1 minute read

60 seconds with Monica Freire

A MOMENT WITH...A moment with...


Monica Freire, Director Congress Department, AIM Group International – Lisbon

Tell us about what you are workingon at the moment for IAPCOI am currently involved in 3 greatinitiatives: Connectors, Ambassadorsand Outreach, so all about gettingmembers connected, making ourAssociation grow and providing highstandard education to all PCOs. By theway aren’t you a Connector yet? Join thecrowd – some great conversations arehappening you don’t want to miss!

What is the best book/online resource you have/currently use/recommend? Staying connected and being informed is such a huge part of our daily routine. I find it really interesting to look at the cultural scene and what the other industries are doing, so I try to diversify the sources of information. The NYTIMES.COM is a great read!

More on the operational side there are so many sites out there that make your life much easier such as https://www. timeanddate.com/date/dateadd.html perfect for those dealing with deadlines on a daily basis.

What is your personal philosophy/quote?

Now that we are celebrating the 50thanniversary of the moon landing oneof the quotes I love is “ask not what thecountry can do for you – ask what youcan do for your country” by JFK. I findit so true in today’s world and a quoteI can relate to in both my private andprofessional life: ask how you cancontribute to improve your community,your industry. For me being a part ofIAPCO has a lot to do with this idea ofsharing and working together with mypeers for a collective goal.

What would you do for a career if you were not an eventprof?

I would have loved to be aprofessional ballet dancer.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you

I am a huge Formula One fan.I try to follow every race.

What book are you currently reading?

A great classic: “Tender is the Night” by F.Scott Fitzgerald; some of the action takesplace in Switzerland and it really remindsme of the great days I spent there lastFebruary with the Council and AM&GA.

Any advice for someone joining the event industry as a PCO

This industry fits only passionate, resilientand resourceful people. You’re in for agreat ride, make sure you enjoy it!

48 | September 2019

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