Powys Flicks Spring Menu 2015

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Ionawr – Mawrth 2015 January – March 2015


Y GWANWYN 15 Annwyl Cefnogwr Flicks Croeso i ail raglen ddigwyddiadau ffilm Canolbarth Powys, wedi ei chyflwyno gan Flicks in the Sticks gyda chymorth cronfa Cymdogaeth y DFfP a chronfa loteri Arian i Bawb.

@FlicksinSticks Flicks in the Sticks

Dyma dymor olaf ffilmiau gyda’r peilot hwn, fydd yn gorffen ym mis Mawrth 2015. Wedi dweud hynny rydyn ni’n gobeithio dod â Flicks nôl ym mis Medi 2015 (fyddwn ni ddim yn arddangos ffilmiau yn yr haf) a byddwn yn gweithio’n galed er mwyn cael cefnogaeth ariannol er mwyn cyflawni hyn. Serch hynny, oherwydd bod llwyddiant y peilot wedi ei seilio ar rifau’r cynulleidfaoedd a ph’un ai fedrwn ni ennyn mwy o gefnogaeth ar gyfer parhad Flicks yng nghanolbarth Powys neu beidio, bydd angen eich cefnogaeth chi hefyd. Felly rydyn ni’n gobeithio y gallwch chi ein cefnogi gan fynd i weld ychydig o’r ffilmiau gwerth chweil fydd yn cael eu cynnig yn lleol neu fynd ymhellach efallai. Mae gynnon ni nifer o ffilmiau arbennig ar eich cyfer – rhywbeth at ddant pawb. I enwi ‘mond ychydig mae gynnon ni Pride, Mr. Turner, Belle, Philomena, The Love Punch, Paddington, The Boxtrolls a dewch i ganu nerth esgyrn eich pen gyda chymanfa ganu Frozen! Ariennir gwasanaeth Flicks trwy gymhorthdal cyhoeddus er mwyn dod â sinema i ardaloedd gwledig ac fel y gwyddom mae amserau’n galed gyda mwy o doriadau yn debygol yn Ebrill – felly mae’r dyfodol yn ansicr. Gyda hyn mae eich cefnogaeth a’ch presenoldeb yn ystod nosweithiau sgrinio yn hynod o bwysig. Os teimlwch y gallwch wneud cyfraniad rhowch ganiad neu gwnewch hynny ar lein www.artsalive.co.uk da chi. Diolch yn fawr i’n hyrwyddwyr gwirfoddol – Oherwydd amgylchiadau y tu hebddynt a’u timau ni fyddai'n bosib sgrinio o gwbl. allan i'n rheolaeth, gall teitlau Dymuniadau gorau oddi wrth bawb ar dîm Flicks, Ian, Terri a Bryoni

ffilm weithiau yn newid neu hyd yn oed cael eu canslo. Os gwelwch yn dda gwelwch ein gwefan am y newyddion mwyaf cyfoes neu ffoniwch y lleoliad.

Dear Flicks Supporter Welcome to the second programme of film events in mid-Powys, brought to you by Flicks in the Sticks with support from the BFI Neighbourhood fund and Awards for All lottery fund. This is the final season of films in this pilot, which ends in March 2015. However, we hope to bring Flicks back in September 2015 (we don’t usually screen films in the summer) and we will be working hard to try to raise financial support in order to do this, but we need your support too, because the success of the pilot will be based on audience numbers and whether we can raise more support for the continuation of Flicks in mid-Powys. So we hope that you will give your support and get along to a few of the cracking films on offer in your local venue, and perhaps venture further afield too. We have some great films for you – something to suit all tastes, to name a few we have; Pride, Mr. Turner, Belle, Philomena, The Love Punch, Paddington, The Boxtrolls and come sing your heart out at a Frozen sing-along! Flicks is a service that is subsidised by public funding to bring cinema to rural areas, and as you know times are tough, with more cuts likely to occur in April – so the future is uncertain, hence your support of our service and attendance at screenings is vital. If you feel you can make a donation do give us a call or you can make a donation online: www.artsalive.co.uk Every little helps! A big thanks to our volunteer promoters – without them and their teams there would be no screenings at all. With very best wishes from all of the team at Flicks, Ian, Terri and Bryoni t: 01588 620883 e: ian@artsalive.co.uk w: www.artsalive.co.uk Blue Barn, Green Lane Churchstoke SY15 6EN

Due to circumstances beyond our control, screenings can sometimes be changed or even cancelled. So please check our website for the most up-to-date news, or phone the venue.


Dyddiad Amser Ffilm Date Time Film

Tystysgrif Cert

Lleoliad Venue

09 7.30pm Belle

12a Abermule Community Centre

09 7.30pm Pride


12 7.00pm Frozen

PG Welshpool Assembly Room

14 6.30pm Frozen

PG Dolau Community Hall

15 7.30pm Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War


Llandinam Village Hall

16 8.00pm A Million Ways To Die In The West


Sarn Village Hall

18 2.30pm The Lego Movie


CELF (former Drama Centre)

21 7.30pm Cuban Fury


Dolau Community Hall

Knighton Community Centre

22 7.30pm What We Did On Our Holiday 12a CARAD 24 7.00pm Pride


The Old Mill Bar, Llanidloes

30 7.00pm The Grand Budapest Hotel


Walton Parish Hall

31 7.30pm TBC

Llanbister Community Hall

Pride Cyfarwyddwr: Matthew Warchus. Comedi/Drama/Hanes 120 mun, Tyst 15 Imelda Staunton, Bill Nighy, Dominic West, Paddy Considine, George MacKay, Freddie Fox, Jessie Cave, Sophie Evans Wedi ei osod yn ystod haf 1984 – Magaret Thatcher sydd yn brif weinidog ac mae Undeb Cenedlaethol y Glowyr (UCG) yn streicio. Yn ystod gorymdaith Gay Pride yn Llundain, bydd grŵp o weithredwyr hoyw a lesbiaidd yn penderfynu codi arian i gefnogi teuluoedd y glowyr. Ond mae problem. Mae'r Undeb yn rhy embaras i dderbyn eu cefnogaeth. Director: Matthew Warchus. Comedy/Drama/History 120 mins,

Cert 15

Imelda Staunton, Bill Nighy, Dominic West, Paddy Considine, George MacKay, Freddie Fox, Jessie Cave, Sophie Evans Set in the summer of 1984 – Margaret Thatcher is in power and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is on strike. At the Gay Pride March in London, a group of gay and lesbian activists decides to raise money to support the families of the striking miners. But there is a problem. The Union seems embarrassed to receive their support.


Dyddiad Amser Ffilm Date Time Film

Tystysgrif Cert

Lleoliad Venue

06 7.30pm Philomena

12a Abermule Community Centre

06 7.30pm Tracks

12a Knighton Community Centre

09 7.00pm What We Did On Our Holiday 12a Welshpool Assembly Room 13 8.00pm The Love Punch

12a Sarn Village Hall

17 2.00pm The Boxtrolls


18 7.30pm War Horse

12a Dolau Community Hall

19 7.30pm The Love Punch

12a Llandinam Village Hall

19 2.00pm TBC 21 8.00pm 12 Years a Slave 21 7.30pm TBC 28 7.00pm Frank 28 7.30pm TBC


CELF (former Drama Centre) Evenjobb Village Hall

CELF (former Drama Centre)


The Old Mill Bar, Llanidloes

Llanbister Community Hall


Dyddiad Amser Ffilm Date Time Film

Tystysgrif Cert

Lleoliad Venue

01 7.30pm Mr. Turner

12a Knighton Community Centre

01 3.00pm The Boxtrolls

PG Knighton Community Centre

07 3.00pm Frozen Sing-A-Long

PG Abermule Community Centre

09 7.00pm The Riot Club


14 2.00pm Paddington

PG The Old Mill Bar, Llanidloes

14 8.00pm Cuban Fury


18 7.30pm Saving Mr Banks

PG Dolau Community Hall

19 7.30pm Sunshine on Leith

PG Llandinam Village Hall

19 2.00pm Grow Your Own


20 8.00pm Mao's Last Dancer

12a Sarn Village Hall

28 3.00pm Maleficent

PG Walton Parish Hall

31 2.30pm TBC

Welshpool Assembly Room Evenjobb Village Hall

CELF (former Drama Centre)

Mr. Turner Cyfarwyddwr: Mike Leigh. Bywgraffiad/Drama/Hanes 150 mun, Tyst 12a Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, Dorothy Atkinson Bydd Mr Turner yn archwilio chwarter canrif olaf bywyd y paentiwr gwych er ecsentrig JMW Turner (1775–1851). Ar ôl cael effeithio'n ddwys gan farwolaeth ei dad, caiff ei garu gan wraig tŷ y bydd yn ei chymryd yn ganiataol ac yn ei chamddefnyddio'n rhywiol ac yna'n ffurfio perthynas agos â pherchnoges westy y bydd yn y pen draw, yn byw gyda'n ddirgel yn Chelsea, lle bydd o'n marw. Trwy gydol hyn mae o'n teithio, paentio, yn aros gydag uchelwyr y wlad, yn ymweld â phuteindai, yn aelod poblogaidd er yn anarchig o'r Royal Academy of Arts, yn cael ei rwymo i hwylbren llong fel y caiff baentio storom eira ac yn cael ei garu a'i gasáu gan y cyhoedd a'r frenhiniaeth.

Director: Mike Leigh. Biography/Drama/History 150 mins, Cert 12a Timothy Spall, Paul Jesson, Dorothy Atkinson Mr. Turner explores the last quarter century of the great if eccentric British painter JMW Turner (1775–1851). Profoundly affected by the death of his father, loved by a housekeeper he takes for granted and occasionally exploits sexually, he forms a close relationship with a seaside landlady with whom he eventually lives incognito in Chelsea, where he dies. Throughout this, he travels, paints, stays with the country aristocracy, visits brothels, is a popular if anarchic member of the Royal Academy of Arts, has himself strapped to the mast of a ship so that he can paint a snowstorm, and is both celebrated and reviled by the public and by royalty.

Diolch am ddangos ffilm yn lleol – wedi ei mwynhau! Paned da! Thanks for putting on film locally – much enjoyed! Nice cup of tea!

The Boxtrolls Directors: Graham Annable and Anthony Stacchi. Animation/Adventure/Comedy 96 mins, Cert PG Ben Kingsley, Jared Harris, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg Bydd bachgen amddifad a gafodd ei fagu gan gasglwyr tanddaearol yn ceisio achub ei gyfeillion rhag llofrudd. Wedi ei seilio ar y nofel i blant 'Here Be Monsters' gan Alan Snow.

A young orphaned boy raised by underground cave-dwelling trash collectors tries to save his friends from an evil exterminator. Based on the children's novel 'Here Be Monsters' by Alan Snow.

Mao’s Last Dancer Director: Bruce Beresford. Biography/Drama/Music 113 mins, Cert 12a Chi Cao, Bruce Greenwood and Kyle MacLachlan Mae cynulleidfaoedd ymhobman wedi gweiddi eu cymeradwyaeth yn llythrennol ar gyfer ar gyfer y ffilm ffantastig hon. Os ydych chi eisiau ffilm ddawns wych gyda stori grêt heb arswyd gothig Black Swan, dyma'r ffilm i chi. Dyma ffilm y cyfarwyddwr o Awstralia Bruce Beresford, am ddawnsiwr gwych Tseini sydd yn ffoi i'r UDA ar anterth y Rhyfel Oer. Cafwyd sylwadau fel "hon oedd y ffilm orau a welon ni erioed"; "yn well na'r King's Speech".

Audiences everywhere have literally cheered this fantastic film. If you want a terrific dance film with a great story but do not fancy the gothic horrors of Black Swan, this is the one for you. Australian director Bruce Beresford’s film about a brilliant Chinese dancer who defects to the USA at the height of the Cold War. Comments include: “it was the best film we have ever shown”; “better than The King’s Speech”.

What We Did On Our Holiday Directors: Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin. Comedy/Drama 95 mins, Cert 12a Rosamund Pike, David Tennant, Billy Connolly, Celia Imrie, Ben Miller Wrth i Doug, ei wraig Abi a'u tri phlentyn baratoi i fynd i deithio i'r gogledd yn Ucheldir yr Alban ar gyfer pen-blwydd tad Doug Gordie, byddant yn anghofio sôn wrth eu plant am restr o bethau sydd angen eu cadw'n gyfrinach.

As Doug, his wife Abi and their three children prepare to travel up to the Scottish Highlands for Doug's father Gordie's birthday, they fail to give their children a list of things that are to be kept secret.

Wrth i'r plant fynd ati i ddweud wrth Nain a Taid am fanylion eu bywydau yn Llundain gan gynnwys manylion personol dadleuon eu rhieni, bydd Doug ac Abi'n trio rhoi eu gwahaniaethau o'r neilltu a chael penwythnos braf.

While their offspring set about telling Grandpa and Grandma the ins and outs of their lives down in London, including intimate details of arguments their parents have had, Doug and Abi try to put aside their differences and have an enjoyable weekend.



















Dolau Evenjobb

7 Llandrindod Wells

Builth Wells





Lleoliadau Powys Powys venues 1

Abermule Community Centre – Canolfan Cymuned Aber-miwl SY15 6ND 01686 630240


Dolau Community Hall – Neuadd Gymuned Dolau LD1 5TW 01597 851612


Evenjobb Village Hall – Neuadd Bentref Einsiob LD8 2SD 01547 560000


Knighton Community Centre – Canolfan Cymuned Tref-y-clawdd LD7 1DJ 01547 520602


Llanbister Community Hall – Neuadd Gymuned Llanbister LD1 6TN 01597 840450


Llandinam Village Hall – Neuadd Bentref Llandinam SY17 5BY 01686 688102


CELF (former Drama Centre), Llandrindod Wells – CELF (hen Ganolfan Drama) LD1 5EB 01597 828050


The Old Mill Bar, Llanidloes SY18 6BZ 01686 412008


CARAD, Rhayader – CARAD Rhaeadr Gwy LD6 5ER 01597 810561


Sarn Village Hall – Neuadd Bentref Sarn SY16 4EJ 01686 670995


Walton Parish Hall – Neuadd Plwyf Walton LD8 2NU 01544 350345


Welshpool Assembly Rooms – Neuadd Y Dref Y Trallwng SY21 7PG 01938 552043 (Welshpool TIC)

The inaugural

Tour de Arts Alive Sunday 28th June 2015

Arts Alive event! de ur To l ra gu au in e On yer bike for th

A day for two-wheeled fun, whate

ver your age.

Sportive rides start at 9am and 10am from Clun Memorial Hall; Family fun starts at mid-day Whether you are a Wannabe Wiggo or more of a Handmade unique ‘medals’ to part-time pedaller, whether you ride a Pinarello or a prove you’ve done it, for all participants vintage velo, Arts Alive, Flicks in the Sticks and professional bike tour company FREE hands-on making Rideventures have combined forces Calling Cyclists! workshops for kids from to create a day of cycling, fresh The Clun Sportive offers ‘Sticks and Stuff’ air and fun in the beautiful south two clearly-signed routes: Shropshire hills. This will be a ‘Bling Your Bike’ friendly event with something for (for the dedicated cyclist who everyone. workshops likes a challenge) Come and cheer your family Bike-themed members on, or just come along street theatre (shorter route with – you don’t need to be a cyclist fewer climbs) or even to bring a bike! As well as Live music… plus more performances and activities there are bike-related fun still to be confirmed lovely circular way-marked walks from the hall, ducks to feed on the river, a castle to explore; a great day out.

The Clun 100 The Clun 50


The Tour de Arts Alive is a fundraising event for Arts Alive, the charity that brings professional live performances, big screen films and live satellite screenings to communities throughout Shropshire and Herefordshire. Enjoyed by thousands!

Putting the FUN into FUNdraising!



t www.artsa information a

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