American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied & Natural Sciences
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ISSN (Print): 2328-3777, ISSN (Online): 2328-3785, ISSN (CD-ROM): 2328-3793 AIJRFANS is a refereed, indexed, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary and open access journal published by International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research (IASIR), USA (An Association Unifying the Sciences, Engineering, and Applied Research)
Red Mud as Low Cost Adsorbent for Zn(II) ion – Kinetic, Thermodynamic and Equilibrium Study Sujata Kumar,1 Dhanesh Singh,2 Saroj Kumar 3 Lecturer, Kirodimal Institute of Technology Raigarh (C.G), INDIA Associate Professor, K.Govt. Arts & Sc. College Raigarh (C.G), INDIA Assistant Professor, K.Govt. Arts & Sc. College Raigarh (C.G), INDIA Abstract: In the present study, red mud has been used as low cost adsorbent to remove Zn(II) ions from aqueous solutions. The effect of different parameters such as initial Zn(II) ion concentration, temperature, pH and particle size have been studied. For kinetic study, Lagergren first order equation and pseudo second order equation have been used. For equilibrium study, Langmuir equation as well as Freudlich equation have been discussed . Thermodynamic parameters such as Gibbs free energy change,entropy change and enthalpy change have been calculated and discussed. Key words : Red mud, Zn(II) ion, Langmuir isotherm, Freundlich equation, Lagergren first-order equation, pseudosecond- order equation. I. Introduction Zinc is used in industries like galvanization, diecasting, plastic, paints, cosmetics etc. From these industries, the effluents going to the nearby river pollute water and soil and cause severe health problems. A number of methods such as ion-exchange,reverse osmosis,membrane filtration etc. have been reported to remove the metals from polluted water. However, either these methods are costly or having insufficiency of technique. Among various methods, adsorption method has been of much interest to scientists in recent past, since it is both effective and easy to handle. A large number of substances have been studied as adsorbent [1]-[4]. In the present study, red mud , a waste by-product of aluminium industry has been used as adsorbent. II. Material and Methods Red mud was obtained from BALCO, Korba (C.G., India). It is alkaline in nature and so was washed till neutral,dried at 105oC and sieved. SEM, FTIR and XRF analysis were obtained from IIT-Bombay to characterise it. A.R. quality Zn(NO3)2 was used to prepare the stock solution. Batch mode experiments were carried out for the study by shaking 1.0 g of red mud with 25 mL aqueous solution of Zn(II) of given concentration in different glass bottles. After pre-determined time interval, the solution was centrifused and filtered and the solution was analyzed for concentration of Zn(II) ion by Systronic Spectrophotometer 118 model. Various parameters were contact time (20,40,60,80,100,120 and 140 min.), pH (2.0, 4.0, 6.5 and 8.0), temperature (303K, 313K and 323K) and particle size (45µ,75µ and 150µ). Initial Zn(II) concentration used were 25,50,75,100,125,150,175, 200, 225 and 250 mgL-1 for the equilibrium study and for rate study it was 100,150, 200 and 250 mgL-1. III. Results and Discussion Characterisation of red mud Red mud obtained from different sources contain the same basic chemical elements but in different proportions. Chemical composition of the present red mud obtained from XRF studies are : SiO2 (43.17%), Al2O3(13.25%), Fe203(41.20%), CaO(1.09%), MgO(0.73%) and TiO2(1.26%). The FTIR spectra of red mud before and after adsorption is shown in figure-1(a) and 1(b). It shows a broad band around 3500 cm-1 , which is attributed to surface -OH group of silanol groups ( -Si-OH) and adsorbed water molecules on the surface. A peak around 1400 cm-1 – 1600 cm-1 is attributed to presence of carbonate. A strong peak at 995.22 cm-1 is due to stretching vibration of Si(Al)-O group[5]. New peaks obtained are due to zinc and confirm the adsorption.
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