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American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied & Natural Sciences

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ISSN (Print): 2328-3777, ISSN (Online): 2328-3785, ISSN (CD-ROM): 2328-3793 AIJRFANS is a refereed, indexed, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary and open access journal published by International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research (IASIR), USA (An Association Unifying the Sciences, Engineering, and Applied Research)

(3α, 16α)-Eburnamenine-14-Carboxylic acid Ethyl ester Mishra Bharti, Tiwari R.K. S.O.S.Physics, Jiwaji University – 474011, Gwalior (M.P.), INDIA Abstract: The title compound is Ethyl apovincaminate, a semi synthetic derivative of the alkaloid Vincamine, an extract from the Periwinkle plant. Vinpocetine was first isolated from the plant in 1975 by the Hungarian chemist Csaba Szantay. Single crystal X-ray diffraction study showed the unit cell parameters as a=8.8974(3), b= 9.5347(3), c= 11.2853(3) Å and β=106.536(1)° with Z=2. It belongs to monoclinic crystal system with space group P21/c. In all total with 4090 unique reflections, the final R value is 0.022. Kew Words: Vincamine, single, crystal etc. I. Introduction Vinpocetine (C22H26N2O2), chemically known as Ethyl apovincaminate is a semi synthetic derivative of the alkaloid Vincamine, an extract from the periwinkle plant. Vinpocetine was first isolated from the plant in 1975 by the Hungarian chemist Csaba Szantay. The production of the drug was started in 1978 by Richter Gedeon Rt, on Hungarian pharmaceutical company. Non- clinical and clinical studies have suggested multiple mechanisms responsible for the beneficial neuroprotective effects of Vinpocetine. As no significant side effects related to Vinpocetine treatment have been reported, it is considered to be safe for long-term use. This Visoactive alkaloid is widely marketed as a supplement for Vasodilation and as a nootropic for the improvement of memory. The present review focuses X-ray crystallographic studies on Vinpocetine This drug has been identified as a potential role in the treatment of Parkinson disease and Alzheimer disease. Vinpocetine is generally well-tolerated in humans. No serious side effects have thus far been noted in clinical trials although none of these trials were long-term. Some users have reported headaches, especially at doses above 15 milligrams per day, as well as occasional upset stomach. Adverse drug-herb interactions have not been prevalent, and vinpocetine appears safe to take with other medications, including diabetes drugs. Vinpocetine is an interesting compound which still challenges scientists and clinicians worldwide. New informations obtained from recent, ongoing and future studies might help to understand the molecular mechanism of the drug’s action and to determine the conditions in which vinpocetine can mostly exert its beneficial therapeutic effect. Looking into its medicinal use, authors have decided to find out its three dimensional crystal structure. II. Experimental The IUPAC name of the Vinpocetine is (3α, 16α)-Eburnamenine-14-carboxylic acid ethyl ester. The molecular mass is 350.45 g/mol. and melting point is 373 K. Extremely beautiful transparent, colorless crystals were grown at room temperature by slow evaporation from its solution in Ethyl alcohol at room temperature. The grown crystals diffracted well. The density was measured at room temperature by floatation method in a mixture of Benzene and Carbon tetrachloride.. The measured density is 1.262 Mg/m3. The complete preliminary data is shown in Table 1. The chemical structure of the molecule is shown in Fig 1. III. Intensity Data collection and solution The three dimensional intensity data were collected, on a computerized automatic Bruker axs Kappa apex 2 CCD diffractometer using graphite filtered Mokα radiation (0.7107 Å) at Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat. The temperature of data collection was 293k. All the data were corrected for Lorentz and polarization effects but no absorption correction was done because of very small absorption coefficient. The data collection was done by a θ range of 2.4 to 27.5˚. In all 8131 reflections were collected out of which 4090 were unique. The diffraction data showed a=8.8974(3), b=9.5347(3), c=11.2853(3) Å, β=106.536˚(1) and Z=2. The crystals class was monoclinic with space group P21. The data collection was done for h ranging from -11 to 11, k from -12 to 12 and l from -14 to 14. Each intensity measurement involved in a scan over the reflection peak height, a background measurement of the peak height. The structure was using SHELXS-97 [1] program for crystal structure solution.

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