inside i
November. P 08. We go behind the scenes of the making of the 2015 Suubi Calendar.
On The Cover
P 06.
Why we jumped at the chance to interview young Jessica Swain… Jessica is a normal 11 year old girl. She loves School, Maths, hanging with friends and listening to music, but, a few months ago Jessica realised she was unhappy. She wanted what a lot of girls her age feel like they belong or ‘fit in’. Sadly, images provided by the media do not compliment the ‘average’ girl...or woman for that matter. And, when these images are being paraded in front of our girls on a daily basis, it’s not too long before they start to question their appearance and where they fit in society. Jessica inspired me with her story of why she chose to change her lifestyle at such a young age and what she has ultimately gained from it. Her story was a gift to me as I have a young daughter, and it is a common definitely worth telling.
THE Shire’s
LIFESTYLE go-to guide.
P 18.
Josh Bennett from Keep it Young Fitness is back with answers to your fitness questions. Lacking motivation? This month’s column is for you.
P 10.
Her salon may be the newest kid on the Cronulla block, but the lovely Leah is a Cronulla girl through and through.
P 12.
This months fashion finds are oh-so Gypsy in style and design, but a piece of jewellery can still have a story to tell, a mission and a purpose - you just have to know where to look.
editor’s note...
elcome to I AM issue #18! If you didn’t tune into issue #17 you missed the very exciting launch of the new I AM initiative, Dumping Barbie. I would like to take this moment to encourage you to head back there and check it out, because what I am about to say will not hold the impact it truly deserves.
Best part of my job! Connecting with local Sutherland Shire Super-women in business. Pictured with Giulia from Hypoxi Studio, Cronulla.
A gratitude shout-out to the local Sutherland Shire businesses supporting I AM magazine... Dutchee Dutchee, Cronulla In Motion The Barefaced Sophie Vital Fx Nutrition Thank you for believing in the I AM dream. Instagram @iammagazine Facebook @iammagazinesuthshire
The launch of Dumping Barbie was a huge experience for me and something that will go down in the ‘proudest moment’ life archive. I have always had my opinion on how women are treated and seen in today’s society, however it wasn’t until I had my own little Princess that I felt compelled to take action. I knew if I didn’t work towards making changes in societal expectations of girls and women, my daughter would grow up in a world we currently live in, a world that regularly values a woman’s looks over her ability, talent and character. This is how Dumping Barbie was born. I tuned into the words flying freely from my 6 year olds after school mouth and decided I must be the change this little girl needs. This was the moment I chose to make a plan and take steps towards building stronger girls by providing information on how to do it. Ideas and advice on how to let go of unrealistic body images portrayed by society and move towards mind, body and soul strength that will empower young girls and women of all ages. On the cover you will see the beautiful smiling face of young Jessica. I met Jessica through my gym, Plus Fitness at Taren Point, and was gifted with insight that only a teenager can provide. Jessica gave me a story that will stay with me forever. As we sat together on the gym floor one evening, she openly discussed the reasons why she was at the gym. She is still a child, only 11 years old, yet here she was sitting before me in sweaty workout gear post-training session. Jessica told me of the point in her life, not so long ago, that she decided she was not happy. This ‘unhappiness’ didn’t come from a traumatic experience, illness or disadvantage, her unhappiness came from her reflection and her desire to wear ‘modern’ clothes that simply didn’t fit her body type. As we talked, I watched as an inspirational journey unfolded. What was once a mission to fit into clothes Jess had seen on TV and in Advertisements, turned into something greater, something so incredibly beautiful unless you heard it from her lips and saw how her eyes glowed with joy while she spoke, you wouldn’t understand it. Meeting Jessica was an absolute blessing and I hope my article does this young girl’s experience justice, as she will always remain on my list of the most inspirational women I have been gifted to meet. Enjoy the issue I AMers.
Samantha Jane X
Being a teen isn’t an easy task. With pressure coming from many directions, the desire to ‘fit in’ to the acceptable ‘norm’ by society’s standards, can be enough to separate some teens from the pack. During the teen years external influences are accentuated and greater awareness is given to images portrayed by the media, celebrities and even family and friends. Perfect polaroids flash by our teens eyes at an increasing rate and it isn’t long before the ‘ideal’ body image is corrupted, leaving some young ones with the feeling that they don’t belong. And, then you meet kids like Jessica Swain. Jessica will admit that she herself has been effected by what she sees in magazines and television, but what she chose to do with her evaluation of ‘perfect’ is truly inspirational. >>>
only come from someone who truly feels good on the inside. And as the quote goes…
Jessica Swain is a typical 11 year old. She loves School and social media, hangs with her girlfriends, listens to her favourite bands and shops for the latest trends in fashion. For Jessica though, when it came to buying the clothes she wanted, they just didn’t fit. Jessica by no means is abnormal in shape - like some magazines would like her to think - she is a healthy young woman trying to stay happy in a ‘perfect’ world.
As within, so without.
A self confessed girl who loves a challenge, Jessica decided, with the support of her parents, to find a solution. Jessica stated, she was unhappy with how she looked and her appearance. A once regular snacker of foods, that didn’t compliment a healthy diet, Jess felt her unhappiness with how she was feeling inside and out was linked to her lifestyle. Being a smart girl, it didn’t take her long to work out how to do it - the right way. Jessica’s mum, Sarah, felt Jess needed help outside the home to achieve her health and fitness goals and went on a search for a local gym that could assist with building strength, inside and out. Sarah found Plus Fitness at Taren Point to be more friendly and accommodating to her young daughter’s needs. The Plus Fitness trainer assigned to Jessica provided knowledge on nutrition and daily lifestyle choices, along with exercise to assist her in achieving results in a way that was of the utmost benefit to her young growing body. Jessica said the greatest thing she has taken away from the food training is that she can now identify whether she is in fact hungry or whether she is just eating out of boredom. And, according to Jessica’s mum, the changes in her daughter’s diet are effecting the whole family in a positive way. The introduction of mindful eating has removed a great deal of junk food from the weekly shop. Since changing her food choices, Jessica states that she is feeling a lot happier and more energetic. Sitting across from Jessica during this interview I couldn’t help but be inspired by her commitment and choice to make the changes she truly deserved, she is only 11 years old after all. I look back at my own childhood and remember times that brought me down...I would curl up in a ball and sulk about it for days or sometimes weeks. The wisdom that this young girl has is well beyond her years and the choice to put herself first is one sadly some grown women fail to make. We closed this interview in a circle of good vibes, because essentially that is what Jess has achieved overall from her training. What was once a mission to fit into ‘modern’ clothes has given Jessica a smile and happiness that can >
Jessica trains under the guidance of a qualified Personal Trainer at Plus Fitness Taren Point.
What the Experts say... Regardless of what age your child is, some form of physical activity is more important than you can possibly imagine. Is there a difference between training pre teens/ adolescent and adults? Absolutely! Children's heart rates are quicker, they require more hydration when exercising, their attention span is shorter and most importantly, bones do not fully fuse until we are in our late teens or early twenties. This can create concern about whether exercise will impact on a child’s bone growth and whether children are at higher risk of injury. Training with my pre teen clients, I find that keeping them motivated is really important. Incorporating some fun exercises into their program will definitely keep their participation. When they enjoy the activity they are doing they will want to do them more often. Setting short term achievable goals with loads of positive affirmation gives them a sense of accomplishment, therefore gaining confidence in their abilities before progressing to more advanced levels. Warm up before exercising is extremely important! This should consist of light activity such as five to ten minute walk, calisthenics (form of exercise where you use the weight of your own body to build muscle), and stretching. Once again, I emphasize the importance of keeping hydrated! These will also help prevent injury! Flexibility and mobility should be focused on as well so that it is not an issue once heavy weight training begins. Any resistance exercise for a beginner should be introduced to basic bodyweight movements that will get them into decent physical shape, and with proper nutrition, help build muscle. Moving your own bodyweight usually produces less stress on the Central Nervous System. All things aside, at the end of the day, all a child wants to do is to have FUN! They want to be constantly stimulated from one day to the next. Their minds are always shifting from one thing to the next, so when provided with all the variables, the best workout needs to be designed specifically and especially for their needs.
Colleen Ngaira Plus Fitness Taren Point
Folk working towards a brighter future.
Life is the Adventure... SUUBI Calendar 2015 - THE MAKING…. Two years ago Jessica Lee joined the ESG Asia Pacific team, located in Kurnell, as a receptionist and within a short period of time she found herself a long way from home on an adventure she labelled; the best experience of her life! In June this year Jessica travelled to Uganda with the ESG Foundation for the Global Volunteer Network Distribution Trip. Travelling with Kirsten, the winner of the SUUBI Calendar Photographer search, her role was to visit the many projects the ESG Foundation supports and to assist in the making of the SUUBI 2015 calendar.
The journey through her eyes…. Jessica Lee - “We spent a week in Uganda visiting a number of the projects that the ESG Foundation supports and contributed to from the funds of the SUUBI Calendar 2014. Seeing firsthand what the money goes towards in these communities and the large impact that it has, was amazing. The funds support a wide range of projects all starting at the grassroots and providing education and long term skills that can be shared throughout the community. One of the projects we visited was for vulnerable women; these women all support each other in a number of ways. Most recently they started up their own individual small businesses with the assistance of the Micro-Finance Program. This program not only helps provide communities with new skills, but it also helps provide them with an income to support their families. One of these groups have set up a business in selling banana pancakes, a relatively cheap product to produce and even easier to sell. I had the opportunity to make the banana pancakes with the women in Uganda and it was fantastic to see everyone help out and join in. After we finished cooking, my once black dress was white with a thick layer of flour, however it was a really enjoyable experience and a memory I will have forever. It’s amazing how well you can communicate with others even though the native language is world’s apart from your own. Another highlight of the trip was visiting Nalusse Success Primary School. The school has a hot lunch program that is supported through ESTC & other donations throughout the year. Often this is the only meal the children receive in a day and it’s vital nutrition that helps them concentrate and learn while at school. Our final day of visiting projects was at Kitoola, Hopeland Junior School run by YOFAFO. It was a day spent making craft and playing with the children on the >>>
local field with soccer and netballs we had brought with us. It was such a fun day and you could see the children really got to enjoy themselves. My trip to Uganda was an unforgettable experience. It has taught me so much and I know that the little we took over and donated will never compare to the knowledge and life skills I learnt from this experience. It is something I will never forget! Uganda is now so close to my heart and I can’t wait to see The ESG Foundation’s SUUBI Calendar for 2015 arrive in the office. After seeing where the money raised from the sale of the Calendar goes, only makes me more excited to support the much needed projects assisted by the ESG Foundation. It is a mission in helping support projects that assist in improving the skills and standard of living for future generations.” The ESG Foundation is part of the Kurnell based company ESG Asia Pacific. The ESG Foundation helps those around the World who are less fortunate. Each year a Calendar is released showcasing images from projects the foundation is involved in. To support the foundation and it’s purpose please purchase a calendar, it’s a gift that will keep giving for many generations to come.
One World.
Kirsten Brown Official winner and photographer for the 2015 Suubi Calendar. “I have always wanted to travel and explore the world so when a competition came up for me to do all of this while shooting a charity calendar, it made a lot of sense. I wasn't planning to go to Africa in the near future. Everything happened very fast after I won and there wasn't much time to let it all sink in. It [the trip with the ESG Foundation] was a very crazy experience, travelling so far around the world for such a short time … I felt like a fly on the wall capturing everyone’s experiences. The places we saw and the people we met were so inspiring. It was truly wonderful to see. Knowing that we were seeing into these communities lives, and knowing that just by photographing them...I was going to be making a difference. [During the trip] I tried to only capture positive moments. I really wanted to take photos of the funded projects in action. This is because I wanted the people who support the foundation to know what their money is doing on the ground. Photography for me personally; I really enjoy taking photos of people and capturing emotions and moments.”
How does SHE DO IT?
By Samantha Jane - Editor.
If you are a regular to Cronulla Mall chances are you have seen the trademark beach blue signage belonging to one of Sydney’s leading and most successful beauty salon chains. From the moment word hit the street about the new kid on the block murmurs were heard voicing concern for the need of ’yet another’ beauty salon set to occupy prime Cronulla retail space. After researching how Leah Ingram, founder and director of Leah’s Waxworks, has kept her company in top dog position in the beauty industry, it’s not hard to agree that Cronulla could do with a little healthy competition when it comes to value for money in the local beauty stakes. The state of the art salon and leading beauty empire, Leah’s Waxworks, opened in true glamorous style with corks popping, bubbles bubbling and mini manicures on the house. ‘The Voice’ contestant, Emma Birdsall, joined the celebrations, that also coincided with Spring Festival, entertaining a large audience with a soulful acoustic performance featuring songs from her new album. Now, if we were just another ordinary community lifestyle and wellbeing publication we could use this space to rant about the services Leah’s Waxworks offers, but, we know if you want that sort of information you’ll head in store and grab it yourself. Our goal with I AM is to bring you inspiration and reveal the core of a company. We believe getting Leah Ingram to bare all is far more interesting than telling you what you’ll be getting when you bare all next time you step into one of her salons. >>>
SO … Who is Leah? “I
Am a Mother. My children are my everything and everything I do is for them. I Am a successful business owner and I have worked extremely hard for over 20 years to get where I am now. I Am passionate for anything Beauty; Beauty intrigues me, I love removing people’s hair! I Am caring; in life you must
I Am quirky and a bit eccentric at times. But most of all I Am independgive to receive.
ent, hard working and determined. When I set my mind to something ... I want to achieve the very best of whatever it is!!!
How did Leah's Waxworks evolve, was it always a goal of yours to own your own business? “Yes, owning my own salon was always a goal of mine, I gave up a trip to Europe and my birthday money when I was 21 to own my own business. It has been a challenge over the years, but who doesn’t love a good challenge! When you are passionate about something you should always follow it!”
‘The Voice’ contestant, Emma Birdsall, brought a little soul to the opening of the new salon’s doors.
“My favourite thing about Cronulla is it’s in the suburb I truly love, it is my home here.”
Business can be a tough do you stay motivated when things turn out 'not as planned'? “Things always turn out not as planned! I always try to stay as motivated as I can, I try to look at the bright side of things and always reassure myself that everything will be OK; but, I also have a wonderful family and great staff to always help me if I need it.”
The latest addition to the 'Leah’s Waxworks' family popped up beachside Cronulla. What's your favourite thing about this location? “My favourite thing about Cronulla is it’s in the suburb I truly love, it is my home here. I love the beach and the atmosphere. I love all the people here and the restaurants, my faves would probably be the Greenery and Alphabet St. I love my new store in Cronulla - it’s a fresh face in the mall.”
Finding Fashion.
Summer stylin, oh-so Whether it’s a jade encrusted bracelet, shoulder grazing egyptian-esque earrings or a clear quartz roped neckpiece nestled against your sun-kissed skin, the Gypsy inspired style trend has been around for years and can be considered a classic style choice with its feet firmly locked in the seasonal fashion cycle. Online/Sydney.
The Love Mercy Foundation provides assistance through development projects to combat poverty and empower Northern Ugandans. A gift that keeps giving. Love Mercy bracelet $20
LOCAL SUTHERLAND SHIRE ORGANISATION. Launching in December, Gypsy Jewels provide a unique and limited collection of jewels sourced from all corners of the globe. June and Piotr are the couple behind the fashionistic brainchild and, even though they describe themselves as ordinary folk, their collection promises to greet customers with finds not easily found. With the premier launch set for December, Gypsy Jewels will release a niche collection featuring statement necklaces and tribal cuffs all in the knick of time for Xmas. Pictured Floral Collar Necklace $38
South of The Border ... known to locals as the only place in Cronulla that accommodates the style of the ‘free people’. Call it bohemian, ethical, hippy or gypsy, South of the Border is a one-stop boutique for the wild and free to stay on trend in the gypsy-planet lovin style circles. South of the Border Opp. Cronulla Train Station Clear Quartz Crystal Neckpiece from $19 - $59
Westfield Miranda
Embrace Australia Rosie is a girl with a big heart and an even bigger vision, she is also the lady behind Embrace Australia, a leading provider of quality new age, spiritual and inspirational products and services. Located in Westfield Miranda, Embrace has a boutique quality with a plethora of product, like this stunning Black Onyx Pendant. Black Onyx Neckpiece $220 Black Onyx Meaning: Self Control, Decision Making, Intuition and Protection. See in store for more price/style options. Embrace Australia Westfield Miranda
An I AM initiative.
The team at I AM Magazine would like to congratulate local Sydney fire fighter Ruan Sims on her recent selection for this year’s
Jillaroos squad.
She’s ALL that... Ruan Sims Follow her on Instagram @ruan_sims_
Ruan is an absolute inspiration and a symbol of success for all women who hope to achieve their goals and
dreams. Hard work pays off and to us Ruan is a true example of that. The game is set for November 9 at WIN Stadium in Wollongong. If you want to stay in the loop get on social media! Follow Ruan Sims Fan Page on Instagram @ruan_sims_
The girl’s GOT IT! Ruan has also been selected to play for the NSW Women’s 7s team and is currently in training for the Ladies Gridiron League, representing
Sydney Surge.
DUMPINGbarbie! Trail Running is a sport endured and enjoyed by 1000s of athletes and adventure enthusiasts every year. It’s tough and at times a little rough. Running along an uneven track demands constant communication between the mind and body, especially the feet. It’s hard work….but if you are obsessed with adventure [like the fitness freak writing this article] then it can be the ultimate way to get active and stay super fit!
What it involves... It’s this simple. Grab a friend [essential], a snug fitting light backpack containing refreshments and your phone, a sturdy pair of running shoes with serious sole support and a dirt track heading straight into nature and scenery you won’t get staring out the gym window.
Putting the ‘F’ word back into Fitness. I think a lot of people avoid fitness because frankly they don’t see it as being much ‘fun’. Fitness can be hard work. It’s a physical practise that requires you to not only get your butt off the couch, but to push your body past it’s regular comfort zone. The heart rate needs to rise and muscles need to activate. It requires you to be active, and in our very full and sometimes stressful lives, falling face first onto the couch seems like a much better option. Wrong! That so called couch dive is not only poor for your physical health it’s poor practise for mental health also. Running on the treadmill may seem a little boring to you, I get that. Lifting weights can be quite slow and strenuous, you’re tipping further into the boredom zone… I get that too. Spin, aerobics, pump and boxing classes…been there done that..once is enough. Got you! So it’s time to put the FUN factor into your fitness routine. As someone who is constantly experimenting with fitness I have a huge list of possibilities for you, however, for this DB instalment I am going to concentrate on a little something I have started recently. Take heed, it is somewhat crazy, but I have found, it provides the biggest adrenalin rush one may find so close to home. Now, if you plan to try this out I give you this warning up front. This activity can be dangerous. You may actually hurt yourself doing it, therefore I strongly urge you to give it deep consideration before attempting. I also must insist that you NEVER go it alone. This is something best enjoyed as a twosome…or more if that’s your thing. This sport is not for the faint hearted and this story teller will not be held responsible for your grazes or the rocks you may find imbedded in your knee cap. Are we clear? Good! You may now continue reading….
Why is your phone essential? Well as long as you don’t lose reception you can call for assistance if you do unfortunately happen to roll an ankle… but more importantly, that’s an Instagram shot worth taking, baby! While your followers are at work or home on the couch, you’re kicking up sticks and stones with your heart pounding in your ears and a smile stretched across your entire face. Don’t be freaked out by the idea of thrashing down a track, wind in your hair leaping over fallen debris. This ideal will not reflect your first attempt at this sport. Get started by taking a look at your local National Parks and the plethora of trails they offer, and attempt it at a sensible pace. Walk it first with a little jog thrown in here and there. The goal in the beginning is to get use to the spontaneity a track provides. There is no level ground in trail running, you must be aware and have all senses in activation mode at all times. Trail running keeps the mind and body active, and being in the great outdoors leaving everyday life behind, stimulates and energises the soul.
Destination Sutherland Shire: Botany Bay National Park. Royal National Park.
We want to see your trail running instagram pics! Tag @dumpingbarbie and @iammagazine when you decide to flee the streets and take the road less travelled. BY SAMANTHA JANE EDITOR @ I AM.
DUMPINGbarbie! E: W: M: 0434 355 386
The destination doesn’t seem so distant when you are having fun along the way. 1. Work out with a friend - I have a training partner. Whether we are bushwalking, running on the beach or training in the gym, it’s lots more fun when you go with a friend. 2. Get Outdoors - go for a bushwalk, run the sand dunes, hire a canoe or go paddleboarding.
What the experts say… Making Fitness Fun !!! No one I know ever stuck at something they didn’t enjoy. And, a fitness regime certainly fits into this category. There are so many excuses available as to why people quit before they have really begun to change their health and fitness ..... no time, too hard, can’t afford it .... and then there is one of the real reasons, it just isn’t fun. There are lots of things in life that we just have to accept may not be super exciting, or fun. However, fitness shouldn’t be one of them. For some people the idea of setting foot in a commercial gym, swinging a kettlebell, running on the treadmill or dragging a truck tyre around just isn’t their idea of fun. And then for others this gets their blood pumping like nothing else can. But, if you are struggling to begin, or feeling stuck in a fitness rut, here are some of my favourite ways to put the fun back into fitness.
3. Play a Sport - try indoor netball or soccer, golf or tennis. All of these can be very social as well as having the health benefits of a good workout. 4. Dance - join an adult dance class. You’ll have a great time learning some new moves and burn heaps of kilojoules at the same time. 5. Try trampolining - with all the new trampoline venues such as Flip Out and Hang Time available locally, this is definitely a fun kilojoule killer! While fitness should be fun, it’s important to remember that when shooting for our goals we may not always like the process that will lead us to results. So if the gym or a personal trainer is looking like the best option for results, make sure you schedule in one fun fitness activity a week to break the monotony and give yourself something to look forward to.
My number #1 tip? Always have a training partner at the ready to join you.
Keep It Young Fitness.
This month’s I AM reader question: “I am finding it hard to stay motivated and reach my fitness goals on my own, will I reach my goals faster if I join others, like a group or friends?”
Josh: “Studies have shown, training with a partner keeps you on track and motivated for longer. With this in mind, exercising with a group or a friend means people tend to enjoy the activity more, which serves as extra motivation to go to each session in the right frame of mind, hence getting the most out of it, which gets the best results. The atmosphere that Keep It Young has created has made our clients WANT to exercise (Yes even those that hated exercise to begin with), making training become less of the chore of your week and after a couple sessions, to most of our clients, it has become a highlight of the week. SO get a friend or join a group and get out there and get it done!”
You will never look back!!! Josh
GET FIT IN THE SHIRE!!! Check out [DumpingBarbie] on the I AM magazine page for a list of Fitness Providers in your local area. 18
What’s getting our attention...
EXERCISE BULIMIA … are you a victim??? Jelly legs, glute burn, heart pumping, body fatiguing… you go girl, hang in there, you’re pushing your body into exhaustion, but the calories burnt in this session are kicking yesterday’s sessions butt! It is estimated that 10% of women, performing regular exercise, are killing themselves in an effort to burn calories and are doing their bodies more harm than good to achieve their ‘calorie burn’ goals. It has been labelled Exercise Bulimia - a devastating disorder affecting 1000s of men and women—and the numbers are growing as fitness enthusiasts push their bodies well past repair and directly into body destruction zone. Exercise Bulimia is not about being physically fit and healthy, it is a disorder that convinces it’s victim to push themselves into the extreme to compensate, or burn off, that chocolate bar or burger they allowed themselves to indulge in at lunchtime. The primary reason for exercise is calorie burn, not healthy body gain. Symptoms: Putting exercise above everything in your life, including family and social events. Seeing calorie burn as your sole purpose for exercising. Excessive exercise even when you are sick or injured. Turning down food if you know you can’t exercise that day. Extreme frustration, anger or depression if you are unable to exercise. Exercise Bulimia is a serious disorder and can lead to devastating health consequences. If you are concerned about your fitness mindset see a GP/doctor/health professional immediately.
If you, like 1000s of other women across the globe, have become a Pilates princess who is suddenly getting bored with her castle, maybe it’s time to mix things up in order to rekindle the Pilates flame.
Pilates...Keeping the LOVE affair alive. By Lana Johnson
Generally speaking any daily weekly or monthly routine we choose has a very good chance of becoming a little ho-hum after some time. And, like most things we partake in on a regular basis the chance of boredom creeping in on a love affair that once vibrated with unbridled excitement is fairly guaranteed. If you, like 1000s of other women across the globe, have become a Pilates princess who is suddenly getting bored with her castle, maybe it’s time to mix things up in order to rekindle the Pilates flame. The Water Pilates experience is definitely a unique one, especially when compared to a traditional Pilates class. In the water, your body has an incredible sense of freedom that just isn’t possible on dry land. You have so much more fluidity in your movement when you’re in the water. Moreover, it is a fun workout that tones your body, focusing on strengthening core abdominal muscles with certain moves and breathing techniques. Nearly anyone can perform Water Pilates, there is no need to be a good swimmer!
In particular, the benefits of Water Pilates include: 1. Less stress on joints and back. The effects of gravity are greatly reduced in the water and this is the best part for those who suffer from any pelvic pain, joint discomfort or back pain. The water makes the Pilates a low impact exercise. It’s good for people recovering from injuries to participate in Water Pilates workout classes to build their strength faster. It’s gentler than exercising on land. Water offers you natural resistant without any harmful impact on your muscles.
2. Good workout to help strengthen muscles.
Head to the BPS website
Water Pilates allows you to work on your muscle tone, taking advantage of the benefits of resistance and pulling action. In particular, because you engage all your major muscles to stay balanced, each move works your entire body, not just the part you're targeting! This modern workout helps you to improve agility and coordination. Besides, the increase in blood circulation greatly reduces muscles stiffness. >>>
Your BEST BODY locally
3. Improve postural alignment. In the water, you must develop a sense of your own body and focus. Since you do not have gravity, focus and awareness are instrumental to truly working the core. During the Water Pilates classes you will be able to improve posture, enhancing concentration, strengthening, balance and coordination, creating better mobility and flexibility.
4. Fun and challenging way to exercise. It takes a lot of effort to work your core muscles when you are on dry land, but when you perform Pilates exercises in the water the effect is even more intense! As far as its difficulty level goes, it can be as hard as you make it. Water Pilates is typically only done in chest deep water. But if you want to take it up a notch, move to the deep end and use hand gloves and leg cuffs to increase resistance. That can make it substantially more challenging. Water is a definite gamechanger.
5. Reducing stress and anxiety. Water Pilates is generally performed in warm water, which provides relaxation and rejuvenation of the entire body. For this reason Water Pilates is also growing in popularity among pregnant women. It’s a secure and fun way of performing prenatal exercise. It increases strength and flexibility that could possibly lessen labour pains and ease delivery. Water Pilates also includes breath controlling techniques that are essential in easing the intensity of labour.
These are just a few of the potential benefits of Water Pilates. So what are you waiting for? Grab a swimsuit and join us in the pool and let Water Pilates work its magic on your body. Want to try it??? Bookings can be made online or by phoning the practice on 8544 1757. Classes run at 1pm on Wed and Fridays. Private and Semi Private sessions can be booked by appointment.
on the INSIDE. It can also create unhealthy behaviours in relationships because you feel you constantly have to prove yourself, show that you’re good enough, or be perfect all the time. Unless you’re perfect, you feel you are a failure, which becomes emotionally and physically draining. Shame can attach itself to the “not good enough” feelings and thoughts, and leads to destructive unhelpful behaviour. In Daring Greatly Brenne Brown writes, “We’re afraid that our truth isn’t enough — that what we have to offer isn’t enough without the bells and whistles, without editing, and impressing.”
So how do we overcome this fear and create freedom, resilience and empowered living? Addressing the fear of not being enough. By Brett White LifePlus Coaching There are three primary or universal fears that reside in the centre of our beings that we all face. Our response to these fears will determine their impact, power and influence over our lives. The three universal fears that have been identified are: the fear of not belonging, the fear of not being loved and the fear of not being good enough. In my journey as a transformational life coach, where my focus is primarily on the inner person, I have discovered that the most common fear that appears to impact people the most in our culture is the last one; the fear of not being good enough. The fear of not being good enough affects your sense of self-worth, self-esteem and our self image. Everything you attempt to do is controlled by the need to be perfect, or at least good enough, so we are constantly trying to prove our worth and value to others. The fear of not being good enough corrodes your confidence and certainty and creates a constant striving that is emotionally draining. It also leads into the comparison trap. We all get caught in this, comparing ourselves to others. Mark Twain said that "comparison is the death of joy." Research has found that comparing breeds feelings of envy, low-self confidence, and depression, as well as compromises our ability to trust others. The thing with comparison is that we mostly compare our behind-the-scenes struggles and negatives with everyone else's highlight reel. Using someone else as a benchmark for your own worth and value is an ineffective and disempowering strategy for life in every way. Yes, be inspired by others and learn from them but remember who you are, and who you are becoming. You are unique, special and worth it.
1/ Awareness – becoming aware that this fear exists is a good first step. I mean it is possibly in us all, which is why they believe it is a universal fear, and awareness around it is critical. Become more aware of its power over your life, your decisions, your behaviour, your relationships and most importantly your self-worth. Do you feel like you have to prove yourself? How do you view mistakes, as failure or feedback? Are you a perfectionist, or controlling and simply lacking confidence and belief in yourself? Do you self sabotage when things seem to be going good? 2/ listen and change your language of self – what we tell ourselves has the power to create our reality. What are you telling yourself? Challenge your self-talk and reframe it in a way that is resourceful to you. Question your thoughts Ask yourself: “How true is this?”, “What evidence have I got to support this?”, “When did I decide I wasn’t good enough, and how is that belief helping me?” Learn not to believe the stories that your mind is telling you. 3/ Acknowledge yourself – write down three things everyday that you can acknowledge about yourself, things you have overcome, thoughts you have questioned and reframed ... even the smallest shift you notice ... acknowledge it. 4/ Take action – doing nothing will change nothing. Action leads to change and action is one thing that will help overcome fear and self doubt. Create some steps forward, even small ones to start with and celebrate your wins along the way.
Brett White Lifeplus Coaching
My voices were very loud, for a very long time, and it took all my will power to drown them out. To push them deep down until I had control; I just wanted to feel normal again. And when that didn’t work… what else could I do, but to go through a period of soul searching. A period of questioning life. My big question was – ‘What is the point of all this?’ I admit it got heavy, though I don’t see this as a bad thing.
In life, you have to be able to enjoy the highs, and ride the lows. It is how you deal with these moments that makes you – you. And, of course it is in these times that we can really challenge ourselves. This is where I finally figured out what those voices in my head - and gut - had been trying to tell me. For me, it was an ‘Aha!’ moment not so long ago after I had spent the day ‘brain dumping’ a tonne of articles and blogs. All of a sudden, everything went quiet – and my Spidey senses started tingling. It is no wonder that people actually think creative types are also a little bit crazy. Because we do hear voices. Of course we hear voices! Put it down to your muse; your muse telling you what you should and should not be doing.
Listen to your gut ... Especially when it’s screaming at you! By Llew Dowley -
My voices seem to have quietened down a lot now. I’m not so crazy anymore (wow look at that, cured!). Unless you see me walking down the street talking to myself. Though if you have read the start of this article you know I’m really talking to my muse…
Ever felt like you were going crazy because of the voices you can hear in your head? That doubtful, judgemental voice in the back of your mind that you just can’t turn off.
The best thing I have noticed is that by listening to all those little fears and internal negative comments I have been able to tap into my subconscious. I am learning that I know more than I give ‘me’ credit for.
Like those mornings where you just can’t focus on getting out the door. You feel like you are in a daze, even though you have had your morning coffee. And, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get out the door on time.
When something doesn’t feel right, speak up about it. Take that chance when your heart races. Your body, your mind & your heart all work together to tell you when to jump, when to push back, and when to JUST LET GO.
When you think about it, it happens quite a lot. Some days, you get by, these are the days when the white noise may not be as loud. The day passes and you feel okay, but just as quickly as it wanes, the buzzing comes back again.
Can’t you just picture the voices in your head lying on a beach humming quietly to themselves with big smiles across their faces saying, “Yay, she’s listening. Finally we are winning the battle!” (And yes I have a beach in my head too…)
It may manifest as a feeling inside. A nagging feeling, in the pit of your stomach. And, although you don’t know why, you do know something is not quite right.
Well me too. I know all about those little monsters...
So just sit back, take a deep breath, and listen to the voices. You will know what to do. Llew Dowley 0405 476 468
I AM health.
What to think before you Ink!
with local RN Wendy Bowker.
What you need to know... Tattoos are permanent designs on the skin. They are made with coloured inks put under the skin with a machine. Most people go to established studios and to professional body artists who work with high standards of infection control. If body art is not done properly you could suffer nerve damage, scarring or infections. Put simply, your body art will be as good as the artist you go to, and the way you look after it while it heals.
Tips for a good result… You get what you pay for! Pay for good, quality work. Ask your inked-up friends where they have had their art done. Someone will soon let you know where - and where not to - go. Take the time to check out the artist’s work and ask to see samples. Also, take the time to ask your artist how they protect you from getting an infection, including: hand washing, wearing gloves and the sterilisation of equipment. When looking for a studio, take note of your surroundings. For example; is the studio clean and well lit? Do you feel comfortable? Your present health can also have an effect on the outcome of your choice to body art. Be as healthy as possible, if you’re sick it will slow down the healing and you’ll have more risk of getting a local infection. Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before a procedure; alcohol in your bloodstream tends to increase bleeding during a procedure and certain medications (including over-the counter ones) can also increase bleeding and/or slow down healing. You should discuss this with your doctor. Considering multiples? Here’s a tip … start with a small one to see how you manage the procedure and its care first. If you are not sure where to place the tattoo or the style, ask the studio if they can apply a stencil of the design for you to ‘wear’ before you have the full procedure. Could you be allergic to ink? If you know you have multiple allergies and want a tattoo, see if the studio will do a patch test with the dyes, before you have the full procedure.
On the day... You may wish to, take a friend with you for moral support. Make sure that you have eaten something and have had enough to drink (not alcohol).
Is your artist a true pro? A professional body artist will want you to sign a statement saying you are over 18. They will also want to know if you have any infectious skin or other diseases or allergies to metal or chemicals. It’s your turn now. Make sure you tell them of any problems with skin healing, or scarring that you know of. Talk about the style of body art and where you want it placed and tell the body artist whether you have had alcohol or drugs that day. Most body artists will not work on people who are under the influence. Be prepared! Know that some procedures can be painful! Let the body artist know if you are not coping or feel faint.
After care... Follow the advice given by the tattooist regarding after-care and how best to prevent infection. Two to three hours after being tattooed, wash the area with antibacterial soap and pat dry with a clean towel. After washing, using new disposable gloves, lightly apply to the area some ointment that has been provided or recommended by the tattooist or a health professional such as a pharmacist. Repeat this process as necessary when you feel the skin is drying out and DO NOT touch the tattooed skin area and or pick at any scabs that may form. Avoid wearing tight or dirty clothing, or exposing the tattoo to direct sunlight and avoid soaking your tattoo in water such as in a bath or swimming pool. Need more information? The following links will provide more important information about tattoos including: Code of Practice for Skin Penetration Procedures, licencing, infections and infection prevention.
The BEAUTY Butler.
Michelle’s product picks: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Natio Pure Mineral Foundation Bourjois Rose De Jaspe No.95 Blush - used on cheeks and eyelids. Maybeline Great Lash black Mascara. Natio Lip Gloss Antioxidant Lip Shine Love [Red].
Try Priceline for a great range of products and brands. Cronulla Mall & Westfield Miranda.
Minute oh-my-god no time to get ready makeover... Keep your look uncomplicated with this fast 5 minute makeover by Michelle Butler, the Cronulla makeup and face guru behind Creative Hair & Makeup. Here’s a tip; when putting your ‘day’ face together, subscribe to ‘less is the perfect amount’ and use a light hand during application.
Step 1: Apply a tinted moisturiser evenly over the entire face and neck. Step 2: Sweep the apple of the cheeks with blush followed by a sweep over each eyelid.
Step 3: A liquid eyeliner is a kit necessity as it lifts, opens and defines the eye drawing attention to one of the most beautiful and most powerful parts of a woman’s body, the eyes! Starting at the outside of the eye, apply your liquid eyeliner close to the lashes with the aim of subtlety, a look more suitable for day.
Step 4: Apply a coat of mascara to emphasise those lashes. Step 5: Finish with a coat of lip gloss in either red or pink and a second coat of mascara.
Hair: A ponytail is not only pretty it’s practical and super easy to do. Use a little hairspray or gel to keep the strays in place. If you have time, give it a twist and pin it in place to create the perfect bun.
Put your best face forward. The quickest way to lift a mood, a low day and overall self confidence, is to take the time to take care of yourself first. Michelle Butler Makeup and Face Artist Cronulla NSW Aust.
send us your event pics ‌
Joshy & Bee boutique, Cronulla , celebrated their official opening on September 20 with fashion parades, for big and little girls, and a special guest performance by Sick Pitch.
Finding a couple of Shire princesses to walk the red carpet wasn’t a hard task... Sick Pitch performed LIVE.
A few local women were happy to model some of the latest additions on the Joshy & Bee racks. Photography By Apple Art Photography located in Cronulla.
Photographs supplied by Apple Art
LIFE + Fun X 1.
Those of you that read my column have probably already guessed that I love nothing more than a girls weekend away.
Especially when it involves tattoos and Cowboys. So the minute I heard the rodeo was coming to town [well not my town, but one near by], plans were made, cowboy boots were bought, tattooist were booked... and we were on our way. First stop, Molong. Where is that exactly? Picture this… a little town lying somewhere between Orange and Dubbo with streets lined in houses, shops and pubs representing down under some 30 years ago. Molong is also the Central West Capital for, what some might label, “eccentric” folk. So why, if the destination is Orange, would we drive straight past for a stop in Molong? Easy! A very talented tattooist is hiding out there. For several hours in a Molong sunroom studio, the artist diligently inked all the girls (not me of course, I am not brave enough to get a tattoo, and I do have a slight problem with any type of commitment), whilst I lazed about in a spectator’s chair empathetically watching the pain my girls were going through. I sat happily listening to them talk about the special bond created by getting tattooed side by side - especially considering two of the girls are sisters....(I hope my sister is not getting any ideas here). Second stop, which was our ultimate destination, Orange. Wall to wall cowboys. Everywhere you look men are wearing chaps and cowboy hats with spurs on their boots, all resembling James Dean from the movie Giant….OK OK, possibly a slight exaggeration here, but it sounds fabulous doesn’t it? We check into our hotel and make it just in time for the start of the rodeo… after a few lazy drinks on the front lawn and a pub counter meal, of course. Now there is just something about a man that is brave enough to get on the back of a 2000 pound Brahman bull …even if it is only for 8 seconds. Is this where the real men are....on the rodeo circuit, riding bulls? They have to be crazy right? For that 8 seconds we were on the edge of our seats. After all the excitement, naturally we needed a drink! The biggest decision of the weekend....where are all the cowboys drinking and where could we dance the night away? We followed the trail of cowboy boot imprints and headed straight for the local Tavern. After - quite - a few beers with the locals and what I would consider don’t-leave-the-house-it’s-freezing weather, it was time to head back to the Hotel for a thaw out shower, some cosy Jammies and a few late night laughs with the girls. And, yes...even at our age we still talk about boys!!!!! What an adventure! I can’t recommend it enough. For a bunch of city girls, we had so much fun in such a short time. The driving is the best part of it. Listening to loud music, chatting and laughing, and best of all...having Mc Donalds with a few stray cowboys moseying in for a Big Mac ... (so naughty). If you would like to check out the cowboys for yourself there are rodeos on all through the Central West. Google can help you out. Two words ‘Rodeo’ & ‘NSW”. Guaranteed to provide a priceless weekend well beyond the gates of the Shire.
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Thank you. I would like to thank all of the local Sutherland Shire men & women who have supported I AM magazine throughout the journey of becoming ‘the’ local community magazine. The I AM mission has always been to inspire and encourage people to treat their life like an adventure. From fashion, fitness, food & FUN, we want people to take control by demanding happiness in their lives. This life we have is a gift and it should be celebrated every single day. We know you all like to work hard, but we absolutely insist you
PLAY HARDER! Samantha Jane Founder I AM magazine Est. 2011
i-am Magazine Pty Ltd is an independent magazine published by Samantha Edwards & i-am Magazine Pty Ltd. Available for reading at Mail to: PO Box 1145 Cronulla NSW 2230 AUSTRALIA ABN: 82 146 481 781 All content is subject to copyright, and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Opinions represented in i-am Magazine Pty Ltd are not necessarily those of the publishers.
This magazine is intended as a reference only, NOT as medical advice. Some course language and/or sexual references may be contained herein. Please browse/ read of your own choosing. Articles labelled ‘LE’ are written from ‘life experience’ only, therefore the advice provided is not suitable for everyone. I AM recommends anyone experiencing difficulties in life seek advice from a professional. The above image was sourced via the internet and is of no name.