The World Bank Digital Transformation

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Vision of the New Web

THE WORLD BANK ONLINE Vision of the New Web Audience. Influence. Results


Working for a World Free of Poverty

Prepared by:

Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

Vision of the New Web

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Content Content 2

News - List Pages

Promise of the New Web


Feature Stories 18

Our Startegy 4

Multimedia Content 19

Goals 4

News - Events 20

Principles 4

Projects & Operations



Country & Regions - Jump Page


Home Page 6

Region Landing Page


Multi-lingual 6

Region Site-Sections 24

Who We Are 7

Region Site-Sections 25

List of Units 8

Region - Brief Template


Unit Pages 9

Country Landing Page


People Landing Pages


Topics - Jump Page


People Profile Page


Topics - Landing Page


Blueprint of the Bank’s Future Web


Data 12

Topic - Data 30

Research 13

Region - Newsletter Template


Research - Documents

Topic - Region Intersections



News & Views 15 News - Stay Connected

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott


Vision of the New Web

Promise of the New Web At the World Bank, we define who we are by the knowledge we provide, the results we attain, the funding we attract, and our accountability in serving people who need development assistance. The web is the only space where our many audiences and clients—from governments and civil society to media and the informed public— can come to interact with us, from anywhere, anytime of the day or week. Users of our site are seeking the Bank’s unparalleled pool of development data and expertise, project and results information, and news and information on our activities and strategic priorities. According to the recent Global Poll, they are turning to the web above all other resources for information about what the Bank does and how. Our effectiveness as an institution is helped or hindered by how well we channel our resources through the web to meet this growing demand for the Bank’s knowledge and results. We propose to change fundamentally how the Bank presents and publishes information and engages with users online, so that we can become the world’s best and most visited development website. We will accomplish this through: One brand, with unified design and architecture, for the World Bank Group site. VPUs, departments, and staff will contribute based on the characteristics of their content—topic or country information, a publication or report, a news item, data—and the content will flow to the relevant section of the site. This allows us to publish content at a global level, so that it can be easily located, shared, and discussed across topic and country pages in ways that user will find most logical and useful. Clear, relevant, and updated content, guided by well-defined roles, responsibilities, and processes. The web should proactively share the Bank’s results and knowledge, and address criticisms related to our performance, by bringing results information front and center and engaging in discussion. Top-notch security, through updated platforms that meet most of our needs. Updating our technology will encourage business units to use shared platforms—in essence, “if we build it they will come, if we ignore them they will find their own solution.” Having more of the Bank’s online content in these shared platforms will make it vastly easier to manage the security risks of our site. Strong reach. If knowledge is the key to development effectiveness and the driver for a successful development institution, then ensuring access to our knowledge fulfills that promise. What we produce—our lending and advice, our research, our contribution to global public goods—we must share in a way that people can access. This means providing access through local and corporate language sites so that users can find information through customizable entry points. Because technology continues to change how the world connects, we need to make our information accessible through various channels (including non-Bank sites) and devices (mobile). Our distribution channels will be built around our clients’ needs and capabilities. Better audience satisfaction. The more positive interactions people have with a brand, the higher their opinion of a given company or institution. The easier a site is to use, the more it will be used. This relates to everything from relevance and readability, to information architecture, to design. Extensive cost-savings through better use of our resources. Today’s unit-based web design, development, and focus on building new, separate sites—during a recent two-week period, for example, there were four new requests for financial crisis websites and aliases—has led to poor performance for the Bank’s online information, an unsatisfactory experience for users, and a waste of funds. Maintaining a first-rate site, especially one of our size and level of cumulative unit investment through staffing and services, requires a professional operation, so that design and development are not tackled in an ad hoc, uncoordinated way. Coordinating these activities at the corporate level allows for significant cost savings and shifts the focus to adding value to content, so that we can deliver a higher-quality, more effective product overall.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Vision of the New Web

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Our Startegy Identify innovative, meaningful ways to reach the World Bank’s target audiences, share our development knowledge, clearly communicate our impact, encourage others to join the conversation, and positively influence the Bank’s development results.

Goals Reposition and redeploy the World Bank website. Increase audience satisfaction. Extend the Bank’s reach online. Be more open and accessible.

Principles Be the premier online source for development content. Connect the development dots and promote a mutual learning and knowledge-sharing culture. Provide easy access for all. Offer both developing and developed countries easy access to content the way they want it and in a language they can understand and speak. Go local and global. Communicate to visitors the Bank’s global knowledge while promoting better sharing of techniques that generate results.

Endorsed by the Web Governance Council in February 2009

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

Embrace an open exchange of content and ideas. Engage in proactive, online dialogue on development issues. Show one World Bank. Create a consistent experience and design format across all Bank content to help visitors navigate the site and distinguish the Bank brand. Build stronger web management practices. Maximize the assimilation of corporate and development information while minimizing reputational risk, as well as by standardizing design, architecture, staffing levels, and technology enhancements.

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Blueprint of the Bank’s Future Web The chart above presents the conceptual building blocks of Bank’s site. It illustrates the point that their is a place for every importnat content that Bank wants to presents to the external audience. It is designed to be most suitable from the point of view of how our external audience would like to navigate our information. This is a key improvement from the old web architecture which presents most of organizational view to the web.


Top level Content Domain

Who We Are

Site Subsections


Key Content Type Pages




News & Views


Project & Operations



Social Media



World Bank Live

Intersecting Pages



News Content



The new information architecture is provides a key to the objectives of Bank’s new web - althought the content seems to rigidly aligns with the domains, it will be appearing contextually at multiple places on Bank’s website. For example consider an People, which will be residing under “Who We Are”, but the individuals will be presented on Country, Region, Topic, Research and any other place contextually important to the user.

The New Navigation Mapping the organization of content, establishing hierarchy, assessing usability, labeling content and developing navigational systems — these are all part of “information architecture,” an essential ingredient to creating an optimal website experience. Through a series of focus groups, card-sorting activities, and then careful analysis and testing, a logical architecture for was created.

A language toggle bar at the top allows visitors to quickly choose and move between translated versions of content

A consistent, simplified, and succinctly organized horizontal top-level navigation emphasizes the Bank’s core interest areas and information in a manner that reflects how visitors seek information.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

A second-level of navigation, Countries and Topics, represents “cuts” of the Bank’s main content repositories.

Vision of the New Web

Home Page The home page is where a first-time visitor’s perceptions and impressions are often shaped. Successful home pages provide a streamlined entry path into the heart of an organization. They give an immediate sense of who the organization is, what it does, and what it values. Our new home page, emphasizes strong messaging, clear priorities, and a focus on results. The Bank’s new home page serves as an advocate for key development issues, highlights our knowledge and results, and provides an intuitive entry point into the site.

Multi-lingual A multilingual online presence focuses on inclusion, access, and a desire to respond to the diversity of our audiences and constituencies. There is a remarkable alignment between the mission of the World Bank and the reach of the non-English sites. For example, 56% of the World Bank nonEnglish speaking visitors are from developing countries. In comparison, 62% of English speaking visitors come from developed countries. Thanks to our new, enhanced multilingual online presence, the Bank is able reach the people that matter most to our mission. Site defaults to the preferred language (Arabic, English, Spanish, Chinese, French, or Russian) based on the IP address of the user. Users can toggle between languages at any time. Language names will be written and appear in the language that they are (for example EspaĂąol, not Spanish). In addition to the six main languages, content may appear in one of 59 other languages. Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Who We Are Following the homepage, the section about an organization is often the first stop on a first-time visitor’s website journey. The About Us section, to be renamed Who We Are, provides much needed context and prepares the user on how to interact with other areas of the website. Open and accessible: On, this section will help users understand the origins of the institution, its mission, its leadership, and how it views its contribution to the development community.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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List of Units A very common problem across the old World Bank site was the prolification of organizational information all across World Bank’s research, topics and other knowledge related conetnt. While it was intuitive to the internal group who produced it, the majority of the site’s audience found it confusing. A key change for this section is that it is more explicit and consistently organized. This new approach will greatly improve the user’s ability to quickly digest information and distinguish organizational details from the rest of our content.

These pages will allow Regional Departments to build their pages and surface information across the site important for their target audineces.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Unit Pages It is important to note that unit information still links to relevant content across the site, to help users understand the scope of a group’s work. The user will have multiple routes to information where previously the only route often required familiarity with how the Bank itself is organized.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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People Landing Pages In an effort to combat the World Bank’s reputation as a “vault,” to further the goal of transparency and to help bring a “face” to the institution, we have the opportunity to introduce and cross-promote key people within the Bank in a more inviting and interactive way. This concept differs from the internal Who We Are product, which aims to connect internal Bank staff. This would serve as the hub page for the People experience. It would allow us to showcase the work of Bank staff (both experts and management). Suggested content for this page includes written profiles, Speak Outs, featured quotes, general “Did You Know?” stats about World Bank employees, staff videos and photos, blog promos and links to the Speakers Bureau and the Jobs page. We could also create a submissions tool for a monthly “Ask an Expert” Q&A feature. The tone of this feature content is “light.” Core Objectives »» To increase the visibility of World Bank leadership on the external Web, leveraging existing biographical information on Bank management, previously selected staff and bloggers »» To standardize the structure and presentation of selected Bank staff, so that external users can access this information easily »» To offer external users multiple entry points into the People experience, based on relevancy »» To increase engagement by creating opportunities for online interaction with selected Bank staff »» To eliminate “dead ends” on the external Web by refreshing and streamlining contact information for selected Bank staff »» To expand existing biographical information on Bank management, previously selected staff and bloggers by offering a more robust landing page for each, including links to topics and countries of expertise, publications, projects, blogs, speeches/transcripts, opinion pieces, Speak Out chats, multimedia and contact information »» To serve as a cross-promotional vehicle to relevant site sections, including the blogs product and the WBI Speakers Bureau »» To empower site section editors to update and promote relevant Bank staff/contact information at their discretion

Senior Bank Management: President, vice presidents, managing directors, CFO, Research Staff: Chief economist, economists, scholars, subject matter experts Operations: Project managers/TTLs, country directors, trainers Communications: Media contacts, bloggers, authors, speakers External: Partners, notables, industry leaders Site section owners, knowledgeable of specific sensitivities with staff, will have the ability to select those people who are highlighted in their areas.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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People Profile Page The World Bank’s diverse staff is composed of 10,000 employees who come from 160 countries and speak more than 500 languages. In an effort to combat the World Bank’s reputation as a “vault,” further the goal of transparency, and help bring a “face” to the institution, the new World Bank site introduces and cross-promotes key People within the Bank in a more inviting, interactive way.



This would serve as the individual people page. Unlike the People Main page, the People Bio has a more “corporate” tone. While bio information could include languages, photos, areas of expertise, education and experience, external users should be able to find all content associated with this person on this page, including contact information and relevant Topics, Countries, Publications, Projects, Blogs, Speeches and Transcripts, Opinion pieces, Speak Outs and Multimedia. Logical and manageable: A single database provides easier management and oversight Clean and consistent: All bios share the same format, creating a more engaging, navigable experience Inviting and accessible: Bios are integrated with external social media outposts including facebook, Twitter, etc Besides the basic profile information, this page will also provide information about the Publications & Projects information about the individuals.



Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Data Charts, maps, tables, key stats — is a robust resource of valuable and meaningful data. Now expanded and upgraded, the new Data section is designed to be extensive and accessible to everyone, supporting a rich web experience that makes browsing country, topic, and indicator pages easy to the novice and the expert alike. Extensive and free: Expanded data catalog makes the full range of indicators available in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish. A comprehensive search tool gives easy access to all data. Social and engaging: With a single click visitors can customize and add Bank charts, maps, and graphs to Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites — plus send emails with embedded charts. Search engine friendly: Content has been optimized to draw increased traffic from external sources. Distinctive: No longer buried under “Data and Research”, the site stands on its own so visitors can easily locate content while providing links to relevant research.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Research Global development knowledge is key to the Bank’s future relevance and effectiveness. The Research section provides a single entry point to all of the Bank’s regional and network knowledge — peer reviewed research, economic forecasting, and country analysis. The section will provide a single entry point on the new external website for accessing the World Bank’s knowledge outputs in key categories: research, economic forecasting, and analytical work for clients. It will help users access information about the teams and individuals that generate these outputs, and engage with them or comment on their work as appropriate. To integrate products throughout the new Bank site, outputs that can be accessed here will also fl ow to other sections wherever they are relevant, such as topics, countries, and regions, based on their subject matter tagging and indexing. Clear and flexible: New governance structure reflects the Bank’s full range of knowledge outputs and helps users quickly determine key characteristics of a product — e.g. if it has been reviewed, whether it’s a draft for public comment, and/or if it can be purchased as a hard copy. Simplified browsing: Categorizes products into three distinct categories — Research, Outlook, Analysis Accessible and public: Strong search engine placement and integration of blogs, ratings, comments, and other tools helps to increase dissemination and engagement.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Research - Documents Each product is accessible through a standard template that pulls content from one of the Bank’s corporate repositories (the Documents & Reports database, the World Bank Publications catalogue, and any others that may be created). The template allows the user to access the document in any free format or language; read, view, or download related content (such as a press release, a database, a slideshow or video); get information about authors or teams who created the product; order a print copy (if available); offer comments or ratings on the product; and learn about similar products and related Bank activities. The product template applies best practice from the web industry to create a consistent, reliable user experience in accessing the Bank’s knowledge outputs, regardless of the content type, unit of origin, and the formats in which it is available. It ensures that all products use a consistent taxonomy and are catalogued with basic metadata, so that they can fl ow not only to the Research & Analysis section of the Bank’s site, but also to all topic, country, region, and unit sections that are relevant based on their subject matter.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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News & Views The purpose of News & Views section is to extend our reach, relevance, and impact of the World Bank through digital features, functionality, platforms, and distribution channels and partners. Stories, videos, events, blogs — most of the news featured on will come from client Countries, Topics, and Corporate content. The web’s non-linear format allows for a different approach in presenting information and telling stories. A “story” — presented in several self-contained but integrated segments — is much more compelling and leaves a stronger impression than a single linear narrative. Supplementing content with image-rich photos and video provides an immediacy to a project or situation that is not always easy to match through print. To date, much of the Bank’s online content relies on a traditional linear narrative which is sometimes accompanied by a related video. As part of our new online strategy, we propose more.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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News - Stay Connected Stay Connected Page creates a hub for all the Bank’s Channels for outdeach with it’s users. These will include Social Media, Newsletters, World Bank Live, Mobile Apps to name a few.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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News - List Pages One of the most important means for locating deeper contents are the list pages, such as one shown here. These list pages allows user to get to “View All”, “View More” from the curated modules. These pages also serves the purpose of Search Results pages. Once user comes to these pages, he/ she is provided with limited sectional navigations and more with faceted Navigational help to find the relevant information.

As a contrast to the landing pages, this list page allows user to immerse deeper inside the Bank’s knowledge base. This serves especially to the power users, of those who come to our website with specific things to find. The faceted navigation helps users acheive their task more efficiently.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Feature Stories Every feature and profile on worldbank. org is treated like an interactive package. Each feature incorporates and includes links to related content and data, multimedia elements and additional opportunities for user engagement. Whenever possible, important editorial packages will be developed in a way that delivers a truly multimedia experience. Video, audio, photos, text, animation, infographics, interactivity—are employed to tell complementary angles of a story, creating a multi-dimensional, more comprehensive piece.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Multimedia Content Multimedia needs to be part of the editorial approach to sections of the site, particularly for high-profile editorial packages. As conceptualizing, writing and producing such a package may require more time and a variety of staff resources, these logistical considerations need to be taken into account when devising editorial strategies for highly visible web pages. Video is the most effective multimedia format for conveying messages and telling human stories. Video has the ability to put viewers on the scene by sharing a person’s experience and feelings through the sights and sounds of their stories. It is also the most effective medium to advocate for change, and provoke reaction. Like no other format it manages to capture the attention of viewers with action, emotion, and compelling imagery.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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News - Events Events are key recurring content – Events – offers a great opportunity for the Bank to strategically capture and share knowledge. Consistent and inviting: A standardized structure displays Bank events in a clean format that allows users to access the information easily through multiple entry points. Synergistic: The Events section is designed to synchronize speakers/ participants/instructors with online bios. Open and transparent: A new template for event outcomes provides opportunities for sharing materials after an event. Current and connected: The new format integrates social media and sharing opportunities, including an option to subscribe to an Events feed.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Projects & Operations As one of the world’s largest development institutions, the World Bank is a major source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Designed to meet the high standards we set for transparency and policy formulation, the Operations section provides a single entry point to the Bank’s operational information as it relates to project portfolio data, products and services, procurement, and results. Smart, intuitive: Clearly describes our strategic approaches and partnerships with client countries leading to financing and lending programs. Cross-sectional: Positions products and services for clients in the form of lending, AAA, trust funds, guarantees, and capacity building. Informative and easily searchable: Allows users to browse country and sector results achieved to date and define how results are measured. Accessible and accommodating: Provides easy access to our project portfolio and offers multiple options for tracking projects including email alerts and mobile networks. Builds capacity: A Contract Awards and Procurement section enables visitors to quickly find bidding opportunities, procurement resources, and policies governing procurement.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Country & Regions - Jump Page The jum page allows an easy way to locate the country of the region. User comes to this page by clicking “Country� from the global navigation. Up on clicking the countries or region, user will be taken to their respective landing pages.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Region Landing Page Regions & Countries are now referred to as “sections� within the World Bank site, rather than separate sites of their own. Countries include their own left navigation, structured consistently with all other countries. The new web aims to use technology more fully, automating displays and applying tags to share information across the site, so that sections become easier to maintain and much more current and dynamic in what they offer users. We are retaining well-structured flexibility, so that editorial teams, starting from a much higher baseline, can enhance and update content wherever it makes sense and as often as business needs require.

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Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

Vision of the New Web

Region Site-Sections

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Vision of the New Web

Region Site-Sections

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Region - Brief Template

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Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

Vision of the New Web

Country Landing Page

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Vision of the New Web

Topics - Jump Page

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Topics - Landing Page







Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

Vision of the New Web

Topic - Data

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Region - Newsletter Template

Shows index of previous issues to help users navigate.

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

Vision of the New Web

Topic - Region Intersections

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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Thanks Vision of the New Web

Prepared by: Pradyot Rai, Geoff Shott

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