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American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied & Natural Sciences

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ISSN (Print): 2328-3777, ISSN (Online): 2328-3785, ISSN (CD-ROM): 2328-3793 AIJRFANS is a refereed, indexed, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary and open access journal published by International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research (IASIR), USA (An Association Unifying the Sciences, Engineering, and Applied Research)

Compatibility of Bradyrhizobium japonicum isolates with agrochemicals V.V.Deshmukh, B.T.Raut, S.S.Mane, R.W.Ingle, M.S.Joshi Department of Plant Pathology, Dr.PDKV, Akola, Maharashtra 444104, India Abstract: Thirty two Bradyrhizobium japonicum isolates were collected from different locations of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state. All the thirty two isolates were tested for compatibility with commonly used agrochemicals in soybean cultivation. Isolates BJ12, BJ32 and BJ25 were showed compatibility with thiram. BJ 16. BJ 4, BJ5 , BJ23 and BJ27 were compatible to carbendazim and copper oxychloride at all the concentrations and compatible to ridomil MZ even at higher concentration. Tolerance to pre and post emergence herbicides i.e Persuit and Kloben was recorded in BJ2, BJ10, BJ11, BJ12, BJ23 at all the concentrations. All the isolates tolerated the concentrations of pendamthalin except BJ9. All the isolates showed good compatibility with seed dressing insecticides i.e thiamethoxam and imidaclopride at all the tested concentrations. I. Introduction Soybean (Glycine max (L.)Merrill) has played a significant contribution to yellow revolution in India and as a food plant it forms an important part of routine diet of the people in India. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) resulting from mutual beneficial interaction between soybean and soil nodule bacteria provides a significant role of N fertilization. Soybean depends on its symbionts for a large part of its nitrogen requirement and effective growth with dry matter production. Therefore, success of this crop in the country lies on its efficient symbiosis with N2 fixing bacteria. The fungicides applied to leguminous plants either seed dressing or soil drench may affect the symbiotic relationship and may persist for longer time. A broad variation regarding susceptibility of individual rhizobial strains to agrochemical was found in different rhizobial species, as well as significantly higher susceptibility of fast growing than slow growing rhizobia. Frequently herbicides toxicity could be higher that inhibit biochemical process common to both plants and microorganisms. Hence, tolerant strains of bioinoculant is essential against recommended herbicide. Use of herbicides for weed control in legume fields has contributed to increased yield and improved quality. Frequently, herbicides not only affect plant growth but have a detrimental effect on soil microorganisms. The effect depends on the herbicides, its concentration and different weather condition. II. Material and Methods Thirty two isolates of Bradyrhizobium japonicum were isolated from root nodules of soybean collected from different locations of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra during 2009-010. The isolation was made on YEMA with congored as per standard procedure. All these isolates were then tested for their compatibility with commonly used agrochemicals in soybean cultivation. Compatibility of Bradyrhizobium japonicum with agrochemicals Different concentration of agrochemicals i.e.fungicides, herbicides and insecticides were mixed with 100 sterilized YEM broth separately and mixed thoroughly, 10 ml broth containing different concentrations of fungicides, herbicides and insecticides were distributed in 10 test tubes. Each test tube was then inoculated with each isolates and one uninoculated tube serve as control. For each isolate and each chemical concentration ten test tubes were used. Inoculated test tubes were then incubated at room temperature, observations were recorded after 24 and 72 hr turbidometrically at 620 nm. Four concentrations of fungicides, three concentrations of herbicides and insecticides respectively were used in the present study. These agrochemicals were also tested by paper disc method. A Loopful growth of each isolates were inoculated in 10ml YEM broth and incubated for 24hr. after twenty four hr 1 ml broth containing each isolates were poured in sterilized Petriplates. The sterilized YEMA media was then poured in the plates, rotated clockwise and anticlockwise for uniform mixing. different concentrations of each agrochemicals were mixed in the 10 ml sterilized water under aseptic condition. Autoclaved sterilized 5mm disc of Whatman’s filter paper were soaked in each concentrations for 5 minutes. The disc were kept on the solidified YEMA media. Each plate was

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