YI-EN, TSAI EDUCATION BACKGROUND ACADEMIC HONOURS ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE SKILLS No. 4, Ln. 500, Daye Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City , Taiwan (R.O.C.) 2014-2017 Taichung, Shi Yuan Senior High School 2017-2022 Department of Architecture - Tamkang University 2017-2018 EA1 Tamkang Computer Graphics Competition - Merit Award 2019-2020 EA3 Teacher Wang Jikun Architectural Design Excellence Scholarship - 1-3st 2021-2022 EA5 Tamkang University Department of Architecture 54th Thesis Design Award - Final List 2021-2022 EA5 Tamkang Architecture Alumni Association - Design Excellence Award 2022 2021-2022 EA5 2022 IEAGD 11th - Taiwan 20 2021-2022 EA5 2022 Taipei Architects Association Thesis Design Award - Judges' Award 2021-2022 EA5 2022 Team 20 10th - shortlisted 2020-2021 EA4 AMBI STUDIO - Summer Internship 2018-2019 EA2 Architecture Week - Ghost House / Team Leader 2019-2020 EA3 Architecture Week - Bingo / Artistic Design Section 2020-2021 Ea4 Freshman Welcome Camp / Event Planning Department Leader 2020-2021 Ea4 Student Association / Department Magazine AutoCAD / Rhinocero 3D / Revit / Illustrator / Photoshop sketchup / Twinmotion / Grasshopper Basic wood work / Basic metal work / Concrete molding ���UTME +886 1998/12/12joann.smallboo@gmail.com912255955

CONTENTS02MY12CHURCHES 2020 WINTER EA4 PROJECT / Church TKU 2020 AUTUMN EA4 PROJECT / Townhouse TKU 2020 WINTER EA4 PROJECT / Hotel TKU 2021 SPRING EA4 PROJECT / Landscape architecture design TKU 2020 SUMMER EA3 PROJECT / Design center TKU 2020 SPRING EA3 PROJECT / Social housing TKU 2019 SUMMER EA2 / Civic hall TKU 2020 AUTUMN EA4 / Rehabtation Center TKU 2018 AUTUMN EA2 / Pavilion TKU 2017 WINTER EA1 / Concrete molding 03 CONFESSION HOUSE 04 2020 QUARANTINE HOTEL 05 BACK TO THE RIVER 06 A.R.K DESIGN HUB 07 UNLIMITED SOCIAL HOUSING 08 THE “ENTRANCE” 09 EMOTION REHAB 10 LAYERS OF TAMSUI 11 FERN - BIONIC 01 Confession 01. TKU 2022 Thesis Design / Confessional Rehabilitation Center

Those crazy buildings at this time transformed into the jailer of the city cage. so fake!!! Story 03a lonely charmer REWARDALonelyCharmer He looks so lonely...... the joy of being alone the
In order to chase the sun's moving route Mr. Perfectionist needs to move the plant every hour. The signboards that are always flashing are the ones that he take great pains to unplug every 20 minutes to keep the street signboards flashing in order. He opens his home every day to greet the neighbors on the stairs because he is the spokesman for a beautiful home.
MVE most valuable employee Story 01Mr. Perfectionism good morningHi 3.2.1......
Story 04 philosopher- in park
Crowd a lonely staircase / the High Street 12 3 In a city Evenclothingsexploitationistaroundunethical,everythingwhereiswherefraudstersdriveinnewluxurycars,wherespendmoneyinhigh-endstores,wherecorruptofficialssitinrestaurantsanddrinkexpensiveredwine,onlytheidlemusthideonstreetcornersforfearofbeingrecognizedfortheirimperfections.ifapersonisnotbusy,evenifheismoralandhasagoodlook,hestilllookssuspiciousbecausehemusthavesomethingtohide,otherwisehewouldnotbeleftwithnothingtodo.Story 02Ms.Idle REWARDWANTEDMr.Perfectionism
In order to chase the sun's moving route Mr. Perfectionist needs to move the plant every hour. The signboards that are always flashing are the ones that he take great pains to unplug every 20 minutes to keep the street signboards flashing in Heorder.opens his home every day to greet the neighbors on the stairs because he is the spokesman for a beautiful home. Mr. Perfectionism
To be called a philosopher, a person must not only be a great thinker, but also a frank man. The city is a conspiracy to lure you stupid animals to join the circus, to be enslaved by the trainers and earn money for them. The city people always complained about those life's constraints, but it turned out to be their only solace to prove the dignity of existence in the world. Lonely

-2-WhisperConfessionofthe City Blues
TKU 2022 EA5 THESIS DESIGN / Confession Rehabilitation Center
Urban rehab - People in the city are struggling by facing different psychological conditions. To catch up with life ,we forget to listen to ourselves and face some parts of our lives.
of Antique Market”,”Folding Wall of time”,”Lonely Chimney”,”Idle Terrace”,”Timer Staircase”, for people to interpret their memories and sentiments from different angles and finally confess to themselves.
Instructor : Hideki Hirahara Site : Qingtian Street, Taipei Confession - is to parse the signals of events with multiple identities, so that one can accept what is unacceptable or what one wants to say but cannot. We can find some chaos in the city everyday.They confess the desires, blues and memories of our lives.
Qingtian seems to be the most peaceful and pure place in Taipei, but there are still chaos to be found. I translated them into characters to confess the times phenomenon and the historical memories -the blues of Qingtian Street. Under the reflection of two identities, past and modern, the experimental characters is translated into entrance and four confes architectures,”Entrancesional
The confession-architecture becomes a rehablitation for people to escape from reality while slowly accepting the blues that is bound to happen.
06 Doopler Effect + Angle Life is a collection of perceptions, and each period of my life can be regarded as a combination of several perceptions. I go through my daily routine, but at some point I feel my own existence, my present self, my past self, my dream self. Does the same self found in each moment carry the same perceptual symbols, and if it is different, is me telling myself a differ ent story that is happening? thenspeadheatsoundquiet...
When detached from myself, the windows hanging in the night sky are the pieces that make up my day. People live for me in their own way. Whether the lights go out late or early, whether the intensity of the light becomes different or not, becomes the basis for me to determine the movement of time. At the same time, I am aware of my existence. you live my life live my life for Story they tell My life 04 Puzzle "Detachment" is used to describe the process of becoming externally aware of yourself (or any other perspective). When you think about "yourself", "stop and look", "step back and think", "take yourself out of something ", "take yourself out of a situation", you are experiencing a process of being "detachment".
you The
+ Ex��action
+ Reorganization
Every second, the sense of the elements changes. When we step into the sea, we feel the cold touch, and the next moment, through the change of angle, I see the golden sea reflected on the rocks. The change of perception makes our emotions deeper in the moment, but with the rapid change of time, and we keep moving forward to experience different elements, when we turn the corner and see another person where we were, he is like me, but I look at the past me with a differ ent deep emotion.
Every second, the sense the elements changes. When we step into the sea, we feel the cold touch. moment, but with the rapid change of time, and we keep moving forward to experience different elements. when we turn the corner where we were, she is like at the past me deepwith The next moment, through the change of angle, see the golden sea reflected on the rocks.
Confession in Mind - confession of multiple identities -
Alzheimer's Disease emotional withdrawal dual personality mental downtime 05 Detachment + Dissociation
Wi�� ��� s��n�... ��i� ��j� ��? 2015/06/27 �1:09 2015/09/12 15:26 Wi�� ��� ���r��... My day was built up by �������� �ha�... Reflaction 02 + Repeat I often feel that this body knows what I need better than my consciousness, and that it grasps the symbols and meanings of all things in this world one step earlier than my mind.
My body grasps the symbols and meanings all things in thisInnerworldworld often feel that this body knows what better than my consciousness 7:30 7:45 8:57 9:00 21:30 21:45 24:00 01 Rule + Time lag 03 Color Color is the initial human perception of the world, the collective consciousness of a place, the emotion of a painter, and a blurred fragment of memory. Color represents a fragment of a person's life, but just like human beings, color also has a life, changing its shape with time. Does this also mean that in the fluctuation of time, people form different selves, reorga nize their past memories, change their collective consciousness, and change their perception of themselves because of the change of color?
As the years go by , the completion of various goals becomes the focus of people's lives and time passes faster. Aware of the importance of the process, people are able to recover the lost time and the small events that have a special meaning. The presence of rituals proclaims the value of the event and the true self. Fetish / warning signal 07 + Desire Through the details of life, we discover the existence of a fragment of our other identity in time and space, and learn the true nature behind the events. Confessionis to parse the signals of events with multiple identities, so that one can accept what is unacceptable or what one wants to say but cannot.

First find what is abnormal in our life and later transformed the essence of it into notation of confession. Confession in City - confession of multiple identities/ detachment/ detachment / hide/ hide / regrowth of the architecture / regrowth of the architecture NOTATION - confession of multiple identities+ Trace + Blend 01 Grow timer/ timer a a a’ a’ / dissociation/ dissociation / scenes/ scenes NOTATION - confession of multiple identities02 Timer + Dissociation + Vag�e -4-

outbreaktrackdownjudgement -5-
/ the Process of Murder / the Facts Behind the Scenes - small designA Murder
The small design is based in the former residence of Yin Foo-Sun on Qingtian Street, hoping to use "confession" to let people experience the injustice and the reasons behind several murder cases under the background of white terror. Using the story line of the murders as the main axis, the path is built with : 01 seemingly quiet park - the outbreak of events 02 hasty bookstore - the examination process 03 unjust pawnshop - the verdict. park Yin Foo-Sun's Residenceseeminglyquietpark hasty bookstore unjust pawnshop

- small designA Murder A rush examination process program - hasty bookstore An unjust verdict program - unjust pawnshop -6-

Story 02Ms.Idle
Story 04 philosopher- in park
REWARDALonelyCharmer He
In order to chase the sun's moving route Mr. Perfectionist needs to move the plant every hour. The signboards that are always flashing are the ones that he take great pains to unplug every 20 minutes to keep the street signboards flashing in Heorder.opens his home every day to greet the neighbors on the stairs because he is the spokesman for a beautiful home.
MVE most valuable employee Story 01Mr. Perfectionism good morningHi 3.2.1...... Mr. Perfectionism
so fake!!! Story
Confession is defined as using multiple identities to parse the signals of an event. With confession, people eventually accept what they could not accept or tell what they wanted to tell but could not.
12 3 In
In order to chase the sun's moving route Mr. Perfectionist needs to move the plant every hour. The signboards that are always flashing are the ones that he take great pains to unplug every 20 minutes to keep the street signboards flashing in order. He opens his home every day to greet the neighbors on the stairs because he is the spokesman for a beautiful home. Holy crap
To be called a philosopher, a person must not only be a great thinker, but also a frank man. The city is a conspiracy to lure you stupid animals to join the circus, to be enslaved by the trainers and earn money for them. The city people always complained about those life's constraints, but it turned out to be their only solace to prove the dignity of existence in the world. crazy buildings at this time transformed into the jailer of the city cage. 03a lonely charmer looks so lonely...... the joy of being alone / the Lonely Crowd a lonely staircase High Street a city
WANTED REWARDPhilosopher / Research Design- Whisper of the City blues
Through the details of life, we discover the existence of a fragment of our other identity in time and space, and learn the true nature behind the events.

Qingtian seems to be the most peaceful and pure place in Taipei, but there are still chaos to be found. I translated them into characters to confess the times phenomenon and the historical memories -the blues of Qingtian Street. NationalTaiwanNormalUniversity commercial area living area mental illness QingtianStreet Sec.3,XinyiRd - Daan Park- Busy City- Busy City JinhuaStreet 1 WANTED REWARDWANTED Sec.2,XinshengS.Rd - Redefining chaos in Qingtian Streetphoto : actual conditions plan confession: of society 2020 Character of Confession / Site -8-

05The signboard by the door, reflecting the faint light of the lamp, is like a piece of letter paper on which a few words are written “It is fortunate that a man like me, in these times and circumstances, is not starving to death.”
After01 the death of his lover, he returned to his hometown. He said, "People will leave one day, and if there is nothing left behind, or if there is nothing that grows with you as you age, then life is lonely. In the antique store people sell their memories so that more people can 03In Taipei, the sky here is the greenest. Even if you fly high and far, you can recognize the way back at dusk.
5th - The clear blue sky. 4th - The lush green leaves. 3rd -The sound of parents. urging their children to wake up. 2nd -The smell of gasoline from the car starting up. Take a deep breath and it's time to face a new day.
-9Site Observation - Confession in Qingtian
Turning04 the corner of the alley. Looking at those gray-haired grandparents standing in front of the house, weeping and reminiscing about childhood memories, I found that different Standing06 in front of the window, and countdowning for a new day.
It has been sunk into memory for a long time I deliberately don't think about this place Because there are too many sorrows -Liangxuan
The Story of Qingtian District to Confess - residents’ memories 04 90-year-old House 05 Ended Bookstore02 Professor’s House01 Antique Market 03 Old Trees 06 Stair Case
Qingtian Street, Taipei City

The Experience of Qingtian District to Confess - visitors’ experience07 Heping East Road Site Observation - Confession in Qingtian 08
Back Alley 10 Parking Lot09 The Door to Nowhere
At07 9:00 p.m., the street was still noisy, as if night had never come. She walked along the noisy street, passed through the busy lanes, and turned around the church at the end of the lane. As a leaf fell, she realized that in the deepest part of the night, she could There09 are many doors to nowhere here. A short wooden door on the wall of parking lot, The metal doors with only frames at the end of the alley, The glass door by the barber shop that has become a tourist attraction. And the red door in front of the old house that can never be opened again.
When the light peeks through the doorway, people walk by just in time. All the past is still visible.Compared08 to the neat street façade, here in the back alleys that you can see the real life of the residents. Follow the damp smell into the alley, the sky is wrapped in barred windows and in each room, a story is told. A woman walks through the barred door and smokes a cigarette.
He10 Drived away from the busy road and went into a quiet alley. Turning into the parking lot on the corner. A few moments later he found the world quiet. There were the short wooden doors on the fence and the few remaining window sills.

-Red Space is the rehabilitation centercity.of -Yellow Axis shows the essences of Qingtian and bring the residents into the new exis to observe the alleys.
Confession Rehabilitation Center
Qingtian seems to be the most peaceful and pure place in Taipei, but there are still chaos to be found. I translated them into characters to confess the times phenomenon and the historical memories -the blues of Qingtian Street.
Under the reflection of two identities, past and modern, the experimental characters is translated into entrance and four confessional architectures, ”Entrance of Antique Market”,”Folding Wall of time”,”Lonely Chimney”,”Idle Terrace”,”Timer Staircase”, for people to interpret their memories and sentiments from different angles and finally confess to themselves.
-Blue Space conveys the memories of the times and the psychological condition of the society.

Turning the corner of the alley. Looking at those gray-haired grandparents standing in front of the house, weeping and reminiscing about childhood memories, found that different times were linked in the same space.
Folding Wall of time Idle Terrace Timer StaircaseEntrance of Antique Market ( Civic Gallary )
To catch up with life, they forget to listen to themselves and face some par�s of their lives.
Countdown for a new day.We are living in a societ� of g�adual detachment.
After the death of his lover, he returned to his hometown. He said, "People will leave one day, and if there is nothing left behind, or if there is nothing that grows with you as you age, then life is lonely. In the antique store people sell their memories so that more people can come into their lives.
A House of Collage 2020 elevation of times Death as the common sit�ation just like we gain ever�day but lost at the same time. Chimney
The signboard by the door, reflecting the faint light of the lamp, is like a piece of letter paper on which a few words are written “It is fortunate that a man like me, in these times and circumstances, is not starving to -Yindeath.”Haiguang, March 16, 1966
ExposedbootyKitchen Hillside House without effectiveness Puzzle
Standing in front of the window, and countdowning for new day. 5th The clear blue sky. 4th The lush green leaves. 3rd -The sound of parents. urging their children to wake up. 2nd -The smell of gasoline from the car starting up. Take a deep breath and it's time to face a new day.
Book Store + Flower Shop Cafe Bar + Fragance store Apartment + Hotel Hotel + Tatoo Shop

Finally, in the underground space, under the light of the roof, people listen to the customers of the flower shop telling their stories of loss, listen to the people of the bookstore murmuring about the history of the past, and then, after taking the mind rest, there is an underground passage to the second course of the treatment. Book Store + Flower Shop Wall of time
On one side of the wall, a new bookstore has been opened on the site of the old bookstore, telling the memories of lost during the White Terror. Visitors can experience the feeling of loss of freedom while walking around, and in contrast to the flower shop, they can deeply understand and accept the emotions of the past. Inside the flower shop, people come to here telling their memory of the pass by with clerk and receive the flower which match the story. Guided by the light, one turns through the walls to read about another kind of loss and to be relieved of it.

-141 3 7 15(m) A-A’ section 2 6 2 614 30(m) ground floor plan 01 lobby 02 library area 03 antique market 04 underground path 05 mixture garden 01 find the flower and express your story 02 wrapping room - wrap up the flowers 03 garden - plant the seeds 04 office 14 30(m) second floor plan 01 lobby 02 library area 03 antique market 04 underground path 05 mixture garden 01 find the flower and express your story 02 wrapping room - wrap up the flowers 03 garden - plant the seeds 04 office

-/Cafehappen.blueswhilepeoplebecomesconfession-architect�rearehablitationfortoescapefromrealit�slowlyacceptingthethatisboundtoBarChimneyWearelivinginasociet�of g�adual detachment
Urban rehab People in the cit� are st��ggling by facing different conditions.psychologicalTocatchup with life ,we forget to listen to ourselves and face some par�s of our lives. The
Cafe Bar + Fragance store Lonely Chimney
In contrast to the lonely apprance, the center of Lonely Chimney is the meeting point of a cafe bar, a perfume store,and a secret path of the residents,with the sound, the smell and the signal of light the, lonely people find the temporary companionship here. With the Scent Corridor , people can go into the back alley.
The people in the fragance store are attracted by the human voice and follow the road reading the name of each perfume which comes from people’s story.
/Fragance store - Perf�me is a comfor� to people and a memor� of a scene

62 214 30(m) ground floor plan 01 lobby ( Which do you want to drink for? ) 02 seating area 03 private room 04 bathroom 05 cafe’ 06 reading scent area 01 road of Searching for Fragrance 02 custom perfume area 03 waiting area 04 name for your own scent 6 14 30(m) second floor plan 01 lobby ( Which do you want to drink for? ) 02 seating area 03 private room 04 bathroom 05 cafe’ 06 reading scent area 01 road of Searching for Fragrance 02 custom perfume area 03 waiting area 04 name for your own scent 1 3 7 15(m) B-B’ section -16-

People come to here taking the short break and spend time with themselves.
The three rooms of the hotel are inserted in the apartment.
In the middle of the building ,those invisible tarrances show the possibitis of being idle.
Apartment + Hotel Idle Terrace
-/HotelTocatch up with life ,they forget to listen to themselves and face some par�s of their lives.
Urban rehab People in the cit� are st��ggling by facing conditions.psychologicaldifferentTo catch up with life ,we forget to listen to ourselves and face some par�s of our
-Room for reading a book -Room for recording the each first time -Room for getting start for a new day

62 14 30(m) ground floor plan 01 lobby 02 library 03 gallery 04 room 1 05 room 2 06 kitchen 07 gameing room 01 room for reading a book 02 room for recording the each first time 03 room for getting start for a new day 62 14 30(m) second floor plan 01 lobby 02 library 03 gallery 04 room 1 05 room 2 06 kitchen 07 gameing room 01 room for reading a book 02 room for recording the each first time 03 room for getting start for a new day 62 14 30(m) third floor plan 01 lobby 02 library 03 gallery 04 room 1 05 room 2 06 kitchen 07 gameing room 01 room for reading a book 02 room for recording the each first time 03 room for getting start for a new day 1 3 7 15(m) C-C’ section -18-

Stepping out of the home which as the most safe place , people countdown for the new day by the window when they step down the stairs.
The whole building is like a huge staircase. The one-person hotel and the tattoo shop are staggered in the center of the staircase, not seeing each other but feeling each other's presence through the spatial characteristics.
The hotel stretches the time of the day, allowing people to deeply reflect on their own existence, count down and confess to themselves during the last journey of the confession rehabilitation.
The staircase is like the timer which countdown for a new day.
Hotel + Tatoo Shop Timer Staircase /HotelCountdown for new day.
People who come for the tattoo share their stories in the first floor, then go upstairs to wait and when they are ready, they finally come to the top floor to have their tattooed which has strong meaning to them.
/Tatoo Shop Aſter many years, I finally got up the courage to think about you and got a tatoo of your name.

62 14 30(m) ground floor plan 01 lobby +photography studio 02 bathroom 03 bedroom 01 consulting room 02 waiting room 03 tatoo studio 62 14 30(m) second floor plan 01 lobby +photography studio 02 bathroom 03 bedroom 01 consulting room 02 waiting room 03 tatoo studio 1 3 7 15(m) D-D’ section -20-

In my childhood 12 �e�r� �l� �2 �e�r� �l� In my puberty Concept Model When grow up 02 -22-
My 12 Churches TKU 2020 WINTER EA4 PROJECT / Church Instructor : Hideki Hirahara Site : Hoshino, Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan
The Japanese animation which call “ From Up On Puppy Hill ” transfer a thinking that “if we don”t look back at the history, there will not be a future.” At the same time, using colorful paintings ,it tells how colors showing the memory to others. Keeping memories in mind is such a important thing, it writes novels of our lives .To make a novel ,we experience things in different ways, meet people in different times. Through the whole life, it becomes a beautiful and narrative fiction to every one.

Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. There are four major processes involved in memory: -23-butmemorythings.themselvespeopleGoingstorage,consolidation,encoding,andretrieval.througththespace,usecolortohelprememberAftersometime,becomesblurrybeautifulpainting.

Confession House 03 TKU 2020 AUTUMN EA4 PROJECT / Townhouse
This is their story. In our days , people sometimes experience big confession which can totally change their mind.
Instructor : Hideki Hirahara Site : Guisui St., Taipei City, Taiwan
A novel which called “ Wrong Rooms” shows a dramatic confession in the finalIn 1992 Mark Sanderson met the love of his life. A Lonely Hearts ad in Time Out may not have promised much, but a detailed letter from an Australian called Drew marked the beginning of a relationship. April 1994 Drew was diagnosed with skin cancer. Three months later he died,Mark killed him...

Confession in Life In our daily life, we experience some dramatic confessions in different times. This kind of confession bring some surprise to please our life. Encountering to those confessions make days more beautiful and Second floorGround floorBasement floor -29-

When you realize the confession in your days, the way you see the world will be totally changed.



2020 Quarantine Hotel TKU 2020 WINTER EA4 PROJECT / Hotel Instructor : Hideki Hirahara Site : La-lu Land, Sun Moon Lake, Nantou County, Taiwan In 2020, people all have chaotic days.we can’t imagine there will be many people sad to see the back of 2020. But this may yet prove to be one of the most important and defining years in our lives. Its effects and impacts will live on and its long-term legacy is yet to be Howevverseen having said that, we all experience different kinds of lost.Somebody lost their health and family,some lost chance to pursure the dreams. So I want to build a quarantune 04 -34-
What is CONFESSION,ETERNALIthink it is Alove.moive calls “Still Alice” tells people not only how “lost” makes miserable world , but also how “love” save us. In this chaotic world, we need to learn what is ART OF LOST. Art of Lost -35-


05 -40-
Instructor : Jasmin, Yi-Chu Shih Site : Dadaocheng, Taipei City, Taiwan
The rise of Dadaocheng has close relationship with Tamsui River. However, with the dike built up to prevent the flooding, the relationship between the city and the river bank is severed. To bring history and art back to the river and make a green string network for the old district, I cover the spatial order of tranditional townhouse in Dihua street to the riverside. So it makes the historical features be seen again and also build the prototypes for different chunks. With this kind of spe cial spatial orders which intertwine in three layers, pores between them make unpredictability events happend in the site.
Back to The River TKU 2021 SPRING EA4 PROJECT /
Landscape architecture design

1851 1853 culture declinestart-up18602006 Site : Dadaocheng, Taipei City, Taiwan The rise of Dadaocheng has close relationship with Tamsui However,River.with the dike built up to prevent the flooding, the relationship between the city and the river bank is Isevered.wantto use landscape design to bring history and new art back to the river, so people can re-examine the history in a comfortable space which full of green. Novel of life. -41-

The green network between the city and the riverside shrinks to free up more space to bring people back to the river . At the same time, the placement of the main pro grams in spacial order makes unpredictability events Thehappening.cross-dike platforms on both sides of the end and the paths inside and outside the dike make a circular system for residents. Green and / blue network 3 historic site start-up zone culture maze river sunsetA CB D E river firework 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1211 Start-upZone Start-upZone level of privacy courtyardbalconyarcadeplaza roof Demonstration area Masterplan 1 -Cross-dike bridge 2 -Civic Square 3 -Pier 4 -Bazaar / Exhibition 5 -Water sport field 6 -Culture maze 7 -Sport field 8 -Art museum 9 10-Stage-Sightseeing platform 11 -Sport field 12 -Parking lot -42-

space which can led to unpredictability events happend in the district. Concept1 - Spatial order of Dihua Street townhouse 16-23m 16-23m>6m >6m 16-23m 2F first second thirdVeranda plaza plaza patio patio Dihua Street townhouse. private plaza DihuaStreet Plaza layers of three programs Pores between layers WEAVINGDISTRICT riverriver fabric fabric photography photography start-updistrictzone Huanhe N. Rd. entrance civic square bizaar/stage road plaza sprayground path platform river A-A’ SECTION - Entrance(civic square) Concept

start-up axis / art culture axis river A Flooded Section C A cross-dike path B waterfront space C harbor waterA1 gate rampstore water cross-dike-museumwaterfrontgatebuildingplaza vertical park plaza waterplazaharbor gate waterfrontharbor building maze A B1 B2 C1 C2 pattern embankmentpathshoreline program pattern program pattern program pattern program Section A A path B amenity space A1 B3B1 C1B2 C2A2 Section B water sport field bridge Bizaar exhibition forestexhibition A1 A2 stair mazeplaza maze A3 A amenity space B plaza for riverside C plaza for districk B exhibition C1` C2 development possibility bizaar bizaar water sports area exhibition/store pier road lane path plaza path river wooden trestledistrict B-B’ SECTION - Pier Three Layers -44-

culture maze observation deskculture parkcivic square roaddistrict viaduct plaza grass path permeable pavement river C-C’ SECTION - Culture maze chunkchunk Civic Square Bizaar Masterplan Prototype pl t m p f rm ppe pa rm erf n spacbui ng up p f m wate ont p b i g Civic CulturalBizaarSquareMazeMuseumParkinglotsection A A2 section B A2 section A A7 section C C1 section B A1

The rise of Dadaocheng has close relationship with Tamsui River. However, with the dike built up to prevent the flooding, the relationship between the city and the river bank is severed. to use landscape design to bring history and new art back to the river, so people can re-ex amine the history in a comfortable space which full green.
culture and art museumstagebizaar riverpathslopefloorgrassfloorplazaroaddistrict D-D’ SECTION - Culture and Art museum FloodingNormal -46-
I want

I use Noah’s ARK as the concept of design center. As a pivot and platform, the design center clusters multiple design units from different professional fields. Echoing the timeline of various species boarding the ark to re-landing, different design majors, directions and cultures in the center stirred ideas and cooperated to produce independent but collaborative groups and qualitative changed designs. Furthermore, the architecture design of the center engages the crowd and strengthens the rela tionship between people.
Instructor : Jenny Ling Site : Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan
06 -48-
A.R.K Design Hub TKU 2020 SUMMER EA3 PROJECT / Design center

-54Unlimited Social Housing TKU 2020 SPRING EA3 PROJECT / Social housing
According to how long people stay at home, residents are separated into two types of living style. With different style, different living units are designed to match the way how people live in unlimited social housPublicing.
Instructor : Ruei-Mao, Huang Site : Heart Village, Beitou, Taipei City, Taiwan
spaces are among unites,and different public spaces can compose into the bigger one. With public spaces extending to the Military villages from social housing, the dramatic stage of it showes in front of the residents. To some extent,the social housing become no limit since it infiltrate into the surrounding. 07

When do you come back Whathome?can you do when you stay at for a long According//time? to how long people stay at home, residents are separated into two types of living style. With different style, different living units are designed to match the way how people live in unlimited social housing. Time you stay at home
What will happen when people in different ages living together? Since the time people stay at home is different, what will change in living units? Thinking about the question, I seperate program in three types-single,family and the elderly to design the units. With different households and different programs, there are specific connections and interactions between them.

Public spaces are among unites,and different public spaces can compose into the bigger one. With public spaces extending to the Military villages from social housing, the dramatic stage of it showes in front of the residents. To some extent,the social housing become no limit since it infiltrate into the surrounding.

The “ENTRANCE” 08 The are four different forms of building in the site, and they all have own special facade and interior. I define them into four different entrance images. I set the systems of entrance image into three layers-city,road and the facade of building, then transform each image and reorganize layers into modular of percep tion map. Base on the perception map, modular transformed into the 2.5D model and 3D model according to the definitions of colors,height and the phenomenon.. TKU 2019 SUMMER EA2 / Civic hall Instructor : Frances Wu Site : Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan -59Model With colors,heightelements(the connectandmarket,other,connectjoining,phenomenon)andthespacestoeachsothebazaarcityhalltogether finally. It makes forentranceandcomplexinterestinglytheinteriordramaticimagethebuilding.

+City ‘s +Street’sEntranceEntrance Tranditional Community Street Vendor Morden City Traffic Greenbelt Cultural Reservation Entrance None +Elevation / Conversion +Perception Map +Conversion Model +Flow +Spatial Layering +Height Market UrbanCommunity Center Community Center Upper Floor Market / Lower Floor +Section A - A’ Entrance B - B’ Upper Floor C C’ Joint Junction of Different Spaces D D’Horizontal Flow Why to Choose the Section Line Concept -60-

10Emotion Rehab Layers of Tamsui TKU 2020 AUTUMN EA4 / Rehabtation Instructor : Hideki Hirahara Site : Waimushan Harbor, Taiwan TKU 2018 AUTUMN EA2 / Pavilion Instructor : Ten-Chun, Hsiang Site : Tamsui, New Taipei City, Taiwan 09 Other works Other works In our daily life, we can feel different behav iors from the elements in surroundings. However, if we see one thing (in elements) as ourselves, the changes in the world become Emotionregular.Rehabgives people a chance to feel the change of nature things in times and rethink their addictions in their problematic loves.With different angles between architec tures and nature things. People can see the scenes of there life in different ways .

Instructor : Yi-Chih, Huang
11Fern -Bionic
TKU 2017 WINTER EA1 / Concrete molding
Other works Tamsui is a space which shows vary beautiful layers. The layers show the history, life style and nature in this small Totown.build a pavilion for resident who live in here for a long time and the tourist who want to fiind a quiet space for relaxing. I choose the site in old municipal housing, so that the design itself sometimes becomes a path but the other time becomes a rest area. The scale inside is base on the study and transformation of the layers and the facade and the shadow also show image of layers in some ways. By studying the ferns, I transform them into the concrete model by its growth pattern and the forms of Withorgans.the dented and bulged parts molding on the triangle, each units can match to each other by certain angle. So that the aggregate shows the growth pattern of fern in whole process. -62-

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