International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (IJAMSS) ISSN(P): 2319-3972; ISSN(E): 2319-3980 Vol. 2, Issue 5, Nov 2013, 1-8 © IASET
A NOTE ON THE CLASS OF N-POWER QUASI-ISOMETRY J. STELLA IRENE MARY & P. VIJAYALAKSHMI Department of Mathematics, P.S.G College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
ABSTRACT In this paper we introduce a new class of operators called the n - power quasi - isometry and study their properties related to quasinormality and partial isometry. We also introduce another related new class of operators and investigate their spectral properties.
KEYWORDS: Hilbert Space, Isometry, Operator, Quasinormal, Quasi-Isometry AMS 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B20, 47A62, 47A63.
1. INTRODUCTION Let T be a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H. T is said to be (i) Normal if
T *T = TT*
(ii) N-Normal if
T*T n = T n T* [2]
(iii) Quasinormal if
T(T * T) = (T * T)T
(iv) Quasi - Isometry if
T*2 T 2 = T*T
(v) N-Power Quasinormal if
T*T n = T n T* [6].
The class of normal, n-normal, quasinormal and n-power quasinormal operators are denoted by [N], [nN], [QN] and [nQN] respectively. The class of quasi-isometries which is a simple extension of isometries was introduced by[4]. The quasi-isometry operators retain some properties of isometries[5]. We introduce a new class of operators T namely n-power quasi-isometry denoted by [nQI] satisfying
T n-1T*2 T 2 = T*TTn-1 , n . Obviously this is based on the class
of quasi-isometries denoted by [QI][4]. It is evident that when n = 1, [1QI] = [QI]. Interestingly we observe that, for n = 1, 2, 3,... the corresponding classes [nQI] are independent which is evident from the following examples. Example 1.1: For the operator T
Example 1.2: The operator
0 1 , a simple calculation shows that T [QI]but T [2QI]. 0 0
1 0 , is [QI] but not [2QI]. T 1 0
0 0 0 Example 1.3: When = , the unilateral shift given by the matrix operator T 1 0 0 0 1 0 ... ... ... 2
T(T *2 T 2 ) = (T * T)T but not T 2 (T *2 T 2 ) = (T * T)T 2 . That is, T[2QI] and T[3QI].
. . . . . . , satisfies . . . . . .
J. Stella Irene Mary & P. Vijayalakshmi
Let ( ) denote the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on a complex Hilbert space
(T), a (T)
and let
p (T ) denote the spectrum, the approximate point spectrum and the point spectrum of
2. PROPERTIES OF CLASS [nQI] Definition 2.1: An operator
is said to be unitarily equivalent to an operator S if S = UTU * for an unitary operator U .
Theorem 2.2: The following assertions hold: (1) If T [QI] [2QI] then T [nQI],n 2 . (2) If T [2QI] [3QI] then T [nQI],n 4 . (3) If T[nQI] then every operator unitarily equivalent to
is also [nQI].
(4) T [QI] [nQI] then T [(n - 1)Q], n 2 . Proof: (1) Since T [QI] [2QI], we have,
T*2T 2 = T*T
TT*2 T 2 = T *TT.
Combining (2.1) and (2.2), we obtain,
TT*2 T 2 = T*2 T 2 T By (2.1) and (2.3),
(T * T)T n -1 = (T *2 T 2 )T n -1 = (T *2 T 2 T)T n -2 = (TT *2 T 2 )T n -2 .
Again applying (2.3) in
(T *T)T n -1 = T(T *2 T 2 T)T n -3 , we obtain (T *T)T n -1 = T(TT *2 T 2 )T n -3 .
Repeating the procedure we arrive at
T*TTn-1 = T n-1T*2 T 2 .
*2 2 * (2) Since T [2QI] [3QI], T T T = T TT and TT T = T TT.
Combining these two equations we obtain, T(TT T ) = (TT T )T
Using (2.4) and (2.5) we have
T * TT n -1 = (T * TT)T n -2 (TT *2 T 2 )T n -2 (TT *2 T 2 )TT n -3 T(TT *2 T 2 )T n -3 T 2 T *2 T 2 T n -3 . Using (2.5) repeatedly for a finite number of times we obtain (3) Let
T*TTn-1 = T n-1T*2 T 2 . *
be unitarily equivalent to T[nQI]. Then S = UTU , where
is unitary. Since T[nQI],
T n-1T*2 T 2 = T*TTn-1 and S n -1S*2S 2 = (U T n -1 U * )(UT *2 U * )(UT 2 U * ) U (T n -1T *2 T 2 )U * U(T * T n )U * S*S n . (4) Since T [QI] [nQI], we have,
A Note on the Class of N-Power Quasi-Isometry
T*2T 2 = T*T
T n -1T *2 T 2 = T *TTn -1 .
T *TT n-1 T n -1T *2 T 2 by(2.7)
T*TTn-1 T n-1T*T by(2.6). Hence T [(n - 1)Q] . It is natural to ask whether the product and sum of two [nQI]operators are [nQI]. In general they need not be. The following Theorem gives an affirmative answer under some conditions. Theorem 2.4 (1) If
T and S are of class [nQI], such that T doubly commutes with S then TS[nQI].
(2) If
T and S are of class [nQI], such that ST = TS = T *S = ST* = 0 then T S [nQI].
S , TS ST and TS* = S*T .
Proof: (1) Since T doubly commutes with
(TS) n -1 (TS) *2 (TS) 2 = T n -1S n -1S*2 T *2 T 2S 2 S n -1S*2S 2 T n -1T *2 T 2 S*SS n -1T * TT n -1 (TS) * (TS)(TS) since T,S [nQI].Thus TS[nQI]. (2) Since TS
n -1
ST T *S ST* 0 , we have,
(T S) n -1 (T S) *2 (T S) 2 = (T n -1 S n -1 )(T *2 S*2 )(T 2 S 2 ) T n -1T *2 T 2 S n -1S*2S 2 T *TT n -1 S*SSn -1 since T,S [nQI].
(T S) n -1 (T S) *2 (T S) 2 (T S) * (T S)(T S) n -1
Thus T S [nQI].
3. CONDITIONS IMPLYING QUASINORMALITY The class of normal operators and quasinormal operators are independent of class [nQI]. In this section we prove that under some algebraic conditions
T, T 2 or T n -1 are quasinormal.
Theorem 3.1 (1) Let T [QI] [3QI]then T is quasinormal. 2
(2) If T [2QI] [3QI]and ker(T then T is normal where
) ker(T ) then is T quasinormal and in particular if ker(T * ) 0
ker is the nullspace of T .
Proof: (1) Since T [QI] [3QI], T T = T T and *2
T 2 T*2 T 2 = T*TT2 Hence T 2 T*2 T 2 = T*TT2 T*2 T 2 T 2
T 2 is quasinormal. *2
(2) By hypothesis, TT
T 2 = T*TT
J. Stella Irene Mary & P. Vijayalakshmi
T 2 T*2 T 2 = T*TT2
T(TT *2 T 2 ) = (T * T)T 2 T(T * TT) = (T * T)T 2 by (3.1). (TT * - T * T) T 2 0 or 2
T *2 (TT * - T * T) 0 . Since ker(T * ) ker(T ) , TT * (TT * - T * T) 0 and ker * ker * implies T* (TT * - T*T) 0
(TT * - T * T)T 0 . Hence T is quasinormal . If ker(T * ) 0 then from (3.3) we obtain T is normal. Theorem 3.2: If
T and T - I are in [2QI] [3QI], then T is quasinormal.
Proof: Since T [2QI] and T - [2QI] ,
TT*2T 2 = T*TT
( T - I)(T - I) *2 (T - I) 2 = (T - I) * (T - I)(T - I) To prove that
T is quasinormal, by part 2 of Theorem 3.1, it is enough to prove the kernel condition
ker(T * ) ker(T ) Since (T - I) [3QI], ( T - I) 2 (T - I) *2 (T - I) 2 = (T - I) * (T - I)(T - I) 2 ( T - I)(T - I) * (T - I) 2 = (T - I) * (T - I)(T - I) 2 by (3.5). On simplifying we obtain, 2 2 0 . *
* 2 * 2 * 2(TT *2 T 2 ) ( *2 2 ) * 0 by (3.4) or 2 2T T 0 . *2
x ker(T * ) , then * x 0 . From the above equation, *x 0 x 0 . Therefore
ker(T * ) ker(T ) and hence T is quasinormal. Theorem 3.3: If T [QI] [nQI]then T
n -1
is quasinormal.
Proof: By hypotheses given in the theorem, we have
T *2 T 2 = T *T
n-1T*2 T 2 = T*T n-1
We need to prove
n -1 (*n-1 n -1 ) (T *n-1T n -1 ) n -1
n -1 (*n-1 n -1 ) n -1*n-3 (*2 2 ) n -3 n -1*n-2 n -2 by (3.6). Repeated application of (3.6) gives,
n -1 (*n-1 n -1 ) n -1*2 2 T * T n -1 by (3.7) =T
T 2 n-1 by (3.6)
A Note on the Class of N-Power Quasi-Isometry
T 3 n-1 by (3.6)
T 4 n-1 by (3.6)
Repeating the process and using (3.6) we obtain the desired result.
4. CONDITIONS IMPLYING PARTIAL ISOMETRY In this section we show that by imposing certain conditions on [nQI]operator it becomes partial isometry. Lemma 4.1: Let T [nQI]then T [(n 1)QI]if and only if [T T , T] = 0 where [A,B] = AB – BA. *
Proof: T [(n 1)QI] T T = T T T( n
n -1
T *2 T 2 ) = (T * n ) T T(T * T n -1 ) = (T * n ) T
T(T * n ) = (T * n ) T [T * T n , T] = 0 . Theorem 4.2: Let T [(n 1)QI] [nQI] such that Proof: By Lemma 4.1, Hence
n has dense range in , then is normal partial isometry.
TT*n = T*n T or (TT * - T * T) n 0 . Since n has dense range in , is normal.
( T * T) 2 n = T *2 T 2 n n T *2 T 2 T * T n . Thus [( T * T) 2 T * T] n = 0 on range of n and we have
T*T is a projection and hence is a partial isometry by [2.2.1 Theorem 3[2]]. n has dense range in , then is unitary.
Corollary 4.3: If T [(n 1)QI] [nQI]such that
Proof: By Theorem 4.2, is normal and partial isometry and hence TT
T = T . By the definition of [nQI]
n-1*22 T*Tn-1 or ( n -1*2 2 ) (T * n ) or n *2 2 TT*n . Since T [(n 1)QI] , T T TT by *
(4.1) is
T *T n TT* n . Using
TT* , we obtain, T
T n T n-1 or (T * T - ) n 0 . Since range of n is dense in , T *T and hence is
unitary. Theorem 4.4: Let T = UP be the polar decomposition of
and T [2QI] such that ker(U) ker(U * ) then is
partial isometry. Proof: T [2QI] implies
2 T*T or UP 2 U * P 2 UP P 2 UP . Taking adjoint
PU* P 2 UP 2 U * PU* P 2 . The kernel condition ker(U) ker( ) yields, UU * P 2 UP 2 U * UU * P 2 or U* UU * P 2 UP 2 U* U * UU * P 2 or U * P 2 UP 2 U* U* P 2 . Since U * UP 2 P 2 we have, U * P 2 UP 2 U * P 2 U ,or U * P 2 U(P 2 ) 0 or [PU(P 2 )] * [PU(P 2 )] 0 . Using the fact that, S S 0 S 0 for any operator *
S on , we obtain PU(P 2 ) 0
. Again
J. Stella Irene Mary & P. Vijayalakshmi
ker(U) ker( ) yields U 2 (P 2 ) 0 . By hypothesis, ker(U) ker(U * ) and hence,
U * U(P 2 ) 0 or P 2 U * U . That is P 2 is a projection and P is a partial isometry by [2.2.1 Theorem 3[2]]. Hence T = UP is a partial isometry. Remark 4.5: The above Theorem raises the following question: Is a 2 - power quasi - isometry
a partial isometry if
ker(U * ) ker( U) .
be of class [nQI] such that is a partial isometry then 2 is an isometry.
Theorem 4.6: Let Proof:
is a partial isometry implies TT*T = T Since T [nQI]
n-1*22 T*Tn-1 .
( n -1*2 2 ) (T * T n -1 ) n *2 2 T n -1 by (4.2). n (*2 2 ) 0
*2 2 on ker ( n ) . By (4.3) ( *2 2 ) *n 0 or *2 2 on ker ( n ) . Thus
That is,
*2 2 on ker ( n ) ker ( n ) implies 2 is isometry. Definition 4.7: The spectral radius of () is defined as r () sup{| |: ()}. It is well known that for a quasinormal operator, r ()
Theorem 4.8: If T [QI] [2QI],then r () 1 where r () is the spectral radius of Proof: Since T [QI] [2QI], by 4 of Theorem 2.1, is quasinormal and hence
r () 1.
5. CLASS [Q n ] OPERATORS A.Uchiyama and T.Yoshino [7] studied a class of opeators
* * c2 ( )( ) * where 0 and C . Analogously, we define a new class [Q ] based on the n- power quasi isometry class [nQI]. We define a n
class [Q ] of operators n
n 1*2 2 * n 1 n 1
n 1 2
satisfying the following hypothesis. [Q n ] if for some 1 and c 0 , c2 ( ) *n ( ) n for all C . Equivalently, for some 1 and c 0
x c ( ) n x for all x , C . Also let [Q n ] [Q n ] . We note that 1
the class [nQI]
class [Q n ] .
A Note on the Class of N-Power Quasi-Isometry
Lemma 5.1: For each
, such that 1 , we have [Qn ] [Q n ] .
n1*2 2 * n1
n 1*2 2 * n 1
n1*2 2 * n1
n 1*2 2 * n 1
c2 ( )*n ( ) n , where c 2 n 3 n1
n1*2 2 * n1
n 3 n 1
n1*2 2 * n1
c2 ( ) *n ( ) n =
c2 . Therefore [Qn ] [Q n ] .
Proposition 5.2 [Berberian Technique [1]] Let *
be a complex Hilbert space. Then there exists a Hilbert space and an isometric
homomorphism preserving the order : ( ) ( ) : 0 satisfying:
(1) (
) ( ) *
( )
(2) ( S ) () ( S ) (4) (S ) ()( S ) (6) () ( S ) if
( ()) (), a () a (()) p (())
(8) If
is a positive operator, then ( ) () 0 .
Lemma 5.3: If class[nQ] , then () class[nQ] . Lemma 5.4: If
[Q n ] then () [Q n ] .
Proof: Since [Q
From the properties of
] , n 1*2 2 * n 1
c2 ( ) *n ( ) n for all C , 1 and c 0 .
it follows that, n1*2 2 * n1 (c2 ( ) *n ( ) n ) for all
C . By condition 8 of Proposition 5.2, we get, all
Therefore ()
n 1
n 1*2 2 * n 1 n 1*2 2 * n 1
() *2 () 2 () * ()() n 1
(c2 ( ) *n ( ) n ) for all
C . Therefore () [Q n ] Theorem 5.5: Let (1) If associated with
[Q1 ] ,
p () , such that 1 then p (* ) ,furthermore if then (the proper subspace
) is orthogonal to .
(2) If a () then a (
2 * is not invertible.
J. Stella Irene Mary & P. Vijayalakshmi
Proof: (1) [Q
] , then [Q 1 ] ,for some 1 , and therefore there exists a positive constant c such that,
c ( ) ( ) for C . *2
As x x
2 *2 x * x 0 *2 x * x 0 .
(* 2 *) x 0 . 2
( * ) * x 0 . To establish
p (* ) we
implies By
2 x 0 and *2
that x 0 . *
1 and
Suppose x 0 , *
0 x, * x x, x x, x . Since x 0 , we obtain 0 which contradicts, 1 and hence the desired result. Moreover if
, then x, y x, y x, y x, * y x, y x, y
Therefore x, y 0 . (2) Let
a ()
then from condition 7 of Proposition 5.2, we have
a () a ( ()) p ( ()) .
Therefore p ( ()) .By Lemma 5.4 and condition 1 of proposition 5.2, we obtain,
p (()* ) p ((* )) . (3) [Q
] , then there exists an integer p 1 and c p 0 such that,
* 2 * 2
2 p 1
x c 2p ( ) x for all x , C . 2
It is known that a () . If
( ) xm 0
a () , then there exists a normed sequence ( x m ) in such that
* as m . Then (
2 *) xm 0 as m . Therefore *22 * is not
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