The tolerance of paper

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Legal name - Alejandro Ramírez Barboza


Artistic name - Ale Rambar Nacionality - Costa Rican Birth date - February 14, 1989

La tolerancia del papel [The tolerance of paper]National Gallery, San José, Costa Rica.

2017 La topografía de un cuerpo [The topography of a human body]- Tamarindo Art Wave Festival, Tamarindo, Costa


Mail -

Geodesia Humana [Human Geodesy] - Galerie Hior, Digital.

Telephone - (506) 7102 9293



Geografía Humana [Human Geography] - Aloft Hotel, Lindora, Costa Rica.

Web - 2016


Architect - Véritas University, Costa Rica

2015 Postgraduate - Branding, vitrinism and commercial design - Véritas University, Costa Rica

2014 Deaquí y Deallá [From here and there]- San Pedro, Costa Rica. 2013-14 Columna ilustrada [Illustrated column] - AmeliaRueda. com, Digital.


Diploma - Program of professionalization of emerging artists - NODE Center, Berlín


MEMBER OF Costa Rican Association of Visual Artists - International Association of Plastic Arts.


Paper Artist Collective - Global community of paper artists.


Déndera - Lindora, Costa Rica.

Caída Libre Film - Short film.


Valoarte Bienal de Arte [Valoarte Biennial of Art] Avenida Escazú, Costa Rica.

2016 Mercedes Benz Fashion Week San José - Fashion show with Fabrizzio Berrocal. San José, Costa Rica.

2018 Trajín Humano [Human Suit] - Spanish Cultural Center, San José Costa Rica.

2016 Latin America Men’s Week - Fashion show with Fabrizzio Berrocal. Lima, Perú.

Amazonas luchando por la vida [Amazons fighting for life] - National Gallery, San José Costa Rica.

2016 World Latin Trends Fashion Week - Fashion show with Fabrizzio Berrocal. Santiago, Chile.



Tamarindo Art Wave Festival - Tamarindo, Costa Rica.

2017 Tarot: Arquetipos de la consciencia [Tarot: Archetypes of consciousness] - Kroma Gallery, Combai, Costa Rica.

No más de 35 [No more than 35]- Artflow Gallery, Avenida Escazú, Costa Rica. 2017

Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Guanacaste - Fashion show with Fabrizzio Berrocal. Guanacaste, Costa Rica. 2016

El patrimonio nos viste [The heritage dresses us]Museums of the Central Bank, Pre-Columbian Gold Museum, San José, Costa Rica. 2016


ArtWalk - Artflow Gallery, Avenida Escazú, Costa Rica.

2016 Festival Internacional de Diseño [International Design Festival] - Museum of Contemporary Art. Exhibition with Había

Una Vez. San José, Costa Rica. 2016 New York Fashion Week - Fashion show with Fabrizzio Berrocal. New York, EEUU. 2015 El patrimonio nos viste [The heritage dresses us] Pre-Columbian Gold Museum, Central Bank Museums. San José, Costa Rica.

San José nuestro runway [San José our runway] - Plaza de la Cultura, Central Bank Museums. San José, Costa Rica. 2015

San José nuestro runway [San José our runway]Museums of the Central Bank, Plaza de la Cultura, San José, Costa Rica. 2016

2016 Foto Urbana - Museums of the Central Bank, 2nd Avenue, San José, Costa Rica.


Kroma - Kroma Gallery, Escazú, Costa Rica.

VICEVERSA - Cultural Space Julio Le Parc, Mendoza, Argentina. 2015


ArtWalk - Artflow Gallery, Avenida Escazú, Costa Rica.

Festival Internacional de Diseño [International Design Festival] - Museum of Contemporary Art. Exhibition with Había


2016 Rainbow Room - Rainbow Room Gallery, San Pedro, Costa Rica.

La No Bienal [The no-biennale]- Kroma Gallery, Escazú, Costa Rica.

Una Vez. San José, Costa Rica. 2014

RockWay - Hard Rock Café, Alajuela, Costa Rica.


Inauguración Olimpiadas Río de Janeiro [Inauguration of the Olympics of Rio de Janeiro] - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Costa Rica Fashion Week - Exhibition with Yurika. San José, Costa Rica. 2014


Valoarte Bienal de Arte [Valoarte Biennial of Art] Avenida Escazú, Costa Rica.

Bienal Véritas [Véritas Biennale] - Véritas University, Costa Rica.



G e nd e r, tol e ra nce , re s p e ct a mong us a nd re s p e ct f or the p l a ne t. Thos e a re t he ma i n top i cs of my w ork . The se by

ideas hu ma n

a re

re p re s e nte d

b od i e s

a na l ize d

top ograp hi ca l l y, a s i f they w e re mounta i ns , va l l eys or ri ve rs . My te c hni q u e i s b a s e d on thre e d ime nsiona l

comp os i ti ons

ma d e

with la ye rs of p a p e r. Ea ch p i e ce i s cut se p ara te l y, l a ye r by l a ye r a nd the n a sse mb l e d by ha nd . For t he re a l iza ti on of e a ch w ork I



d i gi ta l

know l e d ge

d eve lope d throu gh my tra i ni ng a s a n a rchi te ct, a p p l i e d to cre a te p ie ce s wi th s oci a l conte nt. In t his docu me nt you w i l l f i nd the re ca p itul a ti on



ex hi b i ti on

“ The Tol e ra nce of Pa p e r� , he l d a t the Na t i ona l Ga l l e r y of Cos ta Ri ca d uring the month of S e p te mb e r 2018.

Frente al mar (By the sea), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 58 x 75 cm $1200 Selected for the biennial VALOARTE 2018.

Ser ies Top og ra p h ie s The serie s “ Top o g ra p h ies ” con sist s of a cri t iq ue of t h e rela t ion sh ip b et we en t h e h um a n b ein g a n d h is env ironm ent ,

b ot h

n a tura l


construc te d . I t is b a se d on t h e fa c t t h a t we Costa R i ca n s a re d e ep ly ro ote d towa rd s


env iron m ent


susta i na b ilit y, t h is is a n essent ia l p a r t of our e d uca t ion a n d our cul ture. I n t h e sa m e w a y w e h a ve com e to a ccept p roje c t s t h a t h a ve a g re a t n e g a t ive im p a c t on our na tura l env iron m ent . W hy a hu m a n top og ra p hy ? “ Both the m ounta in s a n d us a re li v ing b ein g s a n d w e a ll sh a re a sp a ce on t h is p la n et . At t h e en d of the d a y you could sa y t h a t a ll l iv i ng b ein g s a re m ounta in s, va ll eys a n d p la in s, a n d just a s we woul d not d o p hy sica l d a m a g e to a p erson we sh ould n ot d o it w it h a na tura l sy stem . “

TopografĂ­a VI (Topography VI), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 45 x 65 cm $800

Corazรณn (Heart), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 80 x 55 cm $1200

Topografía I (Topography I), 2016 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 80 x 55 cm $2000 Featured in the individual exhibition “The topography of a body” presented at the Tamarindo Art Wave Festival 2017.

Miguel, 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 80 x 55 cm $1400

Topografía III (Topography III), 2016 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 45 x 65 cm $1600 Winner of the III place of the Annual Hall of the Association of Costa Rican Visual Artists (ACAV), 2018. Featured in the individual exhibition “The topography of a body” presented at the Tamarindo Art Wave Festival 2017.

Tolerance S e rie s “In


Top o g ra p h ies



ta l ke d a b out wh a t t h e m ounta in s sa y, what t h ey t ra n sm it to m e. I n the Tol era n ce series, I p a ss t h is voice to h um a n b ein g s, se ekin g to exem plif y ob ser va t ion s of our up b ring i n g a s Costa R ica n s on g end er, m a ch ism o a n d fem in ism issues towa rd s w h ich I t h in k it is im p or ta nt to d ra w a t tent ion . Just a s m ounta in s a sk to b e resp e c te d , m a ny p e op le a lso d o in t h e f ig ht for eq ua l it y. “ Thi s series fe a tures w orks such a s “ I d o n ot wa nt lon g h a ir ” a n d “ Pla yi ng

w it h

d olls ”,

con sist in g

of up to 4 5 la yers of p a p er. B ot h works fo c us on t h e t h em e of h ow the a d orat ion of h a ir h a s a so cia l wei g ht on b ot h m en a n d w om en . Thi s seri es is m a d e up of works tha t use on ly t h e colors b lue, p in k a nd yell ow, wh ich a re t h e m ost use d to rep resent t h e m a sculin e, fem i nine or n eut ra l g en d er.

Marcia, 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 65 x 85 cm $1200

Jugando con muĂąecas (Playing with dolls), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 130 x 130 cm $5000

Descubrimiento (Discovery), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 50 x 50 cm $1400 Selected for the biennial VALOARTE 2018. Published in the LGBTI Pride Guide of Costa Rica.

Mirada (Gaze), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 50 x 50 cm $800

NingĂźentxs (Unisex version of a traditional Costa Rican lucky charm doll), 2018 Limited series of 25 Paper cut out 40 x 55 cm $150

How are t h e works c re a te d ? The te chn iq ue is b a se d on t h re ed im ensio n a l

com p osit ion s

wi th


l a yers

p a p er.



t h is

exhi b iti on you ca n se e works m a d e up of up to 4 5 la yers. For i t s re a liza t ion , h um a n b o d ies a re a na l y ze d v isua lly a n d on t h em it d ra ws it s top o g ra p h ic cur ves, one a t a t im e. Ea ch p ie ce is d ra w n a nd ca l cu la te d by t h e a r t ist , t h en cut ind i v id ua lly a n d a ssem b le d by ha nd . The wi th on

sel e c te d the

p a p er

com p lies


sta n d a rd


p erm a n en ce,

conser vat ion


g ua ra nte e.

opt im a l It


a p a p er f re e of a cid s, w it h out optica l brig hten ers a n d p resent s a tre a tm ent a g a in st m old .

Los hombres no lloran (Boys don’t cry), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 82 x 105 cm $1000

Entrelazados (Intertwined), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 50 x 125 cm $2500

Identidad I (Identity I), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 80 x 55 cm $1200

Libre (Free), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 80 x 55 cm $1200

Identidad II (Identity II), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 80 x 55 cm $1200

Inspiration “ I wa s s t ruck by t h e b e a ut y of top o g ra p h ic


tra nsforma t ion



thre e-d imen sion a l

t h eir

p hy sica l elem ent s

throug h th e la yerin g of m a teria ls. I ca m e to q uest ion w h a t a h um a n b o d y wou ld b e like if it w ere stud ie d a s a p i e ce of la n d a n d t h a t is h ow my work wa s b orn . “ I niti a ll y


top o g ra p h ica l

a p p ro a ch es w ere t w o- d im en sion a l, la ter

evolv in g


t h re e-

d im ensio n a l com p osit ion s, such a s those p resent in t h is ex h ib it ion . These com p osit ion s a re use d a s a m eta p ho r for t h e im p a c t of t h e hum a n b ein g on t h e env iron m ent , on the re sp e c t w e ow e to n a ture, a s well a s t h e tolera n ce we ow e to oursel ves.

No quiero el pelo largo (I don’t want to wear my hair long), 2018 Three dimensional composition made of layers of paper 120 x 120 cm $6000

Video de proceso de obra por Claire SÊnac Blanchère.

Phot ogra p hs of w orks by Al e Ra mb a r. Photogra p hs of s p a ce by Rob e rto D ’Amb ros i o. Photogra p hs of op e ning event by Al e j a nd ra Ba rb oza a nd Rod ri go M onte ro.

©Ale Rambar ® 2018

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