6 maths ijamss common fixed point theorem of arvind kumar sharma

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International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (IJAMSS) ISSN(P): 2319-3972; ISSN(E): 2319-3980 Vol. 3, Issue 1, Jan 2014, 57-62 © IASET


Department of Engineering Mathematics, M.I.T.M, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India


School of Studies in Mathematics, Vikram University, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India


Department of Mathematics, Government Madhav Science College, Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT The aim of this present paper is to obtain a common fixed point for an infinite sequence of mappings on Hilbert space. Our purpose here is to generalize the our previous result [7]

KEYWORDS: Common Fixed Point, Hilbert Space, Infinite Sequence of Mappings 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H10. 1. INTRODUCTION In 2011, Sharma Badshah and Gupta [7] have proved common fixed point theorem for the sequence

Tn n1 of 

mappings satisfying the condition 2

Ti x  T j y  

x  Ti x  y  T j y


x  Ti x  y  T j y


 x y

for all x, y  S and x  y ;   0,   0 and 2    1. In 2005, Badshah and Meena [1] have proved common fixed point theorem for the sequence

Tn n1 


mappings satisfying the condition Ti x  T j y  

x  Ti x . y  T j y x y

 B

 x y

for all x, y  S with x  y also   0,   0 and     1.

In 1991, Koparde and Waghmode [3] have proved common fixed point theorem for the sequence

Tn n1 


mappings satisfying the condition 2  a  x  Ti x  y  T j y  for all x, y  S and x  y ; 0  a  12

Ti x  T j y



  

Later in 1998, Pandhare and Waghmode [5] have proved common fixed point theorem for the sequence of mappings satisfying the condition

 C

Tn n1 


Arvind Kumar Sharma, V. H. Badshah & V. K. Gupta

2 2  b  x  Ti x  y  T j y    for all x, y  S and x  y ; 0  a, 0  b  1 and a  2b  1. 2

Ti x  T j y

 a x  Ti x

 D


This result is generalizes by Veerapandi and Kumar [7] and the new condition is 2 2  b  x  Ti x  y  T j y  for all x, y  S and x  y where 0  a, b, c  1 and

Ti x  T j y


a x y


 c  x T x 2  y T y   i j  2 a  2b  2c  1.


  


Now we introduce a new condition for the generalization of following known results. Theorem 1: [7] Let S be a closed subset of a Hilbert space H and

Tn n1 :S  S

be an infinite sequence of

Tn n1 :S  S

be an infinite sequence of

mappings satisfy (A). Then Tn n1 has a unique common fixed point. 

Theorem 2: [1] Let S be a closed subset of a Hilbert space H and

mappings satisfy (B). Then Tn n1 has a unique common fixed point. 

Theorem 3: [3] Let S be a closed subset of a Hilbert space H and Tn n1 :S  S be a sequence of mappings 

satisfy (C). Then Tn n1 has a unique common fixed point. 

Theorem 4: [5] Let S be a closed subset of a Hilbert space H and Tn n1 :S  S be a sequence of mappings 

satisfy (D). Then Tn n1 has a unique common fixed point. 

Theorem 5: [8] Let S be a closed subset of a Hilbert space H and Tn n1 :S  S be a sequence of mappings 

satisfy (E). Then Tn n1 has a unique common fixed point. 

Main Result We proved fixed point theorem for the infinite sequence Tn n1 to generalize our previous results [7]. 

Theorem: Let S be a closed subset of a Hilbert space H and

Tn n1 :S  S 

be an infinite sequence of

mappings satisfying the following condition

 x  Ti x  Ti x  T j y       y  T j y  x y   for all x, y  S and x  y ;   0,   0 and 2    1. Then Tn n1 has a unique common fixed point. 

 F


Common Fixed Point Theorem of an Infinite Sequence of Mappings in Hilbert Space

Proof: Let S be a closed subset of a Hilbert space H and Tn n1 :S  S be an infinite sequence of mappings. 


x0  S be any arbitrary point in S. Define a sequence xn n1 in S by 

xn1  Tn1xn , for n  0,1,2, .... For any integer n ≥ 1

xn1  xn       

Tn1xn  Tn xn1

xn  Tn 1 xn   xn 1  Tn xn 1 xn  xn 1 

 xn  xn 1      xn  xn 1 

  xn 1  xn 

  xn 1  xn   xn  xn 1 i.e.

xn 1  xn   xn 1  xn   xn  xn 1

 (1   ) xn 1  xn   xn  xn 1

 xn1  xn 

If k 

 1 

xn  xn 1

 then k  1. 1- 

xn1  xn  k xn  xn1  k xn  xn 1  k 2 xn 1  xn  2  k 3 xn  2  xn 3  ...  k n x1  x0 i.e. xn 1  xn  k n x1  x0

for all n  1 is integer.

Now for any positive integer m  n  1 xn  xm  xn  xn 1  xn 1  xn  2  ...  xm1  xm

 k n x1  x0  k n 1 x1  x0  ...  k m 1 x1  x0  k n x1  x0

1 k  ...  k

mn 1

 kn  i.e. xn  xm   x x  1  k  1 0  

 0 as n   (k  1)


Arvind Kumar Sharma, V. H. Badshah & V. K. Gupta

Therefore  xn  is a Cauchy sequence. n 1 

Since S is a closed subset of a Hilbert space H, so  xn  converges to a point u in S. n 1 

Now we will show that u is common fixed point of infinite sequence Tn 

n 1

Suppose that Tn u  u for all n. Consider for any positive integer m (≠ n) u  Tmu  u  xn  xn  Tm u

 xn  Tm u  Tn xn 1  Tm u

      

xn 1  Tn xn 1   u  Tm u xn 1  u 

 xn 1  xn      xn 1  u    u  Tm u  

xn 1  xn

u  Tm u

xn 1  u

u  Tm u   u  Tmu  


 u  Tm u 


  u  Tm u 

 1

xn 1  xn xn 1  u

xn 1  xn xn 1  u

u  Tmu

u  Tmu

 0 as n  

u  Tmu  0.

Hence u  Tmu and so u  Tnu for all n. Hence u is a common fixed point of infinite sequence Tn n1 of mappings. 


.Suppose that there is u  v such that Tnv  v for all n. u v

Consider       


u  Tn u   v  Tn v uv 

u v  0

Tn u  Tn v

of mappings from S into S.

Common Fixed Point Theorem of an Infinite Sequence of Mappings in Hilbert Space

u v  0


u  v.


Hence fixed point is unique. Example: Let X = [0, 1], with Euclidean metric d .Then {X, d} is a Hilbert space with the norm defined by

d ( x, y )  x  y 

 1 Let  xn n 1   n  be the sequence in X and let Tn n1 be the infinite sequence of mappings such that  2 n 1

xn 1  Tn 1 xn , for n  0, 1, 2,  Taking x 

1 2n

Then from (F)

and y 

1 2n1

; x  y .Also i  n  1 and j  n.

 xn n1 is a Cauchy sequence in X, which is converges in X also it has a common point in X. 

CONCLUSIONS The theorem proved in this paper by using rational inequality is improved and stronger form of some earlier inequality given by Badshah and Meena [1], Sharma Badshah and Gupta [7], Koparde and Waghmode [3], Pandhare and Waghmode [5], Veerapandi and Kumar [8].


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