership position you’re in, a large part of your role is keeping your team motivated. You’ll learn how to communicate with your team, set aligned goals, and create an incentive structure.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Openly communicate with your team to boost performance and morale
Set aligned goals to create focus and consistency
Create an incentive structure to encourage a focus on performance
Our data-rich, evidence-based, super practical quick reads are designed to be high-impact game changers in a blended learning pathway (or just speedy refreshers when you need them)
Empathy in the Workplace
Improving Remote Workers Well-Being
Improving Mental Health in the Workplace
Supporting Employees Mental Health
Targeting and Reducing Workplace
You First: Leading from Within
Leadership & People Management Collection: Team Performance
Contains 11 courses & resources.
How do you empower your team to fire on all cylinders? This collection is jam-packed with suggestions for People Managers - from setting goals and KPIs to getting things back on track when performance goes awry. Get ready to smash your targets...
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Leadership & People Management Collection: Team Performance
Setting Effective Goals for KPI
Why take this course? Whether you’re in a management or leadership role, this course can help take your strategy to the next level. You’ll identify actions that deliver business KPIs and learn how to set individual and team-performance goals to align with your business’s KPIs.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify specific actions that deliver business KPIs to ensure all goals are set with these deliverables in mind Set individual and team-performance goals that align with business KPIs to ensure everyone is working towards the same outcome
Running Effective 1-2-1s
Why take this course? This course is ideal for anyone who leads a team. Whether you’re leading 5 people or 50, 1-2-1s are an important way of keeping in touch with your team members. In this course, you’ll learn to effectively prepare for, deliver, and follow up on a 1-2-1.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Prepare for a 1-2-1 to ensure key information is considered and topics raised Deliver an effective 1-2-1 that contributes to long-term development and performance improvement Follow up on a 1-2-1 to cement outcomes and review feedback
Developing Talent
Why take this course? Every manager and leader needs to know how to recognise and develop talent within their team. In this course you’ll learn ways to highlight talented individuals and how to take action to help them develop in their career.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise ways you can highlight talent within your team to prepare talented individuals for career progression Spot and develop talent within your organisation to grow their prospects and ensure your organisation’s future talent requirements are met
Performance Reviews
Why take this course? A good performance review can encourage employee engagement and create a path for employee growth. This course is suitable for anyone in a leadership or management position who undertakes reviews of their employees. You’ll learn different ways of measuring employee performance to ensure you always get the full picture. You’ll also learn hints and tips to conduct the best reviews you can, so you feel well prepared the next time you have to sit down with an employee.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain why performance reviews are important, so they remain focused and constructive
Conduct an effective performance review to ensure growth from your employees
Compare different models of reviewing employee performance to select the one best suited to you
Motivating Your Team
Why take this course? Whatever leadership position you’re in, a large part of your role is keeping your team motivated. You’ll learn how to communicate with your team, set aligned goals, and create an incentive structure.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Openly communicate with your team to boost performance and morale
Set aligned goals to create focus and consistency Create an incentive structure to encourage a focus on performance
Leading Global Teams
Why take this course? Being a global leader brings a lot of responsibility. It’s important you have a strategy and framework to make it run smoothly. And making sure all the parts work together effectively isn’t an easy task. You may need to know how to manage different cultures and varying technologies, so having a good understanding of the issues you may face will make all the difference.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Prepare a clear structure and framework to ensure your global team understands targets and what they’re aiming for Understand the importance of flexible timekeeping and cultural awareness when dealing with global teams, to maximise efficiency and understanding
Utilise technology to successfully communicate with members of the global team effectively Full course info
Leadership & People Management Collection: Team Performance
Recognising When a Formal PIP is Needed
Why take this course? Everyone on your staff should be pulling together to maximise your targets. When someone shows signs of struggling or needs help with the work, it’s important to address it head-on as their performance could affect other staff members. If someone in your staff is struggling to succeed, and you want to know how to improve their performance, this course is for you.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define the role of a PIP and how it can support performance improvement for individuals
Identify when a member of your staff may require a PIP so appropriate action can be taken swiftly
Create an effective PIP based on an individual’s performance data to maximise potential improvements
Provide guidance, goals, and positive reinforcement to ensure a PIP is being followed and reviewed appropriately
Recognising a ‘Skill vs. Will’ Performance Issue
Why take this course? Everyone will run into a performance issue at some point in their professional careers. Either they don’t have the necessary skill or are not motivated to keep going. Sometimes it can even be both! This course will help you identify the issue and take steps to fix it. Suitable for anyone in leadership or management positions, it’ll explain the best approach to deal with employees with skill and/or will gaps, so your staff’s productivity and performance don’t slip.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify whether a performance issue is due to a skills gap or a lack of will so the correct actions can be taken
Use the ‘Skill/Will’ matrix to identify the best management approach so employees are suitably assisted
Take appropriate steps to rectify an employee’s skill or will gap so they remain focused and productive
Our data-rich, evidence-based, super practical quick reads are designed to be high-impact game changers in a blended learning pathway (or just speedy refreshers when you need them)
How to Manage a Toxic Employee
Successfully Managing a
Remote Team
Understanding Employee Engagement
Leadership & People Management Collection: Styles & Situations
Contains 14 courses & resources.
Agile Leadership is the talk of the town and if you’re going to learn how to adapt your approach to context, there’s no better place to start than understanding the array of styles and when they’re relevant and helpful. This collection will help you reflect on your leadership style and practice flexibly navigating the workplace,
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Leadership & People Management Collection: Styles & Situations
Leadership in a Crisis
Why take this course? Knowing how to lead in a time of crisis is important for any leader. This course will show you how to define your priorities and step back to see the bigger picture. You’ll recognise how balanced leadership can empower others, and develop key communication skills.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define priorities and see the bigger picture
Recognise how balanced leadership empowers others
Develop key communication skills
Our data-rich, evidence-based, super practical quick reads are designed to be high-impact game changers in a blended learning pathway (or just speedy refreshers when you need them)
Brexit: Business Leader FAQ
Choosing your Leadership Style
Leadership in a Crisis
Starting out as a Digital Leader
Leadership Styles: The Big Five
Transformation vs Transactional Leadership
What is Agile Leadership?
What is Digital Leadership?
What is Sustainable Leadership?
Leadership During a Pandemic
What is Mindful Leadership?
Understanding Contingency Leadership
The Integrated Psychological Theory of Leadership
Leadership & People Managemnet Collection: Core Skills & Power Skills
Contains 8 courses & resources.
We’re getting back to the oh-so-vital basics - and for good reason - whether you’re an aspiring, emerging or upskilling Manager or Leader, this practical stuff should get you inspired and form the foundation of your approach.
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Leadership & People Management Collection: Core Skills & Power Skills
The Power of Getting to Know Individuals on your Team
Why take this course? If you’re in a managerial or leadership role, getting to know your team is important. This course will help you see the benefits of building relationships within your team and give you the tools to open up communication.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the benefits of getting to know your team to open up more meaningful communication
Implement communication-building techniques to create positive work interactions
Remote Communication
Why take this course? This course is perfect for leaders with remote teams. Whatever industry you’re in, more and more leaders are now having to adapt to managing and communicating with team members remotely. In this course you’ll learn communication techniques to help you lead your remote team well.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Utilise clear communication techniques to lead your remote team effectively
Inspiring Action
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who needs to motivate a team, be a leader, become an invaluable team player, or just save the day and rescue Maid Marian. You’ll see what inspiring action means, how you can do it, and learn to apply techniques that’ll inspire action in others.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise what inspiring action means
Describe the benefits of inspiring action in others
Demonstrate an ability to inspire others into action
Apply techniques to keep people interested in your cause
Why take this course? Mentoring can be tricky, but it’s also rewarding, so getting the right balance is essential. If you’ve ever considered mentoring or have been asked to do so and aren’t sure where to start, this is the perfect course for you. You’ll learn practical tips to ensure your mentee is getting the most out of your time and experience and understand what is expected of you.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise what makes a good mentor to ensure you have the qualities needed to help a mentee
Explain the difference between mentoring and coaching, so your mentee is receiving the correct support
Mentor someone in your chosen field so they can grow and learn from you
Our data-rich, evidence-based, super practical quick reads are designed to be high-impact game changers in a blended learning pathway (or just speedy refreshers when you need them)
How to Encourage Honest Feedback
Creating a Positive Workplace Culture
Understanding Workplace Culture
Difficult Conversations
Why take this course? Having a difficult conversation with an employee is a delicate situation, and one that, as a manager or supervisor, you’re likely to have. You could be addressing something the employee is sensitive to and aware of, or it could be a matter that they had no idea was a problem. You may need to discuss an underperformance, complaint, or even a talk about disciplinary action. Whatever the issue, difficult conversations can be very stressful experiences. Let this course guide the conversation to a positive conclusion.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define difficult conversations to ensure you use the correct skills when they present themselves in your workplace
Prepare a structure for having difficult conversations that ensures you cover all the required points
Maintain control and composure during difficult conversations to promote a professional working atmosphere
Show sensitivity and confidence when handling difficult conversations, demonstrating your ability to manage and lead
Office Health & Safety Collection
Contains 1 course. Assessed. IOSH Approved.
It goes without saying that the very least we should expect when we go to work is that we’re able to get home again without injury. Thing is, your job may be riskier than others. And even if the job is low risk, employers might increase your chance of injury by not following standard H&S procedure. Ignorance isn’t an excuse, especially when following compliance guidelines.
This collection helps employers and employees alike understand health and safety in the workplace in an accessible way. It’s perfect for small and expanding businesses, as well as new-starters and those looking to refresh their knowledge in this sector.
Office Health & Safety Collection
Driving Safely (Including Mobile Devices)
Why take this course? It’s essential that everyone understands and follows the rules on mobile device use while driving, because it’s not just the safety of the individual that’s at risk. Other drivers and pedestrians can suffer the sometimes fatal consequences of mobile phone misuse. If you’re a driver of any kind, including for work vehicles, this will be very useful to you. We’re pointing out the dangers and giving clear information about the consequences so that you think twice before looking at a mobile device when behind the wheel.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the dangers of using a mobile device while driving – to reinforce the real-world impact they can have on yourself and others
Demonstrate an awareness of your legal responsibilities and the penalties for not meeting them – to be compliant with the law
Identify safety planning tips, to remove the temptation to use your mobile device while driving
Take steps to change a tyre so that you can get up and running again easily and safely if you get a flat
Psychological Safety Collection
Contains 10 courses.
Helping employees and leaders work together in harmony.
How many times have you heard the phrase ‘There are no silly questions?’ Psychological safety at work means that all employees should be able to speak up without the worry of punishment or humiliation. Whether they are concerns, reports of mistakes or simply ideas or those ‘silly’ questions, they want an answer to educate themselves. But many employees are simply too afraid to pipe up for fear of ridicule, shame, or worse, being disciplined for not knowing. It can affect attitude, productivity and make everyone stressed.
Having a workplace with good psychological safety means that this’ll never happen again. Both leaders and employees can work together to create such a workplace, one where people learn from mistakes, and one where everyone can speak up freely without fear of embarrassment, or worse. Whether a leader or employee, there are things you can do to support a psychologically safe workplace, and even challenge leadership in a constructive way so that you can all work together in harmony. These courses will get you started.
Psychological Safety Collection
Safe Place to Fail - Learning from Mistakes
Why take this course? Making mistakes is a fundamental part of being human. We all do them – but it’s vital that we all learn from them. This course, suitable for everyone, will give you a process to follow, so you can get the most out of your mistakes. If you’d like to know how to turn your failures into future success, this is the course for you.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Implement the 5 stages of failure to learn from your mistakes whenever they happen
Dare to Disagree - Creating a Feedback Culture
Why take this course? Delivering feedback in a way that promotes psychological safety is crucial for leaders and team managers. It’s loads more effective than relying on the wrath of the gods. And it’ll encourage your teams to keep taking risks and sharing their ideas. This course will show you how feedback can increase psychological safety. It’ll also help you develop a feedback culture in your workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain how sharing feedback, including negative feedback, can contribute to the creation of a psychologically safe workplace for all
Recognise how to deliver feedback in a way that encourages employees to grow and learn
I’m Not OK - Spotting when Team Members are Struggling
Why take this course? It’s not always easy to tell if someone is struggling, be it with workload, mental health, or emotional issues. To ensure your team members are happy, healthy, and working to their full potential, you need to be able to spot the signs that they’re struggling. This course, suitable for anyone who leads or manages a team, will help you do that. You’ll also learn how to reduce employee stigma around asking for help by creating a culture of care.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Spot the signs of a struggling team member to ensure they get the help they need as quickly as possible
It’s OK Not to Know Everything
Why take this course? Whether you’re a legendary Greek hero, or advancing in a more modern career, you don’t need to know everything. This course will show you why being open about gaps in your expertise can develop psychological safety. And it’ll help you understand how individual and collective knowledge can grow when you admit what you don’t know.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the importance of admitting when you don’t know something, so you can reinforce psychological safety for yourself and your colleagues
Understand how being open about gaps in your knowledge will develop your understanding and the collective intelligence of your organisation
I’m Not OK - How to Ask For Help
Why take this course? Sometimes asking for help can be a tough thing to do. It can feel embarrassing, especially if there isn’t a culture of help at your workplace. This course, suitable for anyone in any industry, is designed to help you break the stigma and seek help at work when you’re not okay.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Ask for help professionally and appropriately to ensure you don’t suffer alone
Dare to Disagree - Challenging Leadership Constructively
Why take this course? We all have a responsibility to contribute to psychological safety in our workplaces. That’s why you’ll benefit from learning how to challenge leadership constructively. This course will show you how to go about it. It’ll help you share ideas and concerns in a way that encourages innovation. What you learn might even help you save your organisation from sinking!
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Understand the difference between approaching conflict from a connect mode, rather than a protect mode, so you can constructively challenge leadership
Recognise the role that active listening can play in contributing to a culture of psychological safety in your workplace
Safe Place to Fail - Creating a Fail-Fast Environment
Why take this course? Nobody is perfect – and why would you want to be? When we fail, we try again and strive to improve and innovate. It might seem strange, encouraging your team to fail, but it will lead you to all kinds of innovation. This course, suitable for leaders or managers, will help you foster a Fail-Fast culture within your team, so they can constantly experiment and grow.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Differentiate good failure from bad failure to encourage an environment of experimentation and not carelessness
The Dangers Of Echo Chambers
Why take this course? Whether you’re trying to shorten a mythological voyage or pursuing innovation in the workplace, you need to avoid echo chambers. This course will help you see why they’re so damaging. And it’ll show you how to overcome them and collaborate with a wide range of people, including those with different views to your own.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Recognise the dangers of echo chambers and how they undermine psychological safety and innovation in the workplace
Understand how echo chambers can be avoided, so you and your organisation can benefit from diversity of thought
Psychological Safety Collection
Championing Others
Why take this course? Whether you’re leading a mythic army to victory, or supporting a talented colleague, championing others improves everyone’s chances of success. This course will explain how actively creating opportunities for others leads to the creation of a psychologically safe workplace for all.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Recognise how championing others contributes to the creation of a psychologically safe workplace for all
Addressing a Blame Culture
Why take this course? We’ve all been blamed for stuff, and we’ve all put the blame on others at some point in our lives. It’s not a nice feeling. This course is for people who want a more-positive, blame-free work culture. It’ll show you how to identify a blame culture and take steps to get rid of blame culture in the workplace.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Identify a blame culture to move towards less-toxic ways of working Take steps to eliminate blame culture to create a more psychologically positive, responsible, and accountable workplace
Career Management Collection
Contains 1 course.
Helping you take control of your career
If you fancy a change in career, or simply want to progress in your current one, the iAM career management courses will help you take control. Upskilling has never been so easy – our blend of animation and interaction engages learners and builds a connection to each subject. You’ll be able to add to your skills bank, enabling you to further your career along the path you choose.
Career Management Collection
The Power of a Strong Network
Why take this course? No matter who you are or where you work, networks are important for career development. This course will help you see the benefits of a strong network. It’ll show you how diverse networks can expand your horizons and how best to nurture your networks so you get the most out of them.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the benefits of a strong network in developing your career Recognise how diverse networks strengthen ideation and collaboration Take network-nurturing steps to maintain positive relationships within your network
Power Skills Collection
Sharpen your skills on your path to success.
In today’s competitive professional landscape, we can’t overstate the importance of power skills. They’re essential for fostering collaboration, effective communication, and, of course, personal growth. They’re designed to help individuals enact behavioural change and upskill rapidly. Use this collection to empower your people to develop themselves. Result? High-performing teams, working harmoniously with the business for mutual success.
Power Skills Collection
Strategic Thinking
Why take this course? Nowadays, every successful CEO, sporting sensation, or business-guru will agree; being able to think strategically is the key to success. So, whether you’re building a fantasy football team, starting a business, planning an event, or anything in between; thinking on your feet is a must. If you’d like to know how to tackle those ‘on the spot’ scenarios with ease, then this is the course for you.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the key qualities of a strategic thinker
Implement strategic-thinking strategies, and apply them to everyday scenarios
Creating Effective Online Meetings
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who runs online meetings. It’ll help you choose the right tech to deliver your meeting and understand how important interactivity and fun is for engagement. You’ll also learn to follow key steps, so your online meetings are effective.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Choose the most effective tech to help you deliver your online meeting
Recognise the importance of interaction and fun to keep participants engaged Follow key steps to prepare for, run, and review an online meeting to get the most out of your time and your team
Active Listening
Why take this course? This course is for everyone who wants to improve their active listening skills in the workplace. It’ll help you understand what active listening is and why it’s so important, and explain how to apply active listening skills.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the core actions within active listening and when they should be used to improve your workplace communication
Why take this course? Everyone needs to know how and when to stand up for themselves. Assertiveness is an important way of setting boundaries and speaking out. This course will help you recognise situations when you may want to be assertive and ways to be assertive without veering into aggression. You’ll also gain tools to help you practise asserting yourself.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify situations when you may want to be assertive to build respect and self-confidence
Be assertive to make yourself heard and build self-respect Be assertive without overstepping the mark by being aggressive
How to Delegate
Why take this course? This course is for anyone in a position to delegate. It’ll show you how to delegate properly, so you can avoid overworking yourself and get the most out of your team. Also, by spreading the workload, you’ll empower your colleagues.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Delegate tasks efficiently, so you make the most of your human resource and balance your workload
Dealing with Emotional & Angry Customers
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who interacts with customers at work. At some point, you’ll face customers who are upset or angry, so it’s useful to know how to diffuse those kinds of situations. You’ll discover key diffusion techniques on this course that you can practise.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Use key diffusion techniques to help you deal with emotional and angry customers, so you can calm the situation and represent your company well
Effective Questioning Skills
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who interacts with customers at work. At some point, you’ll face customers who are upset or angry, so it’s useful to know how to diffuse those kinds of situations. You’ll discover key diffusion techniques on this course that you can practise.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: Use key diffusion techniques to help you deal with emotional and angry customers, so you can calm the situation and represent your company well
Customer Success Management
Why take this course? All customer success managers or business owners need to understand and invest in customer success. This course will show the difference between customer support and customer success, the key responsibilities of a customer success manager, and how to create your own CSM strategy.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the differences between customer support and customer success to boost customer satisfaction
Recognise the key responsibilities of a customer success manager to clarify how they can help your company achieve its desired outcomes
Create a customer success strategy to suit your customers and their needs
Power Skills Collection
Preparing a Presentation
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who needs to deliver a presentation successfully. You’ll see why it’s so important to get your preparation right and how to go about doing it so your presentation doesn’t fall flat on its face.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Use core presentation and design skills to create and prepare presentations that engage your audience
Sharing Ideas in Meetings
Why take this course? This course is for anyone who attends meetings. Which is pretty much everyone. You’ll see why sharing your ideas is so important and what might stop you from doing so. You’ll also find out how to share your ideas with others successfully.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify why sharing ideas in meetings is important and what barriers you might face when you try to share them Share ideas in meetings effectively, so you can contribute to the success of your workplace
Critical Thinking
Why take this course? Like it or not, making decisions is part of life. And whether you’re at work, home, or climbing Kilimanjaro, being able to make independent decisions is a key life skill everyone needs. This course, suitable for everyone, will give you a process to follow, so you can turn those everyday problems into successful solutions and avoid mistakes. If you’d like to know how to turn the tables on those tricky troubles, then this is the course for you.w
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Recognise the 7 steps to improve your skills in critical thinking and represent your company well
Coaching Collection
Take your coaching to the next level.
Elevate your coaching abilities with our collection designed to help you reach your peak potential. These courses cover topics like ‘How to Become a Great Coach’, as well as targeted skills such as ‘Providing Structured Coaching Feedback’ and ‘How to Set Coaching Goals’. Build your confidence in core coaching competencies through techniques you can apply right away.
Coaching Collection
Coaching Best Practice and the 5 C’s
Why take this course? If you’re in a position to coach others and are looking for some guidance, this is the course for you. In this course you’ll learn how to establish safety and confidentiality during coaching sessions, how to set clear boundaries and expectations, and ways of approaching common challenges using the 5 Cs of coaching.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Establish safety and confidentiality during coaching sessions
Set and maintain clear boundaries and expectations with your coachees
Identify how to approach common challenges with the 5 Cs of coaching
How to Set Coaching Goals
Why take this course? If your role has an element of coaching in it, you’ll benefit from learning more about SMARTER. You can use it to support your coachees to set and work towards appropriate goals. And learning about the importance of ‘Why?’ will help you encourage them to set goals that are truly meaningful.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
See the importance of the ‘Why?’ or ‘bigger picture’ before setting coaching goals
Recall the elements of the SMARTER acronym
Recognise appropriate coaching goals using SMARTER
Set appropriate coaching goals using SMARTER
Providing Structured Coaching Feedback
Why take this course? If your role contains an element of coaching, getting to grips with providing structured feedback will help you support your coachees. Having a few structured feedback models up your sleeve will allow you to tailor your approach to support individual coachees. And communicating effectively will make sure your feedback is always constructive.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Differentiate between structured feedback and unstructured feedback
Recognise the significance of structured coaching feedback in promoting growth and development
Identify effective communication skills and various feedback models to deliver feedback in a constructive and supportive manner
Listening, Questioning and Rapport Building in Coaching
Why take this course? If you’re in a position to coach others, you need listening, questioning, and rapportbuilding skills. In this course you’ll learn about the importance of listening, and the difference between passive and active listening. You’ll also find out how to use questions in coaching sessions, and pick up some effective strategies for building a rapport with your coachee.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain how to establish trust in a coaching session using active listening techniques
Demonstrate how to use questions in coaching while avoiding judgement
Identify effective strategies for rapport building with coachees
Accountability and Growth Mindset in Coaching
Why take this course? If there’s an element of coaching in your role, learning how to create accountability as you support coachees will help them to progress. Understanding how valuable growth mindsets are when pursuing goals will help you inspire those you coach to learn and grow. And cultivating a growth mindset in coachees will help give a nudge to those who don’t yet see setbacks as opportunities.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the steps for creating accountability in coaching
Recognise the value of a growth mindset in coaching
Explain how to apply strategies to help cultivate a growth mindset in coachees
How to Become a Great Coach
Why take this course? No matter what industry you’re in, you’ll have insights and skills that you can pass on to others. Coaching is an important way of giving back and supporting other people in the early parts of their careers. In this course you’ll learn about the differences between coaching, mentoring, and therapy, the role of a coach, and the skills needed to be a great one.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Distinguish between coaching, mentoring, and therapy
Explain the role of a coach
Identify the skills needed to be a great coach
Project Management Collection
Giving you the right tools for the job.
Unlock the power of efficient project management with this useful collection! Dive into different methodologies, and discover the project management lifecycle, which will help you boost productivity and streamline your workflows.
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Project Management Collection
The Scrum Methodology
Why take this course? When it comes to managing projects, there are a few different approaches you can take, each with its unique strengths. This course looks at how the scrum method utilises sprints to achieve fixed development goals and the 4 ceremonies key to its operation. If you’re involved in project management, this course will help you assess the merits of the scrum methodology, so you can decide if it’s suitable for you.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define the scrum methodology, including the 4 scrum ceremonies, so you can recognise what it looks like practically
Explain the best use of the scrum methodology, so you can judge if it would work best for your project
Use the scrum methodology to ensure short, concentrated development of project components within rigid time frames
The Agile Methodology
Why take this course? There are 4 main methods of managing projects. This useful course will help you understand the agile method and what it looks like practically. Suitable for anyone who manages projects, it will help you judge if this option is ideal for your needs and the best way to implement it. If you’re sick of waiting, then the agile method is a great choice.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define the 4 main values of the agile methodology and what they look like in practice
Explain the differences between agile methodology and the more traditional waterfall approach, to decide which would be more appropriate for a project or team
Apply the agile methodology to a workflow to ensure your projects have fast, flexible development cycles
The Kanban Methodology
Why take this course? Every project is different, and no one style fits all. As a project manager, you need to use a methodology that’s right for you, your team, and your project. This course gives you an overview of the Kanban method and how to make your own Kanban workflow board. Suitable for anyone involved in project management, it will help you decide if the careful organisation of Kanban is suitable for your needs.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Create a Kanban board for your workflow to ensure efficiency and that everything is on track
Understand how to use a Kanban board to effectively manage a project by reviewing processes and spotting bottlenecks
Set Kanban Work in Progress (WIP) limits to ensure workflow doesn’t exceed capacity
Keeping Children Safe in Education Collection
Contains 7 courses.
Giving you the right tools for the job.
These expertly curated courses - delivered through sensitive and engaging content - will ensure school staff learn crucial information quickly so they can keep children safe as they study.
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Keeping Children Safe in Education
Recognising the Signs of Abuse
Why take this course? An effective safeguarding culture depends on everyone’s commitment to protecting all students from harm. This course will empower you to remain vigilant for the signs of abuse. It’ll give you the tools you need to contribute to a culture in which student safety is always a priority.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Define the four main categories of abuse, so you can safeguard students who might be being abused, or may be susceptible to abuse
Recognise the signs that a student might be being abused, so you know what to look out for
Describe the barriers to recognising that a student might be being abused, so you can overcome them to safeguard all students
How to Create a Safeguarding Culture
Why take this course? If you’re a member of the senior management team, this course will help you to develop a strong safeguarding culture within your school or college. It’ll help you to understand when safeguarding training should be provided and how to create safeguarding-aware codes of conduct. And it’ll walk you through how you can promote the safeguarding culture in different areas of your work.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify what safeguarding training is appropriate and when it should be scheduled
Recognise best practices to create a safeguarding-aware code of conduct for staff and students
Recall the ways in which you can promote a strong safeguarding culture safeguard all students
Why take this course? Everyone who works with students must be prepared to recognise and respond to disclosures sensitively and in line with statutory guidance. This course will prepare you to do this, so you can always respond in a way that prioritises student welfare.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the importance of disclosures in meeting the responsibilities outlined in the relevant statutory guidance
Recognise the ways that students may disclose abuse and how to respond, so you can act swiftly and in line with the relevant statutory guidance
Define how to overcome the barriers to help students disclose if they or someone they know has been or is being abused
Why take this course? Everyone working with students needs to understand how to go about recording a safeguarding disclosure. This course will develop your understanding and help you to overcome problems that may arise. It’ll empower you to effectively record disclosures and contribute to the development of safeguarding practices and culture.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify common problems you may encounter when recording a disclosure and how to overcome them
Recall how to effectively record a disclosure so it can be used to safeguard the victim
Child Centred Practice
Why take this course? To actively collaborate with and protect your students you’ve got to base your teaching practice in a child-centred approach. It will benefit the students you work with by helping you meet their individual needs in a respectful way. And it’ll contribute to the ongoing development of your school or college’s safeguarding culture.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify child-centred practice and its importance to your school’s or college’s safeguarding culture
Recognise how to implement a child-centred approach to your teaching practice, so you can develop collaborative partnerships with students and their caregivers
Allegations Against Adults who Work with Children
Why take this course? If you’re a designated safeguarding lead, a member of the board of governors, or part of the senior leadership team, this course is for you. It’ll help you recognise the different levels of concerns and allegations, in line with the guidance laid out in Keeping children safe in Education (KCSIE.) And it’ll help you respond to low-level concerns and allegations that may meet the threshold for harm swiftly and appropriately.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Differentiate between accusations that may meet the threshold for harm and low-level concerns, so you can make sure all are appropriately addressed
Recognise how to respond to different levels of concerns and allegations made against adults working with children
Recall the ways in which you can promote a strong safeguarding culture safeguard all students
Safeguarding Thresholds
Why take this course? This course is perfect for designated safeguarding leads. It will help you identify the difference between allegations that may meet the threshold for harm and low-level concerns.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Identify the two different safeguarding thresholds, so you can respond appropriately to each
SEND Collection
Contains 1 courses.
If children have Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, they may require different education provision to those in the mainstream. This collection of SEND courses will help you support those who need help the most.
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SEND Collection
SEND 101
Why take this course? All teachers need to comply with the recommendations of the SEND Code of Practice. This course will teach you about its principles. You’ll learn about how to create a more inclusive learning environment and use the graduated approach to support students with SEND. It’ll also walk you through the four areas of need and how they align with the framework.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
Explain the SEND Code of Practice and its principles, so you can adhere to the relevant legislation
Describe approaches for establishing an inclusive learning atmosphere, to ensure all your students have the chance to succeed
Explain the graduated approach to assess, support, and monitor students with SEND or suspected SEND
Recognise the four broad areas of need and recommended provisions aligned with the provision framework